"Kilincsm\u0171"@hu . . . . . "\u00F6stliches Brachland"@de . . . . . . "World of Warcraft"@nl . "5"^^ . . "green"@en . . . . "Lands of Mystery"@en . . . "Dr Ratchet (\u30C9\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC \u00B7 \u30E9\u30C1\u30A7\u30C3\u30C8, Dokut\u0101 Rachetto) est le principal antagoniste du septi\u00E8me film. Il est un grand inventeur qui croit que son g\u00E9nie est naturel, il devrait d'apr\u00E8s lui, r\u00E9gner sur le monde. Il est le seigneur f\u00E9odal de Mecha Island."@fr . "100"^^ . . "Ratchet is a character in Ratchet and Clank: The television series."@en . "Heals nearby friends and heals damage to himself"@en . "Golem"@en . "jelent\u00E9se: Kilincsm\u0171 A Kereszt\u00FAtt\u00F3l (Crossroads) Keletre haladva a tengerparton tal\u00E1lhatjuk meg. A legt\u00F6bb k\u00FCldet\u00E9s 15-\u00F6s \u00E9s a 25-\u00F6s szint k\u00F6z\u00F6tt tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3, de akadnak nagyobb szintre val\u00F3 k\u00FCldet\u00E9sek is, mely a karakterfejl\u0151d\u00E9s folyam\u00E1n bukkan majd el\u0151. Kilincsm\u0171 egy kik\u00F6t\u0151v\u00E1ros, melyet keresked\u0151gr\u00F3fok uralnak. Javar\u00E9szt Goblinok lakj\u00E1k a v\u00E1rost, akik nem tesznek k\u00FCl\u00F6nbs\u00E9get Horda \u00E9s Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g k\u00F6z\u00F6tt. Ebb\u0151l k\u00F6vetkez\u0151leg mindenki ig\u00E9nybe veheti szolg\u00E1ltat\u00E1saikat. A v\u00E1ros a kereskedelemb\u0151l, sz\u00F3rakoztat\u00E1sb\u00F3l, \u00E9s a vend\u00E9gl\u00E1t\u00E1sb\u00F3l \u00E9l. Az itteni piacon minden elad\u00F3, olyan eszk\u00F6z\u00F6k melyre sz\u00FCks\u00E9ge lehet b\u00E1rmely v\u00E1ndorl\u00E9leknek, olyan \u00E1ltal\u00E1nos vagy egzotikus cikkek melyeket iszony\u00FA neh\u00E9z beszerezni, vagy \u00E9ppen olyan f\u00F6l\u00F6sleges kacat ami esetleg porfog\u00F3nak j\u00F3, de j\u00F3zan esz\u0171 meg nem venn\u00E9. A piacon k\u00EDv\u00FCl tal\u00E1lhatunk itt fogad\u00F3t, kaszin\u00F3t, bankot, bord\u00E9lyh\u00E1zat, \u00E9ttermet, teah\u00E1zat, \u00E9s kocsm\u00E1kat, de term\u00E9szetesen mindennek megvan a maga \u00E1rfekv\u00E9se. Kilincsm\u0171 vend\u00E9gl\u00E1t\u00F3egys\u00E9gei k\u00E9pesek kiel\u00E9g\u00EDteni minden ig\u00E9nyt a legszakadtabb matr\u00F3zt\u00F3l, eg\u00E9szen a legkifinomultabb \u00EDzl\u00E9ssel rendelkez\u0151 uras\u00E1gokig. Itt tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3 Kalimdor legnagyobb kik\u00F6t\u0151je, mely forgalma sz\u00E1mottev\u0151. A vil\u00E1g tengereit j\u00E1r\u00F3 f\u00E1sult tengeri-medv\u00E9k mindig megpihennek itt \u00E9s a hull\u00E1mokt\u00F3l megszabadulva belevetik magukat az \u00E9jszakai \u00E9letbe, m\u00EDg a k\u00F6teless\u00E9g vissza nem sz\u00F3l\u00EDtja \u0151ket a fed\u00E9lzetre. Nem csak kereskedelmi j\u00E1ratok fordulnak meg errefel\u00E9. A kal\u00F3zhaj\u00F3k is szabadom j\u00E1rhatnak kelhetnek Kilincsm\u0171 vizein, ezzel olykor nem kev\u00E9s galib\u00E1t okozva. Kilincsm\u0171 egy amolyan forr\u00F3 pont ahol minden fajta f\u00E9le l\u00E9ny megfordul, k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6z\u0151 k\u00FAlt\u00FAr\u00E1kb\u00F3l \u00E9s k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6z\u0151 anyagi helyzettel. Ez olykor fesz\u00FClts\u00E9geket sz\u00FCl melyeket a v\u00E1rosi goblin\u0151rs\u00E9g megpr\u00F3b\u00E1l f\u00E9kentartani, a nyugalom fenntart\u00E1sa \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben. A v\u00E1ros nem \u00E1ll meg egy percre sem. \u00C9jszaka f\u00E9nyei m\u00E1r messzir\u0151l l\u00E1tszanak a tengerr\u0151l. Minden \u00FCzlet nyitva \u00E1ll mindenki sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra ugyan\u00FAgy mint nappal. Esetleg m\u00E1s a felszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 l\u00E1ny. Kilincsm\u0171 megk\u00F6zel\u00EDthet\u0151 karav\u00E1nnal, gyalogszerrel, haj\u00F3val, zeppelinnel, vagy egy\u00E9b egzotikus m\u00F3don. A v\u00E1rost perpillanat Gazlowe vezeti, mint Kilincsm\u0171 fel\u00FCgyel\u0151je. A G\u0151zker\u00E9k Kartel (Steamwheelde Cartel) rajta tarja \u00F3v\u00F3 szemeit a v\u00E1roson, a keresked\u0151 gr\u00F3fok (Trade Princes) \u00E1ltal kik szabad hatalmat adnak Gazlowenak. Kilincsm\u0171 aff\u00E9le tervez\u00E9si b\u00E1zisk\u00E9nt is szolg\u00E1l a Mer\u00E9sz Bt. (Venture Co.) tagjai sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra. A Bet\u00E9ti t\u00E1rsas\u00E1g egy\u00E9bk\u00E9nt a kapzsi v\u00E1llalkoz\u00F3k, valamint a rossz h\u00EDr\u0171 goblin izompacsirt\u00E1k gy\u0171jt\u0151helye. \u0150k is bekapcsol\u00F3dnak a helys\u00E9g v\u00E9rkering\u00E9s\u00E9be, \u00E9s csillog\u00F3 szemmel v\u00E1rj\u00E1k a term\u00E9kekb\u0151l \u00E9rkez\u0151 hasznot."@hu . . "Yes"@nl . . "Ratchet"@fr . . . "58"^^ . . "Rachetto"@fr . . . "Ratchet"@fi . . . . . "Ratchet, h\u00E9ros principal de la s\u00E9rie \"Ratchet et Clank\", est un lombax originaire de Fastoon, mais qui a grandi sur Veldin. Il parcourt les galaxies arm\u00E9 de sa cl\u00E9 et de multiples armes en qu\u00EAte de missions. Il ne se s\u00E9pare jamais de son fid\u00E8le ami Clank qu'il a sauv\u00E9 dans le premier opus. Son p\u00E8re, Kaden, ami d'enfance d'Alister Azimuth, f\u00FBt tu\u00E9 par Tachyon peu apr\u00E8s que Ratchet f\u00FBt envoy\u00E9 \u00E0 Solana."@fr . . . "yes"@en . . . . "Ratchet has always been a gifted medic, and rumors are circulating about his ability to build or repair just about anything. He puts up with no guff from his patients (though, if necessary, gives enough of his own to compensate), and frequently doesn't mince words, either. Though some say that his attitude could use some adjusting, none can complain about his work--especially after he saves their lives. While he does indeed take his medic's oaths seriously, he has no compunctions about taking up a weapon to defend his patients or himself, and he has been known to inflict some discomfort to get a point across to a patient. Above all, his patients' continued welfare in his care is foremost in his processors, although he can be quite gruff in how he demonstrates that ethic."