. "Nemeroth"@es . . "Nemeroth led his Chaos warband in an attempt to conquer the Imperial Forge World of Graia located in the Segmentum Tempestus. Graia was devoted solely to the mass production of military ordnance, weapons and vehicles for the armies of the Imperium of Man. This planet was also notable for manufacturing Warlord-class Titans -- massive and extremely formidable bipedal combat walkers that served as potent weapons of the Adeptus Mechanicus' Titan Legions. Graia was invaded by a large Ork WAAAGH! composed of over 1 million Orks led by the Warboss Grimskull in the late 41st Millennium. Instead of risking an escalating and devastating war with weapons of mass destruction that could seriously damage Graia's much needed industrial output or waiting for the eventual Imperial Guard reinforcements, th"@en . . . . "Nemeroth"@en . . . "Nemeroth dirigi\u00F3 a su partida de guerra del Caos en un intento de conquistar el Mundo Forja Imperial de Graia, ubicado en el Segmentum Tempestus. Graia se dedicaba exclusivamente a la producci\u00F3n en masa de municiones, armas y veh\u00EDculos militares para los ej\u00E9rcitos del Imperio de la Humanidad. Este planeta tambi\u00E9n destacaba por la fabricaci\u00F3n de Titanes Warlord; caminantes de combate b\u00EDpedos masivos y extremadamente armados que serv\u00EDan como inmisericordes heraldos de las Legiones Tit\u00E1nicas del Adeptus Mechanicus. Graia fue invadido por un gran \u00A1Waaagh! compuesto por m\u00E1s de 1 mill\u00F3n de Orkos, liderados por el Kaudillo Grimskull a finales del M41. En lugar de correr el riesgo de una escalada y con ello abocarse a una devastadora guerra con armas de destrucci\u00F3n masiva que podr\u00EDan da\u00F1ar seriamente la necesaria producci\u00F3n industrial de Graia o esperar los eventuales refuerzos de la Guardia Imperial, los Altos Se\u00F1ores de Terra ordenaron al Cap\u00EDtulo de los Ultramarines la tarea de evitar que los Orkos saquearan los Titanes y tecnolog\u00EDa de Graia hasta que pudiera enviarse una Flota de Liberaci\u00F3n Imperial completa a reconquistar el planeta. El objetivo principal de los Marines Espaciales era asegurar el Manufactorum Ajakis, el principal complejo de fabricaci\u00F3n en Graia, donde eran fabricados y almacenados los Titanes. El Capit\u00E1n Titus, Comandante de la 2\u00AA Compa\u00F1\u00EDa de los Ultramarines, recibi\u00F3 de su Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo Marneus Calgar la orden de llevar a cabo esta tarea. Pero desconocido para el Capit\u00E1n Titus o el Imperio, la invasi\u00F3n Orka no era m\u00E1s que una tapadera para el Hechicero del Caos Nemeroth y su partida de guerra de Marines Espaciales del Caos para aprovechar la tecnolog\u00EDa disforme experimental presente en Graia, con la intenci\u00F3n de usarla para convertirse en un Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio y transformar Graia en un nuevo Mundo Demon\u00EDaco bajo su dominio. Acompa\u00F1ado por 2 miembros de su Escuadra de Mando, Sidonus y Leandros, el Capit\u00E1n Titus se uni\u00F3 a los restos del 203\u00BA Regimiento de Tropas de Choque de Cadia de la Guardia Imperial y su \u00FAnico oficial superviviente, la Teniente segunda Mira, para matar a Grimskull y detener el \u00A1Waaagh! Pero Nemeroth apareci\u00F3 poco despu\u00E9s de que Titus activase el Azote Ps\u00EDquico. Con ello abri\u00F3 una Grieta Disforme y una legi\u00F3n de Desangradores de Khorne surgi\u00F3, matando a los Orkos que se enfrentaban los Ultramarines y abrumando a Grimskull. El Inquisidor Drogan, que hab\u00EDa estado trabajando en apoyo de los esfuerzos de Titus, lleg\u00F3 al lugar y se acerc\u00F3 al Se\u00F1or del Caos y de los Demonios. Titus advirti\u00F3 a Drogan, pero fue silenciado por un ataque ps\u00EDquico y un comentario sarc\u00E1stico de Nemeroth. El Inquisidor camin\u00F3 tranquilamente entre los Desangradores y cay\u00F3 de rodillas ante Nemeroth. El hechicero apareci\u00F3 entonces para extraer una especie de \"esencia\", manifestada como