"normal"@en . "Miami, Florida"@en . "Bradley A. Dotson"@en . "Good"@en . . . "The shell is a command language interpreter. On Mac OS X it can be used on the Terminal."@en . "Shell (Unix Shell) \u2014 \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0449\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u044F\u0437\u044B\u043A, \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F\u0435\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u0433\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B\u043C\u0438 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043C\u0438 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043E\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0441 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043E\u043C \u0438 \u043F\u043E\u043A\u043B\u043E\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0421\u0435\u0442\u0443."@ru . . . "A shell is a computer program that reads commands that are typed on a keyboard and executes them."@en . . "Brown"@en . . . "12768"^^ . . "Armor Trader Libby"@en . "\u5EC3\u65E5"@en . . . . "Shell, ou Royal Dutch Shell, est une des principales compagnies p\u00E9troli\u00E8res au monde, elle extrait des hydrocarbures et op\u00E8re un grand nombre de stations-services au Canada. Cat\u00E9gorie:Commerces Cat\u00E9gorie:Stations-services"@fr . . "A shell is a large clam shell. In Kirby Mass Attack, its exterior is purple and its interior is red and sparkly. The front is adorned with a yellow star design. In Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, shells are bit more plain. They have pink exteriors and gray interiors."@en . "Earth-11190"@en . . . "Core album.jpg"@en . . "Shell"@es . "Human"@en . . . "High amount of piercing damage in the form of a single, solid round. Knocks back targets on impact and can pierce through light cover and Splicers, hitting anything behind."@en . . . "The Stellarium"@en . "Not movable."@es . "A shell is a large clam shell. In Kirby Mass Attack, its exterior is purple and its interior is red and sparkly. The front is adorned with a yellow star design. In Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, shells are bit more plain. They have pink exteriors and gray interiors."@en . "This once housed a mollusc."@en . . "; Shell from Nightwatch Vol 1 1 0001.jpg"@en . "little"@en . . "A Shell"@en . "Hatsune Miku"@en . "A shell is also (incorrectly) referred to as the discarded portion of a cartridge after being fired; in this case, the \"shell\" is the casing."@en . . . "Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast( )"@en . . "Shell Oil Company is a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell', is the 6th largest petroleum and natural gas producer company in the world."@en . . . . . . "90"^^ . "http://yukkuri.shii.org/pool/show/868"@en . . . . "Shell gas stations in the United States have sold promotional VHS cassettes of a few Peanuts television specials. Notably, the only home video release of You're in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown was as a VHS tape that was only available from Shell gas stations."@en . . . . . "Shells appear as small groups of sharp rocks with a faint glow emanating from their centre when empty, or with a sealstone balanced on the tips of the rocks when full. They look very much like miniature versions of springs, which is possibly what they are. Unlike daises, which are always featured, shells only appear on dungeon maps when they are full (symbolized by glowing circles). Otherwise, they are invisible."@en . . . . . . "3"^^ . . "With any yarn and hook, make a multiple of 5 stitches + 3. The 5 dc shell: Row 1: Skip the 3 stitches from your hook, *make 5 dc in next stitch (shell made), sk 2 sts*, repeat across row, end with 1 dc in last ch or st. Row 2: Ch 5, *5 dc in 3rd stitch of shell below*, repeat across row, end with 1dc in last ch or st. Repeat row 2. With any yarn and hook, make a multiple of 7 stitches + 4. Row 1: Skip the 3 stitches from your hook, *make 7 dc in next stitch (shell made), sk 3 sts*, repeat across row, end with 1 dc in last ch or st. Row 2: Ch 5, *7 dc in 4rd stitch of shell below*, repeat across row, end with 1dc in last ch or st. Repeat row 2."@en . "The Shell is an artifact that can be found only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat."@en . . "Shell is a Court employee. She was first seen chasing Jack. She later confronts Annie when she finds her in the Power Station with a wounded Reynardine."@en . . "Crustacean Empire"@en . "Shell"@fr . "Shell is a Court employee. She was first seen chasing Jack. She later confronts Annie when she finds her in the Power Station with a wounded Reynardine."@en . . . "| colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#ffdead\" |Price: 1,584 - 1,900 gil |- |- style=\"background:#ffdead;\" align=\"center\" ! width=\"35%\" | Name ! width=\"45%\" | Location ! width=\"20%\" | Type |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Kususu | Port Windurst (H-8) |Standard Merchant |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Regine | Port San d'Oria (J-8) |Standard Merchant |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Sororo | Bastok Markets (H-5) |Standard Merchant |}"@en . "Material"@en . . . "yes"@es . . . "Shell, officially known as Royal Dutch Shell plc, is a real world oil company. Until the introduction of the fictional gasoline company Octan in 1992, Shell was the common gasoline brand featured in LEGO sets. Shell often sells exclusive promotional LEGO sets at its petrol stations, for example, Ferrari sets are often seen in the Petrol Stations."