. "Guermessa"@en . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@nl . . . . . "The planet is a large desert almost completely covered in sand. Landscape varies from mountains and valleys in the Jundland Wastes to rolling endless rolling sand in the East and West Dune Seas. Despite the hot, arrid conditions, the planet has multiple major cities, forms of entertainment and adventures. Some areas of interest include Fort Tusken, Jabba's Palace, and the Great Pit of Carkoon."@en . . . . . . "*Metals\n*Foodstuffs\n*Chemicals\n*Medicine\n*Technology\n*Bando Gora slaves \n*Death sticks"@en . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@sv . "2"^^ . "Tatooine"@da . . "Tatooine"@fr . "Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im \u00C4u\u00DFeren Rand, der um die beiden Sonnen Tatoo I und Tatoo II kreist. Wie auf vielen Planeten im \u00C4u\u00DFerem Rand haben die Hauptm\u00E4chte der Galaxie hier wenig Einfluss, die Hutten beherrschen den Planeten. Schmuggler wie Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger oder auch Sklavenh\u00E4ndler sind auf Tatooine anzutreffen. Beg\u00FCnstigt wird seine Popularit\u00E4t in Unterwelt-Kreisen durch seine N\u00E4he zu einer der wichtigen Hyperraumrouten, der Corellianischen Schnellstra\u00DFe. Siedler, die sich ihren Lebensunterhalt auf legale Weise verdienen wollen, versuchen sich meist als Feuchtfarmer, deren Farmen meist nicht weit von gro\u00DFen Handelsst\u00E4dten wie Mos Espa, Anchorhead oder Mos Eisley entfernt liegen.Tatooine besitzt die gr\u00F6\u00DFten und trockensten W\u00FCsten der Galaxis."@en . "Long ago, preceding the time of the Old Republic, Tatooine was a gem in the stars. Its beauty rivalled even that of Alderaan. It was a world of large oceans and a lush world spanning jungle. It was inhabited by the technologically advanced Kumumgah until the influence of the Rakatan Infinite Empire arrived. The Rakatan were a species so advanced that, to this day, none have managed to duplicate their power. They sought to exploit the moons of Tatooine and eventually Tatooine itself, but the Kumumgah rose up in opposition to the attempts at a systematic violation of their world. The forces of the Infinite Empire responded by performing an orbital bombardment on the planet. The assault was so powerful that it boiled away the oceans of Tatooine and burned her jungles to the ground. The weapons even fused much of the surface of Tatooine into a single glass plane. The Rakatan left satisfied that they had left an permanent example of their overwhelming power, as a warning to all other races they would attempt to subjugate. The Kumumgah, however, did not die; though the devastation was so great that they had to undergo many changes in order to survive. Two races eventually emerged from their descendents, the Ghorfas and the Jawas. During the galaxy's main expansion period, at the dawn of the Old Republic, Tatooine was thought to be a sun until further research revealed it to be a world covered with light-reflecting crystal sands. The planet's magnetic field also creates unusual conditions that confused early explorers. Whereas on most of the planet, temperatures rise to scorching levels throughout the year, one region in the northern hemisphere is always cooler, especially during the night. One explanation comes from the planet's history preserved in Jawa folklore. It states that Tatooine's huge, arid deserts were once a great ocean. Indeed, during the planet's first colonization, the multiple mining expeditions that scoured the planet for mineral resources found many clues that there had been water where later there was only sand. Sadly these early colonists also disrupted the Ghorfas and their interference is cited as the cause of the race's transformation into the xenophobic Sand People, who are now feared throughout Tatooine's desert. The Sand People are principally known as Tusken Raiders because