"Bo es un ni\u00F1o humano de nivel 1 que frecuenta la herrer\u00EDa y la laguna en Villadorada, en la zona de inicio para humanos: Bosque de Elwynn. Su nombre proviene del lenguaje escandinavo."@es . "182"^^ . . . "* Reden"@de . . . "Bo es un municipio del condado de Caladu, regi\u00F3n de Salbonia, en Pohlania. Este municipio se halla en la 24\u00AA prefectura del pa\u00EDs."@es . "All melee teammates get +20% HP. You get a small bonus to item drop chance."@en . . . . . . "Mortal Kombat: Battlewave n\u00BA2"@es . "Black"@en . "Bibliotempel"@de . "Yes"@en . . . "Bo"@nl . . . "Bo was the name of a dog owned by Michael, Louis, and Mrs. Asekoff. Bo was able to smell the invisible creatures terrorizing people who entered the Leon County woods. (TXF: \"Detour\")"@en . . . . . . "Elf"@en . . "Bo'ahl Leth, or simply Bo, was an old mage who had been captured and enslaved by Dernan the Wolf. He was also a scholar by hobby. He was described as pole slim with bony shins."@en . . "BO"@nl . "Status"@en . . . . . "Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards screenshot"@en . . . . . . . "Bo es un enemigo que solo ha aparecido en Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, se basa en una bola oscura. No da Habilidad cuando es inhalado. Aparecen dos Bo en una batalla contra un Pupa Mini-Jefe en Shiver Star de Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. El n\u00FAmero de carta es el n\u00FAmero 38 de la p\u00E1gina 5/9."@es . "The Bo staff was the simplest common weapon in Rokugan. It was a wooden staff of roughly five to six feet in length, and was most commonly carried by travelers and monks. The bo had no penetrating power when it came to armor, but a master with the staff was not to be taken lightly whether you wear armor or not. It was notably more difficult to hit a trained bo user. The bo's primary advantage was it length, as it was longer than the average katana. Athletic individuals could use the bo as leverage to propel themselves into aerial maneuvers."@en . "Magistrate Bo"@en . "Bo"@it . . "Bo'ahl Leth, or simply Bo, was an old mage who had been captured and enslaved by Dernan the Wolf. He was also a scholar by hobby. He was described as pole slim with bony shins."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . . "Sprite de Bo en Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards."@es . . . . . "MK: Comics"@es . . . . . "Bo"@pl . . "BO"@fr . "|} Bo (grana przez Michaele Haas) - dziewczynka, kt\u00F3ra pierw pomog\u0142a wyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 Flynnowi nap\u00F3j z automatu, kt\u00F3ry si\u0119 zaci\u0105\u0142, a nast\u0119pnie zacz\u0119\u0142a mu robi\u0107 g\u0142upie kawa\u0142y."@pl . . . "[[Category:Breath of Fire |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire Residents|Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Bo]] Bo is a character within Breath of Fire. He is called Gilliam in the Japanese version."@en . . . . . . . . "Mama Mia"@fr . . . "-"@fr . . . . . . "Slime"@en . "Yes"@en . . "Bo is Bucky Bug's ally and friend in the Silly Symphony Bucky Bug comic serials. Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . . "Fletcher's star pupil is located in the West Grassy Plains camp before the Desertward Ravine."@en . . "Enemigos comunes"@es . . "Bo was a security officer on Windstride."@en . "Bo tells of the last three plagues, locusts, darkness, especially the death of the firstborn. The rituals the Hebrews are asked to follow to protect their firstborn foreshadow Pesach. The Pharaoh decides again to let the Hebrew slaves go. Exodus 10:1-13:16 Hebrew: \u05D1\u05B9\u05BC\u05D0"@en . "Little Bo"@en . "Bo"@es . . . . "250"^^ . . . "Bien"@es . . . "Grandpa's dog (sometime in his past) who supposedly was thrown off the Norfolk Southern railroad but was found later in front of the stopped train with a red flag in his mouth signaling a washout first apparends The Triangle"@en . . "Bo is Bucky Bug's ally and friend in the Silly Symphony Bucky Bug comic serials. Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "Bo"@en . "Bows"@en . . . . . . "Although she respects Madame Milkbelly she is often cheeky to her, calling her 'Madame M.' or 'Madame Milky'. This is frowned upon by Mcmoo though. Bo also paints her udder strange colors - in World War Moo she even paints it as the Union Jack! Bo has other talents as well - she drives a roman War Wagon in The Roman Moo-Stery, and flies a fighter plane in World War Moo. Despite from this she often runs of, straight into trouble. For example in The Roman Moo-Stery she charges headlong out of the Time Shed, forgetting her Ringblender, and is captured by Lanista."