@en . . . . . "#747474; color: black"@en . . "Little"@en . . "Stormriven Hall"@en . . . . . . "Hatsune Miku"@en . "265.0"^^ . . . "2880.0"^^ . . "The Shell universe is the home universe of the Jokka."@en . . "Shell is a resource."@en . . . . . . "0"^^ . "\u8A3C"@en . "Armando Sheldon"@en . . . "Found almost everywhere, from Pauper's Drop onwards."@en . "little"@en . . "All"@en . . . . "Solid Slug"@en . . "\"shell\""@en . . "Aquamarine"@en . "The Zoologist\u2019s Pack"@en . . . . "A shell form a seashell."@en . "\"I won't have to suffer from supply issues for a while thanks to you. I will ask you again if I need more.\""@en . . "Shell is a minor NPC in Shining Force I. She is responsible for guiding the party to Waral."@en . "+4"@en . "Shell"@en . "The Portico"@en . "Possesses superhuman intellect; doctorates in biology, specializing in animal defenses and defense mechanisms"@en . "2"^^ . . . . "In Elona+, the Shell race absorbs one of the two former members of the Crab race, and has different attributes, skills, and equipment slots. Elona= Attribute Bonuses \n* Martial Arts \n* Meditation \n* Sense Quality \n* None \n* Leg \n* Shoot \n* Ammo |-| Elona+= Attribute Bonuses \n* Martial Arts \n* Meditation \n* Sense Quality \n* Shield \n* Disarm Trap \n* Swimming \n* None \n* Back \n* Hand \n* Hand \n* Ring \n* Ring \n* Leg \n* Shoot \n* Ammo"@en . "+4"@en . . "0"^^ . . . "Shell; Shell from X-Men Vol 4 18.png"@en . "Shimol, aunt"@en . "Alive"@en . "I Comandi e la Shell Finora non avevamo affrontato approfonditamente la questione della famigerata \"Linea di comando\", \u00E8 giunto il momento di farlo ricordando innanzitutto le funzioni della Linea di Comando. Quando clicchiamo su un pulsante della barra degli strumenti di un qualsiasi programma, impartiamo un ordine al sistema in modo che ne derivi una risposta precisa e prevedibile. Quando clicchiamo sul pulsante \"Salva\", il programma avvia un processo tale per cui il file prodotto viene registrato e conservato in una cartella particolare a cui potremo risalire nel momento del bisogno. In genere il cliccare sul pulsante ci determina la negazione conoscitiva per cui non ci interessa di sapere come sia potuto accadere il meccanismo di salvataggio. L'interfaccia grafica dei programmi moderni si fonda su azioni effettuate con il puntatore del mouse. Prima dell'avvento delle interfacce grafiche le azioni venivano ottenute attraverso la digitazione di comandi testuali effettuata in una finestra di prompt che si chiama Shell. In essa si dovevano digitare ordini specifici per ottenere risposte specifiche e rapidissime. Questo imponeva la perfetta conoscenza della sintassi e delle regole di impartizione degli ordini e non tutti erano in grado di farlo. Il vantaggio era quello di avere un sistema efficientissimo, potentissimo, rapidissmo. L'avvento delle interfacce grafiche ha diffuso l'uso del computer in modo vertiginoso ed \u00E8 impossibile oggi ipotizzare sistemi operativi privi di veste grafica, tuttavia queste vesti grafiche hanno un peso ed un ingombro gigantesco, tali per cui il computer deve praticamente sopportare un carico di lavoro immenso per fare cose che, da linea di comando, sarebbero uno scherzetto. Nel mondo Windows l'uso dell'interfaccia grafica \u00E8 un dovere, un comandamento, al punto che i computer di appena una generazione tecnologica precedente, hanno difficolt\u00C3 gravi nel soddisfare le esigenze di programmi esosi e graficamente superflui. Nel mondo Linux le cose sono invece diverse. Non si \u00E8 ritenuto fondamentale l'uso della grafica, quanto invece la ottimizzazone d'impiego per cui l'uso della linea di comando \u00E8 ancora una soluzione praticata per avere prestazioni che in altri sistemi sono irraggiungibili. Questa condizione \u00E8 la gioia e il cruccio di tutti gli utenti Linux e soprattutto di quelli che vorrebbero usare Linux. Non \u00E8 facile usare la linea di comando; richiede impegno, tempo, informazione, lettura e pazienza, ma in alcune condizioni \u00E8 l'unica soluzione, come nello scaricamento e installazione di nuovi programmi. Per aprire la Shell e usare i comandi, basta cliccare sull'icona del terminale \"Konsole\" posta nella barra principale. In ambiente GNOME basta cliccare sull'icona del \"Terminale\" posta nella barra delle applicazioni. In un batter d'occhio si apre una finestra molto semplice, quasi spoglia, con una striminzita riga di testo con indicato il nome dell'utente e l'hostname (nome del computer), per definizione la shell parte dalla directory /home dell'albero delle directory : user@hostname:~$ Il terminale \u00E8 quindi in grado di ricevere uno o pi\u00F9 ordini. Il simbolo $ indica il prompt della shell ovvero l'attesa di un comando. Vediamo ora alcuni dei comandi semplici con i quali usare la shell e rendersi conto dela sua potenza. NOTE: La scritta [Invio] indica che dopo la digitazione del comando \u00E8 necessario premere il tasto Invio per rendere il comando eseguibile."@it . "Trade Relations"@en . . . "With any yarn and hook, make a multiple of 5 stitches + 3. The 5 dc shell: Row 1: Skip the 3 stitches from your hook, *make 5 dc in next stitch (shell made), sk 2 sts*, repeat across row, end with 1 dc in last ch or st. Row 2: Ch 5, *5 dc in 3rd stitch of shell below*, repeat across row, end with 1dc in last ch or st. Repeat row 2. With any yarn and hook, make a multiple of 7 stitches + 4. Row 1: Skip the 3 stitches from your hook, *make 7 dc in next stitch (shell made), sk 3 sts*, repeat across row, end with 1 dc in last ch or st. Repeat row 2."