of their devastating attack on Tusken Fort in the days of early human re-colonization. Two of Tatooine's main native species, the Tusken Raiders and the Jawas, require special clothes and face masks to protect them from the glare of the planet's suns. The tiny Jawas are wandering scrap merchants who make their living by repairing and selling pieces of junk they find in the deserts. Among Tatooine's other inhabitants are the banthas, often called Tusken Mounts, rontos, dewbacks, womp rats, krayt dragons and eopies. The settlements of Tatooine's sentient inhabitants are separated by huge expanses of desert. Many humans survive by collecting the planet's most prized commodity: water. Using evaporators, the moisture farmers collected the small amounts of moisture present in the air to irrigate underground plantations, while any surplus water is easily sold in the cities. Poor living conditions are common to Tatooine's urban areas. The official capital is Bestine, but other important cities are Mos Espa and Anchorhead, none of them luxurious places to live. The main connection between Tatooine and the other planets of the galaxy is the Mos Eisley spaceport. Home to criminals, smugglers and killers, it is also one of the most depraved places in the whole galaxy. The wild Jundland Wastes are considered one of the most perilous regions on all of Tatooine. There are countless hidden dangers lurking within its borders and only the boldest dare to tread its dusty desert trails. It is dry and intensely hot, but many species manage to survive in the caves beneath the rocks and they attract the large womp rats, that roam these spaces looking for food. The most feared predator in the Wastes is the krayt dragon, a huge reptilian creature, greater in size than a bantha. But perhaps the greatest dangers of all in the Jundland Wastes are the Tusken Raiders. Although the nomadic Raiders will generally set up their tribal camps anywhere, they have a permanent base in the northwestern part of the region. The colonists have little knowledge of the Tusken Raiders, except that members of this aggressive and wild species may appear suddenly in the rocky terrain to attack and kill, seemingly without reason. Despite these dangers, the region's most frequented area is Beggar's Canyon. Originally the area marked the junction of three different rivers, but now, only a maze of 60-metre-high cliff faces remain; making it a constant attraction for Tatooine's boldest pilots."@en . "Tatooine Kateg\u00F3ria:Plan\u00E9ty"@sk . . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@pt . "Tatooine"@nl . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@fr . . . . . . . "C\u00E2non:Tatooine"@en . . . . . . "Respir\u00E1vel para Humanos"@pt . . "Beggar's Canyon"@en . . . "*Rakettirekikilpailut"@fi . . . . . . "Region/Rim"@en . "Chenini"@nl . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope"@es . . . . "Oxygen/nitrogen."@en . . . "Tatooine"@hr . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . . . . . "43000"^^ . . . . . "Two"@en . . . "Tatooine"@hu . "Rotsgebieden"@nl . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@fr . . . "Tatooine"@da . "Tatooine"@hr . . . . . . "10465"^^ . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@no . . . . . . . "none"@en . "Deserts"@en . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@hr . . . "Tatooine"@es . ""@no . "*O\u00E4ndliga Imperiet\n*Galaktiska Republiken\n*Czerka Arms\n*Hutter\n*Jabba Desilijic Tiure's Kriminella Imperium\n*Konfederationen av Sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndiga System\n*Galaktiska Imperiet\n*Hutt Kartellen\n*Alliansen av Fria Planeter\n*Nya Republiken"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . "*Desert\n*Some oasises\n*Mesas\n*Buttes\n*Canyons"@en . . "*Metalli \n*Cibo \n*Composti chimici \n*Medicinali \n*Tecnologia"@it . . "304"^^ . . . "Respirable"@fr . . . . . "Tatooine oli hiekkaplaneetta