. "Grande"@es . "Aurelia aurita"@es . . . "Gorgone"@de . "Reforming"@en . . . . "Fantastic Four #36"@en . "~700 million Medusans"@en . "66"^^ . . . . . . "90"^^ . "67"^^ . "Foul"@en . . . "43"^^ . "Madame Medusa"@en . "toxic beast"@en . "280"^^ . "Strong Prehensile Hair, Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes"@en . . "s\u00ED"@es . "Medusalith Amaquelin; Inhuman Vol 1 9 Textless.jpg"@en . . . . . "35"^^ . . "Female"@en . "Petrify"@en . . . "Queen"@en . . "13122"^^ . "Phys x1, 1 enemy"@en . "300"^^ . . "The Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30FC\u30B5) is a lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) in The Ocean Hunter. It is the only sub boss in North Sea."@en . "A reference to Cnidaria, the scientific group from which jellyfish are from"@de . . . . . . "Doggett leads a team into the Boston subway system"@en . . . . "Medusa is the twelfth mission conducted by The Ghosts during the 2007 Korean war."@en . "G. P. Putnam's Sons"@en . "Powers"@en . . . "Medusa"@en . "290"^^ . "Medusa"@en . "?"@en . "N/A"@en . . . "Medusa had a forty degree tilt on its axis. From orbit, it had a gray-green color, with huge polar ice caps. The narrow seas had a gray-green color with soupy sludge of plankton and large plants. The planet's climate was considered brutal even with a cooler primary star. (HH1)"@en . . . . . . "Supergirl"@en . . . . "Medusa ist eine au\u00DFerirdische Kopfgeldj\u00E4gerin und eine Feindin der Turtles in der neunten Staffel der 1987iger Cartoonserie."@de . "2"^^ . . "99"^^ . . "Good"@en . "1"^^ . . "Medusalith \"Medusa\" Amaquelin is the wife of Black Bolt and the Queen of the Inhumans. An elegant and intelligent advisor to her husband, she struggles to find her place outside of their relationship, as others tend to view her as just a pretty face. Strong and resourceful, she\u2019s not afraid to break the rules when the situation demands it."@en . "Pegasus and Chrysaor"@en . . "Medusa is both a witch and a monstrous gorgon. She has two older sisters, Stheno and Euryale. Medusa and her sisters first appeared in the e-book novel Let Gorgons Be Gorgons"@en . . . . "9411"^^ . "Villain"@en . . "The Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30FC\u30B5) is a lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) in The Ocean Hunter. It is the only sub boss in North Sea."@en . . . "5"^^ . "st8.ogg"@en . "2"^^ . "Oh! Master you'll turn to stone!"@en . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Sub-arctic climatic conditions, dense atmosphere owing to extensive Dark Age of Technology resource extraction spoil, reducing solar penetration to dangerous levels"@en . "thumb|250px La historia de Medusa, cuyo nombre significa \"guardiana\", y acaso \"protectora\", es uno de los mitos griegos m\u00E1s poderosos de la antig\u00FCedad; tal vez porque agrupa todos los ingredientes de la tragedia, en este caso, una tragedia inmerecida y manchada de oprobio. Todos conocemos la imagen aterradora de Medusa, aquello que los griegos llamaban el gorgoneion: una mujer diab\u00F3lica con serpientes en lugar de cabellos, cuya maldici\u00F3n convierte en piedra a todo aquel que la mirara. Sin embargo, la verdadera historia de Medusa, o mejor dicho, el pasado que eventualmente la convirti\u00F3 en esta dama de formas espantosas, tal vez podr\u00EDa modificar la idea que tenemos sobre ella. Medusa era una de las tres Gorgonas hijas de Forcis y Ceto, y a veces de Tif\u00F3n y Equidna. Ten\u00EDa dos hermanas, Eur\u00EDale y Esteno. Las tres eran parientes de las Grayas, aquellas ancianas prof\u00E9ticas que compart\u00EDan un solo ojo y un solo diente. As\u00ED las ubica el poeta Esquilo en las remotas llanuras de Cistene: \"No muy lejos, las al\u00EDgeras hermanas, con serpientes por cabellos; las gorgonas enemigas del hombre.\" Si bien las representaciones m\u00E1s antiguas de Medusa la mostraban como una criatura monstruosa, hija de fuerzas tect\u00F3nicas descomunales, su pasado m\u00EDtico relata una historia diferente. Los poetas la retrataban de forma ambigua, bella y a la vez temible. En el siglo V a.C. P\u00EDndaro alaba su hermosura, y Ovidio, mucho m\u00E1s adelante, nos comenta que Medusa era una bell\u00EDsima muchacha que trabajaba en el templo de Atenea. Se dice que su hermosura cautiv\u00F3 a hombres y dioses; incluso al vol\u00E1til Poseid\u00F3n, el Se\u00F1or de los mares, quien la am\u00F3 por la fuerza sobre el fr\u00EDo m\u00E1rmol del templo. Atenea, furiosa por esa profanaci\u00F3n, transform\u00F3 su cabello en una madeja de serpientes, acaso para simbolizar aquel acto bestial y voluptuoso sobre el que la pobre Medusa no ten\u00EDa responsabilidad alguna, ya que Poseid\u00F3n la hab\u00EDa tomado por la fuerza. Maldecida por los dioses, odiada por los hombres, olvidada por las Moiras, las tejedoras del destino; la inocente Medusa fue enviada al exilio bajo la forma de una criatura horrenda. En la oscuridad de su laberinto, decorado con estatuas formadas con los cuerpos de los incautos que se atrev\u00EDan a mirarla, Medusa los odi\u00F3 a todos con un odio perfecto y leg\u00EDtimo. Fue as\u00ED que el h\u00E9roe Perseo, protegido por la celosa Atenea, lleg\u00F3 hasta el reino de Medusa. La versi\u00F3n cinematogr\u00E1fica sostiene que el h\u00E9roe utiliz\u00F3 el reflejo de su escudo para no mirarla directamente, y de este modo matarla sin quedar reducido a una mera estatua. Sin embargo, el mito antiguo es menos ben\u00E9volo con Perseo. All\u00ED se dice que el h\u00E9roe la encontr\u00F3 durmiendo, y que la decapit\u00F3 en el acto, sin mediar palabras ni agravios. Solo la vengativa Atenea sab\u00EDa que Medusa estaba embarazada de Poseid\u00F3n, y por eso gui\u00F3 secretamente la mano del guerrero para que su estocada fuera perfecta. De la sangre derramada emergi\u00F3 un caballo formidable, llamado Pegaso, cuyas alas le permit\u00EDan correr velozmente sobre las nubes. Perseo llev\u00F3 la cabeza de Medusa al rey Polidectes. Con ella logr\u00F3 rescatar a Andr\u00F3meda de las fauces del gigante Criasor. Ahora bien, es leg\u00EDtimo afirmar que el mito de Medusa, cualquiera sea su versi\u00F3n, es posterior al s\u00EDmbolo que representa. Su fuerza reside claramente en la cabeza, pero esta solo adquiere potencia despu\u00E9s de la maldici\u00F3n de Atenea; lo cual nos lleva a preguntarnos si de hecho fue una maldici\u00F3n o un don para que Medusa pudiera vengarse de los hombres, representados en el abusivo Poseid\u00F3n. Pero vayamos a\u00FAn m\u00E1s lejos. La cabeza de Medusa es anterior a la propia Medusa. Es decir, el s\u00EDmbolo del gorgoneion era originalmente una m\u00E1scara ritual. Todo lo dem\u00E1s, el cuerpo de Medusa, su historia tr\u00E1gica, su venganza y su muerte, corresponden al mito ya establecido, que acaso olvid\u00F3 o suaviz\u00F3 aquella m\u00E1scara de culto cuyo verdadero significado se nos escapa. Una de las pruebas m\u00E1s concluyentes de esta hip\u00F3tesis la brinda el propio Homero en la Odisea, cuando Ulises menciona una \"horrenda cabeza\" pero nunca aclara que esa cabeza tiene un cuerpo, es decir, que no es aut\u00F3noma, y mucho menos que el cuerpo que la sostiene corresponde a una mujer llamada Medusa. Si la cabeza de Medusa es m\u00E1s importante que Medusa propiamente dicha, es justo que digamos algo sobre su destino. Ovidio comenta que Perseo pas\u00F3 por el norte de \u00C1frica y con gracias a ella convirti\u00F3 en piedra a Atlas, aquel tit\u00E1n encargado de sostener la b\u00F3veda celeste. Desde all\u00ED el h\u00E9roe fue hasta la isla de su madre, D\u00E1nae, que tambi\u00E9n lo engendr\u00F3 mediante un ardid de Zeuz, camuflado en una fina lluvia de oro, para algunos, la met\u00E1fora de una \"coima\". D\u00E1nae estaba a punto de ser casada obligatoriamente con el rey. Perseo ingres\u00F3 en la corte, advirti\u00F3 a su madre para que se cubra los ojos, y extrajo la cabeza horrible de Medusa. Al concluir sus aventuras, Perseo le entreg\u00F3 la cabeza de Medusa a su patrocinadora, Atenea, quien la coloc\u00F3 en su escudo. Para los interesados en alg\u00FAn estudio psicol\u00F3gico del mito de Medusa les recomendamos un ensayo de Sigmund Freud, publicado p\u00F3stumamente en 1940, llamado Das Medusenhaupt, \"la cabeza de Medusa\". All\u00ED se propone el origen del talism\u00E1n del gorgoneion, algo as\u00ED como un amuleto que representa el acto de castraci\u00F3n, asociado en la mente del ni\u00F1o con el hallazgo sorprendente de la sexualidad de la madre. Categor\u00EDa:Bestiario Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . . . "11080"^^ . . . . . "Mediusa"@es . . . "Medusa is a global criminal cartel with a mystic nature, that has set up in Gotham City. Batwoman, under the employment of the D.E.O. has sworn to take it down."@en . . . "1000"^^ . "Idiomas"@pt . . "11"^^ . . . . . . "4500"^^ . "*Fires small homing projectiles from its tentacles."@en . "Cetro de Hielo"@es . "Normal"@en . . "Screech"@en . . "Chakra Pot"@en . . . . "Yellow"@en . . "Champion"@en . . . . "\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB \u662F\u5728\u5C0F\u5C9B\u4E0A\u53D1\u73B0\u7684\u4E00\u79CD\u8718\u86DB\u3002 \u5728 \u7B2C3\u5B63 \u7B2C14\u96C6 [ \u200B], Dr. Arzt \u5411Nikki\u5C55\u793A\u4E86\u4E00\u53EA\u88C5\u5728\u74F6\u5B50\u91CC\u7684\u96CC\u6027\u7684\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\uFF0C\u8FD9\u53EA\u662F\u5760\u673A\u4E4B\u540E\u4ED6\u6536\u96C6\u768420\u591A\u79CD\u6606\u866B\u4E2D\u7684\u4E00\u53EA\u3002\u4ED6\u5BF9Nikki\u89E3\u91CA\u8BF4\uFF0C\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u662F\u975E\u5E38\u5371\u9669\u7684\uFF0C\u5B83\u7684\u96CC\u6027\u8377\u5C14\u8499\u975E\u5E38\u5389\u5BB3\uFF0C\u5982\u679C\u74F6\u5B50\u5F00\u7740\u53E3\u7684\u8BDD\uFF0C\u5C9B\u4E0A\u6BCF\u4E00\u53EA\u96C4\u6027\u8718\u86DB\u90FD\u4F1A\u7ACB\u523B\u6765\u627E\u5B83\u3002 \u5F53 Nikki \u77E5\u9053Paulo\u627E\u5230\u4E86\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5077\u7684\u94BB\u77F3\u5374\u6CA1\u6709\u544A\u8BC9\u5979\u7684\u65F6\u5019\uFF0C\u5979\u653E\u51FA\u4E86\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u53BB\u653B\u51FB\u4ED6\u3002\u4ED6\u88AB\u54AC\u4E86\u4E4B\u540E\uFF0C\u5979\u544A\u8BC9\u4ED6\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u7684\u6BD2\u6DB2\u4E0D\u4F1A\u6740\u6B7B\u4ED6\uFF0C\u4F46\u4F1A\u5F15\u8D77\u5927\u69828\u5C0F\u65F6\u7684\u5168\u8EAB\u9EBB\u75F9\uFF0C\u9EBB\u75F9\u5230\u8FDE\u533B\u751F\u90FD\u65E0\u6CD5\u542C\u5230\u4ED6\u7684\u5FC3\u8DF3\u3002 Arzt\u8BF4\u8FC7\u7684\u5173\u4E8E\u8377\u5C14\u8499\u7684\u4FE1\u606F\u5F88\u5FEB\u5F97\u5230\u4E86\u8BC1\u5B9E\uFF0C\u96CC\u6027\u7684\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\u4ECE\u74F6\u5B50\u91CC\u653E\u51FA\u6765\u4E4B\u540E\uFF0C\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u96C4\u6027\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\u5728\u6811\u6797\u91CC\u51FA\u73B0\u4E86\u3002Nikki \u4E5F\u88AB\u8718\u86DB\u54AC\u4E86, \u7531\u4E8E\u4E4B\u540E\u4ED6\u4EEC\u4FE9\u51FA\u73B0\u4E86\u5168\u8EAB\u9EBB\u75F9\u7684\u75C7\u72B6\uFF0C\u5176\u4ED6815\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u5E78\u5B58\u8005\u8BEF\u4EE5\u4E3A\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5DF2\u7ECF\u6B7B\u4E86\uFF0C\u5C06\u4ED6\u4EEC\u6D3B\u57CB\u4E86\u3002 \u3002"@zh . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . "The Medusa is a beached vessel located on the Rook Islands. It serves as a communications relay for Vaas Montenegro's Pirates, and is the site of the mission The Medusa's Call. The Medusa appears to once have been a WWII merchant ship or transport ship as it has a few landing crafts surrounding it on the beach.. It now sits in a state of disrepair in a boat scap yard as it is surrounded by other smaller ships. Vass's pirates are also salvaging it for scrap metal. It is unknown how it ended up on the Rook Islands. It also appears in the Multiplayer map \"Shipwrecked\" There is also a small boat belonging to Valerie from Far Cry called the \"Medusa\" which is blown up by an RPG."@en . "(Assemble!); Medusa.png"@en . "Medusa was a redpill and a crewmember aboard the Descartes along with Dante. She only appears in the low-budget non-canon spin off, The Fanimatrix."@en . . . . "89721"^^ . . "Medusa is a monster with hair composed of snakes. It is rumored to turn people into stone if you look into her eyes."@en . . "-"@en . "A woman of apparently Asian descent with snake's hair, like those of the mythological gorgons, she participated in a video conference with Dr. Helen Magnus and other house heads during the crisis surrounding the Lazarus virus and the Cabal's superabnormals."@en . "Fire, Energy"@en . "Medusa is the name of planets in multiple works of science fiction."@en . "Medusa is the Chapter homeworld of the Iron Hands Chapter of Space Marines and of their lost Primarch, Ferrus Manus. The Feral World of Medusa is a harsh realm of perpetual gloom, situated precariously close to the Eye of Terror in the Segmentum Obscurus. The sun almost never breaks through the dark and polluted sky, as it constantly churns over a land of frozen mountain ranges, interspersed with volcanoes and boiling hot geysers. The landscape is under constant flux, the shifting of tectonic plates forming new mountains and seas, and destroying them as quickly as they are created."@en . . "==Pre-Publication Excerpt from For seven books, Clive Cussler has dazzled readers with the \"spine-tingling adventures\" (Chicago Tribune) of Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the NUMA\u00AE Special Assignments Team, but in Medusa the NUMA\u00AE team faces what may be its most perilous mission of all. Filled with the high-stakes suspense and boundless invention unique to Cussler, Medusa is the most thrilling novel yet from the grand master of adventure."@en . "Las Medusas Son enemigos que debutan por primera vez en el juego Super Mario Bros. 3. Estas especies poseian 4 tentaculos y una piel oscura con tan solo 2 ojos en su primera aparicion, luego volvieron a reaparecer en el juego Yoshi's Story pero esta vez con una piel mas transparente o aveces con piel verde y tienen como minimo 5 tentaculos ,solo se encuentran en niveles sumergidos bajo el agua."@es . . "Don't you like my hair?"@en . "For all vocations: If you are soloing, heal after every hit because they can paralyze up to 5 times in 5 seconds. If you get paralyzed; be careful moving diagonally because it might delay your healing-spells and potions.\nDruids and Sorcerers can solo these on HP above level 150 as long as they stay diagonal, away from the terra wave. Depending on where you are, be careful of running into multiple monsters, such as in Deeper Banuta, where it's very easy to run into Serpent Spawns, Hydras, and Bone Beasts. Druids should use Energy Strike or Sudden Death. Sorcerers should use a Wand of Defiance and Energy Strike if you're trying to be conservative. If not, it is recommended to kill them quickly with Energy Wave or Great Energy Beam, with a blocker.\n\nKnights At level 150+ can solo Medusae if they are careful. The best strategy is to always remain diagonal to them, and to combine your melee with Brutal Strike, Whirlwind Throw and Berserk while spamming Wound Cleansing and Mana Potions. Heal with an Ultimate Health Potion if you get too low. When they run in red hp, you can finish them with an Annihilation. If they start fleeing, it is best to use Whirlwind Throw or Groundshaker and to try to get them to run in a direction opposite to where other monsters are, since they usually spawn close to Serpent Spawns and Hydras. At level 190+ a knight with skills 90+/90+ should be able to solo these while only using Wound Cleansing and staying diagonal. Hunting medusa will often be with a very little waste as they tend to drop a lot of sellable items.\nIf you are blocking Medusae in a team, keep your fingers ready to cast Challenge because they retarget very often.\n\nPaladins should kill them as quickly as possible. However you can, and it's recommended that you use a blocker, since running them is dangerous in places like Banuta, and difficult since they paralyze often.\nYou can also utilize Fire Wall Runes to keep a distance between you and the creature."@en . "1"^^ . . . "80"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Demon Realm"@en . "Medusas are scaly humanoids with snakes for hair. Their most useful ability is their petrifying gaze. From afar they look human, but a closer look reveals they are indeed monsters."