@en . . "He was wizened and tall, with pointed ears and a slight build. He had light brown hair, and wore a silver headband and the red robes of a Magistrate. He had a regal and imposing figure, but was nearing the end of his years. He was good friends with the scholar Devlin Morely, the druid Alagar, and Captain Jarrell, commander of the fleet of the Six Shards."@en . . . "Bo es un ni\u00F1o humano de nivel 1 que frecuenta la herrer\u00EDa y la laguna en Villadorada, en la zona de inicio para humanos: Bosque de Elwynn. Su nombre proviene del lenguaje escandinavo."@es . . . . . . "Bo was an undercover Company operative and eventually a secret service agent who was part in the sheme to frame Lincoln Burrows"@en . . . . . "Bo ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Ebenen. Il veille sur ces vastes et plates \u00E9tendues de terre. En faisant en sorte que les bouftous n\u2019y broutent pas toute l\u2019herbe et que les aventuriers n\u2019y laissent pas leurs d\u00E9chets lors de pique-niques. Ah \u00E7a, on ne peut pas dire que la vie de Bo soit pleine de rebondissements ! Die Hapideiden sind die Besch\u00FCtzer der Tage in der Welt der Zw\u00F6lf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Bo besch\u00FCtzt den 5. Maisial."@de . . . . "Bos resemble small black balls with rectangular white eyes and a blue aura that surrounds them."@en . . . "Elwynn Forest; Goldshire"@en . . . "3"^^ . "\u30DC\u30A6"@en . "Bo es un enemigo que solo ha aparecido en Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, se basa en una bola oscura. No da Habilidad cuando es inhalado. Aparecen dos Bo en una batalla contra un Pupa Mini-Jefe en Shiver Star de Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. El n\u00FAmero de carta es el n\u00FAmero 38 de la p\u00E1gina 5/9."@es . "|} Bo (grana przez Michaele Haas) - dziewczynka, kt\u00F3ra pierw pomog\u0142a wyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 Flynnowi nap\u00F3j z automatu, kt\u00F3ry si\u0119 zaci\u0105\u0142, a nast\u0119pnie zacz\u0119\u0142a mu robi\u0107 g\u0142upie kawa\u0142y."@pl . . . . "Im Tempel"@de . "Bo is an NPC located in Farnum Farm next to the Sheep Watch battle."@en . . "Bo is one of the lamb twins. His sister is Lalolin. He is, as Lalolin put it, \"defined by one word: stupid. He is very carefree and cheerful, and \"loves everybody.\" He often annoys his friends with his antics, and frequently walked off cliffs and misnturrprets words, though was always oner of the most lovable characters."@en . . "Visual ID"@en . . "Alive"@en . . . . "The B\u00F4 was a 5.9 ft long Staff-weapon from Eastern Middle-Earth.The Easterlings also used shorter fighting-staffs such as the Jo and the hanbo or Half Bo.In the Westlands the Northrons and Eriadorians used similar weapons known as the Quarterstaff and the Staef or Short-Staff."@en . "Grandpa's dog (sometime in his past) who supposedly was thrown off the Norfolk Southern railroad but was found later in front of the stopped train with a red flag in his mouth signaling a washout first apparends The Triangle"@en . . . . . "An incredibly nice player and current leader of the healing guild, Serenity. He is very shy. He enjoys helping players and wandering through areas, especially secret ones or Lost Grounds. He can sometimes be found in areas for new players or low-leveled ones, trying to help the best he can. If he is not accessing Bo_, he will use _Bo, which he uses to heal players in Delta: Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field. Sometimes mistaken for a fake Bo, _Bo is the exact same person as Bo_. He was involved in Morganna Mode Gone's Epitaph User event, but after it was deemed fake, he realized about the entire situation. Whenever he sees former Epitaph Users, he may sometimes call them by the name of the Phase they were assigned. Healing is a number 1 priority and he tries his best to heal as much as he can."@en . "1"^^ . . "[[Category:Breath of Fire |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire Residents|Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Bo]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Bo]] Bo is a character within Breath of Fire. He is called Gilliam in the Japanese version."@en . "[-4,-24]"@de . . . . "Bo was a security officer on Windstride."@en . . "\u30D6\u30AA\u30A6 Buou"@en . "Bo"@en . . . . "Kern was part of the Council of Immortals that bestowed upon Santa Claus the Mantle of Immortality. (The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus). In the 2000 adaptation of the story, Bo serves as a skeptical voice at the council meeting, similar to the role the King of the Wind Demons played in the Rankin Bass version."