@en . . "RatchetWide.jpg"@en . . . . . "EEDC82"@fr . . "yes"@en . "Yes"@pl . . . . . . . . . "Relatives"@en . . . "Ratchet"@fi . . . . . . "Bronze Gear"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Yes"@pl . "Ratchet"@fi . . "Autobot"@en . "Ratchet was known as the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his work-area bay, he can fashion anything from a pin to a cruise missile and repair most of the Autobots and their specific parts, given the right materials. His rough language and manners belie his gentle touch on the operating-assembly table. He knows how to have a good time despite his involvement in a combat group. \"When does the party begin?\" is his usual query after he's completed patching up his latest fallen comrade. He's more prone to giving his leader, Optimus Prime, a lot more backtalk than the other Autobots, but does his job as well as anyone."@en . . "duh-All Ratchet & Clank series games."@en . "TBA"@en . . . . . "Yes"@nl . "Yes"@pl . . . "Ratchet"@no . "Trade princes"@en . . . . "Neutral"@pl . . "Storm"@en . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . "Movie 7"@en . "Ratchet is Widget's cousin."@en . "Yes"@pl . "Unknown"@en . . "Farm location for beginners to get newbie gear! .tele ratchet"@en . "None known"@en . "yes"@en . "290"^^ . . . . "Ratchet"@es . "3000"^^ . "Ratchet is on a boat!"@en . . . . . . . "thumb|left Na ziemie przybywa wraz z Optimusem Primem jako jego medyk. W ostatecznej walce odci\u0105\u0142 dzia\u0142o Brawlowi. Po bitwie odtworzy\u0142 nogi Bumblebee. Zosta\u0142 na Ziemi z Optimusem i dzia\u0142a w tajnej organizacji NEST. \n* Transformers: Zemsta Upad\u0142ych thumb|left Bierze udzia\u0142 w \u0142apaniu Decepticon\u00F3w. Po \u015Bmierci Optimusa s\u0142ucha rozkaz\u00F3w Ironhide'a. \n* Transformers: Dark of the Moon By\u0142 on wraz z Optimusem w Czarnobylu oraz na ksi\u0119\u017Cycu. Podczas bitwy w Chicago zosta\u0142 wzi\u0119ty do niewoli. \n* Transformers : wiek zag\u0142ady Zosta\u0142 zabity przez \u017Co\u0142nie\u017Cy i rozwalony.Kategoria:Autoboty Kategoria:Dru\u017Cyna Prima"@pl . "Santa Claus, also known as Ratchet was a Lombax who had a tiny robot mate called Clank. Ratchet's IQ is somewhere around 14 according to Clank. He has been busted several times for smoking Cryosleep. Ratchet helped write the book Learning with Lombaxes along with many Lombax scholars. He is now a really rubbish commando who kills hundreds of people for the fat lasy slobs at MightyTech."@en . . . "He hopes to one day win the best yarn ball contest. Ratchet was designed by Patrick Johnson who also performs him, and was built by Sean Johnson. The material that covers Ratchet is white terry cloth, dyed orange for the body and head and left white for the muzzle."@en . . . "Transformers Wars"@en . . . . "Ratchet"@de . . . "Ratchet has always been a gifted medic, and rumors are circulating about his ability to build or repair just about anything. He puts up with no guff from his patients (though, if necessary, gives enough of his own to compensate), and frequently doesn't mince words, either. Though some say that his attitude could use some adjusting, none can complain about his work--especially after he saves their lives. While he does indeed take his medic's oaths seriously, he has no compunctions about taking up a weapon to defend his patients or himself, and he has been known to inflict some discomfort to get a point across to a patient. Above all, his patients' continued welfare in his care is foremost in his processors, although he can be quite gruff in how he demonstrates that ethic."@en . . . . "RATCHET was known as the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. He can fashion anything from a pin to a cruise-missile and repair most of the Autobots and their specific parts, given the right materials. His rough language and manners belie his gentle touch on the operating-assembly table. He knows how to have a good time despite his involvement in a combat group. He gives a lot more backtalk to his commanders than the other Autobots, but does his job as well as anyone. Ratchet has an assortment of laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, electrical circuit sensors and fluid dispensers at his disposal. His preference for partying to anything else sometimes interferes with getting his job done. In Toyota Onebox ambulance mode, Ratchet is equipped to handle both human and Transformer emergencies, although his patient-care compartment has limited space for other Autobots. For this reason, it can open to a Mobile Autobot Repair Bay, although it trades speed for greater transport space."@en . . . "Goro Inagaki"@fr . . . "230"^^ . "#EEDC82"@es . "Han sittter p\u00E5 do med lekepistol Kategori:Karakterer"@no . "Humano"@es . . "Alchemie, arcanite, amusement, edelstenen, goud, ge\u00EFmporteerde goederen, scheepvaart, zilver, technologie, thorium, hout, transportatie, vice"@nl . . . . "Yes"@nl . . . . . "N/A"@en . "Yes"@pl . "Ratchet"@de . "Yes"@nl . "Occupation"@en . . . "gelb"@de . . . . "Gender"@en . . "thumb|243px|Panorama Ratchet Ratchet to miasto usytuowane na wsch\u00F3d od Crossroads, jest ono pierwsz\u0105 neutraln\u0105 osad\u0105, na kt\u00F3r\u0105 Horda mo\u017Ce natrafi\u0107 podczas swoich woja\u017Cy. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 quest\u00F3w jest dla niskopoziomowych graczy i wahaj\u0105 si\u0119 one od 15 do 25 poziomu do\u015Bwiadczenia. Dopiero w p\u00F3\u017Aniejszym okresie gry uaktywniaj\u0105 si\u0119 tu nowe questy dla wy\u017Cszych poziom\u00F3w. Ratchet jest portowym miastem, specjalizuj\u0105cym si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie w handlu. Jest to miasto zamieszkiwane w g\u0142\u00F3wnej mierze przez gobliny, aczkolwiek na zakwaterowanie i okazj\u0119 do wydania maj\u0105tku mog\u0105 tu liczy\u0107 wszyscy inni g\u0142odni i spragnieni awanturnicy."@pl . . "black, fur - yellow and brown"@en . "Stadt"@de . . . . "Alchemy, arcanite, entertainment, gems, gold, imported goods, shipping, silver, technology, thorium, timber, transportation, vice."@en . . . . "TP/OOC"@en . "Ratchet"@en . . . . "Es el principal antagonista de la s\u00E9ptima pel\u00EDcula y un gran inventor que cree que su inteligencia debe gobernar el mundo. Es un se\u00F1or feudal de la isla de Mecha."