@en . . . "Medusa, originally a beautiful young woman whose crowning glory was her magnificent long hair, was desired and courted by many suitors, but Medusa was a priestess of Athena and had taken a vow of chasity. Poseidon found her worshipping in the temple of Athena and had sex with her. Athena watched as they had sex. Therefore Athena was outraged at her sacred temple being violated, and punished Medusa by turning her beautiful hair into snakes and giving her the destructive power to turn anyone who looked directly at her into stone. In both Greek and Roman mythology, Perseus, attempting to rescue his mother Danae from the coercive King Polydectes, needed to embark on the dangerous venture of retrieving Medusa's head. With the help of Athena and Hermes - magic winged sandals, a cap, a pouch and a mirror-like shield, he fought her and beheaded her by viewing her image in the mirror of his shield rather than looking at her directly. From her decapitated head sprang the winged horse Pegasus and the giant Chrysaor, who became king of Iberia. Medusa's sisters, the Gorgons, chased after him, but were unable to catch him because his magic cap made him invisible. Perseus was then able to use Medusa's head as a weapon during other battles (which included rescuing Andromeda), but he eventually returned it to Athena, who then placed it at the center of her shield Aegis as a symbol of her power, and her own capacity to turn her enemies into stone."@en . . "Medusa"@pt . "Medusa is an Olympian serving time in Tartarus."@en . . . . "Medusa was a Scareactor from the house Hades: The Gates of Ruin This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "Un tempo la medusa era una bella figa, ma fu trasformata in mostro dalla Dea Atena, dopo che la giuovine fanciulla aveva fatto le cose zozze con Poseidone nel tempio della dea zitella. Proprio nel tempio della dea pi\u00F9 repressa dovevano farlo? Non potevano appartarsi in macchina come tutte le coppiette? Cos\u00EC Atena, per vendicarsi di tale comportamento irrispettoso, dopo aver assistito alla scena con aria scandalizzata e un po' voyeur, diede a Medusa serpenti per capelli, mani di bronzo, scaglie al posto della pelle e una cazzimma esagerata. La fanciulla divenne talmente brutta che chiunque la guardasse si tramutava in pietra.E no, non era Iva Zanicchi."@it . . . . . . . . . "Medusa is both a witch and a monstrous gorgon. She has two older sisters, Stheno and Euryale. Medusa and her sisters first appeared in the e-book novel Let Gorgons Be Gorgons"@en . "?"@en . . . "Medusa"@en . . "Grant Gustin as Barry Allen"@en . "12"^^ . . . "14"^^ . . . . "The Lightning Thief"@en . "~ 108,000"@en . . "(Marvel Unleashed); Medusa earth 606.jpg"@en . . . "Medusa is one of the three Gorgons in Greek mythology. Medusa may also refer to:"@en . . "Physical, 1 hit, 1 enemy"@en . "Cree Summer"@es . . . "After Wyrmskeep"@en . "Euriale"@en . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . "105"^^ . "+4 Charisma"@en . . . "I do not want to mess up my hair..."@en . "25"^^ . . "0.0"^^ . "Enemy"@en . "94"^^ . . . . . "damage"@en . . . . . "603"^^ . . "21050"^^ . "69"^^ . "2000"^^ . ""@es . "Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters (the others being Stheno and Euryale) who were born to the primordial sea gods Phorcys and Ceto in the caverns beneathe Mount Olympus. When Medusa was sexually assaulted by Neptune in the temple of Athena, Athena transformed Medusa, and her sisters who defended her, into bloodthristy monsters. They were each cursed with hideous looks, including snakes for hair, which would turn anyone who looked at them directly, into stone. Medusa became the most famous of the three because the Greek hero Perseus cut off her head and used it to save Princess Andromeda, by turning a huge sea creature into stone. In addition to snake-like hair, the original versions of the Gorgons had wings, claws and scaly skin."@en . . "black"@en . "Rare"@en . . . . . "7960"^^ . "Phys x1-3, 1 enemy"@en . "Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion."@en . . "Aucune"@fr . "Gorgon"@en . "*Brown \n*Serpentine"@en . "Das Team Medusa ist eine kleine und internationale Gruppe, (Deutschland, Gro\u00DF Britannien, Kanada, USA) die anl\u00E4sslich des D'Jinni Modding Wettbewerb gegr\u00FCndet wurde. Das Team besteht derzeit aus vier Personen, und Neuzug\u00E4nge sind willkommen. Medusa ist der Gewinner von den Phase 1 und 3 des D'Jinni Wettbewerbs. Das aktuelle Medusa Projekt ist \"Birth and Virgins\", das in den Vorrunden des D'jinni Wettbewerbs Auszeichnungen erworben hat. James Semple hat den Soundtrack zu \"Birth and Virgins]\" komponiert. Langfristig hat das Team weitere Module geplant."@de . . "7144"^^ . . "Large"@en . ": Poison"@en . . . "Rank 15"@en . ": Stun"@en . . . . "From Greek mythology, a fearsome monster with snakes as hair. They have the power to turn living things into stone. Stronger ones can turn anyone who simply looks at them into stone. Definition directly from English manga: \"Medusa Known from the myths of ancient Greece, a being with the hair of snakes and a terrifying visage. Able to turn living beings into stone... Some say all it takes is a glimpse of her face.\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Dead"@en . . . . "\u00DAltima Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . "She is legendary monster from Greek Myths. Once decapitated by Perseus as part of his own quest. Through the actions of a jealous Hera, Medusa's two gorgon sisters were set free from their prison on the then hovering Paradise Island. The two then set out to be reunited with their long dead sister. Forcing Circe to recreate the gorgon. Circe at first was unwilling to simply aid the two sisters and followed the letter rather than the spirit of the deal and resurrected only Medusa's head, citing that it had been the part the two sisters had handed her and demanded it be remade. Posidon then promises Circe she would be reunited with her daughter, who was being raised by the Amazons, if she resurrected Medusa. To this Circe agreed, and a vengeful Medusa was reborn. Medusa harbored the desire to take vengeance on the Champion of the Gods, so her sights was set on Wonder Woman, the ambassador of Themyscira. The gorgon first storms the White House to briefly engage Wonder Woman, who along with Artemis and General Philipus were there to discuss the presence of American warships on Themyscira's horizon, before she escapes as part of a larger plan. Her next strike falls shortly afterwards as she attacks the embassy, turning one of the employees sons to stone in the process. An enraged Diana nearly kills the gorgon in the lobby, but is prevented as Medusa calls out to Ares, challenging Diana in his name. Begrudingly Diana has to accept. The fight takes place in a baseball court and is by Ares transmitted to the world. The fight is brutal, as Diana fights blind, first by a piece of cloth, then by snake venom she pours into her own eyes. But Diana is victorious in the end as once again, Medusa is decapitated. Ending her plans of turning Wonder Woman and every viewer to stone. Shortly afterwards, Medusa's head is involved in Athena's takeover of Olympus, being used to turn Zeus' champion to stone. Last Medusa was seen was as a stone head in possession of the Morrigan, a trinity of death-goddess'. Her eyes still posse her legendary gaze and two guards fall victim to it as they blunder into it. It is revealed shortly afterwards that Medusa possibly is alive and aware of her situation as the Morrigan mock her, before revealing that Medusa's own tears are capable of reversing the stone gaze if applied in time, if too late, the stone bodies are reduced to slag."@en . . . "Alive"@en . "4940"^^ . "55000"^^ . "*4x Lamia Exon Arrapago Reef only - These Lamia are 2 BLM and 2 COR and spawn to assist Medusa when she becomes aggressive.\n**They spawn attacking the player that aggro'd Medusa.\n**If these are defeated, they respawn after 1 minute.\n**These Lamia will sometimes assist Medusa regardless of enmity.\n**They despawn after a few minutes when Medusa becomes unclaimed and is no longer aggressive."@en . . . . "(Attack of the Symbiotes); Medusa.jpg"@en . . "Medusa es un Tit\u00E1n de la mitolog\u00EDa griega. Medusa tiene un torso humano y una cola de una serpiente. El pelo forma una gran cabeza de serpiente. Ella se describe como muy potente por los miembros del Espiral de Sangre."@es . "Evolution"@en . "undead night"@en . . "Medusa"@en . . "La medusa (Jellyfish en ingl\u00E9s) es un invertebrado conocido por estar formado en un 95% por agua y tambi\u00E9n muy conocido por sus picaduras en la vida real (en Animal Crossing no puede picar a nadie). En Animal Crossing: New Leaf se pueden observar otro tipo de medusas que aparecen todo el a\u00F1o por el agua mientras el jugador est\u00E1 nadando, las cuales lo picar\u00E1n si se acerca."@es . ". It is approximately the size of and is made up of thousands of asteroids, comets, and other forms of cosmic debris. Medusa, having many hollow space and cave networks, has settlements on both and underneath it's surface. Those that live there manage to survive by working with or for one of the more powerful organizations that fight for control."@en . "Medusa, originally a beautiful young woman whose crowning glory was her magnificent long hair, was desired and courted by many suitors, but Medusa was a priestess of Athena and had taken a vow of chasity. Poseidon found her worshipping in the temple of Athena and had sex with her. Athena watched as they had sex. Therefore Athena was outraged at her sacred temple being violated, and punished Medusa by turning her beautiful hair into snakes and giving her the destructive power to turn anyone who looked directly at her into stone."@en . "N/A"@en . . . "Melee , poisons you 42 hp at start per turn), 1 to 5 Terra Strike simultaneously, , Terra Wave , Great Smoke Bomb , Self-Healing , changes your appearance into a stone statue."@en . . "7187"^^ . . . "1000"^^ . "250"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "*Command Ship \n*Battleship\n*Cruiser\n*Assault Ship\n*Carrier"@en . "N/A"@en . . "Demon"@en . . "Medusa"@en . . "In Greek mythology, Medusa, the gorgon, was a monstrous female character, whose gaze could turn onlookers to stone. Medusa was featured in the story of \"Perseus and the Gorgon\". Medusa was an ugly creature with sharp fangs and lolling tongues, bronze wings, and hair of living, venomous snakes. She lived with two other gorgons who were her sisters, and they had three other sisters, the Graeae. Medusa was decapitated by Perseus."@en . . "8.5"^^ . . "Medusa is a monster found in the third Hero and Monster Collection set, Crusade of the Forgotten. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit."@en . "Habitat"@pt . . . . "100000"^^ . "32"^^ . . . . "yes"@en . . "1"^^ . "Medusa is a super-hero in the Marvel Universe and a member of the race known as the Inhumans."@en . "Boggart Core"@en . "6"^^ . "s\u00ED"@es . "58"^^ . . . "Medusa"@de . "45"^^ . . "Medusa (also known as Xi Hydrae IV) was a planet located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in the Xi Hydrae binary star system in Federation space. Medusa was homeworld to a Federation member civilization, the Medusans. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)"@en . . "\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB \u662F\u5728\u5C0F\u5C9B\u4E0A\u53D1\u73B0\u7684\u4E00\u79CD\u8718\u86DB\u3002 \u5728 \u7B2C3\u5B63 \u7B2C14\u96C6 [ \u200B], Dr. Arzt \u5411Nikki\u5C55\u793A\u4E86\u4E00\u53EA\u88C5\u5728\u74F6\u5B50\u91CC\u7684\u96CC\u6027\u7684\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\uFF0C\u8FD9\u53EA\u662F\u5760\u673A\u4E4B\u540E\u4ED6\u6536\u96C6\u768420\u591A\u79CD\u6606\u866B\u4E2D\u7684\u4E00\u53EA\u3002\u4ED6\u5BF9Nikki\u89E3\u91CA\u8BF4\uFF0C\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u662F\u975E\u5E38\u5371\u9669\u7684\uFF0C\u5B83\u7684\u96CC\u6027\u8377\u5C14\u8499\u975E\u5E38\u5389\u5BB3\uFF0C\u5982\u679C\u74F6\u5B50\u5F00\u7740\u53E3\u7684\u8BDD\uFF0C\u5C9B\u4E0A\u6BCF\u4E00\u53EA\u96C4\u6027\u8718\u86DB\u90FD\u4F1A\u7ACB\u523B\u6765\u627E\u5B83\u3002 \u5F53 Nikki \u77E5\u9053Paulo\u627E\u5230\u4E86\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5077\u7684\u94BB\u77F3\u5374\u6CA1\u6709\u544A\u8BC9\u5979\u7684\u65F6\u5019\uFF0C\u5979\u653E\u51FA\u4E86\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u53BB\u653B\u51FB\u4ED6\u3002\u4ED6\u88AB\u54AC\u4E86\u4E4B\u540E\uFF0C\u5979\u544A\u8BC9\u4ED6\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u7684\u6BD2\u6DB2\u4E0D\u4F1A\u6740\u6B7B\u4ED6\uFF0C\u4F46\u4F1A\u5F15\u8D77\u5927\u69828\u5C0F\u65F6\u7684\u5168\u8EAB\u9EBB\u75F9\uFF0C\u9EBB\u75F9\u5230\u8FDE\u533B\u751F\u90FD\u65E0\u6CD5\u542C\u5230\u4ED6\u7684\u5FC3\u8DF3\u3002 Arzt\u8BF4\u8FC7\u7684\u5173\u4E8E\u8377\u5C14\u8499\u7684\u4FE1\u606F\u5F88\u5FEB\u5F97\u5230\u4E86\u8BC1\u5B9E\uFF0C\u96CC\u6027\u7684\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\u4ECE\u74F6\u5B50\u91CC\u653E\u51FA\u6765\u4E4B\u540E\uFF0C\u5927\u91CF\u7684\u96C4\u6027\u7F8E\u675C\u838E\u8718\u86DB\u5728\u6811\u6797\u91CC\u51FA\u73B0\u4E86\u3002Nikki \u4E5F\u88AB\u8718\u86DB\u54AC\u4E86, \u7531\u4E8E\u4E4B\u540E\u4ED6\u4EEC\u4FE9\u51FA\u73B0\u4E86\u5168\u8EAB\u9EBB\u75F9\u7684\u75C7\u72B6\uFF0C\u5176\u4ED6815\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u5E78\u5B58\u8005\u8BEF\u4EE5\u4E3A\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5DF2\u7ECF\u6B7B\u4E86\uFF0C\u5C06\u4ED6\u4EEC\u6D3B\u57CB\u4E86\u3002 \u3002"@zh . "Donjons"@fr . . "B = Sides = Up = Down = Final Smash = Medusa's Stare: Medusa opens her eyes, and everyone on the stage turns into stone. Then you are able to punch them until they crumble into dust or throw the statues at other statues."@en . . . "#66487c"@de . . . "Temperate marshes"@en . . . "89923"^^ . . . "Oc\u00E9ano"@es . "Gorgon"@en . "+600 Mana"@de . . . "Unknown"@en . "Medusa"@nl . . . . "10"^^ . "Gun\\+3\nElec\\+3\nAilment\\+2\nForce\\-5"@en . . "homeworld of the Medusans"@en . "-"@en . "2"^^ . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Greek Mythology"@en . . "Venne uccisa dall'eroe greco Perseo all'epoca dei miti, e la sua testa donata ad Atena. D'allora si narra che il Cavaliere di Perseo combatta utilizzando la testa della gorgone come arma, posta nel suo Scudo della Medusa. Viene rappresentata come una donna dalla pelle pallida, con serpenti al posto dei capelli e ali da pipistrello. Nell'immagine descrittiva del mito di Episode G appare molto pi\u00F9 grande rispetto a Perseo (quasi il doppio)."@en . "27"^^ . "Rare"@en . . . . "Medusa"@de . "Gorgon(Marvel Nexus); Medusa 2.jpg"@en . "Mutated Sea Anemone"@en . "Medusa is an evil goddess and is also the main villain of the Kid Icarus series. She rules the Underworld and wants to take over the earth as well as Skyworld."@en . . . "13017"^^ . "__FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png"@en . "Humana Mutante"@es . "Kopfgeldj\u00E4gerin"@de . . . "10"^^ . "Medusa"@fr . "Medusa is a Titan from Greek mythology. Medusa has a human-like torso with the tail of a serpent. Her hair forms a large snake head. A Medusa Amulet is in the possession of Lok Lambert."@en . "; No Image Female.jpg"@en . "0.0"^^ . . "The Medusa (Aerocnidaria aerae) is a huge aerial lifeform native to the moon Eywa. The native Na'vi known them as Fpxafaw or Lonataya. Their anatomy consist of a large bell-shaped sac filled with hydrogen, up to 15 meters in diameter; and a mass of tentacles which can be over 35 meters long which produce electric shocks strong enough to kill or paralyze most kinds of prey."@en . "Naomi Shind\u014D"@en . . . . "TBA"@en . . "8"^^ . "Per Manum"@en . . . . . . . . "Das Team Medusa ist eine kleine und internationale Gruppe, (Deutschland, Gro\u00DF Britannien, Kanada, USA) die anl\u00E4sslich des D'Jinni Modding Wettbewerb gegr\u00FCndet wurde. Das Team besteht derzeit aus vier Personen, und Neuzug\u00E4nge sind willkommen. Medusa ist der Gewinner von den Phase 1 und 3 des D'Jinni Wettbewerbs. Das aktuelle Medusa Projekt ist \"Birth and Virgins\", das in den Vorrunden des D'jinni Wettbewerbs Auszeichnungen erworben hat. James Semple hat den Soundtrack zu \"Birth and Virgins]\" komponiert. Langfristig hat das Team weitere Module geplant."@de . "Mirada de Piedra"@es . . "?"@en . "Medusae were monstrous beings with bodies that are covered in scales and rather than hair, they had a writhing mass of serpents growing from their scalp."@en . "Petrification"@en . . . . . . . ":*Eagle Eye Shot - 1500+ damage on a 75 Paladin. Is possible that she will not use Eagle Eye Shot at all.\n:*Calcifying Deluge - Conal attack that does damage plus Petrification. \n:*Gorgon Dance - Long duration, AoE Petrification. Starts using at 30%. This is a gaze attack and can be negated by facing away from Medusa.\n:*Pinning Shot - AoE Ranged Attack and Bind.\n:*Tail Slap - Frontal damage and Stun.\n:*Shadow Thrust - Single target 1000-1300 damage, strips Utsusemi.\n:*Petrifaction - Gaze Petrification attack.\n:*Draw In"@en . . . "Created by"@en . . "Medusa"@en . . "Medusalith \"Medusa\" Amaquelin is the wife of Black Bolt and the Queen of the Inhumans. An elegant and intelligent advisor to her husband, she struggles to find her place outside of their relationship, as others tend to view her as just a pretty face. Strong and resourceful, she\u2019s not afraid to break the rules when the situation demands it."@en . "Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level der Medusas."@de . . . . "Bolas de Fuego"@es . . "Red"@en . . . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "A medusa, from the Monster Manual"@en . "8"^^ . "Medusas are scaly humanoids with snakes for hair. Their most useful ability is their petrifying gaze. From afar they look human, but a closer look reveals they are indeed monsters."