. . . . . "Double Strike"@en . . . . . . "Threepeater"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Double Strike"@vi . . . "Threepeater gains a 25% chance to shoot 2 peas per head at a time."@en . . . . . . . . "Threepeater is a plant available in both main series Plants vs. Zombies games. Threepeater shoots peas in three lanes: the one it is planted on and the two adjacent lanes to that. If Threepeater is planted on the top or bottom row, it will only shoot peas in two lanes instead of the three."@en . . . . "Chance to shoot 2 peas per head at a time is now doubled ."@en . . . . . . . . "Threepeater"@vi . . . . . . "X\u00E1c su\u1EA5t b\u1EAFn \u0111\u1EA1n \u0111\u00F4i \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c t\u0103ng th\u00EAm 25% n\u1EEFa ."@vi . . . "Threepeater (t\u1EA1m d\u1ECBch: \u0110\u1EADu Ba \u0110\u1EA7u) l\u00E0 m\u1ED9t c\u00E2y b\u1EAFn \u0111\u1EADu xu\u1EA5t hi\u1EC7n trong c\u1EA3 hai tr\u00F2 ch\u01A1i ch\u00EDnh c\u1EE7a s\u00EA-ri Plants vs. Zombies. Threepeater c\u00F3 kh\u1EA3 n\u0103ng b\u1EAFn ra c\u00F9ng l\u00FAc ba vi\u00EAn \u0111\u1EADu, trong \u0111\u00F3 m\u1ED9t vi\u00EAn th\u1EB3ng ra h\u00E0ng c\u1EE7a m\u00ECnh, hai vi\u00EAn c\u00F2n l\u1EA1i b\u1EAFn ra hai h\u00E0ng l\u00E2n c\u1EADn. N\u1EBFu \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c tr\u1ED3ng \u1EDF hai h\u00E0ng tr\u00EAn c\u00F9ng v\u00E0 d\u01B0\u1EDBi c\u00F9ng c\u1EE7a b\u00E3i tr\u1ED3ng, Threepeater s\u1EBD ch\u1EC9 b\u1EAFn ra hai h\u00E0ng thay v\u00EC ba nh\u01B0 b\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng."@vi . . . . . . . . . . "Threepeater is a plant available in both main series Plants vs. Zombies games. Threepeater shoots peas in three lanes: the one it is planted on and the two adjacent lanes to that. If Threepeater is planted on the top or bottom row, it will only shoot peas in two lanes instead of the three."@en . . . "Vital Capacity Training"@vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Threepeater (t\u1EA1m d\u1ECBch: \u0110\u1EADu Ba \u0110\u1EA7u) l\u00E0 m\u1ED9t c\u00E2y b\u1EAFn \u0111\u1EADu xu\u1EA5t hi\u1EC7n trong c\u1EA3 hai tr\u00F2 ch\u01A1i ch\u00EDnh c\u1EE7a s\u00EA-ri Plants vs. Zombies. Threepeater c\u00F3 kh\u1EA3 n\u0103ng b\u1EAFn ra c\u00F9ng l\u00FAc ba vi\u00EAn \u0111\u1EADu, trong \u0111\u00F3 m\u1ED9t vi\u00EAn th\u1EB3ng ra h\u00E0ng c\u1EE7a m\u00ECnh, hai vi\u00EAn c\u00F2n l\u1EA1i b\u1EAFn ra hai h\u00E0ng l\u00E2n c\u1EADn. N\u1EBFu \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c tr\u1ED3ng \u1EDF hai h\u00E0ng tr\u00EAn c\u00F9ng v\u00E0 d\u01B0\u1EDBi c\u00F9ng c\u1EE7a b\u00E3i tr\u1ED3ng, Threepeater s\u1EBD ch\u1EC9 b\u1EAFn ra hai h\u00E0ng thay v\u00EC ba nh\u01B0 b\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng."@vi . "Vital Capacity Training"@en . . . . "Threepeater c\u00F3 25% c\u01A1 h\u1ED9i b\u1EAFn hai vi\u00EAn \u0111\u1EADu m\u1ED7i \u0111\u1EA7u c\u00F9ng m\u1ED9t l\u00FAc."@vi . . . . . . . .