@es . . . "\u30E9\u30C1\u30A7\u30C3\u30C8"@fr . "Ratchet"@nl . "Ratchet is one of the two main protagonists from the PS2/3 platform hit series Ratchet and Clank. Despite how popular and well-praised the series is, Ratchet has had no luck in the Summer Contests. He was defeated by Luigi in 2003 and Dante in 2004. He wouldn't appear again until 2007, when he finished last in a match with Ganondorf, Vergil, and Thrall. The next year, he managed to finish third on his sole match.. and then in the next contest, in 2010, Ratchet had his best performance, defeating Eddie Riggs before bowing down to Jecht."@en . "Ratchet is Widget's cousin."@en . . . . . "#5218FA"@es . . "Mikey Kelley"@en . "TBA"@en . "\u30E9\u30C1\u30A7\u30C3\u30C8"@es . . . "yes"@en . "Rachetto"@en . "\u30E9\u30C1\u30A7\u30C3\u30C8"@en . "Ratchet is on a boat!"@en . . . "Ambulance"@en . . . "Yes"@pl . "100"^^ . . . "Yes"@pl . "Ratchet"@de . . . "Red Lantern"@en . . . . . . . . "Ratchet ist ein Lombax, der urspr\u00FCnglich von dem Planeten Fastoon kam und alleine auf Veldin aufwuchs. Sein Vater war Kaden der von Tachyon \u2013 kurz nach seiner Geburt \u2013 get\u00F6tet wurde. Seitdem er Clank kennengelernt hatte und mit ihm erstmals die Solana-Galaxie vor Dreks Machenschaften besch\u00FCtzt hatte, musste er sich immer neueren B\u00F6sewichten widmen, wie z.B Dr. Nefarious oder Gleeman Vox und so auch fremde Galaxien retten. __TOC__"@de . . . . . . . "Ratchet"@pl . "Enemies"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "green"@en . . . . . . "Other"@en . . . . . . . . . . "unknown"@en . "Myth Shield"@en . . . . . "7"^^ . . . . "5"^^ . . . . . "7200"^^ . . . "Widget - cousin"@en . . . . "Civilian"@en . . . "gr\u00FCn/blau"@de . "Kensington Park"@en . . . . "Autobot"@en . . "jelent\u00E9se: Kilincsm\u0171 A Kereszt\u00FAtt\u00F3l (Crossroads) Keletre haladva a tengerparton tal\u00E1lhatjuk meg. A legt\u00F6bb k\u00FCldet\u00E9s 15-\u00F6s \u00E9s a 25-\u00F6s szint k\u00F6z\u00F6tt tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3, de akadnak nagyobb szintre val\u00F3 k\u00FCldet\u00E9sek is, mely a karakterfejl\u0151d\u00E9s folyam\u00E1n bukkan majd el\u0151. Kilincsm\u0171 egy kik\u00F6t\u0151v\u00E1ros, melyet keresked\u0151gr\u00F3fok uralnak. Javar\u00E9szt Goblinok lakj\u00E1k a v\u00E1rost, akik nem tesznek k\u00FCl\u00F6nbs\u00E9get Horda \u00E9s Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g k\u00F6z\u00F6tt. Ebb\u0151l k\u00F6vetkez\u0151leg mindenki ig\u00E9nybe veheti szolg\u00E1ltat\u00E1saikat."@hu . . "Magyar neve Racsni.thumb|304px|Ratchet"@hu . . . "Ratchet"@fi . . . . . . . . . "TBA"@en . "7"^^ . . "This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Gold: 58 Hats: Robes: Abstract Vestment Boots: Wands: Athames: Amulets: Rings: Decks: Pets: House: Treasure Cards: Reagents: Bronze Gear Snacks: Mounts: The Invincible Man Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at"@en . . "TBA"@en . . . "[defaults to 250]"@en . "Dr. Ratchet is the main antagonist of the seventh movie, a great inventor who believes that with his natural genius he should rule the world. He is the Feudal Lord of Mecha Island."@en . . . "Rachetto"@es . "Same as Ironhide"@en . "Ratchet is a Lombax that appears in Ratchet & Clank: Anime. He is the best lombax ever. His best friend is Clank."@en . . . . "Ratchet"@de . "M\u00E1quinas"@es . . "Farm location for beginners to get newbie gear! .tele ratchet"@en . "Weakness"@en . "Ratchet"@fi . . "Situada en la carretera al este de The Crossroads, Ratchet (Trinquete en castellano) es el primer asentamiento neutral que la mayor\u00EDa de los jugadores de la Horda conocen en sus viajes. La mayor\u00EDa de las misiones disponibles apuntan a jugadores entre niveles 15 a 25, pero hay algunas misiones de nivel superior que surgen m\u00E1s tarde en el juego. Ratchet, en la costa central-este de Kalimdor, esta a cargo de los goblins. Sus calles se desparraman en todas direcciones y su arquitectura no mantiene ninguna consistencia o visi\u00F3n com\u00FAn. Es una ciudad de entretenimiento y comercio, donde cualquier cosa que uno quisiera comprar - y un mont\u00F3n de cosas que no \u2013 esta a la venta. Casinos, teatros, prost\u00EDbulos, restaurantes finos, tabernas, salas de t\u00E9, arenas de gladiadores\u2026 Ratchet lo tiene todo. Desde el marinero m\u00E1s harapiento a la nobleza m\u00E1s opulenta, todos pueden saciar sus gustos en Ratchet. Ratchet es el puerto m\u00E1s grande Kalimdor, y los barcos com\u00FAnmente paran aqu\u00ED, en su camino a otros lugares. Los barcos Piratas reciben amnist\u00EDa en las aguas de Ratchet, junto con su influencia irrespetuosa y violenta. De hecho, Ratchet es el punto de acceso para que las razas de todos los tipos y los miembros de todos los estratos sociales y econ\u00F3micos puedan codearse en los bazares. Los vigilantes goblins se apresuran a poner fin a los conflictos y asegurarse de que todos los habitantes se comporten agradablemente con los dem\u00E1s. La ciudad nunca para. Sus luces est\u00E1n encendida, sus tiendas abiertas y sus servicios disponibles en cualquier momento del d\u00EDa o de la noche. Tambi\u00E9n se puede contratar transporte en Ratchet, viajar v\u00EDa caravana, barco, zeppel\u00EDn u otros ex\u00F3ticos medios. Todo en Ratchet tiene un precio, por supuesto. Ratchet, en la actualidad, esta controlada por la Venture Company. Ratchet sirve como base de operaciones de muchos miembros de la Venture Company, tristemente famosos por su impresionante n\u00FAmero de goblins shredders."@es . . "Ratchet is a character in Ratchet and Clank: The television series."@en . . . . . . "Storm Shark"@en . . . "The Invincible Man"@en . "Minute Man"@en . . . "Ratchet is a video game character. He fired at Muta along with Bumblebee, Ironhide, Optimus Prime and Breakaway."@en . . "Tier: 8-C to High 8-C with his weakest weapons, Low 7-B with some of his stronger weapons, Unknown with his strongest weapons Name: Ratchet Gender: Male Age: Mid twenties Classification: Lombax, Intergalactic Superhero Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility and durability, large arsenal, master of weaponry, mechanic Speed: Hypersonic+ (Could perceive and react to meteors that catch fire thrown at him and space pods that can go to space extremely quickly), possibly Massively Hypersonic Durability: Unknown Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Intelligence: Unknown"@en . "Es el principal antagonista de la s\u00E9ptima pel\u00EDcula y un gran inventor que cree que su inteligencia debe gobernar el mundo. Es un se\u00F1or feudal de la isla de Mecha."