. . "Germany"@en . . . "Runt, Idiot, Badda-Boomski"@en . . . "2"^^ . . "Age"@en . . . "8919"^^ . . . "; No Image Male.jpg"@en . "5423"^^ . "2806"^^ . . "Pyro"@en . "Pyro likes chocolate cake, sparkly objects, fruits, and hugging random people. Pyro dislikes when he unknowingly burns something, Balls attitude and manipulative personality, and rude people."@en . . . . . "10197"^^ . "25"^^ . "Desconocido."@es . "Der Pyro (zu Deutsch: Feuerwerker) ist eine der zehn bzw. neun spielbaren Klassen aus Team Fortress, Team Fortress Classic und Team Fortress 2. Wie der Scout und Soldier geh\u00F6rt der Pyro zu den drei Angriffs-Klassen. Als offensive Klasse eignet er sich besonders f\u00FCr Nahk\u00E4mpfe oder Hinterhalte, da er in k\u00FCrzester Zeit massiven Fl\u00E4chenschaden verursachen kann - sofern er seinen Opfern nahe genug kommt. Selbst wenn der Pyro einen Angriff nicht \u00FCberleben sollte, k\u00F6nnen seine \u00FCber Zeit wirkenden Flammensch\u00E4den verheerenden Schaden bei Gegnern hervorrufen und diese selbst nach seinem eigenen Ableben t\u00F6ten."@de . . . "905"^^ . . . . "The Pyro is one of the 9 playable classes in Valve's Team Fortress 2. A mysterious entity, only two things are really known about the Pyro: Its love to burn things down and its lack of speech."@en . "Monstdrog"@en . "90631"^^ . "\"A Milhouse Divided\""@es . . . . . "Pyro"@en . . "Pyro (\u708E\uFF08\u307B\u306E\u304A\uFF09 Hon\u014D \"Flame\") are a Type of monster that are almost always of the FIRE Attribute, and represent control over FIRE, or they may be an embodiment of fire itself. Their effects often involve the dealing of effect damage to the opponent. They are used by Axel Brodie in the anime. Currently, there is no Field Spell Card designed especially for Pyro-Type monsters, though the card \"Molten Destruction\" works to increase the ATK of FIRE monsters by 500. Pyro Archetypes includes \"Volcanic\", \"Laval\", \"Flamvell\", and \"Hazy Flame\". Some prominent Pyro-Type monsters include \"Uria, Lord of Searing Flames\", \"Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch\", \"Fire Princess\", \"Volcanic Doomfire\", \"Infernal Flame Emperor\", \"Raging Flame Sprite\", \"Tenkabito Shien\" and \"Old Entity Chthugha\". Support cards include \"Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective\", \"Solar Flare Dragon\", \"Royal Firestorm Guards\", and \"The Thing in the Crater\". Although powerful, Pyro-Type monsters are weak against cards such as \"Oxygeddon\", \"Water Dragon\", and \"Umi\"."@en . . "Pyro is one of the four German STTs for Marvel Comic Heroes 2. Pyro also appears in Marvel Comic Heroes 3. The other three STTs are Bullseye, Dark Phoenix and Onslaught."@en . . "Pyro"@en . "The Pyro is a level 2 assault Kbot that is considered to be a stronger version of the A.K. It is armed with a powerful flamethrower weapon. Although its weapon deals a lot of damage, the Pyro's armour is not particularly resistant. Nonetheless, for an advanced unit it is very fast, cheap and quick to produce. Its weapon has troubles with aiming at mobile units and has very short range, which significantly limits its usefulness; it can only really be used effectively against slow, well armored units, such as heavy tanks or armored assault Kbots."@en . . "2006"^^ . . "Pyro"@it . . . . . "Age: 14-17 Gender: Male Species: Impmon Height: 3\"7'"@en . "Si l'Araign\u00E9e est la vitrine de la piraterie dans la galaxie, Pyro en est sans conteste le c\u0153ur battant. Syst\u00E8me stellaire accessoirement d\u00E9sol\u00E9, d\u00E9pourvu de toute vie et accabl\u00E9 par une phase de nova prolong\u00E9e, Pyro est surtout connu pour accueillir une station en ruine de Gold Horizon, partag\u00E9 par les pirates. De fa\u00E7on similaire \u00E0 l'Araign\u00E9e, Pyro est un cas typique de vide rempli (puis d\u00E9velopp\u00E9) par les pirates lorsque le syst\u00E8me fut abandonn\u00E9 par les d\u00E9veloppeurs civilis\u00E9s; mais contrairement \u00E0 l'Araign\u00E9e, la station de Pyro n\u2019est pas devenue un syst\u00E8me bien organis\u00E9 autour du march\u00E9 noir, semblable \u00E0 ceux qui ont \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9s pour les marchands l\u00E9gitimes sur les mondes normaux. Ici, des bandes rivales sont en lutte constante pour \u00E9tablir leur mainmise sur la station et tout ce qui se d\u00E9"@fr . "After the UMA transformed into the Death Squad, everyone from TF2 joined the Death Squad."