. "Oceanic is a major Australian air plane orginazition, founded in 1980. It temporarily ceased operations after the crash of oceanic 815, but later resumed flights for yet unknown reasons. Oceanic flights previously flew to destinations such as Los Angeles, London, Sydney, and Seoul."@en . "La Oceanic Airlines \u00E8 la compagnia aerea fittizia proprietaria del volo 815, utilizzata in alcune serie televisive come Lost e Alias. Il suo nome fu utilizzato per la prima volta nel film \"Executive Decision\" (1996). Il logo della compagnia che vediamo in Lost \u00E8 una creazione originale per il telefilm. Rappresenta 18 punti intorno a tre cerchi concentrici, per un totale di 4 cerchi. Secondo il sito della Oceanic Airlines, la compagnia fu fondata nel 1974, e serviva altre destinazioni come Costa Rica, Londra, Seoul. Sempre secondo il sito, la compagnia non \u00E8 pi\u00F9 operativa in seguito alle difficolt\u00E0 finanziarie dovute all'incidente aereo. Un'altra compagnia aerea fittizia che appare in Lost \u00E8 la Pan Pacific Airlines."@it . "Oceanic Airlines was the fictional airline that operated Flight 815 which crashed on the Island. According to Oceanic Airlines' website, the company was founded in 1979 and served other destinations such as Costa Rica, London, and Seoul. After the events of Flight 815, it ceased operations due financial difficulties. However, in \"Through the Looking Glass, Part 1\", we learned the airline was still running, and possibly, to remedy this contradiction, ABC Medianet announced in December 2007, in a press release, that the company was returning to the airways. It was established that Oceanic Airlines had cancelled all flights whilst conducting an investigation into Flight 815's disappearance. After failing to find anything, the company was pushed to close the case so that they could resume flig"@en . "815"^^ . "OceanicLogo-TailSection.JPG"@en . "Oceanic Airlines"@pt . "Oceanic Airlines"@pt . . . . . "Locke's ticket seen at Lost: The Auction."@en . . "Oceanic airliner featured in After The Sunset's trailer and Executive Decision."@en . . "Oceanic Airlines"@es . . "Oceanic Airlines s\u0105 fikcyjnymi liniami operuj\u0105cymi lotem 815, kt\u00F3ry rozbi\u0142 si\u0119 na wyspie. W Zagubionych logo Oceanic Airlines posiada 18 kropek, okalaj\u0105cych 4 okr\u0119gi. Zgodnie z informacjami zawartymi na stronie Oceanic Airlines, zosta\u0142a ona zamkni\u0119ta z powod\u00F3w problem\u00F3w z problem\u00F3w finansowych zwi\u0105zanych z katastrof\u0105 lotu. Oceanic Airlines zosta\u0142y za\u0142o\u017Cone w 1974 roku. Linie Oceanic Airlines cz\u0119sto pojawia\u0142y si\u0119 w innych filmach z racji zastrze\u017Cenia tego loga przez producent\u00F3w filmowych. Pojawi\u0142o si\u0119 w roku 2003, w thrilerze - \"Code 11-14\", z terrorystami i seryjnym morderc\u0105 na pok\u0142adzie lotu 816 (Sydney-Los Angeles), gdzie o ma\u0142o nie dosz\u0142o do wypadku spowodowanego przez przeprogramowanie autopilota. W 2000 roku linie wyst\u0105pi\u0142y w filmie \"Nowhere to Land\" - \"Najd\u0142u\u017Cszy lot\", w kt\u00F3rym szalony terrorysta umieszcza bomb\u0119 ze \u015Bmierciono\u015Bnym gazem na pok\u0142adzie samolotu lec\u0105cego r\u00F3wnie\u017C z Sydney do Los Angeles. Kolejn\u0105 przygod\u0119 linie Oceanic Airlines mia\u0142y w filmie \"Executive Decision\" z 1996 roku. W tym filmie terrory\u015Bci s\u0105 na pok\u0142adzie lotu 343m lec\u0105cego z Grecji do Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych."@pl . . . . "Oceanic Bank Logo.JPG"@en . "La Oceanic Airlines \u00E8 la compagnia aerea fittizia proprietaria del volo 815, utilizzata in alcune serie televisive come Lost e Alias. Il suo nome fu utilizzato per la prima volta nel film \"Executive Decision\" (1996). Il logo della compagnia che vediamo in Lost \u00E8 una creazione originale per il telefilm. Rappresenta 18 punti intorno a tre cerchi concentrici, per un totale di 4 cerchi. Un'altra compagnia aerea fittizia che appare in Lost \u00E8 la Pan Pacific Airlines."@it . . "There are no \"official\" records of a flight \"815\", therefore none ever existed."@en . "Oceanic Air ticket featured in Fringe."