"0.9"^^ . "*Casi-Omnipotencia dentro del Digital World"@es . "\u00E0 l'impact, vos attaques de base augmentent votre vitesse de d\u00E9placement de 20 pendant 2 sec. Tuer un sbire, un monstre ou un champion augmente votre vitesse de d\u00E9placement de 60 pendant 2 sec. Le bonus en vitesse de d\u00E9placement est de moiti\u00E9 pour les champions \u00E0 distance."@fr . . . . "175"^^ . "The Cloud"@nl . . "Le Phage \u00E9tait une maladie qui affectait les Vidiiens, tuant des milliers des Vidiiens par jour pour \u00E0 peu pr\u00E8s 2000 ann\u00E9es. La maladie \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s adaptive \u00E0 presque toutes les traitements m\u00E9dicales, s'adaptant et mutant en toute vitesse, trop vite pour la technologie d'\u00EAtre adapt\u00E9e. La Phage consommait les personnes afflig\u00E9es, premi\u00E8rement affectuant le code g\u00E9n\u00E9tique et apr\u00E8s d\u00E9vorant le tissu et d\u00E9truisant les structures cellulaires. Un symptom qui se montrait tr\u00E8s t\u00F4t \u00E9tait la douleur des articulations extr\u00E8me, dont certaines victmes sont morts. Si on avait contract\u00E9 la maladie, il \u00E9tait commun d'\u00EAtre tu\u00E9 d'une fa\u00E7on plus humanitaire. Pour survivre, les Vidiiens volaient des organs, pr\u00E9f\u00E8remment des corps morts, mais, en \u00E9tat d'urgence, ils transplantaient aussi des organs des perssone"@fr . "This weapon deals damage. \n* Innate damage \u2013 effective against Flesh and Cloned Flesh. \n* Its Status Effect will reduce an enemy's maximum health by 50% for 6 seconds. \n* Extremely ammo efficient. \n* Decent status chance. \n* Decent reload speed. \n* Multiple fire modes, adjustable by Aiming. \n* Innate Punch Through of approximately 0.5 meters. \n* Has a polarity. \n* deals reduced damage against Machinery and Infested. \n* Wide initial spread. \n* Focus time cannot be modified by any means. \n* Loses focus if firing is interrupted or released. \n* Limited range of 25 meters."@en . "Phage is the first virus for the Palm operating system. It ends up destroying all executables on the device, rendering it unusable until it is completely restored. Other malware for the Palm has been reported, but this is still the only virus."@en . . . . . "35"^^ . "VOY"@nl . . "10"^^ . . "Phages are enemies from Hacx. These big mutants are one of the most common enemies. Phages will fire 3 orange orbs at the player. These orbs do not deal major damage but taking all three together will still make quite a dent. Their secondary attack consists of jumping on their target when it is close to them, dealing damage. With 150 hit points, they are still easy to destroy. They often assist Thugs and Androids in assaulting the player. There also exists a variant of this foe disguised as a statue. Shooting the statue will activate it. Its stats are identical to the normal Phage."@en . . "Bio"@en . "7500"^^ . "Negro, blanco"@es . "Phage - potw\u00F3r powsta\u0142y z cia\u0142a w\u0142a\u015Bciciela Gwiezdnego Ziarna, kt\u00F3re nie by\u0142o prawdziwym i zmieni\u0142o si\u0119 w czarne. Phage by\u0142 wykorzystywany przez Sailor Animamates. Jego ubi\u00F3r, ataki i zachowanie by\u0142o uzale\u017Cnione od tego, kim by\u0142 cz\u0142owiek, zanim zamieni\u0142 si\u0119 w Phage. W odcinku 173 Sailor Star Fighter m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce gdy cz\u0142owiek z czarnym Gwiezdnym Ziarnem zamieni si\u0119 w Phage'a to ju\u017C nikt nie jest w stanie go uratowa\u0107, wi\u0119c konieczne jest zabicie potwora. Zabicie Phage'a by\u0142o r\u00F3wnoznaczne z zabiciem cz\u0142owieka. Eternal Sailor Moon nie mog\u0142a na to pozwoli\u0107, wi\u0119c ka\u017Cdego Phage'a uzdrawia\u0142a atakami Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss! (w odcinkach 173 - 186) lub Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss! (od odcinka 187)."