. . . "Sister"@en . "Megara\n\u30E1\u30AC\u30E9"@en . . . . . . . . "Megara (better known as Meg) is the deuteragonist from Disney's 1997 animated feature film, Hercules."@en . . . . "Witty and sarcastic remarks, Hercules, freedom, having friends, teasing Phil"@en . . . "Independent, quick-witted, kind, caring, seductive, flirtatious, sarcastic, brave, outspoken, bold, snarky, a bit cynical, dramatic, sassy, tough, witty"@en . . . "Killed by Cerberus"@en . "Protect Down+4"@en . . "Kacey Rohl"@en . "Megara from Greek mythology"@en . . . . . . . . . "2283"^^ . "Disney Sing-Along Songs"@es . "Megara"@pl . . . . "Megara (better known as Meg) is the deuteragonist from Disney's 1997 animated feature film, Hercules."@en . . . . "Megara was the daughter of Creon, regent (later king) of Thebes. In return for Heracles' help, she was give to him as a wife. When Hera saw that Heracles was happy, she struck him with a temporary madness. He killed his children (in some accounts, Megara too) and in remorse, he performed twelver labours. In other accounts, she was later wed to Iolaus (Heracles' nephew) after her first husband left Thebes."@en . . "Tailor"@en . . "Sweetcheeks"@en . . . . . . "Nutmeg"@en . . . . . "''Fantasmic!"@en . "Megara's Ability is Protect Down. Megara originally had a chance to come equipped with the Second Chance skill. Megara has High Guilt at 6\u2605."@en . . "1"^^ . "Barbara Stanwyck"@en . . . . . . "To free herself from Hades"@en . . . . "Kingdom Hearts II"@es . "200"^^ . . . "Hercules"@es . . . "Megara"@en . . "5278"^^ . . . . . "Megara - jest niezale\u017Cna i bystra, ale tak\u017Ce cyniczna, co czyni j\u0105 nietypow\u0105 w\u015Br\u00F3d kobiet Disneya. Jest dziewczyn\u0105, kt\u00F3ra w filmie ma by\u0107 zaklasyfikowana jako bohaterka, a nie tylko jako przyk\u0142ad romantycznej ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki. Ma bardzo z\u0142\u0105 opini\u0119 o m\u0119\u017Cczyznach. Wp\u0142yw na to maj\u0105 jej do\u015Bwiadczenia, kt\u00F3re w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci s\u0105 negatywne. Chocia\u017C Herkules zakochuje si\u0119 w niej od pierwszego wejrzenia, odrzuca go. Po pewnym czasie zauwa\u017Ca jego zalety. Meg ma l\u0119k wysoko\u015Bci, ale pokonuje strach przed ko\u0144cem filmu. Przy pierwszym spotkaniu Herkulesa, Megara chce zapomnie\u0107 o swoim by\u0142ym ch\u0142opaku (kt\u00F3rym p\u00F3\u017Aniej okazuje si\u0119 Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 Adonis) i pokazuje, \u017Ce wcale si\u0119 nim nie przej\u0119\u0142a. Swoim urokiem manipuluje Herkulesem i namawia go do kradzie\u017Cy s\u0142oika wody z rzeki Lete. Jej wygl\u0105d jest niemal identyczny jak w ka\u017Cdym filmie, z tym \u017Ce jej sp\u00F3dnica jest znacznie kr\u00F3tsza. W filmie, Megara sprzeda\u0142a swoj\u0105 dusz\u0119 Hadesowi, aby ocali\u0107 \u017Cycie swojego ch\u0142opaka, jednak wkr\u00F3tce potem rzuci\u0142 j\u0105 dla innej kobiety. To pozostawia Megarze z\u0142amane serce przez co postanowia nigdy nie zakocha\u0107 si\u0119 ponownie. Cz\u0142owiek, kt\u00F3ry j\u0105 opu\u015Bci\u0142 okazuje si\u0119 by\u0107 Adonisem- ksi\u0119ciem. Pocz\u0105tkowo Megara jest po prostu u\u017Cywana jako pionek Hadesa do pokonania Herkulesa, a kiedy Hades oferuje jej wolno\u015B\u0107 w zamian za odkrycie