@en . . . "Aftersunsetoceanic.jpg"@en . . . "Englischer Text"@de . "A snapshot from Flyoceanicair.com"@en . "Oceanic Airlines"@es . "Oceanic Airlines ist die nationale Fluggesellschaft von Durewa. Alle Maschinen fliegen mit 40% Bio-Kerosin und sind mit modernsten Filtern ausgestattet. Oceanic fliegt nur begrenzt internationale Ziele an."@de . . "The Oceanic advertisement."@en . "Oceanic Airlines es la l\u00EDnea a\u00E9rea ficticia a la que pertenec\u00EDa el Vuelo 815 que se estrell\u00F3 en la Isla. El emblema de Oceanic Airlines est\u00E1 formado por 18 puntos alrededor de 4 c\u00EDrculos conc\u00E9ntricos. Asimismo, cuando el distintivo se utiliza como una \"O\" en la partida de Oceanic Airlines, tiene 16 puntos en torno a ella. El logo incorpora un motivo que recuerda a los abor\u00EDgenes australianos glifos. Seg\u00FAn su p\u00E1gina web, fue fundada en 1974, y volaba a otros destinos, como Costa Rica, Londres y Se\u00FAl. Tambi\u00E9n seg\u00FAn la web, dej\u00F3 de administrar sus servicios como resultado de problemas econ\u00F3micos debido al accidente, aunque esta informaci\u00F3n no es canon y en \"[[|]]\" supimos que la aerol\u00EDnea a\u00FAn est\u00E1 operativa. Posiblemente para remediar esta contradicci\u00F3n, apareci\u00F3 el 28 de diciembre de 2007 un anuncio de prensa en ABC en el que se dec\u00EDa que Oceanic Airlines vuelve a funcionar. Adem\u00E1s, se revela la nueva p\u00E1gina web: Flyoceanicair.com. Parece que Oceanic Airlines ha cancelado todos los vuelos, mientras realiza una investigaci\u00F3n sobre la desaparici\u00F3n del vuelo 815. Sin embargo, tras no encontrar nada, la compa\u00F1\u00EDa dej\u00F3 el caso, a fin de que puedan reanudar los vuelos y recuperarse de la p\u00E9rdida del negocio. La decisi\u00F3n de concluir que todos los pasajeros est\u00E1n muertos, sin una prueba s\u00F3lida, ha dado lugar a la oposici\u00F3n de las personas, como Sam Thomas, el principal protagonista en el segundo juego de realidad alternativa de Lost, Find 815. Otras aerol\u00EDneas fict\u00EDcias que aparecen en Lost son Pan Pacific Airlines , Herarat Aviation y Ajira Airways."@es . "Oceanic_L-1011_.jpg"@en . . . . . . "\"Accidental\" discovery of the wreck."@en . . "Oceanic Airlines (commonly Oceanic or OA) is the flag carrier and largest airline in the Allied States of America. Oceanic used to be known as Pheonix Airways, before it became a subsidiary of the EcruFox Corporation in August 2011. Oceanic is headquartered at 111 America Center, in the EcruPlex. OA's largest hub is located at Matagorda International Airport. The airline operates an extensive international and domsetic network, with scheduled flights throughout North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Oceanic mainly specializes in flying across the Pacific, and has been said to be a first choice to vacation goers. The name and logo \"Oceanic Airlines\" was bought from ABC after they used it in their TV series \"LOST\"."@en . . . "B0C4DE"@pt . "Aerol\u00EDnea"@es . . "On or about February 24, nine lucky winners will be chosen from all entries to receive the following prizes:\n\nSix First Prizes: Six winners will score a prize package consisting of the following items:\n\n* Xbox 360 Pro console\n* 12-month Xbox LIVE Gold subscription\n* 1600 Microsoft Points\n* A special surprise package from ABC and Oceanic Airlines \n\nThree Second Prizes: Three second place prize winners will also receive a special surprise package from ABC and Oceanic Airlines."@de . . "Oceanic Airlines"@it . . . . . "GMN815Found.jpg"@en . . . . "Oceanic Airlines s\u0105 fikcyjnymi liniami operuj\u0105cymi lotem 815, kt\u00F3ry rozbi\u0142 si\u0119 na wyspie. W Zagubionych logo Oceanic Airlines posiada 18 kropek, okalaj\u0105cych 4 okr\u0119gi. Zgodnie z informacjami zawartymi na stronie Oceanic Airlines, zosta\u0142a ona zamkni\u0119ta z powod\u00F3w problem\u00F3w z problem\u00F3w finansowych zwi\u0105zanych z katastrof\u0105 lotu. Oceanic Airlines zosta\u0142y za\u0142o\u017Cone w 1974 roku."