@en . . "Medusa, a feared character from Greek mythology, was called upon by Big Evil using the Spectre Sceptre to face Eddie Spenser Jr. in his Arena."@en . "diverse Laserwaffen"@de . . "Demon"@en . "Do you like my hair?"@en . . "234.57"^^ . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . "Medusa"@zh . . "Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe"@en . "2016-11-28"^^ . "A Link Between Worlds"@es . . . . . . "Ascension"@en . . "Medusa en Ben 10."@es . . "Medusa's attacks can make this battle quite difficult. Her most annoying attack is this Light Ball she throws at you that if it hits you, it Petrifies you, knocking off 1/2 your HP. She can also Poison you and release Asps on you which are all annoying. If you want to make this easy for yourself, try using Jinn, as if you are a Class that is good with Magic or even if not, Jinn will REALLY hurt her. Either way, just assault her as best as you can, heal when needed and you wll come out on top."@en . . . "Medusa is the name of planets in multiple works of science fiction."@en . . "Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes"@en . "Inhumans"@en . "Medusa is one of the New Olympians in the unproduced Gargoyles spinoff."@en . "Phorcys"@en . "6"^^ . . . . "Tierra"@es . "#efefef"@en . . "110.0"^^ . . . "Divindade Patrona"@pt . "-"@en . "In Greek mythology, Medusa (Greek: \u039C\u03AD\u03B4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C3\u03B1), meaning \"guardian\", \"protectress\" was a Gorgon, a chthonic female monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. Gazing directly upon her would turn men to stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, using the sword Harpe, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield (the Aegis).."@en . . "Real Name"@en . "30"^^ . . . . . "left"@en . "B"@en . "-"@en . . "40"^^ . "Close + Paralysis + Poison"@en . . . "200782"^^ . . "Doctor"@es . . "Medusa is a famous, or perhaps infamous, character in Greek mythology. She is one of the three Gorgon sisters, of which she is the only mortal one. A single glance of her terrifying eyes is believed to turn the onlooker into stone. Even after she was decapitated by Perseus, her head is said to retain its powers of petrification. She is recognized as such a terrifying figure that her head is depicted on temples and buildings to protect them from evil spirits and thieves."@en . . ". It is approximately the size of and is made up of thousands of asteroids, comets, and other forms of cosmic debris. Medusa, having many hollow space and cave networks, has settlements on both and underneath it's surface. Those that live there manage to survive by working with or for one of the more powerful organizations that fight for control."@en . . "Medusa is a monster with hair composed of snakes. It is rumored to turn people into stone if you look into her eyes."@en . . . "Poison Gas\nGlare"@en . . . . . "Advice columnist for the Daily Prophet"@en . . "Terrorista"@es . "36"^^ . . "Percy Jackson's Greek Gods"@en . "After the meeting in Nagapur"@en . . "Resist"@en . . . . . . . . . "El Hogar de los Antiguos"@es . . "Darklander"@en . "Base assault/Support"@en . . . . . . "desconhecida"@pt . "Medusa es un alien de Ben10.000:universo de andromeda"@es . . "Euryale, Echidna and Stheno"@en . "To be added"@en . "Medusa is the female member of the Destructons. Armed with huge forearm-mounted spikes, the tail of her snake-like body, and devastating \"Medusa Beams\", she is every bit as much the force of destruction as her comrades."@en . . "Medusa turns Charming into stone."@en . . "Demon"@en . . . "Medusa is the main antagonist of the Kid Icarus series. She first appeared in the original Kid Icarus, and returned along with the rest of the cast in the Nintendo 3DS game Kid Icarus: Uprising. Much like Palutena was based on the Greek goddess Pallas Athena, Medusa is based on the mythological character with the same name. The relation between the two characters also derives from the myths, where Athena transformed her into her monstrous shape."@en . . "Tatilon"@de . "88"^^ . "(No info yet. Why not become the first one to write it?) Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__"@en . . "thumb|300px Medusa (Japanisch: \u30AF\u30E9\u30FC\u30B2\u30B9 Kur\u0101gesu) ist eine Marke in Splatoon. Ausr\u00FCstung von Medusa besitzt eine 5x h\u00F6here Chance auf Schwimmtempo und eine halb so gro\u00DFe Chance auf Verteidigung +. In Zusammenarbeit mit Medusa ist der Medusa-Klecksroller entstanden. Die Marke scheint sich \u00FCberwiegend auf Retro-Schuhe zu konzentrieren."@de . . . "Humanoid"@en . "Medusa f. (plural Medusas) 1. \n* jellyfish, medusa"@ia . . "78909"^^ . . . "During the times of ancient Greece, Medusa and her sisters ruled over all magical beings on Earth until they were overthrown by a warrior, presumably the Greek hero Perseus. He used his shield as a mirror, which reflected the Gorgon's paralyzing spell back onto them, thus turning all three to stone. Medusa and her sisters remained stuck in marble for more than a hundred years."@en . . . "26"^^ . "The first species of the Skyphos Genus to be discovered by space travelers due to their abundance in the sectors outside of the Pardus Cluster, the Medusa was aptly named, not only for the snake-like flagella that extend from their bodies, but for the preserved state in which they leave their host victim after they have completed their union. Bonding most often with creatures that are able to exist within the vacuum of space, Human, Rashkir, Ska'ari, and Keldon have nonetheless fallen prey to these parasites as well, their perfectly preserved corpses like stone statues floating throughout the universe, the truest testament to the Medusa's infamy amidst the cosmos."@en . "5"^^ . . . . "28"^^ . . . . . "Former co-ruler of Angel Land"@en . . . . . "During the times of ancient Greece, Medusa and her sisters ruled over all magical beings on Earth until they were overthrown by a warrior, presumably the Greek hero Perseus. He used his shield as a mirror, which reflected the Gorgon's paralyzing spell back onto them, thus turning all three to stone. Medusa and her sisters remained stuck in marble for more than a hundred years. It is currently unknown how exactly Medusa ended up in the middle of the Hudson River near New York City. It is possible that she was, like her sisters, mistaken for an ancient Greek sculpture and shipped to North America to be displayed in a museum, but was lost in a shipwreck. It is also possible that she was moved by magical means to guarantee her imprisonment. In her first appearance, she is awakened by her sisters who had to fetch her from the deep waters with a fishing net. Her freedom is short-lived, however, when she starts feuding with Fury and Euryale and gets turned to stone, sinking once again into the river. In her second appearance, Medusa is once again freed by Fury and joins her two sisters on a quest to defeat the American Dragon and rule over the world. Her freedom is once again short-lived since she gets turned back to stone by Jake and sinks in the Hudson River once more."@en . "Poison, Stoning"@en . "Queen of the Gorgons"@en . "8"^^ . "-"@en . "Machine"@en . . "Medusa is the guardian of the Power Items, which are capable of destroying the Three Sacred Treasures. She is even uglier than Mother Brain and can turn anyone who looks at her to stone. She used her beautiful voice to trick Simon Belmont into looking at her, but Medusa herself was turned to stone when she saw her reflection in Kid Icarus' Mirror Shield. Her petrified victims were then restored to normal."@en . "Bien"@en . "Medusa is an Olympian serving time in Tartarus."@en . . "Genetic manipulation"@en . "1500"^^ . . . . . "-"@en . . "Bell is up to 15 meters in diameter. Tentacles can reach more than 35 meters."@en . . "12"^^ . "Femenino"@es . . ""@en . . . "Green Snakes"@en . . . . "item"@en . "__FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png"@en . . "Serpientes verdes"@es . . . . . "222"^^ . . "Medusa is a monster from Greek mythology. With hair made from live snakes, she was able to turn anyone who looked into eyes into stone. She was supposedly killed when Perseus beheaded her. An incarnation of Medusa lived on Shanazar and terrorise cities by turning their populations into statues. Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose were in town one day during one of her rampages. Having already defeated Death-Trap, Medusa turned her attention to the hedgehogs. Amy appeared to have a plan, legend stating that she gazed at her own reflection and turned herself to stone. Unfortunately, that part of the myth was incorrect as Medusa was immune to her own magic. Unable to look into her eyes, Sonic destroyed a sandy Kalus, blowing the debris at Medusa, obscuring her vision. Amy then thumped her before the local guards bagged her head and took the monster away."@en . "Medusa (en griego antiguo \u039C\u03AD\u03B4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C3\u03B1 M\u00E9dousa' sashii es , \u2018guardiana\u2019, \u2018protectora\u2019) en la mitologia griega, era un monstruo femenino, que convert\u00EDa en piedra a aquellos que la miraban fijamente a los ojos. Fue decapitada por Perseo, quien despu\u00E9s us\u00F3 su cabeza como arma hasta que se la dio a la diosa Atenea para que la pusiera en su escudo, la \u00E9gida. Desde la antig\u00FCedad cl\u00E1sica, la imagen de la cabeza de Medusa aparece representada en el artilugio que aleja el mal conocido como Gorgoneion."@es . . "165"^^ . . "250"^^ . "yellow"@en . "Medusa is a monster from Greek mythology. With hair made from live snakes, she was able to turn anyone who looked into eyes into stone. She was supposedly killed when Perseus beheaded her. An incarnation of Medusa lived on Shanazar and terrorise cities by turning their populations into statues. Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose were in town one day during one of her rampages. Having already defeated Death-Trap, Medusa turned her attention to the hedgehogs. Amy appeared to have a plan, legend stating that she gazed at her own reflection and turned herself to stone. Unfortunately, that part of the myth was incorrect as Medusa was immune to her own magic. Unable to look into her eyes, Sonic destroyed a sandy Kalus, blowing the debris at Medusa, obscuring her vision. Amy then thumped her before "@en . "9997"^^ . "School: Image:Myth.png Pip Cost: Accuracy: 80% Type: Image:Myth.png Description: 770 Image:Damage.png and Stun for 2 rounds Received From: Requirements: Required Character Level: 58 Spells: Prerequisite for: Spells: Can be purchased with Training Points*: no"@en . "Flat"@en . . . "Gabriela Guzm\u00E1n, Isabel Marti\u00F1\u00F3n"@es . . . "Medusa"@en . . "Medusa"@en . "Columnista del diario El Profeta"@es . "From Greek mythology, a fearsome monster with snakes as hair. They have the power to turn living things into stone. Stronger ones can turn anyone who simply looks at them into stone. Definition directly from English manga: \"Medusa Known from the myths of ancient Greece, a being with the hair of snakes and a terrifying visage. Able to turn living beings into stone... Some say all it takes is a glimpse of her face.\""@en . "a"@en . "medusa"@en . . . . "She has the ability to turn anyone who looks into her eyes to stone."@en . . . . . "Hydra"@en . . "Inhumans"@en . "Medusa was first of the Gorgon sisters in Greek mythology, and one of the many foes encountered by Kratos."@en . "Medusa is one of the three Gorgons in Greek mythology. Medusa may also refer to:"@en . . . . . . "Medusa is a monster from Greek mythology. She is one of the Gorgons, a race of snake-haired female monsters with the power of turning people into stone by looking at them. Originally a beautiful woman, she was cursed by Athena-to punish her for having an affair with the sea god Poseidon-and killed by the demigod warrior Perseus. Wedgie Woman's appearance is based off Medusa."@en . "Not to be confused with Madame Medusa. Medusa is a good example of what happens if you fall out with a goddess and don't check what is inside a shampoo bottle."@en . . "3"^^ . . "\u30AF\u30E9\u30FC\u30B2\u30B9\nkur\u0101gesu"@de . "and Stun for 2 rounds"@en . . "A high level type of lamia, which possesses the upper body of a human woman and the lower body of a snake. They are very few in number, so they mostly live by themselves. Perhaps for that reason, they are awfully lonesome; but because of their extremely prideful and strong-willed personalities, they normally do not show it. Also, just like the lamia, they are extremely jealous. If a man were to cheat on a Medusa, he would end up being left petrified for days with his wife coiled around him and roughly milking him by constantly having sex, so be careful. __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6 Attack: Shortbow +8 ranged (1d6/x3) or dagger +8 melee (1d4/19-20) or snakes +8 melee (1d4 plus poison) Full Attack: Shortbow +8/+3 ranged (1d6/x3); or dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4/19-20) and snakes +3 melee (1d4 plus poison) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Petrifying gaze, poison Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15 Environment: Temperate marshes"@en . . "285"^^ . . . . "Haruko Kitahama"@es . . "Femmina"@en . . "45"^^ . "Recent research conducted with the help of daring adventurers has shed a great deal of light upon the origin of Medusae. It has been discovered that they are in fact elemental creatures of earth. They are, or, more accurately, were spirits of nature and earth, probably closely related to dryads. Such spirits are known to be bound to specific places. Their appearance and nature is a reflection of the place they are bound to. While this is their strength it is also their vulnerability, as, if their home should become corrupted, the nature of the spirits bound to it becomes corrupted also. This is often a traumatic event for the unfortunate spirit, and if it does not result in the spirit's death, it is likely to drive it to madness. In the process of this change, the spirit is torn free of its link to its homeland, and is released to roam the land, spreading chaos and destruction in its wake. A tragic fate with tragic consequences."@en . "Medusa, a feared character from Greek mythology, was called upon by Big Evil using the Spectre Sceptre to face Eddie Spenser Jr. in his Arena."@en . "None"@en . . "Creators"@en . . . . . . "4992"^^ . . . "Medusa is the fifth in the game Double Edged. She is a mid-boss."@en . . . "Ruinas del Pantano"@es . "100.0"^^ . . . . "Attacks in an X pattern with 4 large elemental lasers."@en . "Medusa"@en . "tyrant"@en . . . "40000"^^ . "534834"^^ . "+1 Ziel f\u00FCr Split Shot"@de . . . "Usually lawful evil"@en . . . "Human"@en . . "Snake's Fangs\\Innate\nMarin Karin\\Innate\nMazionga\\Innate\nGun Pleroma\\40\nGrand Tack\\41\nZiodyne\\43"@en . . "In Greek mythology, Medusa, the gorgon, was a monstrous female character, whose gaze could turn onlookers to stone. Medusa was featured in the story of \"Perseus and the Gorgon\". Medusa was an ugly creature with sharp fangs and lolling tongues, bronze wings, and hair of living, venomous snakes. She lived with two other gorgons who were her sisters, and they had three other sisters, the Graeae. Medusa was decapitated by Perseus."@en . "360.0"^^ . . . "There are actually many medusas that live out in the desert, and which have turned many people into statues. While there are hints that this Medusa is the same one Perseus killed, how she came to be alive again is not explained (during the series or literature)."@en . "Greek"@en . "400"^^ . . . "3046"^^ . . "Las Medusas Son enemigos que debutan por primera vez en el juego Super Mario Bros. 3. Estas especies poseian 4 tentaculos y una piel oscura con tan solo 2 ojos en su primera aparicion, luego volvieron a reaparecer en el juego Yoshi's Story pero esta vez con una piel mas transparente o aveces con piel verde y tienen como minimo 5 tentaculos ,solo se encuentran en niveles sumergidos bajo el agua."@es . . "(Operation: Death Train)"@en . . . . "+2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom,"@en . "Medusa was a redpill and a crewmember aboard the Descartes along with Dante. She only appears in the low-budget non-canon spin off, The Fanimatrix."@en . "7"^^ . . "The Medusa (Aerocnidaria aerae) is a huge aerial lifeform native to the moon Eywa. The native Na'vi known them as Fpxafaw or Lonataya. Their anatomy consist of a large bell-shaped sac filled with hydrogen, up to 15 meters in diameter; and a mass of tentacles which can be over 35 meters long which produce electric shocks strong enough to kill or paralyze most kinds of prey."