@pl . . "Note: The symbiote wasn't officially named Phage, until ."@en . "gelb"@de . . . "72"^^ . . . . "1995-02-06"^^ . "Forma"@en . "Phage var ett virus genom genteknisk Carson Becketts klon f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Wraith patogen som var infektera AT-1."@sv . . . "Sonic Universe #71"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Virus"@en . "VOY"@nl . . "Maldad"@es . . . "Salvage"@en . "24"^^ . . "Le Phage \u00E9tait une maladie qui affectait les Vidiiens, tuant des milliers des Vidiiens par jour pour \u00E0 peu pr\u00E8s 2000 ann\u00E9es. La maladie \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s adaptive \u00E0 presque toutes les traitements m\u00E9dicales, s'adaptant et mutant en toute vitesse, trop vite pour la technologie d'\u00EAtre adapt\u00E9e. La Phage consommait les personnes afflig\u00E9es, premi\u00E8rement affectuant le code g\u00E9n\u00E9tique et apr\u00E8s d\u00E9vorant le tissu et d\u00E9truisant les structures cellulaires. Un symptom qui se montrait tr\u00E8s t\u00F4t \u00E9tait la douleur des articulations extr\u00E8me, dont certaines victmes sont morts. Si on avait contract\u00E9 la maladie, il \u00E9tait commun d'\u00EAtre tu\u00E9 d'une fa\u00E7on plus humanitaire. Pour survivre, les Vidiiens volaient des organs, pr\u00E9f\u00E8remment des corps morts, mais, en \u00E9tat d'urgence, ils transplantaient aussi des organs des perssones vivantes, m\u00EAme si la transplantation signifiait la mort de la personne en bonne sant\u00E9. De plus en plus d\u00E9sesp\u00E9r\u00E9s, les Vidiiens experimentaient sur des specimens des autres esp\u00E8ces humanoides, comme les Klingons dont le scientifique Sulan \u00E9tait convaincu qu'ils \u00E9taient immuns au Phage. En 2375, le \"Think Tank\" pr\u00E9tendait avoir trouv\u00E9 un gu\u00E9rison."@fr . . . . . . ""@en . . "Ninguno"@es . "The Vidiians survived in the short term by making extensive use of transplantation and organ piracy, using transporter technology to literally steal healthy organs from the bodies of their owners. Increasingly desperate, the Vidiians resorted to kidnapping members of other species and experimenting on them. A Vidiian scientist, Sulan, believed that research into Klingon genetic material would eventually lead to a cure. (VOY: \"Faces\") In 2375, a group known as the Think Tank claimed to have cured the Phage. (VOY: \"Think Tank\") In 2376, Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was suffering from a disease which was similar to the early stages of the Phage. (VOY: \"Life Line\") The term \"Phage\" is short for bacteriophage. The term \"phage\" itself literally means \"to eat.\" A bacteriophage is a virus that reproduces within a bacterium - it infects bacteria by attaching a hollow protein tail to a bacteria cell wall, injecting DNA (or sometimes, RNA) into the cell. Bacteriophages live at the expense of the bacteria they inhabit, and in most cases eventually kill their bacterial hosts."@en . "The Vidiians survived in the short term by making extensive use of transplantation and organ piracy, using transporter technology to literally steal healthy organs from the bodies of their owners. Increasingly desperate, the Vidiians resorted to kidnapping members of other species and experimenting on them. A Vidiian scientist, Sulan, believed that research into Klingon genetic material would eventually lead to a cure. (VOY: \"Faces\") In 2375, a group known as the Think Tank claimed to have cured the Phage. (VOY: \"Think Tank\")"@en . . "+200 PV"@fr . . . "Phage"@en . . "Plastids"@en . . "This weapon deals damage. \n* Innate damage \u2013 effective against Flesh and Cloned Flesh. \n* Its Status Effect will reduce an enemy's maximum health by 50% for 6 seconds. \n* Extremely ammo efficient. \n* Decent status chance. \n* Decent reload speed. \n* Multiple fire modes, adjustable by Aiming. \n* Innate Punch Through of approximately 0.5 meters. \n* Has a polarity. \n* deals reduced damage against Machinery and Infested. \n* Wide initial spread. \n* Focus time cannot be modified by any means. \n* Loses focus if firing is interrupted or released. \n* Limited range of 25 meters."