. . "Rasa"@it . "Masahiko Tanaka"@it . "Rasa (\u7F85\u7D17, Rasa) fue el Cuarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage literalmente significa \"Cuarta Sombra de Viento\") de Sunagakure y el padre de Temari, Gaara, y Kankur\u014D y el marido de Karura. Fue revivido por Kabuto Yakushi para combatir en la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi."@en . "Shigezane Houki"@de . . . . . . . . "Pasado=300px"@en . . . . . "Rasa was the Fourth Kazekage of Sunagakure. He is the father of Temari, Kankur\u014D, and Gaara, and husband of Karura. When Orochimaru approached Sunagakure with the proposition of joining forces in invading Konohagakure, he agreed due to the economic decline brought about by the Land of Wind's daimy\u014D using the shinobi of Konoha. Hoping that the success of the invasion would prompt additional funding, he planned to have Gaara unleash Shukaku from the centre of Konoha during the Ch\u016Bnin Exams to put the Konoha shinobi at a disadvantage from the get-go. However, before he could see his plans unfold, he was murdered by Orochimaru impaling him in the chest with the Sword of Kusanagi."@en . "40"^^ . . "Cuarto Kazekage"@en . "\u30E9\u30B5"@en . . . . . . . "Rasa ( ang. Breed ) dla dzikich to wydzielona przez wieki opowiadania legend i mit\u00F3w o nich grupy zmiennokszta\u0142tnych kt\u00F3rzy dziel\u0105 ze sob\u0105 wiele widocznych cech wsp\u00F3lnych. Ka\u017Cda z nich jednak zawiera w sobie dziesi\u0105tki tak zwanych Gatunk\u00F3w , kt\u00F3re posiadaj\u0105 swoj\u0105 w\u0142asn\u0105 historie i zdolno\u015Bci. Cho\u0107 ludzie-pantery i ludzie-tygrysy nale\u017C\u0105 do Rasy Bastet do kt\u00F3rej przynale\u017C\u0105 wszystkie rodzaje ludzi-kot\u00F3w, ka\u017Cdy z rodzaj\u00F3w tych istot od r\u00F3\u017Cni\u0105 si\u0119 od reszty, tak jak ich zwierz\u0119cy kuzyni w \"rodzinie\" jak\u0105 nadali im biolodzy. Przez tysi\u0105clecia te podzia\u0142y tak mocno wros\u0142y w \u015Bwiadomo\u015B\u0107 tych istot \u017Ce nawet je\u015Bli wsp\u00F3\u0142czesna nauka stwierdza \u017Ce nietoperze to ssaki, dla Zmiennego Ludu, tym o ich Nahual bli\u017Cej do ptak\u00F3w ni\u017C innych z ich rodzaju, do\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c ich do Skrzydlatego Ludu."@pl . "*Daisan no Me\n*Jiton: Sakin Taisou"@de . . . . "RASA"@es . . . "28"^^ . "A"@it . . . . . . "Rasa"@es . "\u7F85\u7802"@it . . . "300"^^ . . "29"^^ . . . . "Rasa"@es . . . . . "Manga, Anime, Jeux vid\u00E9o"@fr . . . . . "Rasa"@cs . . . . "A"@en . "N/A"@en . "thumb|left|Yondaime Kazekage Der vierte Kazekage Rasa (Rasa = D\u00E4monensand) war ein starker und grausamer Mann, der mehr Macht in der Welt der Shinobi f\u00FCr sich wollte. Er war das Oberhaupt von Sunagakure und einer der f\u00FCnf Kage, die an der Spitze der Welt der Shinobi stehen. Au\u00DFerdem ist er der Vater von Gaara, Kankurou und Temari. Um etwas gegen die Schw\u00E4chung seiner Streitkr\u00E4fte zu unternehmen, wollte er den st\u00E4rksten Shinobi erschaffen und lie\u00DF in seinem eigenen Sohn das einschw\u00E4nzige Bijuu Shukaku versiegeln. Aber bald schon merkte er, dass Gaara f\u00FCr das Dorf zu gef\u00E4hrlich wurde und er versuchte ihn immer wieder umbringen zu lassen. In der Chunin-Auswahlpr\u00FCfung stellte sich heraus, dass Orochimaru den