@en . "Bo z\u00E4hlt zu den Bewohnern und Bewohnerinnen Goldhains im Wald von Elwynn."@de . . "Bo es el guardaspaldas personal de Johnny Cage. El es grande, calvo y musculoso, tanto que pudo recibir un impacto directo de Goro y casi ni se inmuto. Apareci\u00F3 por primera vez cuando Liu Kang estaba siendo golpeado brutalmente por el Pr\u00EDncipe Shokan, sin la distracci\u00F3n por Bo, Liu Kang casi seguro hubiese muerto a manos de Goro. Bo sobrevivi\u00F3 a los golpes. Durante el curso de los acontecimientos, Bo salio con un brazo roto, sin embargo, en la segunda edici\u00F3n del torneo, logr\u00F3 derrotar a Reptile literalmente solo. Decidio que no sab\u00EDa lo suficiente sobre Outworld para continuar con el \"concurso\" de Shao Kahn, hab\u00EDa presentado al Earthrealm y las fuerzas del Outworld, Bo pasaba en el resto del concurso se sent\u00F3 en el inconsciente Reptile, su enorme marco pinning a asegurar el terreno la lagartija-como guerrero no ser\u00EDan capaces de interferir con el progreso de los dem\u00E1s combatientes Earthrealm. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes menores Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Masculinos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes buenos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Earthrealm Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de comics Categor\u00EDa:Comics Categor\u00EDa:Humanos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de comics"@es . . . "Bo (A.K.A. Bounty Hunter) is a chicken on Farmer McDougal's farm. Bucky thought she was three times taller than the other chickens on the farm, but Satchel corrected him by saying that she's the only chicken standing up. She agreed to take Bucky on for a match and won. At first, Bucky believed she was a boy, until Rob revealed to him that Bo was actually a girl."@en . "Junkville"@en . . "Bo es un municipio del condado de Caladu, regi\u00F3n de Salbonia, en Pohlania. Este municipio se halla en la 24\u00AA prefectura del pa\u00EDs."@es . . . . . . . "Bo was the name of a dog owned by Michael, Louis, and Mrs. Asekoff. Bo was able to smell the invisible creatures terrorizing people who entered the Leon County woods. (TXF: \"Detour\")"@en . "Bo was a maintenance worker on Babylon 5. In 2262 he was partnered with Mack and the pair served as an on-call \"floater\" team. He and Mack were good friends who got a first hand look at the action when an unknown alien race attacked the station. Bo along with Mack was ordered by President Sheridan to escort Delenn to an escape pod which Delenn refused to board. After the fighting stopped, Bo returned to work."@en . "kobieta"@pl . "Bo was an undercover Company operative and eventually a secret service agent who was part in the sheme to frame Lincoln Burrows"@en . "Red and White coat, pierced ear, luminous udder."@en . "Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition 2"@es . "Gilliam"@en . "Bo"@de . "bo invariable [bu] prononciations \n* l. : [bu] 1. \n* 2. \n* REDIRECTION variante de o#1Cat\u00E9gorie:Variante (pronom neutre) r\u00E9f\u00E9rences \n* R2 : Ubaud 2011Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien, Cantalausa 2002Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien, Alibert 1997Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien"@fr . . . . . . . "Bo (A.K.A. Bounty Hunter) is a chicken on Farmer McDougal's farm. Bucky thought she was three times taller than the other chickens on the farm, but Satchel corrected him by saying that she's the only chicken standing up. She agreed to take Bucky on for a match and won. At first, Bucky believed she was a boy, until Rob revealed to him that Bo was actually a girl."@en . "Cania-Ebene"@de . . . . "Fascinating Fact"@en . . . "Bo"@fr . . . "42"^^ . . "Bo est une gluante qui appara\u00EEt dans Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. C'est la soeur de Rocket, le personnage principal. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnage"@fr . . "N/A"@es . . "Bo has incredible udder control - a single squirt of milk can drown a gnat in mid air from clear across her field."@en . . . . "38"^^ . . . . . . "In the Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) time sector Roger is certain that due to the case of time travel Bo's gender certainly changed to a female, and that \"she' certainly remembered that he destroyed the BAR's slot machine. But there are other accounts that suggest that during his past (or pasts) that the bartender was a man."