. "9"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Soldier"@en . "Host of Heaven"@en . . . . . . . . "Braun"@de . . . . . . . "Civilian car"@en . . . . . . . "Deceased"@en . "Krieger"@de . "McLaren F1 GTR"@pl . . . "Tyrus ist eine Stadt aus Assassin's Creed: Alta\u00EFr's Chronicles ."@de . . "Integral"@es . . . . . . . . . "Tyrus var en Genii och far till Sora Tyrus. Han hade handlas med Teyla Emmagan m\u00E5nga g\u00E5nger tidigare, men liksom resten av sitt folk, han bedrog henne om deras sanna natur. Han \u00E5tf\u00F6ljs Chef Cowen och Major John Sheppards team p\u00E5 en spaningsuppdrag till en Wraith Hive skepp. D\u00E4r uppt\u00E4ckte de dussintals m\u00E4nniskor kokong f\u00F6r framtida matning. \u00C4ven Tyrus och Cowen var ovilliga att hj\u00E4lpa dem, insisterade Teyla och Sheppard. Medan Teyla f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte r\u00E4dda en medveten offer slutade Tyrus henne, s\u00E4ger att Hive skeppet var f\u00F6r n\u00E4ra Genii homeworld, och sk\u00F6t kl\u00E4dda individen. D\u00E4remot v\u00E4ckte det uppm\u00E4rksamhet av en Wraith krigare, bed\u00F6vas vem Tyrus, tvingar Teyla att l\u00E4mna honom bakom sig. B\u00E5de Cowen och Sora h\u00F6ll Teyla ansvarig f\u00F6r Tyrus d\u00F6d. (ATL: \"Underground\") kategori:Genii kategori:En-g\u00E5ng Atlantis karakt\u00E4r kategori:Genii arm\u00E9"@sv . . "915"^^ . "Tyrus \u2013 supersamoch\u00F3d wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto V, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 dodany w aktualizacji Karko\u0142omne wyczyny. Produkowany jest przez firm\u0119 Progen. Tyrus przypomina swoim wygl\u0105dem McLarena F1 GTR. Dysponuje \u015Bwietn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 maksymaln\u0105 i znakomitym przyspieszeniem. Charakteryzuj\u0105 go r\u00F3wnie\u017C bardzo dobre jako\u015Bciowo hamulce i znakomita przyczepno\u015B\u0107. Jest to pojazd dwuosobowy. Poza podstawowymi mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bciami tuningowania mo\u017Cna mu m.in. zmieni\u0107 malowanie na firmowe (Debonaire lub Fukaru)."@pl . . "[[Archivo:M1080005_Inquisitor_Cover_Art.jpg|thumb|300px|Lord Inquisidor Tyrus del Ordo Hereticus.]] Tyrus es un Cazador de Brujas y un leal Monodominante. Cuando era un ni\u00F1o, fue torturado por el Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio Kholoth que le sac\u00F3 uno de sus ojos y los o\u00EDdos antes de destruir el resto de su pueblo. Tyrus fue salvado por el Inquisidor Covonis, que entonces lo tom\u00F3 bajo su protecci\u00F3n como aprendiz inquisitorial. Covonis muri\u00F3 en el planeta Epsilon Regalis asesinado por Kholoth, pero Tyrus consigui\u00F3 acabar con \u00E9l, desterrando al Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio, y tom\u00F3 la servoarmadura de su maestro y su Espada de Energ\u00EDa. Entonces fue elevado a las filas de la \u00E9lite de los Cazadores de Brujas y nombrado Lord Inquisidor. Tyrus es un hombre grandilocuente cuyas sangrientas purgas han dejado a miles de herejes muertos en su estela, y quiz\u00E1 sea uno de los Inquisidores m\u00E1s activos en lo referente a la vigilancia interna, cazando ferozmente a todos aquellos a los que considere herejes y que se encuentren entre las filas de su propia organizaci\u00F3n, siendo famoso por las purgas extremas y sangrientas que ocasiones sol\u00EDan hacerse regulares. Tambi\u00E9n se sabe que persigue a Inquisidores her\u00E9ticos tan fan\u00E1ticamente como hace con las brujas. Tiene un fuerte odio hacia todas las clases de ps\u00EDquicos, aunque sean Inquisidores. Su forma de demostrar la culpa o la inocencia de un sujeto est\u00E1 basada en las pruebas religiosas y la metodolog\u00EDa misteriosa. Dado que considera como sospechosos a todos los ps\u00EDquicos, incluso a aquellos cuyo historial y antecedentes se supone que han sido comprobados y autorizados por la Inquisici\u00F3n, el credo de Tyrus consiste en cazar y exterminar a todo brujo, mutante y hechicero de la Galaxia (incluyendo los ps\u00EDquicos alien\u00EDgenas). Si, mientras lleva a cabo dicho proceso, esto significa acabar con las vidas de aquellos a los que deber\u00EDa buscar proteger al eliminar a estas criaturas aberrantes, que as\u00ED sea. Usa a menudo la Prueba del Equilibrio, la Prueba del Filo y la Prueba del Sello Santo, aunque su m\u00E9todo favorito es aquel por el cual fuerza al acusado a consumir un jarro de agua bendita. Si el acusado se ahoga entonces es considerado hereje y muerto. Tambi\u00E9n se sabe que usa el Tarot del Emperador para determinar la inocencia o culpabilidad de un sujeto."