@es . . . . . . "MechaIslandColors"@en . "Ratchet is a Lombax that appears in Ratchet & Clank: Anime. He is the best lombax ever. His best friend is Clank."@en . . . . . "Santa Claus, also known as Ratchet was a Lombax who had a tiny robot mate called Clank. Ratchet's IQ is somewhere around 14 according to Clank. He has been busted several times for smoking Cryosleep. Ratchet helped write the book Learning with Lombaxes along with many Lombax scholars. He is now a really rubbish commando who kills hundreds of people for the fat lasy slobs at MightyTech."@en . . "G\u0151zker\u00E9k Kartel"@hu . . . . . . "MEDIC"@en . "James Arnold Taylor"@en . . . "Ratchet comes from a race of aliens who refrain from any sorts of physical contact. Their technological society has achieved longer life, eradicated disease and reduced crime to a philosophical level because of this. However, Ratchet wished to meet real friends. He left his pod only to be stopped almost immediately by the Isolation Police. Ratchet is fired upon, arrested, and sentenced to 80 years of imprisonment. After two years his tendrils are amputated. He goes on a hunger strike but is force fed by robotic arms after 14 years. Finally after 40 years, Ratchet begins to hallucinate until it drives him mad with rage. A Red Lantern Power Ring crashes through his prison wall as a new tendril grows to take it. Ratchet resembles a giant jellyfish but his docile appearance hides a heart filled with rage. As a Member of the Red Lantern Corps, Ratchet participated in the attack on the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps. Ratchet participated in the abduction of Sinestro as well as his torture on Ysmault. Atrocius chose to plunge Ratchet as well as other Red Lanterns back into the Lake of Blood at the Red Central Power Battery to re-establish their sentience over their rage."@en . . . . . "RatchetWide.jpg"@nl . . "Ratchet"@fr . . "Ratchet"@fi . "unknown"@en . . . . . "Ratchet"@fr . . . . . "Yes"@pl . . . . "Masculino"@es . . "5218"^^ . "Yes"@nl . . "right|thumb|225px|Ratchet Ratchet on lajiltaan Lombax. H\u00E4nell\u00E4 on robottiyst\u00E4v\u00E4 nimelt\u00E4 Clank ja he ovat p\u00E4\u00E4henkil\u00F6it\u00E4 Ratchet & Clank -pelisarjassa."@fi . . . "anime"@en . . . . . . . "Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119ta Handlowi"@pl . "280"^^ . "Ratchet"@fr . . . . "Ratchet"@en . "Gobernante de la Isla Mecha"@es . "Barrens 070910 012726 - Ratchet - Kirkburn 12319.jpg"@pl . "Saving the Galaxy"@en . . . "Yes"@nl . "Cybertronian"@en . "Ratchet"@fr . . "Feudal Lord of Mecha Island"@en . . "Yes"@pl . "Neutral"@en . . . "Ratchet was known as the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his work-area bay, he can fashion anything from a pin to a cruise missile and repair most of the Autobots and their specific parts, given the right materials. His rough language and manners belie his gentle touch on the operating-assembly table. He knows how to have a good time despite his involvement in a combat group. \"When does the party begin?\" is his usual query after he's completed patching up his latest fallen comrade. He's more prone to giving his leader, Optimus Prime, a lot more backtalk than the other Autobots, but does his job as well as anyone. Ratchet beaten up Ransack with various hard kicks and punches in the chest. Ratchet was one of many Autobots that tried to team up against Gigatron but he and the Autobots got petrified when they try to fire on Gigatron. He was later unpetrified after Gigatrons defeat and was seen repairing Jetfires wounds. Ratchet was the one who had to repair most of the Autobots when the Autobots got injured by Darth Grievous's Sith Magic. Ratchet was hailed as a hero after the Transformers Wars and was seen repairing his damaged Autobot Comrades."@en . "Stad"@nl . "Ratchet"@en . . . . "keresked\u0151 gr\u00F3fok , \u00E9s Mer\u00E9sz Bt. tagok"@hu . . "Ratchet"@de . . . "Ratchet"@en . "Trade princes"@nl . . . . . . "Ratchet"@fr . . . "Ratchet"@hu . "aktiv"@de . . "World of Warcraft"@pl . . . "Dr. Ratchet is the main antagonist of the seventh movie, a great inventor who believes that with his natural genius he should rule the world. He is the Feudal Lord of Mecha Island."@en . "Ratchet is a Character in the Life of my Toys."@en . . "Ratchet"@de . "Fastoon"@de . . . "Yes"@nl . . . "Roi de Mecha Island"@fr . . "Lombax"@de . . "Tier: 8-C to High 8-C with his weakest weapons, Low 7-B with some of his stronger weapons, Unknown with his strongest weapons Name: Ratchet Gender: Male Age: Mid twenties Classification: Lombax, Intergalactic Superhero Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility and durability, large arsenal, master of weaponry, mechanic Attack Potency: Building level to Large Building level with his weakest weapons, Small City level with some of his stronger weapons (Can carry weapons capable of delivering a megaton payload in a single missile), Unknown with his strongest weapons (The RYNO V was deemed capable of wiping out all life and being one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, even being banned on a universal scale. Later models of the RYNO and certain other weapons are even more powerful. Considering other weapons in the verse can destroy planets, this means the RYNO weapons are likely worthy of their infamy). Can bypass durability with certain weaponry like ones that morph a target's molecular structure or shoot antimatter. Can BFR foes with a miniature black hole gun that sends you to other universes. Speed: Hypersonic+ (Could perceive and react to meteors that catch fire thrown at him and space pods that can go to space extremely quickly), possibly Massively Hypersonic Durability: Unknown Stamina: Unknown Range: Unknown Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: Nothing notable, but is rather reliant on his arsenal \n* Clank's Packs: Being modified several times over the years, Clank has donned a Heli-Pack, Thruster Pack, and even a Hydro-Pack for underwater, allowing for easy traversing across multiple terrains. \n* Hacking Devices: Over the years Ratchet has gathered a few hacking devices for taking down advanced locks in any form, such as the