@en . "Stone Town"@en . "18.3"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "1958"^^ . "American"@en . . . "941066"^^ . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "10192131"^^ . . "Pyro is subject to all human vulnerabilities and limitations."@en . . . . "Chase, conocido profesionalmente como Pyro, es un gladiador americano, una parodia de la vida real \"Gladiator Nitro\"."@es . . . . . . . . . . "Himself"@en . . "2010-12-02"^^ . . "IL040"@en . "89721"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Alexander Burton"@en . . "(Assemble!); Pyro.png"@en . . "Freaks"@en . . . . . "As the public was beginning to tire of Maciej's show, Boris decided he should breathe new life into it by hiring a sexy young assistant known as Pyro. Unfortunately for Maciej, the young Pyro has rapidly shot to fame and Boris has been left wondering if maybe the two shouldn't swap roles."@en . "None"@en . . . . . . . . "Kanto"@en . . . . . "Story"@en . "157"^^ . . "\"Fire spreads in all directions\" - Game Description Pyro is a Power-Up found in Pac-Man 256, and can be seen as an upgrade to Fire. When consumed, the tile that Pac-Man is on will be set ablaze, destroying any ghost that runs across it. In addition to this, the fire will start spreading to adjacent tiles. The Pyro Power-Up requires _ Pac-Dots to be eaten before unlocked."@en . "(Community MCU); Pyroaaron.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . . "*Laff Riot"@en . . "Meet the Pyro300px|link=Meet the Pyro"@en . . "John Allerdyce; John Allerdyce 0006.jpg"@en . . "4"^^ . . . "List of Pyro-Type support cards"@en . "Pyro is the fourth episode of The Young Knight season 1."@en . . . "17"^^ . "Control del fuego"@es . "20051"^^ . "FIAR"@en . . "Matthew Mitler"@en . . "Es el 1\u00B0 Alien que uso Tai en la serie Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental."@es . . . . . . "List of Pyro-Type anti-support cards"@en . . "Son: Homer Jr."@en . . . . . "Si l'Araign\u00E9e est la vitrine de la piraterie dans la galaxie, Pyro en est sans conteste le c\u0153ur battant. Syst\u00E8me stellaire accessoirement d\u00E9sol\u00E9, d\u00E9pourvu de toute vie et accabl\u00E9 par une phase de nova prolong\u00E9e, Pyro est surtout connu pour accueillir une station en ruine de Gold Horizon, partag\u00E9 par les pirates. De fa\u00E7on similaire \u00E0 l'Araign\u00E9e, Pyro est un cas typique de vide rempli (puis d\u00E9velopp\u00E9) par les pirates lorsque le syst\u00E8me fut abandonn\u00E9 par les d\u00E9veloppeurs civilis\u00E9s; mais contrairement \u00E0 l'Araign\u00E9e, la station de Pyro n\u2019est pas devenue un syst\u00E8me bien organis\u00E9 autour du march\u00E9 noir, semblable \u00E0 ceux qui ont \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9s pour les marchands l\u00E9gitimes sur les mondes normaux. Ici, des bandes rivales sont en lutte constante pour \u00E9tablir leur mainmise sur la station et tout ce qui se d\u00E9roule \u00E0 proximit\u00E9. Tout espoir de voir un jour se d\u00E9velopper de la vie dans le syst\u00E8me Pyro s\u2019est \u00E9vanoui il y a de cela plusieurs millions d\u2019ann\u00E9es, lorsque l\u2019\u00E9toile du syst\u00E8me a commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 devenir une nova. Des astrobiologistes qui se sont pench\u00E9s sur les restes de sa zone habitable th\u00E9orique on trouv\u00E9 peu d\u2019indices pouvant laisser penser que des formes de vie \u00E9volu\u00E9es auraient d\u2019aventure pu s\u2019y d\u00E9velopper; on n\u2019a jamais rien trouv\u00E9 d\u2019autre que des fossiles apparent\u00E9s \u00E0 des algues. Le syst\u00E8me se compose de six mondes d\u00E9vast\u00E9s en orbite autour d\u2019une \u00E9toile tr\u00E8s brillante, mais mourante. Pyro n\u2019aurait probablement m\u00EAme pas \u00E9t\u00E9 colonis\u00E9 si l\u2019on n\u2019avait pas d\u00E9couvert qu\u2019il \u00E9tait reli\u00E9 \u00E0 deux syst\u00E8mes habitables via des points de saut. Le syst\u00E8me fut apparemment d\u00E9couvert en 2401 par le Roustabout, un