@en . . "Unknown; Extremely extensive Dark Age relic technology/detritus evidence in orbital system and sub-surface deposits; severe magneto-aetheric anomolies constituting navigational hazard to close-orbital traffic"@en . . "Epic"@en . "Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 180"@en . . "Convocar serpientes venenosas desde su cabello"@es . . "9"^^ . . . . . . "[[Datei:Sja 03 medusa.jpg|thumb|290px|Antlitz der Medusa in der SJA-Episode Eye of the Gorgon]] Medusa ist eine Figur der griechischen Mythologie. In der Doctor Who-Episode The Mind Robber begegnen der Zweite Doctor und Zoe der Medusa in einem Labyrinth im Land der Fiktionen. Zoe kann sich kaum gegen die Macht der Medusa wehren, da erinnert sich der Doctor an die List des Perseus und benutzt einen Handspiegel, um die Medusa zu versteinern. In der SJA-Episode Eye of the Gorgon sehen sich Sarah Jane Smith und ihre Freunde mit einer Alien-Spezies konfrontiert, die sich als Gorgonen entpuppen. In diesem Zusammenhang sieht man das Antlitz der Medusa."@de . "Basic"@en . . . "Medium"@en . . . "TBA"@en . "\u30E1\u30B8\u30E5\u30FC\u30B6 Med\u016Bsa"@en . . . "0"^^ . "turn onlookers into stone"@en . "1"^^ . "33"^^ . . . . . . . . . "After fighting your way through the Flooded Temple you'll end up on the path to Medusa's Lair. Guarded by Snakeys and Fish Men. While she doesn't seem to prove any real threat to the King or the Princesses, it seems she's just blocking the only path to the Ice Castle."@en . . "Flux cannon"@en . . . . . . . . "23201"^^ . "\"Medusa\" is the eighth episode of the second season of Supergirl. The episode starts four-part crossover with the eighth episode of the third season of The Flash, eight episode of the fifth season of Arrow and seventh episode of the second season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It aired on November 28, 2016."@en . . "Daily Prophet"@en . . . . "Paralyze 1\nStone"@en . . "Star Dreadnought"@en . . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5) is an enemy only Black Magic spell from Fire Emblem Gaiden. It reduces the enemy's HP to 1 (or 0 if already at 1 HP)."@en . . "Hydra Bristle"@en . . "Poison"@en . "*Spell Casting\n*Potion Making\n*Scrying\n*Mediumship"@en . . "--01-16"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "Es una de las secuases de Zombozo y el unico miembro Femenino de los Fenomenos Del Circo."@es . "3"^^ . . "Medusa en Ben 10: Omniverse."@es . . "hide"@en . "God of Steel, PvP Event 27"@en . . . . . . "196"^^ . . . "Medusa"@ia . "Clive Cussler with Paul Kemprecos"@en . "975"^^ . "Medusa is the female member of the Destructons. Armed with huge forearm-mounted spikes, the tail of her snake-like body, and devastating \"Medusa Beams\", she is every bit as much the force of destruction as her comrades."@en . "Good"@en . ":::Medusa: Come, dance with me mortals!"@en . "Attilan"@en . . . . . "#003300"@en . "3"^^ . "She has the ability to turn anyone who looks into her eyes to stone."@en . "Medusa was a gorgon and could turn people into stone with one look"@en . "Medium-Low"@en . . . "Fpxafaw"@en . . "Originally a character in Classical Mythology, Medusa has taken a life of her own, and now exists in all kinds of fantasy \u2014 sometimes as a person, sometimes as an entire species. Medusa's main characteristics are snakes for hair and that people turn to stone just by seeing her face. Oh, and don't look at the illustration! In almost all versions, Medusa is fully humanoid and Always Female. In some versions, her hair-snakes are poisonous. In others, they are not literal snakes but rather hair that supernaturally behaves as if it were made of living snakes. When a version contain a male Medusa, it's usually some Spear Counterpart with some other name. The most likely oldest story featuring Medusa is the adventures of Perseus. In this story she is merely a boss monster whom Perseus defeats by decapitating her (and later using her head to petrify enemies) without looking at her \u2014 he sticks to looking at her shadow or looking through a mirror, depending on the version. Myths and stories with background for Medusa was added later. There are two different such prequel myths regarding the origins of the original Medusa. When Medusa is used in fiction as a unique being rather than as a species, she is typically given either one of these two origins, or no origin at all. One origin is that she and her fellow Gorgons was simply created/born that way. In this origin, the Gorgons are typically three sisters, the other two being Stheno and Euryale. The Greek word \"gorgon\" means \"horror\". Besides having serpents for hair, the Gorgons were described as having tusks, brazen claws, and wings; in a few very early depictions they are shown as quadrupeds, possibly because Pegasus was born out of Medusa's blood when she was beheaded by Perseus. Note that the Erinnyes (Furiae) were depicted very similarly as hideous snake-haired women. The other origin is that Medusa was a virgin priestess of Athena, but her incredibly beauty attracted the attentions of the god Poseidon. Eventually Poseidon raped Medusa in Athena's temple. In some versions of this Origin, Medusa actively sought refuge from Poseidon in Athena's temple; in others she was simply performing her duties when he came for her. In either case Athena did nothing to stop the rape, choosing instead to punish Medusa for being violated by turning her into her new hideous form. She was then banished to a desolate island until Perseus slew her. Medusa is the trope namer to Gorgeous Gorgon. Some of her depictions make her one of the Snake People. Examples of Medusa include:"@en . . "Kuraggu"@es . . . . "N/A"@en . . "3"^^ . . "232"^^ . "?"@en . "*Brunette \n*Snakes"@en . "Humans"@en . . . "--"@en . "Medium"@en . . . . . . . "Not bad"@en . . . . . "CR 7"@en . "Medusa is an evil goddess and is also the main villain of the Kid Icarus series. She rules the Underworld and wants to take over the earth as well as Skyworld."@en . "Aries-class Star Dreadnought"@en . . . . "Medusa"@en . . . "21000.0"^^ . . . "\u30E1\u30C7\u30A3\u30A6\u30B5"@es . . "UMA created by the BPL."@en . . "Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6 Attack: Shortbow +8 ranged (1d6/x3) or dagger +8 melee (1d4/19-20) or snakes +8 melee (1d4 plus poison) Full Attack: Shortbow +8/+3 ranged (1d6/x3); or dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4/19-20) and snakes +3 melee (1d4 plus poison) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Petrifying gaze, poison Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15 Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +9 (+11 acting), Intimidate +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +8 Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse Environment: Temperate marshes Organization: Solitary or covey (2-4) Challenge Rating: Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: -"@en . . "Average"@en . "Medusa is an Inhuman and wife to Black Bolt. While suffering from amnesia, she joined the Frightful Four for a brief time."@en . "File:Medusa.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . "2190"^^ . . . . "470"^^ . "18"^^ . "20"^^ . . . "All enemies can't move for 2 turn / battle start 20% chance"@en . . "Medusa is a famous, or perhaps infamous, character in Greek mythology. She is one of the three Gorgon sisters, of which she is the only mortal one. A single glance of her terrifying eyes is believed to turn the onlooker into stone. Even after she was decapitated by Perseus, her head is said to retain its powers of petrification. She is recognized as such a terrifying figure that her head is depicted on temples and buildings to protect them from evil spirits and thieves."@en . . "The myth of the Medusa's hideousness is greatly exaggerated - in fact it is the corruption and madness that ravages the former beauty of these creatures that creates the impression of ugliness. It is certainly not the mere sight of these beings that turns living beings into stone. Medusae are capable of petrifying their victims because they are magical beings, imbued with elemental powers which are a remnant from their previous lives, now sadly corrupted like the rest of their being. Driven by their madness and an unbearable sense of loss, they cannot bear to see beauty and attempt to destroy and corrupt what was once sacred to them to alleviate the pain they are suffering. This mentality makes them the natural consorts of demons and all things evil."@en . . "x0_medusa"@en . "415"^^ . "7763"^^ . "420"^^ . "Medusa en Ben 10."@es . . "Naomi Drive Yards"@en . "Raketenpack"@de . "Claws"@en . . "110"^^ . . "9900"^^ . . . "Sometimes demons purposely desecrate holy sites of nature to force the creation of Medusae but that process more often then not just leads to the demise of the earth spirits. Medusae themselves are much more proficient in corrupting such places while corrupting the bound spirit as well in the process. So sometimes small covens of Medusae are formed and some of them have even managed to carve themselves a niche in the demonic hierarchy."@en . "undefined"@en . . "20051"^^ . "Griega"@es . "399155651"^^ . . . . . . . "Medusa en A Link to the Past"@es . "?"@en . . . "100"^^ . . "Being viewed as a monster and hunted again"@en . . . . . "Medusa"@en . . . . . "??"@en . . "Meddux"@de . . "105"^^ . . "Melee , poisons you 42 hp at start per turn), 5x Terra Strike , Terra Wave , Great Smoke Bomb , Self-Healing , changes your appearance into a stone statue."@es . "no"@en . . "Nobita's New Great Adventure into the Underworld \u2013 The Seven Magic Users"@en . "Ranged Paralyze"@en . . . "Rot"@de . "11911"^^ . . . . "All enemies can't move for 2 turn / battle start 30% chance"@en . . "398"^^ . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . "Episodio 27"@en . . "408"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "Darth Sinity"@en . "40.0"^^ . . "Medusa f. (plural Medusas) 1. \n* jellyfish, medusa"@ia . "Unknown"@en . "120"^^ . "Robert Gant as Zor-El"@en . . "4050"^^ . . . "Diarahan\nPetra\nDiarahan\nDecarm\nGlare\nAbaremawari"@en . . . . "9"^^ . . . "Femme"@en . "Taurus Key"@en . "\"Medusa\" is the twelfth episode of the eighth season of The X-Files."@en . "2834"^^ . . "Medusa is the Chapter homeworld of the Iron Hands Chapter of Space Marines and of their lost Primarch, Ferrus Manus. The Feral World of Medusa is a harsh realm of perpetual gloom, situated precariously close to the Eye of Terror in the Segmentum Obscurus. The sun almost never breaks through the dark and polluted sky, as it constantly churns over a land of frozen mountain ranges, interspersed with volcanoes and boiling hot geysers. The landscape is under constant flux, the shifting of tectonic plates forming new mountains and seas, and destroying them as quickly as they are created."@en . "Medusa"@en . . . "Turned into stone"@en . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30B6 Meduza) is a female cyclops and a member of the Marines; having been stationed in the intimidating Marine base, G-6. She is the direct subordinate of her superior, Tombstone Grim, and as such, acts as the leader of G-6's 1st unit and second in command. Unlike Grim, Medusa seems less treacherous and more genuine in her desire to uphold justice. This contrast was made quite clear in how Medusa was left completely unaware of her superior officer's true intentions and nature. She has eaten the Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Hornsman, allowing her to become a cycloptic-snake woman, as well as include venomous bites into her attacks. It was because of her Devil Fruit power and her impressive status amongst the G-6 officers that lead to Medusa being mistaken as and rumored to be the legendary Dragon of G-6 (\u30BF\u30C4\u306EG6 Tatsu no G-Roku.) During the G-6 Arc of One Dream, Medusa came into conflict with the temporarily imprisoned and later freed Dieu-le-Veut Veronica, who managed to defeat Medusa after a violent struggle."@en . "She was the best known of the three and was often depicted as being a beautiful woman with snakes for hair. Like all Gorgons, she was noted for having the power to turn anyone who looked at her to stone. She was killed by the Greek hero Perseus. Her companions were later killed by Professor Edgar Nelson-Stanley and Sarah Jane Smith's team, respectively. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon) The Second Doctor and Zoe encountered Medusa in the Land of Fiction. This was a fictional construct based on the legends surrounding the real Medusa. (TV: The Mind Robber) Logan compared the Cyrene's appearance to a Medusa. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!) A woman resembling Medusa was one of the attractions at the Ancient Worlds theme park on Dewyn. She came under the control of a Chiffala and was used to attack guests attending the park. (COMIC: Minor Trouble / Inhuman Sacrifice / Crimes and Punishment)"@en . "Medusa (Japanese: \u30AF\u30E9\u30B2 Kurage) is the Gym Leader of Relicville's gym, titled the Relicville Gym. She gives the Antidote Badge to any trainer who defeats her. She specializes in Poison-type Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . "Medusa es un Tit\u00E1n de la mitolog\u00EDa griega. Medusa tiene un torso humano y una cola de una serpiente. El pelo forma una gran cabeza de serpiente. Ella se describe como muy potente por los miembros del Espiral de Sangre."@es . . . "Marshes"@en . . "Normal"@en . . "326"^^ . . "\u30B5\u30A4\u30D0\u30FC\u30FB\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5"@en . . "Brenda Strong as Lillian Luthor"@en . . . "Defense Crusher"@en . . "Hechicero Krono-Tit\u00E1n"@es . "Female"@en . "Mayor\u00EDa de videojuegos de la saga Castlevania"@es . "2750"^^ . "Team Affliations"@en . "Stonegaze"@en . "Steno"@en . "61112"^^ . "yes"@en . . "*May appear Lv 5 Besieged or higher if she is active in Arrapago Reef. \n**If the Undead Swarm is preparing she will despawn in Arrapago Reef and respawn an hour after Besieged is over.\n**Medusa's respawn timer is unknown if she is defeated in Besieged.\n**If appearing in Besieged, she can be found in Wajaom Woodlands while the Undead Swarm is advancing to Al Zahbi.\n*Spawns behind the Tidal Gate at on the third map of Arrapago Reefthird map.\n**To bypass the red Tidal Gate you must trade a Lamian Fang Key, Lamian Bone Key and Lamian Claw Key to the Gate. The Gate stays open for a short period of time and once closed, cannot be opened from the other side.\nthumb|Arrapago Reef"@en . . "2149"^^ . . "15"^^ . "Star Dreadnought"@en . "; Medusalith Amaquelin .jpg"@en . "Saint"@es . "Aurelia aurita"@es . . "A high level type of lamia, which possesses the upper body of a human woman and the lower body of a snake. They are very few in number, so they mostly live by themselves. Perhaps for that reason, they are awfully lonesome; but because of their extremely prideful and strong-willed personalities, they normally do not show it. They possess the ability to cause the body of whomever they make eye contact with to harden like stone. Besides catching their prey animals with this ability, they also use it to stop a man from moving so they can drag him back to their lair as their husband for reproduction when they find a man who strikes their fancy. They also use this ability during sex. In this case only the man\u2019s limbs are petrified, to prevent him from moving. They also are likely to restrain him with their snake bodies while forcing intercourse. Since they are such extremely lonely girls by nature, when they are joined with a man and embraced in his arms, they may petrify his arms and legs to prevent him letting go of them. After sex has ended they may even petrify a man's penis and try to have sex with him again because they do not want to be separated from him, or so it is said. The vagina of a Medusa can provide the penis with two different types of stimulation: a squeezing that is pleasantly cool like stone, and conversely, a lukewarm feeling when they begin to seek their man even more and squeeze more desperately. The pleasure provided is likely to be more than sufficient to enthrall a man. Living things petrified by their ability never die from it. It can be healed if the Medusa undoes it herself, or with one of the magic items or medicines circulating through the marketplace. Also, if they leave a man petrified without choosing him as a husband, generally, before the petrification wears off, another monster starving for a man will carry him off. Then just when the petrification does wear off, he will find himself having sex with that monster. A medusa\u2019s hair turns into snakes from the middle. Each of them can move freely, but since they share the same will as the Medusa, if she isn\u2019t hostile, there\u2019s probably no worry of being attacked. Medusa are stubborn and pretty much never show their true feelings, but the snake hairs are different from the main body and reflect their feelings and consciousness as is. For that reason, the hairs are straight-forward, just the opposite of the stubborn main body, they will aggressively wrap themselves around a man they like and snuggle up, so it is possible to discern the true heart of the Medusa from the behavior of the snakes. Also, just like the lamia, they are extremely jealous. If a man were to cheat on a Medusa, he would end up being left petrified for days with his wife coiled around him and roughly milking him by constantly having sex, so be careful. |-|Old Encyclopedia Pages= 140-141 Medusa.JPG|2nd Revision English Encyclopedia Page MEDUSA.jpg|1st Revision English Encyclopedia Page |-|Extra Artwork= Medusa Change.jpg Z Medusa.jpg doncella medusa.jpg Bath.jpg|A Medusa enjoying a hot spring. medusa_badge.jpg as005.gif |-|Fan Artwork= 7993c1a37b9e06f53908acf5e29d279dd9a27821.gif 20dcf602f0b69134bfdf52cff9cdfd09.jpg Medusa.jpg ThCAUG8URH.jpg|Gender Bender Medusa maid ver.jpg b84e88f0a18ed170a51176829b5b6c7f.jpg Medusa colored upped2.jpg|Coloring credits to User:Mad Larry toenljf_by_p01ntless-d803ou1.jpg|Tsundusa __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . "Medusae are largely feared and respected by the common public, not only for their writhing mass of serpents for hair and their petrifying gaze, but also for their venomous bite and knowledge of potion-brewing. Medusae are able to suppress their deadly gaze at will, but this control may slip in moments of rage or other strong emotion."