Trespasser and the Infiltrator as if their names weren\u2019t clear enough. \n* Levitator: An attachable mod for Clank, this superpowered rocket allowed for extended hovering and gliding. This allowed the duo to reach far away goals, so long as their fuel didn\u2019t run out. \n* Hydrodisplacer: A fairly unique gadget, this tool could drain entire pools of water in order to fill out large spaces. \n* Thermanator: This device froze entire pools of water or similar liquid to solid ice, while also capable of melting these same pools in mere seconds. \n* Electrolyzer: Fairly simple, this device repaired circuits so long as Ratchet controlled it perfectly. \n* Swingshot: Connecting steel tether to devices to swing across large chasms. \n* Dynamo: Activated special machinery and devices to conjure holographic platforms. \n* Hypershot: Combining the abilities of both his Swingshot and Dynamo, this device conjured holographic platforms by activating special devices while also capable of tethering to said devices. \n* Warp Pad: Ratchet sets down a warp pad so he can teleport to it later, but the range is limited. \n* Refractor: Surrounding Ratchet in laser energy, it absorbed the energy of lasers. This allowed for Ratchet to redirect the beams and create unique pathways as he needed. \n* O2 Mask: Allows for breathing both underwater and in the depths of space. \n* Tractor Beam: Connecting to special objects and robots, this device could move incredibly large objects with ease, but only using designated symbols. \n* Sprout-O-Matic: Planted in soil, this large plant could grow large bombs, throw enemies, or create platforms for Ratchet. \n* Holo-guise: Quite a handy gadget, this item transformed Ratchet into whatever he needed to infiltrate and fool his enemies, though it dissipated through either attacking or damage. \n* Momentum Glider: This high-flying device utilized momentum to glide long distances. While quick, these wings were not very maneuverable and easily crashed. \n* Box Breaker: Attached to his OmniWrench, this rare device sends out a shockwave that instantly destroys all destructible items and magnetized their bolts for Ratchet\u2019s taking. \n* Gelanator: One of his strangest tools, Ratchet\u2019s Gelanator create gel cubes that combined together to grow in size, creating unique platforms. Unfortunately, they did not float in water, only special gel rivers. \n* Shrink Ray: Grew objects to preposterous sizes and shrunk Ratchet small enough to fit in Clank\u2019s hand. \n* Quake Hammer: Giant hammer that smashes through weak floors and breaks rocks like paper. \n* Grind Boots: These rad boots allow for grinding on steel pipes, rails, ledges, or anything of the like. \n* Gravity Boots: These special boots magnetize Ratchet to metallic surfaces in order to scale certain rooms or challenges. With upgrades, the boots now allow Ratchet to jump and attack without losing connection. \n* Charge Boots: Now these have some kick. With full rocket power, these boots can rocket across landscapes in seconds. Of course with the high-speed, turning becomes problematic. Furthermore, it becomes harder to jet when hills or sudden dips challenge it. Stopping also requires a short skid. \n* Infernox Armor: Considered to be the strongest armor in any galaxy, this impressive suit repels up to 80% of incoming damage, covering Ratchet head to toe in flame powered armor. Now, there is sure to be dissent here as his previous Carbonox repels 90%, which is better right? Well, since the Infernox armor directly pulls from Carbonox design and adds to it, the stats might not be comparable. It\u2019s more probable that the enemies faced in Up Your Arsenal were stronger than the ones in Going Commando, which would explain the improvement in armor despite the percentage claim. There are also armors that claim 96% blockage, such as the Chameleon and Stalker armor sets, but those enemies can also be considered weaker. Furthermore, no other armor directly connects to Ratchet\u2019s only invincible mode: \n* Infernox Crates: When smashed with a wrench, this crate lets Ratchet dons the Infernox Armor and become temporarily invincible and overpowered. He wields dual Infernox Wrenches which can slay an enemy in a single hit but is unable to wield guns. Furthermore, the time limit is rather short."@en . "Eastern Barrens"@en . . "City"@en . "Ratchet is a short-tempered and aged Autobot medic. His main weapon is his magnetic field generators on his arms. He transforms into an EMS Response vehicle. ==Animated Cartoon== As revealed in \"Thrill of the Hunt\", Ratchet was assigned by Ultra Magnus to rescue an intelligence officer, Arcee, and retrieve access codes vital to the war effort, when he ran into a Decepticon bounty hunter, Lockdown. Lockdown captured both of them, and took Ratchet's EMP Generator as a trophy. Arcee requested that Ratchet use the generator at full blast to wipe her memory, erasing the access codes in the process. Ratchet did so, but Lockdown's interference overloaded it, completely erasing Arcee's memory. Attempting to restore her memory, Ratchet accidentally uploaded the access codes Arcee was carrying. When"@en . "Dieser Artikel wurde in der Vergangenheit von Spammern angegriffen und wurde deswegen mit einer Halbsperrung belegt."@de . . "Captain Qwark"@en . . "Yes"@nl . . . . "Male"@en . "Ratchet is a Goblin harbour town and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel. It's located on Kalimdor, in the Barrens."@en . . "Ratchet comes from a race of aliens who refrain from any sorts of physical contact. Their technological society has achieved longer life, eradicated disease and reduced crime to a philosophical level because of this. However, Ratchet wished to meet real friends. He left his pod only to be stopped almost immediately by the Isolation Police. Ratchet is fired upon, arrested, and sentenced to 80 years of imprisonment. After two years his tendrils are amputated. He goes on a hunger strike but is force fed by robotic arms after 14 years. Finally after 40 years, Ratchet begins to hallucinate until it drives him mad with rage. A Red Lantern Power Ring crashes through his prison wall as a new tendril grows to take it."@en . . . "Ratchet is een goblin haven gelegen aan de oostelijke kust van Northern Barrens. Vanaf hier kun je de boot naar Booty Bay nemen."