. . "Leonardo dicaprio.jpg"@es . . . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and film producer. He started his career by appearing in television commercials prior to landing recurring roles in TV series before moving into films in 1991. DiCaprio owns the production company Appian Way Productions. He has been nominated and won multiple awards for his bodies of work. He made his film debut in the comedic sci-fi horror film Critters 3 (1991). Notable films to his credit include, What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (1996), Marvin's Room (1996), Titanic (1997), Gangs of New York (2002), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), Blood Diamond (2006), Revolutionary Road (2008), Inception (2010), Django Unchained (2012), The Great Gatsby (2013), and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)."@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@pl . . . . "Leonardo \"DeCrap\" DiCaprio is a hater of America and everything American, especially the free market. Miss DiCaprio spends her days in Hollywood emulating and pursuing Bears. He's also known as a MAWGGR, which loosely translates to a Mediocre Actor Who Gets Good Roles. He was one of those eco-freaks who got brainwashed by Al Gore. The only good thing he did was teach Dr. Colbert the joy of low-class dancingEpisode #447 ... and screw the occasional supermodel. You gotta give him props for that."@en . "Debutta nel mondo della pubblicit\u00E0 dove si fa subito notare per una toccante interpretazione in uno spot di lassativi alla menta. Degna di nota \u00E8 anche la prova nella serie anni 80 Genitori in Blue Jeans, dove Leonardo interpreta un ragazzino che vive in un armadietto scolastico. Ma \u00E8 con il ruolo che pi\u00F9 gli si addice, quello di ritardato, che arriva la prima soddisfazione nel mondo del cinema: si tratta di Buon compleanno Signor Grappa, pellicola ambientata nella ridente citt\u00E0 di Bassano del Grappa che viene invasa da camper di Rom, prontamente scacciati dai leghisti, e che vede tra gli interpreti un giovane Johnny Depp. Il film vale a di Caprio una nomination all'ambito premio del Mongoletto D'Oro. Dunque Di Caprio si butta (via) nel campo del cinema con film importanti come Voglia di ricominciare, Pronti a morire e Il sergente Rompiglioni diventa caporale. Coraggiosa la scelta di accettare il ruolo di Arthur Rimbaud nel film Poeti che si inculano, che mostra ancora una volta la versatilit\u00E0 dell'attore."@it . . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (n. 11 de noviembre de 1974), considerado por muchos como el mejor actor de la actual generaci\u00F3n, tiene nacionalidad estadounidense y ha obtenido un Globo de Oro en el 2004 como Mejor actor-Drama por su pel\u00EDcula El aviador. Ha sido nominado en tres ocasiones al Oscar. Salt\u00F3 a la fama por su papel como Jack Dawson en la superproducci\u00F3n Titanic (1997)."@es . . "2005"^^ . "Actor hollywoodense que de cuando en cuando da que hablar. Este a\u00F1o 2007 est\u00E1 nominado al \u00D3scar por su personaje en \"Los Infiltrados\". Es otro de los favoritos de Aelita a la hora de escoger actor para sus protagonistas masculinos. Su primer trabajo bajo el alero de Aelita lo realiz\u00F3 en \"Sangre y Espada\" en la que interpret\u00F3 al Pr\u00EDncipe Erik (conocido posteriormente como el Pr\u00EDncipe Pirata), quien se rob\u00F3 la pel\u00EDcula con sus aventuras junto a Le\u00F3n (Orlando Bloom), Lady Amatista (Natalie Portman), la Viuda Negra (Ren\u00E9 Russo) y Quimera (Johnny Deep). Luego interpret\u00F3 al fantasma enamorado de la protagonista en \"Eternidad\". Su nombre era Christian. Para este personaje, Leo recurri\u00F3 a sus recuerdos de actuaci\u00F3n en la pel\u00EDcula \"Titanic\", en donde interpretaba a un rom\u00E1ntico artista sin dinero enamorado de una joven de alta alcurnia."@en . . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@de . "Leonardo DiCaprio (ur. 11 listopada 1974) \u2014 ameryka\u0144ski aktor urodzony w Los Angeles. Zdobywca Oscara."