@en . "Phage est un objet de deuxi\u00E8me niveau dans League of Legends."@en . "Phages are enemies from Hacx. These big mutants are one of the most common enemies. Phages will fire 3 orange orbs at the player. These orbs do not deal major damage but taking all three together will still make quite a dent. Their secondary attack consists of jumping on their target when it is close to them, dealing damage. With 150 hit points, they are still easy to destroy. They often assist Thugs and Androids in assaulting the player. There also exists a variant of this foe disguised as a statue. Shooting the statue will activate it. Its stats are identical to the normal Phage."@en . . . . . "Star Trek: Voyager"@nl . . . "250"^^ . . "105"^^ . . . "Phage est un objet de deuxi\u00E8me niveau dans League of Legends."@en . "4"^^ . "It was the result of a fan-naming."@en . . "30000"^^ . "Tijdens een verkenningsmissie op een planeto\u00EFde wordt Neelix aangevallen en voor dood achtergelaten. De andere leden van het verkenningsteam vinden hem en transporteren hem naar de ziekenboeg van de USS Voyager. De Dokter ontdekt dat de longen van de Talaxian verwijderd zijn. Hij weet hem in leven te houden, maar hij zal de rest van zijn leven in de ziekenboeg moeten blijven en kunstmatig in leven worden gehouden. Kapitein Kathryn Janeway leidt een team naar de planeto\u00EFde en ontdekt een medisch laboratorium dat gevuld is met gestolen organen. Helaas treffen ze de longen van Neelix niet aan. Minuten later probeert een onbekend schip te vluchten, maar de Voyager zet onmiddellijk de achtervolging in. In de ziekenboeg heeft Neelix erg veel moeite met het wennen aan zijn nieuwe situatie, maar hij raadt Kes aan om haar eigen leven door te laten gaan. Het Medisch holografisch noodprogramma van het sterrenschip geeft aan Kes toe dat hij moeite heeft met zijn taak als fulltime dokter. Kes geeft hem intelligent en goed advies, waardoor de Dokter het idee krijgt om haar tot zijn assistent te benoemen. Zodra de wezens verantwoordelijk voor de diefstal bijgehaald zijn verklaren ze hun dilemma. Het ras, de Vidiians, vecht al jaren tegen een verschrikkelijke ziekte. Deze faag vernietigt hun genetische codes en cellulaire structuur. Ze kunnen de faag maar niet uitroeien en hebben organen van andere rassen nodig om de ge\u00EFnfecteerde lichaamsdelen te kunnen redden. De longen van Neelix zijn inmiddels al in een Vidiian lichaam getransplanteerd. Janeway is niet in staat om zijn leven te be\u00EBindigen om dat van Neelix te redden. De Vidiians zijn dankbaar voor het feit dat ze gespaard worden en willen Neelix met hun superieure medische technologie helpen. Met hun hulp doneert Kes \u00E9\u00E9n van haar longen aan Neelix, waardoor hij een normaal leven zal kunnen leiden. Na de succesvolle procedure vertelt De Dokter aan Kes dat Janeway toestemming heeft gegeven om haar training als medisch assistent te beginnen."@nl . . . "Hydraulic crusher and 'tail'"@en . . . "550"^^ . . "Polymer Bundle"@en . . . . "Phage"@en . . "Amarillos"@es . "."@en . "Gareth Davies"@en . "Phage"@sv . "Phage es un personaje que aparece en la serie de c\u00F3mics de Sonic the Hedgehog y sus spin-offs publicados por Archie Comics. Phage es un ser virtual consciente y virus de computadora que vive dentro del Digital World."