@es . . "tak"@pl . . . "Breathable"@en . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Open.png"@en . . . . "Tyrus was a male Satyr who lived in hiding during the Telmarine rule of Narnia."@en . . "Tyrus-GTAO-RearQuarter.png"@en . . . . "Tyrus"@es . "Tyrus .jpg"@pl . . . "Tyrus - satyr wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy tylko w filmie Opowie\u015Bci z Narnii Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 Kaspian i grze komputerowej o tej samej nazwie. Pierwszy raz spotykamy go podczas narady w Kopcu Aslana. Sta\u0142 tam w t\u0142umie Narnijczyk\u00F3w. Tyrus by\u0142 jednym z \u017Co\u0142nierzy walcz\u0105cych w ataku na Zamek Miraza. W bitwie zabi\u0142 wielu telmarskich \u017Co\u0142nierzy. W po\u0142owie bitwy Piotr da\u0142 mu znak, by zabi\u0142 Miraza. Satyr wskoczy\u0142 na mur i uczepi\u0142 si\u0119 balkonu Miraza. Zosta\u0142 postrzelony przez jednego z Telmarskich genera\u0142\u00F3w chroni\u0105cych Miraza. Miraz zabi\u0142 go spychaj\u0105c z balkonu. W grze komputerowej razem z minotaurem Asteriusem i centaurem Gromojarem walczy pod bram\u0105 i pilnuje, \u017Ceby przeciwnicy jej nie zamkn\u0119li. Nast\u0119pnie razem z olbrzymem niszczy wyj\u015Bcia z koszar Telmar\u00F3w. P\u00F3\u017Aniej Razem z Piotrem pr\u00F3buje zabi\u0107 Miraza, co dla satyra ko\u0144czy si\u0119 "@pl . "The Tarot has guided the servants of the Emperor for ten millennia and, through the significance of its readings are often obscure to the point of becoming meaningless, its holy instruction is said to imbued with the Emperor's own will. Such indeed seems to have been the case as Covonis, clad in a massive suit of elaborately tooled armour, intricately carved with decorative scrollwork and fluting, materialised with four, grey armoured angels of destruction in the village square. The daemon girl paused in her gruesome handiwork, and turned to face the Witch Hunter, a hiss of recognition escaping her possessed lips. Through a red haze, Tyrus saw the mighty figure of Covonis and his armoured brethren do battle with the daemon girl. Three of the angels were cut down with bolts of blue fire, be"@en . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Tyrus"@sv . "Tyrus"@en . . . "Tyrus was a nation on Sera. It housed the headquarters of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Its capital was the city of Ephyra, with Jacinto also lying within the nation's territory. The Fenix and Santiago families both lived in Tyrus. Tyrus contributed the 26th Royal Tyran infantry to fight in the Battle of Aspho Fields during the Pendulum Wars. The inhabitants of Tyrus are the Tyran."@en . . . . "Tyrus is a Turin bounty hunter sent by Ming to bring Baylin back to Mongo in . Tyrus is the bond-mate of Baylin."@en . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Top.png"@en . . "The Tarot has guided the servants of the Emperor for ten millennia and, through the significance of its readings are often obscure to the point of becoming meaningless, its holy instruction is said to imbued with the Emperor's own will. Such indeed seems to have been the case as Covonis, clad in a massive suit of elaborately tooled armour, intricately carved with decorative scrollwork and fluting, materialised with four, grey armoured angels of destruction in the village square. The daemon girl paused in her gruesome handiwork, and turned to face the Witch Hunter, a hiss of recognition escaping her possessed lips. Through a red haze, Tyrus saw the mighty figure of Covonis and his armoured brethren do battle with the daemon girl. Three of the angels were cut down with bolts of blue fire, before Covonis swung his blessed sword in a glittering arc and beheaded the shrieking daemon. Whirlwinds of daemonic energy howled around the combatants as the creature was banished back to the hell from whence it came, and Tyrus watched as