@en . "The Krana Bo was the sentinel Krana. It gave its user the ability to see in the dark. It was worn by the Bohrok and was one of the eight types of Krana. The Krana controlled the Bohrok, and the Bohrok could not function properly without them. All Krana were made by the Bahrag sisters by adding Energized Protodermis to an unknown form of energy. The Toa Mata collected one of each type of Krana from each species of Bohrok, and these unlocked the chambers containing their Exo-Toa armour."@en . "Head Smash"@en . . . . . "Goldhain"@de . . "Human"@en . . "Bo is a character in Rocket Slime."@en . . . "Bo es el guardaspaldas personal de Johnny Cage. El es grande, calvo y musculoso, tanto que pudo recibir un impacto directo de Goro y casi ni se inmuto. Apareci\u00F3 por primera vez cuando Liu Kang estaba siendo golpeado brutalmente por el Pr\u00EDncipe Shokan, sin la distracci\u00F3n por Bo, Liu Kang casi seguro hubiese muerto a manos de Goro. Bo sobrevivi\u00F3 a los golpes. Durante el curso de los acontecimientos, Bo salio con un brazo roto, sin embargo, en la segunda edici\u00F3n del torneo, logr\u00F3 derrotar a Reptile literalmente solo. Decidio que no sab\u00EDa lo suficiente sobre Outworld para continuar con el \"concurso\" de Shao Kahn, hab\u00EDa presentado al Earthrealm y las fuerzas del Outworld, Bo pasaba en el resto del concurso se sent\u00F3 en el inconsciente Reptile, su enorme marco pinning a asegurar el terreno la lag"@es . . "He was wizened and tall, with pointed ears and a slight build. He had light brown hair, and wore a silver headband and the red robes of a Magistrate. He had a regal and imposing figure, but was nearing the end of his years. He was good friends with the scholar Devlin Morely, the druid Alagar, and Captain Jarrell, commander of the fleet of the Six Shards."@en . . "fire"@en . . "Big Daddy"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bo ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid der Ebenen. Il veille sur ces vastes et plates \u00E9tendues de terre. En faisant en sorte que les bouftous n\u2019y broutent pas toute l\u2019herbe et que les aventuriers n\u2019y laissent pas leurs d\u00E9chets lors de pique-niques. Ah \u00E7a, on ne peut pas dire que la vie de Bo soit pleine de rebondissements ! Die Hapideiden sind die Besch\u00FCtzer der Tage in der Welt der Zw\u00F6lf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Bo besch\u00FCtzt den 5. Maisial. Wenn du mit dem Geist von Bo sprechen m\u00F6chtest, dann musst du ihm eine Opfergabe darbringen.Bo ist Hauptdarsteller in der Quest \"Opfergabe f\u00FCr Bo\". Eine \u00DCbersicht aller 365 Opfergaben-Quests findet sich unter Almanax."@de . . . . "In the Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) time sector Roger is certain that due to the case of time travel Bo's gender certainly changed to a female, and that \"she' certainly remembered that he destroyed the BAR's slot machine. But there are other accounts that suggest that during his past (or pasts) that the bartender was a man."@en . "Magistrate"@en . "Feisty, fighting mad cow."@en . . "Fights, action, loud music."@en . . . "The Krana Bo was the sentinel Krana. It gave its user the ability to see in the dark. It was worn by the Bohrok and was one of the eight types of Krana. The Krana controlled the Bohrok, and the Bohrok could not function properly without them. All Krana were made by the Bahrag sisters by adding Energized Protodermis to an unknown form of energy. The Toa Mata collected one of each type of Krana from each species of Bohrok, and these unlocked the chambers containing their Exo-Toa armour."@en . . "Bo z\u00E4hlt zu den Bewohnern und Bewohnerinnen Goldhains im Wald von Elwynn."@de . . . "Stormwind"@en . . "fighting"@en . . "bo invariable [bu] prononciations \n* l. : [bu] 1. \n* 2. \n* REDIRECTION variante de o#1Cat\u00E9gorie:Variante (pronom neutre) r\u00E9f\u00E9rences \n* R2 : Ubaud 2011Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien, Cantalausa 2002Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien, Alibert 1997Cat\u00E9gorie:Languedocien"@fr . . "thumb|258px|Bo con Bucky Bo es un personaje del Universo Disney. Es el mejor amigo de Bucky Bug. Bucky siempre conf\u00EDa en \u00E9l, pues aunque luzca como un viejo vagabundo, Bo siempre le ha ense\u00F1ado lo mejor para vivir. Por eso mismo, tambi\u00E9n es un buen amigo de su familia. Aparece en el cortometraje Bugs in Love y en varios c\u00F3mics de Bucky. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Insectos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Silly Symphonies"@es . "Alliance"@en . . . . . . . "Bo is a registered Libertarian. His strongest libertarian positions include the right to bear arms, the freedom of speech, marijuana decriminalization, and FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION (as in businesses can refuse service, organizations can exclude individuals from membership as they see fit, and the owner/admins of discussion boards have the right to decide who is and who is not welcome on their site). Bo is also a Christian and has spent some time feuding with his arch nemesis and noted DA antitheist Mister E. on the forum Health, Wellness, Spirituality & Medical. Preferring to stay out of political debates, he usually only enters political forums to issue infractions and lock threads that have turned sour. However, as an avid supporter of the 2nd Amendment, Bo is occasionally found debating t"@en . "Bo"@en . "16"^^ . . . "18"^^ . "Bo est une gluante qui appara\u00EEt dans Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. C'est la soeur de Rocket, le personnage principal. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnage"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bo tells of the last three plagues, locusts, darkness, especially the death of the firstborn. The rituals the Hebrews are asked to follow to protect their firstborn foreshadow Pesach. The Pharaoh decides again to let the Hebrew slaves go. Exodus 10:1-13:16 Hebrew: \u05D1\u05B9\u05BC\u05D0"@en . . . . . "An incredibly nice player and current leader of the healing guild, Serenity. He is very shy. He enjoys helping players and wandering through areas, especially secret ones or Lost Grounds. He can sometimes be found in areas for new players or low-leveled ones, trying to help the best he can. If he is not accessing Bo_, he will use _Bo, which he uses to heal players in Delta: Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field. Sometimes mistaken for a fake Bo, _Bo is the exact same person as Bo_. He was involved in Morganna Mode Gone's Epitaph User event, but after it was deemed fake, he realized about the entire situation. Whenever he sees former Epitaph Users, he may sometimes call them by the name of the Phase they were assigned. Healing is a number 1 priority and he tries his best to heal as much as he can"@en . . . . . "Bo is a registered Libertarian. His strongest libertarian positions include the right to bear arms, the freedom of speech, marijuana decriminalization, and FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION (as in businesses can refuse service, organizations can exclude individuals from membership as they see fit, and the owner/admins of discussion boards have the right to decide who is and who is not welcome on their site). Bo is also a Christian and has spent some time feuding with his arch nemesis and noted DA antitheist Mister E. on the forum Health, Wellness, Spirituality & Medical. Preferring to stay out of political debates, he usually only enters political forums to issue infractions and lock threads that have turned sour. However, as an avid supporter of the 2nd Amendment, Bo is occasionally found debating the rights of gun owners, but prefers instead to post pictures of his own firearms and use the forums to discuss all the wonders of things that go boom with fellow 2nd amendment supporters such as Evil Elmo."@en . . . . "Female"@en . . . . . "With Black"@en . . . "Likes"@en . . . . . "Brown"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Bo once blew a gum bubble so big it completely covered her brother, Pat."@en . "Might and Magic: The Sea of Mist"@en . "Bo"@ia . . . . "Bo is a character in Rocket Slime."@en . "Bo was the name of a group of two Rebel BFF-1 Bulk Freighters that carried food away from Yavin 4. Red Squadron oversaw their exit from the Imperial blockade."@en . . . . "Bo is Black's third Pok\u00E9mon acquired from Professor Juniper and is his Starter Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "Shake It Up, Up & Away 55.jpg"@pl . . "Full Name"@en . . . "Black Black"@en . . . . "Bo.jpg"@de . . "BO"@ia . "Bo"@de . . "Bo is one of the lamb twins. His sister is Lalolin. He is, as Lalolin put it, \"defined by one word: stupid. He is very carefree and cheerful, and \"loves everybody.\" He often annoys his friends with his antics, and frequently walked off cliffs and misnturrprets words, though was always oner of the most lovable characters."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Although she respects Madame Milkbelly she is often cheeky to her, calling her 'Madame M.' or 'Madame Milky'. This is frowned upon by Mcmoo though. Bo also paints her udder strange colors - in World War Moo she even paints it as the Union Jack! Bo has other talents as well - she drives a roman War Wagon in The Roman Moo-Stery, and flies a fighter plane in World War Moo. Despite from this she often runs of, straight into trouble. For example in The Roman Moo-Stery she charges headlong out of the Time Shed, forgetting her Ringblender, and is captured by Lanista."