vaisseau ravitailleur battant pavillon terrien qui traversait le syst\u00E8me Taranis alors qu\u2019il avait emprunt\u00E9 l\u2019itin\u00E9raire alternatif \u00E0 la Route Keller. L\u2019officier de quart du vaisseau nota une anomalie gravitationnelle \u00E0 30\u2019000km \u00E0 b\u00E2bord avant, et ne s\u2019en pr\u00E9occupa pas davantage. Il fallut encore attendre quarante-quatre ans avant que la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E0 qui appartenait le vaisseau, alors en qu\u00EAte de nouveaux territoires \u00E0 miner, n\u2019envoie un explorateur dans cette r\u00E9gion et ne cartographie formellement Pyro et ses environs. L\u2019\u00E9tude se contenta de signaler l\u2019instabilit\u00E9 globale du syst\u00E8me plan\u00E9taire, la difficult\u00E9 qu\u2019il y avait \u00E0 trouver des ressources transportables et les faibles chances de terraformer quoi que ce soit avec succ\u00E8s par ici. En plus d\u2019\u00EAtre devenu un centre de piraterie organis\u00E9e, le nom de Pyro est actuellement connu \u00E0 travers toute l\u2019UEE parce qu\u2019il a servi de toile de fond \u00E0 l\u2019un des premiers niveaux de l\u2019Arena Commander d\u2019Original Systems. Les concepteurs de ce simulateur ont estim\u00E9 que la nova d\u2019un bleu glac\u00E9 et le spectacle de d\u00E9solation offert par les plan\u00E8tes se rapprochant lentement de leurs destructions in\u00E9luctables pr\u00E9sentaient un contexte id\u00E9al pour d\u00E9montrer \u00E0 quel point le combat spatial en 3D pouvait \u00EAtre int\u00E9ressant !"@fr . "Il Tipo Pyro \u00E8 un Tipo di mostro caratterizzato da mostri legati alla lava, al fuoco o al calore. Per questo motivo \u00E8 quasi sempre caratterizzato dall'Attributo FUOCO, anche se vi sono alcune eccezioni ( come nel caso dell'Archetipo \"Helios\", i cui mostri sono di Attributo LUCE ). Gli effetti dei mostri Pyro nella maggioranza dei casi sono finalizzati a infliggere Danno da Effetto all'avversario. I mostri Pyro non hanno una loro Carta Magia Terreno. Fra i pi\u00F9 famosi Archetipi caratterizzati da mostri Pyro ci sono \"Helios\", \"Flamvell\", \"Vulcanico\" e \"Laval\". Alcuni potenti mostri Pyro sono \"Uria, Signore delle Fiamme Ardenti\", \"Thestalos il Monarca della Tempesta di Fuoco\", \"Destino Fuoco Vulcanico\", \"Imperatore della Fiamma Infernale\" e \"Principessa del Fuoco\". I mostri Pyro sono deboli contro carte come \"Oxygeddon\", \"Drago dell'Acqua\" e \"Umi\"."@it . . . . . . "1.2"^^ . "2401"^^ . . "Hon\u014D"@en . . . "7964"^^ . . . "6"^^ . "List of Pyro-Type monsters"@en . . . "Pyro"@en . . "The Pyro is one of the 9 playable classes in Valve's Team Fortress 2. A mysterious entity, only two things are really known about the Pyro: Its love to burn things down and its lack of speech."@en . . . "150"^^ . . . "Beweglichkeit"@en . . . . . . . "Pyro is a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants."@en . . . "7"^^ . . . "311.0"^^ . . "Fire Catcher"@en . "Ross's internet alias."@en . . . "Deceased"@en . . . "I would love to be the first! Pyro is fresh meat! 8D Pyro is delicious when I lick him. - Bobby Drake"@en . . . . "Pyro evolved his Eevee into a Flareon using a Fire Stone."@en . . . . . . . "Uncommon"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chase, also known as Pyro, is an American Gladiator jerk a parody of the real-life Gladiator Nitro. He dated Luann after she divorced Kirk. Their relationship ends when she's caught cheating on him with his best friend Gyro."@en . . "Pyro"@es . . "equipment"@en . . . "Pyrotechnics"@en . . "Pyro"@en . "US-Amerikanisch"@de . . "Pyro is subject to all human vulnerabilities and limitations."@en . . . . "90613"^^ . "Artwork from"@en . "His height"@en . . . . . . "Unpin Island"@en . . . . . . . . . "Es el 1\u00B0 Alien que uso Tai en la serie Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental."@es . . "Level 1 - 69,000 TR"@en . . . "Fire Pengiun"@en . . . "Grosse"@en . . . . . "\"A Milhouse Divided\""@en . . . . . . "Pyro"@cs . "120.0"^^ . "Defeat: Recover 1 Pillz Out of 2"@en . "*Wrath\n*Python\n*The General"@en . . . . "St. John Allerdyce; Pyro Disambiguation.png"@en . "No"@en . . "64"^^ . . "Elev\u00E9e"@fr . . . . . . . . "My Room"@en . . . . "; St. John Allerdyce from X-Men Mutant Academy 001.jpg"@en . "Trainer"@en . . . "\"Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons\""@en . "Blond"@en . . . . "Jim Steinman, Larry Dilg, Steve Stern, and Arthur Wilkins in the musical The Dream Engine Jim Steinman and unidentified vocalists in a live Warner Records audition session for the musical The Dream Engine"@en . "Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons"@en . . . . "A pyro: One who is a pyromaniac, and thus not at all adverse to using fire and sometimes the occasional literal flame to get things their way, or just burning things down because it is shiny. The PPC, despite being largely headed by sentient Flowers, has a lot of these, as well as enough flamethrowers around to make instances of mad agents going flamethrower-crazy a not-uncommon occurrence. Fortunately, there's a whole department where their tendencies can be put to good use. If someone refers to \"a Pyro\" in Headquarters, chances are they are referring to an agent in that department."@en . "Pyro"@nl . "Jumping, fire, climbing, scavenging, to be scared, mechanical things, Halloween, ash."@en . . . . . . . . "Intelligenz"@en . . . "John Allerdyce (also known as Pyro) is a mutant who can control fire. However, he lacks the ability to generate his own."@en . "; St. John Allerdyce from Marvel Heroes 0001.jpg"@en . "92131"^^ . . . "Pyro. Pyro can mean fire or bronze (pyromancer, comes from pyro). We are a close knitted guild, and we are a guild that helps each other. We may not be the strongest, but we have the best set of guild friends. We focus more on the team work than leveling the guild, which make the people with in it even better. \n* Leader ~ Hinairusu \n* class ~ Eniripsa \n* Second in command ~ Kerkle-angel \n* class ~ Sadida \n* Second in command ~ Dragon-flyer \n* class ~ Eniripsa \n* Second in command ~ Hinoa \n* class ~ Cra \n* Treasurer ~ Queenoftraps \n* class ~ Sram"@en . . . . . "Pyro (\u708E\uFF08\u307B\u306E\u304A\uFF09 Hon\u014D \"Flame\") are a Type of monster that are almost always of the FIRE Attribute, and represent control over FIRE, or they may be an embodiment of fire itself. Their effects often involve the dealing of effect damage to the opponent. They are used by Axel Brodie in the anime. Currently, there is no Field Spell Card designed especially for Pyro-Type monsters, though the card \"Molten Destruction\" works to increase the ATK of FIRE monsters by 500. Pyro Archetypes includes \"Volcanic\", \"Laval\", \"Flamvell\", and \"Hazy Flame\"."@en . "Elemento X \u2190 Pyro \u2192 Aqua"@es . . . . "Vaz Hyper"@en . "Pyro.png"@de . . "St John Allerdyce was born in Sydney, Australia. Although named St John (pronounced Sinjin), he preferred the name John. As he got older he learned he could manipulate & control fire, but was unable to create it. Little is known about his past life other then he was a writer and spent most of his time in South East Asia working as a Journalist and later attempted a career as an author of Gothic novels."@en . . . "After the UMA transformed into the Death Squad, everyone from TF2 joined the Death Squad."@en . . . . . . . . . . "(Marvel Renaissance); John Allerdyce 001.png"@en . "thumb T\u0159\u00EDda #: 3 Pozice: Offence (\u00FAtok) Zdrav\u00ED: 175 (s Medikem a\u017E 260) Rychlost: Norm\u00E1ln\u00ED Zbran\u011B: Plamenomet Brokovnice Po\u017E\u00E1rnick\u00E1 sekera Odemknuten\u00E9 zbran\u011B: Backburner Flare gun (sv\u011Btlice) Axtinguisher Schopnosti: Dok\u00E1\u017Ee zap\u00E1lit pomoc\u00ED pok\u0159iku Popis S Pyrem se vyplat\u00ED b\u011Bhat u zdi, kv\u016Fli kr\u00E1tk\u00E9mu dosahu jeho plamenometu."@cs . . . "KillaCroc, BlackJack & SS5ACE174's version"@en . . . "Pyro is an American-Japanese TV series that aired on Cartoon Network since March 2, 1991. This TV show is still aired to this day. [[Category:Cartoonfow"@en . "; Pyro.jpg"@en . . "thumb|200px Pyro ist ein Monstertyp, der aus Feuermonstern besteht. Diese kontrollieren entweder das Feuer oder bestehen sogar selbst daraus."@de . "Nicknames"@en . "John Allderdyce alias Pyro ist ein Mutant und Mitglied der Bruderschaft der Mutanten."