vierten Kazekage umgebracht hat und einen Krieg anzetteln wollte, um Konohagakure zu vernichten. Wie sich beim Treffen der Kage herausstellt, nutzte er wohl auch die Leistungen von Akatsuki. Ob aber damals Orochimaru noch Mitglied bei Akatsuki war, ist nicht bekannt. \u201CVor seinem Tod hatte er einen Sch\u00FCler, Shigezane, welchem er beibrachte, mithilfe von Suiton-Jutsus Metalle und Mineralien aus dem Boden zu f\u00F6rdern. Er war sehr stolz auf dessen Talent und erz\u00E4hlte sogar seinen Kindern von ihm.\u201CSpoiler"@de . "YondaimeKazekageGanz.png"@de . . . . . . . . "Piratas Barbar"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Clan du Kazekage~~Roman seulement"@fr . . "Rasa"@pl . . "Rasa"@fr . . . "Miki Nagasawa"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "\u7F85\u7D17"@es . . . "*Jiton: Sakin Taisousou"@de . "\u015Awiat Warcrafta jest zamieszka\u0142y przez wiele ras rozumnych i czuj\u0105cych istot. Rasy te pos\u0142uguj\u0105 si\u0119 odmiennymi j\u0119zykami, posiadaj\u0105 swoje ojczyzny i cechy rasowe oraz mog\u0105 mie\u0107 r\u00F3\u017Cne klasy. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 ras pochodzi z Azeroth, jednak kilka innych przyby\u0142o z innych \u015Bwiat\u00F3w takich jak na przyk\u0142ad Draenor. Armie P\u0142on\u0105cego Legionu pochodz\u0105 z wielu \u015Bwiat\u00F3w z ca\u0142ej Wiruj\u0105cej Pustki. Obecnie, ka\u017Cda grywalna rasa w World of Warcraft nale\u017Cy do jednej z dw\u00F3ch g\u0142\u00F3wnych frakcji: Przymierze lub Horda. Wyj\u0105tkiem s\u0105 Pandareni, kt\u00F3rzy zaczynaj\u0105c jako neutralni p\u00F3\u017Aniej do\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105 do jednej z dw\u00F3ch frakcji. Dla grywalnych postaci, wyb\u00F3r rasy jest zatem ograniczony przez frakcj\u0119. W fabule Warcrafta, rasa zazwyczaj posiada tak\u0105 sam\u0105 definicj\u0119 jak gatunek. Czasem, wewn\u0105trz rasy/gatunku s\u0105 grupy zwane podgatunkami/sub rasami. Nale\u017Cy pami\u0119ta\u0107, \u017Ce u\u017Cywanie rasy jednak nie zawsze oznacza\u0107 b\u0119dzie poszczeg\u00F3lny gatunek (i mo\u017Ce odnosi\u0107 si\u0119 do grup etnicznych/sub ras/podgatunk\u00F3w w obr\u0119bie gatunku)."@pl . "10590.0"^^ . . . "Rasa"@en . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Rasa \u00E9tait le du village cach\u00E9 de Suna."@fr . . . . "Rasa (\u30E9\u30B5 - Rasa) est un membre de L'\u00C9quipage des Pirates du Sable. Elle est apparue uniquement dans l'anim\u00E9"@fr . . "Partie I : 176,5 cm"@fr . "Pinchos de Polvo Dorado"@en . . "Shuriken de Polvo Dorado"@es . "\u015Awiat Warcrafta jest zamieszka\u0142y przez wiele ras rozumnych i czuj\u0105cych istot. Rasy te pos\u0142uguj\u0105 si\u0119 odmiennymi j\u0119zykami, posiadaj\u0105 swoje ojczyzny i cechy rasowe oraz mog\u0105 mie\u0107 r\u00F3\u017Cne klasy. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 ras pochodzi z Azeroth, jednak kilka innych przyby\u0142o z innych \u015Bwiat\u00F3w takich jak na przyk\u0142ad Draenor. Armie P\u0142on\u0105cego Legionu pochodz\u0105 z wielu \u015Bwiat\u00F3w z ca\u0142ej Wiruj\u0105cej Pustki."@pl . . . . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Rasa \u00E9tait le du village cach\u00E9 de Suna."