. . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep507/#!/about"@es . . . . . . "The Ishi Tib race was descended from a species of bony fish that had large, highly-developed, fluke-like fins. They escaped predation by leaving the ocean and staying on land for short periods of time, and natural selection allowed the development of arms, legs, and lungs. Reproduction among the Ishi Tib was considered a necessary part of life, although marriage was unheard of in their society. Males and females were paired together as needed by a school of Ishi Tib, and the fertilized eggs were kept safe in hatcheries. Thus, no Ishi Tib individual knew who their parents were."@en . . "250"^^ . . . . "Intelligent"@nl . . "Gr\u00FCn"@de . . "Ishi Tib"@de . . . . . . . "Ishi Tib"@de . . . . "Amfibie"@nl . . "Los Ishi Tib fueron una Especie inteligente de anfibios humanoides provenientes del planeta Tibrin. Ten\u00EDan la piel verde, largos ojos que se extend\u00EDan hasta unas puntas angulares situadas en cada lado de su cr\u00E1neo, y una boca similar a un pico. Para los Ishi Tib, abrir el pico sin emitir ning\u00FAn sonido era el equivalente al ce\u00F1o fruncido de los humanos."@es . . . . . "Ishi Tib"@en . "\u012Csh'-\u0113 T\u012Db"@nl . . . . "Eyestalks, beak-like mouth"@en . . . "1.7"^^ . . "\u30A4\u30B7\u30FB\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6"@nl . . . "Intelligent"@de . . "Average Height: 1.8 meters Average Lifespan: 200 years Of average height and physically unimposing, the race of Ishi Tib is nonetheless visually distinctive. This species sports a pair of eyes (usually somewhere between yellow to orange) with slitted pupils in set in slightly prehensile triangular stalks. They have blunt beaks, and large, open nostrils. They have three digits on each hand and foot, and often cover most of their skin (which is textured with minute grey to green scales) with leeti-silk wraps. The Ishi Tib are perhaps most well-known for their homeworld of Thyferra, which produces the rare and extremely useful medicine Bacta. Their association with this world has given even the most politically unconscious Ishi Tib an edge of influence in galatic politics. Because of the longstanding power and wealth of their homeworld, the Ishi Tib have developed a culture of agrarian aristocracy. Every Ishi Tib inherits a small parcel of land on Thyferra, which, unless sold (which would itself be a culturally deplorable act), provides them with a comfortable living by any galactic standards. This affluence has lead to a culture of etiquette and privilege, complimented by a thriving intellectualism. The boarding schools of Thyferra are famous for their medical training, and even business graduates emerge with a fair rudimentary skill in first aid."@en . . "The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads. Their bulbous eyes form two of the star's points, their pointed cheeks another two, and their bird-like beaks form the fifth and final point. The Ishi Tib can be found throughout the galaxy, and during the Galactic Civil War, they were allied to the Rebellion. Several Ishi Tib delegates were present at the crucial Alliance briefing prior to the Battle of Endor."@en . "250"^^ . "Los Ishi Tib fueron una Especie inteligente de anfibios humanoides provenientes del planeta Tibrin. Ten\u00EDan la piel verde, largos ojos que se extend\u00EDan hasta unas puntas angulares situadas en cada lado de su cr\u00E1neo, y una boca similar a un pico. Para los Ishi Tib, abrir el pico sin emitir ning\u00FAn sonido era el equivalente al ce\u00F1o fruncido de los humanos."@es . "\"A Test of Strength\" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide"@es . . "Humanoide"@de . . . . . "Ishi Tib"@nl . . . . "Verde"@es . "Ishi Tib"@pt . . . . "Ishi Tib"@nl . "explore/the-clone-wars/ep507/#!/about"@en . . . "Ishi Tib were a species of sentient, humanoid amphibians from the planet Tibrin. They had green skin, large eyes that extended from angular stalks on either side of their skull, and a beak-like mouth. Among the Ishi Tib, opening one's beak without a sound was the equivalent of a human frown."@en . . . . . . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . . . . . "Ishi_Tib.jpg"@de . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . "Ishi Tib"@en . . "Omnivoor"@nl . "\u0418\u0448\u0438-\u0442\u0438\u0431\u044B"@nl . "The Ishi Tib were amphibious beings with large eyes on stalks and beak-like mouths. Their heads were often described as star-shaped, with their eyestalks, beaks, and cheek pouches forming a five-pointed star. Their lungs doubled as internal gills, and they had an acute sense of smell on land or in the water. Their green skins retained humidity, but an Ishi Tib had to bathe in salt water every thirty hours or so, or their skin would crack open, resulting in internal and external bleeding and death. Their language was Tibranese."@en . . "[Source] Les Ishi Tib sont une esp\u00E8ce originaire de la plan\u00E8te Tibrin. Ils poss\u00E8dent un gros bec et la peau verte. Gume Saam \u00E9tait le s\u00E9nateur de cette plan\u00E8te sous la R\u00E9publique Galactique. Lorsque l'Empire Galactique s'imposa, certain Ishi Tib combattirent dans l'Alliance Rebelle contre l'Empire, notamment \u00E0 la bataille d'Endor. D'autres ne s'en pr\u00E9occupais pas comme Shasa Tiel, travaillant pour Jabba Desilijic Tiure."@fr . . . . "Une paire, jaune"@fr . "Die Ishi Tib haben gr\u00FCne, ledrige Haut, die an das Leben unter Wasser angepasst ist. Damit die Haut nicht rissig wird, m\u00FCssen die Ishi Tib regelm\u00E4\u00DFig in ein Wasser, dass die Mineralien der Meere ihres Heimatplaneten enth\u00E4lt. Dies sollte mindestens alle 30 Standardstunden erfolgen, denn sonst kommt es zu Sch\u00E4den an der Haut, schlimmstenfalls auch zum Tod. Au\u00DFerdem haben die Ishi Tib zwei Atmungsorgane, eins f\u00FCr Luft und eins f\u00FCr Wasser. F\u00FCr letzteres ist es ebenfalls wichtig, regelm\u00E4\u00DFig ins Wasser zu gehen."@de . "Ishi Tib"@fr . . . . . . "Verte"@fr . "Ishi Tib"@fr . "*Boca en forma de pico\n*Ped\u00FAnculos"@es . . "1.8"^^ . . "60"^^ . "*Gume Saam\n*Shasa Tiel\n*Waks Trode"@fr . "Die Ishi Tib haben gr\u00FCne, ledrige Haut, die an das Leben unter Wasser angepasst ist. Damit die Haut nicht rissig wird, m\u00FCssen die Ishi Tib regelm\u00E4\u00DFig in ein Wasser, dass die Mineralien der Meere ihres Heimatplaneten enth\u00E4lt. Dies sollte mindestens alle 30 Standardstunden erfolgen, denn sonst kommt es zu Sch\u00E4den an der Haut, schlimmstenfalls auch zum Tod. Au\u00DFerdem haben die Ishi Tib zwei Atmungsorgane, eins f\u00FCr Luft und eins f\u00FCr Wasser. F\u00FCr letzteres ist es ebenfalls wichtig, regelm\u00E4\u00DFig ins Wasser zu gehen. Ishi Tib sind im Durchschnitt 1,80 Meter gro\u00DF und haben zweifingrige H\u00E4nde und flossen\u00E4hnliche F\u00FC\u00DFe. Auff\u00E4llig sind die auf Forts\u00E4tzen platzierten Augen und der Schnabel. Der Schnabel ist sehr stark und wird benutzt, um Muscheln und die Panzer von Tieren zu knacken, er ist aber auch eine wirksame Waffe. Kategorie:Spezies"@de . "*Volk Aymeric\n*Waks Burr\n*Mich Matt\n*Pendewqell\n*Gume Saam\n*Shasa Tiel\n*Waks Trode"@en . "*Meere\n*vor\u00FCbergehend Land"@de . . "2.524608E9"^^ . "The Ishi Tib race was descended from a species of bony fish that had large, highly-developed, fluke-like fins. They escaped predation by leaving the ocean and staying on land for short periods of time, and natural selection allowed the development of arms, legs, and lungs. Reproduction among the Ishi Tib was considered a necessary part of life, although marriage was unheard of in their society. Males and females were paired together as needed by a school of Ishi Tib, and the fertilized eggs were kept safe in hatcheries. Thus, no Ishi Tib individual knew who their parents were. As a species, they were highly sought after as efficient organizers. They were also noted for their tenacity when threatened, which stood in stark contrast to their otherwise subdued nature. The desire to kill another being was often suppressed, but an individual Ishi Tib was not above cannibalizing an opponent with sufficient provocation. The Ishi Tib eventually built cities upon the coral reefs of Tibrin's oceans, taking great care so as not to disrupt the delicate environmental balances. This made them a valuable resource for the Galactic Alliance in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, as their skills in restoring and maintaining their environment were needed to help those planets that were devastated during the fighting."