. . . . . . "However Cassus Fett would commit many war crimes during Mandalorian Wars. The massacre of the Cathar people, the bombing of Vanquo, before then he would kill a Republic captain on his own flagship. Cassus become the most wanted man in galaxy. But he was presumed dead by the time of the Jedi Civil War. His descendant Vorten Fett was seen commanding a Mandalorian mercenary army on Taris during Cold War, but not with same ruthless as Cassus did."@en . . "Cassus Fett"@es . "Cassus Fett, to pierwszy znany przedstawiciel klanu Fett. \u017By\u0142 podczas Wojen Mandaloria\u0144skich. Nosi\u0142 charakterystyczn\u0105 zbroj\u0119 i bro\u0144. Cassus by\u0142 najlepszym mandaloria\u0144skim strategiem podczas Wojen Mandaloria\u0144skich, by\u0142 drugim najwy\u017Cszym dow\u00F3dc\u0105 zaraz po Mandalorze i jednym z kilku dow\u00F3dc\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy prze\u017Cyli masakr\u0119 na Malachorze V. Zbroja Fetta oferowa\u0142a du\u017C\u0105 ochron\u0119 przeciwko atakom ogniowym, lodowym oraz d\u017Awi\u0119kowym. U\u017Cywa\u0142 blaster Arkyd KYD-3, kt\u00F3ry zadawa\u0142 obra\u017Cenia dwa razy wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C zwyk\u0142y blaster."@pl . "c. 3.953 ABY, Rekkiad"@es . . . . . . . . . . "hyperspace/fiction/interference20090929.html"@en . . "The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol"@en . . . . "Cassus Fett was a Mandalorian Field Marshal who lived during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. Fett was an aide-de-camp to Mandalore the Ultimate, leader of the Mandalorians, and he was highly influential in areas throughout Mandalorian society. Fett spearheaded the promotion of the Neo-Crusader movement, a sect of Mandalorian society with a more regimented structure and standardized armor than the hitherto dominant Mandalorian Crusaders. By exerting control over the clans and providing a means of converting conquered cultures into Neo-Crusaders, Fett turned the Mandalorians into a war machine intent on galactic conquest. On the Outer Rim, Fett engaged the forces of the Galactic Republic in a series of battles, including a massacre of the Cathar people. He engineered a number of minor engagements at the edge of Republic space to determine the strength of the Republic, before launching into a full scale invasion of Republic space along three fronts in 3,963 BBY. Fett was present at the preliminary Battle of Vanquo, led the siege of Taris and eventual conquest of that world, planned an invasion of the planet Alderaan, and killed the captain of a Republic flagship at the Battle of Jaga's Cluster. After becoming the most wanted man in the galaxy, Fett was presumed dead by the time of the Jedi Civil War."@en . "However Cassus Fett would commit many war crimes during Mandalorian Wars. The massacre of the Cathar people, the bombing of Vanquo, before then he would kill a Republic captain on his own flagship. Cassus become the most wanted man in galaxy. But he was presumed dead by the time of the Jedi Civil War. His descendant Vorten Fett was seen commanding a Mandalorian mercenary army on Taris during Cold War, but not with same ruthless as Cassus did."@en . . . . . "The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol"@es . . . . "Cassus Fett"@en . . . "Cassus Fett, to pierwszy znany przedstawiciel klanu Fett. \u017By\u0142 podczas Wojen Mandaloria\u0144skich. Nosi\u0142 charakterystyczn\u0105 zbroj\u0119 i bro\u0144. Cassus by\u0142 najlepszym mandaloria\u0144skim strategiem podczas Wojen Mandaloria\u0144skich, by\u0142 drugim najwy\u017Cszym dow\u00F3dc\u0105 zaraz po Mandalorze i jednym z kilku dow\u00F3dc\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy prze\u017Cyli masakr\u0119 na Malachorze V. Podczas wojen Fett osobi\u015Bcie zaplanowa\u0142 zdziesi\u0105tkowanie mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w planety Cathar i prawie ca\u0142kowite wybicie ca\u0142ego gatunku inteligentnego (3976 BBY-3974 BBY) jako kar\u0119 za udzia\u0142 w Wielkiej Wojnie Sith\u00F3w przeciwko mandalorianom. Fett sta\u0142 si\u0119 jednym z najbardziej poszukiwanych istot w ca\u0142ej galaktyce za zab\u00F3jstwo kapitana republika\u0144skiego kr\u0105\u017Cownika podczas bitwy o Gromad\u0119 Jaga. Mimo jego \u015Bmierci, klan Fett\u00F3w przetrwa\u0142, a jego dalekimi potomkami byli s\u0142ynni Jango i jego \"syn\" Boba. Zbroja Fetta oferowa\u0142a du\u017C\u0105 ochron\u0119 przeciwko atakom ogniowym, lodowym