@en . "Medusa is a region or planet under a twilight shroud. Liquid water can be found on its surface, which features basins and cliffs."@en . . . . "Tyrant"@en . "-15"^^ . . "Impact 2\nGeo"@en . . "298"^^ . . "Kategoria:Szkic right|218px Medusa Amaquelin Boltagon - kr\u00F3lowa Inhumans, bohaterka i \u017Cona Black Bolta."@pl . "Medusa is monster #26 from the Series 1 figures."@en . . . "Medusa is the main antagonist of the Kid Icarus series. She first appeared in the original Kid Icarus, and returned along with the rest of the cast in the Nintendo 3DS game Kid Icarus: Uprising. Much like Palutena was based on the Greek goddess Pallas Athena, Medusa is based on the mythological character with the same name. The relation between the two characters also derives from the myths, where Athena transformed her into her monstrous shape."@en . . . "Medusa es un personaje eventual de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es una anciana bastante famosa por ser una antigua celebridad del Submundo, siendo una de los antiguos que viven en la residencia Cumbres Borrascosas de Endsville. Medusa destaca por las serpientes que forman su pelo y por su ic\u00F3nica habilidad de convertir en piedra a aquellos que la miran a los ojos. Tal es su fama que se han llegado a hacer representaciones de su cabeza que poseen tambi\u00E9n este poder p\u00E9treo."@es . . "[Ast] Collect Radar Component"@en . "Medusa oli Poseidonin tytt\u00F6yst\u00E4v\u00E4 josta tuli hirvi\u00F6."@fi . "341983"^^ . . . "0.85"^^ . . . . . . . . "315"^^ . "Balanced"@en . "316"^^ . . . . . "3135"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Medusa is a dangerous monster with her own level, which is somewhere in the main Dungeons of Doom, but below the level that contains the magic portal to the Quest. The difficult thing about reaching Medusa is crossing the water full of sea monsters. Levitation or water walking boots are the most common ways to cross the water. Using a wand of cold or the cone of cold spell to freeze a path across the water is another option, as is using boulders from scrolls of earth, or some means of jumping. An amulet of magical breathing may also be used to traverse the level underwater, with attendant effects. If crossing the water is not an option, you may also opt to dig a hole to the next level and then come back up by using the staircase. The stairs to the next level are in the same room as Medusa, so make sure that you are either blind or have reflection before going up the stairs! Having reached her, you must now deal with her. Beware; as in Greek mythology, her gaze can turn people to stone. The best way to avoid this is to have reflection; she will look at you, see her reflection, and turn to stone. This can also be achieved by applying mirror on her. Otherwise, you may blind yourself, polymorph into a stoning-resistant creature and beat her to death, or you may rely on the speed system to kill her in one turn, with Finger of Death or a wand of Death. Also, if you have the sleep spell, apply that to her and kill her normally. Note that killing Medusa by reflecting her gaze breaks the pacifist conduct. Becoming invisible does not prevent you from meeting her gaze. Pacifists may find it useful to simply blind her and let the pets deal with her \"peacefully\", or give Medusa some wands and reflect the attacks while blinded and standing on an active E word. If you don't have reflection, you might like to investigate the statue of Perseus after killing Medusa. Sometimes Medusa can escape to the upstairs, and/or up to the previous level. So if you lost track of her (i.e. entered blind and then she disappeared from the telepathy map but you don't see a corpse), beware of her around her lair and on the level immediately above."@en . "29"^^ . . "270"^^ . "250"^^ . . . "Medusa is the guardian of the Power Items, which are capable of destroying the Three Sacred Treasures. She is even uglier than Mother Brain and can turn anyone who looks at her to stone. She used her beautiful voice to trick Simon Belmont into looking at her, but Medusa herself was turned to stone when she saw her reflection in Kid Icarus' Mirror Shield. Her petrified victims were then restored to normal."@en . "Unknown"@en . "250"^^ . . "Medusa is the twelfth mission conducted by The Ghosts during the 2007 Korean war."@en . . . . . "198"^^ . . . "8"^^ . "Maestr\u00EDa en combate con armas griegas"@es . "6"^^ . "15"^^ . "11"^^ . "12"^^ . . . "Skills and Abilities"@en . "14"^^ . . "15"^^ . "12"^^ . "17"^^ . . "desconhecidos"@pt . . . "Race: monstrous humanoid Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 33 Attack bonus: +8 (ranged), +7 (melee) Damage: 2d6 (shortbow +1), d4+1 (dagger +1) Disarmed: d4 (piercing creature weapon) on monster hit: medium spider venom Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 6 Size: medium Trained skills:(\u2021) move silently (9), spot (10) Feats: weapon finesse, weapon focus (shortbow), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (exotic), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple)"@en . . . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:Plantilla de personaje vieja Medusa (\u30AF\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0, Kuraggu) Kurage, o Medusa, es un Caballero exclusivo del Anime que forma parte de un grupo de guerreros exiliados bajo el nombre de Caballeros Fantasma, que se encuadran dentro de los Caballeros sin constelaci\u00F3n. Est\u00E1 bajo las \u00F3rdenes de Geist y vive junto con sus compa\u00F1eros en el Mar Caribe, tras su expulsi\u00F3n del Santuario."@es . "71016"^^ . "4"^^ . . "Der Medusa ist Teil der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und geh\u00F6rt zur Serie 10. Die Minifigur hat keine Ausstattung. Die Minifigur hat folgende F\u00E4higkeiten: Datei:CM_vier_sterne.pngKraft Datei:CM_drei_sterne.pngKreativit\u00E4t Datei:CM_vier_sterne.pngTempo"@de . . "5"^^ . . . "69"^^ . . . . . "938"^^ . "936"^^ . . "937"^^ . . . . . . . "Lonataya"@en . "A tribe of snake people. Their snake hair is horrifying but they are unexpectedly friendly."@en . "[Ast] Collect Radar Component"@en . "May Dusa; Medusa .jpg"@en . . . "54"^^ . . . . "12"^^ . "14"^^ . "--"@es . . . . "15"^^ . . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . . . "41"^^ . "N/A"@en . "37"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "La Gran Aventura de Billy y Mandy con el Coco"@es . . "37"^^ . "Medusa can also control some green flames, and create things with smoke, she deceives Princess Amina, who was cursed as a child, because it has a very strong power of evil, she wants to own, so it makes an \"agreement that it may run out of these powers and live a normal person, if you can find true love. In the end, Medusa fighting princess, recovering his powers, it transforms into a giant snake, but with a spiked sword in her chest, she comes back to normal, and turns into a statue Medusa resembles Ursula, Maleficent, Hades and Madame Medusa."@en . "125"^^ . "[Fuente] Dr. Medusa era una bruja o un mago. En la p\u00E1gina veinte de El Profeta fue nombrado como doctor, entonces presumiblemente escribi\u00F3 una columna de consejos para el peri\u00F3dico."@es . . . "29"^^ . "172800.0"^^ . "27060.0"^^ . "2805"^^ . "41"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . "2301"^^ . "medusae"@en . "23"^^ . ": Immobilize"@en . "John Doggett leads team into Boston subway.jpg"@en . . "Medusa.jpg"@en . . . "Empty Hydra Shell"@en . . "14"^^ . "98105"^^ . "15"^^ . "70"^^ . . "10"^^ . . . . "??"@en . "11"^^ . "Runs away at low health . It changes targets very often. They sometimes deal deadly combos almost as dangerous as a demon. They have the ability to kill a level 80 knight with one strong combo. Soloing below 150 is possible but not recommended as they usually appear with many other Medusas, Hydras and Serpent Spawns."@es . "1276"^^ . . . "Medusalith Amaquelin alias Medusa ist die K\u00F6nigin der Inhumans. Sie ist verlobt mit Black Bolt den Herrscher der Inhumans. Ausserdem ist sie der \u00FCbersetzer von Black bolt, da die Druckwelle seiner Stimme so m\u00E4chtig ist das er schweigt. Medusa BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher"@de . . "Medusae were monstrous beings with bodies that are covered in scales and rather than hair, they had a writhing mass of serpents growing from their scalp."@en . "12"^^ . . . . . "I'll fight to my last breath."@en . "Not bad"@en . "15"^^ . . "Glare\nTentarafoo\nAgirama"@en . . "102"^^ . "14378"^^ . . . . "Diarahan\nMakaranda\nMakarakarn"@en . "Medusa, die Gorgone (Gorgonin), ist eine Agilit\u00E4ts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernk\u00E4mpferin der Dire, ihren Angriff auf mehrere Gegner ausweiten und sich selbst sch\u00FCtzen kann. Im Spiel \u00FCbernimmt sie die Rolle eines Carrys. Medusas erste F\u00E4higkeit Split Shot verbraucht kein Mana und kann jederzeit umgestellt werden, um ihren Angriff auf der h\u00F6chsten Stufe auf bis zu f\u00FCnf Gegner auszuweiten. Allerdings wird dadurch der Angriff von Medusa prozentual verringert. Durch Mystic Snake kann Medusa eine magische Schlange zwischen gegnerischen Einheiten umherschicken, die Schaden verursacht und Mana stiehlt, welches Medusa erh\u00E4lt. Mana Shield, ihre dritte F\u00E4higkeit, erm\u00F6glicht es Medusa, einen Schild um sie zu beschw\u00F6ren, der die H\u00E4lfte jedes eingehenden Schadens absorbiert, dabei jedoc"@de . "The Gift"@en . . "myth"@en . . . . . . "Medusa was a gorgon and could turn people into stone with one look"@en . . "Resist: Poison, Panic, Sleep, Bind, Sick"@en . . "106"^^ . "Elementals"@en . . . "6"^^ . . . . "Character"@en . "Kid Icarus"@en . "Boule de feu, glace"@fr . . . "-"@en . "They chase you to hit you in melee range. Retargets very often. Runs away at low health . They sometimes deal deadly combos almost as dangerous as a demon. They have the ability to kill a level 80 knight with one strong combo. Soloing below 150 is possible but not recommended as they usually appear with many other Medusae, Hydras and Serpent Spawns."@en . "20.0"^^ . . "Venne uccisa dall'eroe greco Perseo all'epoca dei miti, e la sua testa donata ad Atena. D'allora si narra che il Cavaliere di Perseo combatta utilizzando la testa della gorgone come arma, posta nel suo Scudo della Medusa. Viene rappresentata come una donna dalla pelle pallida, con serpenti al posto dei capelli e ali da pipistrello. Nell'immagine descrittiva del mito di Episode G appare molto pi\u00F9 grande rispetto a Perseo (quasi il doppio)."@en . "No"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Vuk; Vuk from Avengers Vol 1 4 0002.jpg"@en . "Medusa"@es . "white"@en . . . . "Orange"@de . . . "5"^^ . . . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . . . . . "12"^^ . "3025"^^ . "None"@en . . "0.0"^^ . "Medusa"@pl . . "-"@en . . . "no"@en . "8101"^^ . "5760"^^ . "No"@en . "71166"^^ . "A writhing mass of serpents"@en . . "Stan Lee, Jack Kirby"@en . "UMA created by the BPL."@en . "Medusalith Amaquelin"@de . . "19"^^ . "300"^^ . "220"^^ . "The Medusa was a Gorgon, a creature of Greek legend which had snakes for hair and a petrifying gaze."@en . "89"^^ . "Medusa is an Inhuman and wife to Black Bolt. While suffering from amnesia, she joined the Frightful Four for a brief time."@en . . "Medusa:\n* can fly.\n* can swim.\n* is amphibious.\n* is a humanoid.\n* is poisonous.\n* is an omnivore.\n* is always hostile.\n* is strong.\n* is female.\n* waits for you to come.\n* is visible by infravision."@en . . "Gorgon"@en . "--"@es . "Ranged"@en . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "6"^^ . . . "200"^^ . "23"^^ . . . . "Medusa"@pt . . . . "Medusa es el mundo natal del Cap\u00EDtulo de Marines Espaciales de los Manos de Hierro. El Mundo Salvaje de Medusa es un duro reino de oscuridad perpetua, situado precariamente cerca del Ojo del Terror en el Segmentum Obscurus. El sol casi nunca atraviesa el oscuro y contaminado cielo, que se retuerce sobre una tierra de cordilleras congeladas intercaladas con volcanes y g\u00E9iseres hirvientes. El paisaje cambia constantemente a medida que el movimiento de las placas tect\u00F3nicas forma nuevas monta\u00F1as y mares y los destruye tan r\u00E1pido como los cre\u00F3."@es . . . . "The Medusa is a breed of Ghouly that first appears in the first visit to the Lighthouse Store in Chapter 2. Medusas function as the sentinels of Ghoulhaven Hall, patrolling the rooms they're in and not actively pursuing Cooper, only initiating combat if he comes within close proximity with them. In summary, Medusas work as obstacles in Cooper's pursuit of the next door that are better avoided since they pose a medium-to-high threat as combatants. Medusas have 30 Energy and are the eleventh ghouly encountered in the game."@en . "Normal"@en . . . "Medusalith Amaquelin Boltagon"@en . "Not bad"@en . "Medusa"@es . . "Medusa"@en . "Doctor"@en . . "Gorgon Curse - 12 Turns"@en . . "Medusa is a Titan from Greek mythology. Medusa has a human-like torso with the tail of a serpent. Her hair forms a large snake head. A Medusa Amulet is in the possession of Lok Lambert."@en . . . . "2"^^ . . "Following the threat by Regina at the royal wedding, Snow begins to worry about her future. With their honeymoon coming up soon, Charming tries to persuade Snow that Regina's threats are nothing but words at this moment in time. Snow reluctantly agrees to go on her honeymoon, but deceives Charming into going to her parents old summer house...where a legendary beast is said to live in the caves nearby - and it could possibly help defeat Regina. The beast is Medusa, and Snow plans on chopping her head off so she can make Regina look into its eyes and turn to stone. As she secretly plans to set off, Charming finds her, but instead of stopping her, joins her, as he knows this is the only way his wife will be happy. As they attempt to defeat the beast, Charming unfortunately is turned to stone when he looks into Medusa's eyes. Regina uses the reflection of a mirror in a shield to gloat to Snow, stating that she's ruining her own happy ending so she needs to do nothing. However, now noticing the mirror, Snow gets an idea. She points the mirror at Medusa, forcing her to look at herself and turn to stone. This thus releases Charming from his stone form and he returns to normal. (\"The New Neverland\")"@en . . "Medusa is a mythological creature who could transform people, who looked directly into her eyes, into a statue. , they deal deadly combos and can hit almost as hard as a demon."@es . . . . "her temple"@en . . . . . "The Mother of Pegasus and Chrysaor"@en . "+15 Schaden"@de . "15"^^ . "1990"^^ . . "Kid Icarus: Uprising"@en . "804"^^ . . "101392"^^ . . . "5890"^^ . . . "Medusae are largely feared and respected by the common public, not only for their writhing mass of serpents for hair and their petrifying gaze, but also for their venomous bite and knowledge of potion-brewing. Medusae are able to suppress their deadly gaze at will, but this control may slip in moments of rage or other strong emotion."@en . "99062"^^ . . . . . "Rod"@en . "50"^^ . "In-game appearance"@en . . "?"@en . . "Firing a bow and arrow, whipping the Spartan with her tail, petrifying the Spartan"@en . . . . . . . "190"^^ . "2560"^^ . "Troll Core"@en . "Bolas de Hielo"@es . "199"^^ . . "A woman of apparently Asian descent with snake's hair, like those of the mythological gorgons, she participated in a video conference with Dr. Helen Magnus and other house heads during the crisis surrounding the Lazarus virus and the Cabal's superabnormals."@en . . "TBA"@en . "*Stheno\n*Euryale"@en . . . "Medusa"@sv . . "Appearances"@en . . . . . . . "* Poison Mind, Boss Theme, original CastleVania & Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Johannes Brahms"@en . "hide"@en . "180"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "Physical, 1-3 hits, one enemy"@en . "Normal"@en . "15.0"^^ . . . "Tempo de Vida"@pt . . "Normal"@en . "-"@en . . . . "25"^^ . . "Small"@en . . "1450"^^ . . . "Medusa ist eine au\u00DFerirdische Kopfgeldj\u00E4gerin und eine Feindin der Turtles in der neunten Staffel der 1987iger Cartoonserie."@de . "86400.0"^^ . . "The Mind Robber"@en . . . . . "\"Medusa\" is the eighth episode of the second season of Supergirl. The episode starts four-part crossover with the eighth episode of the third season of The Flash, eight episode of the fifth season of Arrow and seventh episode of the second season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It aired on November 28, 2016."