. . "Kurokodairu"@es . "105"^^ . . . "215"^^ . "701"^^ . . "Crocodiles are found all over the islands, these large reptiles rule over small streams, rivers and swamps. They are primarily found floating just under the surface of the water (usually camouflaged by lilly-pad patches and other floating vegetation) with their eyes and snout partially protruding out of the water. They usually employ their hunting technique near shallow waters and river-shores to be able to catch animals and sometimes humans by surprise. Take caution when approaching, they will wait for the opportune moment and then charge forward towards their victims."@en . "grudge against Whitebeard"@en . . "The Crocodile webkinz pet came out in July 2008. It retired along with the Toco Toucan. It has not been Pet of the Month and it has no Lil'Kinz version. Its special item is a Rockin' Croc Swamp Storage and special food is Meaty Mollusk Medallions. There is a virtual Ganz eStore Figurine called the Swim Star Crocodile."@en . . . "2.209032E8"^^ . . . "90.0"^^ . . "shichi"@in . . "2"^^ . "c578"@es . "3"^^ . "Crocodile, plus connu sous le titre de Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\uFF65\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB, S\u0101 Kurokodairu) ou de Mr. 0 (\u30DF\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30BC\u30ED, Misut\u0101 Zero), f\u00FBt le pr\u00E9sident de Baroque Works et l'antagoniste principal de la Saga Baroque Works. Son nom de code dans l'organisation \u00E9tait Mr. 0. Il est le premier ennemi de la s\u00E9rie qui a dur\u00E9 aussi longtemps et fut le premier ennemi \u00E0 avoir r\u00E9ellement battu Luffy. Il fut d'abord pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme l'un des 7 capitaines corsaires, mais il fut d\u00E9pouill\u00E9 de son titre lorsqu'il a essay\u00E9 de prendre le contr\u00F4le d'Alabasta, le royaume du d\u00E9sert. Il fut d'abord pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme \u00E9tant un ennemi majeur de Luffy, cependant, les deux ont form\u00E9 une alliance difficile et improbable lors de leur \u00E9vasion d'Impel Down et la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 de la Bataille de Marineford."@fr . "1"^^ . "Crocodile suunnitteli yhdess\u00E4 Alabastan kuninkaan, Nefertari Cobran kanssa sis\u00E4llissodan, jota varten Crocodile perusti rikollisorganisaatio Baroque Worksin. J\u00E4rjest\u00F6n j\u00E4senille kerrottiin, ett\u00E4 heid\u00E4n aikeena on perustaa Alabastan valloitettua utopia, mutta todellisuudessa Crocodile kuvasi elokuvaa rikollisorganisaation ja kapinallisten v\u00E4lisest\u00E4 sodank\u00E4ynnist\u00E4. H\u00E4n menetti elokuvan tuotannon aikana tekemiens\u00E4 rikosten vuoksi Kaapparilordin virkansa ja joutui Impel Downiin, mutta osti itsens\u00E4 hyvin pian vapaaksi miljoonia tuottaneella elokuvallaan. Rahoilla h\u00E4n alkoi toteuttaa unelmiaan, ja ensit\u00F6iksi perusti sikaritehtaan, joka valmisti h\u00E4nen kauan kaipaamiaan variaatioita, kuten sitruunanmakuisia ja peniksen muotoisia sikareita. H\u00E4n palkkasi sikaritehtaalleen koemaistelua varten Sanjin sytytt\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n sikareita Diable Jambellaan. My\u00F6s sikarit tuottivat h\u00E4nelle rahaa niin paljon, ett\u00E4 Crocodile aloitti maailman markkinoiden valloituksen. H\u00E4n muun muassa osti koko Alabastan kansalta kaikki vaatteet ja myi sitten heille tuplahintaan tynnyreit\u00E4 peitt\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n heid\u00E4n paljaat pintansa. Crocodile perusti tynnyritehtaan lis\u00E4ksi pirunmarjatehtaan, juorulehden nimelt\u00E4 Crocodaily sek\u00E4 osti lisenssin One Piece -sarjalle, tuottaen v\u00E4litt\u00F6m\u00E4sti satoja miljardeja."@en . "Low"@en . "Awalnya ia diperkenalkan sebagai Shichibukai tetapi kemudian dilucuti dari gelar setelah mencoba untuk mengambil alih kerajaan Alabasta dan dikirim ke penjara bawah laut Impel Down. Berkat Monkey D. Luffy, ia berhasil melarikan diri dari Impel Down dan pergi ke Marineford untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam perang. Setelah itu, ia dan Daz Bones memutuskan untuk meneruskan petualangannya di Dunia Baru."@in . . . . "6"^^ . "0"^^ . "7"^^ . "c176"@es . "4"^^ . . . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . . "Pirate; Baroque Works president"@en . . . . "El Crocodile es un dispositivo que permite la repetici\u00F3n de se\u00F1ales en cabina. Se cre\u00F3 alrededor de 1872 (ver Sistemas de control de trenes) y a\u00FAn est\u00E1 instalado en todas las l\u00EDneas principales de RFF, SNCB y CFL. El Crocodile es una barra de metal ondulada de unos 2 m metros de longitud (de ah\u00ED el nombre) situada entre los carriles, que entra en contacto f\u00EDsico con una escobilla instalada a bordo del tren. La barra est\u00E1 bajo tensi\u00F3n \u00B1 20 V, en funci\u00F3n del aspecto de la se\u00F1al. El conductor recibe una indicaci\u00F3n de aviso a la que ha de responder. Si no lo hace, se activa el freno autom\u00E1tico. Crocodile no supervisa velocidad o distancia. S\u00F3lo act\u00FAa como sistema de vigilancia."@es . "Loopt weg bij donker rood hp. Ze kunnen zwakkere monsters vermoorden om bij jou te komen"@nl . . . "2"^^ . . "Crocodiles are the non-fire-proof versions of Fire-proof Crocodiles. They are Gods hitmen sent to terrorize the liberals in the South. Crocodiles are the greatest and only surviving versions of the dinosaurs."@en . . . . . "308"^^ . . . . . "200"^^ . . "c529"@es . "Crocodiles lurk in the murky waters of swamps or lie seemingly lazy at the shores of rivers and seas. They are astonishing agile when they are catching their prey though, and many were misled by their otherwise slow motions. The strength of their jaws is incredible and they hunt animals much larger than themselves with ease. For hours they can wait motionlessly for the unwary to approach and then to strike at complete surprise. If they manage to catch some mammal in water, there is almost no escape. On land, their claws and their thick scale skin makes it an impressive fighter and a threat to everything alive. You are advised to stay away from shores or to go there only with utmost caution."@en . . "Fruta Suna Suna"@es . . "Reptile"@en . "2769"^^ . . . "105"^^ . "Crocodile suunnitteli yhdess\u00E4 Alabastan kuninkaan, Nefertari Cobran kanssa sis\u00E4llissodan, jota varten Crocodile perusti rikollisorganisaatio Baroque Worksin. J\u00E4rjest\u00F6n j\u00E4senille kerrottiin, ett\u00E4 heid\u00E4n aikeena on perustaa Alabastan valloitettua utopia, mutta todellisuudessa Crocodile kuvasi elokuvaa rikollisorganisaation ja kapinallisten v\u00E4lisest\u00E4 sodank\u00E4ynnist\u00E4. H\u00E4n menetti elokuvan tuotannon aikana tekemiens\u00E4 rikosten vuoksi Kaapparilordin virkansa ja joutui Impel Downiin, mutta osti itsens\u00E4 hyvin pian vapaaksi miljoonia tuottaneella elokuvallaan."@en . . . . . "5988"^^ . "c531"@es . . "No"@en . . "5986"^^ . "JAP 2"@en . . . "The Lost Heir"@en . . "Crocodile"@es . . "Shichibukai ; Baroque Works"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "* Bite [12] \n* Tail Swipe [7]"@en . . "Crocodile"@pt . "160"^^ . "4"^^ . . "Skirmish"@en . . "Ei"@fi . . . . . . "c175"@es . "evil"@en . . . . . "pel\u00EDcula"@es . "No"@es . "278"^^ . "This cob, created by Ali, adds a new animal to the ocean between the submarine bay and the island. He lurks just under the surface where he swims about, constantly watching the area by the boat port on the submarine-bay side of the ocean for unsuspecting norns. The crocodile uses the C1 class numbers: \n* 2 10 89"@en . "226"^^ . . . . . "Crocodile disebutkan sebagai Shichibukai."@in . . "c201"@en . "44"^^ . "46"^^ . . . "40"^^ . . . . . . . "Crocodile was a burly, brown, female MudWing and former member of the Talons of Peace. She had huge, brown wings and a horrible scar that pulled her lower lip into a strange position and made her always look like she was grimacing.. She was most likely killed by Glory, who had spat RainWing venom into Crocodile's eyes so they could escape the Summer Palace during the attack by the SkyWings and MudWings in the The Lost Heir. Webs trusted her because she saved his life once, but she betrayed him and the Talons of Peace by spying on them for Burn's army. She appeared to be a slightly self centered dragon, as she proclaimed that she was going to \"so get a promotion\" at the expense of the dragonets and Webs' well being. She is most likely a bigwings, considering her physical description."@en . "Crocodile_header.png"@en . "Crocodile, also known as Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB) or Mr. 0, is implied to have a varied and decorated career as a pirate and once desired to become the King of the Pirates like Luffy. He shared some connections with Emporio Ivankov and lost to Whitebeard once in the past. Six years before the main story begins, Crocodile offers Robin shelter from the law in exchange for her service to read Poneglyphs, or ancient historical records written in a lost language. Over the years Crocodile gains enough prestige to be one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or a former pirate captains who serve under but not necessarily respect the World Government. Abusing the privileges that come with his title, Crocodile creates his station at Alabasta Kingdom. He uses a magical item called Dance Powder to brainwash Alabasta's people to accept him as the true hero of Alabasta and secretly leads a formidable espionage group, Baroque Works, to assassinate people who learn the truth and intimidate any of his oppressors. Although he looks forward to breaking the king's adamant defiance to him, Crocodile ultimately desires to gain access to the royal family's vault and obtain information regarding the legendary weapon of mass destruction, Pluton. He needs Robin to translate the Poneglyph describing the weapon for him. Despite overpowering Luffy during their first standoffs, Crocodile is defeated by the pirate captain. He is stripped of his titles and sent to the underwater prison, Impel Down. He joins the eventual prison break with the sole desire to avenge his past defeat to Whitebeard."@en . . . "yes"@es . "Notable Films & Series"@en . "Crocodiles are reptiles that live in swamps and wet places. As crocodiles do not live in cold climates, they are not seen in Club Penguin. Their only appearances in the game so far have been references."@en . . "Air"@en . "12"^^ . . . . . . "512"^^ . . "c206"@es . "100"^^ . "Awalnya ia diperkenalkan sebagai Shichibukai tetapi kemudian dilucuti dari gelar setelah mencoba untuk mengambil alih kerajaan Alabasta dan dikirim ke penjara bawah laut Impel Down. Berkat Monkey D. Luffy, ia berhasil melarikan diri dari Impel Down dan pergi ke Marineford untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam perang. Setelah itu, ia dan Daz Bones memutuskan untuk meneruskan petualangannya di Dunia Baru."