. . "thumb|Tranya Tranya ist ein Getr\u00E4nk, welches vorwiegend von Mitgliedern der Ersten F\u00F6deration getrunken wird. Es ist orangefarben, \u00E4u\u00DFerst s\u00FC\u00DF und wird normalerweise eiskalt serviert. Beim Erstkontakt der Vereinigten F\u00F6deration der Planeten mit der Ersten F\u00F6deration im Jahre 2266 serviert deren Vertreter Balok den Offizieren der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) das Getr\u00E4nk, welches er als sein Lieblingsgetr\u00E4nk bezeichnet. (TOS: ) Sp\u00E4ter entwickelt sich das Getr\u00E4nk zu einem der Hauptexportartikel der Ersten F\u00F6deration. Es ist eines von Curzon Dax' Lieblingsgetr\u00E4nken und wird auch im Quark's auf Deep Space 9 ausgeschenkt. Als sich 2371 Odo mit Curzon Dax vereinigt, bestellt sich Odo bei Quark ein Glas Tranya. (DS9: ) Das von Balok servierte Tranya war in Wahrheit Grapefruitsaft, welchen Balok-Darsteller Clint Howard hasste. Nach eigenem Bekunden musste er seine gesamte Schauspielkunst aufbringen, um es so aussehen zu lassen, als liebe er das Getr\u00E4nk."@de . "Tranya"@fr . . . . . . . "It was first introduced to the United Federation of Planets in 2266, when Balok, who enjoyed drinking tranya, served it to USS Enterprise personnel visiting a pilot ship sent from the Fesarius. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" ) By the 24th century, tranya was available outside the First Federation. Odo ordered two \"very cold\" tranyas for Benjamin Sisko and himself at Quark's in 2371, while he was hosting Curzon Dax's personality during Jadzia Dax's zhian'tara. (DS9: \"Facets\")"@en . "Tranya"@it . . . . . . "Venne conosciuta dalla Federazione Unita dei Pianeti nel 2266, quando Balok la serv\u00EC agli ufficiali della USS Enterprise. (TOS: \"L'espediente della carbonite\") Il tranya sarebbe in seguito stato esportato in quantit\u00E0 considerevoli dalla Prima Federazione. Curzon Dax amava particolarmente questo drink, e lo si poteva trovare da Quark's su Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"Viaggi nella memoria\")"@it . . "thumb|Tranya Tranya ist ein Getr\u00E4nk, welches vorwiegend von Mitgliedern der Ersten F\u00F6deration getrunken wird. Es ist orangefarben, \u00E4u\u00DFerst s\u00FC\u00DF und wird normalerweise eiskalt serviert. Beim Erstkontakt der Vereinigten F\u00F6deration der Planeten mit der Ersten F\u00F6deration im Jahre 2266 serviert deren Vertreter Balok den Offizieren der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) das Getr\u00E4nk, welches er als sein Lieblingsgetr\u00E4nk bezeichnet. (TOS: )"@de . . . "Tranya is an orange-colored beverage native to the First Federation, often served very cold. It is unknown whether tranya is alcoholic in nature, nor whether it has some other intoxicating effect on the inhabitants of the First Federation or on other species. Tranya was a favorite drink of Balok, of the First Federation starship Fesarius, with whom first contact was made in 2266. (TOS episode: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\") Curzon Dax was fond of tranya, and it was popular enough that Quark kept it in stock in his bar on Deep Space 9. Jadzia Dax and Morn were also fond of tranya. (DS9 episode: \"Facets\", DS9 video game: Harbinger, DS9 novel: The 34th Rule, DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: \"The Devil You Know\", DS9 - Mission Gamma novels: Twilight, This Gray Spirit) Balok and David Bailey gave Captain Kathryn Janeway twelve barrels of tranya after their ships rendezvoused in 2373. (VOY short story: \"Ambassador at Large\")"@en . "Le tranya est devenu plus tard l'un des principaux produits d'exportation de la Premi\u00E8re F\u00E9d\u00E9ration. Curzon Dax \u00E9tait particuli\u00E8rement friand de cette boisson, qu'il pouvait consommer dans le bar de Quark sur Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"Facets\")"@fr . . . . . . . . . "It was first introduced to the United Federation of Planets in 2266, when Balok, who enjoyed drinking tranya, served it to USS Enterprise personnel visiting a pilot ship sent from the Fesarius. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" ) By the 24th century, tranya was available outside the First Federation. Odo ordered two \"very cold\" tranyas for Benjamin Sisko and himself at Quark's in 2371, while he was hosting Curzon Dax's personality during Jadzia Dax's zhian'tara. (DS9: \"Facets\")"@en . . "Le tranya est devenu plus tard l'un des principaux produits d'exportation de la Premi\u00E8re F\u00E9d\u00E9ration. Curzon Dax \u00E9tait particuli\u00E8rement friand de cette boisson, qu'il pouvait consommer dans le bar de Quark sur Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"Facets\")"@fr . . "Tranya"@en . . . . . . "Tranya"@de . . "Tranya is an orange-colored beverage native to the First Federation, often served very cold. It is unknown whether tranya is alcoholic in nature, nor whether it has some other intoxicating effect on the inhabitants of the First Federation or on other species. Tranya was a favorite drink of Balok, of the First Federation starship Fesarius, with whom first contact was made in 2266. (TOS episode: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\") Balok and David Bailey gave Captain Kathryn Janeway twelve barrels of tranya after their ships rendezvoused in 2373. (VOY short story: \"Ambassador at Large\")"@en . "Venne conosciuta dalla Federazione Unita dei Pianeti nel 2266, quando Balok la serv\u00EC agli ufficiali della USS Enterprise. (TOS: \"L'espediente della carbonite\") Il tranya sarebbe in seguito stato esportato in quantit\u00E0 considerevoli dalla Prima Federazione. Curzon Dax amava particolarmente questo drink, e lo si poteva trovare da Quark's su Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"Viaggi nella memoria\")"@it . . .