@es . . . "Heck Raiser"@en . "A, Phage (Faji), appeared in almost every episode of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. They are monsters of week appearing only in the anime. After one of the Sailor Animamates unsuccessfully attempted to find a Star Seed that would stay lit, (as an unsuccessful star seed would turn black/dark after a few seconds, and a successful Star Seed would forever shine bright) a Phage would appear, whereas someone who had a successful Star Seed exposed (usually someone who is a Sailor Senshi or from the Moon Kingdom), they would just simply go unconscious until their Star Seed was stolen, in which they would simply die without transforming into a monster, in which their Star Seed would be reincarnated into another being. (Likewise, if a Phage is defeated without being healed, their Star Seed is forever los"@en . "Phage"@en . . . . "Objet de deuxi\u00E8me niveau"@en . "Phage is a virus on PalmOS. It ends up destroying all executables on the device, rendering it unusable until it is completely restored. Other malware for the PalmOS has been reported, but this is still the only virus on the PalmOS."@en . . . . "Phage var ett virus genom genteknisk Carson Becketts klon f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Wraith patogen som var infektera AT-1."@sv . . . . . . . "Phage ist ein grausames, sadistisches Wesen, das nichts anderes denkt als andere per \u00DCberraschung anzugreifen. Sie greift auch hilflose Lebewesen an. Sie ist von NICOLEs einzigartiger Natur fasziniert, aber ihre Neugier ist eine dunkle und sie sucht ihre Befriedigung in Gewalt."@de . "Others"@en . "The phage was a virus genetically engineered by Dr. Carson Beckett's clone to destroy the Wraith pathogen that was infecting several members of the Atlantis expedition."@en . . "4"^^ . . . . . . "Nano Spores"@en . . . "Phage, de Sonic Universe #71."@es . . . . "Aleah Baker"@de . "Antagonist"@de . . . "1"^^ . "6000"^^ . . . "33734"^^ . . . . . . ""@en . . . "The phage was a Vidiian disease, responsible for decimating the Vidiian population for nearly two thousand years, and shifting the focus of the Vidiian Sodality from arts and the humanities to survival. (VOY: \"Phage\") The Think Tank cured the phage in 2375. (VOY: \"Think Tank\")"@en . . . "Phage was a Culture Rock. It had the distinction of being one of the first space-based entities to join the Culture when the Culture was new."@en . . . . . . . . "Mutagen Sample"@en . . . . . "Phage ist ein grausames, sadistisches Wesen, das nichts anderes denkt als andere per \u00DCberraschung anzugreifen. Sie greift auch hilflose Lebewesen an. Sie ist von NICOLEs einzigartiger Natur fasziniert, aber ihre Neugier ist eine dunkle und sie sucht ihre Befriedigung in Gewalt."@de . "*NICOLE the Holo-Lynx"@de . . . "3000"^^ . . "*Allmacht in der Digitalen Welt\n*Kontrolle \u00FCber Ger\u00E4te"@de . . . . . "Phage"@en . . "2371"^^ . . "Time and Again"@nl . . "+200 PV"@en . . . "12131"^^ . "0.7"^^ . "2000-09-22"^^ . . . . . . . . "PalmOS"@en . . . . "Phage es un personaje que aparece en la serie de c\u00F3mics de Sonic the Hedgehog y sus spin-offs publicados por Archie Comics. Phage es un ser virtual consciente y virus de computadora que vive dentro del Digital World."@es . . . . . "Phage - potw\u00F3r powsta\u0142y z cia\u0142a w\u0142a\u015Bciciela Gwiezdnego Ziarna, kt\u00F3re nie by\u0142o prawdziwym i zmieni\u0142o si\u0119 w czarne. Phage by\u0142 wykorzystywany przez Sailor Animamates. Jego ubi\u00F3r, ataki i zachowanie by\u0142o uzale\u017Cnione od tego, kim by\u0142 cz\u0142owiek, zanim zamieni\u0142 si\u0119 w Phage. W odcinku 173 Sailor Star Fighter m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce gdy cz\u0142owiek z czarnym Gwiezdnym Ziarnem zamieni si\u0119 w Phage'a to ju\u017C nikt nie jest w stanie go uratowa\u0107, wi\u0119c konieczne jest zabicie potwora. Zabicie Phage'a by\u0142o r\u00F3wnoznaczne z zabiciem cz\u0142owieka. Eternal Sailor Moon nie mog\u0142a na to pozwoli\u0107, wi\u0119c ka\u017Cdego Phage'a uzdrawia\u0142a atakami Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss! (w odcinkach 173 - 186) lub Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss! (od odcinka 187)."