@in . "#F5F5DC"@es . "6"^^ . "Seven Warlords of the Sea"@en . . . "* Stefano Albertini;\n* Paolo De Santis ;\n* Alessandro D'Errico"@it . "c549"@en . . "0"^^ . "Crocodiles are the consorts that dwell upon the Land of Heat and Clockwork. Little is known about them. According to a conversation between Terezi and Dave, they have a tendency to eat you, but this is apparently just their way of being friendly. They also appear to be heavily arrested by the LOHAC Stock Exchange, and do not seem to be aware that Dave is making a goddamn killing at their expense. Some crocodiles took possession of Dave's belongings when he was sleeping, as Jade discovered when she pestered Dave. This is extremely odd, as it means they must have somehow gained access to his Sylladex. Judging by statues seen on LOTAF, it seems Crocodiles are that planet's consorts as well."@en . "45"^^ . "A crocodile is a type of large amphibious reptile, related to the alligator. Crocodiles live in rivers and swamps in Africa and Asia, nesting on land, but often hunting and resting in water. Large crocodiles are able to catch and kill livestock and humans with their powerful jaws and shorts bursts of speed."@en . "Crocodiles are enemies that first appear in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped in Tomb Time and Bug Lite. They are green and can be found in the holes in the ground. They jump out with their jaws open and dive back into a hole again, acting as obstacles. Crocodiles can be defeated by spinning them, jumping on them, or shooting at them with the fruit bazooka. If Crash tries to jump past the pit but gets hit, the crocodile will turn him into an angel."@en . "c546"@en . . . . . . "* Flotta dei sette ;\n* Baroque Works"@it . . . . . . . . "432"^^ . . "439"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . "442"^^ . "443"^^ . "445"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . "422"^^ . "Just attack them, but remember that they can deal good damage if you have 3 or more on you."@es . . . "c202"@es . . . "In ancient Egypt, Thoueris controlled the crocodiles in the River Nile with her ring. The Eighth Doctor took her ring and used it to turn the crocodiles against her. (COMIC: The Power of Thoueris!) According to the Twelfth Doctor, the people of Crocodilopolis in ancient Egypt worshipped a giant crocodile, which the Doctor claimed was a \"useful coincidence\". (TV: The Caretaker) In Karabya, India on 31 December 1926, the Fifth Doctor and his companions Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka and Turlough were forced to cross a den of crocodiles. Tegan referred to one of them as \"an overgrown handbag.\" (AUDIO: The Emerald Tiger) In India in 1947, a gigantic crocodile tried to attack the Campbells' house, but Major Daker shot it dead. (PROSE: Ghosts of India) On an unnamed planet, the First Doctor was nearly attacked by a crocodile, but drove it off with some magnesium powder. (COMIC: The Didus Expedition) A lake on one planet was infested with crocodiles. The first of the tests of Trefus required that one of the fair-haired people to swim across this lake. Saul completed this test when the Second Doctor used explosives to temporarily stun the crocodiles. (COMIC: The Tests of Trefus) Another planet was inhabited by six-legged, telepathic crocodiles. (PROSE: The Crocodiles from the Mist) Crocodiles lived on an island in the Divergent Universe. (AUDIO: The Next Life)"@en . . "The Crocodile or Tick-Tock the Crocodile is a crocodile that stalks Captain Hook. At some point Peter Pan had a fight with Captain Hook in which he cut Hook's left hand off and fed it to the crocodile. That little appetizer was so successful that he's been following Hook ever since, egar to devour the remains of the captain,Luckily for Hook, however, the crocodile swallowed an alarm clock, allowing Hook to hear him coming. but in Return to Never Land Hook remarks that he finally got rid of him, until his return to Never Land in Jake and the Never Land Pirates."@en . . "430"^^ . "50"^^ . . . "Crocodile, also known as Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB) or Mr. 0, is implied to have a varied and decorated career as a pirate and once desired to become the King of the Pirates like Luffy. He shared some connections with Emporio Ivankov and lost to Whitebeard once in the past. Six years before the main story begins, Crocodile offers Robin shelter from the law in exchange for her service to read Poneglyphs, or ancient historical records written in a lost language."@en . "4"^^ . . "Crocodile was a burly, brown, female MudWing and former member of the Talons of Peace. She had huge, brown wings and a horrible scar that pulled her lower lip into a strange position and made her always look like she was grimacing.. She was most likely killed by Glory, who had spat RainWing venom into Crocodile's eyes so they could escape the Summer Palace during the attack by the SkyWings and MudWings in the The Lost Heir. Webs trusted her because she saved his life once, but she betrayed him and the Talons of Peace by spying on them for Burn's army. She appeared to be a slightly self centered dragon, as she proclaimed that she was going to \"so get a promotion\" at the expense of the dragonets and Webs' well being. She is most likely a bigwings, considering her physical description."@en . . . "The World Government covers up the Baroque Works' crimes"@en . . "biting, jumping"@en . . . . . "Crocodiles are a type of aquatic obstacle in Crossy Road. They only appear when playing as an Australian or Prehistoric mascot. (There is also an actual mascot called the Crocodile.)"@en . "pre-Alabasta Arc appearance"@en . . "c205"@es . . . "96.75"^^ . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Real Name"@en . . "Crocodile declines Doflamingo's offer"@en . . . . . "None"@en . "20"^^ . . . "200"^^ . "200"^^ . . . . "2005-04-04"^^ . "Air spells"@nl . . . "Crocodile is a water-element based monster of which is located within the Marshlands. This monster is the most powerful found within this location."@en . . "486"^^ . "crocodile"@en . "487"^^ . "489"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "Crocodiles were a non-sentient species that shared physical similarities with the sentient Saurins."@en . "180"^^ . . . "465"^^ . . . "466"^^ . . . "469"^^ . "470"^^ . . "472"^^ . . "475"^^ . . "Criminale"@it . "Bones"@fi . "448"^^ . . "54"^^ . "449"^^ . "450"^^ . "451"^^ . . "452"^^ . "Crocodylus"@en . . "17"^^ . "known as a Shichibukai"@en . "(Covier, 1807)"@en . . . . . "28"^^ . . . . "Le crocodile est une esp\u00E8ce d'animaux pr\u00E9sente dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing. Il y a neuf crocodiles existants dans toute la s\u00E9rie et ce sont tous des villageois. \n* Lisette \n* Croko \n* Pironkon \n* Alphonse \n* Allie \n* Hector \n* Chuck \n* Odile \n* Drago Dans Animal Crossing, il existe 4 crocodiles qui sont Alphonse, Allie, Croko et Lisette. La derni\u00E8re ne sera pas reprise dans les jeux suivants. Pironkon, lui, appara\u00EEt uniquement dans D\u014Dbutsu no Mori e+, un jeu exclusivement japonais. C'est un habitant de l'\u00EEle."@fr . "Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped"@en . . . "c178"@en . . . . "c202"@en . "40"^^ . "Crocodile, plus connu sous le titre de Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\uFF65\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB, S\u0101 Kurokodairu) ou de Mr. 0 (\u30DF\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30BC\u30ED, Misut\u0101 Zero), f\u00FBt le pr\u00E9sident de Baroque Works et l'antagoniste principal de la Saga Baroque Works. Son nom de code dans l'organisation \u00E9tait Mr. 0. Il est le premier ennemi de la s\u00E9rie qui a dur\u00E9 aussi longtemps et fut le premier ennemi \u00E0 avoir r\u00E9ellement battu Luffy. Il fut d'abord pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme l'un des 7 capitaines corsaires, mais il fut d\u00E9pouill\u00E9 de son titre lorsqu'il a essay\u00E9 de prendre le contr\u00F4le d'Alabasta, le royaume du d\u00E9sert. Il fut d'abord pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme \u00E9tant un ennemi majeur de Luffy, cependant, les deux ont form\u00E9 une alliance difficile et improbable lors de leur \u00E9vasion d'Impel Down et la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 de la Bataille de Marineford."@fr . . . "Le crocodile est une cr\u00E9ature non magique dont le c\u0153ur peut \u00EAtre utilis\u00E9 comme ingr\u00E9dient de potions."@fr . . . . "Runs in dark red health . These creatures will push or kill weaker monsters to get to their target, they also retarget ."@en . . "--09-05"^^ . "c169"@es . . "Crocodile"@en . "a green crocodile"@en . . "Complete all of the brotherhood trials. The Crocodile plinth will be raised when Mercurio appears."@en . "96.7"^^ . "Combien faut-il de zoologues pour changer une ampoule ?"@fr . . "The Crocodile is a hostile mob that spawns exclusively in the Far Harad biomes."@en . . . "Crocodilid\u00E9"@fr . . . . "Crocodile releases Daz"@en . . "Only found in rivers. \nKills the player if they step on the head"@en . "In the crocodile cave and the jungle east of Port Hope as well as the swamp to the north, Fenrock, Arena and Zoo Quarter, Trade Quarter, Talahu, also located on Meriana and Laguna Islands."@en . "Reptiles"@sv . . . "25"^^ . "Tashigi menangkap Crocodile dan melucuti gelar Shichibukainya atas dakwaan pengkhianatan terhadap Pemerintah Dunia."@in . . "33.0"^^ . "Croc"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . "crocodile"@en . "Animalia"@en . . "11"^^ . "c207-208"@es . "Ry\u016Bzabur\u014D \u014Ctomo"@es . "Crocodile saves Ace"@en . "Crocodiles were large, amphibious reptiles. Carnivorous, water-dwelling reptiles, crocodiles lived in several countries worldwide, most notably in Egypt, where they hunted in rivers and lakes for fish, birds and larger prey, including humans. Crocodiles could reach lengths of up to thirty feet and were sometimes hunted for their leathery skin as well as their meat. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the crocodile as a symbol of the Nile River, in the form of a crocodile-headed man named Sobek. Alex O'Connell had encountered several crocodiles when he had fallen into the Nile River from a riverboat and had almost been taken by them. Crocodiles also resided in the Blue Nile river, which led out of Egypt and into Abyssinia."@en . . "81000000"^^ . "116"^^ . "While slow, the crocodile can do significant damage, and is much more difficult a foe than its younger form. A crocodile corpse is a good meal, but an adventurer with a wand of polymorph may want to reconsider before eating \u2014 polypiling a crocodile corpse will yield a pair of non-cursed fireproof +0 low boots. The baby crocodile is simply just a young crocodile. It is amphibious, and rather slow moving. It poses little threat to a player, as escape is easy."