@en . . "1"^^ . . "6"^^ . "Phosphorus Buck"@en . "Wizard City"@en . . . . . "Shells appear as small groups of sharp rocks with a faint glow emanating from their centre when empty, or with a sealstone balanced on the tips of the rocks when full. They look very much like miniature versions of springs, which is possibly what they are. Unlike daises, which are always featured, shells only appear on dungeon maps when they are full (symbolized by glowing circles). Otherwise, they are invisible."@en . "normal"@en . . "Scarecrow"@en . . . . "The Shell universe is the home universe of the Jokka."@en . "No answer single.jpg"@en . "Skyscrapers are shell buildings that were shipped with The Sims 3: Late Night. They are \"Shell buildings\" and only offer one or two floors (such as the basement; some nicer penthouses have a second floor bedroom.) as a playable area for either residential penthouses or community lots, such as Bars. More than one rabbit hole can be inside a skyscraper. It is the first time in the series that a skyscraper can be made without the use of cheats, though they were available as neighborhood decorations in The Sims 2: Nightlife and The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Skyscrapers can be placed in build mode, though, as any rabbit hole, it has to be placed before a family moves in."@en . . "Shell"@pl . . . . "100"^^ . "Effective against all targets."@en . . . . "80"^^ . . "Near beaches, underwater, Nargor, and on Captain Max's ship when above Calassa."@en . . "otetsu"@en . "8"^^ . . "Shell"@es . . "Shell is a pair of autobiographical stories about relationships at the breaking point, by artist Dan Gilmore. Forced to choose between desire and belief, Dan keeps finding himself torn between love and the church. Along the way, he\u2019ll face a raging hippopotamus, John Mayer\u2019s music, and a protective father, as he discovers that building a healthy relationship isn\u2019t easy. In a series of true stories from the past 16 years, Dan Gilmore shares his insight into relationships, religion, and belief. Part memoir, part travelogue, all heartfelt."@en . "Phosphorus Buck"@en . "12"^^ . . "0.5"^^ . . "=== Introduction ===__NOEDITSECTION__ \"Do you know that a turtle shell is just right to make a specific kind of armor? It's often used by armor crafters in general. It's even used to make the armor you are wearing. Naturally, there's never enough. I always suffer from insufficient supplies even if I get huge shipments of them. You can guess why I am telling you this, can't you? Could you get some turtle shells from the Dune Cliffs, south of Horizon?! I will pay you quite well.Obviously, you can get red turtle shells from red rock turtles.\" === Conclusion ===__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . "Celestia Base Camp"@en . . "Shell es un robot verde personaje de la serie \"La Robot Adolescente\" y uno de los mejores amigos robots de Vega que tambi\u00E9n vive en el Closter Principal."@en . "Shell is a minor NPC in Shining Force I. She is responsible for guiding the party to Waral."@en . . "What were they thinking? Did they lose their fucking minds? I mean I can understand if they were trying to create something more \"interactive\" if you can call it that, but what could have went wrong? This may sound like a bunch of bullshit and you may think I need therapy but believe me; I've been to multiple therapists. Just hear me out, what you are about to read is 110% real. I saw it happen, I felt it happen, and I knew it happened. It all started when I was signing up to be a character at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. \"Help.\" \"What\u2019s wrong?\" the guy said as he lowered the helmet."@en . "The Shell is an artifact that can be found only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat."@en . "\u834A"@en . "Normal"@en . "Physical, verbal, mutilation"@en . "Good-bye"@en . "Crab Alley"@en . "In Elona+, the Shell race absorbs one of the two former members of the Crab race, and has different attributes, skills, and equipment slots. Elona= Attribute Bonuses \n* Martial Arts \n* Meditation \n* Sense Quality \n* None \n* Leg \n* Shoot \n* Ammo |-| Elona+= Attribute Bonuses \n* Martial Arts \n* Meditation \n* Sense Quality \n* Shield \n* Disarm Trap \n* Swimming \n* None \n* Back \n* Hand \n* Hand \n* Ring \n* Ring \n* Leg \n* Shoot \n* Ammo"@en . "+3"@en . "The Human Shell, the Armor, the Armored Animal Man"@en . "20"^^ . "Shell is additional ability of a Nano Forge. When it activated as It can protect itself from ongoing enemy fire and projectile."@en . "Near beaches."@es . "Shell was a Human male from Alderaan. When his homeworld was destroyed by the first Death Star, Shell became an orphan and was one of the many refugee Alderaanians who settled on the planet Delaya."@en . "Camui Gackpo"@en . . . "A Shell is a quest item for the quest Trade Relations. They can be found scattered over Mehtani Keys during the quest. Like most Quest items, Shells have no value if you try to sell them to merchants and cannot be salvaged."@en . "Blaze"@en . "Horizon Area"@en . "--"@en . "Heavy damage dealt, but most effective against Brute Splicers and heavily armored units such as Big Daddies and Security Devices."