@pl . "Sonic Universe Ausgabe 71"@de . . "(1) Las fechas de emisi\u00F3n y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . "Phage"@en . . . "\u00E0 l'impact, vos attaques de base augmentent votre vitesse de d\u00E9placement de 20 pendant 2 sec. Tuer un sbire, un monstre ou un champion augmente votre vitesse de d\u00E9placement de 60 pendant 2 sec. Le bonus en vitesse de d\u00E9placement est de moiti\u00E9 pour les champions \u00E0 distance."@en . . . "The phage was a Vidiian disease, responsible for decimating the Vidiian population for nearly two thousand years, and shifting the focus of the Vidiian Sodality from arts and the humanities to survival. (VOY: \"Phage\") The Think Tank cured the phage in 2375. (VOY: \"Think Tank\")"@en . . . "Phage was created by Dr. Eggman to infiltrate and attack various computer networks. She quickly began infiltrating computer networks and gaining knowledge and power by absorbing information. Much to Eggman's displeasure, however, the first system she attacked was his own, erasing sixty terabytes of his data. She thus set out to find some means of making amends. (SU: #73, #74)"@en . . . "Circuits"@en . . "(1) Las fechas de emisi\u00F3n y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . "Phage"@es . "Objet de deuxi\u00E8me niveau"@fr . "Phage"@fr . "Tijdens een verkenningsmissie op een planeto\u00EFde wordt Neelix aangevallen en voor dood achtergelaten. De andere leden van het verkenningsteam vinden hem en transporteren hem naar de ziekenboeg van de USS Voyager. De Dokter ontdekt dat de longen van de Talaxian verwijderd zijn. Hij weet hem in leven te houden, maar hij zal de rest van zijn leven in de ziekenboeg moeten blijven en kunstmatig in leven worden gehouden."@nl . . "Phage was a competitor robot that failed to qualify for Series 4 of Robot Wars. It withdrew from the qualifiers after the team were unable to finish it in time, and was also planned to enter Series 5. It is unknown if Phage was entered into the latter series, and if so, how it failed to qualify. The name 'Phage' means 'a thing that devours' and is often used in the names of viruses. The robot was originally named Scorpion 2000 (not to be confused with the robot that fought in Series 4 and 6-7), but this was changed in June 2000. \"A few expensive mistakes later I had a Polycarbonate box with a pickaxe for a weapon called \"Heck Raiser\" ( the name came from a really naff album called \"Songs To Drink Beer And Raise Heck To\"). I wasn't happy with it so Heck Raiser was withdrawn from Robot Wars three days before the auditions.\" \u2014 The Phage Website on Heck Raiser The team originally built a robot for Series 3 called Heck Raiser, which was a simple box-shaped robot armed with an axe. However, team captain Gareth Davies was unsatisfied with the robot, so withdrew it from the auditions and stripped it down to provide components for Phage. Davies has also built five antweight robots, including Microphage and Dragstar."@en . . . . . "Phage was created by Dr. Eggman to infiltrate and attack various computer networks. She quickly began infiltrating computer networks and gaining knowledge and power by absorbing information. Much to Eggman's displeasure, however, the first system she attacked was his own, erasing sixty terabytes of his data. She thus set out to find some means of making amends. (SU: #73, #74)"@en . "A, Phage (Faji), appeared in almost every episode of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. They are monsters of week appearing only in the anime. After one of the Sailor Animamates unsuccessfully attempted to find a Star Seed that would stay lit, (as an unsuccessful star seed would turn black/dark after a few seconds, and a successful Star Seed would forever shine bright) a Phage would appear, whereas someone who had a successful Star Seed exposed (usually someone who is a Sailor Senshi or from the Moon Kingdom), they would just simply