@de . . . . . "8909"^^ . . . . "Pok\u00E9mon: Indigo League"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "A pyro: One who is a pyromaniac, and thus not at all adverse to using fire and sometimes the occasional literal flame to get things their way, or just burning things down because it is shiny. The PPC, despite being largely headed by sentient Flowers, has a lot of these, as well as enough flamethrowers around to make instances of mad agents going flamethrower-crazy a not-uncommon occurrence. Fortunately, there's a whole department where their tendencies can be put to good use. If someone refers to \"a Pyro\" in Headquarters, chances are they are referring to an agent in that department."@en . . . . "6"^^ . "Pyronite"@es . "175.26"^^ . . "Naine Rouge \u00E9ruptive"@fr . "pet"@en . "Pyro"@ru . . . . . . . "(Modern Universe); Pyro_61615.jpg"@en . . "Aaron Stanford"@en . "Flamethrower"@en . . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "10"^^ . . . . . . "10724"^^ . . . "510"^^ . . "Pyro is a trainer who uses a Flareon."@en . . . . . "X-Men"@en . "Pyro"@en . "Normal Human"@en . . . . . . . . "Pyro"@en . . . . . . "Masculino"@es . . . . "Etoile unique"@fr . . "A hot tempered and competitive fire spirit."@en . "91119"^^ . "Bronze"@en . . "*U.S. Military\n*Hazard Zone Guerillas"@en . . "Flame"@en . "Neutral-Evil"@en . . . "\u708E Y\u00E1n / Jim4"@en . . . . . "40"^^ . . . . . . "Los Angeles, California"@en . . . . . . . "; Pyro .jpg"@en . "Team Fortress 2"@en . . . . . "3750"^^ . . . . . . "91240"^^ . . . . . . . "100.0"^^ . "25"^^ . . . "\u30A2\u30C4\u30B7 Atsushi"@en . . "Pyro is a Monstdrog that LOVES fiar. He can literally do anything with it because the material he is made of is fiar proof. IF HE COULD, HE WOULD MARRY FIAR."@en . "Pyrus"@es . "Ross's internet alias."@en . "(Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg"@en . "Control over Fire"@en . . . . . "11052"^^ . . . . . "; St. John Allerdyce .jpg"@en . . "1978"^^ . . "X-Men: The Official Game"@en . . "(Community MCU Reboot); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . . . . . "Chase, also known as Pyro, is an American Gladiator jerk a parody of the real-life Gladiator Nitro. He dated Luann after she divorced Kirk. Their relationship ends when she's caught cheating on him with his best friend Gyro."@en . . "Faxon .png"@es . "Pyro"@ru . . . . . . . . . . "\u708E"@en . . . . . "; No Image Male.jpg"@en . "Pyro the Penguin makes is first appearance in Fire Toss."@en . . . "Wife: Gretchen"@en . . . . . . . . "58163"^^ . . . "John Allerdyce"@en . . "Can light himself on fiar due to his material being fiar proof"@en . "Female"@en . "John Allerdyce"@de . . . . "Pyro; Pyro 008.jpg"@en . "175"^^ . . "11326"^^ . . . . . "Changing"@en . . . . . "Pyro"@en . . . "See \"Powers\""@en . "\u307B\u306E\u304A"@en . . . "Pyro is a Monstdrog that LOVES fiar. He can literally do anything with it because the material he is made of is fiar proof. IF HE COULD, HE WOULD MARRY FIAR."@en . "John Wagner and Alan Grant"@en . "--04-07"^^ . "2301"^^ . . . . "25158"^^ . "Piro"@en . . "Pyro the Penguin makes is first appearance in Fire Toss."@en . . . . "The Pyro is a versatile attack/defense class, specializing in ambush tactics. This class is easy to use/pick up, but takes time to master."@en . . . . . . . "Lebendig"@de . . "Rosal"@en . "Desconocido"@es . . . . . . "Pyro"@en . "Pyro was a being made of fire. Pyro was summoned by Hera when her disciple Zandar needed a great weapon to use against Hercules. Pyro attacked Hercules in the cellar of Salmoneus' mansion in Orestia and killed Zandar himself during the process. Hercules was able to defeat Pyro by capturing him in a barrel and cutting off his supply of oxygen. It was unclear whether Pyro had been killed or whether he could return."@en . . "54321"^^ . . . "KillaCroc & ZVitor"@en . . "John Allerdyce (also known as Pyro) is a mutant who can control fire. However, he lacks the ability to generate his own."@en . . . . . . . "Chase"@es . . . . "United States of America"@en . . "Pyro was one of the many servants of The Entity, and was able to blast fire at his foes."@en . . . . . . . "Pyro is the fourth episode of The Young Knight season 1."