. "Red, MJ"@en . . "none"@en . "354"^^ . "none"@en . "background:#ff8080"@en . "Ne peut pas d\u00E9clarer d'attaque sauf si vous Sacrifiez 1 monstre. Cette carte gagne 200 ATK pour chaque monstre de Type Insecte sur le Terrain. Durant la End Phase, si cette carte a d\u00E9truit un monstre de votre adversaire au combat ce tour : Invoquez Sp\u00E9cialement 1 \"Jeton Monstre Insecte\" en Position d'Attaque."@en . . "This card gains ATK"@en . "background:#ffc0c0"@en . . "2004-09-07"^^ . . "Non pu\u00F2 dichiarare un attacco a meno che tu offra come Tributo 1 mostro. Questa carta guadagna 200 ATK per ogni mostro di Tipo Insetto sul Terreno. Durante la End Phase, se questa carta ha distrutto un mostro dell'avversario in battaglia in questo turno: Evoca Specialmente 1 \"Segna-Mostro Insetto\" in Posizione di Attacco."@en . "Inherited Will"@en . . . . "7"^^ . "Insektenk\u00F6nigin"@en . "1000"^^ . . "__FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png"@en . . "Insect Queen"@en . . . . . "Insekuto Ku\u012Bn"@en . . "Insect Queen.ogg"@en . "Kann keinen Angriff deklarieren, es sei denn, du bietest 1 Monster als Tribut an. Diese Karte erh\u00E4lt 200 ATK f\u00FCr jedes Monster vom Typ Insekt auf dem Spielfeld. W\u00E4hrend der End Phase, falls diese Karte in diesem Spielzug ein Monster deines Gegners durch Kampf zerst\u00F6rt hat: Beschw\u00F6re 1 \u201EInsektenmonster-Spielmarke\u201C als Spezialbeschw\u00F6rung in die Angriffsposition."@en . . "Reine Insecte"@en . "\u6606\u87F2\u5973\u738B"@en . . "Insect Queen is the alter ego of Mary Jane Watson and an Amalgam Comics superhero created by writer Karl Kesel and artist Mike Wieringo. She debuted in the comic book Spider-Boy #1 (April 1996), with a cover drawn by Karl Kesel. She is a combination of Marvel Comics' Mary Jane Watson and DC Comics' Insect Queen."@en . . "Insect"@en . "762"^^ . "\u0392\u03B1\u03C3\u03AF\u03BB\u03B9\u03C3\u03C3\u03B1 \u03C4\u03C9\u03BD \u03B5\u03BD\u03C4\u03CC\u03BC\u03C9\u03BD"@en . . . "ability to gain the powers of insects/arachnids"@en . "Ian Taylor"@en . . "Special Summons Tokens"@en . . . . . "254.0"^^ . "\u4E0D\u796D\u54C1\u81EA\u5DF1\u7684\u5834\u4E0A\u76841\u96BB\u602A\u7378\u4E0D\u80FD\u653B\u64CA\u3002\u5168\u5834\u6BCF\u5B58\u57281\u96BB\u6606\u87F2\u65CF\u602A\u7378\uFF0C\u9019\u5F35\u5361\u7684\u653B\u64CA\u529B\u4E0A\u6607200\u3002\u9019\u5F35\u5361\u7834\u58DE\u5C0D\u65B9\u602A\u7378\u7684\u56DE\u5408\u7D50\u675F\u6642\uFF0C\u81EA\u5DF1\u7684\u5834\u4E0A\u7279\u6B8A\u53EC\u559A\u653B\u64CA\u8868\u793A\u7684\u300C\u6606\u87F2\u602A\u7378\u884D\u751F\u7269\u300D\uFF08\u6606\u87F2\u65CF\u00B7\u5730\u00B71\u661F\u00B7\u653B/\u5B88100\uFF09\u3002"@en . "Must Tribute to attack"@en . "N\u00E3o pode declarar um ataque a n\u00E3o ser que voc\u00EA ofere\u00E7a 1 monstro como Tributo. Este card ganha 200 de ATK para cada monstro do Tipo Inseto no campo. Durante a Fase Final, se este card destruiu um monstro do oponente em batalha neste turno: Invoque por Invoca\u00E7\u00E3o-Especial 1 \"Fica de Monstro Inseto\" em Posi\u00E7\u00E3o de Ataque."@en . "Cannot declare an attack unless you Tribute 1 monster. This card gains 200 ATK for each Insect-Type monster on the field. During the End Phase, if this card destroyed an opponent's monster by battle this turn: Special Summon 1 \"Insect Monster Token\" in Attack Position."@en . . "No"@en . "Insect Queen is the alter ego of Mary Jane Watson and an Amalgam Comics superhero created by writer Karl Kesel and artist Mike Wieringo. She debuted in the comic book Spider-Boy #1 (April 1996), with a cover drawn by Karl Kesel. She is a combination of Marvel Comics' Mary Jane Watson and DC Comics' Insect Queen."@en . "Spider-Boy Vol. 1 #1"@en . . . . "This track unlocks at the Kalphite Queen."@en . "\u30A4\u30F3\u30BB\u30AF\u30C8"@en . "Effect"@en . . "\u0645\u064E\u0644\u0650\u0643\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u064E\u0634\u064E\u0631\u0627\u062A"@en . "212"^^ . "2200"^^ . "Insektna Kraljica"@en . . . . "Game Gift Collection\n\nSpecial Summon Collection A\n\nMonster Destroy Collection\n\nAll Effect Monsters \n\nAll at Random"@en . "\u2460\uFF1A\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u653B\u6483\u529B\u306F\u3001\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u306E\u6606\u866B\u65CF\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u306E\u6570\u00D7\uFF12\uFF10\uFF10\u30A2\u30C3\u30D7\u3059\u308B\u3002\u2461\uFF1A\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u653B\u6483\u5BA3\u8A00\u306E\u969B\u306B\u3001\u81EA\u5206\u306F\u81EA\u5206\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u306E\u4ED6\u306E\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\uFF11\u4F53\u3092\u30EA\u30EA\u30FC\u30B9\u3057\u306A\u3051\u308C\u3070\u306A\u3089\u306A\u3044\u3002\u2462\uFF1A\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u6226\u95D8\u3067\u76F8\u624B\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u3092\u7834\u58CA\u3057\u305F\u30BF\u30FC\u30F3\u306E\u30A8\u30F3\u30C9\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA\u306B\u767A\u52D5\u3059\u308B\u3002\u81EA\u5206\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u306B\u300C\u30A4\u30F3\u30BB\u30AF\u30C8\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30C8\u30FC\u30AF\u30F3\u300D\uFF08\u6606\u866B\u65CF\u30FB\u5730\u30FB\u661F\uFF11\u30FB\u653B\uFF0F\u5B88\uFF11\uFF10\uFF10\uFF09\uFF11\u4F53\u3092\u653B\u6483\u8868\u793A\u3067\u7279\u6B8A\u53EC\u559A\u3059\u308B\u3002"@en . "This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute. The ATK of this card increases by 200 points for each Insect-type monster on the field. When this card destroy an enemy monster, you can place an Insect Monster Token on the field at the end of your turn."@en . "EARTH"@en . "Art by Mike Wieringo"@en . . "2400"^^ . "Insect Queen is a name used by several characters in the DC Universe. Originally it was used by Lana Lang, a friend to Superboy and honorary member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Her powers come from a ring that gives her the physical abilities of various insects and arachnids. In the modern era an extra-terrestrial super-villain has used the name Insect Queen. Lonna Leing of Xanthu in the 30th Century is a member of the Uncanny Amazers, existing in Reboot Legion continuity. Insect Queen was created by Otto Binder and George Papp, first appearing in Superboy #124. (1965)."@en . . "Insect's nest \n\nSpecial Ways \n\nDorothy's Gift"@en . . "4768"^^ . . "\u2460 : \uC774 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uACF5\uACA9\uB825\uC740, \uD544\uB4DC\uC758 \uACE4\uCDA9\uC871 \uBAAC\uC2A4\uD130\uC758 \uC218 \u00D7 200 \uC62C\uB9B0\uB2E4. \u2461 : \uC774 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uACF5\uACA9 \uC120\uC5B8 \uC2DC\uAE30\uC5D0, \uC790\uC2E0\uC740 \uC790\uC2E0 \uD544\uB4DC\uC758 \uB2E4\uB978 \uBAAC\uC2A4\uD130 1\uC7A5\uC744 \uB9B4\uB9AC\uC2A4\uD574\uC57C \uD55C\uB2E4. \u2462 : \uC774 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC804\uD22C\uB85C \uC0C1\uB300 \uBAAC\uC2A4\uD130\uB97C \uD30C\uAD34\uD55C \uD134\uC758 \uC5D4\uB4DC \uD398\uC774\uC988\uC5D0 \uBC1C\uB3D9\uD55C\uB2E4. \uC790\uC2E0 \uD544\uB4DC\uC5D0 \"\uACE4\uCDA9\uC871 \uBAAC\uC2A4\uD130 \uD1A0\uD070\" 1\uC7A5\uC744 \uACF5\uACA9 \uD45C\uC2DC\uB85C \uD2B9\uC218 \uC18C\uD658\uD55C\uB2E4."@en . . "91512835"^^ . . "Continuous, Continuous, Trigger"@en . . "Insect Queen"@en . . . "Situation in the Sands"@en . "Insect"@en . . . "Mary Jane Watson"@en . "Insect Queen from Spider-Boy #1, Vol. 1."@en . . "\uACE4\uCDA9 \uC5EC\uC655"@en . . "Insect Queen"@en . "Yes"@en . "Insect Queen is a name used by several characters in the DC Universe. Originally it was used by Lana Lang, a friend to Superboy and honorary member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Her powers come from a ring that gives her the physical abilities of various insects and arachnids. In the modern era an extra-terrestrial super-villain has used the name Insect Queen. Lonna Leing of Xanthu in the 30th Century is a member of the Uncanny Amazers, existing in Reboot Legion continuity. Insect Queen was created by Otto Binder and George Papp, first appearing in Superboy #124. (1965)."@en . "__FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png"@en . "Rainha dos Insetos"@en . . . . . "Pack 14"@en . "Female"@en . "Insetto Regina"@en . "No puede declarar un ataque a menos que Sacrifiques 1 monstruo. Esta carta gana 200 ATK por cada monstruo de Tipo Insecto en el Campo. Durante la End Phase, si este turno esta carta destruy\u00F3 un monstruo de tu adversario en batalla: Invoca de Modo Especial 1 \"Ficha Monstruo Insecto\" en Posici\u00F3n de Ataque."@en . . "This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute. The ATK of this card increases by 200 points for each Insect-Type monster on the field. When this card destroys an enemy monster, you can place an \"Insect Monster Token\" on the field at the end of your turn."@en . . . "Active"@en . "Reina Insecto"@en . .