go unconscious until their Star Seed was stolen, in which they would simply die without transforming into a monster, in which their Star Seed would be reincarnated into another being. (Likewise, if a Phage is defeated without being healed, their Star Seed is forever lost. If a Phage is healed, their Star Seed would now become successful and shine forever.) A Phage, is a very powerful monster that is formed due to someone having an unsuccessful Star Seed exposed. Most typically, but not necessarily always, a Phage is formed from an innocent human that had exceptional talent or abilities, as there is a misception that these are prime contenders for successful Star Seeds, and they were not involved with Shadow Galactica. A Phage parodies a Sailor Senshi, with the unsuccessful Star Seeds holder's occupation or hobby being related to their name and attacks, and with that, is given the name \"Sailor\". They are possibly used to punish those who search Star Seeds, as whenever one forms, the Sailor Animamates immediately leave. If a Phage is not dealt with, they become very powerful and could cause lots of damage. If a Phage is accidentally or purposefully killed without being healed, the victim will become deceased and their Star Seed will forever be lost. If a Phage is healed, they return to their human form, and they now will have a successful Star Seed that will shine forever. \"Phage\" is pronounced \"Faji\" and is a parasitic virus in bacteria. It comes from a Greek word meaning \"to eat.\""@en . "Skye Dent en Brannon Braga"@nl . "+20 d\u00E9g\u00E2ts d'attaque"@en . "The phage was a virus genetically engineered by Dr. Carson Beckett's clone to destroy the Wraith pathogen that was infecting several members of the Atlantis expedition."@en . . "Phage is the first virus for the Palm operating system. It ends up destroying all executables on the device, rendering it unusable until it is completely restored. Other malware for the Palm has been reported, but this is still the only virus."@en . "Phage was a competitor robot that failed to qualify for Series 4 of Robot Wars. It withdrew from the qualifiers after the team were unable to finish it in time, and was also planned to enter Series 5. It is unknown if Phage was entered into the latter series, and if so, how it failed to qualify. The name 'Phage' means 'a thing that devours' and is often used in the names of viruses. The robot was originally named Scorpion 2000 (not to be confused with the robot that fought in Series 4 and 6-7), but this was changed in June 2000."@en . . . "Phage; Phage from Venom Along Came a Spider Vol 1 1.JPG"@en . . "Phage"@de . . . . "Carl Mach; Carl Mach from Venom Lethal Protector Vol 1 4 0001.png"@en . . "Mutagen Mass"@en . "485324"^^ . . . "NeelixPhage.jpg"@nl . "Normal= 250px"@de . . "Phage is a virus on PalmOS. It ends up destroying all executables on the device, rendering it unusable until it is completely restored. Other malware for the PalmOS has been reported, but this is still the only virus on the PalmOS."@en . . . . . . "Carl Mach was a mercenary hired by the Life Foundation. In order to fulfill his role as a superhuman officer for the corporation's future utopia, he was granted one of the 5 symbiotes forcibly spawned from the Venom symbiote."@en . "+20 d\u00E9g\u00E2ts d'attaque"@fr . . . . . . . . "Phage"@fr . . . . "200"^^ . "1500"^^ . . . . "Phage"@pl . . "Sonic Universe Ausgabe 74"@de . "*Dr. Eggman"@de . . "*Ian Flynn\n*Aleah Baker\n*Tracy Yardley"@es . . . . . "Phage"@nl . . . . "*Knothole Freedom Fighters\n**Sally Acorn\n**NICOLE"@de . ".prc"@en . "450"^^ . . . . "weiblich"@de . . . "15000"^^ . . . . "Phage"@nl . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . "Computervirus"@de . . . . "1"^^ . "Phage was a Culture Rock. It had the distinction of being one of the first space-based entities to join the Culture when the Culture was new."@en .