@fr . . . . "Rasa"@es . "was the of Sunagakure. Renowned for his ability to use Gold Dust, Rasa's reign as Kazekage was marked by his frequent quelling of rampages by the One-Tailed Shukaku, which he had sealed into his youngest son, Gaara."@en . . . "Rasa was a male Edemian who lived in the 24th century. In 2369, Rasa came to Deep Space 9 with his parents Marko and Azira, two missionaries of K'olkr. Julian Bashir discovered that Rasa was suffering from panoria, which Azira allowed Bashir to treat him for, against the wishes of her husband. Despite Rasa being cured by Bashir's tricyclidine treatments, Marko disowned his wife and son. (DS9 novel: The Siege)"@en . . . . "--03-29"^^ . . . . "Pirates de Barbarossa"@fr . . "Araya"@de . "Yondaime_Kazekage.png"@it . . "M\u00E9todo de la Bola Mundial de Polvo Dorado"@es . . "anime"@es . . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Partie I : 64,1 kg"@fr . . "\u30E9\u30B5"@fr . . "Rasa"@en . "Crispin Freeman"@es . "4"^^ . "Pasado=300px"@es . . . . . "1.262304E9"^^ . . "Rasa ( ang. Breed ) dla dzikich to wydzielona przez wieki opowiadania legend i mit\u00F3w o nich grupy zmiennokszta\u0142tnych kt\u00F3rzy dziel\u0105 ze sob\u0105 wiele widocznych cech wsp\u00F3lnych. Ka\u017Cda z nich jednak zawiera w sobie dziesi\u0105tki tak zwanych Gatunk\u00F3w , kt\u00F3re posiadaj\u0105 swoj\u0105 w\u0142asn\u0105 historie i zdolno\u015Bci. Cho\u0107 ludzie-pantery i ludzie-tygrysy nale\u017C\u0105 do Rasy Bastet do kt\u00F3rej przynale\u017C\u0105 wszystkie rodzaje ludzi-kot\u00F3w, ka\u017Cdy z rodzaj\u00F3w tych istot od r\u00F3\u017Cni\u0105 si\u0119 od reszty, tak jak ich zwierz\u0119cy kuzyni w \"rodzinie\" jak\u0105 nadali im biolodzy. Przez tysi\u0105clecia te podzia\u0142y tak mocno wros\u0142y w \u015Bwiadomo\u015B\u0107 tych istot \u017Ce nawet je\u015Bli wsp\u00F3\u0142czesna nauka stwierdza \u017Ce nietoperze to ssaki, dla Zmiennego Ludu, tym o ich Nahual bli\u017Cej do ptak\u00F3w ni\u017C innych z ich rodzaju, do\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c ich do Skrzydlatego Ludu."@pl . . . "Rasa was the Fourth Kazekage of Sunagakure. He is the father of Temari, Kankur\u014D, and Gaara, and husband of Karura. When Orochimaru approached Sunagakure with the proposition of joining forces in invading Konohagakure, he agreed due to the economic decline brought about by the Land of Wind's daimy\u014D using the shinobi of Konoha. Hoping that the success of the invasion would prompt additional funding, he planned to have Gaara unleash Shukaku from the centre of Konoha during the Ch\u016Bnin Exams to put the Konoha shinobi at a disadvantage from the get-go. However, before he could see his plans unfold, he was murdered by Orochimaru impaling him in the chest with the Sword of Kusanagi."@en . "Rasa"@de . "Rasa is an anime-only member of the Barbar Pirates. She is the navigator of that crew."@en . "Rasa is an anime-only member of the Barbar Pirates. She is the navigator of that crew."@en . . . . . . . "Partie I : Kage"@fr . . . "Humana"@es . . "1.262304E9"^^ . "Rasa (\u30E9\u30B5 - Rasa) est un membre de L'\u00C9quipage des Pirates du Sable. Elle est apparue uniquement dans l'anim\u00E9"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Rasa (\u7F85\u7802, Rasa) fu il Quarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage) del Villaggio della Sabbia."