@pl . . . . . "Actor hollywoodense que de cuando en cuando da que hablar. Este a\u00F1o 2007 est\u00E1 nominado al \u00D3scar por su personaje en \"Los Infiltrados\". Es otro de los favoritos de Aelita a la hora de escoger actor para sus protagonistas masculinos. Su primer trabajo bajo el alero de Aelita lo realiz\u00F3 en \"Sangre y Espada\" en la que interpret\u00F3 al Pr\u00EDncipe Erik (conocido posteriormente como el Pr\u00EDncipe Pirata), quien se rob\u00F3 la pel\u00EDcula con sus aventuras junto a Le\u00F3n (Orlando Bloom), Lady Amatista (Natalie Portman), la Viuda Negra (Ren\u00E9 Russo) y Quimera (Johnny Deep)."@en . . . "1974-11-11"^^ . . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio"@es . . "Dream Infiltration Expert"@en . "Los Angeles, California"@en . . . . "1974-11-11"^^ . . . . "Dom Cobb"@en . . . . . "5"^^ . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@fr . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@en . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@es . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@es . "138"^^ . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer, best known for having been nominated for ten Golden Globe Awards, winning two, five Academy Awards and an Oscar. He has been mentioned several times in the series but has only appeared once in \"Insheeption\" when he went into Mr. Mackey's dream to save him, Stan Marsh, and Mr. Yelman. He is voiced by Vernon Chatman in this episode. In the episode, \"Something You Can Do with Your Finger\", the girls say that they wouldn't go crazy for Leonardo DiCaprio, but they would go crazy for Matt Lauer."@en . . "Actor, film producer"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Earth"@en . "Los Angeles, California"@en . "Leonardo Di Carpaccio (de son vrai nom) est un visionnaire, inventeur, sculpteur, peintre, acteur et m\u00EAme une tortue ninja. N\u00E9 dans les ann\u00E9es 1970, il a trois fr\u00E8res (Michelangelo, Donatello et Rapha\u00EBl) tous peintres, sculpteurs et ninjas \u00E0 la fois. Contrairement \u00E0 ses fr\u00E8res, Leonardo poursuivi une longue carri\u00E8re cin\u00E9matographique dans laquelle il eut beaucoup de succion succ\u00E8s."@fr . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor and lawyer."@en . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio (b. 1974) is an actor who started his career as a child appearing in TV commercials before playing recurring roles in the daytime soap opera Santa Barbara and the primetime sitcom Growing Pains. He has since appeared in a number of films including What's Eating Gilbert Grape (with Johnny Depp), Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can, Inception (with Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and many others."@en . "138"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Human"@en . . "His critically acclaimed breakthrough film performance came in This Boy's Life, and was quickly followed by What's Eating Gilbert Grape. His performance as the mentally handicapped brother of Johnny Depp, in the title role, brought him nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He gained fame for his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic. In \"Death Is a Bitch\", his Titanic character Jack is shown as an example of what would happen if there was no death. Family Guy offered DiCaprio to guest voice on an episode, but he said no because of his busy schedule.[1]"@en . . . . "Winning Oscars FUCK YOU THE MEME IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@en . . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, (born November 11, 1974), is an American actor and film producer from Hollywood, California. DiCaprio began his career in the early 1990's by appearing in TV commercials."@en . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer, best known for having been nominated for ten Golden Globe Awards, winning two, five Academy Awards and an Oscar. He has been mentioned several times in the series but has only appeared once in \"Insheeption\" when he went into Mr. Mackey's dream to save him, Stan Marsh, and Mr. Yelman. He is voiced by Vernon Chatman in this episode. Throughout South Park, he is mentioned several times and makes one cameo appearance. His first is in the form of an image hung over Mr. Twig's bed in the South Park episode, \"Chef Aid\". In the episode, \"Cow Days\", Eric Cartman suffers a head injury, which makes him believe that he was a Vietnamese prostitute, named Ming-Li. After recovering the following day, he tells Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski that he had a dream in which DiCaprio gave him a spanking for several hours. Immediately afterward, a limousine pulls up to Cartman and an unseen DiCaprio thanks him for the night before. In the episode, \"Something You Can Do with Your Finger\", the girls say that they wouldn't go crazy for Leonardo DiCaprio, but they would go crazy for Matt Lauer. In the episode \"Trapped in the Closet\", Stan said he didn't think Tom Cruise was as good an actor as Leonardo DiCaprio but still thought that Tom Cruise was still an okay actor."@en . . . "1989"^^ . "Romeo"@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@de . "Mejor actor - Drama"@es . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@it . . . . . "1974-11-11"^^ . . "1974-11-11"^^ . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio na\u00EEt \u00E0 Los Angeles dans le quartier de Hollywood le 11 novembre. Il est le fils de Georges DiCaprio (d'origine italienne). Ne recevant pas d'\u00E9ducation stricte, Leonardo est libre de se consacrer \u00E0 n'importe quelle activit\u00E9 d\u00E8s son plus jeune \u00E2ge, et notamment aux cours de com\u00E9die, domaine dans lequel il peut s'\u00E9panouir pleinement. Il a un demi-fr\u00E8re qui s'appelle Adam. Dix ans apr\u00E8s Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio retrouve Kate Winslet et Kathy Bates dans Les Noces rebelles. Ce film doit sortir en janvier 2009."@fr . . . . . "Debutta nel mondo della pubblicit\u00E0 dove si fa subito notare per una toccante interpretazione in uno spot di lassativi alla menta. Degna di nota \u00E8 anche la prova nella serie anni 80 Genitori in Blue Jeans, dove Leonardo interpreta un ragazzino che vive in un armadietto scolastico. Ma \u00E8 con il ruolo che pi\u00F9 gli si addice, quello di ritardato, che arriva la prima soddisfazione nel mondo del cinema: si tratta di Buon compleanno Signor Grappa, pellicola ambientata nella ridente citt\u00E0 di Bassano del Grappa che viene invasa da camper di Rom, prontamente scacciati dai leghisti, e che vede tra gli interpreti un giovane Johnny Depp. Il film vale a di Caprio una nomination all'ambito premio del Mongoletto D'Oro. Dunque Di Caprio si butta (via) nel campo del cinema con film importanti come Voglia di r"@it . . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, (born November 11, 1974), is an American actor and film producer from Hollywood, California. DiCaprio began his career in the early 1990's by appearing in TV commercials."@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California, USA. His mother named him Leonardo after she saw a Leonardo da Vinci painting and he kicked for the first time. He was kicked off of the children's show Romper Room at age five for being too disruptive. He later became well known for his role on Growing Pains and later in the film What's Eating Gilbert Grape when he played the mentally disabled Arnie."@en . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is a famous movie actor, Pokemon master, and person who has recieved an Oscar. He also made the first Dunkin' Doughnut store. He saved the world from Miley Cyrus two times! He also starred in the movie UnOpen Season ."@en . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (n. 11 de noviembre de 1974), considerado por muchos como el mejor actor de la actual generaci\u00F3n, tiene nacionalidad estadounidense y ha obtenido un Globo de Oro en el 2004 como Mejor actor-Drama por su pel\u00EDcula El aviador. Ha sido nominado en tres ocasiones al Oscar. Salt\u00F3 a la fama por su papel como Jack Dawson en la superproducci\u00F3n Titanic (1997)."@es . "His critically acclaimed breakthrough film performance came in This Boy's Life, and was quickly followed by What's Eating Gilbert Grape. His performance as the mentally handicapped brother of Johnny Depp, in the title role, brought him nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He gained fame for his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic. In \"Death Is a Bitch\", his Titanic character Jack is shown as an example of what would happen if there was no death. Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio star in The Detarded, about two retarded detectives in \"Tales of a Third Grade Nothing\". Family Guy offered DiCaprio to guest voice on an episode, but he said no because of his busy schedule.[1]"@en . "11"^^ . "Los Angeles, California"@en . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor and lawyer."@en . . . . "Blond"@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@de . "250"^^ . . "Jack"@en . . . . "Am\u00E9ricaine"@fr . . "DiCaprio wurde am 11. November 1974 in Los Angeles geboren. Er war der Sohn einer Anwaltsgehilfin und eines Comicbuchautoren. Als Leonardo ein Jahr alt war, trennten sich seine Eltern. Aber erst nach acht Jahren gab es die Scheidung. Im Alter von 14 begann Leonardo in vielen Werbespots mitzuspielen. So machte er zum Beispiel eine Werbung f\u00FCr eine alte Kaugummi-Marke. Sein Durchbruch gelang ihm erst 1990, als er in der Fernsehserie eine Wahnsinnsfamilie mitspielte. Danach spielte er immer wieder in Fernsehserien und B-Movies mit."@de . . . "DiCaprio at the 88th Academy Awards Nominee Luncheon"@en . . "Male"@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio na\u00EEt \u00E0 Los Angeles dans le quartier de Hollywood le 11 novembre. Il est le fils de Georges DiCaprio (d'origine italienne). Ne recevant pas d'\u00E9ducation stricte, Leonardo est libre de se consacrer \u00E0 n'importe quelle activit\u00E9 d\u00E8s son plus jeune \u00E2ge, et notamment aux cours de com\u00E9die, domaine dans lequel il peut s'\u00E9panouir pleinement. Il a un demi-fr\u00E8re qui s'appelle Adam. Le jeune Leonardo se lance dans l'aventure \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge de 13 ans, en 1988, en commen\u00E7ant par tourner des spots publicitaires, et obtient tr\u00E8s vite des petits r\u00F4les \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9vision, dont notamment Quoi de neuf, docteur? de Neal Marlens (1991), s\u00E9rie dans laquelle il va se faire remarquer. Mais Leonardo voit beaucoup plus loin, il est int\u00E9ress\u00E9 par le cin\u00E9ma, il tourne son premier r\u00F4le dans Critters 3, un film d'horreur. Puis en 1993, il joue le r\u00F4le du beau-fils maltrait\u00E9 de Robert De Niro dans Blessures secr\u00E8tes. C'est lors de son film suivant que Leonardo acquiert encore plus d'attention, Gilbert Grape, o\u00F9 il joue le r\u00F4le d'un attard\u00E9 mental, volant la vedette \u00E0 un certain Johnny Depp. Il obtient pour ce film en 1994 une double nomination en tant que Meilleur second r\u00F4le aux Golden Globe Awards, et aux Oscars. Leonardo DiCaprio est \u00E0 l'aise dans ses r\u00F4les, quel que soit le registre, probablement en raison de son amour du cin\u00E9ma et non de l'argent, mais \u00E9galement gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 son \u00E9ducation qui lui a permis de s'\u00E9panouir, sans n\u00E9gliger le fait qu'il est dans un brassage de plusieurs cultures : il passe ses vacances en Allemagne, vit \u00E0 Los Angeles dans un quartier pauvre entre sa m\u00E8re allemande et son p\u00E8re italien. Il s'illustre au cours de l'ann\u00E9e 1995 dans divers films, tels que Mort ou vif, Rimbaud Verlaine dans lequel il joue le r\u00F4le du po\u00E8te homosexuel Rimbaud, et que le magazine Entrevue a consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme pornographique gay, ou encore Basketball diaries. Malgr\u00E9 ses bonnes prestations, Leonardo DiCaprio reste un acteur de second plan, mais acc\u00E8de enfin \u00E0 un statut de premier plan en 1996 avec Romeo + Juliette, adaptation d\u00E9jant\u00E9e et moderne de l'\u0153uvre de William Shakespeare. Il encha\u00EEne avec Celebrity de Woody Allen et L'homme au masque de fer. Mais surtout, il acquiert un statut de 'h\u00E9ros romantique', dans le film Titanic de James Cameron, o\u00F9 il joue l'amant de 'Rose', interpr\u00E9t\u00E9e par Kate Winslet. Le film conna\u00EEt un succ\u00E8s