@en . "117"^^ . "118"^^ . . . "120"^^ . . "121"^^ . "122"^^ . "0"^^ . "123"^^ . . "250"^^ . "124"^^ . "125"^^ . "Crocodiles are aquatic reptiles of the order Crocodilia and are similar to dinosaurs in several ways. In the Turok franchise, they mostly appear as enemies. In the video games, they will attack the player."@en . . "126"^^ . "Crocodiles are the consorts that dwell upon the Land of Heat and Clockwork. Little is known about them. According to a conversation between Terezi and Dave, they have a tendency to eat you, but this is apparently just their way of being friendly. They also appear to be heavily arrested by the LOHAC Stock Exchange, and do not seem to be aware that Dave is making a goddamn killing at their expense. Judging by statues seen on LOTAF, it seems Crocodiles are that planet's consorts as well."@en . "127"^^ . . . "104"^^ . "19936779"^^ . "106"^^ . . "107"^^ . "108"^^ . "Crocodiles are reptiles that have existed for millions of years, alongside dinosaurs and beyond."@en . . "tsuyoi wani"@en . "109"^^ . . "110"^^ . . "111"^^ . . . "90"^^ . . . . . . "62"^^ . "91"^^ . "92"^^ . . "A Crocodile is a LEGO animal. The figure has appeared in many themes, including Agents, Indiana Jones, Pirates, Outback, and Adventurers. The figure is made of three parts; a head, a tail and a body."@en . . . . "67"^^ . . . "The Crocodile is one of the largest living reptiles known to man and is found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Having a mouth laden between 30 and 40 teeth in each jaw, its bite can be devastating alone. Combine that with its armor-like skin made up of bony plates, and the Crocodile is an extraordinarily well-adapted predator. The Crocodile is also amphibious, and while not that fast on land, it can move fairly quickly in water."@en . "File:Leather.png Leather, File:Feather.png feathers, and various meats"@en . "0"^^ . "77"^^ . "54"^^ . "116"^^ . . "Baroque Works"@es . . . "c198"@es . . . . . "Impel Down prisoner"@en . "TickTock Profile.jpg"@en . . "Nee"@nl . . . . . . ""@en . "105"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . . . . "JAP 40"@en . . . "0"^^ . . "None"@en . . "Crocodile"@sv . "Frog"@en . . "128"^^ . . . "Reptile"@en . . . . . . . . . "253.0"^^ . . "\"Why not take the chance, if it means you can go home again?\""@en . "120"^^ . . . "no"@en . "no"@en . "green"@en . "The Crocodile is a hostile mob that spawns exclusively in the Far Harad biomes."@en . "Crocodile is consumed in some countries such as Australia, Ethiopia, Thailand, South Africa and also Cuba (in pickled form). It can also be found in specialty restaurants in some parts of the United States. The meat is white and its nutritional composition compares favorably with that of more traditional meats. It does tend to have a slightly higher cholesterol level than other meats. Crocodile meat has a delicate flavor and its taste can be complemented by the use of marinades. Choice cuts of meat include back strap and tail fillet."@en . "Fruta Arena Arena"@es . . . . "2900"^^ . "0"^^ . "Reptiles"@en . "c557"@es . . . . . . . . . "Runs in dark red health. These creatures will kill other weaker monsters to get to you."@sv . "SBS78"@es . "Melee"@nl . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB"@it . "Always"@en . "Sand-Sand Fruit"@en . . . . "Location"@en . . "Large watershore reptiles."@en . . "33.4"^^ . . . "Peter Pan, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up"@en . "Red"@en . . . . . "c546"@es . "1"^^ . . . "Crocodile"@en . . . "Reptiles"@es . "1"^^ . "Impel Down intro"@en . "Croc with the hook's inside uncovered"@en . "Crocodylidae"@en . "Nothing"@sv . . . . . . "199"^^ . . "196"^^ . "40"^^ . . "c577"@es . . "none"@en . "207"^^ . "El Crocodile es un dispositivo que permite la repetici\u00F3n de se\u00F1ales en cabina. Se cre\u00F3 alrededor de 1872 (ver Sistemas de control de trenes) y a\u00FAn est\u00E1 instalado en todas las l\u00EDneas principales de RFF, SNCB y CFL. El Crocodile es una barra de metal ondulada de unos 2 m metros de longitud (de ah\u00ED el nombre) situada entre los carriles, que entra en contacto f\u00EDsico con una escobilla instalada a bordo del tren. La barra est\u00E1 bajo tensi\u00F3n \u00B1 20 V, en funci\u00F3n del aspecto de la se\u00F1al. El conductor recibe una indicaci\u00F3n de aviso a la que ha de responder. Si no lo hace, se activa el freno autom\u00E1tico. Crocodile no supervisa velocidad o distancia. S\u00F3lo act\u00FAa como sistema de vigilancia."@es . "204"^^ . "The Crocodile is one of the largest living reptiles known to man and is found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Having a mouth laden between 30 and 40 teeth in each jaw, its bite can be devastating alone. Combine that with its armor-like skin made up of bony plates, and the Crocodile is an extraordinarily well-adapted predator. The Crocodile is also amphibious, and while not that fast on land, it can move fairly quickly in water."@en . . "202"^^ . "Crocodiles are charmable animals native to Istan."@en . "2900"^^ . "203"^^ . . . "201"^^ . . "212"^^ . . . "211"^^ . . "208"^^ . . . "A crocodile is any species in the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all members of the order Crocodillia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae), or even the Crocodylomorpha which includes prehistoric crocodile relaitives and ancestors. Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes brackish water. The feed mostly on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes on invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans, depending on the species. They are an ancient"@en . "No"@en . . "een krokodil is een monster dat de speler kan krijgen als task (opdracht) van Vanaka de Slayer Master in Edgeville Dungeon. Krokodillen kunnen in de woestijn worden gevonden ten zuiden van Pollnivneach, daarom is de krokodil ook alleen beschikbaar voor Members. Indien de speler van plan is krokodillen te doden is het handig om een Water source bij te hebben (bijvoorbeeld meerdere Water skins). Deze kunnen gekocht worden aan de Shantay pass. Indien de water skins leeg zijn kan de speler ze dan aan de fontein van Pollnivneach vullen."@nl . . "Crocodiles are enemies in EarthBound Beginnings. They are stronger versions of Alligators, boasting high HP and Defense. They are encountered in the Swamp. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s..."@en . . "Crocodile is a Classic figure part of The Jungle Book collection."@en . "166"^^ . . "200"^^ . "The Crocodile (Crocodylus Niloticus) is a Creature of Black & White: Creature Isle."@en . . "* pirata;\n* membro della Flotta dei sette ;\n* capo della Baroque Works"@it . . . "172"^^ . . "173"^^ . "Crocodylus Niloticus"@en . "c557"@en . "Easy"@en . "c398"@es . . "178"^^ . "Episodio 77"@es . "si"@es . "179"^^ . "40"^^ . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "c561"@es . "0"^^ . "34"^^ . . "6.0"^^ . . . . "250"^^ . "A crocodile is a type of large amphibious reptile, related to the alligator. Crocodiles live in rivers and swamps in Africa and Asia, nesting on land, but often hunting and resting in water. Large crocodiles are able to catch and kill livestock and humans with their powerful jaws and shorts bursts of speed."@en . "Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced"@en . "A fairly good source of food and drops the very popular Crocodile Boots. Since Christmas Update 2009 crocodiles no longer drop meat."@en . . . . "154"^^ . . . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB"@es . . "62"^^ . "107"^^ . "104"^^ . . "110"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "111"^^ . "108"^^ . . "Crocodiles can be found in and near water in the Kharidian Desert: \n* Crocodiles inhabit the river and both banks of the River Elid south of Pollnivneach, north of Sophanem, and west of Nardah. Nardah and Sophanem both have banks, although the Sophanem bank is only available for players who have completed the quest Contact!. These crocodiles hit for a maximum of 116 life points and always drop bones with no other items."@en . . . "Crocodile"@nl . . "c593"@es . . "The Crocodile is an animal in Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms and Age of Mythology."@en . "114"^^ . . "122"^^ . "115"^^ . "123"^^ . "120"^^ . "113"^^ . "121"^^ . "126"^^ . "126"^^ . "127"^^ . "BaroqueWorksColores"@es . "124"^^ . "125"^^ . "Newspaper"@en . "66"^^ . "67"^^ . . . . . "76"^^ . . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "c170"@es . "\"Crocodiles can go for a year after a big meal without eating anything, living solely off their fat reserves. Despite those fasts, however, they keep growing throughout their entire life.\"Crocodile Map\nFile:Crocodile map.png You can have a family of 4 crocodiles at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Crocodiles\nThe first male and female crocodiles are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby crocodiles are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward.Crocodile Zoo Book Page\nCrocodile Family Video\n"@en . "91"^^ . . . "63"^^ . . "Crocodile"@es . "92"^^ . . . . . . "Eocene \u2013 Recent,"@en . . "None"@en . "Dispositif plac\u00E9 au pied des signaux et permettant de transmettre \u00E0 bord de l'engin moteur l'indication pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par le signal. Le premier crocodile (Fran\u00E7ais) fut essay\u00E9 en 1872, il \u00E9tait install\u00E9 \u00E0 200 m\u00E8tres en amont du disque et compos\u00E9 d'une pi\u00E8ce de ch\u00EAne de 4 m\u00E8tres, pr\u00E9alablement tremp\u00E9 dans l'huile de lin bouillante et recouverte d'une plaque de cuivre jaune. Lorsque le disque \u00E9tait ferm\u00E9, le crocodile \u00E9tait reli\u00E9 \u00E0 une source \u00E9lectrique (pile) et d\u00E9clenchait sur la machine qui le franchissait un sifflet \u00E9lectromoteur, le courant \u00E9tant capt\u00E9 par une brosse m\u00E9tallique form\u00E9e de fil de cuivre dur et fix\u00E9e sous l'engin (roue et rail constituant le retour). Source : Histoire de la signalisation ferroviaire fran\u00E7aise."@fr . "Crocodiles are reptilian creatures found throughout the LEGO Universe. One species of Crocodile Pets can be found in the Gnarled Forest Crocodile Corner. They reside in the lake and can be tamed after learning how to tame pets at Pet Cove. To tame a Crocodile Pet, players must assemble a frog model. Once tamed, Crocodile Pets can dig up buried Treasure Chests and activate Pet Bouncers."@en . "Crocodiles were a non-sentient species that shared physical similarities with the sentient Saurins."@en . . "Never smile at a..."@nl . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Long bone"@en . "Os Crocodiles vivem nas \u00E1guas dos p\u00E2ntanos ou descansam nas bordas dos rios e oceanos. Eles s\u00E3o muito \u00E1geis quando est\u00E3o ca\u00E7ando e se aproveitam da lentid\u00E3o dos outros animais. A for\u00E7a deles \u00E9 inacredit\u00E1vel e eles ca\u00E7am animais bem maiores que eles mesmos com facilidade. Eles podem ficar esperando parados por horas para se aproveitarem de um descuido de suas presas e as atacarem. Se eles quiserem ca\u00E7ar algum mam\u00EDfero na \u00E1gua, \u00E9 quase imposs\u00EDvel fugir. Na terra, suas patas e sua pele escamada fazem deles grandes lutadores e um perigo para todo ser vivo. Voc\u00EA est\u00E1 avisado para n\u00E3o ir as praias ou para ir nelas com muita precau\u00E7\u00E3o."@pt . . "c213"@es . . . . . "50"^^ . . "29"^^ . ""@en . "0"^^ . . "c541"@en . "100"^^ . . "Crocodile"@ro . "0"^^ . "They swim, but can follow the player onto the land as well. They are fairly easy to avoid."@en . . "*Crocodile, subst. masc. P. anal. [En parlant d'un obj.] CH. DE FER. Pi\u00E8ce fixe, allong\u00E9e et horizontale, plac\u00E9e sur une voie ferr\u00E9e pour mettre en action un signal par frottement, au passage d'une locomotive."@fr . "444"^^ . . . "c584"@es . . "7"^^ . . "BaroqueWorksColors"@en . . "c177"@es . "12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae), as well as the Crocodylomorpha which includes prehistoric crocodile relatives and ancestors."@en . "c199"@en . "Crocodile \u00E8 un pirata che in passato \u00E8 stato un membro della Flotta dei sette ed era a capo della Baroque Works."@it . "6"^^ . . . "Fire, Energy, Poison"@en . "c0"@es . "5"^^ . "7625"^^ . . . "red and spiky with more jagged teeth"@en . "c403"@es . "Doflamingo's offer to Crocodile"@en . . . . "Reptile"@en . . . "N/A"@en . "55"^^ . . "First Appearance"@en . "Crocodiles are a species of reptile native to various warm parts of the world, including Australia, Africa and Asia. A few species are dangerous to humans. The largest species is the Saltwater crocodile of Australia and Southeast Asia."@en . . "It is interesting to note that if the player is with an AI partner, the crocodiles and AI will mutually ignore one another. During the initial cutscene of the Execution Grounds, Sodibaya appear to feed a crocodile an agent. Also, if the Majini fall into the water after being shot, the crocodiles will surface and devour them as well. Judging by the animals' size, all the crocodiles encountered are probably Nile crocodiles, and are most likely all male."@en . . "Kingdom"@en . . "c540"@es . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . . . "0"^^ . "Brian Zimmerman"@en . . "right"@nl . . "8"^^ . . . . "no"@en . . . "110.0"^^ . . . . "IV"@en . "The aforementioned strip contained two inaccuracies; first, the crocodile was incorrectly claimed to live in the amazon river of South America, which only contains caimans. Second, the hippopotamus only lives in Africa."@en . . "0"^^ . "Krokodil"@nl . . . . "Crocodiles are aquatic reptiles of the order Crocodilia and are similar to dinosaurs in several ways. In the Turok franchise, they mostly appear as enemies. In the video games, they will attack the player."@en . "c762"@es . . . . "Crocodile"@it . . "CI"@en . . . . . "No"@en . "c127"@es . "Indian Jungle"@en . . "nee"@nl . . "nee"@nl . . "--09-05"^^ . "yes"@en . "1788"^^ . "Not immune"@en . . . . . . . "c207"@es . . . . "422"^^ . . . . "430"^^ . "c542"@es . "Crocodiles are found in the Kharidian Desert south of Pollnivneach on either side of the River Elid. They are often assigned as Slayer tasks by Vannaka. Bring Waterskins to avoid dying of thirst. A great place to fight crocodiles is on the south side of the river, directly south of the small island where the crocodiles spawn. Because crocodiles are aggressive from a few squares away, this place attracts crocodiles from in the water where they cannot usually be reached, and is much less click intensive. Alternatively, there is a cactus that you can use to safespot crocodiles by standing on the south side. Another place to fight crocodiles (if Icthlarin's Little Helper has been completed) is just north of Sophanem, by the river just outside the gate. There is an altar for prayer, and a sink just south of that inside of the city, allowing for prolonged trips. File:Crocodile safespot.png"@en . "432"^^ . "Crocodiles are reptiles that live in swamps and wet places. As crocodiles do not live in cold climates, they are not seen in Club Penguin. Their only appearances in the game so far have been references."@en . "Medium"@en . "Water"@en . "Nee"@nl . . "*Ingr\u00E9dient de potions \n*V\u00EAtement"@fr . . "442"^^ . "443"^^ . . . "446"^^ . . "447"^^ . . "Crocodylidae"@en . "Cuvier, 1807"@en . . . "Image caption"@en . . "Normal"@en . . "63"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Crocodiles are a species of reptile native to various warm parts of the world, including Australia, Africa and Asia. A few species are dangerous to humans. The largest species is the Saltwater crocodile of Australia and Southeast Asia."@en . "c203"@es . "c114"@es . "20"^^ . "Deadly creatures hardened by the desert, these monsters sure know how to strike fear into any opponent trying to make an assault near a river or the sea."@en . . . "Menaphite Pantheon"@en . "487"^^ . "Crocodiles are four legged reptilian creatures similar to crocolisks and alligators. Druids can summon them as a nature's ally. Crocodiles are aggressive predators 11 to 12 feet long. They lie mostly submerged in rivers or marshes, with only their eyes and nostrils showing, waiting for prey to come within reach. If the crocodile bites down on an opponent, the crocodile establishes a hold on the opponent with its mouth and drags it into deep water, attempting to pin it to the bottom. A crocodile can hold its breath for a long while before it risks drowning. A crocodile can hide when in the water. Further, a crocodile can lie in the water with only its eyes and nostrils showing."@en . . "c179"@es . . "The Crocodile"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Marshlands"@en . . "Yes"@en . . . . "EE9A4D"@en . "46"^^ . "#671C99"@es . "While slow, the crocodile can do significant damage, and is much more difficult a foe than its younger form. A crocodile corpse is a good meal, but an adventurer with a wand of polymorph may want to reconsider before eating \u2014 polypiling a crocodile corpse will yield a pair of non-cursed fireproof +0 low boots. The baby crocodile is simply just a young crocodile. It is amphibious, and rather slow moving. It poses little threat to a player, as escape is easy."@en . "Voice Actor"@en . "150"^^ . . "Physical Damage /5, Fire Damage /10, Energy Damage /5"@nl . . "451"^^ . "448"^^ . "449"^^ . . . . . "7410"^^ . . "350"^^ . . "c210"@es . "466"^^ . "Man"@en . "Ja"@nl . . "Crocodildo"@en . . "470"^^ . . . . "469"^^ . "bw"@in . "475"^^ . "472"^^ . "78"^^ . "479"^^ . . . "Crocodile's alias"@en . "The Crocodile is Captain Hook's only nemesis besides Peter Pan, and also the only thing for which he is mentioned as having any fear. She ate Hook's missing hand when Peter cut it from him in battle, and longs for the rest of him. Hook subsequently tricks her into swallowing an alarm clock so that he can know of the creature's approach by the ticking."@en . "None."@es . "15"^^ . "13"^^ . . "Crocodile, to Webs in The Lost Heir"@en . . "9"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Status"@en . . . . . . "381"^^ . "Nee"@nl . "c178"@es . . "408"^^ . . "412"^^ . "403"^^ . . "400"^^ . "Unfriendly"@en . "0"^^ . "c155"@es . . "Pellet"@en . . . . . "398"^^ . . "Crocodile"@fr . "The Crocodile is an animal in Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms and Age of Mythology."@en . . "Crocodile is careless towards his comrades"@en . . . . . "Random loot"@en . . . . . "It is interesting to note that if the player is with an AI partner, the crocodiles and AI will mutually ignore one another. During the initial cutscene of the Execution Grounds, Sodibaya appear to feed a crocodile an agent. Also, if the Majini fall into the water after being shot, the crocodiles will surface and devour them as well. Judging by the animals' size, all the crocodiles encountered are probably Nile crocodiles, and are most likely all male."@en . "c408"@es . . . . "Crocodile"@nl . . . "c209"@es . . . . . . "8899"^^ . . "0"^^ . "Curved bone"@fi . . . "578"^^ . . . "Reptielen"@nl . "This cob, created by Ali, adds a new animal to the ocean between the submarine bay and the island. He lurks just under the surface where he swims about, constantly watching the area by the boat port on the submarine-bay side of the ocean for unsuspecting norns. The crocodile uses the C1 class numbers: \n* 2 10 89"@en . . "Crocodiles were large, amphibious reptiles. Carnivorous, water-dwelling reptiles, crocodiles lived in several countries worldwide, most notably in Egypt, where they hunted in rivers and lakes for fish, birds and larger prey, including humans. Crocodiles could reach lengths of up to thirty feet and were sometimes hunted for their leathery skin as well as their meat. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the crocodile as a symbol of the Nile River, in the form of a crocodile-headed man named Sobek. Alex O'Connell had encountered several crocodiles when he had fallen into the Nile River from a riverboat and had almost been taken by them. Crocodiles also resided in the Blue Nile river, which led out of Egypt and into Abyssinia."@en . "Deadly creatures hardened by the desert, these monsters sure know how to strike fear into any opponent trying to make an assault near a river or the sea."@en . . "Crocodiles are reptilian creatures found throughout the LEGO Universe. One species of Crocodile Pets can be found in the Gnarled Forest Crocodile Corner. They reside in the lake and can be tamed after learning how to tame pets at Pet Cove. To tame a Crocodile Pet, players must assemble a frog model. Once tamed, Crocodile Pets can dig up buried Treasure Chests and activate Pet Bouncers. Another species of Crocodile, more commonly found in LEGO sets, lives in the LEGO Universe. These are called Attack Crocodiles. Attack Crocodiles are naturally relaxed reptiles, who love to sunbathe and work on their tan. However, they are very territorial and use their infamous Croc-a-Belly Slam attack against enemies. The Crocodile Egg Season lasts from October 18 to October 31, during which time Shouty McBullhorn sells Crocodile Eggs exclusively to subscribed players to celebrate the anniversary of LEGO Universe's release. Players with Crocodile Eggs can summon Attack Crocodiles into battle."