@it . . "Muerto"@es . . . "Ricardo Brust"@en . . . . "Shinki"@de . . . "\u7F85\u7802"@fr . . . . . . . "A"@es . . . . "\u30E9\u30B5"@es . "anime"@en . . "Humaine"@fr . "Deceduto"@it . . . "Rasa (\u30E9\u30B5 Rasa?) es un personaje no-canon miembro de los Piratas Barbar."@es . "Rasa"@fr . . "1989"^^ . "Black"@es . "1765"^^ . . "A"@de . . . "Suspensi\u00F3n del Desierto"@es . "Femenino"@es . "Quatri\u00E8me Kazekage"@fr . . . . . "Rasa"@en . . "thumb|left|Yondaime Kazekage Der vierte Kazekage Rasa (Rasa = D\u00E4monensand) war ein starker und grausamer Mann, der mehr Macht in der Welt der Shinobi f\u00FCr sich wollte. Er war das Oberhaupt von Sunagakure und einer der f\u00FCnf Kage, die an der Spitze der Welt der Shinobi stehen. Au\u00DFerdem ist er der Vater von Gaara, Kankurou und Temari. Um etwas gegen die Schw\u00E4chung seiner Streitkr\u00E4fte zu unternehmen, wollte er den st\u00E4rksten Shinobi erschaffen und lie\u00DF in seinem eigenen Sohn das einschw\u00E4nzige Bijuu Shukaku versiegeln. Aber bald schon merkte er, dass Gaara f\u00FCr das Dorf zu gef\u00E4hrlich wurde und er versuchte ihn immer wieder umbringen zu lassen. In der Chunin-Auswahlpr\u00FCfung stellte sich heraus, dass Orochimaru den vierten Kazekage umgebracht hat und einen Krieg anzetteln wollte, um Konohagakure zu v"@de . . "Oficial"@es . . . "95"^^ . "Ricardo Brust"@es . "Manga, Anime y Videojuegos"@en . "Rasa"@es . "A"@fr . . . "Tormenta de Polvo Dorado"@es . . . "Rasa"@fr . . . "Yashamaru"@de . . . "98"^^ . . "\u7F85\u7D17"@en . . . . "Naruto Shipp\u016Bden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3"@it . . "Manga, Anime y Videojuegos"@es . . . . "In the anime, it was noted that Rasa also sent Pakura to her death as part of an unfair peace treaty between them and Kirigakure where her life was to be forfeited. She was sent to Kirigakure under the pretence of being an envoy, where she was killed. The blame for this was cast on Iwagakure whom his village had a feud with at the time as a means to stir their shinobi to war. Also, during the Third Shinobi World War, as Konohagakure wished to form a peace treaty with the Iwa, they deliberately had the meeting on the Suna borderline, prompting Rasa and his forces to oversee the events should a battle occur. He stated he would deal with any incidents that were to happen, and with that, the Iwa group retreats. Also, in the anime, it was said that Rasa established a rule for the Sunagakure Academy that forbade children who didn't possess skill in ninjutsu or genjutsu to attend. In the Gaara Hiden: A Sandstorm Mirage novel, it is stated that Rasa once mentored Shigezane in Water Release techniques, in order for him to gather gold dust for the Kazekage."@en . . . . . . . "Shuriken de Polvo Dorado"@en . "Yodo"@de . "Rasa"@fr . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesCategor\u00EDa:Usuarios de Kekkei GenkaiRasa (\u7F85\u7D17, Rasa) fue el Cuarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage literalmente significa \"Cuarta Sombra de Viento\") de Sunagakure y el padre de Temari, Gaara, y Kankur\u014D y el marido de Karura. Fue revivido por Kabuto Yakushi para combatir en la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi."@es . "Episode 97"@en . . "In the anime, it was noted that Rasa also sent Pakura to her death as part of an unfair peace treaty between them and Kirigakure where her life was to be forfeited. She was sent to Kirigakure under the pretence of being an envoy, where she was killed. The blame for this was cast on Iwagakure whom his village had a feud with at the time as a means to stir their shinobi to war. Also, during the Third Shinobi World War, as Konohagakure wished to form a peace treaty with the Iwa, they deliberately had the meeting on the Suna borderline, prompting Rasa and his forces to oversee the events should a battle occur. He stated he would deal with any incidents that were to happen, and with that, the Iwa group retreats. Also, in the anime, it was said that Rasa established a rule for the Sunagakure Aca"@en . . . . "M\u00E9todo de la Bola Mundial de Polvo Dorado"@en . "DAA520"@fr . . "1765"^^ . "Rasa"@en . . "Cuarto Kazekage"@es . "28"^^ . . . . . . . "--03-29"^^ . "28"^^ . "Elemento Agua: Jutsu Espada de Agua"@en . "Naruto Shipp\u00FBden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3"@fr . "Maschio"@it . . . . "Rasa"@it . . . . . . . . "Rasa"@fr . . "Rasa (\u30E9\u30B5 Rasa?) es un personaje no-canon miembro de los Piratas Barbar."@es . . . "Rasa was a male Edemian who lived in the 24th century. In 2369, Rasa came to Deep Space 9 with his parents Marko and Azira, two missionaries of K'olkr. Julian Bashir discovered that Rasa was suffering from panoria, which Azira allowed Bashir to treat him for, against the wishes of her husband. Despite Rasa being cured by Bashir's tricyclidine treatments, Marko disowned his wife and son. (DS9 novel: The Siege)"@en . . . . "1.76"^^ . . . "Elemento Agua: Jutsu Espada de Agua"@es . . . . "Rasa (\u7F85\u7D17, Rasa) fue el Cuarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage literalmente significa \"Cuarta Sombra de Viento\") de Sunagakure y el padre de Temari, Gaara, y Kankur\u014D y el marido de Karura. Fue revivido por Kabuto Yakushi para combatir en la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi."@en . . . "BarbarColores"@es . . . . . . . . "F0DC82"@fr . . . . "29"^^ . . "\u7F85\u7802"@de . "641"^^ . . . . . . . . "was the of Sunagakure. Renowned for his ability to use Gold Dust, Rasa's reign as Kazekage was marked by his frequent quelling of rampages by the One-Tailed Shukaku, which he had sealed into his youngest son, Gaara."@en . . . . "641"^^ . . . "BarbarPiratesColors"@en . . . . "Suspensi\u00F3n del Desierto"@en . . . . . . . . . "*Suiton: Mizu no Ken\n*Suiton: Mizu Yari"@de . . "57"^^ . "59"^^ . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesCategor\u00EDa:Usuarios de Kekkei GenkaiRasa (\u7F85\u7D17, Rasa) fue el Cuarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage literalmente significa \"Cuarta Sombra de Viento\") de Sunagakure y el padre de Temari, Gaara, y Kankur\u014D y el marido de Karura. Fue revivido por Kabuto Yakushi para combatir en la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi."@es . . . . . "40"^^ . "Tormenta de Polvo Dorado"@en . . "Muerto"@en . "Pinchos de Polvo Dorado"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rasa"@es . . . . "64.1"^^ . . . "Rasa (\u7F85\u7802, Rasa) fu il Quarto Kazekage (\u56DB\u4EE3\u76EE\u98A8\u5F71, Yondaime Kazekage) del Villaggio della Sabbia."@it . . "Crispin Freeman"@en . . . . "gestorben"@de .