@nl . . . . . . . "James Arnold Taylor"@en . "Magyar neve Racsni.thumb|304px|Ratchet"@hu . . . "Makoto Tsumura"@en . . "Active"@pl . . . "Unknown"@en . "Goro Inagaki"@es . . . "FC"@en . "RATCHET was known as the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. He can fashion anything from a pin to a cruise-missile and repair most of the Autobots and their specific parts, given the right materials. His rough language and manners belie his gentle touch on the operating-assembly table. He knows how to have a good time despite his involvement in a combat group. He gives a lot more backtalk to his commanders than the other Autobots, but does his job as well as anyone. Ratchet has an assortment of laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, electrical circuit sensors and fluid dispensers at his disposal. His preference for partying to anything else sometimes interferes with getting his job done. In Toyota Onebox ambulance mode, Ratchet is equipped to handle both human and Transformer "@en . . . . . . . . "Ratchet was the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his workbay he could make anything from a pin to a missile. Repaired injured Autobots, given the right parts. Liked to party, give backtalk, but did any job as well as anyone. Had laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid dispensers at his disposal. Sometimes his having a good time interfered with his effectiveness."@en . "Yellow"@en . . . . "This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Gold: 58 Hats: Robes: Abstract Vestment Boots: Wands: Athames: Amulets: Rings: Decks: Pets: House: Tr"@en . . . "Yes"@nl . . . "Yes"@pl . "Yes"@pl . . "Yes"@pl . "Antagonista"@es . . "yes"@en . "yes"@en . . . . "Ratchet"@fr . "yes"@en . . "7000"^^ . "Ratchet"@pl . . . "Abstract Vestment"@en . . . "thumb|243px|Panorama Ratchet Ratchet to miasto usytuowane na wsch\u00F3d od Crossroads, jest ono pierwsz\u0105 neutraln\u0105 osad\u0105, na kt\u00F3r\u0105 Horda mo\u017Ce natrafi\u0107 podczas swoich woja\u017Cy. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 quest\u00F3w jest dla niskopoziomowych graczy i wahaj\u0105 si\u0119 one od 15 do 25 poziomu do\u015Bwiadczenia. Dopiero w p\u00F3\u017Aniejszym okresie gry uaktywniaj\u0105 si\u0119 tu nowe questy dla wy\u017Cszych poziom\u00F3w. Ratchet jest portowym miastem, specjalizuj\u0105cym si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie w handlu. Jest to miasto zamieszkiwane w g\u0142\u00F3wnej mierze przez gobliny, aczkolwiek na zakwaterowanie i okazj\u0119 do wydania maj\u0105tku mog\u0105 tu liczy\u0107 wszyscy inni g\u0142odni i spragnieni awanturnicy."@pl . . . . "Dr Ratchet (\u30C9\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC \u00B7 \u30E9\u30C1\u30A7\u30C3\u30C8, Dokut\u0101 Rachetto) est le principal antagoniste du septi\u00E8me film. Il est un grand inventeur qui croit que son g\u00E9nie est naturel, il devrait d'apr\u00E8s lui, r\u00E9gner sur le monde. Il est le seigneur f\u00E9odal de Mecha Island."@fr . "Situated on the east road from the Crossroads, Ratchet is the first neutral settlement that most Horde players will come across in their travels. Most of the quests available cater for players between levels 15 and 25, but there are a few higher level quests that emerge later on in the game. Ratchet is a port town governed by the trade princes. It is a neutral town populated mostly by goblins, so all races are welcome there, no matter how much gold they have to spend. Ratchet, on Kalimdor\u2019s central east coast, is run by goblins and shows it. Its streets sprawl in every direction, and the architecture shows no consistency or common vision. It is a city of entertainment and trade, where anything that anyone would ever want to buy \u2014 and plenty of things that no one ever wants to buy \u2014 is on sale. Casinos, playhouses, brothels, fine restaurants, taverns, tearooms, gladiatorial arenas\u2026 Ratchet has it all. From the grungiest sailor to the wealthiest royalty, all can sate their tastes in Ratchet. Ratchet is Kalimdor\u2019s largest port, and ships commonly stop here on their way elsewhere. Pirate vessels receive amnesty in Ratchet\u2019s waters, bringing an influx of the disreputable and violent. Indeed, Ratchet is a hotspot, as races of all types and members of all social economic strata rub shoulders in the bazaars. Goblin watchmen are quick to put down conflict and make sure the inhabitants all play nice with each other. The city never stops. Its lights are on, its shops open and its services available at any time of day or night. One can also hire transport in Ratchet, traveling via caravan, ship, zeppelin or more exotic means. Everything in Ratchet has a price, of course. Ratchet is currently run by Gazlowe, the Overseer of Ratchet, of the Steamwheedle Cartel under the watchful eye of the trade princes, who give him considerably free reign. Ratchet also serves as a base of operations for many members of a corporate group called the Venture Company, a collection of greedy entrepreneurs, which is infamous for its massive numbers of goblin shredders. They also run the city, and always keep their beady eyes on the bottom line at all times."@en . . . . "Ratchet is a Character in the Life of my Toys."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Q-Team, Darkstar Team"@de . "Medic"@en . . . . . "Ambulance"@en . "Wschodnia cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 P\u00F3\u0142nocnej Sawanny"@pl . "Oostelijk Northern Barrens"@nl . . . "Lombax"@en . . . . "Yes"@nl . . . "Situated on the east road from the Crossroads, Ratchet is the first neutral settlement that most Horde players will come across in their travels. Most of the quests available cater for players between levels 15 and 25, but there are a few higher level quests that emerge later on in the game. Ratchet is a port town governed by the trade princes. It is a neutral town populated mostly by goblins, so all races are welcome there, no matter how much gold they have to spend."@en . . . "Ratchet is een goblin haven gelegen aan de oostelijke kust van Northern Barrens. Vanaf hier kun je de boot naar Booty Bay nemen."