s\u0142abo\u015Bci herosa, ta ch\u0119tnie przyjmuje ofert\u0119. Zmienia zdanie, kiedy poznaje p\u00F3\u0142boga. Wie, \u017Ce si\u0119 w nim zakocha\u0142a, cho\u0107 nie chce si\u0119 do tego przyzna\u0107. Niestety, przez to, Hades u\u015Bwiadamia sobie, \u017Ce Megara jest s\u0142abo\u015Bci\u0105 Herkulesa. Hades przybywa, przerywaj\u0105c szkolenia Herkulesa. Zanim Megara zd\u0105\u017Cy si\u0119 odezwa\u0107, Hades pstryka palcami, a ona znika w k\u0142\u0119bach dymu. Hades u\u017Cywa Megary jako przyn\u0119ty, by pozbawi\u0107 Herkulesa jego nadludzkich mocy na 24 godziny. Meg potrz\u0105sa g\u0142ow\u0105 gor\u0105czkowo, staraj\u0105c si\u0119 przekona\u0107 Herkulesa aby nie dokonywa\u0142 tranzakcji, ale on nie s\u0142ucha. Po zawarciu umowy mi\u0119dzy Hadesem, a Herkulesem, Hades z\u0142o\u015Bliwie ujawnia, \u017Ce \u200B\u200Bpracowa\u0142a dla niego ca\u0142y czas. G\u0142\u0119boko za\u0142amany, teraz ju\u017C os\u0142abiony Hercules traci wol\u0119 walki Cyklop, \u017Ce Hades wyzwoli si\u0119 na niego. Meg znajduje i unties Pegaza i walczy z jej l\u0119k wysoko\u015Bci znale\u017A\u0107 Phila, przekonuj\u0105c go, aby wr\u00F3ci\u0107 i pom\u00F3c Hercules odzyska\u0107 jego zaufanie. Po Hercules zdo\u0142a pokona\u0107 Cyclops u\u017Cywaj\u0105c jego sprytu, Meg widzi s\u0142up zawaleniem na niego i, w chwili bezinteresowno\u015Bci, zrywa si\u0119 wypchn\u0105\u0107 go z drogi. Niestety, oznacza to, \u017Ce jest kruszony przez filaru zamiast utrzymywania ogromnych obra\u017Ce\u0144 wewn\u0119trznych, ale nie ma widocznego zadrapanie na ni\u0105. To \u0142amie umow\u0119 Hadesa, co oznacza, \u017Ce \u200B\u200BHercules odzyskuje si\u0142y. Kiedy pyta j\u0105, dlaczego to zrobi\u0142a co\u015B tak niebezpiecznego, w ko\u0144cu przyznaje, \u017Ce go kocha, \"Ludzie zawsze robi\u0107 szalone rzeczy, gdy s\u0105 one w mi\u0142o\u015Bci\". Dotyk jej mi\u0142o\u015Bci do niego, Hercules obiecuje Meg ona b\u0119dzie go i pozostawia j\u0105 w opiece Phila podczas gdy on idzie do zatrzymania Hades z przej\u0119ciem firmy Olympus. Po zapisaniu Olympus, wy\u015Bcigi Hercules powrotem si\u0119 z Meg zamiast piek\u0142a goni, ale przybywa sekund po tym, jak odszed\u0142 z jej ran. Nast\u0119pnie udaje si\u0119 do Podziemia i ratuje jej dusz\u0119, kt\u00F3ra przynosi j\u0105 z powrotem do \u017Cycia (i czyni go prawdziwym bohaterem). Meg i Hercules s\u0105 nast\u0119pnie wpisa\u0107 Olympus na chmurze, gdzie, jako \u015Bmiertelnik, nie mo\u017Ce \u015Bledzi\u0107. Jednak Hercules zdaje sobie spraw\u0119, \u017Ce on chce by\u0107 z Meg i rezygnuje szans\u0119 by\u0107 bogiem na Olimp, aby \u017Cy\u0107 \u015Bmiertelne \u017Cycie na Ziemi z ni\u0105. Po si\u0119gni\u0119cie tej \u015Bcie\u017Cki pegasus rozgrzaniu teraz tu, gdzie jak na pocz\u0105tku nie lubi\u0142 jej w og\u00F3le. Nast\u0119pnie przechodzi do szcz\u0119\u015Bliwego \u017Cycia ko\u0144cz\u0105c na ni\u0105. Hercules: SeriesEdytuj 1297096985186Teen Megara w \"Aetolian amfora\". FigmentJediDodany przez FigmentJedi Ze wzgl\u0119du na fakt, \u017Ce serial jest z dala przed Hercules met Meg, \u017Ce pojawia si\u0119 tylko w serii dwukrotnie. Jej pierwszy wyst\u0119p w \"Herkulesa i Aetolian amfora\", w kt\u00F3rym spotyka Herkulesa, oferuj\u0105c szans\u0119 wykazania si\u0119 jako bohater. Maj\u0105c go