one of the angels burned the corpse in the cleansing fire of its weapons. Tyrus, almost blinded by pain and blood loss, staggered to the edge of the blaze, his skin blistering in the infernal heat, and spat his hatred into the flames. He cursed the daemon's name and, as an armoured gauntlet settled on his shoulder, he looked up into the stern features of Covonis and knew that there was only one path open to him now. Tyrus became Covonis' apprentice and journeyed back to the orbiting starship from which Covonis and the Grey Knights (as Tyrus would later know them) had teleported. He assimilated the wonders of technology and the ways of the Witch Hunter with a zeal only the truly dedicated can muster. He was gifted with cybernetic replacements for his missing eye and ear, and Covonis instructed him in the path of the Witch Hunter, the tools and methods at their disposal and, lastly, the heresy of the daemonic. Never before had Covonis known an acolyte to master the Rites of Detestation so quickly, or one whose pious devotion matched his own. As the years of intense training passed, Tyrus grew to manhood with his hatred of daemons and those who would consort with such creatures growing stronger with each passing day. He mastered weapons, martial skills and the rites by which the daemon could be vanquished. Such was his strength of devotion to the Immortal God-Emperor that his word alone could stay the hand of a daemonic creature and cause it to reel in pain at his fiery zeal and devotion. Many base and repulsive creatures of the Warp were destroyed by Tyrus and his master, until a fateful battle in the royal audience of Epsilon Regalis. The Emperor's Tarot had led Covonis and Tyrus to the palaces of Regalis' great and mighty in search of deviancy. The monarchy of Epsilon Regalis protested their innocence, but Covonis was adamant; they would face Trial of Holy Seal. Into the palms of each member of the royal family, Covonis placed a featureless wax tablet and heated an Inquisitorial seal. When the seal glowed with heat, Covonis explained, he would press it into the wax upon each of their palms. Those whose flesh was burned would know the full wrath of the Inquisition, while those whose skin remained unblemished would have their innocence displayed for all to see. As Covonis pressed the seal into the first outstretched hand, the features of the King's daughter split apart into the leering face of a daemon. Worse, it was a daemon Covonis knew; Kholoth the Excoriator. In an instant the daemon was free and dealt a mortal blow to the venerable Witch Hunter. As he fell, the last vestiges of humanity were cast from the faces of the captives and the daemons were free. Tyrus quickly swept up Covonis' power knife and set about himself with terrible fury and righteous anger, his heart burning with vengeance. The lesser thrall daemons in Kholoth's service were no match for Tyrus, and at last he and Kholoth stood face to face, the sole figures left standing in the gore-spattered audience chamber. The two enemies fought a duel that had been five decades in the making, and almost killed the Witch Hunter's apprentice. Bellowing words of holy purity that the daemon is forbidden to withstand, Tyrus fought with the strength of the Emperor. The bitter foes traded blows, each grievous enough to fell a lesser being. Sheer force of will kept Tyrus standing and, as he grappled with the daemon, sermons of piety and devotion spilling from his lips, he punched Covonis' weapon through the daemon's chest, dragging out its still-beating heart, and crushed it in his gauntleted fist. The daemon grinned as it died, spouting blasphemous oaths that promised the Witch Hunter that they would meet again and that it had already watched him die a thousand times. Suspecting the corruption of the royal family extended to the planet's population, Tyrus launched a bloody purge of the surrounding cities that saw tens of thousands burned at the stake to ensure the purity of Epsilon Regalis. Tyrus took his master's suit of armour as his own and repaired the damage which the daemon had wrought on its holy fabric. Covonis' masters elevated Tyrus to the status of Witch Hunter and granted him the full remit of an Imperial Inquisitor. If