oraz d\u017Awi\u0119kowym. U\u017Cywa\u0142 blaster Arkyd KYD-3, kt\u00F3ry zadawa\u0142 obra\u017Cenia dwa razy wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C zwyk\u0142y blaster. Nie wiadomo sk\u0105d rodia\u0144scy handlarze Adum Larp i B'ree mieli w posiadaniu zbroj\u0119 i br\u00F3n Cassusa. Kategoria:Mandalorianie Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:M\u0119\u017Cczy\u017Ani"@pl . "\u041A\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0443\u0441 \u0424\u0435\u0442\u0442"@es . . . . "Cassus Fett"@en . . . . "Cassus Fett was a Mandalorian Field Marshal who lived during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. Fett was an aide-de-camp to Mandalore the Ultimate, leader of the Mandalorians, and he was highly influential in areas throughout Mandalorian society. Fett spearheaded the promotion of the Neo-Crusader movement, a sect of Mandalorian society with a more regimented structure and standardized armor than the hitherto dominant Mandalorian Crusaders. By exerting control over the clans and providing a means of converting conquered cultures into Neo-Crusaders, Fett turned the Mandalorians into a war machine intent on galactic conquest. On the Outer Rim, Fett engaged the forces of the Galactic Republic in a series of battles, including a massacre of the Cathar people. He engineered a number of minor engagements at the edge of Republic space to determine the strength of the Republic, before launching into a full scale invasion of Republic space along three fronts in 3963 BBY. Fett was present at the preliminary Battle of Vanquo, led the siege of Taris and eventual conquest of that world, planned an invasion of the planet Alderaan, and killed the captain of a Republic flagship at the Battle of Jaga's Cluster. After becoming the most wanted man in the galaxy, Fett was presumed dead by the time of the Jedi Civil War. Many years later, his descendants, Jango and Boba Fett, would live up to his legacy."@en . . . . "Mandalorian"@en . . . . . "m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Unknown"@en . "Cassus Fett"@es . . . "Cassus Fett fue un Mariscal de Campo Mandaloriano que vivi\u00F3 durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Fett fue el asistente de campo de Mandalore el M\u00E1ximo, l\u00EDder de los Mandalorianos, y fue sumamente influyente en varias \u00E1reas de la sociedad Mandaloriana. Fett lider\u00F3 la promoci\u00F3n del movimiento de los Neo-Cruzados, una secta de la sociedad Mandaloriana con una estructura m\u00E1s reglamentada y una armadura m\u00E1s estandarizada que los hasta entonces dominantes Cruzados Mandalorianos. Al ejercer control sobre los clanes y proveer los medios para convertir a las culturas conquistadas en Neo-Cruzados, Fett convirti\u00F3 a los Mandalorianos en una m\u00E1quna de guerra capaz de conquistar la galaxia."@es . . . . "Cassus Fett"@es . . . "\u017Co\u0142nierz"@pl . . "Cassus was the one to suggest that they should open the membership of Mandalorians to all species. One of the most notorious attacks launched by Cassus was the genocide of the Cathar species on their homeworld. This caused Revan to rebel against the Jedi Council and helped the Republic to defeat Mandalorians. During the war, he was even disgusted by Demagol and his actions. Fett's status after the war is unknown. His descendants Jango Fett and Boba Fett became notorious bounty hunters ahead of his time."@en . . "*Mandalorian\n*Alcohol"@en . "The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol: A Hyperspace Exclusive Short Story"@es . . "oficer"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cassus Fett"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "Cassus Fett"@en . "Born on the Mandalorian planet of Mandalore to a Mandalorian father and a Mandalorian mother, Cassus started experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an early age. As a result most of his senses were numbed to the point where he could feel no pain. This gave him great prowess in combat and soon he got drafted enlisted in the Mandalorian Scout Corps. While charting unknown planets, he got to see more worlds then an average individual. Furthermore, his exploits were carefully watched by his superiors who wanted interstellar bloodshed to build their Mandalorian honor upon."