luz p\u00FArpura, desde Drogan, quien cay\u00F3 al suelo sin vida. El inquisidor hab\u00EDa sido un pe\u00F3n no-muerto de Nemeroth que utiliz\u00F3 un arma especialmente dise\u00F1ada e impulsada por la fuente de energ\u00EDa experimental que Nemeroth quer\u00EDa para abrir la Grieta Disforme que permiti\u00F3 al Hechicero del Caos, una horda de Demonios del Caos y su partida de guerra de los Marines Espaciales del Caos desembarcar en Graia. La puerta, sin embargo, no era a\u00FAn lo suficientemente grande para dar cabida a una Flota del Caos. Titus, todav\u00EDa aturdido por el ataque ps\u00EDquico, intent\u00F3 apoderarse de la fuente de alimentaci\u00F3n durante la diatriba de Nemeroth, pero el Se\u00F1or del Caos se dio cuenta y redobl\u00F3 su ataque, llamando a Titus un \"tonto inteligente\". Pero durante su asalto ps\u00EDquico, Nemeroth tom\u00F3 nota de que Titus parec\u00EDa de alguna manera resistente a sus poderes y el contacto con la Disformidad. El Inquisidor Drogan tambi\u00E9n hab\u00EDa tomado nota de esta inusual calidad previamente. De repente, Grimskull reapareci\u00F3 y r\u00E1pidamente atac\u00F3 a Nemeroth, quien luch\u00F3 con el poderoso Kaudillo Orko. El Se\u00F1or del Caos logr\u00F3 empujar al Kaudillo sobre una barandilla, pero Grimskull lo agarr\u00F3 y ambos cayeron sobre, dejando a Titus con la fuente de energ\u00EDa y la oportunidad de escapar. Pero esta no ser\u00EDa la \u00FAltima vez que aparecer\u00EDa el Se\u00F1or del Caos. Su siguiente aparici\u00F3n fue despu\u00E9s de que Titus utiliase la fuente de energ\u00EDa para sobrecargar las armas del Tit\u00E1n Warlord Invictus y disparar contra la Aguja Orbital de Graia en un intento de cerrar la Grieta Disforme. Titus dio la fuente de poder a Sidonus y le orden\u00F3 correr a una pista de aterrizaje cercana para, a continuaci\u00F3n, llevar el aparato al Crucero de Ataque Furia del Descenso, mientras que Titus ir\u00EDa a cazar a los Marines Espaciales del Caos. Despu\u00E9s de alg\u00FAn tiempo luchando para distraer a las fuerzas del Caos, Titus lleg\u00F3 a la misma pista de aterrizaje que Sidonus y lo encontr\u00F3 defendi\u00E9ndose. Antes de que Titus pudiera intervenir, Nemeroth apareci\u00F3 detr\u00E1s de Sidonus y lo empal\u00F3 con sus Cuchillas Rel\u00E1mpago, recuperando la fuente de alimentaci\u00F3n. Despu\u00E9s Nemeroth incapacit\u00F3 a Titus de nuevo con sus poderes ps\u00EDquicos y admiti\u00F3 que la fuente de alimentaci\u00F3n era en realidad \"un regalo de los Dioses del Caos\" y que aprovechado adecuadamente le permitir\u00EDa ascender y convertirse en un Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio. De nuevo observ\u00F3 la peculiar resistencia de Titus a la Disformidad, que \u00E9l pens\u00F3 deb\u00EDa explicarse por alg\u00FAn tipo de conexi\u00F3n con el Emp\u00EDreo. Pregunt\u00F3 burlonamente si Titus se unir\u00EDa a las fuerzas del Caos pronto y lo llam\u00F3 \"hermano\" antes de desaparecer. Titus se enfrent\u00F3 al Se\u00F1or del Caos por \u00FAltima vez cuando alcanz\u00F3 la Aguja Orbital. Nemeroth trat\u00F3 de seducir al Ultramarine de unirse al Caos ofreci\u00E9ndole poder incalculable, pero Titus se neg\u00F3 rotundamente tales tentaciones. A continuaci\u00F3n se desat\u00F3 una batalla tit\u00E1nica entre los dos Astartes, con Nemeroth refugi\u00E1ndose eventualmente detr\u00E1s de una barrera de energ\u00EDa disforme, mientras que Titus luchaba contra varias oleadas de fuerzas del Caos. Al final, la barrera cay\u00F3 y Nemeroth dio un paso adelante, parcialmente transformado en su nueva forma demon\u00EDaca, seguro de su invulnerabilidad. Sin inmutarse, Titus simplemente agarr\u00F3 al Se\u00F1or del Caos y se lanz\u00F3 al vac\u00EDo con \u00E9l. Los dos guerreros se enfrentaron mientras ca\u00EDan desde miles de metros de altura. En esta batalla final, con Titus persiguiendo a Nemeroth en ca\u00EDda libre, peste logr\u00F3 vencer al Pr\u00EDncipe Demonio reci\u00E9n nacido y aplast\u00F3 la cabeza de Nemeroth con sus manos. Sin cabeza, el cuerpo de Nemeroth se desintegr\u00F3, pero su voz pudo decir: \"\u00BFTe unir\u00E1s a nosotros pronto... hermano?