ulkokeh\u00E4ll\u00E4. Planeetta tunnettiin s\u00E4\u00E4nn\u00F6llisesti Mos Espassa j\u00E4rjestett\u00E4vist\u00E4 rakettirekikilpailuista ja suuresta orjakaupasta. Siell\u00E4 asui suurimmilta osin k\u00F6yh\u00E4list\u00F6\u00E4, orjia, kauppiaita, muita vaeltajia, gangstereita sek\u00E4 hiekkakansaa. Siell\u00E4 oli v\u00E4h\u00E4inen kasvisto ja suuria aavikoita. Tatooinen suuria, mutta k\u00F6yhi\u00E4 kyli\u00E4 hallitsi usein rikollisherrat, kuten huttit. Galaksin merkkihenkil\u00F6ihin kuulunut Anakin Skywalker syntyi planeetalla vuonna 42 BBY, ja Qui-Gon Jinn ja Padm\u00E9 Amidala l\u00F6ysiv\u00E4t t\u00E4m\u00E4n 32 BBY ja veiv\u00E4t h\u00E4net Coruscantiin jedikoulutukseen."@fi . . . . "Tatooine is a desert world in a binary star system, inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. Tatooine is also home to much crime and activities that go along with it. This planet has many bars and places to gamble on things. One of the main attractions for gambling is podracing, a sport in which many competitors race extremely fast in hovercraft-type vehicles. Podrace tracks here include the Boonta Training Course and the Boonta Eve Classic. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page."@en . "Tatooine es un planeta que esta disponible en la fiesta de Stars Wars. En este planeta tienes que pasar todos los niveles derrotando a los soldados imperiales.Es un planeta arenoso y pobre, que esta gobernado por los Hutts. Aqu\u00ED se cri\u00F3 a Luke Skywalker."@es . . . "*Hutt Clan\n*Galactic Empire"@en . "Tatooine"@de . . "Deserts, small oasis, Mesas, Butte, Canyons,"@en . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Phineas and Ferb"@es . . . . . . "Tatooine is the homeland of Luke and Anakin Skywalker and Ben Kenobi and is controlled by The Hutts The Lars moisture farm is the home of Luke for most of his childhood"@en . . . . . . . "43000"^^ . . "Bestine Mos EisleyMos Espa"@pl . . . . "Tatooine"@no . "Tatooine"@fr . "sivatagi, szikl\u00E1s"@hu . . . . . . . "Independent"@en . . . . . "*Imperio Infinito\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Corporaci\u00F3n Czerka\n*Hutts\n*Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n*Alianza de Planetas Libres\n*Nueva Rep\u00FAblica\n*Impeio Gal\u00E1ctico de Darth Krayt"@es . . "Tatooine"@hu . . "Outer Rim"@en . "Tatooine (pronunciado /'t\u00E6tu'in/) era un mundo des\u00E9rtico en un sistema binario del Sector Arkanis en el Borde Exterior. La \u00FAnica forma de hallar agua era extray\u00E9ndola de la humedad de la atm\u00F3sfera. No ten\u00EDa un gobierno establecido, siendo un banquete para bandidos, traficantes y cazarrecompensas. Estaba habitado por nativos de clase humilde, mayoritariamente granjeros de humedad. Otras de sus actividades era la venta al por menor y el comercio de chatarra. El planeta estaba en la Ruta de Navegaci\u00F3n 5709-DC, una rama de la Ruta Comercial Triellus, la cual tambi\u00E9n conectaba con el Corredor Sisar y no estaba lejos del Corredor Corelliano. La superficie del planeta esta cartografiada mediante un sistema de navegaci\u00F3n \u00FAnico en su especie. Este planeta, jugar\u00EDa un importante papel en los eventos gal\u00E1cticos, siendo el hogar de Anakin Skywalker y el lugar en donde su hijo Luke se mantendr\u00EDa a salvo desde sus primeros a\u00F1os hasta su madurez."@es . . . . "10465.0"^^ . . . . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . . "1.0"^^ . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . . "Tatooine"@fr . . . "*Desert\n*Wasteland"@en . . "Bestine"@en . . . . "???"