@en . "Mutant"@en . "150"^^ . . . "InfernalFlameEmperor-TF04-JP-VG.jpg"@en . . "Piro"@en . "Non Revendiqu\u00E9"@fr . "Pyro \u2014 \u043F\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 Steam, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u044F\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u043B\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438."@ru . "Pyro is a trainer who uses a Flareon."@en . . . . "Pet / Pet"@en . . "Chase"@en . . "\u041B\u044E\u0431\u0430\u044F \u043B\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F"@ru . . . . . "\u0424\u0430\u0439\u043B:1290463516.png"@ru . "John Allderdyce alias Pyro ist ein Mutant und Mitglied der Bruderschaft der Mutanten."@de . . . . . . "295"^^ . . . . . "2149"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Pyro"@es . . . . . . . . . "Dennis Bateman"@en . . "Bonta"@en . . . . "\u041F\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0435"@ru . . . . "John Allerdyce ( Pyro) - mutant urodzony w Sydney. Wr\u00F3g X-Men\u00F3w. Jego umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci\u0105 jest moc kontrolowania ognia. John to osoba nieczu\u0142a ale i ambitna."@pl . . . . . . . . "X2: X-Men United"@en . . "As his name states, he is the Pyrotechnician of the team and is capable of cooking his enemies with Flamethrowers and finding Spies more effectively than any other class. Some say the Pyro is a woman because of the purse in his locker, among other things. But most of the community believes that he is a traumatized male and due the fact that his voice actor is a male (the same that makes the Spy voice, Dennis Bateman)."@en . . "Pyro"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Pyro was one of the many servants of The Entity, and was able to blast fire at his foes."@en . . . . "13133"^^ . "Pyro is one of the four German STTs for Marvel Comic Heroes 2. Pyro also appears in Marvel Comic Heroes 3. The other three STTs are Bullseye, Dark Phoenix and Onslaught."@en . "American Gladiator"@en . . . . . . . "Pyro is the only brother of Electro that is still alive. He appears as the Expert Track boss."@en . . "2988"^^ . "Pyro"@en . . . . "\"Fire spreads in all directions\" - Game Description Pyro is a Power-Up found in Pac-Man 256, and can be seen as an upgrade to Fire. When consumed, the tile that Pac-Man is on will be set ablaze, destroying any ghost that runs across it. In addition to this, the fire will start spreading to adjacent tiles. The Pyro Power-Up requires _ Pac-Dots to be eaten before unlocked."@en . "81727"^^ . "Rubio"@es . . . . "X-Men"@en . . . "1065"^^ . "KBOT"@en . . "Kampfstarke"@en . . . . "Pyro"@de . . . . . . "Pyro"@fr . . "Pyro"@en . "Pyro likes chocolate cake, sparkly objects, fruits, and hugging random people. Pyro dislikes when he unknowingly burns something, Balls attitude and manipulative personality, and rude people."@en . "St. John Allerdyce; St. John Allerdyce 004.jpg"@en . . . "300"^^ . "(Ultra Universe); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Pyro the Pengiun sees a fire"@en . . . . . . . . "1036"^^ . . . "thumb|200px Pyro ist ein Monstertyp, der aus Feuermonstern besteht. Diese kontrollieren entweder das Feuer oder bestehen sogar selbst daraus."@de . "As the public was beginning to tire of Maciej's show, Boris decided he should breathe new life into it by hiring a sexy young assistant known as Pyro. Unfortunately for Maciej, the young Pyro has rapidly shot to fame and Boris has been left wondering if maybe the two shouldn't swap roles."@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "Jim Steinman, Larry Dilg, Steve Stern, and Arthur Wilkins in the musical The Dream Engine Jim Steinman and unidentified vocalists in a live Warner Records audition session for the musical The Dream Engine"@en . "y"@en . . . "Ex-Girlfriend: Luann"@en . . "Pyro"@pl . "77995"^^ . "Schnelligkeit"@en . "16"^^ . "; St. John Allerdyce 0001.jpg"@en . "X-Men: The Last Stand"@en . . . "The Pyro is a versatile attack/defense class, specializing in ambush tactics. This class is easy to use/pick up, but takes time to master."@en . "(X-Ceptional); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Desconocida"@es . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Pyro"@en . "Bad"@en . . . "30"^^ . . "--07-15"^^ . . . "2200"^^ . . . . "\"Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons\""@en . "As his name states, he is the Pyrotechnician of the team and is capable of cooking his enemies with Flamethrowers and finding Spies more effectively than any other class. Some say the Pyro is a woman because of the purse in his locker, among other things. But most of the community believes that he is a traumatized male and due the fact that his voice actor is a male (the same that makes the Spy voice, Dennis Bateman)."@en . "Kraft"@en . "See \"Abilities\""@en . "Pyro is the only brother of Electro that is still alive. He appears as the Expert Track boss."@en . "Pyro is a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants."@en . . . . . . . . . "(X-Men: Marvels of Genetics); PyroModernUniformDialog zpscd914ff1.png"@en . "8"^^ . "93600"^^ . "(Marvel Unleashed); PyroEarth606.png"@en . "Secret"@en . "Der Pyro (zu Deutsch: Feuerwerker) ist eine der zehn bzw. neun spielbaren Klassen aus Team Fortress, Team Fortress Classic und Team Fortress 2. Wie der Scout und Soldier geh\u00F6rt der Pyro zu den drei Angriffs-Klassen. Als offensive Klasse eignet er sich besonders f\u00FCr Nahk\u00E4mpfe oder Hinterhalte, da er in k\u00FCrzester Zeit massiven Fl\u00E4chenschaden verursachen kann - sofern er seinen Opfern nahe genug kommt. Selbst wenn der Pyro einen Angriff nicht \u00FCberleben sollte, k\u00F6nnen seine \u00FCber Zeit wirkenden Flammensch\u00E4den verheerenden Schaden bei Gegnern hervorrufen und diese selbst nach seinem eigenen Ableben t\u00F6ten."@de . . . . . "Chase, conocido profesionalmente como Pyro, es un gladiador americano, una parodia de la vida real \"Gladiator Nitro\"."@es . . . "X-Men"@en . . "Johnny Storm(Avengers & Mutant Conflict); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "(Marvel Nexus); St. John Allerdyce 3.jpg"@en . . . . . "260"^^ . "Pyro. Pyro can mean fire or bronze (pyromancer, comes from pyro). We are a close knitted guild, and we are a guild that helps each other. We may not be the strongest, but we have the best set of guild friends. We focus more on the team work than leveling the guild, which make the people with in it even better. \n* Leader ~ Hinairusu \n* class ~ Eniripsa \n* Second in command ~ Kerkle-angel \n* class ~ Sadida \n* Second in command ~ Dragon-flyer \n* class ~ Eniripsa \n* Second in command ~ Hinoa \n* class ~ Cra \n* Treasurer ~ Queenoftraps \n* class ~ Sram"@en . . . "95099"^^ . . . . "Alive"@en . . . "Non-movable guard"@en . . "CORPYRO"@en . . . "fire"@en . "Oxyg\u00E8ne\nNourriture"@fr . "Il Tipo Pyro \u00E8 un Tipo di mostro caratterizzato da mostri legati alla lava, al fuoco o al calore. Per questo motivo \u00E8 quasi sempre caratterizzato dall'Attributo FUOCO, anche se vi sono alcune eccezioni ( come nel caso dell'Archetipo \"Helios\", i cui mostri sono di Attributo LUCE ). Gli effetti dei mostri Pyro nella maggioranza dei casi sono finalizzati a infliggere Danno da Effetto all'avversario. I mostri Pyro non hanno una loro Carta Magia Terreno. Fra i pi\u00F9 famosi Archetipi caratterizzati da mostri Pyro ci sono \"Helios\", \"Flamvell\", \"Vulcanico\" e \"Laval\". Alcuni potenti mostri Pyro sono \"Uria, Signore delle Fiamme Ardenti\", \"Thestalos il Monarca della Tempesta di Fuoco\", \"Destino Fuoco Vulcanico\", \"Imperatore della Fiamma Infernale\" e \"Principessa del Fuoco\". I mostri Pyro sono deboli c"@it . "4"^^ . . . "The Battling Eevee Brothers"@en . . . . . . "Pyro"@en . "Name: Pyro [St. John Allerdyce] Prawdziwe imi\u0119 i nazwisko: St. John Allerdyce Uniwersum: 616 To\u017Csamo\u015B\u0107: Znana w\u0142adzom federalnym Wzrost: 5' 10\" (175 cm) Waga: 150 lbs. (67 kg) Kolor w\u0142os\u00F3w: Blond Kolor oczu: Niebieskie Zaj\u0119cie/zaw\u00F3d: Dziennikarz, pisarz Klasa postaci: Mutant Status prawny: Nie \u017Cyje Stan cywilny: Kawaler Narodowo\u015B\u0107: Australijczyk Miejsce narodzin: Sydney, Australia Znani krewni: Brak Powi\u0105zania z grupami: Freedom Force, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Strikeforce Baza operacyjna: Brak Pierwsze pojawienie si\u0119: Uncanny X-Men #141 Ostatnie pojawienie si\u0119: Cable #87"@pl . . "Pyro \u2014 \u043F\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 Steam, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u044F\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u043B\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438."