@en . . "Baroque Works"@es . . "593"^^ . "Cr\u00E9ature non magique"@fr . . "Dispositif plac\u00E9 au pied des signaux et permettant de transmettre \u00E0 bord de l'engin moteur l'indication pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e par le signal. Le premier crocodile (Fran\u00E7ais) fut essay\u00E9 en 1872, il \u00E9tait install\u00E9 \u00E0 200 m\u00E8tres en amont du disque et compos\u00E9 d'une pi\u00E8ce de ch\u00EAne de 4 m\u00E8tres, pr\u00E9alablement tremp\u00E9 dans l'huile de lin bouillante et recouverte d'une plaque de cuivre jaune. Lorsque le disque \u00E9tait ferm\u00E9, le crocodile \u00E9tait reli\u00E9 \u00E0 une source \u00E9lectrique (pile) et d\u00E9clenchait sur la machine qui le franchissait un sifflet \u00E9lectromoteur, le courant \u00E9tant capt\u00E9 par une brosse m\u00E9tallique form\u00E9e de fil de cuivre dur et fix\u00E9e sous l'engin (roue et rail constituant le retour). Source : Histoire de la signalisation ferroviaire fran\u00E7aise."@fr . "melee"@en . . . "44.4"^^ . "The Crocodile webkinz pet came out in July 2008. It retired along with the Toco Toucan. It has not been Pet of the Month and it has no Lil'Kinz version. Its special item is a Rockin' Croc Swamp Storage and special food is Meaty Mollusk Medallions. There is a virtual Ganz eStore Figurine called the Swim Star Crocodile."@en . "Crocodiles are enemies in EarthBound Beginnings. They are stronger versions of Alligators, boasting high HP and Defense. They are encountered in the Swamp. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s..."@en . "0"^^ . "549"^^ . "croc and Doflamingo clash"@en . "The Curse of the Nile"@en . "546"^^ . . . "544"^^ . . "545"^^ . "Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Ph\u00E9nix,"@fr . "\u30B9\u30CA\u30B9\u30CA\u306E\u5B9F"@es . "Fish, birds, and many mammals"@en . "557"^^ . "Crocodile was the head of Broken Works and once a former warlord under Jimmy Brando but was banished after coming out as transgender. It took alot of confidence and composure to make the decision but Croccy McRocky did what she felt was best in the end. Now she travels the world in search of her husband Monkey D. Dragon to revitalise their relationship and hopefully figure out where the hell their son Luffy went too.

"@en . . . "Varies"@en . . "566"^^ . . . . . "563"^^ . "560"^^ . "7"^^ . "561"^^ . . "The crocodile is said to be female, and began trying to eat Captain Hook after having a taste of his hand. \n* Name: Tick Tock the Crocodile. \n* Alignment: Bad/Neutral/Good. \n* Enemies: Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. \n* Appearances: Giagantic and Slender Green, Slender Crocodile, Black Eyes, Big Mouth. \n* Fate: Goes away from Gus & Wally."@en . "570"^^ . "The Crocodile is Captain Hook's only nemesis besides Peter Pan, and also the only thing for which he is mentioned as having any fear. She ate Hook's missing hand when Peter cut it from him in battle, and longs for the rest of him. Hook subsequently tricks her into swallowing an alarm clock so that he can know of the creature's approach by the ticking."@en . . . "c548"@es . . "Kurokodairu"@it . "(Late Cretaceous - Recent)"@en . "c192"@es . "Ei"@fi . . . . . "526"^^ . "Crocodile in her male form"@en . "Impel Down: Level 6"@en . "0"^^ . "tangkap"@in . . "531"^^ . "Crocodiles are charmable animals native to Istan."@en . "529"^^ . "Current"@en . "A Crocodile is a LEGO animal. The figure has appeared in many themes, including Agents, Indiana Jones, Pirates, Outback, and Adventurers. The figure is made of three parts; a head, a tail and a body."@en . "540"^^ . "541"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "no"@fi . "Crocodile"@en . "Sir Crocodile is the former president of the mysterious crime syndicate Baroque Works and the main antagonist of the Alabasta Arc and Alabasta Saga as a whole. He is one of the longest running and most noteworthy primary adversaries of the series, as he was the first enemy to hand Luffy a complete and utter defeat, as well as one of only two who has defeated Luffy more than once. He was originally introduced as a Shichibukai but was later stripped of his title after attempting to take control of the desert kingdom Alabasta."@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Larger crocodiles infest the area east of Sophanem, along the south coast and in the eastern marshes. They are identical in combat; however, these crocodiles drop big bones and may occasionally drop long bones and curved bones. Most crocodiles are found in areas where desert heat is present and thus require players to have a water source to avoid taking damage from thirst. An exception are the crocodiles in the marshes to the far east of Sophanem. Killing crocodiles can also be assigned as a city quest in Menaphos."@en . "Baroque Works"@en . . . "Crocodiles are found in the Kharidian Desert south of Pollnivneach on either side of the River Elid. They are often assigned as Slayer tasks by Vannaka. Bring Waterskins to avoid dying of thirst. A great place to fight crocodiles is on the south side of the river, directly south of the small island where the crocodiles spawn. Because crocodiles are aggressive from a few squares away, this place attracts crocodiles from in the water where they cannot usually be reached, and is much less click intensive. Alternatively, there is a cactus that you can use to safespot crocodiles by standing on the south side."@en . "--09-05"^^ . . . . "Chapter 126; Episode 76"@en . "88.0"^^ . . . . . "Crocodile was the head of Broken Works and once a former warlord under Jimmy Brando but was banished after coming out as transgender. It took alot of confidence and composure to make the decision but Croccy McRocky did what she felt was best in the end. Now she travels the world in search of her husband Monkey D. Dragon to revitalise their relationship and hopefully figure out where the hell their son Luffy went too.

"@en . . "6"^^ . . "Presidente de Baroque Works"@es . . "Jimmy Brando - Jimmy called him a gay fag what a meanie"@en . "22"^^ . "No"@en . . . . . . . "Mecistops"@en . "A crocodile is any species in the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all members of the order Crocodillia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae), or even the Crocodylomorpha which includes prehistoric crocodile relaitives and ancestors. Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes brackish water. The feed mostly on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes on invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans, depending on the species. They are an ancient lineage, and are believed to have changed little since the time of the dinosaurs. They are believed to be 200 milion years old whereas dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago: crocodiles survived great extinction events."@en . "7080"^^ . . "Sewer Tunnel(South)Unknown edit"@en . . . "Crocodiles are reptiles that have existed for millions of years, alongside dinosaurs and beyond."@en . "58"^^ . "The aforementioned strip contained two inaccuracies; first, the crocodile was incorrectly claimed to live in the amazon river of South America, which only contains caimans. Second, the hippopotamus only lives in Africa."@en . "7074"^^ . . . . "Los Siete Guerreros del Mar"@es . "tabber|\nNormal=File:Crocodile.png\n-Nakking=File:Croc anim.gif\n-Undead=File:Crocodile_undead.png"@en . "c547"@es . . . . . . . "\"Crocodile\" is a song by Andy Partridge. It appeared on the 1992 album Nonsuch. The demo appeared on Andy's Fuzzy Warbles Volume 5 in 2004."@en . "c563"@es . "yes"@es . . "Als je naar Trapwood gaat, kijk dan uit voor de Carniphilias. Krokodillen geven weinig experience maar komen meestal in grotere groepen voor, om snel experience te verzamelen gebruik je best FB/GFB; Het is geldverspilling maar het werkt goed. Krokodillen geven veel eten en soms zelfs de felbegeerde Crocodile Boots, deze zijn sterk in waarde gedaald jammer genoeg."@nl . "44"^^ . . "talking about Whitebeard and Roger"@en . "27"^^ . "Crocodile"@sv . "46"^^ . "Crocodiles"@en . . "In ancient Egypt, Thoueris controlled the crocodiles in the River Nile with her ring. The Eighth Doctor took her ring and used it to turn the crocodiles against her. (COMIC: The Power of Thoueris!) According to the Twelfth Doctor, the people of Crocodilopolis in ancient Egypt worshipped a giant crocodile, which the Doctor claimed was a \"useful coincidence\". (TV: The Caretaker) In India in 1947, a gigantic crocodile tried to attack the Campbells' house, but Major Daker shot it dead. (PROSE: Ghosts of India) Crocodiles lived on an island in the Divergent Universe. (AUDIO: The Next Life)"@en . "\u3064\u3088\u3044\u30EF\u30CB"@en . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . . "Yes"@en . "Big bones"@fi . . . "105.0"^^ . "\"WaterDeath\""@en . "Order"@en . . "c173"@en . . . . . . "Sir Crocodile is the former president of the mysterious crime syndicate Baroque Works and the main antagonist of the Alabasta Arc and Alabasta Saga as a whole. He is one of the longest running and most noteworthy primary adversaries of the series, as he was the first enemy to hand Luffy a complete and utter defeat, as well as one of only two who has defeated Luffy more than once. He was originally introduced as a Shichibukai but was later stripped of his title after attempting to take control of the desert kingdom Alabasta. Thanks to Luffy, he managed to escape from Impel Down and went to Marineford to participate in the war; after that, he and Daz Bones decided to head out to the New World."@en . . . . . "0"^^ . "Features.jpg"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "Bones"@nl . "foolish dreams"@en . . "20"^^ . "350"^^ . . . "Sand-Sand Fruit - He am become sand, destroyer of worlds"@en . "c400"@es . "Aquatic"@en . . . "No"@en . . . "25"^^ . "Never smile at a..."@en . "The Crocodile or Tick-Tock the Crocodile is a crocodile that stalks Captain Hook. At some point Peter Pan had a fight with Captain Hook in which he cut Hook's left hand off and fed it to the crocodile. That little appetizer was so successful that he's been following Hook ever since, egar to devour the remains of the captain,Luckily for Hook, however, the crocodile swallowed an alarm clock, allowing Hook to hear him coming. but in Return to Never Land Hook remarks that he finally got rid of him, until his return to Never Land in Jake and the Never Land Pirates."@en . . "c556"@es . "Crocodile is consumed in some countries such as Australia, Ethiopia, Thailand, South Africa and also Cuba (in pickled form). It can also be found in specialty restaurants in some parts of the United States. The meat is white and its nutritional composition compares favorably with that of more traditional meats. It does tend to have a slightly higher cholesterol level than other meats. Crocodile meat has a delicate flavor and its taste can be complemented by the use of marinades. Choice cuts of meat include back strap and tail fillet."@en . "Massive, broad shaped head and a thick, scaled hide."@en . . "Crocodile"@fr . "Poor Webs. So wrong in so many ways."