@en . . . "The terrain has been said to suspiciously resemble that of the north African country of Tunisia; there's a sandcrawler in the Moroccan part of the Sahara that's often mistaken for the arena from Robot Wars. Tatooine is covered in sand, Uncle Owen's weather control satellite store provides the means to: harvest the previous moisture from the atmosphere needed to not die of dehydration; control the MK 10 sand hurricanes; and drown the sand worms that power hyper space travel. Other forms of moisture are found in the form of glowing blue womp rat milk, and the blood of one's enemies. The rock below the surface of the sand is made from substances like salt beds, limestone, carbonate and carbonite. Sinkholes are also created by long periods of drought, or when caves with underground magma streams naturally give way to the seismic forces of Alec Guinness turning in his grave, which now a site of pilgrimage to Jediism practicing Jawa. Tatooine is also home to the Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy space port, one of the galaxy's premier slave markets, where Imperal prisoners unfit for labor camps are sold to the highest bidder, which is usually Baron Harkonnen, who has them tortured on his Bacchanal barge over the man eating sarlacc pit."@en . "Tatooine was a desert world in orbit of a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited mostly by poor inhabitants who operated moisture farms."@en . "Jundland Wastes"@en . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . . . "40"^^ . . "Tatooine"@nl . . . . . . . "Tatooine (pronounced /t\u00E6tu'in/) was a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system."@en . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@it . "Tatooine was a planet in the Outer Rim."@en . . . "Tatooine"@en . . . . "The planet is a large desert almost completely covered in sand. Landscape varies from mountains and valleys in the Jundland Wastes to rolling endless rolling sand in the East and West Dune Seas. Despite the hot, arrid conditions, the planet has multiple major cities, forms of entertainment and adventures. A popular grinding method is partaking in Squill Hunts, where a group- usually consisting of one of two advanced combat novices and ten or twelve lower-classed starter profession wielders- takes the financially rewarding Mountain Squill missions in order to quickly gain experience. Through personal experience, I have found this to be a far superior method for beginners to grinding alone. Another moneymaker for the high-level masters is Krayt-Hunting. Krayt Dragons are tremendous creatures who occasionally drop pearls and tissues of various rarities used Weapon Making, Slicing, and in Lightsabers. Krayt-Hunting is an enjoyed activity of Combat Masters or their equivalents. All the krayts are bosses so if you want to hunt one you need a group a main place to go is krayt graveyard. Some areas of interest include Fort Tusken, Jabba's Palace, and the Great Pit of Carkoon."@en . "Tatooine"@nl . . . "Maltorus Valen"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@ro . . "Tatooine"@es . . . . "Tatooine"@da . . . . "Three"@en . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@sv . "Tatooine var en \u00F6kenv\u00E4rld i Galaxen. Koordinater: R-16 P\u00E5 denna planet v\u00E4xte Anakin Skywalker upp och likas\u00E5 Luke Skywalker. Tatooine hade tv\u00E5 solar och l\u00E5g i utkanten av galaxen. Till st\u00F6rsta delen bestod Tatooine av \u00F6ken och en av n\u00E4ringarna var fuktfarmar. Tv\u00E5 st\u00F6rre st\u00E4der inkluderade rymdhamnen Mos Eisley samt Mos Espa och Anchorhead. Planeten styrdes av Hutterna. Den mest inflytelserika hutten var Jabba the Hutt som styrde minst en tredjedel av slavhandeln i Mos Espa vid tiden f\u00F6r Slaget vid Yavin."@sv . "N, O2, CO2"@en . . . "Tatooine"@hu . "*Advozse\n*Aqualish\n*Arcona\n*Bith\n*Defel\n*Dug\n*Duros\n*Er'Kit\n*Human\n*Hutt\n*Ishi Tib\n*Klatooinian\n*Lutrillian\n*Morseerian\n*Nikto\n*Pacithhip\n*Quarren\n*Rodian\n*Siniteen\n*Stennes Shifter\n*Talz\n*Toydarian\n*Twi'lek\n*Weequay\n*Gamorrean"@en . . . . "Jawasy Moradores de las arenas"@es . . "Tatooine"@no . "Tatooine"@en . "standarda"@pl . . . . . . . . "Tatooine to pustynna planeta po\u0142o\u017Cona na Zewn\u0119trznych Rubie\u017Cach Galaktyki. Tatooine kr\u0105\u017Cy wok\u00F3\u0142 uk\u0142adu dw\u00F3ch s\u0142o\u0144c, jej klimat jest w przewa\u017Caj\u0105cej cz\u0119\u015Bci pustynny. Tatooine nie posiada zbyt wielkiej ilo\u015Bci bogactw mineralnych - wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na niej ruda metalu okazuje si\u0119 by\u0107 naturalnie namagnetyzowana, co sprawia, \u017Ce jej wydobycie i przetwarzanie staje si\u0119 na d\u0142u\u017Csz\u0105 met\u0119 nieop\u0142acalne. Spo\u015Br\u00F3d najbardziej znanych na Tatooine lokacji wymieni\u0107 nale\u017Cy miasto Mos Eisley ze znanym w ca\u0142ych Rubie\u017Cach lokalem \"Kantyna Mos Eisley\", a tak\u017Ce pa\u0142ac Hutta Jabby. Wiele lat przed powstaniem Republiki, Tatooine by\u0142a cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 Bezkresnego Imperium Rakatan. To jego w\u0142adcy przej\u0119li kontrol\u0119 nad prymitywnymi Tuskenami i innymi inteligentnymi rasami. Kiedy pa\u0144stwo Rakatan zacz\u0119\u0142o upada\u0107, w toku dzia\u0142a\u0144 wojennych planeta zosta\u0142a doszcz\u0119tnie zbombardowana, co zadecydowa\u0142o o zniszczeniu wszystkich jezior i zapocz\u0105tkowa\u0142o panowanie surowego, pustynnego klimatu. Opowie\u015Bci o tamtych prastarych czasach w okresie Republiki znali i przekazywali nast\u0119pcom jedynie Gaw\u0119dziarze niekt\u00F3rych spo\u015Br\u00F3d plemion Ludzi Pustyni. Obrazek W okresie Republiki planeta by\u0142a praktycznie rz\u0105dzona przez gangster\u00F3w Hutt\u00F3w, potem zwr\u00F3ci\u0142a uwag\u0119 Korporacji Czerka, kt\u00F3ra rozpocz\u0119\u0142a dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 wydobywcz\u0105, zak\u0142adaj\u0105c baz\u0119 w Anchorhead. Lokalny oddzia\u0142 Czerki szybko przerwa\u0142 jednak dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 z powodu nieop\u0142acalno\u015Bci wydobycia rudy. Po czterech tysi\u0105cleciach w\u0142adz\u0119 przej\u0119\u0142o tu Imperium, kt\u00F3re do 0 ABY nie posiada\u0142o tu jednak znacz\u0105cych si\u0142 wojskowych, a tak\u017Ce i potem - niewielkie. Tatooine rz\u0105dzi\u0142 z Bestine imperialny gubernator, a g\u0142\u00F3wnym urz\u0119dnikiem odpowiedzialnym za sprawy lokalne by\u0142 prefekt Mos Eisley. Na Tatooine odbywa\u0142y si\u0119 r\u00F3wnie\u017C nielegalne wy\u015Bcigi podracer\u00F3w w tzw. Arenie w Mos Espie. Swoj\u0105 g\u0142\u00F3wn\u0105 siedzib\u0119 mia\u0142 tu te\u017C jeden ze s\u0142ynniejszych galaktycznych gangster\u00F3w, Jabba. Poza lud\u017Ami, Tatooine zamieszkuj\u0105 dwie inteligentne rasy: mali Jawowie oraz dzicy Ludzie Pustyni zwani te\u017C Tuskenami. \u017Byj\u0105 tu Smoki Krayt, uznawane za jedne z najgro\u017Aniejszych gad\u00F3w w Galaktyce, mo\u017Cna tu spotka\u0107 Dewbacki. Na Tatooine dotar\u0142y tak\u017Ce Banthy. Wiadomo te\u017C o przynajmniej jednym \u017Cyj\u0105cym na Tatooine Sarlaccu."@pl . . . "Jundland Wastes."@en . . "Tatooine"@hr . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine (\u0440\u0443\u0441. \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D) \u2014 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044B\u0439 \u044D\u043F\u0438\u0437\u043E\u0434 Angry Birds Star Wars, \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442 \u0438\u0437 40 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0435\u0439. \u0412\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0442 \u043D\u0430 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0438\u043C\u0451\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0441 \u043F\u0435\u0441\u0447\u0430\u043D\u044B\u043C\u0438 \u0431\u0430\u0440\u0445\u0430\u043D\u0430\u043C\u0438. \u0417\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043C \u0441 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u044F 1-26 \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u043A\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0441, \u043D\u043E \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0435\u043F\u043E\u0434\u0430\u043B\u0451\u043A\u0443 \u043E\u0442 \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D\u0430, \u0430 \u043F\u043E \u043C\u0435\u0440\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u043F\u0442\u0438\u0446\u044B \u043D\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043D\u0430\u044E\u0442 \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0434\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435 \u043E\u0442\u043B\u0435\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043E\u0442 \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D\u0430, \u0438 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0431\u043B\u0438\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u043A \u0417\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0435 \u0421\u043C\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438."@ru . . "System"@en . . "N/A"@en . "right|300px Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im Outer-Rim-Territorium und Heimatplanet von Anakin Skywalker und seinem Sohn Luke Skywalker. Die Einheimischen sind die Tusken-R\u00E4uber oder Sandleute und die Jawas, die als nomadische Schrotth\u00E4ndler unterwegs sind. [WP] - \"Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet, der um ein Zwillingssonnenpaar (Tatoo 1 & 2) kreist. Abseits von wichtigen Handelsrouten am Rande des Outer-Rim-Territoriums ist er ein Refugium f\u00FCr Schmuggler, Kriminelle und Leute, die nicht gefunden werden wollen. Sonst hat er, abgesehen von Feuchtfarmen, nicht viel Sehenswertes.\""@de . "Tatooine era un mundo desierto. Tatooine tambi\u00E9n fue el planeta natal de Anakin Skywalker. Su hijo, Luke Skywalker, creci\u00F3 en este planeta, tambi\u00E9n."@es . . . . . . . . . "Long ago, preceding the time of the Old Republic, Tatooine was a gem in the stars. Its beauty rivalled even that of Alderaan. It was a world of large oceans and a lush world spanning jungle. It was inhabited by the technologically advanced Kumumgah until the influence of the Rakatan Infinite Empire arrived. The Rakatan were a species so advanced that, to this day, none have managed to duplicate their power. They sought to exploit the moons of Tatooine and eventually Tatooine itself, but the Kumumgah rose up in opposition to the attempts at a systematic violation of their world. The forces of the Infinite Empire responded by performing an orbital bombardment on the planet. The assault was so powerful that it boiled away the oceans of Tatooine and burned her jungles to the ground. The weapon"@en . . . "B'omarr Monastery"@en . "Tatooine - fikcyjna planeta z Gwiezdnych wojen charakteryzuj\u0105ca si\u0119 suchym, pustynnym klimatem. Planeta ta znajduje si\u0119 na obrze\u017Cach Galaktyki, w zwi\u0105zku z czym znajduje si\u0119 ona w du\u017Cej mierze poza kontrol\u0105 w\u0142adz centralnych. Z powodu niewielkiego nadzoru Tatooine jest siedliskiem przemytnik\u00F3w i innych przest\u0119pc\u00F3w. Przez d\u0142ugi czas utrzymywa\u0142o si\u0119 tam tak\u017Ce niewolnictwo. Na Tatooine rozegra\u0142o si\u0119 bardzo du\u017Co wydarze\u0144 przedstawionych w filmach. To st\u0105d pochodzi Anakin Skywalker. Tutaj tak\u017Ce w latach 19 - 0 BBY przebywa\u0142 Obi-Wan Kenobi oraz wychowywa\u0142 si\u0119 Luke Skywalker."@pl . "Tatooine is a desert planet in the Western Outer rim, surpisingly, it was home to the one and only moisture farmer who saved the Galaxy - Luke Skywalker."@en . "A Tatooine a k\u00FCls\u0151 perem egyik jelent\u00E9ktelen bolyg\u00F3j\u00E1nak t\u0171nik, de val\u00F3j\u00E1ban a bolyg\u00F3 legal\u00E1bb oly fontos a galaxis t\u00F6rt\u00E9nelm\u00E9ben, mint maga Coruscant. Tatooine - siv\u00E1r homoktengerek, hatalmas sivatagok hona - eleny\u00E9sz\u0151 jelent\u00E9ktelen porszem az ismert galaxis t\u00E9rk\u00E9p\u00E9n."