@en . . "I Comandi e la Shell Finora non avevamo affrontato approfonditamente la questione della famigerata \"Linea di comando\", \u00E8 giunto il momento di farlo ricordando innanzitutto le funzioni della Linea di Comando. Quando clicchiamo su un pulsante della barra degli strumenti di un qualsiasi programma, impartiamo un ordine al sistema in modo che ne derivi una risposta precisa e prevedibile. Quando clicchiamo sul pulsante \"Salva\", il programma avvia un processo tale per cui il file prodotto viene registrato e conservato in una cartella particolare a cui potremo risalire nel momento del bisogno. In genere il cliccare sul pulsante ci determina la negazione conoscitiva per cui non ci interessa di sapere come sia potuto accadere il meccanismo di salvataggio. L'interfaccia grafica dei programmi moderni "@it . . . . "District Of The Stars"@en . . "Horizon"@en . . "shell"@en . . "20"^^ . "No known relatives"@en . . . . . . "| colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#ffdead\" |Price: 1,584 - 1,900 gil |- |- style=\"background:#ffdead;\" align=\"center\" ! width=\"35%\" | Name ! width=\"45%\" | Location ! width=\"20%\" | Type |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Kususu | Port Windurst (H-8) |Standard Merchant |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Regine | Port San d'Oria (J-8) |Standard Merchant |- style=\"background:#e3e6ff;\" | Sororo | Bastok Markets (H-5) |Standard Merchant |}"@en . "This is the story of Piko Wasa (her name jokingly evokes the piko piko, the name given to a Yukkuri Reimu's braid, and Wasa wasa, the Yukkureimu variety with bushier, thicker and fluffier braid), a young human girl (2nd yrs middleschooler, so roughly either twelve or thirteen years old) who grows enamored of the yukkuri phenomenon. In a petshop, she sees several koyukkuris and decides to buy one for herself, seeing how cute they look. She's also nicknamed \"fluffy\", and was often teased because of her Wasa-like pigtails. We're then shown in a flashback her school life, as she struggles with her slacker classmates, ogling at idol videos, and she partakes in the activities of the art club along with her two friends. They're the ones introducing her to yukkuris, by showing her a plush doll they just made and telling her how yukkuri were imported from Gensokyo, and how comforting they can be as pet because of their ability to speak. Returning to the petshop, Piko is noticed by a Wasa Wasa KoReimu who happily notices their similarity and calls her. Piko swiftly buys and brings it home, amused at KoReimu's childlike mindset, and even tolerating its \"home declaration\", as the KoReimu happily declares Piko's room as its own room, allowing the girl as an \"exception\". However, in a few days KoReimu's antics start to become annoying, and Piko confides to her friend how she's utterly dismayed by KoReimu's foolishness, as she found it \"threatening its own poo\" (e.g. doing Puff Puff to her poo to \"make her go away\"), trying to bite its own braid, and going in shock after being treated with \"Yukkuri Food\" because it thought that was a food \"Made of Yukkuris\". Furthermore, KoReimus's nonsense is able to baffle Piko every time, as KoReimu may go from forgetting its hunger to loudly complaining with Piko about its hunger, and often lies to try avoiding being scolded, such as pee-peeing and poo-pooing while telling happily that \"Reimu is not peeing/pooing\" or crying that \"Reimu wants to go home\" whetever it's startled or throwing a tantrum. Piko's friends suggest that KoReimu may be acting foolish and spoiled because its's just feeling lonely, as it has to spend Piko's school time all alone, and would be better to get it a koyukkuri to play with. Piko finds their reasoning correct, especially as KoReimu seems to be more active and noisy whenever Piko is home, wanting to get her attention. Later that night, however, she also observes that, due to KoReimu growth, she would be unable to support two grown-up Yukkuris if she bought another koyukkuri now. She instead stitches another yukkuri doll at the Arts club, planning to give it to KoReimu. Back home, Piko happily tells KoReimu she has a surprise to give it. While KoReimu asks for \"shweets-shweets\", Piko smiling presents it with a doll KoMarisa, named \"Marisa-chan\". KoReimu is happy about being able to play with a \"Very easy Maricha\", and starts to do rub rub with the doll. Piko warns the KoReimu that the KoMarisa is just a doll, but it has to be nice the same. KoReimu agrees, suddenly more tame and obedient because of its happiness, and Piko compares its childish naivete to her filthy, slacker male classmates, always looking at idols. However, after berating a second time her classmates, sneaking pictures of idols and Touhou characters in class, she's shocked to see that her Mini koreimu has reached its mating season, and its trying to mate with the koyukkuri doll, now smeared with reproductive filling. Piko acts shocked and appalled, and as her KoReimu starts to protest and loudly bragging about its ability to refresh, Piko snaps. Taking out her sewing kit, she castrates the KoReimu, and as the KoReimu keeps crying, she swiftly gouges its eyes and cuts its tongue and bottom, replacing them with two buttons and a sewn mouthpiece and bottom, deliriously proclaiming that KoReimu is only a doll, or a manju, so it didn't need to move, speak or see. Realizing she did enjoy inflicting abuse on the KoReimu, Piko starts to think she had no right to berate her classmate, since now she has shown a darker side much like they did: ironically, while all of this happens, her friends are showing expressing worries about Piko's serious personality. The next day,Piko happily greets her classmates, sparing them her usual berating, and goes to talk to her friends about yukkuris: from her purse KoReimu and the Doll Marisa are dangling together, as KoReimu, now mentally broken, starts to think at itself as a doll."