@pl . "3"^^ . "Oceanic Airlines es la l\u00EDnea a\u00E9rea ficticia a la que pertenec\u00EDa el Vuelo 815 que se estrell\u00F3 en la Isla. El emblema de Oceanic Airlines est\u00E1 formado por 18 puntos alrededor de 4 c\u00EDrculos conc\u00E9ntricos. Asimismo, cuando el distintivo se utiliza como una \"O\" en la partida de Oceanic Airlines, tiene 16 puntos en torno a ella. El logo incorpora un motivo que recuerda a los abor\u00EDgenes australianos glifos. Otras aerol\u00EDneas fict\u00EDcias que aparecen en Lost son Pan Pacific Airlines , Herarat Aviation y Ajira Airways."@es . "The Bali crash site of Flight 815."@en . . "A billboard in Portland, OR"@en . . "Oceanic 2.jpg"@en . "Empresa \u00E1rea que levou os sobreviventes do v\u00F4o 815."@pt . "Oceanic Airlines"@pl . . . . "An Oceanic Airlines L-1011 is visible taxiing at LAX."@en . . . . "left"@en . "166"^^ . . "An Oceanic aircraft over Miami."@en . . . "1974"^^ . . "Oceanic Airlines"@en . . . . "4682"^^ . . "?"@fr . . "Airline"@en . "right"@en . "There are no \"official\" records of a flight \"815\", therefore none ever existed."@en . . . . . "Flyoceanicair3.jpg"@en . . . "The logo on the tail section of Flight 815."@en . "Oceanic Airlines"@en . . . "LockesTicket.jpg"@en . . . "Oceanic Airlines est le nom fictif d'une compagnie a\u00E9rienne dans LOST. Un de ses avions, le vol 815 qui devait se rendre de Sydney \u00E0 Los Angeles, s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 sur une \u00EEle perdue du Pacifique, ne laissant la vie qu'\u00E0 72 survivants sur 324 passagers. Selon le site Oceanic-air.com, la compagnie a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9e en 1974 et se rend \u00E0 diverses destinations telles que Los Angeles, Londres, Seoul ou le Costa Rica. Toujours selon ce site, la compagnie aurait cess\u00E9 ses op\u00E9rations suite \u00E0 des difficult\u00E9s financi\u00E8res et surtout suite au crash du vol 815. N\u00E9anmoins, elle est de nouveau active apr\u00E8s le sauvetage des Six du vol Oceanic \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 qu'elle leur a offert une somme d'argent consid\u00E9rable en d\u00E9dommagement ainsi que des passes pour prendre l'avion gratuitement. Deux autres compagnie fictives apparaissent dans LOST : Pan Pacific Airlines et Herarat Aviation. __TOC__"@fr . "Australia"@en . "Comparison between the Oceanic Bank."@en . . "Oceanic Airlines"@fr . "Oceanic is a major Australian air plane orginazition, founded in 1980. It temporarily ceased operations after the crash of oceanic 815, but later resumed flights for yet unknown reasons. Oceanic flights previously flew to destinations such as Los Angeles, London, Sydney, and Seoul."@en . "Oceanicairticket.jpg"@en . . "Propietaria y operadora del vuelo 815"@es . "200"^^ . "Oceanic Airlines was the fictional airline that operated Flight 815 which crashed on the Island. According to Oceanic Airlines' website, the company was founded in 1979 and served other destinations such as Costa Rica, London, and Seoul. After the events of Flight 815, it ceased operations due financial difficulties. However, in \"Through the Looking Glass, Part 1\", we learned the airline was still running, and possibly, to remedy this contradiction, ABC Medianet announced in December 2007, in a press release, that the company was returning to the airways. It was established that Oceanic Airlines had cancelled all flights whilst conducting an investigation into Flight 815's disappearance. After failing to find anything, the company was pushed to close the case so that they could resume flights and recover from loss of business. This decision to conclude all passengers dead with no solid proof resulted in opposition from individuals such as Sam Thomas, the main protagonist in the second Lost alternate reality game that focused specifically on Oceanic Airlines, Find 815. A video advertisement aired at Comic-Con 2009 ostensibly stated that Oceanic Airlines had been running since 1979 with a 30 year perfect safety record. The canonical status of this video, and how it contradicts all previously established facts, is presently unclear."