@ru . "thumb T\u0159\u00EDda #: 3 Pozice: Offence (\u00FAtok) Zdrav\u00ED: 175 (s Medikem a\u017E 260) Rychlost: Norm\u00E1ln\u00ED Zbran\u011B: Plamenomet Brokovnice Po\u017E\u00E1rnick\u00E1 sekera Odemknuten\u00E9 zbran\u011B: Backburner Flare gun (sv\u011Btlice) Axtinguisher Schopnosti: Dok\u00E1\u017Ee zap\u00E1lit pomoc\u00ED pok\u0159iku Popis S Pyrem se vyplat\u00ED b\u011Bhat u zdi, kv\u016Fli kr\u00E1tk\u00E9mu dosahu jeho plamenometu."@cs . . "\u25CF"@fr . "y"@en . . . "Pyro was a being made of fire. Pyro was summoned by Hera when her disciple Zandar needed a great weapon to use against Hercules. Pyro attacked Hercules in the cellar of Salmoneus' mansion in Orestia and killed Zandar himself during the process. Hercules was able to defeat Pyro by capturing him in a barrel and cutting off his supply of oxygen. It was unclear whether Pyro had been killed or whether he could return."@en . . . . . "John Allerdyce ( Pyro) - mutant urodzony w Sydney. Wr\u00F3g X-Men\u00F3w. Jego umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci\u0105 jest moc kontrolowania ognia. John to osoba nieczu\u0142a ale i ambitna."@pl . "Pyro is an American-Japanese TV series that aired on Cartoon Network since March 2, 1991. This TV show is still aired to this day. [[Category:Cartoonfow"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "230.0"^^ . . "Borderlands"@en . "KillaCroc, BlackJack & SS5ACE174"@en . . "Pyro"@de . "I would love to be the first! Pyro is fresh meat! 8D Pyro is delicious when I lick him. - Bobby Drake"@en . . "X-Men comic issue #71"@en . . . . "Name: Pyro [St. John Allerdyce] Prawdziwe imi\u0119 i nazwisko: St. John Allerdyce Uniwersum: 616 To\u017Csamo\u015B\u0107: Znana w\u0142adzom federalnym Wzrost: 5' 10\" (175 cm) Waga: 150 lbs. (67 kg) Kolor w\u0142os\u00F3w: Blond Kolor oczu: Niebieskie Zaj\u0119cie/zaw\u00F3d: Dziennikarz, pisarz Klasa postaci: Mutant Status prawny: Nie \u017Cyje Stan cywilny: Kawaler Narodowo\u015B\u0107: Australijczyk Miejsce narodzin: Sydney, Australia Znani krewni: Brak Powi\u0105zania z grupami: Freedom Force, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Strikeforce Baza operacyjna: Brak Pierwsze pojawienie si\u0119: Uncanny X-Men #141 Ostatnie pojawienie si\u0119: Cable #87"@pl . . . . "Narcotiques\nEquipement nucl\u00E9aire"@fr . . "30"^^ . . . "A hot tempered and competitive fire spirit."@en . . . "X-Men (Film), X-Men 2 und X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand"@de . . "8096"^^ . . . "\uD654\uC5FC Hwayeom"@en . "727"^^ . . . "St John Allerdyce was born in Sydney, Australia. Although named St John (pronounced Sinjin), he preferred the name John. As he got older he learned he could manipulate & control fire, but was unable to create it. Little is known about his past life other then he was a writer and spent most of his time in South East Asia working as a Journalist and later attempted a career as an author of Gothic novels."@en . . . . . "10.0"^^ . "Pyro , Zeth"@en . . . "The Pyro is a level 2 assault Kbot that is considered to be a stronger version of the A.K. It is armed with a powerful flamethrower weapon. Although its weapon deals a lot of damage, the Pyro's armour is not particularly resistant. Nonetheless, for an advanced unit it is very fast, cheap and quick to produce. Its weapon has troubles with aiming at mobile units and has very short range, which significantly limits its usefulness; it can only really be used effectively against slow, well armored units, such as heavy tanks or armored assault Kbots. It is worth noting that the Pyro is probably one of the most effective units if it's going about destroying enemy buildings, though charging at defensive structures is controversial, due to his poor armour. It is agile enough to avoid shells fired from plasma batteries, but these emplacements are usually well protected and the Pyro may not be able to get close enough. Its ARM counterpart is the Zeus, though these units radically differ from each other."@en . . . . . "Brotherhood of Mutants"@en . . "14"^^ . . "Age: 14-17 Gender: Male Species: Impmon Height: 3\"7'"@en . . . . . . "Name"@en .