odzyska\u0107 jej amfor\u0119 wi\u0119c mo\u017Cna go u\u017Cywa\u0107, aby zapomnie\u0107 o Adonis kim mieli randk\u0119 w ciemno z tym posz\u0142o \u017Ale. Kto w filmie jest cz\u0142owiek, \u017Ce chce chroni\u0107, ale uciek\u0142 z inn\u0105 dziewczyn\u0105. Robi\u0105 go odzyska\u0107 z syn\u00F3w Aresa, ale Meg pozostawia Hercules uciec. Ona jest natychmiast zabrany do Underworld b\u00F3l i Panic, Hercules, mimo jej zdrady, idzie za ni\u0105. Podczas walki o amfor\u0119, Meg m\u00F3wi Hercules, \u017Ce lubi go od pocz\u0105tku. Prawie poca\u0142owa\u0107, ale amfor\u0119 za wod\u0119 spad\u0142a na nich, powoduj\u0105c ich zapomnie\u0107, jak si\u0119 spotkali, i wzmocnienie, \u017Ce nigdy Hercules i Meg ustanowiony \u017Cadnych relacji, a\u017C film. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie z filmu Herkules Kategoria:Postacie z serialu Dawno, dawno temu"@pl . . "4092"^^ . . "Hercules (the series)"@es . . . . . "Female"@en . . "Esquelios"@en . "Megara is an on Once Upon a Time. She was once a resident of the Enchanted Forest, but following an encounter with Cerberus, she winds up dead and in the Underworld for all eternity, that is, until she is met by a group of heroes on their way to rescue Captain Hook. Upon being rescued and helping defeat the three-headed beast that caused her undoing, she is able to move on to Mount Olympus with a new love, Hercules."@en . "Neutral, later good"@en . "Ignis"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "House of Mouse"@es . . . . . "\"Labor of Love\""@en . "Megara EL 513.png"@en . . . . "Meg"@en . . "Megara"@es . . . "Protect Down+5"@en . "Therimakhus, Deikoon, and Kreontiades"@en . "Megara was the daughter of Creon, regent (later king) of Thebes. In return for Heracles' help, she was give to him as a wife. When Hera saw that Heracles was happy, she struck him with a temporary madness. He killed his children (in some accounts, Megara too) and in remorse, he performed twelver labours. In other accounts, she was later wed to Iolaus (Heracles' nephew) after her first husband left Thebes."@en . . . "Megara"@en . . . . . "Sentient justice machine"@en . . . . . . "Lois Lane"@en . . . . . . . . "Megara 01.png"@pl . . . "Kingdom Keepers VI: Dark Passage"@es . . . . . . . "Disney Tsum Tsum"@en . . "After \"Labor of Love\""@en . . . "Megara"@nl . . . "Hercules helps Megara briefly escape Cerberus."@en . "BeanFan112"@en . . "Megara"@en . . . "Megara (Ancient Greek: \u039C\u03B5\u03B3\u03AC\u03C1\u03B1) was the oldest daughter of Creon, king of Thebes and the first of Heracles' wives."@en . . "Kobieta"@pl . "x1.47"@en . "Mickey's Magical Christmas"@es . . "''Hercules"@en . . . "Megara, o simplemete \"Meg\", es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Hercules."@es . . . . "Medenet City"@en . . . "352"^^ . "353"^^ . . . . . . . "x1.43"@en . . . "2"^^ . . "Cz\u0142owiek"@pl . . "Dobra"@pl . . . "Hades"@en . . . . "Artwork from Kingdom Hearts II"@en . . . . "Megara's Ability is Protect Down. Megara originally had a chance to come equipped with the Second Chance skill. Megara has High Guilt at 6\u2605."@en . "\"People always do crazy things...when they're in love.\""@en . "Megara, o simplemete \"Meg\", es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Hercules."