@en . "Oceanic Airlines est le nom fictif d'une compagnie a\u00E9rienne dans LOST. Un de ses avions, le vol 815 qui devait se rendre de Sydney \u00E0 Los Angeles, s'est \u00E9cras\u00E9 sur une \u00EEle perdue du Pacifique, ne laissant la vie qu'\u00E0 72 survivants sur 324 passagers. Selon le site Oceanic-air.com, la compagnie a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9e en 1974 et se rend \u00E0 diverses destinations telles que Los Angeles, Londres, Seoul ou le Costa Rica. Toujours selon ce site, la compagnie aurait cess\u00E9 ses op\u00E9rations suite \u00E0 des difficult\u00E9s financi\u00E8res et surtout suite au crash du vol 815. N\u00E9anmoins, elle est de nouveau active apr\u00E8s le sauvetage des Six du vol Oceanic \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 qu'elle leur a offert une somme d'argent consid\u00E9rable en d\u00E9dommagement ainsi que des passes pour prendre l'avion gratuitement."@fr . "Oceanic Airlines ist eine fiktive Fluggesellschaft bei Lost. Laut der Webseite wurde Oceanic Airlines im Jahr 1974 gegr\u00FCndet und bietet Fl\u00FCge zu vielen verschiedenen Orten auf der ganzen Welt, wie zum Beispiel Costa Rica, London oder Seoul. Auf der Homepage wird ebenfalls bekannt gegeben, dass s\u00E4mtliche Dienstleistungen aufgrund von finanziellen Schwierigkeiten wegen des Absturzes von Flug 815 eingestellt werden. Diese Information ist jedoch kein Kanon und in der Serie wird gezeigt, dass Oceanic Airlines einige Jahre nach dem Absturz wieder fliegt. (\u201EHinter dem Spiegel, Teil 2\u201C) Um m\u00F6glicherweise diesen Widerspruch aufzul\u00F6sen erscheint am 28. Dezember 2007 eine Pressemitteilung bei ABC Medianet, in der bekannt gegeben wird, dass Oceanic Airlines den Betrieb wieder aufnimmt. Im Rahmen diese"@de . . . "Empresa a\u00E9rea."@pt . . . "Oceanic airliner ."@en . "Oceanic Airlines ist eine fiktive Fluggesellschaft bei Lost. Laut der Webseite wurde Oceanic Airlines im Jahr 1974 gegr\u00FCndet und bietet Fl\u00FCge zu vielen verschiedenen Orten auf der ganzen Welt, wie zum Beispiel Costa Rica, London oder Seoul. Auf der Homepage wird ebenfalls bekannt gegeben, dass s\u00E4mtliche Dienstleistungen aufgrund von finanziellen Schwierigkeiten wegen des Absturzes von Flug 815 eingestellt werden. Diese Information ist jedoch kein Kanon und in der Serie wird gezeigt, dass Oceanic Airlines einige Jahre nach dem Absturz wieder fliegt. (\u201EHinter dem Spiegel, Teil 2\u201C) Um m\u00F6glicherweise diesen Widerspruch aufzul\u00F6sen erscheint am 28. Dezember 2007 eine Pressemitteilung bei ABC Medianet, in der bekannt gegeben wird, dass Oceanic Airlines den Betrieb wieder aufnimmt. Im Rahmen dieser Mitteilung wird auch die neue Webseite www.flyoceanicair.com vorgestellt, die ein Teil des ARGs \u201EFind 815\u201C ist. Mittlerweile ist diese Webseite nicht mehr erreichbar. Es hat den Anschein, dass die Fl\u00FCge zun\u00E4chst eingestellt wurden, um das Verschwinden von Flug 815 aufzukl\u00E4ren. Als jedoch keine Ergebnisse gefunden werden, dr\u00E4ngt das Unternehmen dazu, den Fall zu schlie\u00DFen, damit der Betrieb wieder aufgenommen werden kann. Die Entscheidung, alle Passagiere ohne feste Beweise f\u00FCr tot zu erkl\u00E4ren, steht in Gegensatz zu einzelnen Personen wie Sam Thomas, dem Hauptprotagonisten von \u201EFind 815\u201C."@de . . . . "Locke oceanic.jpg"@en . . . "Owned and operated Flight 815"@en . "Oceanic Airlines ist die nationale Fluggesellschaft von Durewa. Alle Maschinen fliegen mit 40% Bio-Kerosin und sind mit modernsten Filtern ausgestattet. Oceanic fliegt nur begrenzt internationale Ziele an."@de . . . . "Oceanic Airlines"@de . "Oceanic Airlines (commonly Oceanic or OA) is the flag carrier and largest airline in the Allied States of America. Oceanic used to be known as Pheonix Airways, before it became a subsidiary of the EcruFox Corporation in August 2011. Oceanic is headquartered at 111 America Center, in the EcruPlex. OA's largest hub is located at Matagorda International Airport. The airline operates an extensive international and domsetic network, with scheduled flights throughout North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Oceanic mainly specializes in flying across the Pacific, and has been said to be a first choice to vacation goers. The name and logo \"Oceanic Airlines\" was bought from ABC after they used it in their TV series \"LOST\"."@en . . "Oceanic Airlines"@fr . . "Oceanic_logo.gif"@es . "Logo Oceanic Airlines.jpg"@fr . "100"^^ . . . . . "Airline"@en . "Oceanic.jpg"@en . . . . . .