@en . . . "N/A"@en . "982"^^ . . "Adventurer, animal rights activist; former biological scientist"@en . "250"^^ . "Shell Oil Company is a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell', is the 6th largest petroleum and natural gas producer company in the world."@en . "Shell is a pair of autobiographical stories about relationships at the breaking point, by artist Dan Gilmore. Forced to choose between desire and belief, Dan keeps finding himself torn between love and the church. Along the way, he\u2019ll face a raging hippopotamus, John Mayer\u2019s music, and a protective father, as he discovers that building a healthy relationship isn\u2019t easy. In a series of true stories from the past 16 years, Dan Gilmore shares his insight into relationships, religion, and belief. Part memoir, part travelogue, all heartfelt. Five friends head north to watch sea turtles hatch and race for the open ocean, and to question the essence of human nature. An intensely personal tale with story and art by Dan Gilmore."@en . "little"@en . "Low amount of piercing damage; high amount of fire damage."@en . "0.02"^^ . "In the context of electronic music, computer software which allows a plug-in to be run as a stand-alone application. Plug-ins are usually intended to be loaded into sequencer or DAW software, but there may be times when it makes more sense to dispense with the overhead of a large sequencer or DAW package, such as when using a plug-in as an effect during live performance. The shell usuallly provides only the minimal resources needed by the plug-in in order to run -- MIDI and audio routing, access to the user inteface, and access to CPU and storage resources; thus it is a lower-overhead solution. Some shells are intended for plug-in code development and contain specific features for testing and debugging."@en . "What were they thinking? Did they lose their fucking minds? I mean I can understand if they were trying to create something more \"interactive\" if you can call it that, but what could have went wrong? This may sound like a bunch of bullshit and you may think I need therapy but believe me; I've been to multiple therapists. Just hear me out, what you are about to read is 110% real. I saw it happen, I felt it happen, and I knew it happened. It all started when I was signing up to be a character at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. I was really excited since I was really good with kids back home, people in general too. I hoped to be Mickey most of all though. As I was walking to the signup station, I saw a guy in a Goofy costume. I waved to him and he waved back, but something was off about him, he seemed like he was stuck in that pose, like his feet were glued to the floor. He stared at me the entire time I was in his line of sight and it really creped me out. I then saw someone in a Minnie costume, same thing, a seemingly automated pose, waving to people, I walked by her and I thought I heard her whisper something in my ear: \"Help.\" I began to walk a little faster and made it to the signup station. I walked up and to my luck; there was one last spot for Mickey. I grinned as I imagined all the smiling kids I would be meeting, signing autographs, taking pictures, and giving hugs, all a great sight. I signed my name. Someone came up after and walked me through a process and put an informational video on, I was the only one that signed up today oddly enough, \"Must be my lucky day\" I thought to myself. After the video ended the people told me my first day on the job would be tomorrow. I headed back to the hotel and I couldn't get the feeling that signing up was a mistake. I then had a good sleep and drove to the park to start my first day. The costumes were there, and they were all staring at me while walking to the costume building to get my own, I felt like they were trying to tell me not to go in there. I began to run and made it in, I then turned and saw a Mickey helmet and yelled in fear. \"What\u2019s wrong?\" the guy said as he lowered the helmet. \"N-nothing\" I said back. \"J-just startled me that am all.\" He shrugged and handed it to me. I was having second thoughts about signing up. Maybe I shouldn't have done this. The guy insisted I put the costume on and something in his voice made me put it on, like my hands were on autopilot and I wasn't telling them to do it. I then put the helmet on and my fear began to go away, like I was remembering the smiles I would give. As soon as I walked out I heard a robotic voice inside the helmet say, \"Shell mode deactivated, welcome to your new life host.\" I began to panic as my legs began to walk on their own. I tried to scream for help but my voice was muffled by the helmet. I stopped at my spot and wires began to shoot into my torso, I screamed in pain as wires shot into my arms and legs. \"Fusion of parasite and body in progress, currently at 47%\" the voice said. \"PARASITE?!!