plan\u00E9taire qui propulse DiCaprio au rang de star mondiale. Il maintient ce statut avec le film La Plage, en 2000, bien que son personnage soit ici un antih\u00E9ros. Son image change avec ses films suivants : il joue un escroc dans Arr\u00EAte-moi si tu peux de Steven Spielberg, puis tourne 3 films sous la direction de Martin Scorsese : Gangs of New York (2002), Aviator (2004) et surtout Les Infiltr\u00E9s, o\u00F9 il joue agent de la police d'\u00E9tat de Boston, infiltr\u00E9 dans la mafia irlandaise, au c\u00F4t\u00E9 de Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg. Le film sorti en 2007, Blood Diamond confirme ce statut, o\u00F9 il interpr\u00E8te un trafiquant de diamants rhod\u00E9sien (actuellement Zimbabwe), en Sierra Leone, d\u00E9non\u00E7ant ainsi au passage le trafic des diamants de sang. Dix ans apr\u00E8s Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio retrouve Kate Winslet et Kathy Bates dans Les Noces rebelles. Ce film doit sortir en janvier 2009. L'acteur vient aussi de tourner pour Ridley Scott, dans un film o\u00F9 il partage la vedette avec Russell Crowe. Le film, intitul\u00E9 Mensonges d'\u00E9tat, sort en novembre 2008. Curiosit\u00E9: DiCaprio et Crowe s'\u00E9taient d\u00E9j\u00E0 crois\u00E9s dans un film. Encore inconnus du grand public, ils avaient jou\u00E9 aux cowboys dans Mort ou vif de Sam Raimi en 1995. La collaboration de Leonardo DiCaprio avec les grands r\u00E9alisateurs n'est pas pr\u00E8s de s'arr\u00EAter. Il a, actuellement, plusieurs projets avec Martin Scorsese et Ridley Scott. Pour ce dernier, il donnera vie au h\u00E9ros du roman anglais Meilleur des mondes. Il doit \u00E9galement interpr\u00E9ter le h\u00E9ros du prochain film r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par George Clooney."@fr . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio"@fr . . . "Leonardo \"DeCrap\" DiCaprio is a hater of America and everything American, especially the free market. Miss DiCaprio spends her days in Hollywood emulating and pursuing Bears. He's also known as a MAWGGR, which loosely translates to a Mediocre Actor Who Gets Good Roles. He was one of those eco-freaks who got brainwashed by Al Gore. The only good thing he did was teach Dr. Colbert the joy of low-class dancingEpisode #447 ... and screw the occasional supermodel. You gotta give him props for that."@en . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and film producer. He started his career by appearing in television commercials prior to landing recurring roles in TV series before moving into films in 1991. DiCaprio owns the production company Appian Way Productions. He has been nominated and won multiple awards for his bodies of work. He made his film debut in the comedic sci-fi horror film Critters 3 (1991). Notable films to his credit include, What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (1996), Marvin's Room (1996), Titanic (1997), Gangs of New York (2002), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), Blood Diamond (2006), Revolutionary Road (2008), Inception (2010), Django Unchained (2012), The Great Gatsby (2013), and The Wolf of Wall Stree"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "Acting"@en . . . "Critters 3"@en . . "DiCaprio wurde am 11. November 1974 in Los Angeles geboren. Er war der Sohn einer Anwaltsgehilfin und eines Comicbuchautoren. Als Leonardo ein Jahr alt war, trennten sich seine Eltern. Aber erst nach acht Jahren gab es die Scheidung. Im Alter von 14 begann Leonardo in vielen Werbespots mitzuspielen. So machte er zum Beispiel eine Werbung f\u00FCr eine alte Kaugummi-Marke. Sein Durchbruch gelang ihm erst 1990, als er in der Fernsehserie eine Wahnsinnsfamilie mitspielte. Danach spielte er immer wieder in Fernsehserien und B-Movies mit. Seine gr\u00F6\u00DFte Aufmerksamkeit bekam er, als er 1993 in dem Film This Boy's Life, neben Robert De Niro und Ellen Barkin, die Rolle von dem Sohn des gewalt\u00E4tigen Stiefvaters \u00FCbernahm. Auch durch Filme wie Gilbert Grape \u2013 Irgendwo in Iowa oder William Shakespeares Romeo + Julia wurde er stehts popul\u00E4rer. Sein gr\u00F6\u00DFter Erfolg gelang ihm jedoch, als er 1997 in dem elfmal Oscar nominierten Film Titanic mitspielte. Titanic ist zurzeit zweiter in der Liste der am meisten verkauften Filme weltweit. Weitere Oscar nominierte Filme wie Inception, Blood Diamond, Django Unchained, Shutter Island, Departed - Unter Feinden und The Wolf of Wall Street machten ihn zu einem der beliebtesten Schauspieler weltweit."