@nl . "Actief"@nl . "Yes"@nl . . "Ratchet comes from a race of aliens who refrain from any sorts of physical contact. Their technological society has achieved longer life, eradicated disease and reduced crime to a philosophical level because of this. However, Ratchet wished to meet real friends. He left his pod only to be stopped almost immediately by the Isolation Police. Ratchet is fired upon, arrested, and sentenced to 80 years of imprisonment. After two years his tendrils are amputated. He goes on a hunger strike but is force fed by robotic arms after 14 years. Finally after 40 years, Ratchet begins to hallucinate until it drives him mad with rage. A Red Lantern Power Ring crashes through his prison wall as a new tendril grows to take it."@en . . . "Ratchet"@es . "Neutral"@nl . "Ratchet ist die erste neutrale Siedlung, die den meisten Horde-Spielern in ihrem Leben begegnen wird. Die meisten Quests sind f\u00FCr Spieler der Stufe 15 - 25, es gibt jedoch einige Aufgaben f\u00FCr h\u00F6herstufige Charaktere. Ratchet ist eine Hafenstadt die von Goblins unter dem Handelsprinzen gef\u00FChrt wird - sie ist f\u00FCr jede Fraktion zug\u00E4nglich, so lange genug Gold mitgebracht wird. Die Kontrolle der Goblins zeigt sich auch in der Architektur: Es gibt nur ein Durcheinander, keine durchg\u00E4ngige Struktur oder einen konsistenten Stil. Die Stadt ist vom Handel aller erlaubten (und erlaubten) G\u00FCter gepr\u00E4gt, von Spielsucht und Casinos, Tavernen bis zu Kampfarenen gibt es alles f\u00FCr jeden: Vom mittellosen Seemann bis zum wohlbetuchten B\u00FCrger. Piraten und deren Schiffe erhalten in Ratchet grunds\u00E4tzlich Amnestie. Diese Mischung bietet viel Konfliktpotential und die Goblin-Wachen sind bereit, jeden Streit sofort im Keim zu ersticken. Zurzeit wird Ratchet von Gazlowe aus dem Dampfdruckkartell gef\u00FChrt, die ihm freie Hand lassen."@de . . . "Active"@en . . . "Veldin"@en . . . . . . . . . "unknown"@en . . . . . "Ratchet"@en . . "Friends"@en . . . "Yellow"@en . "Ratchet is one of the two main protagonists from the PS2/3 platform hit series Ratchet and Clank. Despite how popular and well-praised the series is, Ratchet has had no luck in the Summer Contests. He was defeated by Luigi in 2003 and Dante in 2004. He wouldn't appear again until 2007, when he finished last in a match with Ganondorf, Vergil, and Thrall. The next year, he managed to finish third on his sole match.. and then in the next contest, in 2010, Ratchet had his best performance, defeating Eddie Riggs before bowing down to Jecht."@en . "Ratchet is a video game character. He fired at Muta along with Bumblebee, Ironhide, Optimus Prime and Breakaway."@en . . . . "World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game"@en . "Medic"@en . "Appearance"@en . "Datei:Neutral 32.gif Ratchet"@de . "Ratchet is a short-tempered and aged Autobot medic. His main weapon is his magnetic field generators on his arms. He transforms into an EMS Response vehicle. ==Animated Cartoon== As revealed in \"Thrill of the Hunt\", Ratchet was assigned by Ultra Magnus to rescue an intelligence officer, Arcee, and retrieve access codes vital to the war effort, when he ran into a Decepticon bounty hunter, Lockdown. Lockdown captured both of them, and took Ratchet's EMP Generator as a trophy. Arcee requested that Ratchet use the generator at full blast to wipe her memory, erasing the access codes in the process. Ratchet did so, but Lockdown's interference overloaded it, completely erasing Arcee's memory. Attempting to restore her memory, Ratchet accidentally uploaded the access codes Arcee was carrying. When Highbrow notices this, he has Ultra Magnus bring Rachet before the inactive Omega Supreme, with Ratchet taking Arcee's place in teaching Omega prior to being introduced to battle. But in the aftermath of war, with Arcee still in stasis and Omega's death in the final fight, Ratchet became the bitter war veteran that he is today. Many years later, Ratchet became the crew member of the Autobot ship that Omega's body was converted into prior to it crashing onto Earth. There, Ratchet eventually ran into Lockdown again, having him painfully remember the incident which caused Arcee to lose her memory. During the events that transpired, Ratchet retrieved his EMP Generator from Lockdown while saving Optimus Prime from him, giving him some closure. However, when Blitzwing and Lugnut came to Earth, Ratchet admitted to Sari, who was against the Autobots leaving the planet in hopes of getting the Deceptions to pursue them, that he had no intention to see someone else suffer because of their war. After being ordered later by Prime to take away Sari's key, Ratchet heads to the ship and protect the Allspark, but before he could get there, he was ambushed by Blitzwing and Lugnut, the former freezing him before ripping off most of Ratchet's right arm to get the key. After freeing himself, Ratchet reports to Optimus who tells him to enter the ship and protect the Allspark anyway. After making the ship airborne again, Ratchet managed to save Sari from Blackarachnia and then the rest of his team and Issac Sumdac, teaming up with Bumblebee and Prowl to fight Blitzwing. In \"Garbage In, Garbage Out\", Ratchet encountered the newly created Transformer, Wreck-Gar. Initially rebuffing the scatterbrained machine, when it became clear that the trash-eating nanobots he was carrying would destroy the entire city, Ratchet was forced to do that which, in his own words, \"requires more courage then anything I've ever done in my entire Autobot career\": apologizing. Ratchet convinced Wreck-Gar that he could be anything he wanted, even a hero, and the junk-bot removed the nanobots, only to sink into the river. In the \"A Bridge Too Close\" two-parter, Ratchet, with Sari's help, managed to bring Omega Supreme back to life, only to be saddened to see his friend once again sacrfice himself to save everyone. During \"Transwarped,\" Ratchet plays a large role in the story, and is infuriated when the other Autobots \"choose\" Sari's key over him when it comes to fixing things. But after saving Bumblebee after getting severely damaged by an out of control Sari, Ratchet attempts talk to Omega in regaining control over himself from Starscream. In \"This is Why I Hate Machines\", Ratchet and Captain Fanzone arrive on Cybertron through Bulkhead's Space Bridge, just as Omega Supreme(containing