@en . . . . "De fysieke vorm van de Ishi Tib reflecteerde hun evolutie vanuit waterdieren. De leerachtige huid was bestand tegen de verdamping van water. Hun gele ogen waren gezeten op twee oogstelen en de Ishi Tib konden er goed mee zien onder water, waar weinig licht kwam. De Ishi Tib hadden twee wangzakken, die gebruikt konden worden voor de tijdelijke opslag van voedsel. Met de sterk ontwikkelde neus konden zij zowel boven als onder water goed ruiken. Ishi Tib hadden twee longen die ook dienst konden doen als kieuwen, waardoor zij onder water adem konden halen. Een van de meest opvallende eigenschappen van de Ishi Tib was echter de snavelachtige bek, waarmee ze schaaldieren konden openbreken. De lichamen waren vrij gezet en gespierd, met twee- of drievingerige handen en platte, vinachtige voeten."@nl . "Ishi Tib"@nl . "The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads. Their bulbous eyes form two of the star's points, their pointed cheeks another two, and their bird-like beaks form the fifth and final point. The Ishi Tib can be found throughout the galaxy, and during the Galactic Civil War, they were allied to the Rebellion. Several Ishi Tib delegates were present at the crucial Alliance briefing prior to the Battle of Endor."@en . . "Ishi Tib"@es . "*Volk Aymeric\n*Gume Saam\n*Shasa Tiel"@es . "The Ishi Tib were amphibious beings with large eyes on stalks and beak-like mouths. Their heads were often described as star-shaped, with their eyestalks, beaks, and cheek pouches forming a five-pointed star. Their lungs doubled as internal gills, and they had an acute sense of smell on land or in the water. Their green skins retained humidity, but an Ishi Tib had to bathe in salt water every thirty hours or so, or their skin would crack open, resulting in internal and external bleeding and death. Their language was Tibranese."@en . "Zuurstof"@nl . . "Average Height: 1.8 meters Average Lifespan: 200 years Of average height and physically unimposing, the race of Ishi Tib is nonetheless visually distinctive. This species sports a pair of eyes (usually somewhere between yellow to orange) with slitted pupils in set in slightly prehensile triangular stalks. They have blunt beaks, and large, open nostrils. They have three digits on each hand and foot, and often cover most of their skin (which is textured with minute grey to green scales) with leeti-silk wraps."@en . . "Gold"@en . . . . "De fysieke vorm van de Ishi Tib reflecteerde hun evolutie vanuit waterdieren. De leerachtige huid was bestand tegen de verdamping van water. Hun gele ogen waren gezeten op twee oogstelen en de Ishi Tib konden er goed mee zien onder water, waar weinig licht kwam. De Ishi Tib hadden twee wangzakken, die gebruikt konden worden voor de tijdelijke opslag van voedsel. Met de sterk ontwikkelde neus konden zij zowel boven als onder water goed ruiken. Ishi Tib hadden twee longen die ook dienst konden doen als kieuwen, waardoor zij onder water adem konden halen. Een van de meest opvallende eigenschappen van de Ishi Tib was echter de snavelachtige bek, waarmee ze schaaldieren konden openbreken. De lichamen waren vrij gezet en gespierd, met twee- of drievingerige handen en platte, vinachtige voeten. Als amfibie\u00EBn waren de Ishi Tib wel afhankelijk van water. Hun huid en kieuwachtige longen moesten regelmatig in aanraking komen met water en zeezouten om te voorkomen dat zij zouden uitdrogen. Ongeveer elke 30 standaard uur moesten de Ishi Tib zichzelf compleet onderdompelen in water met een zelfde samenstelling als dat in de oceanen van Tibrin. Als zij uitdroogden barste hun huid en konden zij sterven aan interne bloedingen. Uit deze behoefte groeide de bloeiende handel in zeezouten van Tibrin aan Ishi Tib door de hele Galaxy."@nl . . . . . . . . . . "[Source] Les Ishi Tib sont une esp\u00E8ce originaire de la plan\u00E8te Tibrin. Ils poss\u00E8dent un gros bec et la peau verte. Gume Saam \u00E9tait le s\u00E9nateur de cette plan\u00E8te sous la R\u00E9publique Galactique. Lorsque l'Empire Galactique s'imposa, certain Ishi Tib combattirent dans l'Alliance Rebelle contre l'Empire, notamment \u00E0 la bataille d'Endor. D'autres ne s'en pr\u00E9occupais pas comme Shasa Tiel, travaillant pour Jabba Desilijic Tiure."@fr . . . . . . "Bouche en bec"@fr . "\"A Test of Strength\" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide"@en . . . . . . . "Ishi Tib"@es . . "Ishi Tib Battlefront.png"@pt . "Ishi Tib"@pt . . . . "Ishi Tib were a species of sentient, humanoid amphibians from the planet Tibrin. They had green skin, large eyes that extended from angular stalks on either side of their skull, and a beak-like mouth. Among the Ishi Tib, opening one's beak without a sound was the equivalent of a human frown."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .