. . . . . "Istredd era un mago che aveva la sua dimora nella citt\u00E0 di Aedd Gynvael, nella quale era molto rispettato. Aveva un particolare interesse nell'archeologia, in particolare si dedicava agli scavi di alcune antiche rovine elfiche della citt\u00E0. Da giovane aveva studiato con Roedskilde. Viene descritto come un uomo sulla quarantina, anche se sicuramente come ogni mago, aveva molti pi\u00F9 anni. Era di bell'aspetto, con i capelli striati di grigio. La maga Yennefer lo conosceva da molti anni e i loro rapporti erano molto stretti. I due infatti erano amanti. Istredd aveva chiesto a Yennefer di convivere con lui per formare una coppia stabile, ma la maga non aveva mai preso una decisione in merito. Quando seppe che Yennefer era in citt\u00E0 con il suo nuovo amore, lo strigo Geralt di Rivia, decise di sfidarlo in duello con armi convenzionali, per decidere chi tra i due dovesse avere il diritto di stare con la maga. Istredd compare nel racconto \"Una scheggia di ghiaccio\", della raccolta La Spada del Destino."@it . "Istredd is a well-respected sorcerer in the city of Aedd Gynvael with a keen interest in archaeology. As a young apprentice, he studied under Roedskilde. Yennefer works with him then and again. Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow. He is one of Yennefer's long-time lovers whom she had known for many years, often visiting and staying with him for several months. During one such occasion during with Geralt had travelled to Aedd Gynvael with Yennefer the two men learned of each other. Both Istredd and Geralt are unwilling to share Yennefer, with Istredd not caring if Yennefer has several non-serious lovers, but refuses to share her with someone she is seriously involved with. During this time when Yennefer was with him he asked her to marry him and live together with him at his residence. Yennefer does not immediately give him an answer and becomes torn between picking Istredd or Geralt. Istredd and Geralt then challenged each other to a duel to the death for the right to exclusive access to Yennefer's affections (although they both knew whoever won would have to hide from her for some time until her rage ended). Both believed that Yennefer could not decide between them, however before going to fight Geralt, Istredd received a letter from an enchanted Kestrel sent by Yennefer telling him she has chosen to leave him. Istredd in grief over this turned up to the fight bearing a sword instead of magic hoping that Geralt would then kill him. Geralt having contemplated suicide himself that night, went in an alley without weapons to be killed by thugs, but they fled once they saw his eyes. Geralt met him in the agreed location, but once Geralt found out that Yennefer had left Istredd the same letter he knows is waiting for him, he decided to leave, and read his letter, and left without fighting. Significant plot details end here."@en . "Istredd ist ein Magier aus der Stadt Aedd Gynvael. Sein Vorname ist Val, den nur Yennefer kennt. Er hat hin und wieder mit der Zauberin Yennefer von Vengerberg zusammengearbeitet. Istredd und Yennefer verbindet noch mehr als eine intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Zauberern. Istredd liebt Yennefer und die Zauberin muss sich eingestehen, dass sie die gleichen Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Istredd wie f\u00FCr Geralt empfindet. Geralt und Istredd kennen sich und sehen einander als Rivalen um Yennefers Gunst. In der Kurzgeschichte \"Ein Eissplitter\" aus dem zweiten Kurzgeschichtenband \"Das Schwert der Vorsehung\" kommt es deswegen beinahe zu einer finalen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Geralt und Istredd."@de . "Istredd ist ein Magier aus der Stadt Aedd Gynvael. Sein Vorname ist Val, den nur Yennefer kennt. Er hat hin und wieder mit der Zauberin Yennefer von Vengerberg zusammengearbeitet. Istredd und Yennefer verbindet noch mehr als eine intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Zauberern. Istredd liebt Yennefer und die Zauberin muss sich eingestehen, dass sie die gleichen Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Istredd wie f\u00FCr Geralt empfindet. Geralt und Istredd kennen sich und sehen einander als Rivalen um Yennefers Gunst. In der Kurzgeschichte \"Ein Eissplitter\" aus dem zweiten Kurzgeschichtenband \"Das Schwert der Vorsehung\" kommt es deswegen beinahe zu einer finalen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Geralt und Istredd. Istredd sah nicht \u00E4lter aus als wohlverdiente, kr\u00E4ftige vierzig. Er hatte leicht angegrautes, glattes, schulterlanges Haar und zahlreiche kleine F\u00E4ltchen auf der Stirn, in den Augen- und Mundwinkeln, die ihn gewichtiger erscheinen lie\u00DFen. Geralt wusste nicht, ob Tiefe und Weisheit der milden grauen Augen nat\u00FCrlich oder mit Zauberei erzeugt waren. Nach einer Weile kam er zu dem Entschluss, dass es egal sei. Andrzej Sapkowski \u2013 \"Ein Eissplitter\""@de . . "Istredd est un magicien respect\u00E9 de la ville d'Aedd Gynvael. Il appara\u00EEt dans la nouvelle \u00AB \u00C9clat de glace \u00BB, dans le recueil L'\u00C9p\u00E9e de la Providence."@fr . . "Val Istredd, \u010Darod\u011Bj kter\u00FD takt\u00E9\u017E jako Geralt miluje Yennefer. Kategorie:Postavy z knih"@cs . . . . "Istredd era un mago che aveva la sua dimora nella citt\u00E0 di Aedd Gynvael, nella quale era molto rispettato. Aveva un particolare interesse nell'archeologia, in particolare si dedicava agli scavi di alcune antiche rovine elfiche della citt\u00E0. Da giovane aveva studiato con Roedskilde. Viene descritto come un uomo sulla quarantina, anche se sicuramente come ogni mago, aveva molti pi\u00F9 anni. Era di bell'aspetto, con i capelli striati di grigio. Istredd compare nel racconto \"Una scheggia di ghiaccio\", della raccolta La Spada del Destino."@it . . . . . "Istredd"@es . . . "Val Istredd, \u010Darod\u011Bj kter\u00FD takt\u00E9\u017E jako Geralt miluje Yennefer. Kategorie:Postavy z knih"@cs . . . . . . "Istredd"@fr . . "Istredd es un hechicero en la ciudad de Aedd Gynvael. Yennefer trabaj\u00F3 con \u00E9l de vez en cuando."@es . "Istredd est un magicien respect\u00E9 de la ville d'Aedd Gynvael. Il appara\u00EEt dans la nouvelle \u00AB \u00C9clat de glace \u00BB, dans le recueil L'\u00C9p\u00E9e de la Providence."@fr . "Istredd is a well-respected sorcerer in the city of Aedd Gynvael with a keen interest in archaeology. As a young apprentice, he studied under Roedskilde. Yennefer works with him then and again. Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow. He is one of Yennefer's long-time lovers whom she had known for many years, often visiting and staying with him for several months. During one such occasion during with Geralt had travelled to Aedd Gynvael with Yennefer the two men learned of each other. Both Istredd and Geralt are unwilling to share Yennefer, with Istredd not caring if Yennefer has several non-serious lovers, but refuses to share her with someone she is seriously involved with. During this time when Yennefer was with him he asked her to marry him and live together with him at his re"@en . "Istredd es un hechicero en la ciudad de Aedd Gynvael. Yennefer trabaj\u00F3 con \u00E9l de vez en cuando."@es . "Istredd"@cs . . . "Istredd"@de . . . . . . . "Istredd"@it . . "Istredd"@en .