@de . . . . "Los Angeles, Hollywood"@de . . . . "Los \u00C1ngeles, California, Estados Unidos"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio"@en . . . . . "Titanic\nGangs of New York\n\nBlood Diamond\n\nLes Infiltr\u00E9s"@fr . . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio (ur. 11 listopada 1974) \u2014 ameryka\u0144ski aktor urodzony w Los Angeles. Zdobywca Oscara."@pl . . "\"Insheeption\""@en . . "Leonardo DiCaprio, pronounced as Leonartu The Cabrio and Lio De Capreiro is not a lesbian pornstar born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1879. He was a lesbian pornstar in France, get it right people! DiCaprio was actually born in the North Pole by painter Leonardo DaVinci and Tom Hanks. He is currently the Archbishop of The Beach in Phuket, Thailand. He is of a mixed Italian-American-German-Indian-Pakistani-Japanese-French-Nigerian family backround."@en . . "Bar Rafaeli"@fr . . "1974-11-11"^^ . . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio, pronounced as Leonartu The Cabrio and Lio De Capreiro is not a lesbian pornstar born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1879. He was a lesbian pornstar in France, get it right people! DiCaprio was actually born in the North Pole by painter Leonardo DaVinci and Tom Hanks. He is currently the Archbishop of The Beach in Phuket, Thailand. He is of a mixed Italian-American-German-Indian-Pakistani-Japanese-French-Nigerian family backround. In 1997, DiCaprio declared himself \"King Of The World\" while sailing from Martin Scorcese's left eyebrow to his right, a position and title that he holds to this day, and a trip which is still ongoing. His duties consist mainly of yammering on and on in our faces about how we're polluting the earth and should go green and blah blah blah. Also once a year the leaders of each nation on earth have to appear before him in a cafe in Thailand, and acknowldge his overlordship by allowing him to teabag them. For the rest, it's mostly ceremonial stuff."@en . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio is a famous movie actor, Pokemon master, and person who has recieved an Oscar. He also made the first Dunkin' Doughnut store. He saved the world from Miley Cyrus two times! He also starred in the movie UnOpen Season ."@en . "Leonardo Di Carpaccio (de son vrai nom) est un visionnaire, inventeur, sculpteur, peintre, acteur et m\u00EAme une tortue ninja. N\u00E9 dans les ann\u00E9es 1970, il a trois fr\u00E8res (Michelangelo, Donatello et Rapha\u00EBl) tous peintres, sculpteurs et ninjas \u00E0 la fois. Contrairement \u00E0 ses fr\u00E8res, Leonardo poursuivi une longue carri\u00E8re cin\u00E9matographique dans laquelle il eut beaucoup de succion succ\u00E8s."@fr . . . . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@fr . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@en . "artiste"@fr . "Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California, USA. His mother named him Leonardo after she saw a Leonardo da Vinci painting and he kicked for the first time. He was kicked off of the children's show Romper Room at age five for being too disruptive. He later became well known for his role on Growing Pains and later in the film What's Eating Gilbert Grape when he played the mentally disabled Arnie."@en . . "Leonardo DiCaprio (b. 1974) is an actor who started his career as a child appearing in TV commercials before playing recurring roles in the daytime soap opera Santa Barbara and the primetime sitcom Growing Pains. He has since appeared in a number of films including What's Eating Gilbert Grape (with Johnny Depp), Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can, Inception (with Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and many others."@en . "Leonardo DiCaprio"@fr . "Actor, producer"@en .