\" I yelled. My arms and legs then were broken by the wires, they then held them up and I began to wave. \"Fusion complete\" the robotic voiced said. I was being used as a puppet for this costume. I don't remember how many days I stayed like this, the rest is a blur. I don't remember if I stayed in this one spot at the curb for hours, days, even years. What I do remember is someone kicking me in the stomach. I didn't get a good look on who it was, the helmet was fogged up by my breath. \"Alert, hostile threat detected, activating emergency combat mode\" the robotic voiced said. I than sprung up and began to fight whoever kicked me, it did no good, someone taped me and I collapsed to the ground. I felt hands picking me up and carrying me into what I thought was an ambulance. The helmet was then ripped off of my head. Immense pain then flooded me and I tried to scream, but found my voice was completely gone, probably from screaming for help this entire time. A man in a black suit was standing over me. \"You\u2019re lucky.\" The man said to me in a deep monotone voice. \"Most people never made it, they were either suffocated or driven insane from standing there, and we found you in a matter of six hours.\" I only stared at him. They drove me to a nearby hospital and I had to have surgery for this costume to be removed from me. I was never the same again, I was then wheelchair bound and I had to have bionic arms to replace my old ones. I made it home and decided never to tell anyone of this nightmare. What the costumes were is a mystery to me. Some say they were some sort of exoskeleton, I think it's some sort of alien parasite, since I heard parasite by the robotic voice. My theory is that these parasites fuse with your body and break your bones, so you can't fight back. Once this is finished, it then begins to blend in with whatever it's disguised as, slowly feeding off of your life force, until you're nothing, but a shell."@en . . "help4"@en . "0.0"^^ . . . . "1966"^^ . . "yes"@en . . "81114"^^ . "50"^^ . "Michelle"@en . . "The Shell"@en . . "Used in Recipes for the Following: Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab."@en . "The Shell is a balding, near-sighted man who has a gigantic shell on his back."@en . "7"^^ . "=== Introduction ===__NOEDITSECTION__ \"Do you know that a turtle shell is just right to make a specific kind of armor? It's often used by armor crafters in general. It's even used to make the armor you are wearing. Naturally, there's never enough. I always suffer from insufficient supplies even if I get huge shipments of them. You can guess why I am telling you this, can't you? Could you get some turtle shells from the Dune Cliffs, south of Horizon?! I will pay you quite well.Obviously, you can get red turtle shells from red rock turtles.\" === Walkthrough ===__NOEDITSECTION__ Head south out of Horizon. Head through the Horizon Arena and out the east side. Take the road south until it turns west. Leave the road and continue heading south to enter the Dune Cliffs. Kill Turtles until you have enough Turtle Shells and then head back to Armor Trader Libby. === Conclusion ===__NOEDITSECTION__ \"I won't have to suffer from supply issues for a while thanks to you. I will ask you again if I need more.\""@en . . "Shell"@en . "Shell"@it . . . . . "147.0"^^ . . "Megurine Luka"@en . . . "Little"@en . "Frost Giant"@en . "a"@en . . . . . "Shell, ou Royal Dutch Shell, est une des principales compagnies p\u00E9troli\u00E8res au monde, elle extrait des hydrocarbures et op\u00E8re un grand nombre de stations-services au Canada. Cat\u00E9gorie:Commerces Cat\u00E9gorie:Stations-services"@fr . . . . "First appearing in Dionysus Park."@en . . . "2010-05-10"^^ . . "Shela, sister"@en . . . "Ibara"@en . "Normal"@en . . "Shell is the Church of the Edible Peanut and is in the small town of Roland, South Jupiter. Roland, South Jupiter used to be an extremely poor community with a population of 250 Rolanders. When the pastor began the church, he realized that the towns most pressing need was food and shelter. After much thought and prayer, he decided that he would import peanut trees from Earth and instruct his parishoners in the art of growing and using peanuts. The Rolanders were delighted with their first crop. The peanuts were eaten raw and used for peanut butter. They discovered how to crack the shells carefully so they could be glued together to build the outside of their shelters. The shells were also crushed for the flooring of their shelters. Some very creative Rolanders began making peanut shell art. When news traveled to earth about these interesting wall decorations, Hollywood stars began placing orders. So much money was made from these art sales that Roland, South Jupiter is now a very wealthy community. In spite of their wealth, the residents still continue to live on peanuts. They are forever grateful to the pastor of The Church of the Edible Peanut."@en . "3120.0"^^ . "Used in Recipes for the Following: Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab."@en . "High amount of piercing damage."@en . "Mobile; The Zoo, Animalia"@en . . "A hard shell that used to protect a monster."@en . . . . . "in the Dune Cliffs"@en . "A shell is also (incorrectly) referred to as the discarded portion of a cartridge after being fired; in this case, the \"shell\" is the casing."@en . . . "Celestia"@en . . . . . "Shell is a type of miscellaneous item in Divinity: Original Sin"@en . "|width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"|"@en . "Court Employee"@en . . . "y"@en . . "Harvest"@en . . "little"@en . . "1920.0"^^ . "Shell is additional ability of a Nano Forge. When it activated as It can protect itself from ongoing enemy fire and projectile."