@en . "Medusa is a gorgon who can turn people to stone if they look her directly in her eyes."@en . "Vandura Mountain , Talahu , Deeper Banuta"@es . "--"@en . "*Kid Icarus\n*Kid Icarus: Uprising"@en . "Null Warp"@en . . "Helen Slater as Eliza Danvers"@en . "Monstrous humanoid"@en . "Inhuman Royal Family, Fantastic Four, Frightful Four, Lady Liberators, Illuminati, Future Foundation"@en . "Ghost"@en . "Medusa"@pt . . . . "desconhecido"@pt . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . "Carol Katz"@de . . "Medusalith Amaquelin alias Medusa ist die K\u00F6nigin der Inhumans. Sie ist verlobt mit Black Bolt den Herrscher der Inhumans. Ausserdem ist sie der \u00FCbersetzer von Black bolt, da die Druckwelle seiner Stimme so m\u00E4chtig ist das er schweigt. Medusa BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher"@de . . "I'll turn you to stone if it's the last..."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "daily-prophet"@en . "Peso"@pt . . "14026"^^ . "4"^^ . "2250"^^ . . . "Strong-willed, stubborn"@en . "The Medusa is a Necromorph found exclusively in Zero-G environments. It has only been encountered on Tau Volantis, and is believed to be derived from a lifeform native to the planet."@en . . "Medusa (Japanese: \u30AF\u30E9\u30B2 Kurage) is the Gym Leader of Relicville's gym, titled the Relicville Gym. She gives the Antidote Badge to any trainer who defeats her. She specializes in Poison-type Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . "Xi Hydrae star system, Alpha or Beta Quadrant"@en . "917"^^ . . . "The Mind Robber"@de . . "Medusa's artwork from Kid Icarus: Uprising"@en . "La medusa (Jellyfish en ingl\u00E9s) es un invertebrado conocido por estar formado en un 95% por agua y tambi\u00E9n muy conocido por sus picaduras en la vida real (en Animal Crossing no puede picar a nadie). En Animal Crossing: New Leaf se pueden observar otro tipo de medusas que aparecen todo el a\u00F1o por el agua mientras el jugador est\u00E1 nadando, las cuales lo picar\u00E1n si se acerca."@es . "Little"@en . "1740"^^ . "57"^^ . . "Hydra Fin"@en . . "8312"^^ . "S\u00ED"@es . . "Medusa System"@en . "Name: MedusaLokalit\u00E4t: \u00C4u\u00DFeres Rim-Territorium"@de . "Medusa 310.png"@en . . . "weiblich"@de . . . . "3.0"^^ . . "928"^^ . . . "Hinweise zur Versteinerung"@de . . . . "Medusa.jpg"@en . "\u2010"@en . . "Dormin\nStone\nBottoraa"@en . "Ilustraci\u00F3n de Castlevania: Lament of Innocence"@es . . . "None"@en . "Medusa"@fi . . "180"^^ . . . . . "Medusa is a humanoid creature who appeared in Season 3 of the Land of the Lost (1974 TV series), the episode of the same name."@en . "Inhumans"@de . "14257"^^ . "38"^^ . "She was the best known of the three and was often depicted as being a beautiful woman with snakes for hair. Like all Gorgons, she was noted for having the power to turn anyone who looked at her to stone. She was killed by the Greek hero Perseus. Her companions were later killed by Professor Edgar Nelson-Stanley and Sarah Jane Smith's team, respectively. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon) The Second Doctor and Zoe encountered Medusa in the Land of Fiction. This was a fictional construct based on the legends surrounding the real Medusa. (TV: The Mind Robber)"@en . "Medusa"@en . "*The Fanimatrix"@en . "Der Medusa ist Teil der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und geh\u00F6rt zur Serie 10. Die Minifigur hat keine Ausstattung. Die Minifigur hat folgende F\u00E4higkeiten: Datei:CM_vier_sterne.pngKraft Datei:CM_drei_sterne.pngKreativit\u00E4t Datei:CM_vier_sterne.pngTempo"@de . . "Medusa is monster #26 from the Series 1 figures."@en . "Carnivorous, animal meat, etc."@en . . . . "71001"^^ . . "item"@en . . "Medusa is one of the New Olympians in the unproduced Gargoyles spinoff."@en . "0"^^ . "The House of Hades"@en . "The Last Olympian"@en . "Independent"@en . "-"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Null"@en . "Medium"@en . "17"^^ . . . "[[Datei:Sja 03 medusa.jpg|thumb|290px|Antlitz der Medusa in der SJA-Episode Eye of the Gorgon]] Medusa ist eine Figur der griechischen Mythologie. In der Doctor Who-Episode The Mind Robber begegnen der Zweite Doctor und Zoe der Medusa in einem Labyrinth im Land der Fiktionen. Zoe kann sich kaum gegen die Macht der Medusa wehren, da erinnert sich der Doctor an die List des Perseus und benutzt einen Handspiegel, um die Medusa zu versteinern."@de . . . . . . "-"@en . . "medusa"@en . "11232.0"^^ . "Cree Summer"@en . . . "??"@en . . . . . "Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level der Medusas."@de . "Medusa"@en . "The Medusa is a breed of Ghouly that first appears in the first visit to the Lighthouse Store in Chapter 2. Medusas function as the sentinels of Ghoulhaven Hall, patrolling the rooms they're in and not actively pursuing Cooper, only initiating combat if he comes within close proximity with them. In summary, Medusas work as obstacles in Cooper's pursuit of the next door that are better avoided since they pose a medium-to-high threat as combatants. Medusas have 30 Energy and are the eleventh ghouly encountered in the game."@en . . . . . "12"^^ . "Torre de Ganon"@es . "Medusa"@en . . . . "144"^^ . "Poison Scratch\nEye Force\nParalysis Bite\nPetra Eye\nMahazanma\nMediarama"@en . . . "Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor"@en . "d4 on monster hit: medium spider venom"@en . "La misi\u00F3n de Zhalia"@es . . "100"^^ . . "\"Zhalia's Mission\""@en . "42"^^ . "Medusa; Medusa .jpg"@en . . "Thule Sector"@en . "sword"@en . . . . . "135"^^ . . "Blueprint 4"@en . . . "The Son of Neptune"@en . "Neutral"@en . . . "siehe links"@de . "B = Sides = Up = Down = Final Smash = Medusa's Stare: Medusa opens her eyes, and everyone on the stage turns into stone. Then you are able to punch them until they crumble into dust or throw the statues at other statues."@en . . . "no"@es . "10"^^ . . . "In Greek mythology, Medusa (Greek: \u039C\u03AD\u03B4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C3\u03B1), meaning \"guardian\", \"protectress\" was a Gorgon, a chthonic female monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. Gazing directly upon her would turn men to stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, using the sword Harpe, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield (the Aegis).."@en . "Categor\u00EDa:Plantilla de personaje vieja Medusa (\u30AF\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0, Kuraggu) Kurage, o Medusa, es un Caballero exclusivo del Anime que forma parte de un grupo de guerreros exiliados bajo el nombre de Caballeros Fantasma, que se encuadran dentro de los Caballeros sin constelaci\u00F3n. Est\u00E1 bajo las \u00F3rdenes de Geist y vive junto con sus compa\u00F1eros en el Mar Caribe, tras su expulsi\u00F3n del Santuario."@es . "no"@en . "179"^^ . "Twilight"@en . "50000"^^ . "Active"@en . . . . . . . "Gorgon"@en . "6"^^ . "25"^^ . . . "91126"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . "8441"^^ . "Medusa_CF.jpg"@es . . . . . "17"^^ . ":::Medusa: Well, well..."@en . "Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt"@de . . . "15"^^ . . . "Abnormal"@en . "Gorgone"@en . . . . . . "80"^^ . . "F"@en . "240"^^ . "76"^^ . . "300.0"^^ . . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30B5) is an enemy that appears in many Romancing SaGa games. In Romancing SaGa 2 she is the upgraded form of the Lilith and attacks with almost Identical attacks though Medusa is more likely to use stare and charm party members so it is best to take them down first as fast as possible before too much damage can be done from charm. In Romancing SaGa 3 Medusa attacks with more earth based attacks using magic like Stone Bullet and Crack she also comes back with her stare attack but this time instead of charm stone."@en . "-"@en . "770"^^ . "15"^^ . . "File:Medusa.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . "18237"^^ . . "s\u00ED"@es . . "N"@en . "Leader of the Underworld Army"@en . . "Low"@en . "Palacio de Hielo"@es . "Normal"@en . . . . . . "\"Medusa\""@en . "95000"^^ . "R"@en . "18"^^ . "Medusa"@en . "250"^^ . . "Medusa es un monstruo legendario con serpientes venenosas vivas en el lugar de cabello, cuya mirada puede convertir a sus v\u00EDctimas en piedra. A veces ella es referida como Reina Medusa, que le dota con poder sobre todas las serpientes y conocimiento de secretos olvidados hace tiempo. Ella es tan s\u00F3lo una de las tres hermanas Gorgona (siendo las otras dos Esteno y Eur\u00EDale) y la \u00FAnica de las tres que es mortal. Ha aparecido en casi todos los videojuegos de la saga Castlevania hasta la fecha y por lo general se le representa teniendo una enorme cola de serpiente desde su cintura hacia abajo, al igual que Lamia, aunque tambi\u00E9n ha aparecido solo como una cabeza gigante. Adem\u00E1s de la misma Medusa, varias Cabezas de Medusa flotantes aparecen como enemigos regulares en la mayor\u00EDa de los videojuegos. De acuerdo con las descripciones oficiales en muchos de los videojuegos, todas estas criaturas nacieron de la cabeza de Medusa, en algunos casos engendradas de su cabeza decapitada."@es . "Not to be confused with Madame Medusa. Medusa is a good example of what happens if you fall out with a goddess and don't check what is inside a shampoo bottle."@en . "\u201ESssssieh mir in die Augen.\u201C\n\nDie aus der griechischen Mythologie bekannte Medusa l\u00E4sst jedes Lebewesen mit ihrem Blick zu Stein erstarren. Was vielen Menschen wie ein Fluch erscheint, macht der Medusa riesigen Spa\u00DF, auch wenn der Effekt nur wenige Stunden anh\u00E4lt.\n\nLeider ist ihre Legende inzwischen so bekannt, dass niemand ihr zu nahe kommt und sie ihrem hinterh\u00E4ltigen Hobby kaum noch nachgehen kann. Sie hat schon alle m\u00F6glichen Tricks ausprobiert, ist aus einem Geb\u00FCsch oder einem Fernseher herausgesprungen oder im Schlangenhaus eines Zoos untergetaucht\u2026 doch ihr Zischen hat sie immer verraten!"@de . . . "208"^^ . "192"^^ . "57"^^ . "Walk"@en . . . . . . . "Null"@en . "8"^^ . "2001"^^ . "Former Priestess of Athena"@en . . . . "41"^^ . . . "hide"@es . "9"^^ . . . "10"^^ . . . "37"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . . . "59"^^ . "6"^^ . . "It is armed with an anti-structure Flux Beam and a medium range EMP missile. Its secondary ability is the Solidify Matrix, which repairs all units around the Medusa. It can be upgraded with Amplification Overrides, which increases the damage of the Flux beam and adds a slowing effect, gives the EMP missile a larger radius and longer EMP, and increases the damage repaired by the Solidify Matrix."@en . "myth"@en . "24"^^ . "Medusa is a super-hero in the Marvel Universe and a member of the race known as the Inhumans."@en . . "Leadership Experience, Great Understanding of Black Bolt's Non-Verbal Communication"@en . "Medium"@en . . "Todo el d\u00EDa"@es . "220"^^ . . "19"^^ . . . . . "; Medusalith Amaquelin 001.jpg"@en . . "*Phorcys \n*Ceto \n*Nereus \n*Thaumas \n*Eurybia \n*Stheno \n*Euryale \u2020\n*Scylla \u2020\n*Poseidon \u2020\n*Pegasus \n*Charybdis \n*Geryon \n*Chrysaor \n*Siren"@en . "15"^^ . . "Femenino"@es . . "Paralyze\nPetrify"@en . . . . "Com\u00FAn"@es . . . "Mirada de piedra"@es . "54"^^ . . . . ":*If she is defeated in Besieged, the Undead Swarm will undoubtedly call a retreat.\n\nArrapago Reef - To reach Medusa in Arrapago Reef, one player must be in possession of a Lamian Bone Key, Lamian Claw Key and the Lamian Fang Key to open the Red Tidal Gate. You will also need at least one other Lamian Fang Key to reach the area where the red Tidal Gate lies on Map 3 using the route described below.\n:*The quickest route to Medusa is by using the Runic Portal to teleport to Dvucca Isle Staging Point and entering Arrapago Reef at just northwest of the Staging Point. \n:*Once you have entered the Reef from the Mire, you will be on Map 9 of Arrapago Reef. Head to the Southeast corner of on this map and open the Iron Gate. No key is needed to bypass this door.\n:*After passing through the gate, you will arrive on Map 3 of Arrapago Reef. From here you will make your way North then West to the Iron Gate located at the top part of the square. This Iron gate can only be opened by using a Lamian Fang Key or by having a Thief pick the lock using the appropriate tools. Passing through this gate will take you to of Map 10.\n:*Once past the gate, head East to the Iron Gate at . Once past this gate you will be back on Map 3 of the Reef.\n:*Make your way East accross the ship and into the area where the Dweomershells and Jnun are located until you come accross the ship at . Two Nix Songstresses roam this ship and are True Sight. Take the ramp down on the Northwest portion of the ship into and and proceed slightly Northwest into . \n:*Look for a tunnel in the upper right corner of and follow it to the end to reach the Red Tidal Gate. Medusa is located in the room beyond the gate. \n*When defeated, she says: \"No...I cannot leave my sisters...\"\n*For a navigation guide, see the Talk Page."@en . "2"^^ . "Human"@en . . . "Name: MedusaLokalit\u00E4t: \u00C4u\u00DFeres Rim-Territorium"@de . "Sue Pulford"@en . "(No info yet. Why not become the first one to write it?) Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__"@en . . "43"^^ . . . "Cnidarya"@de . "39"^^ . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Lilith | Louis XIII | ZENIGATA File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage)"@en . "Medusa II"@en . "Medusa"@en . "37"^^ . . "34"^^ . "35"^^ . "8545"^^ . . "104"^^ . "33"^^ . . "It is later revealed that Medusa's incarnation in the remake is in fact, Miyoko's mother, Ms. Mangetsu. She made a deal to Demaon to save her daughter, but at the costs of having her soul taken away by Demaon and turn her into a demon."@en . . "-"@en . "\"The New Neverland\""@en . . . "17"^^ . "*Petrification\n*Glamouring\n*Teleportation\n*Electrokinesis"@en . "Krono-Titan Sorcerer"@en . "21"^^ . "Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion."@en . "300"^^ . "hide"@es . . . "52"^^ . . . "She is the main antagonist of the original Kid Icarus, and the main antagonist of Kid Icarus: Uprising until the end of Chapter 9. She is voiced by Cree Summer in the English version of Uprising, and by Naomi Shind\u014D in the Japanese version of the game."@en . "ihr Blick versteinert"@de . "26"^^ . . "15"^^ . "She is legendary monster from Greek Myths. Once decapitated by Perseus as part of his own quest. Through the actions of a jealous Hera, Medusa's two gorgon sisters were set free from their prison on the then hovering Paradise Island. The two then set out to be reunited with their long dead sister. Forcing Circe to recreate the gorgon. Circe at first was unwilling to simply aid the two sisters and followed the letter rather than the spirit of the deal and resurrected only Medusa's head, citing that it had been the part the two sisters had handed her and demanded it be remade. Posidon then promises Circe she would be reunited with her daughter, who was being raised by the Amazons, if she resurrected Medusa. To this Circe agreed, and a vengeful Medusa was reborn."@en . . "None"@en . "Kid Icarus series"@en . "Medusa can also control some green flames, and create things with smoke, she deceives Princess Amina, who was cursed as a child, because it has a very strong power of evil, she wants to own, so it makes an \"agreement that it may run out of these powers and live a normal person, if you can find true love. In the end, Medusa fighting princess, recovering his powers, it transforms into a giant snake, but with a spiked sword in her chest, she comes back to normal, and turns into a statue Medusa resembles Ursula, Maleficent, Hades and Madame Medusa."@en . "6"^^ . . "116"^^ . "12"^^ . . "3"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "Hey, look! Look!"@en . "13"^^ . "30"^^ . "14"^^ . "78"^^ . "snakes"@en . "Medusa Web; Medusa Web.jpg"@en . . "There are actually many medusas that live out in the desert, and which have turned many people into statues. While there are hints that this Medusa is the same one Perseus killed, how she came to be alive again is not explained (during the series or literature)."