@en . "Cassus Fett"@pl . . . . . . . . "MandalorianieMandaloria\u0144scy Neo-Konkwistadorzy"@pl . . . . . "\u041A\u0430\u0441\u0443\u0441 \u0424\u0435\u0442\u0442"@en . . . "Antes del 3.983 ABY"@es . . "Cassus Fett"@pl . . . . . . "hyperspace/fiction/demagol/index.html?page=1"@es . . "Interference"@en . . "Cassus was the one to suggest that they should open the membership of Mandalorians to all species. One of the most notorious attacks launched by Cassus was the genocide of the Cathar species on their homeworld. This caused Revan to rebel against the Jedi Council and helped the Republic to defeat Mandalorians. During the war, he was even disgusted by Demagol and his actions. Fett's status after the war is unknown. His descendants Jango Fett and Boba Fett became notorious bounty hunters ahead of his time."@en . "hyperspace/fiction/demagol/index.html?page=1"@en . . . . "nieznane"@pl . "Mandaloriano"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Era de la Antigua Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . . "Dark"@en . . "Cassus Fett"@en . . "Cassus Fett was a Mandalorian Field Marshal who lived during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. Fett was an aide-de-camp to Mandalore the Ultimate, leader of the Mandalorians, and he was highly influential in areas throughout Mandalorian society. Fett spearheaded the promotion of the Neo-Crusader movement, a sect of Mandalorian society with a more regimented structure and standardized armor than the hitherto dominant Mandalorian Crusaders. By exerting control over the clans and providing a means of converting conquered cultures into Neo-Crusaders, Fett turned the Mandalorians into a war machine intent on galactic conquest."@en . . . . "\u041A\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0443\u0441 \u0424\u0435\u0442\u0442"@en . . "http://star-wars.suvudu.com/2012/10/star-wars-shorts-interference.html|newhost=Suvudu"@en . . . . "Born on the Mandalorian planet of Mandalore to a Mandalorian father and a Mandalorian mother, Cassus started experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an early age. As a result most of his senses were numbed to the point where he could feel no pain. This gave him great prowess in combat and soon he got drafted enlisted in the Mandalorian Scout Corps. While charting unknown planets, he got to see more worlds then an average individual. Furthermore, his exploits were carefully watched by his superiors who wanted interstellar bloodshed to build their Mandalorian honor upon."@en . . . "Cassus Fett fue un Mariscal de Campo Mandaloriano que vivi\u00F3 durante las Guerras Mandalorianas. Fett fue el asistente de campo de Mandalore el M\u00E1ximo, l\u00EDder de los Mandalorianos, y fue sumamente influyente en varias \u00E1reas de la sociedad Mandaloriana. Fett lider\u00F3 la promoci\u00F3n del movimiento de los Neo-Cruzados, una secta de la sociedad Mandaloriana con una estructura m\u00E1s reglamentada y una armadura m\u00E1s estandarizada que los hasta entonces dominantes Cruzados Mandalorianos. Al ejercer control sobre los clanes y proveer los medios para convertir a las culturas conquistadas en Neo-Cruzados, Fett convirti\u00F3 a los Mandalorianos en una m\u00E1quna de guerra capaz de conquistar la galaxia. Fett se enfrent\u00F3 a las fuerzas de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica en una serie de batallas en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, incluyendo una masacre de la especie cathar. \u00C9l plane\u00F3 varios enfrentamientos menores al borde del espacio de la Rep\u00FAblica para determinar la fortaleza de su oponente, y despu\u00E9s lanz\u00F3 una invasi\u00F3n a la Rep\u00FAblica a gran escala a lo largo de tres frentes en el 3.963 ABY. Fett estuvo presente a inicios de la Batalla de Vanquo, dirigi\u00F3 el Sitio de Taris y la conquista final de ese mundo, plane\u00F3 una invasi\u00F3n al planeta Alderaan y mat\u00F3 al capit\u00E1n de una nave insignia de la Rep\u00FAblica en la Batalla del Grupo de Jaga. Despu\u00E9s de convertirse en el hombre m\u00E1s buscado de la galaxia, se supuso que Fett hab\u00EDa muerto antes de la Guerra Civil Jedi. Muchos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, sus descendientes Jango y Boba Fett alcanzaron tanta notoriedad como \u00E9l."@es . "Masculino"@es . "Humano"@es . . . . . . . . "Neo-Cruzados Mandalorianos"@es . "Cassus Fett"@en . "Cassus Fett"@es . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "http://star-wars.suvudu.com/2012/10/star-wars-shorts-the-secret-journal-of-doctor-demagol.html|newhost=Suvudu"@en . "Interference"@en . . "Male"@en . "Cassus Fett"@es . . . "Cassus Fett"@es . .