\". Era una pregunta que dej\u00F3 el Capit\u00E1n Titus profundamente inquieto, a\u00FAn m\u00E1s por el hecho de que m\u00E1s tarde la Inquisici\u00F3n tom\u00F3 al Hermano-Capit\u00E1n para interrogarlo acerca de su inusual capacidad de resistencia contra los poderes del Caos. El destino final de Titus sigue siendo desconocido."@es . . . . . . . . "Nemeroth dirigi\u00F3 a su partida de guerra del Caos en un intento de conquistar el Mundo Forja Imperial de Graia, ubicado en el Segmentum Tempestus. Graia se dedicaba exclusivamente a la producci\u00F3n en masa de municiones, armas y veh\u00EDculos militares para los ej\u00E9rcitos del Imperio de la Humanidad. Este planeta tambi\u00E9n destacaba por la fabricaci\u00F3n de Titanes Warlord; caminantes de combate b\u00EDpedos masivos y extremadamente armados que serv\u00EDan como inmisericordes heraldos de las Legiones Tit\u00E1nicas del Adeptus Mechanicus. Graia fue invadido por un gran \u00A1Waaagh! compuesto por m\u00E1s de 1 mill\u00F3n de Orkos, liderados por el Kaudillo Grimskull a finales del M41. En lugar de correr el riesgo de una escalada y con ello abocarse a una devastadora guerra con armas de destrucci\u00F3n masiva que podr\u00EDan da\u00F1ar seriame"@es . . "Nemeroth led his Chaos warband in an attempt to conquer the Imperial Forge World of Graia located in the Segmentum Tempestus. Graia was devoted solely to the mass production of military ordnance, weapons and vehicles for the armies of the Imperium of Man. This planet was also notable for manufacturing Warlord-class Titans -- massive and extremely formidable bipedal combat walkers that served as potent weapons of the Adeptus Mechanicus' Titan Legions. Graia was invaded by a large Ork WAAAGH! composed of over 1 million Orks led by the Warboss Grimskull in the late 41st Millennium. Instead of risking an escalating and devastating war with weapons of mass destruction that could seriously damage Graia's much needed industrial output or waiting for the eventual Imperial Guard reinforcements, the High Lords of Terra charged the Ultramarines Space Marine Chapter with the task of preventing the Orks from seizing the Titan technology on Graia until a full Imperial Liberation Fleet could be despatched to take back the world. The primary objective for the Space Marines was to salvage the Manufactorum Ajakis, the primary factory complex on Graia where the Titans were manufactured and stored. Captain Titus, the commander of the Ultramarines' 2nd Company, was charged by his Chapter Master Marneus Calgar with carrying out this sacred duty. But unknown to Captain Titus or the Imperium, the Ork invasion was merely a cover for the Chaos Sorcerer Nemeroth and his warband of Chaos Space Marines to seize experimental Imperial Warp technology present on Graia that he intended to use to become a Daemon Prince and transform Graia into a new Daemon World under his dominion. Accompanied by two members of his command squad, Sergeant Sidonus and Battle-Brother Leandros, Titus joined with the Imperial Guard's 203rd Cadian Shock Troops Regiment and its only surviving officer, 2nd Lieutenant Mira, to eventually kill Grimskull and halt the WAAAGH! But Nemeroth appeared shortly after Titus had killed the Psychic Scourge. A Warp Gate opened and a legion of daemonic Bloodletters of Khorne emerged killing the remaining Orks that were facing the Ultramarines, and overwhelming Grimskull. Inquisitor Drogan, who had been working in support of Titus' efforts, arrived at the scene and approached the Chaos Lord and the daemons. Titus warned Drogan back, but was silenced by a psychic attack and a sarcastic comment from Nemeroth. The Inquisitor calmly walked through the Bloodletters and fell to his knees before Nemeroth. The Sorcerer then appeared to extract some sort of \"essence\" \u2013 manifested as purple light \u2013 from Drogan, who fell to the ground lifeless. The