@en . "Meriana, bij de Djinn op Laguna Island, het moeras ten noorden van Port Hope en de jungle ten oosten van Tiquanda"@nl . . "Crocodile.png"@it . "8632"^^ . . . "Monkey D. Dragon - Husband\nMonkey D. Luffy - Retard Child"@en . "Never smile at a..."@fi . . . "A fairly good source of food and drops the very popular Crocodile Boots. Since Christmas Update 2009 crocodiles no longer drop meat."@es . . "Peu importe le nombre, ils sont bien trop cons pour savoir ce qu'est une ampoule."@fr . . . "\"Crocodile\" is a song by Andy Partridge. It appeared on the 1992 album Nonsuch. The demo appeared on Andy's Fuzzy Warbles Volume 5 in 2004."@en . . "771"^^ . . . "Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB S\u0101 Kurokodairu?), conocido como el Rey del Desierto (\u7802\u6F20\u306E\u738B Sabaku no \u014C?) es un afamado pirata que form\u00F3 parte de los Siete Guerreros del Mar, y el fundador y expresidente en la sombra del sindicato del crimen: Baroque Works, donde adopt\u00F3 el nombre en clave de Mr. 0 (Misut\u0101 Zero Mr. 0?). Act\u00FAa como antagonista principal de la saga de Alabasta, donde fue despojado de su t\u00EDtulo despu\u00E9s de que sus intentos por hacerse con el control del Reino de Alabasta fuesen frustrados por los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja Tras su derrota a manos de Monkey D. Luffy, fue encarcelado en el sexto nivel de Impel Down. Posteriormente, logr\u00F3 escapar de la prisi\u00F3n gracias a una alianza informal con el mismo pirata que lo derrot\u00F3, y particip\u00F3 activamente en la Batalla de Marineford. Tras su conclusi\u00F3n, decidi\u00F3 partir al Nuevo Mundo junto a Daz Bones"@es . "Sand-Sand Fruit"@en . . "baby crocodile"@en . "Crocodile"@en . . "Long bone"@fi . . . . "yes"@sv . . . . "Harry Potter \u00E0 l'\u00E9cole des sorciers,"@fr . . "Big bones"@en . "French: Thierry Janssen German: Frank Roth Arabic: Raid Musharraf Mandarin Chinese: Song Kejun Rival: Joseph Joestar Second Rival: Chrysaor Krishna Idle: Stands with his hook hand up Select: Crocodile does his Desert Spada and as the camera zooms he says \"Desert Spada!\" neutral: Desert Spada: Crocodile forms his right hand into a loose blade of fast-moving sand and then stabs it into the ground, sending a bladed shockwave of sand to his opponent. If B is held, Crocodile will instead to the Desert la Spada, sending five bladed shockwaves of sand forward."@en . "Crocodiles have been around for millions of years, probably longer than the dinosaurs. This means that they have unfortunately survived numerous mass extinctions on our planet, including Xenu's nuking of all dinosaurs by the base of a large volcano. They have enjoyed great prosperity in recent times as human civilization has built many crocodile-themed amusement parks, and then devised Crocodile Dundee."@en . . "Crocodiles can be found in and near water in the Kharidian Desert: \n* Crocodiles inhabit the river and both banks of the River Elid south of Pollnivneach, north of Sophanem, and west of Nardah. Nardah and Sophanem both have banks, although the Sophanem bank is only available for players who have completed the quest Contact!. These crocodiles hit for a maximum of 116 life points and always drop bones with no other items. \n* Larger crocodiles infest the area east of Sophanem, along the south coast and in the eastern marshes. They are identical in combat, however, these crocodiles drop big bones and may occasionally drop long bones and curved bones. Most crocodiles are found in areas where desert heat is present and thus require players to have a water source to avoid taking damage from thirst. An exception are the crocodiles in the marshes to the far east of Sophanem."@en . . . "Just attack them, but remember that they can deal good damage if you have 3 or more on you."@en . . "Sewer Tunnel(South)Unknown edit"@en . . "Crocodiles are reptiles. Due to his extensive readings, Klaus Baudelaire could differentiate between crocodiles and alligators. One rare species of crocodile, the broken-hearted crocodile, reside in swampy regions, and let out a mating call that sounds very much like depressed human speech."@en . . . "105.0"^^ . . "Playable in the second game."@en . . . "200"^^ . "Air"@fi . . . . "c172"@es . . . . . "Ei"@fi . . "c526"@es . "Crocodiles are reptiles. Due to his extensive readings, Klaus Baudelaire could differentiate between crocodiles and alligators. One rare species of crocodile, the broken-hearted crocodile, reside in swampy regions, and let out a mating call that sounds very much like depressed human speech."@en . . "Golden Hook"@en . . "N/A"@en . . . "Crocodiles are a type of aquatic obstacle in Crossy Road. They only appear when playing as an Australian or Prehistoric mascot. (There is also an actual mascot called the Crocodile.)"@en . . "No"@en . "Les Crocodiles sont des ennemis exclusifs \u00E0 Resident Evil 5. Ils sont rencontr\u00E9s par les partenaires du BSAA, Sheva Alomar et Chris Redfield, dans les marais pr\u00E8s de Kijuju. Ils vivent dans des eaux arrivant au niveau de la taille et sont capables de tuer le joueur avec une seule bouch\u00E9e. Ils peuvent \u00EAtre tu\u00E9s, bien qu'ils ne montent \u00E0 la surface que lorsque la proie est \u00E0 proximit\u00E9, et il y en a environ une dizaine dans la premi\u00E8re zone o\u00F9 vous les rencontrez, ce qui rend plus sage et plus prudent de simplement passer devant eux. Ils sont tr\u00E8s grands, environ quatre \u00E0 six m\u00E8tres de long, et semblent \u00EAtre albinos, mais ne sont pas infect\u00E9s par Las Plagas."@fr . . "[[#Locations"@en . "A soldier in Burn's army, infiltrator of the Talons of Peace"@en . . . . . . "80.0"^^ . . . . "Crocodiles eli krokotiilej\u00E4 l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 veden l\u00E4heisyydest\u00E4 Kharidian Desertist\u00E4: \n* Krokotiilit asustavat Elid joen ja kummankin pankin luona etel\u00E4\u00E4n Pollnivneachista, pohjoiseen Sophanemista, l\u00E4nteen Nardahista. Sek\u00E4 Nardahissa ett\u00E4 Sophanemissa on pankki, mutta Sophanemin pankki on k\u00E4ytett\u00E4viss\u00E4 vain pelaajille, jotka ovat suorittaneet teht\u00E4v\u00E4n Contact!. Korkein m\u00E4\u00E4r\u00E4 vahinkoa, jonka krokotiilit voivat tehd\u00E4 pelaajaan on 116. Krokotiilit pudottavat pelk\u00E4st\u00E4\u00E4n luita. \n* Suuremmat krokotiilit l\u00F6ytyv\u00E4t Sophanemista it\u00E4n, etel\u00E4isell\u00E4 rantaviivalla ja suolta. N\u00E4m\u00E4 krokotiilit pudottavat normaalien luiden sijasta isoja luita ja joskus [[long bone|pitki\u00E4 luita] ja k\u00E4yri\u00E4 luita. Suurin osa krokotiileist\u00E4 sijaitsee alueilla, joissa aavikon kuumuus vahingoittaa pelaajaa, jos h\u00E4n ei kanna vesil\u00E4hdett\u00E4 mukanaan. Poikkeuksena ovat Sophanemista it\u00E4\u00E4n, suolla sijaitsevat krokotiilit."@fi . "70802"^^ . . . . "c541"@es . . "1994"^^ . . . . "700"^^ . . . . . "172"^^ . . . . . . "c174"@es . . . . . . . "35"^^ . . . "Very rare"@en . "16"^^ . "c200"@es . "c199"@es . . . . "Crocodiles are the non-fire-proof versions of Fire-proof Crocodiles. They are Gods hitmen sent to terrorize the liberals in the South. Crocodiles are the greatest and only surviving versions of the dinosaurs."@en . . . . . . . "Crocodiles are found all over the islands, these large reptiles rule over small streams, rivers and swamps. They are primarily found floating just under the surface of the water (usually camouflaged by lilly-pad patches and other floating vegetation) with their eyes and snout partially protruding out of the water. They usually employ their hunting technique near shallow waters and river-shores to be able to catch animals and sometimes humans by surprise. Take caution when approaching, they will wait for the opportune moment and then charge forward towards their victims. A quick-time event (button mashing) will take place when a crocodile attacks Jason. A button/key will appear on screen to show you what you need to press to avoid death. They can be skinned, but yield nothing noteworthy besides Leather, which can be sold for $10. A Brown crocodile also appears in the mission Down in the Docks. This is the first time (not including free-roam) that the crocodile is introduced in the game. Crocodiles also reappear in Far Cry 4 as the Mugger Crocodile, Despite that, it only can be found in the Golden Path Mission in Jalendu Temple and very rarely in the wild. Crocodiles appear once again in Far Cry Primal where they appear with patterns similar to a modern salt water crocodile. Oddly, there is no evidence that crocodiles have ever lived in Europe. The classification for all crocodiles, extant or extinct, indicates that crocodiles only live in tropical or subtropical climates, which Europe has not had for the entirety of the existence of crocodiles. However, there are other crocodylians, i.e. alligators, which would have lived in Europe, though much before the time in which Primal is set. Other extinct lineages of crocodyloids would have also lived in Europe. All crocodylian and crocodyloid members in Europe perished many millions of years before the appearance of men-like apes.Crocodile is actuallybased on the Africa's Nile crocodile."@en . "c771"@es . . . "c412"@es . "40"^^ . "manga st"@es . . . . "762"^^ . . . . "Crocodiles eli krokotiilej\u00E4 l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 veden l\u00E4heisyydest\u00E4 Kharidian Desertist\u00E4: \n* Krokotiilit asustavat Elid joen ja kummankin pankin luona etel\u00E4\u00E4n Pollnivneachista, pohjoiseen Sophanemista, l\u00E4nteen Nardahista. Sek\u00E4 Nardahissa ett\u00E4 Sophanemissa on pankki, mutta Sophanemin pankki on k\u00E4ytett\u00E4viss\u00E4 vain pelaajille, jotka ovat suorittaneet teht\u00E4v\u00E4n Contact!. Korkein m\u00E4\u00E4r\u00E4 vahinkoa, jonka krokotiilit voivat tehd\u00E4 pelaajaan on 116. Krokotiilit pudottavat pelk\u00E4st\u00E4\u00E4n luita."@fi . . . "French: Thierry Janssen German: Frank Roth Arabic: Raid Musharraf Mandarin Chinese: Song Kejun Rival: Joseph Joestar Second Rival: Chrysaor Krishna Idle: Stands with his hook hand up Select: Crocodile does his Desert Spada and as the camera zooms he says \"Desert Spada!\" Intro: A hurricane of sand clears and Crocodile appears as his sand body form, then changes to his normal form and says \"The true value of sand... comes in its dryness!\" (\"I only saved you in Marineford, so we can have a rematch.\" if he fights Luffy, \"Accept the facts, I will claim Whitebeard's head.\" if he fights Jinbe, \"Come, try to take my head!\" if he fights Vivi, \"You have served me well... We'll call THIS your reward!\" if he fights Nico Robin, \"It's time to die, Whitebeard!\" if he fights Whitebeard, \"I don't take bongos. I have a proposition, if you are willing.