his experiences with Covonis had taught him anything, it was that there was only room for one species in the galaxy and that was Humanity. His purges of aliens, heretics and warlocks have become famous even amongst puritanical Inquisitors. A fierce Monodominant, Tyrus' quest to exterminate heresy, witchcraft and alien influence has carried him from one side of the galaxy to the other, his rousing orations fanning the flames of zeal and faith on every planet he purges. After the Gland War on Dantis III against the Tyranids, Tyrus recruited Sergeant Stone, an Imperial Guard veteran who was one of only three survivors of a bionically altered company of the Lostok 23rd. Stone's aggressiveness and devotion to duty made him an ideal member of Tyrus' retinue. During the Treachery of Hanuchek, Tyrus joined forces with Devotee Malicant, a disciple of the Redemptionist faith spawned on Necromunda, who led his fanatical army on a holy crusade. The battle to destroy Hanuchek all but annihilated Malicant's followers and, at its conclusion, the Redemptionist gladly accompanied Tyrus in his purges. In pursuit of the (in his eyes) heretic Inquisitor Lichtenstein, Tyrus journeyed to the world of Karis Cephalon, where he recruited the Security Enforcer Barbaretta. Her help in investigating the mutant uprisings, which Tyrus believed might have been sponsored by Emissary Fabian, was invaluable, and she has proven to be a worthy addition to the Witch Hunter's retinue. Tyrus continues to pursue the unholy, purge the unclean and smite the unworthy. It is his holy task to bring the fire of the Emperor to those who need it most and destroy those who would see its light dimmed. Tyrus' reliance on methods first used thousands of years ago is reassuring to many people, who see the guilt or innocence of his subjects determined by the will of the Emperor Himself."@en . "File:Tyrus Rat.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . . "6"^^ . . "Tyrus is a Gangrel vampire who is active in the Chicago region."@en . "Tyrus-GTAO-Front.png"@en . . . "title|Rear-mid engine, rear wheel drive|RMR title|Single Overhead Camshaft|SOHC V8"@en . . . . . "The Progen Tyrus is a two-door endurance racing car featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Cunning Stunts update."@en . . . . "[[Archivo:M1080005_Inquisitor_Cover_Art.jpg|thumb|300px|Lord Inquisidor Tyrus del Ordo Hereticus.]] Tyrus es un Cazador de Brujas y un leal Monodominante. Cuando era un ni\u00F1o, fue torturado por el Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio Kholoth que le sac\u00F3 uno de sus ojos y los o\u00EDdos antes de destruir el resto de su pueblo. Tyrus fue salvado por el Inquisidor Covonis, que entonces lo tom\u00F3 bajo su protecci\u00F3n como aprendiz inquisitorial. Covonis muri\u00F3 en el planeta Epsilon Regalis asesinado por Kholoth, pero Tyrus consigui\u00F3 acabar con \u00E9l, desterrando al Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio, y tom\u00F3 la servoarmadura de su maestro y su Espada de Energ\u00EDa. Entonces fue elevado a las filas de la \u00E9lite de los Cazadores de Brujas y nombrado Lord Inquisidor."@es . "Tyrus was the leader of one of the factions formed when the angels fell from Heaven. Metatron tried to convince him to join forces with him, but Tyrus refused. He was killed after an angel suicide bomber, Constantine, had killed himself."@en . . . . . . "Grand Theft Auto Online"@en . . . "Desert"@en . . . . . . . . "\"Underground\""@en . . "File:Tyrus Rat.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . "2"^^ . "RWD"@en . . . "Tyrus"@hu . "2004"^^ . . . . . . "Faction leader"@en . . "Tyrus"@es . "Tyrus is a Turin bounty hunter sent by Ming to bring Baylin back to Mongo in . Tyrus is the bond-mate of Baylin."@en . . . . . . . . "Angels"@en . "El Tyrus es un veh\u00EDculo deportivo de carreras que aparece solamente en el modo Online de Grand Theft Auto V, como parte de la actualizaci\u00F3n Cunning Stunts. Es fabricado por Progen."@es . . "El Tyrus es un veh\u00EDculo deportivo de carreras que aparece solamente en el modo Online de Grand Theft Auto V, como parte de la actualizaci\u00F3n Cunning Stunts. Es fabricado por Progen."