@en . . . "\u30AE\u30EA\u30A2\u30E0"@en . . "Bo is Black's third Pok\u00E9mon acquired from Professor Juniper and is his Starter Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . . . "None"@en . "Fletcher's star pupil is located in the West Grassy Plains camp before the Desertward Ravine."@en . . "Greatest Achievement"@en . . "Bo is an NPC located in Farnum Farm next to the Sheep Watch battle."@en . "Kern was part of the Council of Immortals that bestowed upon Santa Claus the Mantle of Immortality. (The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus). In the 2000 adaptation of the story, Bo serves as a skeptical voice at the council meeting, similar to the role the King of the Wind Demons played in the Rankin Bass version."@en . . . . "Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime"@en . "Bo was the name of a group of two Rebel BFF-1 Bulk Freighters that carried food away from Yavin 4. Red Squadron oversaw their exit from the Imperial blockade."@en . . . . "The B\u00F4 was a 5.9 ft long Staff-weapon from Eastern Middle-Earth.The Easterlings also used shorter fighting-staffs such as the Jo and the hanbo or Half Bo.In the Westlands the Northrons and Eriadorians used similar weapons known as the Quarterstaff and the Staef or Short-Staff."@en . . "Undead"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Bo"@pl . "797"^^ . . "Bonnie Boudica Vine"@en . . . . "thumb|258px|Bo con Bucky Bo es un personaje del Universo Disney. Es el mejor amigo de Bucky Bug. Bucky siempre conf\u00EDa en \u00E9l, pues aunque luzca como un viejo vagabundo, Bo siempre le ha ense\u00F1ado lo mejor para vivir. Por eso mismo, tambi\u00E9n es un buen amigo de su familia. Aparece en el cortometraje Bugs in Love y en varios c\u00F3mics de Bucky. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Insectos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Silly Symphonies"@es . "Bos resemble small black balls with rectangular white eyes and a blue aura that surrounds them."@en . . . . . . . "Giriamu"@en . . . "Bullies, Bessie Barmer."@en . . . . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . . "Bo.png"@en . . . . . "87"^^ . . . . "Praz-El - foster son"@en . . "Bo"@es . "Bo was a maintenance worker on Babylon 5. In 2262 he was partnered with Mack and the pair served as an on-call \"floater\" team. He and Mack were good friends who got a first hand look at the action when an unknown alien race attacked the station. Bo was summoned to the med lab, where Dr. Franklin had him repair the isolab console. Bo asked Franklin why he would bother trying to save the life of their enemies. Franklin told Bo about his father being saved by a doctor when he was a prisoner of war. Franklin tells Bo that he will try to save the life of their enemies because that is what he would want their enemies to do. Bo then headed to the fighter bay where Mack met up with him. The pair were briefly caught in the melee between the alien boarding party and security, forced to defend themselves; Mack made use of a discarded PPG rifle to kill one of the attackers while Bo engaged in fisticuffs. Fleeing the skirmish they encountered Byron's telepaths, who permitted them to stay. When the telepaths used their abilities to briefly control an intruder and force them to leave, Bo was impressed and decided to engage Byron in conversation. At Bo's unwitting prompting, Byron briefly projected Bo's mind into that of one of the Starfury pilots of whom Bo had expressed admiration. Bo felt gratitude and awe for that act, but Mack hastily left. Bo followed him. Bo along with Mack was ordered by President Sheridan to escort Delenn to an escape pod which Delenn refused to board. After the fighting stopped, Bo returned to work."@en . . . . . "The Bo staff was the simplest common weapon in Rokugan. It was a wooden staff of roughly five to six feet in length, and was most commonly carried by travelers and monks. The bo had no penetrating power when it came to armor, but a master with the staff was not to be taken lightly whether you wear armor or not. It was notably more difficult to hit a trained bo user. The bo's primary advantage was it length, as it was longer than the average katana. Athletic individuals could use the bo as leverage to propel themselves into aerial maneuvers."@en . . . . . "Bo"@fr . . . "All melee teammates get +20% HP. You get a small bonus to item drop chance."@en . "Hates"@en . . . .