@en . "Temperate"@en . . "29"^^ . . . "Large Talon"@en . "Medusa is a dangerous monster with her own level, which is somewhere in the main Dungeons of Doom, but below the level that contains the magic portal to the Quest. The difficult thing about reaching Medusa is crossing the water full of sea monsters. Levitation or water walking boots are the most common ways to cross the water. Using a wand of cold or the cone of cold spell to freeze a path across the water is another option, as is using boulders from scrolls of earth, or some means of jumping. An amulet of magical breathing may also be used to traverse the level underwater, with attendant effects. If crossing the water is not an option, you may also opt to dig a hole to the next level and then come back up by using the staircase. The stairs to the next level are in the same room as Medusa,"@en . "Unknown"@en . "s\u00ED"@es . . . "The Greeks"@en . "20"^^ . . "Medoozy; Medoozy .jpg"@en . . "Tend\u00EAncia"@pt . . "(North Korea)"@en . . "15"^^ . "Rush"@en . . "siehe links"@de . . . . . "17"^^ . "Resident Commissioner's compound"@en . "N/A"@en . "S\u00F6ldnerin"@de . "102"^^ . "desconhecida"@pt . "Following the threat by Regina at the royal wedding, Snow begins to worry about her future. With their honeymoon coming up soon, Charming tries to persuade Snow that Regina's threats are nothing but words at this moment in time. Snow reluctantly agrees to go on her honeymoon, but deceives Charming into going to her parents old summer house...where a legendary beast is said to live in the caves nearby - and it could possibly help defeat Regina. The beast is Medusa, and Snow plans on chopping her head off so she can make Regina look into its eyes and turn to stone. As she secretly plans to set off, Charming finds her, but instead of stopping her, joins her, as he knows this is the only way his wife will be happy. As they attempt to defeat the beast, Charming unfortunately is turned to stone "@en . . "Medusa was the second flagship of Darth Sinity. One of only three Aries-class Star Dreadnought ever built, Medusa was a symbol of death and suffering to any who opposed it. It was one of the largest ships in the galaxy, both in history and at the time. Medusa was a highly modified version of the Aries-class, sporting 3 extra tractor beam generators, a modified cloaking device, and up to 50 extra lasercannon and proton torpedo turrets. It was at the forefront of every major attack waged by Sinity in his quest for Galactic domination (Sinity maintained 3 major fleets, each of them led by an Aries-class Star Dreadnought, one of which was Medusa). Medusa led the flagship fleet of Sinity's regime, Black Fleet."@en . . "108"^^ . . "Medusa"@fr . . . "\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5"@en . . . . "Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with a laser."@en . . "Medusa was the second flagship of Darth Sinity. One of only three Aries-class Star Dreadnought ever built, Medusa was a symbol of death and suffering to any who opposed it. It was one of the largest ships in the galaxy, both in history and at the time. Medusa was a highly modified version of the Aries-class, sporting 3 extra tractor beam generators, a modified cloaking device, and up to 50 extra lasercannon and proton torpedo turrets. It was at the forefront of every major attack waged by Sinity in his quest for Galactic domination (Sinity maintained 3 major fleets, each of them led by an Aries-class Star Dreadnought, one of which was Medusa). Medusa led the flagship fleet of Sinity's regime, Black Fleet."@en . "Bounce"@en . . . "Hard"@en . "Possible drops from the Medusa include: \n* Cursed Tail"@en . . . . "--12-01"^^ . . "Medusa (also known as Xi Hydrae IV) was a planet located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in the Xi Hydrae binary star system in Federation space. Medusa was homeworld to a Federation member civilization, the Medusans. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)"@en . "Lebend"@de . . . . . "Rock"@en . . "Purple"@en . . "--"@es . . . . "Originally a character in Classical Mythology, Medusa has taken a life of her own, and now exists in all kinds of fantasy \u2014 sometimes as a person, sometimes as an entire species. Medusa's main characteristics are snakes for hair and that people turn to stone just by seeing her face. Oh, and don't look at the illustration! Medusa is the trope namer to Gorgeous Gorgon. Some of her depictions make her one of the Snake People. Examples of Medusa include:"@en . "65"^^ . "12041"^^ . . . "\u30B9\u30C8\u30FC\u30F3\u30FB\u30B3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9 - 20 Turns"@en . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5) is an enemy only Black Magic spell from Fire Emblem Gaiden. It reduces the enemy's HP to 1 (or 0 if already at 1 HP)."@en . "Primeira Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . . "57780"^^ . "Medusa is a region or planet under a twilight shroud. Liquid water can be found on its surface, which features basins and cliffs."@en . "The Cursed Gorgon"@en . "\u652F\u914D\u3059\u308B\u5973\u738B \u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5"@en . . . "Medusa is een personage uit Hercules: The Animated Series."@nl . . "Medusalith Amaquelin"@en . . "Del 15 al 31 de Agosto"@es . "1310"^^ . . . "Fango de la Miseria"@es . . . "6"^^ . "Long Controllable Hair"@en . . "Die Medusa setzt Versteinerung neben dem Initialangriff als rundengebundenen Zauber in der Kampfrunde 49 ein."@de . "250"^^ . . . "1298"^^ . . "Dark-Law"@en . "1"^^ . "A race of \"beautiful\" women with heads covered in snakes. The snakes may look like accessories, but they are actually alive and can petrify anyone that looks into their eyes. Their beauty bewitches countless men, adding to their statue collections which they periodically dump out of boredom. Medusas use the statistics for the Medusa from the Pathfinder Bestiary with the following changes. [1]"@en . . "3"^^ . "Goddess of Darkness"@en . . . "Equips All"@en . . . "2260"^^ . . "416"^^ . . "Coral"@en . "18656"^^ . . "The Medusa is a beached vessel located on the Rook Islands. It serves as a communications relay for Vaas Montenegro's Pirates, and is the site of the mission The Medusa's Call. The Medusa appears to once have been a WWII merchant ship or transport ship as it has a few landing crafts surrounding it on the beach.. It now sits in a state of disrepair in a boat scap yard as it is surrounded by other smaller ships. Vass's pirates are also salvaging it for scrap metal. It is unknown how it ended up on the Rook Islands. It also appears in the Multiplayer map \"Shipwrecked\""@en . . "(Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 (Trachodon56)); Medusa_.jpg"@en . . "School: Image:Myth.png Pip Cost: Accuracy: 80% Type: Image:Myth.png Description: 770 Image:Damage.png and Stun for 2 rounds Received From: Requirements: Required Character Level: 58 Spells: Prerequisite for: Spells: Can be purchased with Training Points*: no"@en . . "capture"@en . . "Instakill"@en . . "25"^^ . "2850"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "8734"^^ . . . . "Omniverse= 200px"@es . "A captured Medusa can be sold at a high price and the taste is indescribable."@en . "Madeline Poe"@en . . "3"^^ . . "M249 Minimi"@en . . "12"^^ . "Earthy"@en . "22500"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "Krak-On"@de . "110.0"^^ . "Geo-Elementals"@en . "A race of \"beautiful\" women with heads covered in snakes. The snakes may look like accessories, but they are actually alive and can petrify anyone that looks into their eyes. Their beauty bewitches countless men, adding to their statue collections which they periodically dump out of boredom. Medusas use the statistics for the Medusa from the Pathfinder Bestiary with the following changes. [1]"@en . "2992"^^ . "11"^^ . . . "Medusa es el mundo natal del Cap\u00EDtulo de Marines Espaciales de los Manos de Hierro. El Mundo Salvaje de Medusa es un duro reino de oscuridad perpetua, situado precariamente cerca del Ojo del Terror en el Segmentum Obscurus. El sol casi nunca atraviesa el oscuro y contaminado cielo, que se retuerce sobre una tierra de cordilleras congeladas intercaladas con volcanes y g\u00E9iseres hirvientes. El paisaje cambia constantemente a medida que el movimiento de las placas tect\u00F3nicas forma nuevas monta\u00F1as y mares y los destruye tan r\u00E1pido como los cre\u00F3."@es . . "109"^^ . . "633"^^ . "Medusa was first of the Gorgon sisters in Greek mythology, and one of the many foes encountered by Kratos."@en . "Unique"@en . . "It is armed with an anti-structure Flux Beam and a medium range EMP missile. Its secondary ability is the Solidify Matrix, which repairs all units around the Medusa. It can be upgraded with Amplification Overrides, which increases the damage of the Flux beam and adds a slowing effect, gives the EMP missile a larger radius and longer EMP, and increases the damage repaired by the Solidify Matrix."@en . . "Le Medusa est un ennemi r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie. On le retrouve dans A Link to the Past et dans A Link Between Worlds. Il revient aussi dans Ancient Stone Tablets."@fr . . "fed"@en . "Affiliation"@en . . . "Geo-Elementals"@es . "Medusa's attacks can make this battle quite difficult. Her most annoying attack is this Light Ball she throws at you that if it hits you, it Petrifies you, knocking off 1/2 your HP. She can also Poison you and release Asps on you which are all annoying. If you want to make this easy for yourself, try using Jinn, as if you are a Class that is good with Magic or even if not, Jinn will REALLY hurt her. Either way, just assault her as best as you can, heal when needed and you wll come out on top."@en . . . . . "A supervillainess in Champions Online."@en . "It is later revealed that Medusa's incarnation in the remake is in fact, Miyoko's mother, Ms. Mangetsu. She made a deal to Demaon to save her daughter, but at the costs of having her soul taken away by Demaon and turn her into a demon."@en . . "40"^^ . "Why are you starting at me?"@en . . . . . "Gorgon II"@en . "The first species of the Skyphos Genus to be discovered by space travelers due to their abundance in the sectors outside of the Pardus Cluster, the Medusa was aptly named, not only for the snake-like flagella that extend from their bodies, but for the preserved state in which they leave their host victim after they have completed their union. Bonding most often with creatures that are able to exist within the vacuum of space, Human, Rashkir, Ska'ari, and Keldon have nonetheless fallen prey to these parasites as well, their perfectly preserved corpses like stone statues floating throughout the universe, the truest testament to the Medusa's infamy amidst the cosmos. \n* Disposition: Predatory \n* Rarity: Rare \n* Region: Universal, not in Pardus Cluster"@en . . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Lilith | Louis XIII | ZENIGATA File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage)"@en . "By character class"@en . "10"^^ . . . . . . "\"The New Neverland\""@en . "Kategoria:Szkic right|218px Medusa Amaquelin Boltagon - kr\u00F3lowa Inhumans, bohaterka i \u017Cona Black Bolta."@pl . "2550"^^ . . "2620"^^ . "Medusa es un alien de Ben10.000:universo de andromeda"@es . . . ""@es . . . . . . . "61"^^ . "Hirohiko Kakegawa"@es . . "Lamia"@en . "Uprising_medusa_e3_2011_press_kit.png"@en . "EMP missile"@en . "100.0"^^ . . . . "+20 Angriffstempo"@de . . . "18586"^^ . . . . "Medusa"@en . . . . . "Marvel's Inhumans"@de . "Desconocida"@es . "The X-Files"@en . "desconhecida"@pt . "Base of Operations"@en . "Serinda Swan"@de . . "7"^^ . . "Fusionbreath"@en . "None"@en . "Normal"@de . . . . "Hostile"@en . . . . . "Snake's Fangs\nTathlum Shot\nZionga\nMarin Karin"@en . . . . "27"^^ . . . . . . . . "Madeline Bell"@en . "Attacks with 6 poison shockwaves."@en . "0"^^ . . "La Medusa (\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5, Med\u016Bsa ?) es un tipo de Estatua de Piedra que aparece en varias mazmorras del Mundo Oscuro en A Link to the Past y de Lorule en A Link Between Worlds."@es . "\"Medusa\" is the twelfth episode of the eighth season of The X-Files."@en . . . . . . . . . "Medusa es un personaje eventual de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es una anciana bastante famosa por ser una antigua celebridad del Submundo, siendo una de los antiguos que viven en la residencia Cumbres Borrascosas de Endsville. Medusa destaca por las serpientes que forman su pelo y por su ic\u00F3nica habilidad de convertir en piedra a aquellos que la miran a los ojos. Tal es su fama que se han llegado a hacer representaciones de su cabeza que poseen tambi\u00E9n este poder p\u00E9treo."@es . . . . . . . "54"^^ . . "15"^^ . "Snakes"@en . . . "12"^^ . . . . "8910"^^ . "robot"@en . . . "Hydra Beak"@en . "28"^^ . . "Jellyfiiishes"@de . . . "\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30FC\u30B5"@en . . "4"^^ . "Medium"@en . . "No"@es . "Magical"@en . . . "Attacks upward and downward with 2 medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . . . "The name Krak-On is likely a pun on the legendary sea monster kraken and \"crack on\" as words of encouragement. This is further supported by the fact the Krak-On Splat Roller has the Kraken as it's Special Weapon."@de . . "thumb|250px La historia de Medusa, cuyo nombre significa \"guardiana\", y acaso \"protectora\", es uno de los mitos griegos m\u00E1s poderosos de la antig\u00FCedad; tal vez porque agrupa todos los ingredientes de la tragedia, en este caso, una tragedia inmerecida y manchada de oprobio. Medusa era una de las tres Gorgonas hijas de Forcis y Ceto, y a veces de Tif\u00F3n y Equidna. Ten\u00EDa dos hermanas, Eur\u00EDale y Esteno. Las tres eran parientes de las Grayas, aquellas ancianas prof\u00E9ticas que compart\u00EDan un solo ojo y un solo diente. As\u00ED las ubica el poeta Esquilo en las remotas llanuras de Cistene:"@es . "Null"@en . . . . . . "83"^^ . . "Medusa (en griego antiguo \u039C\u03AD\u03B4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C3\u03B1 M\u00E9dousa' sashii es , \u2018guardiana\u2019, \u2018protectora\u2019) en la mitologia griega, era un monstruo femenino, que convert\u00EDa en piedra a aquellos que la miraban fijamente a los ojos. Fue decapitada por Perseo, quien despu\u00E9s us\u00F3 su cabeza como arma hasta que se la dio a la diosa Atenea para que la pusiera en su escudo, la \u00E9gida. Desde la antig\u00FCedad cl\u00E1sica, la imagen de la cabeza de Medusa aparece representada en el artilugio que aleja el mal conocido como Gorgoneion."@es . . . "Arachne"@en . . "98"^^ . "Elementals"@es . . "Lady Pele + Drake Basilisk + Snake Vouivre"@en . . "None"@en . . "+4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution,"@en . . . "Neutral-Chaos"@en . "Categoria"@pt . . "Attacks with 6 non-elemental shockwaves."@en . . "Medusa's hair does not scare you? Let's be friends then."@en . "Stun Needles\\Innate\nMazionga\\Innate\nTathlum Shot\\36\nGun Pleroma\\38"@en . . "LEGO Universe"@en . "Passion"@en . "Tools and Weapons"@en . . . "Medusa was an unreleased test enemy not designed for any particular world. Medusa had a main feminine body with five snake tail segments that followed her. At the beginning of the battle, players could only damage the last segment of her snake tail. Once that segment was smashed, players could damage the next segment. This continued until only her main body was left, which could then be damaged directly. Once smashed entirely, Medusa dropped loot for players."@en . . . . . . "22"^^ . . . "Monster Manual (4th edition), pg. 186-187"@en . "Kid Icarus"@en . . . . "\u30AF\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0"@es . "Medusa"@it . "==Pre-Publication Excerpt from For seven books, Clive Cussler has dazzled readers with the \"spine-tingling adventures\" (Chicago Tribune) of Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the NUMA\u00AE Special Assignments Team, but in Medusa the NUMA\u00AE team faces what may be its most perilous mission of all. In the Micronesian Islands, a top secret, U.S. government\u2013sponsored undersea lab conducting vital biomedical research on a rare jellyfish known as the Blue Medusa suddenly . . . Disappears. At the same time, off Bermuda, a bathysphere is attacked by an underwater vehicle and left helpless a half mile below the surface, its passengers\u2014including Zavala\u2014left to die. Only Kurt Austin's heroic measures save them from a watery grave, but, suspecting a connection, Austin puts the NUMA\u00AE team on the case. He has no idea what he's just gotten them all into. A hideous series of medical experiments . . . An extraordinarily ambitious Chinese criminal organization . . . A secret new virus that threatens to set off a worldwide pandemic. Austin and Zavala have been in tight spots before, but this time it's not just their own skins they're trying to save\u2014it's the lives of millions. Filled with the high-stakes suspense and boundless invention unique to Cussler, Medusa is the most thrilling novel yet from the grand master of adventure."@en . "The Battle of the Labyrinth"@en . . "Possible drops from the Medusa include: \n* Cursed Tail"@en . "I cut my hair, can you tell?"@en . . . "Alias"@en . "1000"^^ . "1610"^^ . . "Caves, towers, dungeons, etc."@en . "25000"^^ . "Master, I want you play with it a lot."@en . "Animation"@en . . . . . "Occupation"@en . . . . . "140"^^ . "*Performs Ranged Attacks exclusively until her HP is reduced to about 60%.\n**Medusa's Ranged Attacks can interrupt spellcasting."@en . "Sister Ray - 8 Turns"@en . . "6513"^^ . "30"^^ . . . . "Medusa is a humanoid creature who appeared in Season 3 of the Land of the Lost (1974 TV series), the episode of the same name."@en . "*Gorgonstone Sunderer title will only be granted if she is defeated in Arrapago Reef.