\" if he fights Jakey) neutral: Desert Spada: Crocodile forms his right hand into a loose blade of fast-moving sand and then stabs it into the ground, sending a bladed shockwave of sand to his opponent. If B is held, Crocodile will instead to the Desert la Spada, sending five bladed shockwaves of sand forward. Side: Sables: Crocodile summons a massive tornado of sand and sends it right after his opponent. Up: Desert Lanza: Crocodile jumps into the air doing three spin slashes. Down: Ground Secco: Crocodile places his hand on the ground and uses his dehydration ability to dry out a huge area around him, depriving the opponent of water in his/her body for 5 hits. Hyper Smash: Desert Grande Espada: Crocodile forms a large version of his Desert Spada attack with more powerful effects. Final Smash: Ground Death: An extremely strong version of Ground Secco. However, Crocodile not only dries up the ground, but also begins to make the opponent writhe in pain until he/she is nothing but sand statue that crumbles, taking a life from the stock. Victory 1: Crocodile puts his hook hand to his face saying \"Trees, rocks, soil, humans... Whatever crosses this palm is returned to sand.\" (\"Your head is finally mine!\" if he defeated Whitebeard, \"Now then, hear me out, Mr. Jake.\" if he defeated Jakey) Victory 2: Crocodile says \"Hmph... These guys aren't real pirates.\" then holds his Sables hurricane in his hand and makes himself disappear with an evil laughter. Victory 3: Crocodile swipes some sand, and slams his hook hand down saying \"You are looking at who will control the New World!\" (\"Vivi, I control Alabasta now!\" if he defeated Vivi)"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . "Carnivore"@fr . . "harvinainen"@fi . "Crocodiles have been around for millions of years, probably longer than the dinosaurs. This means that they have unfortunately survived numerous mass extinctions on our planet, including Xenu's nuking of all dinosaurs by the base of a large volcano. They have enjoyed great prosperity in recent times as human civilization has built many crocodile-themed amusement parks, and then devised Crocodile Dundee."@en . "578"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Crocodile"@en . . . . "c545"@es . "Created by"@en . "540"^^ . "541"^^ . "542"^^ . . . . . . . "529"^^ . "90"^^ . "531"^^ . "Crocodile \u00E8 un pirata che in passato \u00E8 stato un membro della Flotta dei sette ed era a capo della Baroque Works."@it . . "526"^^ . . . . "7.5"^^ . . "439"^^ . "Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6 Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +6 melee (1d12+6) Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +6 melee (1d12+6) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Improved grab Special Qualities: Hold breath, low-light vision Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +12 Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide) Environment: Warm marshes"@en . . . . "None"@en . . "\"Crocodile\" es el segundo episodio de la primera temporada de Dexter. Fue emitido por primera vez el 8 de octubre de 2006. Dexter es contactado por otro asesino en serie, apodado \"asesino del cami\u00F3n de hielo\" por los medios, que conoce su turbio secreto. El departamento de homicidios de Miami Metro investiga la muerte del polic\u00EDa Ricky Simmons. Dexter sigue a su nueva v\u00EDctima, Matt Chambers, un hombre que tiene un historial de haber matado a varias personas conduciendo su coche estando ebrio."@es . . "They swim, but can follow the player onto the land as well. They are fairly easy to avoid."@en . . "Crocodile"@in . "566"^^ . "Just attack them, but remember that they can deal good damage if you have 3 or more on you."@sv . "6"^^ . "560"^^ . "561"^^ . . "563"^^ . "Very height"@en . "556"^^ . "#9370DB"@es . "557"^^ . "53"^^ . . . "515"^^ . "548"^^ . "549"^^ . . . . "544"^^ . "Runs in dark red health . These creatures will kill weaker monsters to get to their target, they also retarget ."@es . . "545"^^ . "c154"@es . "546"^^ . "547"^^ . . "Crocodile Infos Profession [[Fichier:-ic\u00F4ne2-petite.png|link=|]] [[]] Type Esp\u00E8ce Esp\u00E8ce Sous-esp\u00E8ce Clan Apparence Niveau Campagne Nightfall R\u00E9gion [[]] Lieu Marais de Lahtenda Qu\u00EAte [[]] Immunit\u00E9s Immunis\u00E9 au Image:Saignement-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Saignement Immunis\u00E9 \u00E0 la Image:Br\u00FBlure-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Br\u00FBlure Immunis\u00E9 \u00E0 la Image:Maladie-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Maladie Immunis\u00E9 au Image:Poison-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Poison Ne peut pas \u00EAtre assomm\u00E9 Ne laisse pas de cadavre exploitable Cartes Cat\u00E9gorie:Animal \u00AB H\u00E9, j'aime les crocodiles moi aussi ! Leurs puissantes m\u00E2choires sont capables de perforer n'importe quoi ou presque et, \u00E0 force de dressage, ils peuvent apprendre \u00E0 utiliser des attaques tranchantes. Si vous voulez adopter un crocodile, allez donc vous risquer dans les tourbi\u00E8res d'Instan. \u00BB \u2014 Silavor [Naturaliste zaishen]. Le Crocodile est une cr\u00E9ature qu'un R\u00F4deur peut dompter \u00E0 l'aide de Image:Charme animal-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Charme animal ."@fr . "Als Knight kan je ze gewoon aanvallen met skills 35/35. Paladins kunnen best een schild en speren als ze in Tiquanda of het Noordmoeras rondlopen; In Tiquanda is het moeilijk om weg te lopen door plantengroei, en in het Noordmoeras lopen veel monsters rond die je weg zullen blokkeren en je mogelijk kunnen vastzetten . Mages moeten goed uitkijken, als je level hoog genoeg is zal je geen probleem hebben, anders moet je zeker en vast uitkijken dat je niet wordt aangevallen door meer dan 3 monsters."@nl . . . "81000000"^^ . . . "Crocodile intercepts Akainu"@en . "Misc"@nl . . "593"^^ . . "80"^^ . . . . "c204"@es . . "584"^^ . "Crocodile"@en . "Gender"@en . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . "580"^^ . . "Mr. 0 feeds Mr. 3 to his Bananawani"@en . "1"^^ . "86400.0"^^ . "577"^^ . "578"^^ . . . . "Curved bone"@en . . "40"^^ . "aina"@fi . . "Yes"@en . . "1.85"^^ . . "253.0"^^ . . "Vert sombre"@fr . "c545"@en . "6"^^ . . "crocodiles"@en . . ""@en . "Nile crocodile"@en . "0"^^ . "77"^^ . "116"^^ . . . . "29"^^ . . "403"^^ . . "Les Crocodiles sont des ennemis exclusifs \u00E0 Resident Evil 5. Ils sont rencontr\u00E9s par les partenaires du BSAA, Sheva Alomar et Chris Redfield, dans les marais pr\u00E8s de Kijuju. Ils vivent dans des eaux arrivant au niveau de la taille et sont capables de tuer le joueur avec une seule bouch\u00E9e. Ils peuvent \u00EAtre tu\u00E9s, bien qu'ils ne montent \u00E0 la surface que lorsque la proie est \u00E0 proximit\u00E9, et il y en a environ une dizaine dans la premi\u00E8re zone o\u00F9 vous les rencontrez, ce qui rend plus sage et plus prudent de simplement passer devant eux. Ils sont tr\u00E8s grands, environ quatre \u00E0 six m\u00E8tres de long, et semblent \u00EAtre albinos, mais ne sont pas infect\u00E9s par Las Plagas. Il est int\u00E9ressant de noter que si le joueur joue avec un partenaire IA, les crocodiles et l'IA s'ignorent mutuellement. Au cours de la premi\u00E8re cin\u00E9matique du Chapitre 3-2, \"Le secteur des ex\u00E9cutions\", un Sodibaya semble nourrir un crocodile avec un agent. De plus, si le Majini tombe dans l'eau apr\u00E8s avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 abattu, les crocodiles monteront \u00E0 la surface et les d\u00E9voreront aussi. A en juger par la taille des animaux, tous les crocodiles rencontr\u00E9s sont probablement des crocodiles du Nil, et sont probablement tous des m\u00E2les."@fr . . . "398"^^ . "Lesser"@en . "110.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Alligator"@en . . . . "c201"@es . . . "6563"^^ . "0.99"^^ . . "c166"@es . . "Crocodile"@en . . "c189"@es . . . . "a"@en . "In the jungle east of Port Hope, the swamp to the north of Port Hope, and also located on Meriana."@sv . . "Nada"@pt . . "Crocodilians"@en . "Crocodile preventing the Marines' success"@en . "0"^^ . "Two crocodiles fighting."@en . "In the crocodile cave and the jungle east of Port Hope as well as the swamp to the north, Fenrock, Arena and Zoo Quarter, Trade Quarter, Talahu, also located on Meriana and Laguna Islands."@es . . . . . . . . "Crocodile is seen on the cover of Corazon's newspaper."@en . "Igaram menyebutkan nama kode dan nama bos organisasi mereka."@in . . . . "No"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Genera"@en . "1"^^ . . "c211"@es . . "A big, fat disappointment. The Crocodile has to jump to turn, doesn't eat, is not smart and is not that great in combat. In fact its only good point is that it can run fast."@en . . . "N/A"@en . "27"^^ . "The crocodile is said to be female, and began trying to eat Captain Hook after having a taste of his hand. \n* Name: Tick Tock the Crocodile. \n* Alignment: Bad/Neutral/Good. \n* Enemies: Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. \n* Appearances: Giagantic and Slender Green, Slender Crocodile, Black Eyes, Big Mouth. \n* Fate: Goes away from Gus & Wally."@en . . . . . . . . "Amphibious"@en . "Larger crocodiles infest the area east of Sophanem, along the south coast and in the eastern marshes. They are identical in combat; however, these crocodiles drop big bones and may occasionally drop long bones and curved bones. Most crocodiles are found in areas where desert heat is present and thus require players to have a water source to avoid taking damage from thirst. An exception are the crocodiles in the marshes to the far east of Sophanem. Killing crocodiles can also be assigned as a city quest in Menaphos."@en . "Melee"@en . "0"^^ . . "A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae), as well as the Crocodylomorpha which includes prehistoric crocodile relatives and ancestors. Member species of the family Crocodylidae are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water. They feed mostly on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes on invertebrates like molluscs and crustaceans, depending on species. They first appeared during the Eocene epoch, about 55 million years ago."@en . "Family"@en . "70411"^^ . . . . "65"^^ . . . "M"@it . . . "6490"^^ . . . . "253.0"^^ . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "Sand"@en . "no"@es . "The Mummy Returns (novelization)"@en . "J.M. Barrie & Ela Q. May"@en . "c196"@es . "Le crocodile est une cr\u00E9ature non magique dont le c\u0153ur peut \u00EAtre utilis\u00E9 comme ingr\u00E9dient de potions."@fr . . . . "c165"@es . "no"@en . "Not immune"@en . . . . "Crocodile is quiet in Boa's presence"@en . "No"@en . . . . . . "todella harvinainen"@fi . . . . "280"^^ . . . "A good source of food and drops the very popular Crocodile Boots."