"220"^^ . . . . . . . . "Hirogen adult males were quite large, standing above the average height of most other known humanoid species. They also possessed greater physical strength than most humanoids afforded to them by their advanced muscle and nervous system. Their sensory perception was acute, a feature that served well as the Hirogen were an aggressive hunting species. The Hirogen also possessed an impressive immune system. The Hirogen used an enzyme to break down the bones and muscle tissue of their prey, suggesting that the Hirogen used some of their victims as food. The color of Hirogen blood is red. (VOY: \"Prey\", \"Flesh and Blood\")"@en . . "thumb|Zwei Hirogen-J\u00E4ger thumb|Donik, ein ziviler Hirogen-Techniker Die Hirogen sind eine vornehmlich nomadische Spezies, die im Delta-Quadranten beheimatet ist. Ihre gesamte Lebensaufgabe scheint nur in der Jagd zu bestehen. Dieser Jagdtrieb besteht bereits seit \u00FCber 100 000 Jahren, wodurch sich das Volk auf der Suche nach Beute soweit im Delta-Quadranten verbreitet, dass es droht seine Kultur zu verlieren und auszusterben."@de . . "De Hirogen kwamen in het Delta kwadrant met de mensheid in aanraking toen ze het Federatie sterrenschip USS Voyager tegenkwamen. Als oplossing voor het jagen op prooi, ontwikkelde Voyager een aantal hologrammen zodat de Hirogen hierop konden jagen in plaats van echte prooi. (VOY: \"The Killing Game, Deel I en Deel II\")"@nl . . . "Romulan Star Empire, ally"@en . . . "delt"@en . "Beta Hirogen, Flesh and Blood 2.jpg"@en . . "male, female"@en . . . . . "thumb|Zwei Hirogen-J\u00E4ger thumb|Donik, ein ziviler Hirogen-Techniker Die Hirogen sind eine vornehmlich nomadische Spezies, die im Delta-Quadranten beheimatet ist. Ihre gesamte Lebensaufgabe scheint nur in der Jagd zu bestehen. Dieser Jagdtrieb besteht bereits seit \u00FCber 100 000 Jahren, wodurch sich das Volk auf der Suche nach Beute soweit im Delta-Quadranten verbreitet, dass es droht seine Kultur zu verlieren und auszusterben. F\u00FCr die Hirogen sind alle Rassen au\u00DFer ihnen selbst Beutetiere, unabh\u00E4ngig davon, ob sie intelligent sind oder m\u00E4chtiger als sie selbst. So verhalten sie sich meist arrogant und ablehnend gegen\u00FCber anderen V\u00F6lkern, sofern es \u00FCberhaupt erst zur Kommunikation kommt. Die J\u00E4ger sehen andere Humanoide nicht als gleichwertig an, sondern eher als jagdbares Tier. Wenn sie einer neuen Spezies begegnen, dann sehen sie die Jagd dieser Spezies als heilige Verpflichtung an. Stellt sich die Beute als deutlich unterlegen heraus, so sind sie entt\u00E4uscht. Die Hirogen sind der \u00DCberzeugung, dass der J\u00E4ger seine Beute genau studieren muss, um deren F\u00E4higkeiten zu erfassen und zu verhindern, dass aus dem J\u00E4ger letztlich der Gejagte wird. Sie glauben auch, dass die Art und Weise, wie die Beute sich nach ihrer Verwundung verh\u00E4lt, den Schl\u00FCssel zu ihrer Vernichtung darstellt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Kriegerv\u00F6lkern, wie zum Beispiel den Klingonen, haben die Hirogen keine Ehrverpflichtungen im Umgang mit ihren Gegnern. Sie vermeiden es, wenn m\u00F6glich, mit ihrer \u201EBeute\u201C zu sprechen. Captain Kathryn Janeway ger\u00E4t arg au\u00DFer sich, als sie von den Hirogen als Ware eingestuft wird. ( VOY: ) Individuen der Hirogen sind durchschnittlich \u00FCber zwei Meter gro\u00DF und tragen einen Ganzk\u00F6rperpanzer. Wenn sie auf die Jagd gehen, verzieren sie ihre Helme meist mit wei\u00DFer oder roter Farbe. Die Beute eines J\u00E4gers, wird nach dem Fangen mit schwarzer Farbe markiert. Zur Kommunikation mit anderen J\u00E4gern und zur Auffindung neuer Beute benutzten sie ein antikes Sensornetzwerk, das \u00FCber den ganzen Delta-Quadranten bis in den Alpha-Quadranten hinein verteilt ist. Das Netzwerk wird 2374 durch die USS Voyager zerst\u00F6rt. (VOY: )"@de . "The Hirogen are an extremely aggressive race from the Delta Quadrant. They can reach the height of over 9 feet and their physical strength is many times greater than that of a human. The Hirogen are easily identified by their body armor, it allows them to survive in the most hostile environments. A powerful Nomadic species occupying the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are very predatory race. They