\nBesieged\n:*Medusa is the leader of the Undead Swarm, usually arriving in Besieged in the final wave with the Mega Boss. \n:*If she is present in Besieged, an extra cutscene is added to the opening:"@en . . "250"^^ . "#3a324a"@de . . "(Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 )"@en . . "30"^^ . "Kick\nShrapnel"@en . . . "Medusa is a gorgon who can turn people to stone if they look her directly in her eyes."@en . . . "189"^^ . . "y"@en . . "A supervillainess in Champions Online."@en . . . . "2.0"^^ . . "9012"^^ . "Poison Gas 2\nGlare 2"@en . . "178"^^ . "174"^^ . . . . . "135"^^ . . "13"^^ . "Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters (the others being Stheno and Euryale) who were born to the primordial sea gods Phorcys and Ceto in the caverns beneathe Mount Olympus. When Medusa was sexually assaulted by Neptune in the temple of Athena, Athena transformed Medusa, and her sisters who defended her, into bloodthristy monsters. They were each cursed with hideous looks, including snakes for hair, which would turn anyone who looked at them directly, into stone. Medusa became the most famous of the three because the Greek hero Perseus cut off her head and used it to save Princess Andromeda, by turning a huge sea creature into stone."@en . "?"@en . "Medusa is een personage uit Hercules: The Animated Series."@nl . "Tathlum Shot\nZionga\nSnake's Fangs\nRapid Needle"@en . "Ground"@en . . "The Medusa was a Gorgon, a creature of Greek legend which had snakes for hair and a petrifying gaze."@en . "5"^^ . . "James Cameron's Avatar"@en . . "70"^^ . . . "Mystic Fiend"@en . "hide"@es . "5090"^^ . "250"^^ . "250"^^ . . . . . . "She is the main antagonist of the original Kid Icarus, and the main antagonist of Kid Icarus: Uprising until the end of Chapter 9. She is voiced by Cree Summer in the English version of Uprising, and by Naomi Shind\u014D in the Japanese version of the game."@en . . . "58163"^^ . . . . "\"You will make sssuch a fine ssstatue!\"; \"There isss no chhhanccce of essscape\"; \"Are you tired or why are you moving thhat ssslow \"; \"Jussst look at me!\"."@es . . . "Capture the Black Samurai*"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "Stage 3B Boss Music :\n\nWelcome, Kid"@en . "[Fuente] Dr. Medusa era una bruja o un mago. En la p\u00E1gina veinte de El Profeta fue nombrado como doctor, entonces presumiblemente escribi\u00F3 una columna de consejos para el peri\u00F3dico."@es . . "*A big floating bulbous-like sac with several tentacles."@en . "Medusa is a monster from Greek mythology. She is one of the Gorgons, a race of snake-haired female monsters with the power of turning people into stone by looking at them. Originally a beautiful woman, she was cursed by Athena-to punish her for having an affair with the sea god Poseidon-and killed by the demigod warrior Perseus. Wedgie Woman's appearance is based off Medusa."@en . . . "100"^^ . "+12 Intelligenz"@de . "None"@en . . "y"@en . . . . "240"^^ . "Queen Medusa; Medusa__.jpg"@en . . "-"@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . . . "; Medusalith Amaquelin from A-Force Vol 1 3 001.jpg"@en . "232"^^ . . . . . . . "-"@en . . . . . "Lair of the Gorgons"@en . "Medusa is a monster found in the third Hero and Monster Collection set, Crusade of the Forgotten. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit."@en . "Iron Council of the Iron Hands Chapter"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "\"End of Nights, Part II\""@en . . . . "Kampfk\u00FCnste"@de . . . "0"^^ . . "100.0"^^ . "(MaxGoji Marvel Universe); No Image Female.jpg"@en . . . . "Vandura Mountain , Talahu , Deeper Banuta, Medusa Tower"@en . . . . "2001-02-11"^^ . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30B5) is an enemy that appears in many Romancing SaGa games. In Romancing SaGa 2 she is the upgraded form of the Lilith and attacks with almost Identical attacks though Medusa is more likely to use stare and charm party members so it is best to take them down first as fast as possible before too much damage can be done from charm. In Romancing SaGa 3 Medusa attacks with more earth based attacks using magic like Stone Bullet and Crack she also comes back with her stare attack but this time instead of charm stone."@en . . . . . . . "Primeira Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . "41"^^ . "30"^^ . "Medusa es un monstruo legendario con serpientes venenosas vivas en el lugar de cabello, cuya mirada puede convertir a sus v\u00EDctimas en piedra. A veces ella es referida como Reina Medusa, que le dota con poder sobre todas las serpientes y conocimiento de secretos olvidados hace tiempo. Ella es tan s\u00F3lo una de las tres hermanas Gorgona (siendo las otras dos Esteno y Eur\u00EDale) y la \u00FAnica de las tres que es mortal. Ha aparecido en casi todos los videojuegos de la saga Castlevania hasta la fecha y por lo general se le representa teniendo una enorme cola de serpiente desde su cintura hacia abajo, al igual que Lamia, aunque tambi\u00E9n ha aparecido solo como una cabeza gigante."@es . "12131"^^ . "39"^^ . "37"^^ . "(Community MCU Reboot); Community mcu medusa.jpg"@en . "For all vocations: if you are soloing, heal after every hit because they can paralyze up to 5 times in 5 seconds. If you get paralyzed, it will be hard to move diagonal to avoid her wave.\nDruids and Sorcerers can solo these on HP above level 150 as long as they stay diagonal, away from the terra wave. Depending on where you are, be careful of running into multiple monsters, such as in Deeper Banuta, where it's very easy to run into Serpent Spawns, Hydras, and Bone Beasts. Druids should use Energy Strike or Sudden Death. Sorcerers should use a Wand of Starstorm or Wand of Cosmic Energy and Energy Strike if you're trying to be conservative. If not, it is recommended to kill them quickly with Energy Wave or Great Energy Beam, with a blocker.\n\nKnights At level 150+, Medusa can be soloed by knights if you're careful. The best strategy is to always remain diagonal to them, and to combine your melee with Berserk while spamming Light Healing and healing with an Ultimate Health Potion if you get too low. When they run in red hp, it is best to use Whirlwind Throw and to try to get them to run in a direction opposite to where other monsters are, since they usually spawn with Serpent Spawns and Hydras. If you're hunting with a team of mages or paladins, be ready to use Challenge often, since they tend to retarget quite a lot. at level 190+ a knight with skills 90+/90+ should be able to solo these while only using Wound Cleansing and staying diagonal. Hunting medusa will often be with a very little waste since they tend to drop a lot of sellable items.\n\nPaladins should kill them as quickly as possible however you can, and it's recommended that you use a blocker, since running them is dangerous in places like Banuta, and difficult since they paralyze often."@es . "Although Medusae are relatively rare, even the earliest Tibian historians have mentioned them in their writings. There has been much speculation as to what exactly Medusae actually are and several theories were propagated. Legends have recounted stories of ancient priestesses punished in horrible ways for their vanity, creatures created as a result of forbidden rituals and some even have it that Medusae are the offspring of mankind and demons. While none of these stories is actually true, they do reflect the fact that Medusae are not regarded as a natural phenomenon, in fact, that their very existence is the result of a perversion of nature. This aspect of these stories does in fact reflect reality."@en . "Medusa"@en . . . . . "In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of three Gorgons (women with fangs and hair comprised of living snakes, as well as brass clawed hands). She was the only one who was mortal; Stheno and Euryale were immortal. A look into the face of Medusa (or the other Gorgons) would instantly turn the gazer to stone. Medusa was originally a beautiful mortal woman who was raped by Poseidon, the god of the sea, in the temple of Athena (goddess of wisdom). Athena, outraged at this act of desecration of her temenos (the sacred space contained in her temple and on her temple grounds) transformed Medusa into a hideous monster. Medusa was slain by Perseus, who was equipped with several protective items from the Olympian gods, such as Athena's mirrored shield Aegis, the Helmet of Invisibility/Cap of Darkness from Hades, winged sandals from Hermes, and an adamantine sickle which he used to decapitate Medusa. Perseus had to retrieve Medusa's head because he foolishly promised that to Polydectes, King of the island of Seriphos. Medusa's severed head still retains the ability to petrify any who gaze at it (this feature was used by Perseus to rescue the Princess Andromeda from being sacrificed to the gods). Medusa's blood had the power to bring the dead back to life or to kill the living (depending on which side of her body it was taken from). Medusa is one of the ancient Greek words for \"queen\". Gorgon means \"terrible\", Stheno means \"mighty\", and Euryale means \"far-springer\" (though far-leaper might be a better translation)."@en . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . . "Dialogue >> Medusa is a gorgon featured on Mythology Island."@en . . . . . . . "Medusa in Freak Show"@en . . "Medusa is a global criminal cartel with a mystic nature, that has set up in Gotham City. Batwoman, under the employment of the D.E.O. has sworn to take it down."@en . . "Violett"@de . . "14"^^ . "The Mind Robber"@de . . . . . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "A"@en . "La Medusa (\u30E1\u30C7\u30E5\u30FC\u30B5, Med\u016Bsa ?) es un tipo de Estatua de Piedra que aparece en varias mazmorras del Mundo Oscuro en A Link to the Past y de Lorule en A Link Between Worlds."@es . . "Peque\u00F1o"@es . "Medusa is the fifth in the game Double Edged. She is a mid-boss."@en . "3"^^ . . "Medusa, die Gorgone (Gorgonin), ist eine Agilit\u00E4ts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernk\u00E4mpferin der Dire, ihren Angriff auf mehrere Gegner ausweiten und sich selbst sch\u00FCtzen kann. Im Spiel \u00FCbernimmt sie die Rolle eines Carrys. Medusas erste F\u00E4higkeit Split Shot verbraucht kein Mana und kann jederzeit umgestellt werden, um ihren Angriff auf der h\u00F6chsten Stufe auf bis zu f\u00FCnf Gegner auszuweiten. Allerdings wird dadurch der Angriff von Medusa prozentual verringert. Durch Mystic Snake kann Medusa eine magische Schlange zwischen gegnerischen Einheiten umherschicken, die Schaden verursacht und Mana stiehlt, welches Medusa erh\u00E4lt. Mana Shield, ihre dritte F\u00E4higkeit, erm\u00F6glicht es Medusa, einen Schild um sie zu beschw\u00F6ren, der die H\u00E4lfte jedes eingehenden Schadens absorbiert, dabei jedoch pro Schadenspunkt Mana verbraucht. Mit ihrer Ultimate-F\u00E4higkeit Stone Gaze kann sie gegnerische Einheiten in einem gr\u00F6\u00DFeren Bereich massiv verlangsamen, wenn diese in ihre Richtung sehen. Wenn Gegner w\u00E4hrend der Wirkung l\u00E4nger als zwei Sekunden ihn Medusas Richtung sehen, werden sie f\u00FCr kurze Zeit versteinert. Alle von Stone Gaze betroffenen Einheiten erleiden zus\u00E4tzlichen physischen Schaden durch Angriffe, sind jedoch auch v\u00F6llig magieimmun. Medusas Ultimate kann nicht mit Aghanim's Scepter aufgewertet werden."@de . . . . . . "; Medusalith Boltagon from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Vol 1 1 001.jpg"@en . . "31"^^ . . "Medusa.jpg"@es . . . "Un tempo la medusa era una bella figa, ma fu trasformata in mostro dalla Dea Atena, dopo che la giuovine fanciulla aveva fatto le cose zozze con Poseidone nel tempio della dea zitella. Proprio nel tempio della dea pi\u00F9 repressa dovevano farlo? Non potevano appartarsi in macchina come tutte le coppiette? Cos\u00EC Atena, per vendicarsi di tale comportamento irrispettoso, dopo aver assistito alla scena con aria scandalizzata e un po' voyeur, diede a Medusa serpenti per capelli, mani di bronzo, scaglie al posto della pelle e una cazzimma esagerata. La fanciulla divenne talmente brutta che chiunque la guardasse si tramutava in pietra.E no, non era Iva Zanicchi."@it . . . . . . . "24"^^ . "23"^^ . "Crimson"@en . "20"^^ . "Yoma"@en . . "3910"^^ . . . "Medusa (\u30E1\u30C9\u30A5\u30B6 Meduza) is a female cyclops and a member of the Marines; having been stationed in the intimidating Marine base, G-6. She is the direct subordinate of her superior, Tombstone Grim, and as such, acts as the leader of G-6's 1st unit and second in command. Unlike Grim, Medusa seems less treacherous and more genuine in her desire to uphold justice. This contrast was made quite clear in how Medusa was left completely unaware of her superior officer's true intentions and nature."@en . . . . . . "myth"@en . "Single"@en . "61610"^^ . "--06-02"^^ . . . . . "80.0"^^ . "Medusa oli Poseidonin tytt\u00F6yst\u00E4v\u00E4 josta tuli hirvi\u00F6."@fi . "Story"@en . . "desconhecido"@pt . "5113"^^ . . "Medusa (Clone); Medusalith Amaquelin .jpg"@en . . . . . . "Natural Humanoid"@en . . . . . "+8 , +7"@en . . . "Medusa"@en . "y"@en . "S\u00ED"@es . . "Medusa is a mythological creature who could transform people, who looked directly into her eyes, into a statue. ."@en . . "Altura"@pt . "Medusa"@es . . . "Medusa"@es . "41"^^ . . . "y"@en . . "Medusalith Amaquelin; Medusa Disambiguation.jpg"@en . "37"^^ . . "thumb|300px Medusa (Japanisch: \u30AF\u30E9\u30FC\u30B2\u30B9 Kur\u0101gesu) ist eine Marke in Splatoon. Ausr\u00FCstung von Medusa besitzt eine 5x h\u00F6here Chance auf Schwimmtempo und eine halb so gro\u00DFe Chance auf Verteidigung +. In Zusammenarbeit mit Medusa ist der Medusa-Klecksroller entstanden. Die Marke scheint sich \u00FCberwiegend auf Retro-Schuhe zu konzentrieren."@de . . . "The Medusa is a Necromorph found exclusively in Zero-G environments. It has only been encountered on Tau Volantis, and is believed to be derived from a lifeform native to the planet."@en . . "; Medusalith Amaquelin from Marvel Future Fight 001.jpg"@en . "*White \n*Green and Scaly"@en . . . . "Krakers"@de . . "16"^^ . . . "Es una de las secuases de Zombozo y el unico miembro Femenino de los Fenomenos Del Circo."@es . "Artsap"@en . . "19"^^ . . . . "None"@en . . . "Bufu\nBufula\nMabufu"@en . . . . . "Dialogue >> Medusa is a gorgon featured on Mythology Island."@en . . . "After fighting your way through the Flooded Temple you'll end up on the path to Medusa's Lair. Guarded by Snakeys and Fish Men. While she doesn't seem to prove any real threat to the King or the Princesses, it seems she's just blocking the only path to the Ice Castle."@en . "Mystic Fiend Horn"@en . . . "253.83"^^ . . "First Appearance"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Race: monstrous humanoid Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 33 Attack bonus: +8 (ranged), +7 (melee) Damage: 2d6 (shortbow +1), d4+1 (dagger +1) Disarmed: d4 (piercing creature weapon) on monster hit: medium spider venom Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 6 Size: medium Trained skills:(\u2021) move silently (9), spot (10) Feats: weapon finesse, weapon focus (shortbow), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (exotic), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple)"@en . . "Cemetery"@en . "MEDUSAres.ogg"@en . . . . . ":::Medusa: Look at all these adorable two-legs..."@en . "Immune to weapons below Mithril"@en . "6"^^ . . "Medusa was a Scareactor from the house Hades: The Gates of Ruin This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "medium"@en . "(Operation: Cargo Raid)"@en . "Medusa was an unreleased test enemy not designed for any particular world. Medusa had a main feminine body with five snake tail segments that followed her. At the beginning of the battle, players could only damage the last segment of her snake tail. Once that segment was smashed, players could damage the next segment. This continued until only her main body was left, which could then be damaged directly. Once smashed entirely, Medusa dropped loot for players."@en . "8107"^^ . "Medusa"@de . . "Yes"@es . . "Madame Medusa; No Image Female.jpg"@en . "Medusa had a forty degree tilt on its axis. From orbit, it had a gray-green color, with huge polar ice caps. The narrow seas had a gray-green color with soupy sludge of plankton and large plants. The planet's climate was considered brutal even with a cooler primary star. (HH1)"@en . "(Genoverse); Medusa-4141-icon.jpg"@en . "5.0"^^ . . "8096"^^ . . . "Poison"@en . "Le Medusa est un ennemi r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie. On le retrouve dans A Link to the Past et dans A Link Between Worlds. Il revient aussi dans Ancient Stone Tablets."@fr . . . "4"^^ . "In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of three Gorgons (women with fangs and hair comprised of living snakes, as well as brass clawed hands). She was the only one who was mortal; Stheno and Euryale were immortal. A look into the face of Medusa (or the other Gorgons) would instantly turn the gazer to stone. Medusa was originally a beautiful mortal woman who was raped by Poseidon, the god of the sea, in the temple of Athena (goddess of wisdom). Athena, outraged at this act of desecration of her temenos (the sacred space contained in her temple and on her temple grounds) transformed Medusa into a hideous monster."@en . "Drain"@en . .