Inquisitor had been an undead pawn of Nemeroth who used a specially designed weapon powered by the experimental power source Nemeroth wanted to open a portal into the Warp that allowed the Chaos Sorcerer, a horde of Chaos daemons and his Chaos Space Marines to come to Graia. Nemeroth suggested that he had just absorbed Drogan's memories and knew exactly what had been occurring on Graia. He then revealed that the undead Inquisitor had been carrying out Nemeroth's plan to use the Psychic Scourge to create a Warp Gate and launch a Chaos invasion of the Forge World. The gate, however, was not yet large enough to accommodate an invading Chaos fleet. Titus, still reeling from the psychic attack, attempted to grab the power source during Nemeroth's tirade, but the Chaos Lord took note and redoubled his attack, calling Titus a \"clever fool.\" But during his psychic assault, Nemeroth took note that Titus somehow seemed resistant to his powers and contact with the Warp. Inquisitor Drogan had also noted this unusual quality previously. Nemeroth revealed that the real Drogan has been dead for quite some time, and the \"Drogan\" the Ultramarines had been assisting was actually a \"puppet\" animated by sorcerous means. Suddenly Grimskull reappeared and promptly attacked Nemeroth, who grappled with the powerful Ork Warboss. The Chaos Lord managed to push the Warboss over a railing, but Grimskull grabbed him and both of them fell over the edge, leaving Titus with the power source and free to make his escape. But this was not the last time the Chaos Lord would appear. Nemeroth next appeared after Titus had used the power source to supercharge the Warlord-class Titan Invictus and fired at Graia's Orbital Spire in an attempt to close the Warp Gate that had been opened upon it. Titus gave the power source to Sidonus and told him to make for a nearby landing pad, then deliver the device to the Ultramarines Strike Cruiser Fury of Descent, while Titus went off to hunt the Chaos Space Marines. After some fighting to distract the Chaos forces, Titus arrived at the same landing pad to find Sidonus defending himself. Before Titus could intervene, Nemeroth appeared behind Sidonus and impaled him with his Lightning Claws, retrieving the power source. Nemeroth then incapacitated Titus again with his psychic powers and admitted that the power source was actually \"a gift from the Chaos Gods\" and that properly harnessed it would allow him to ascend to become a Daemon Prince. He then again noted Titus' peculiar Warp resistance, which he thought must be explained by some kind of connection to the Empyrean. He mockingly asked if Titus would be joining the Forces of Chaos soon and called him \"brother\" before disappearing. Titus confronted the Chaos Lord a final time after he climbed the Orbital Spire. Nemeroth tried to corrupt the Ultramarines officer to the service of Chaos by offering him untold power, but Titus flatly refused such temptations. A titanic battle between the two Astartes ensued, with Nemeroth taking refuge behind a protective barrier of Warp energy whilst Titus fought several waves of Chaos forces. The barrier finally fell and Nemeroth stepped forward, partially transformed into his new daemonic form, confident in his invulnerability. Undeterred, Titus simply charged the Chaos Lord and forced him off the ledge, and both warriors fell from the great heights of the immensely high Spire. A final battle ensued, with Titus chasing Nemeroth in free fall, catching up to him and striking him. Finally, Titus managed to overpower the newborn Daemon Prince and crushed Nemeroth's head with his hands. Nemeroth's headless body disintegrated, but his voice was heard repeating, \"Will you be joining us soon ... Brother?\" It was a question that left Captain Titus profoundly uneasy, made all the more disturbing by the fact that the Inquisition later took the Brother-Captain in for questioning about his unusual resilience against the powers of Chaos. Titus' final fate remains unknown."@en . . . . .