travel in small ships carrying only two or three persons, seeking out other life forms in order to hunt them. They are obsessed with gathering trophies - usually in the form of body parts or stolen technology - in order to demonstrate their hunting prowess to other Hirogens. Although technologically advanced, they have been forced to disperse themselves over a huge area in order to find new prey for "@en . . "class M planetary conditions"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hirogen"@en . . . . . . . "De Hirogen kwamen in het Delta kwadrant met de mensheid in aanraking toen ze het Federatie sterrenschip USS Voyager tegenkwamen. Als oplossing voor het jagen op prooi, ontwikkelde Voyager een aantal hologrammen zodat de Hirogen hierop konden jagen in plaats van echte prooi. (VOY: \"The Killing Game, Deel I en Deel II\")"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hirogen adult males were quite large, standing above the average height of most other known humanoid species. They also possessed greater physical strength than most humanoids afforded to them by their advanced muscle and nervous system. Their sensory perception was acute, a feature that served well as the Hirogen were an aggressive hunting species. The Hirogen also possessed an impressive immune system. The Hirogen used an enzyme to break down the bones and muscle tissue of their prey, suggesting that the Hirogen used some of their victims as food. The color of Hirogen blood is red. (VOY: \"Prey\", \"Flesh and Blood\") No Hirogen females were encountered by the USS Voyager, though it was suggested by male Hirogen that women pursued male hunters in possession of rare or unique trophies acquired during a hunt. (VOY: \"Hunters\")"@en . "Hirogen"@nl . . . "yes"@en . . . "The Hirogen are a spacefaring race of humanoids native to the Delta Quadrant. Because of their nomadic nature, it is unknown where the Hirogen homeworld is or if the Hirogen even know where it is. Hirogen do not claim territory the same way the Federation or Cardassian Union mark their borders, but they do have a range extending across multiple quadrants. While the Federation was the first to make contact with them, the Romulans made contact later and some Hirogen have become their allies and part of the Romulan Star Empire; however, it is impossible for all Hirogen to join the Empire because of the huge distance separating those in the Delta Quadrant from the Romulans, and because the Hirogen lack a single unifying government."@en . . . . "Los Hirogen son una raza n\u00F3mada de cazadores descubierta por la USS Voyager en el Cuadrante Delta."@es . . "The Hirogen are an extremely aggressive race from the Delta Quadrant. They can reach the height of over 9 feet and their physical strength is many times greater than that of a human. The Hirogen are easily identified by their body armor, it allows them to survive in the most hostile environments. A powerful Nomadic species occupying the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are very predatory race. They travel in small ships carrying only two or three persons, seeking out other life forms in order to hunt them. They are obsessed with gathering trophies - usually in the form of body parts or stolen technology - in order to demonstrate their hunting prowess to other Hirogens. Although technologically advanced, they have been forced to disperse themselves over a huge area in order to find new prey for their hunts. This has put considerable strain on the Hirogen culture, and their society is now seriously deteriorating. Technologically advanced, the Hirogen have shown themselves capable of defeating an injured member of Species 8472. They were encountered by the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager in 2374, when the ship accessed a Hirogen controlled communications array in order to transmit its EMH to the Beta quadrant. A Hirogen hunting vessel subsequently captured Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Seven of Nine. Voyager was able to free the two crewmembers, and was also able to use the array to receive over a hundred messages from Starfleet command."@en . . . . "The hirogen are a species from the Star Trek universe, featured in Voyager."