@es . . "5282"^^ . . . . . "Manipulative men, heights , threats toward Hercules, Hades, Hades flirting with her, being reminded of her ex-boyfriend and her high school year, sexism"@en . . . . "Kreon & Eurydice"@en . . "The Stones of Blood"@en . . . . . . . "\"Are you always this articulate?\""@en . . . "Megara"@en . . "\u017Byje"@pl . . . . . "Megara was a Seven Cities tribesman who served as one of the bodyguards of the Aren city treasurer. He was a huge man, whose face was buried in a black snarled beard and moustache. He wore a pot helm and chainmail shirt, and carried a broad-bladed tulwar."@en . . "300"^^ . . . "\"It's been a real slice.\""@en . "Megara 513.png"@en . . . "BeanFan112's second version"@en . "4096"^^ . "In historical times, Megara was an early dependency of Corinth, in which capacity colonists from Megara founded Megara Hyblaea, a small polis north of Syracuse in Sicily. Megara then fought a war of independence with Corinth, and afterwards founded (c. 667 BCE) Byzantium, as well as Chalcedon (685 BCE). Megara was known for its money in historical times. In the late seventh century BCE Theagenes established himself as tyrant of Megara reportedly by slaughtering the cattle of the rich to win over the poor. During the second Persian invasion of Greece (480-479 BCE) Megara fought alongside the Spartans and Athenians at crucial battles such as Salamis and Plataea. Megara's defection from the Spartan dominated Peloponnesian League (c.460 BCE) was one of the causes of the First Peloponnesian War. By the terms of the Thirty Years' Peace of 446-445 BCE Megara was returned to the Peloponnesian League. In the Peloponnesian War (c. 431 BC-404 BCE), Megara was an ally of Sparta. The Megarian decree is considered to be one of several contributing \"causes\" of the Peloponnesian War. The Megarian decree was issued by Athens with the purpose of choking out the Megarian economy. The decree stated that Megarian merchants were not allowed in territory controlled by Athens. The most famous citizen of Megara in antiquity was Byzas, the legendary founder of Byzantium in the 7th century BCE. The 6th century BCE poet Theognis also came from Megara. In the early 4th century BC, Euclid of Megara founded the Megarian school of philosophy which flourished for about a century, and became famous for the use of logic and dialectic. The Megarans were proverbial for their generosity in building and endowing temples. Jerome reports \"There is a common saying about the Megarians [\u2026:] 'They build as if they are to live forever; they live as if they are to die tomorrow.'\""@en . . "Marries Hercules"@en . . "Megara is een personage uit Hercules en Hercules: The Animated Series."@nl . "Megara (Ancient Greek: \u039C\u03B5\u03B3\u03AC\u03C1\u03B1) was the oldest daughter of Creon, king of Thebes and the first of Heracles' wives."@en . . "Megara - jest niezale\u017Cna i bystra, ale tak\u017Ce cyniczna, co czyni j\u0105 nietypow\u0105 w\u015Br\u00F3d kobiet Disneya. Jest dziewczyn\u0105, kt\u00F3ra w filmie ma by\u0107 zaklasyfikowana jako bohaterka, a nie tylko jako przyk\u0142ad romantycznej ksi\u0119\u017Cniczki. Ma bardzo z\u0142\u0105 opini\u0119 o m\u0119\u017Cczyznach. Wp\u0142yw na to maj\u0105 jej do\u015Bwiadczenia, kt\u00F3re w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci s\u0105 negatywne. Chocia\u017C Herkules zakochuje si\u0119 w niej od pierwszego wejrzenia, odrzuca go. Po pewnym czasie zauwa\u017Ca jego zalety. Meg ma l\u0119k wysoko\u015Bci, ale pokonuje strach przed ko\u0144cem filmu."