@sv . . "Crocodile"@pt . . . "100.0"^^ . . . "Le crocodile. Cette esp\u00E8ce qui peuple la faune de notre plan\u00E8te fait partie de ces animaux dont peu de personnes se soucient \u00E0 part peut-\u00EAtre certains crocophiles. On peut dire sans trop se mouiller qu'une grande partie de la population n'en a strictement rien \u00E0 branler de ces saloperies de reptiles qui passent leur temps \u00E0 bouffer de la viande. C'est vrai qu'avec toutes les catastrophes naturelles et \u00E9conomiques qui se passent en ce moment, \u00E9tudier ces animaux reste une chose totalement inutile. Alors qu'en fait... Image:CrocoLacoste.jpg ...si on y regarde de plus pr\u00E8s... Image:CrocoLacoste.jpg"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Species"@en . . "10"^^ . "200"^^ . . "c700"@es . . "Le crocodile est une esp\u00E8ce d'animaux pr\u00E9sente dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing. Il y a neuf crocodiles existants dans toute la s\u00E9rie et ce sont tous des villageois. \n* Lisette \n* Croko \n* Pironkon \n* Alphonse \n* Allie \n* Hector \n* Chuck \n* Odile \n* Drago Dans Animal Crossing, il existe 4 crocodiles qui sont Alphonse, Allie, Croko et Lisette. La derni\u00E8re ne sera pas reprise dans les jeux suivants. Pironkon, lui, appara\u00EEt uniquement dans D\u014Dbutsu no Mori e+, un jeu exclusivement japonais. C'est un habitant de l'\u00EEle. Dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf, trois nouveaux crocodiles apparaissent. Il s'agit de Chuck, Odile et Drago. Croko revient dans cet opus apr\u00E8s sa mise \u00E0 jour. Alphonse est \u00E9galement pr\u00E9sent dans le film D\u014Dbutsu no Mori."@fr . "Crocodile Infos Profession [[Fichier:-ic\u00F4ne2-petite.png|link=|]] [[]] Type Esp\u00E8ce Esp\u00E8ce Sous-esp\u00E8ce Clan Apparence Niveau Campagne Nightfall R\u00E9gion [[]] Lieu Marais de Lahtenda Qu\u00EAte [[]] Immunit\u00E9s Immunis\u00E9 au Image:Saignement-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Saignement Immunis\u00E9 \u00E0 la Image:Br\u00FBlure-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Br\u00FBlure Immunis\u00E9 \u00E0 la Image:Maladie-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Maladie Immunis\u00E9 au Image:Poison-ic\u00F4ne.jpg Poison Ne peut pas \u00EAtre assomm\u00E9 Ne laisse pas de cadavre exploitable Cartes Cat\u00E9gorie:Animal \u00AB H\u00E9, j'aime les crocodiles moi aussi ! Leurs puissantes m\u00E2choires sont capables de perforer n'importe quoi ou presque et, \u00E0 force de dressage, ils peuvent apprendre \u00E0 utiliser des atta"@fr . "Bones"@en . . "partner only"@en . "een krokodil is een monster dat de speler kan krijgen als task (opdracht) van Vanaka de Slayer Master in Edgeville Dungeon. Krokodillen kunnen in de woestijn worden gevonden ten zuiden van Pollnivneach, daarom is de krokodil ook alleen beschikbaar voor Members. Indien de speler van plan is krokodillen te doden is het handig om een Water source bij te hebben (bijvoorbeeld meerdere Water skins). Deze kunnen gekocht worden aan de Shantay pass. Indien de water skins leeg zijn kan de speler ze dan aan de fontein van Pollnivneach vullen. Aangezien de krokodillen zwak zijn tegen Air spells dood de speler ze dus best met Magic, maar aangezien de krokodillen maar 2900 levenspunten hebben kan iedere combat stijl zonder problemen gebruikt worden. De krokodillen zijn geen goeie Droppers, want ze droppen alleen maar bones."@nl . . "Melee"@fi . "no"@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "None"@en . "10"^^ . . "12"^^ . . "100.0"^^ . "15"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . . "2"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "SBS63"@es . . "Tranny"@en . "Region-Dependent"@en . . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . . "19"^^ . . . . . "white and shiny"@en . "no"@sv . "NileCrocodile.jpg"@en . . . "c549"@es . "154"^^ . "Nee"@nl . "200"^^ . "155"^^ . "c193"@es . . . . . "Crocodile"@en . . . . . "189"^^ . . "Croc and Teach"@en . "Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6 Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +6 melee (1d12+6) Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +6 melee (1d12+6) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Improved grab Special Qualities: Hold breath, low-light vision Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +12 Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide) Environment: Warm marshes Organization: Solitary or colony (6-11) Challenge Rating: Advancement: 4-5 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: -"@en . "The Crocodile (Crocodylus Niloticus) is a Creature of Black & White: Creature Isle."@en . "Earth Damage/20, Ice Damage/10"@nl . "Le crocodile. Cette esp\u00E8ce qui peuple la faune de notre plan\u00E8te fait partie de ces animaux dont peu de personnes se soucient \u00E0 part peut-\u00EAtre certains crocophiles. On peut dire sans trop se mouiller qu'une grande partie de la population n'en a strictement rien \u00E0 branler de ces saloperies de reptiles qui passent leur temps \u00E0 bouffer de la viande. C'est vrai qu'avec toutes les catastrophes naturelles et \u00E9conomiques qui se passent en ce moment, \u00E9tudier ces animaux reste une chose totalement inutile. Alors qu'en fait... Image:CrocoLacoste.jpg ...si on y regarde de plus pr\u00E8s... Image:CrocoLacoste.jpg ...encore un peu plus pr\u00E8s... Image:CrocoLacoste1.gif ...alors l\u00E0 \u00E7a prend une tournure nettement plus int\u00E9ressante, parce que si on \u00E9tudie un peu le signal \u00E9mis par ce gadget miniature... Image:CrocoSat.jpg ...puis en retra\u00E7ant l'origine du flux... Image:Crocoassembl\u00E9e.jpg ...on se rend bien compte que quelque chose est en train de se tramer."@fr . "Physical"@en . . . "Anything it can sink its teeth into"@en . "176"^^ . "177"^^ . "178"^^ . "179"^^ . . "172"^^ . "173"^^ . "174"^^ . . . "175"^^ . "c570"@es . "Ali Morrisane and Pollnivneach"@en . "169"^^ . . "170"^^ . . . . "6281"^^ . "165"^^ . "Crocodile.png"@en . . "166"^^ . "Level 6 Breakout"@en . "6278"^^ . "762"^^ . "Crocodile is a Classic figure part of The Jungle Book collection."@en . . . "N/A"@en . "Class"@en . . . . "6296"^^ . . "212"^^ . . "213"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "208"^^ . "209"^^ . "210"^^ . "211"^^ . "204"^^ . "Ali Morrisane and Pollnivneach"@fi . "205"^^ . "23"^^ . "The Crocodile"@en . "206"^^ . . . "207"^^ . "Crocodile"@fi . "200"^^ . "201"^^ . . . "202"^^ . . . "420.0"^^ . "203"^^ . "6249"^^ . "196"^^ . . "198"^^ . "None"@en . "199"^^ . . "192"^^ . "6246"^^ . "193"^^ . . . "6241"^^ . "6242"^^ . "1"^^ . "Large watershore reptiles."@en . . "[L'appareil avertisseur] entre en jeu lorsque la brosse vient frotter sur un crocodile situ\u00E9 dans l'axe de la voie. L'\u00E9tat \u00E9lectrique du crocodile est diff\u00E9rent suivant que le signal est ouvert ou ferm\u00E9."@fr . "13"^^ . "6264"^^ . . "Misc"@sv . "6262"^^ . "Crocodile is a water-element based monster of which is located within the Marshlands. This monster is the most powerful found within this location."@en . "6256"^^ . "c560"@es . . . . "4"^^ . . "Crocodiles are four legged reptilian creatures similar to crocolisks and alligators. Druids can summon them as a nature's ally. Crocodiles are aggressive predators 11 to 12 feet long. They lie mostly submerged in rivers or marshes, with only their eyes and nostrils showing, waiting for prey to come within reach. If the crocodile bites down on an opponent, the crocodile establishes a hold on the opponent with its mouth and drags it into deep water, attempting to pin it to the bottom. A crocodile can hold its breath for a long while before it risks drowning. A crocodile can hide when in the water. Further, a crocodile can lie in the water with only its eyes and nostrils showing."@en . "77"^^ . . "Rare"@en . . "Osteolaemus"@en . . "100.0"^^ . . . . "c580"@es . . "Crocodile"@en . . "None"@en . "yes"@en . "\"Crocodile\" es el segundo episodio de la primera temporada de Dexter. Fue emitido por primera vez el 8 de octubre de 2006. Dexter es contactado por otro asesino en serie, apodado \"asesino del cami\u00F3n de hielo\" por los medios, que conoce su turbio secreto. El departamento de homicidios de Miami Metro investiga la muerte del polic\u00EDa Ricky Simmons. Dexter sigue a su nueva v\u00EDctima, Matt Chambers, un hombre que tiene un historial de haber matado a varias personas conduciendo su coche estando ebrio."@es . . . "c566"@es . . "0"^^ . "Crocodile confronts Mihawk"@en . "512"^^ . "40"^^ . "Crocodile"@fi . "30"^^ . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB"@en . . "Ja"@nl . . . "\"Crocodiles can go for a year after a big meal without eating anything, living solely off their fat reserves. Despite those fasts, however, they keep growing throughout their entire life.\"Crocodile Map\nFile:Crocodile map.png You can have a family of 4 crocodiles at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Crocodiles\nThe first male and female crocodiles are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby crocodiles are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward. You have a Zoo Book in which you can see how many of the 168 animals available you have in your Zoo. When you get a crocodile it is given a random name, but you can rename it if you want.Crocodile Zoo Book Page\nCrocodile Family Video\n"@en . "Bailleul, Notions de mat\u00E9riel roulant des chemins de fer, 1951, p. 54."@fr . . . . "c173"@es . . "629"^^ . "Extremely rare"@en . . . "3"^^ . . . "Bite"@en . "1"^^ . "Crocodilia"@en . "His body"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "No"@en . "60.0"^^ . . . "Vannaka, Sumona"@en . . . . "40"^^ . "Large Bite"@en . . "0"^^ . . "Female"@en . "Phylum"@en . "Misc"@es . "7"^^ . . . "Sir Crocodile (\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30AF\u30ED\u30B3\u30C0\u30A4\u30EB S\u0101 Kurokodairu?), conocido como el Rey del Desierto (\u7802\u6F20\u306E\u738B Sabaku no \u014C?) es un afamado pirata que form\u00F3 parte de los Siete Guerreros del Mar, y el fundador y expresidente en la sombra del sindicato del crimen: Baroque Works, donde adopt\u00F3 el nombre en clave de Mr. 0 (Misut\u0101 Zero Mr. 0?). Act\u00FAa como antagonista principal de la saga de Alabasta, donde fue despojado de su t\u00EDtulo despu\u00E9s de que sus intentos por hacerse con el control del Reino de Alabasta fuesen frustrados por los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja"@es . "78"^^ . "c560"@en . "127"^^ . "c212"@es . "Crocodiles are enemies that first appear in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped in Tomb Time and Bug Lite. They are green and can be found in the holes in the ground. They jump out with their jaws open and dive back into a hole again, acting as obstacles. Crocodiles can be defeated by spinning them, jumping on them, or shooting at them with the fruit bazooka. If Crash tries to jump past the pit but gets hit, the crocodile will turn him into an angel."@en . . . . "Kurokodairu"@en . "114"^^ . . .