Megatron, Starscream, and Lugnut) transwarps to there as well. Ratchet then fruitlessly attempts to stop Sentinel Prime from firing on his old friend, and flees the scene with Fanzone. With help from Jazz, the duo find the lair of Shockwave, who was in hiding all this time. After a duel, in which Shockwave reveals his intentions to get Omega's access codes from Arcee herself, Ratchet retells his tale to Fanzone, and battles Shockwave once more, only for Sentinel to interfere again. Shockwave escapes with Arcee, and Ratchet and Fanzone return to Earth with Ultra Magnus's hammer and Jazz, who wished no further part in Sentinel's government. Despite Perceptor assuring Ratchet that Shockwave can't get Arcee's codes, as the damage is beyond repair, onboard Omega, who transwarped to the Moon, Arcee says Ratchet's name, implying she may indeed remember after all. In the third season finale, he helped facilatate Optimus' jet-pack upgrade, and later ventured to the Moon with Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Sari. There, he and Sari returned Arcee's memories, with Arcee helping them regain control of Omega Supreme. After the battle, they all returned to Cybertron with the captured Megatron, Omega, and Prowl's body, greeted as heroes one and all. ==Toys== \n* Animated McDonalds Autobot Ratchet (2008) \n* Animated Activators Ratchet (2008/unreleased) \n* Animated Battle Bumpers Ratchet (2008) \n* Animated Deluxe Autobot Ratchet (2008) \n* Animated Deluxe Rescue Ratchet with Legends Prowl and Starscream (2008) \n* Animated Deluxe Cybertron mode Ratchet (unreleased) This Deluxe sized figure is based on Ratchet's figure from \"Transform and Roll Out!\". It shows Ratchet's Cybertronian form. \n* Animated Activators Ratchet with Voyager Sunstorm (Activators, 2009) This is the regular Activators Ratchet but comes with Sunstorm. This is a Target exclusive."@en . "Species"@en . "Ratchet ist ein Lombax, der urspr\u00FCnglich von dem Planeten Fastoon kam und alleine auf Veldin aufwuchs. Sein Vater war Kaden der von Tachyon \u2013 kurz nach seiner Geburt \u2013 get\u00F6tet wurde. Seitdem er Clank kennengelernt hatte und mit ihm erstmals die Solana-Galaxie vor Dreks Machenschaften besch\u00FCtzt hatte, musste er sich immer neueren B\u00F6sewichten widmen, wie z.B Dr. Nefarious oder Gleeman Vox und so auch fremde Galaxien retten. __TOC__"@de . . "right|thumb|225px|Ratchet Ratchet on lajiltaan Lombax. H\u00E4nell\u00E4 on robottiyst\u00E4v\u00E4 nimelt\u00E4 Clank ja he ovat p\u00E4\u00E4henkil\u00F6it\u00E4 Ratchet & Clank -pelisarjassa."@fi . "Ratchet is a Goblin harbour town and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel. It's located on Kalimdor, in the Barrens."@en . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . "Ratchet, h\u00E9ros principal de la s\u00E9rie \"Ratchet et Clank\", est un lombax originaire de Fastoon, mais qui a grandi sur Veldin. Il parcourt les galaxies arm\u00E9 de sa cl\u00E9 et de multiples armes en qu\u00EAte de missions. Il ne se s\u00E9pare jamais de son fid\u00E8le ami Clank qu'il a sauv\u00E9 dans le premier opus. Son p\u00E8re, Kaden, ami d'enfance d'Alister Azimuth, f\u00FBt tu\u00E9 par Tachyon peu apr\u00E8s que Ratchet f\u00FBt envoy\u00E9 \u00E0 Solana."@fr . "thumb|left Na ziemie przybywa wraz z Optimusem Primem jako jego medyk. W ostatecznej walce odci\u0105\u0142 dzia\u0142o Brawlowi. Po bitwie odtworzy\u0142 nogi Bumblebee. Zosta\u0142 na Ziemi z Optimusem i dzia\u0142a w tajnej organizacji NEST. \n* Transformers: Zemsta Upad\u0142ych thumb|left Bierze udzia\u0142 w \u0142apaniu Decepticon\u00F3w. Po \u015Bmierci Optimusa s\u0142ucha rozkaz\u00F3w Ironhide'a. \n* Transformers: Dark of the Moon By\u0142 on wraz z Optimusem w Czarnobylu oraz na ksi\u0119\u017Cycu. Podczas bitwy w Chicago zosta\u0142 wzi\u0119ty do niewoli. \n* Transformers : wiek zag\u0142ady Zosta\u0142 zabity przez \u017Co\u0142nie\u017Cy i rozwalony.Kategoria:Autoboty Kategoria:Dru\u017Cyna Prima"@pl . "He hopes to one day win the best yarn ball contest. Ratchet was designed by Patrick Johnson who also performs him, and was built by Sean Johnson. The material that covers Ratchet is white terry cloth, dyed orange for the body and head and left white for the muzzle."@en . "Green"@en . . . . "yes"@en . "Ratchet"@fr . . "Yellow, with light-brown stripes"@en . . . . "Ratchet ist die erste neutrale Siedlung, die den meisten Horde-Spielern in ihrem Leben begegnen wird. Die meisten Quests sind f\u00FCr Spieler der Stufe 15 - 25, es gibt jedoch einige Aufgaben f\u00FCr h\u00F6herstufige Charaktere. Ratchet ist eine Hafenstadt die von Goblins unter dem Handelsprinzen gef\u00FChrt wird - sie ist f\u00FCr jede Fraktion zug\u00E4nglich, so lange genug Gold mitgebracht wird. Zurzeit wird Ratchet von Gazlowe aus dem Dampfdruckkartell gef\u00FChrt, die ihm freie Hand lassen."@de . "Ratchet"@de . "Soda"@en . . "Netter Versuch!"@de . "Han sittter p\u00E5 do med lekepistol Kategori:Karakterer"@no . . "Miasto"@pl . "Blue"@en . . . . "Cybertron"@en . "Situada en la carretera al este de The Crossroads, Ratchet (Trinquete en castellano) es el primer asentamiento neutral que la mayor\u00EDa de los jugadores de la Horda conocen en sus viajes. La mayor\u00EDa de las misiones disponibles apuntan a jugadores entre niveles 15 a 25, pero hay algunas misiones de nivel superior que surgen m\u00E1s tarde en el juego. Ratchet, en la actualidad, esta controlada por la Venture Company. Ratchet sirve como base de operaciones de muchos miembros de la Venture Company, tristemente famosos por su impresionante n\u00FAmero de goblins shredders."@es . "Full name"@en . . "Ratchet"@fr . "Mikey Kelley"@en . . . . "Goblin F\u00E1jl:IconSmall_Goblin_Female.gif\u200EF\u00E1jl:IconSmall_Goblin_Male.gif\u200E\u200E"@hu . . "MANY!"@en . . . . "Ratchet"@nl . "Male"@en . "Marleybone"@en . . "1.0"^^ . . . . . . "Ratchet was the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his workbay he could make anything from a pin to a missile. Repaired injured Autobots, given the right parts. Liked to party, give backtalk, but did any job as well as anyone. Had laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid dispensers at his disposal. Sometimes his having a good time interfered with his effectiveness."@en . "Fastoon"@en . . . . "Boss"@en . . . . .