@pl . "Megara is een personage uit Hercules en Hercules: The Animated Series."@nl . "Megara is an on Once Upon a Time. She was once a resident of the Enchanted Forest, but following an encounter with Cerberus, she winds up dead and in the Underworld for all eternity, that is, until she is met by a group of heroes on their way to rescue Captain Hook. Upon being rescued and helping defeat the three-headed beast that caused her undoing, she is able to move on to Mount Olympus with a new love, Hercules."@en . . "The Megara were microcellular metallic biomachines. They could fly through the air. They communicated with each other using a special language. The Megara believed that \"humanoids\" were inferior because they were not totally capable of knowing the truth. At one point, a galactic federation appointed them to uphold the law. The Megara found the federation in contempt of court and destroyed the galaxy. They were sometimes assigned to transport prisoners. When two of them transported Cessair and her servants, she escaped and they pursued her to Earth. (TV: The Stones of Blood)"@en . "Megara was a Seven Cities tribesman who served as one of the bodyguards of the Aren city treasurer. He was a huge man, whose face was buried in a black snarled beard and moustache. He wore a pot helm and chainmail shirt, and carried a broad-bladed tulwar."@en . "Meg"@es . . . "Megara is Tailor, found in Medenet City."@en . . . . . "left"@en . "right"@en . . . . . "Megara"@en . . "Megara"@es . . "In historical times, Megara was an early dependency of Corinth, in which capacity colonists from Megara founded Megara Hyblaea, a small polis north of Syracuse in Sicily. Megara then fought a war of independence with Corinth, and afterwards founded (c. 667 BCE) Byzantium, as well as Chalcedon (685 BCE). Megara was known for its money in historical times. Megara's defection from the Spartan dominated Peloponnesian League (c.460 BCE) was one of the causes of the First Peloponnesian War. By the terms of the Thirty Years' Peace of 446-445 BCE Megara was returned to the Peloponnesian League."@en . "Female"@en . . "Megara.png"@es . "Slender, angular features, fair skin, magenta lips, long dark auburn hair, lavender eyelids, purple eyes"@en . . . . . "Megara and Hercules move on to Mount Olympus."@en . . . "14"^^ . . "4499"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "46"^^ . . . . . "Disney's Hercules"@en . . . . . . . . "''Hercules"@en . . . . . . . . "Mage"@en . . "Mickey's House of Villains"@es . "''Hercules"@en . "The Megara were microcellular metallic biomachines. They could fly through the air. They communicated with each other using a special language. The Megara believed that \"humanoids\" were inferior because they were not totally capable of knowing the truth. At one point, a galactic federation appointed them to uphold the law. The Megara found the federation in contempt of court and destroyed the galaxy. They were sometimes assigned to transport prisoners. When two of them transported Cessair and her servants, she escaped and they pursued her to Earth. (TV: The Stones of Blood)"@en . . . . . . . . .