@en . "Hirogen"@de . "In 2384, the USS Expedition was recalled to Deep Space 10. Commodore Kenneth Basal expecting trouble with reports of Hirogen hunter ships amassing outside the system. The Expedition was sent to investigate but was fired upon as trespassing in Hirogen Space. Outnumbered, and outgunned, the Expedition surrendered on terms that they are allowed to prove that the Federation was not invading Hirogen space. After providing them access, and showing them the colony and space station, the Hirogen reluctantly retreated, but promised that the intrusion would be paid for. (Star Trek Crusader)"@en . . . . . "Los Hirogen son una raza n\u00F3mada de cazadores descubierta por la USS Voyager en el Cuadrante Delta."@es . "Hirogen"@es . . . . "Delta Alliance"@en . "Species 478"@en . . . "Hirogen"@en . . . . . . . . . "In 2384, the USS Expedition was recalled to Deep Space 10. Commodore Kenneth Basal expecting trouble with reports of Hirogen hunter ships amassing outside the system. The Expedition was sent to investigate but was fired upon as trespassing in Hirogen Space. Outnumbered, and outgunned, the Expedition surrendered on terms that they are allowed to prove that the Federation was not invading Hirogen space. After providing them access, and showing them the colony and space station, the Hirogen reluctantly retreated, but promised that the intrusion would be paid for. (Star Trek Crusader) The next year, Commander Ashley Morgan used her Shadow-class fighter to overturn a Hirogen plot to amass an armada of 200 hunter ships to attack Deep Space 10 by planting 300 self-replicating mines in the area around the station. (Star Trek Crusader) Sometime before or during 2390, a small group of Hirogen, influenced by Qu, changed their core values to that of meaningless murderers, broke off from their pack and traveled to the Alpha Quadrant. In 2390, they attacked Starbase 78 and nearly destroyed many Federation starships-- many, of which, happened to be a part of Task Force Epsilon. Afterwards, the near-destroyed ships from Task Force Epsilon were re-launched as different classes and convinced, by Captain Cell, to join the USS Phoenix-X in repelling the Hirogen threat. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: \"Into Harshness\", \"For the World is Worldly and Such\")"@en . . . . . "Donik, a Hirogen male"@en . . . . "The Hirogen are a spacefaring race of humanoids native to the Delta Quadrant. Because of their nomadic nature, it is unknown where the Hirogen homeworld is or if the Hirogen even know where it is. Hirogen do not claim territory the same way the Federation or Cardassian Union mark their borders, but they do have a range extending across multiple quadrants. While the Federation was the first to make contact with them, the Romulans made contact later and some Hirogen have become their allies and part of the Romulan Star Empire; however, it is impossible for all Hirogen to join the Empire because of the huge distance separating those in the Delta Quadrant from the Romulans, and because the Hirogen lack a single unifying government. Hirogen culture is centered around the \"hunt\" - the pursuit of prey. Hirogen have no qualms about hunting sapient species and in fact prefer intelligent prey as they provide a more entertaining hunt. This is similar to a race known as the \"Hunters\" from the Dominion. The Hirogen communicate using an ancient subspace relay network that stretches from the central Delta Quadrant almost to the Alpha Quadrant - the network is almost 100,000 years old. It is unknown if the builders of the network were ancient Hirogen. Hirogen social structure is led by an \"alpha\" male. The second in command is the \"beta\" who takes over if the alpha dies. Hirogen women prefer men with large or impressive hunting trophies as mates, males often adorn the inside of their ships with body parts from defeated prey, such as skeletal remains of leather made from skin. In some areas Hirogen technology surpasses that of the Federation, but until Voyager encountered them, they were not known to have any holographic technology."@en . . . . "The hirogen are a species from the Star Trek universe, featured in Voyager."@en . . . "A Hirogen Tsunkatse fighter"@en . . "52469"^^ . . . . "January 2005"@en . . . "An unnamed Hirogen male in Hunting gear"@en . . . . . . . .