@en . . "Shell, officially known as Royal Dutch Shell plc, is a real world oil company. Until the introduction of the fictional gasoline company Octan in 1992, Shell was the common gasoline brand featured in LEGO sets. Shell often sells exclusive promotional LEGO sets at its petrol stations, for example, Ferrari sets are often seen in the Petrol Stations."@en . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . "The item's info window."@en . . . "Little"@en . . "Skyscrapers are shell buildings that were shipped with The Sims 3: Late Night. They are \"Shell buildings\" and only offer one or two floors (such as the basement; some nicer penthouses have a second floor bedroom.) as a playable area for either residential penthouses or community lots, such as Bars. More than one rabbit hole can be inside a skyscraper. It is the first time in the series that a skyscraper can be made without the use of cheats, though they were available as neighborhood decorations in The Sims 2: Nightlife and The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Skyscrapers can be placed in build mode, though, as any rabbit hole, it has to be placed before a family moves in."@en . "Aquamarine"@en . . "A remix of Kara."@en . . "little"@en . . . . "Yellow"@en . "Kiriraitaa"@en . . . "A Mercury Djinni in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Shell&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge."@en . "Shell"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "Natural Products"@en . "None"@en . "This is the story of Piko Wasa (her name jokingly evokes the piko piko, the name given to a Yukkuri Reimu's braid, and Wasa wasa, the Yukkureimu variety with bushier, thicker and fluffier braid), a young human girl (2nd yrs middleschooler, so roughly either twelve or thirteen years old) who grows enamored of the yukkuri phenomenon. In a petshop, she sees several koyukkuris and decides to buy one for herself, seeing how cute they look. She's also nicknamed \"fluffy\", and was often teased because of her Wasa-like pigtails."@en . "Male"@en . "Secret"@en . . . . "Japanese"@en . "A shell is a computer program that reads commands that are typed on a keyboard and executes them."@en . . . "None"@en . "Solid Slug"@en . "+2"@en . . . . "Shelra, mother"@en . . . . "Hainichi"@en . . . "Town"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Female"@en . . . "Shells"@es . . "af_dummy_dummy"@en . . . "Set off a high amount of combustion, damaging anything nearby."@en . . . . . . "Nightfall"@en . . . "Horizon Field"@en . . . "Obviously, you can get red turtle shells from red rock turtles.\""@en . "4"^^ . . "28"^^ . "Shell"@ru . . . . . . "Electro"@en . "Stormriven"@en . . "Shell in the Forgotten Realms is short for seashell but includes fresh water varieties and certain amphibian carapaces as well. Seashells are valued for their ability to be carved into cameos and jewelry. Shells are rarely used for currency because prices vary wildly with scarcity, fashion, and geographic location. Fine specimens can demand a high price from collectors and craftsmen but flawed pieces are generally worthless. Unless otherwise noted, the price given below for each type is the base value for a large, unblemished specimen that is usable for cameo work. Collectors may pay more for unusual specimens; any flaws quickly reduce the price."@en . . "\"Do you know that a turtle shell is just right to make a specific kind of armor? It's often used by armor crafters in general. It's even used to make the armor you are wearing. Naturally, there's never enough. I always suffer from insufficient supplies even if I get huge shipments of them. You can guess why I am telling you this, can't you? Could you get some turtle shells from the Dune Cliffs, south of Horizon?! I will pay you quite well."@en . "Child's Garden"@en . "SHELL"@en . "Monokuro Firumu"@en . . "Shell was a Human male from Alderaan. When his homeworld was destroyed by the first Death Star, Shell became an orphan and was one of the many refugee Alderaanians who settled on the planet Delaya."@en . . . "Shell"@nl . . "Collect"@en . "\u30E2\u30CE\u30AF\u30ED\u30D5\u30A3\u30EB\u30E0"@en . . . "A Shell is a quest item for the quest Trade Relations. They can be found scattered over Mehtani Keys during the quest. Like most Quest items, Shells have no value if you try to sell them to merchants and cannot be salvaged."@en . . . . "May.12.2010"@en . "GUMI"@en . "Miscellaneous"@en . . . "Shell is the Church of the Edible Peanut and is in the small town of Roland, South Jupiter. Roland, South Jupiter used to be an extremely poor community with a population of 250 Rolanders. When the pastor began the church, he realized that the towns most pressing need was food and shelter. After much thought and prayer, he decided that he would import peanut trees from Earth and instruct his parishoners in the art of growing and using peanuts. They are forever grateful to the pastor of The Church of the Edible Peanut."@en . "Shell, written by H-M Brown, is a Web Original Cosmic Horror Short Story. It is the prologue to the Geolyth Lore Series. It follows an unnamed man who tried to get a look at a mysterious creature and found himself fighting the madness after seeing it. This story is available via this link. If you're strong enough. \"Here there be spoilers!