@es . . . . . . . "Tyrus was a nation on Sera. It housed the headquarters of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Its capital was the city of Ephyra, with Jacinto also lying within the nation's territory. The Fenix and Santiago families both lived in Tyrus. Tyrus contributed the 26th Royal Tyran infantry to fight in the Battle of Aspho Fields during the Pendulum Wars. The inhabitants of Tyrus are the Tyran."@en . . . "Tyrus"@pl . . . . . "Male"@en . "Tyrus was a Genii and the father of Sora Tyrus. He had traded with Teyla Emmagan many times in the past, but like the rest of his people, he deceived her about their true nature. He accompanied Chief Cowen and Major John Sheppard's team on a recon mission to a Wraith Hive ship. There, they discovered dozens of people cocooned for future feedings. Though Tyrus and Cowen were reluctant to help them, Teyla and Sheppard insisted. While Teyla was trying to save a conscious victim, Tyrus stopped her, saying that the Hive ship was too close to the Genii homeworld, and shot the cocooned individual. However, this brought the attention of a Wraith warrior, who stunned Tyrus, forcing Teyla to leave him behind. Both Cowen and Sora held Teyla personally responsible for Tyrus's death. (SGA: \"Underground\")"@en . . "Kevin O'Grady"@en . . "Super"@en . "Tyrus-GTAO-Rear.png"@en . . . . . . . "Tyrus var en Genii och far till Sora Tyrus. Han hade handlas med Teyla Emmagan m\u00E5nga g\u00E5nger tidigare, men liksom resten av sitt folk, han bedrog henne om deras sanna natur. Han \u00E5tf\u00F6ljs Chef Cowen och Major John Sheppards team p\u00E5 en spaningsuppdrag till en Wraith Hive skepp. D\u00E4r uppt\u00E4ckte de dussintals m\u00E4nniskor kokong f\u00F6r framtida matning. \u00C4ven Tyrus och Cowen var ovilliga att hj\u00E4lpa dem, insisterade Teyla och Sheppard. Medan Teyla f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte r\u00E4dda en medveten offer slutade Tyrus henne, s\u00E4ger att Hive skeppet var f\u00F6r n\u00E4ra Genii homeworld, och sk\u00F6t kl\u00E4dda individen. D\u00E4remot v\u00E4ckte det uppm\u00E4rksamhet av en Wraith krigare, bed\u00F6vas vem Tyrus, tvingar Teyla att l\u00E4mna honom bakom sig. B\u00E5de Cowen och Sora h\u00F6ll Teyla ansvarig f\u00F6r Tyrus d\u00F6d. (ATL: \"Underground\") kategori:Genii kategori:En-g\u00E5ng Atlanti"@sv . . . . . . . "Two-door endurance racing car"@en . . "Tyrus-GTAO-front.png"@en . . . . . . . . . "Buena"@es . "6"^^ . "God"@en . . . . . . "Tyrus"@sv . . . "Tyrus (T\u012B r\u01D2\u01D2s) - The homeworld of the Tyrusians. Apparently, Tyrus is a dying, perhaps desert planet; because of this, the Dragit and his followers believe they have a right to attack Earth and use its resources. Cale and his followers, however, prefer to make peaceful trade relations and attempt to stop the Dragit."@en . . "Tyrus"@en . . . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Inside.png"@en . . . . . "Tyrus"@de . . . "Tyrus - satyr wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy tylko w filmie Opowie\u015Bci z Narnii Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 Kaspian i grze komputerowej o tej samej nazwie. Pierwszy raz spotykamy go podczas narady w Kopcu Aslana. Sta\u0142 tam w t\u0142umie Narnijczyk\u00F3w. Tyrus by\u0142 jednym z \u017Co\u0142nierzy walcz\u0105cych w ataku na Zamek Miraza. W bitwie zabi\u0142 wielu telmarskich \u017Co\u0142nierzy. W po\u0142owie bitwy Piotr da\u0142 mu znak, by zabi\u0142 Miraza. Satyr wskoczy\u0142 na mur i uczepi\u0142 si\u0119 balkonu Miraza. Zosta\u0142 postrzelony przez jednego z Telmarskich genera\u0142\u00F3w chroni\u0105cych Miraza. Miraz zabi\u0142 go spychaj\u0105c z balkonu. W grze komputerowej razem z minotaurem Asteriusem i centaurem Gromojarem walczy pod bram\u0105 i pilnuje, \u017Ceby przeciwnicy jej nie zamkn\u0119li. Nast\u0119pnie razem z olbrzymem niszczy wyj\u015Bcia z koszar Telmar\u00F3w. P\u00F3\u017Aniej Razem z Piotrem pr\u00F3buje zabi\u0107 Miraza, co dla satyra ko\u0144czy si\u0119 \u015Bmierci\u0105. Kategoria:Postaci Kategoria:Starzy Narnijczycy Kategoria:Era telmarska Kategoria:Satyry"@pl . "The Progen Tyrus is a two-door endurance racing car featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Cunning Stunts update."@en . . "Tyrus (T\u012B r\u01D2\u01D2s) - The homeworld of the Tyrusians. Apparently, Tyrus is a dying, perhaps desert planet; because of this, the Dragit and his followers believe they have a right to attack Earth and use its resources. Cale and his followers, however, prefer to make peaceful trade relations and attempt to stop the Dragit."@en . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Underside.png"@en . . "65"^^ . . "Tyrus was a male Satyr who lived in hiding during the Telmarine rule of Narnia."@en . "Superdeportivo"@es . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . . "2550000.0"^^ . . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Engine.png"@en . "Tyrus.jpg"@de . "Tyrus war ein Satyr, welcher an der Seite Prinz Kaspians k\u00E4mpfte. Sein Glaube an Kaspian und die K\u00F6nige der goldenen Zeit war unersch\u00FCtterlich. Er zog zusammen mit ihnen in die Schlacht um Miraz Schloss. W\u00E4hrend die Narnianen in den Hof st\u00FCrmten, platzierten sich Armbrustsch\u00FCtzen unter dem Kommando von Miraz auf einigen Balkonen. Da Tyrus ein geschickter Satyr war, kletterte er zu Miraz empor. General Glozelle konnte ihm jedoch einen Armbrustbolzen in den K\u00F6per jagen, so dass Tyrus r\u00FCcklings in den Tod st\u00FCrzte."@de . . . . . . . . "Tyrus ist eine Stadt aus Assassin's Creed: Alta\u00EFr's Chronicles ."@de . "Tyrus is a Gangrel vampire who is active in the Chicago region."@en . "supersamoch\u00F3d"@pl . . . "2004"^^ . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . . . . "Narniane"@de . . . "250"^^ . "Man"@sv . . . . "He worried about the loss of his customers caused by the rumors of the Dark Army."@en . . . . "100"^^ . "Tyrus-GTAO-rear.png"@en . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Badges.png"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Terrestrial"@en . . . "Tyrus"@de . "Tyrus \u2013 supersamoch\u00F3d wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w Grand Theft Auto V, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 dodany w aktualizacji Karko\u0142omne wyczyny. Produkowany jest przez firm\u0119 Progen. Tyrus przypomina swoim wygl\u0105dem McLarena F1 GTR. Dysponuje \u015Bwietn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 maksymaln\u0105 i znakomitym przyspieszeniem. Charakteryzuj\u0105 go r\u00F3wnie\u017C bardzo dobre jako\u015Bciowo hamulce i znakomita przyczepno\u015B\u0107. Jest to pojazd dwuosobowy. Poza podstawowymi mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bciami tuningowania mo\u017Cna mu m.in. zmieni\u0107 malowanie na firmowe (Debonaire lub Fukaru)."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Tyrus was a Genii and the father of Sora Tyrus. He had traded with Teyla Emmagan many times in the past, but like the rest of his people, he deceived her about their true nature. He accompanied Chief Cowen and Major John Sheppard's team on a recon mission to a Wraith Hive ship. There, they discovered dozens of people cocooned for future feedings."@en . "Tyrus-GTAO-Side.png"@en . . . . . "Prince Caspian (Disney movie)"@en . . . "Tyrus war ein Satyr, welcher an der Seite Prinz Kaspians k\u00E4mpfte. Sein Glaube an Kaspian und die K\u00F6nige der goldenen Zeit war unersch\u00FCtterlich. Er zog zusammen mit ihnen in die Schlacht um Miraz Schloss. W\u00E4hrend die Narnianen in den Hof st\u00FCrmten, platzierten sich Armbrustsch\u00FCtzen unter dem Kommando von Miraz auf einigen Balkonen. Da Tyrus ein geschickter Satyr war, kletterte er zu Miraz empor. General Glozelle konnte ihm jedoch einen Armbrustbolzen in den K\u00F6per jagen, so dass Tyrus r\u00FCcklings in den Tod st\u00FCrzte."@de . . . "Buena"@es . "RWD"@en . . . "He worried about the loss of his customers caused by the rumors of the Dark Army."@en . . . . "Navigation"@en . . . . "A Tyrus in Grand Theft Auto Online."@en . . . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-Dashboard.png"@en . "Bowling player"@en . . "Tyrus was the leader of one of the factions formed when the angels fell from Heaven. Metatron tried to convince him to join forces with him, but Tyrus refused. He was killed after an angel suicide bomber, Constantine, had killed himself."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tyrus-GTAO-FrontQuarter.png"@en . . . . .