\""@en . "Shell (Unix Shell) \u2014 \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0449\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u044F\u0437\u044B\u043A, \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u043D\u044F\u0435\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u0433\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B\u043C\u0438 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043C\u0438 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043E\u0431\u0449\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0441 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043E\u043C \u0438 \u043F\u043E\u043A\u043B\u043E\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0421\u0435\u0442\u0443."@ru . "KarenT"@en . "A hard shell that used to protect a monster."@en . "\"SHELL\" is otetsu's second album which consists of 10 original songs. The album features the vocals of Hatsune Miku, GUMI, Megurine Luka, and Camui Gackpo. It was released on the same day as Otetsu's other album CORE. The 10th track is a remix by Natsu-P."@en . . . "Dune Cliffs"@en . "5"^^ . . . . "Hatsune Miku"@en . . "|width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"|"@en . . . . . "Normal"@en . "\"SHELL\" is otetsu's second album which consists of 10 original songs. The album features the vocals of Hatsune Miku, GUMI, Megurine Luka, and Camui Gackpo. It was released on the same day as Otetsu's other album CORE. The 10th track is a remix by Natsu-P."@en . "Megurine Luka"@en . . "Death"@en . "The shell is a command language interpreter. On Mac OS X it can be used on the Terminal."@en . . . "34000"^^ . "Little"@en . . . . . . "slight"@en . "6"^^ . "+5% Water resistance"@en . . . . . . "Survey Camp"@en . "Megurine Luka"@en . "Not Bad"@en . . . "Shell gas stations in the United States have sold promotional VHS cassettes of a few Peanuts television specials. Notably, the only home video release of You're in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown was as a VHS tape that was only available from Shell gas stations."@en . "Head south out of Horizon. Head through the Horizon Arena and out the east side. Take the road south until it turns west. Leave the road and continue heading south to enter the Dune Cliffs. Kill Turtles until you have enough Turtle Shells and then head back to Armor Trader Libby."@en . . . "First appearing in Siren Alley."@en . "Bald"@en . "Hoshikuzu Y\u016Btopia"@en . "The Grotto"@en . . . . . "1500.0"^^ . . . . . "Akashi"@en . . "10"^^ . . "In the context of electronic music, computer software which allows a plug-in to be run as a stand-alone application. Plug-ins are usually intended to be loaded into sequencer or DAW software, but there may be times when it makes more sense to dispense with the overhead of a large sequencer or DAW package, such as when using a plug-in as an effect during live performance. The shell usuallly provides only the minimal resources needed by the plug-in in order to run -- MIDI and audio routing, access to the user inteface, and access to CPU and storage resources; thus it is a lower-overhead solution. Some shells are intended for plug-in code development and contain specific features for testing and debugging."@en . "Single"@en . "Camui Gackpo"@en . . "22400"^^ . "Shell es un robot verde personaje de la serie \"La Robot Adolescente\" y uno de los mejores amigos robots de Vega que tambi\u00E9n vive en el Closter Principal."@en . "Shell's manual picture"@en . . "7.8"^^ . . . . . . "A Mercury Djinni in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Shell&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge."@en . "1"^^ . . "Citizen of the United States with no criminal record"@en . "Shell in the Forgotten Realms is short for seashell but includes fresh water varieties and certain amphibian carapaces as well. Seashells are valued for their ability to be carved into cameos and jewelry. Shells are rarely used for currency because prices vary wildly with scarcity, fashion, and geographic location. Fine specimens can demand a high price from collectors and craftsmen but flawed pieces are generally worthless. Unless otherwise noted, the price given below for each type is the base value for a large, unblemished specimen that is usable for cameo work. Collectors may pay more for unusual specimens; any flaws quickly reduce the price. Here are some shells found in the Realms: \n* Black Helmet (base value 45gp) \n* Conch (base value 10gp) \n* Flame Helmet (base value 50gp) \n* Green Abalone (base value 25gp) \n* Horned Helmet (base value 50gp) \n* Mother of Pearl (base value 5sp for 1 lb.) \n* Nacre (base value 1gp for 1 lb.) \n* Nautilus (base value 5gp) \n* Opal Cowrie (base value 100gp) \n* Pearl Cowrie (base value 20gp) \n* Purple Star Cowrie (base value 4,000gp) \n* Red Abalone (base value 10gp) \n* Red Helmet (base value 20gp) \n* Sardonyx Helmet (base value 40gp) \n* Shambos (base value 1-5gp per shell plate) \n* Tiger Cowrie (base value 10gp) \n* Trochus (base value 4gp) \n* Turbo (base value 2gp) \n* Unio (base value 1gp) See also: hardstones"@en . "Shell is a type of miscellaneous item in Divinity: Original Sin"@en . "Shell is a resource."@en . . . "Shell, written by H-M Brown, is a Web Original Cosmic Horror Short Story. It is the prologue to the Geolyth Lore Series. It follows an unnamed man who tried to get a look at a mysterious creature and found himself fighting the madness after seeing it. This story is available via this link. If you're strong enough. \"Here there be spoilers!\""@en . .