@hu . "Tatooine was the desert homeworld of Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke. It was also the base planet of Jabba the Hutt. The terrain was mostly desert and the weather was either intense heat from the twin sun's rays or harsh sandstorms."@en . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fjernere fra galaksens sentrum enn Tatooine kommer du ikke. Planeten ligger i de ytre territoriene, og styres av de griske huttene. Tatooine er en varm \u00F8rkenplanet, som p\u00E5 mange m\u00E5ter er blitt et reir for kriminalitet. Mye av dette finner en blant annet i romhavnene, som trekker til seg diverse patetiske og syke skapninger. Blant disse er for eksempel Mos Eisley, som p\u00E5 sin side ikke ligger langt unna Mos Espa, Anchorhead eller Bestine. Oppigjennom \u00E5rene har da og flere nybyggere sl\u00E5tt seg ned her, og de fleste av disse har drevet som kondensfarmere, ute i Tatooines harde \u00F8rken. P\u00E5 tross av de miserable forholdene har imidlertid planeten fostret b\u00E5de far og s\u00F8nn Skywalker, som begge skulle bli meget sentrale for galaksens skjebne under borgerkrigen. Planeten er ellers meget fattig, men kan by p\u00E5 diverse innf\u00F8dte skapninger, som banthaer, jawaer og sandfolk. Planeten ble i sin tid verken rammet av Republikkens eller Imperiets lov. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . . . "Tatooine"@nl . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@sv . . . . . "*Humanos \n*rodianos \n*pacithhip \n*hutts\n*askajianos \n*er'kit \n*ranats\n*toongos\n*twi'leks \n*saurinos \n*whiphids\n*kitonaks\n*Taungs \n*zybahhod yenyoni\n*Zabrak\n*Dathomiriano\n*Transdoshano\n*Toydariano\n*Gungan\n*Otras Especies\n*anteriormente: rakata"@es . . . "Tatoo System"@en . "Krayt Graveyard"@en . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@da . . . . . "*Mos Espa\n*Mos Eisley\n*Palais de Jabba"@fr . "Tatooine is a planet from the Star Wars universe. It is a location featured in \"Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars\" as home to Luke Skywalker, Phineas, and Ferb."@en . "* ember\n* rodian\n* hutt\n* ranat\n* toong\n* twi'lek\n* kotinak\n* saurin"@hu . . . . . "Guermessa"@nl . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@da . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@nl . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@pt . . . . "Valley of the Spirits"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . "Tatooine"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@it . . "Tatooine"@da . "Anchorhead"@en . "Tatooine is a desert world in a binary star system, inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. Tatooine is also home to much crime and activities that go along with it. This planet has many bars and places to gamble on things. One of the main attractions for gambling is podracing, a sport in which many competitors race extremely fast in hovercraft-type vehicles. Podrace tracks here include the Boonta Training Course and the Boonta Eve Classic. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page."@en . . "Tatooine"@es . "Tatooine"@no . . . . "Tatoo-systemet"@no . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "\"Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars\""@en . . "[[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png Tatooine is a level."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Arid rock."@en . . . "Sector Arkanis"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "82800.0"^^ . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@pt . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@pt . . "2.62656E7"^^ . . . . "Tatooine is a desert world in the Outer Rim, and the first of three planets that orbit the suns of a binary star system in the Arkanis sector. The world is known as a haven for smugglers, pirates and those seeking to conduct questionable research away from prying eyes. Tatooine's level bracket is 24-28. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Tatooine on Wookieepedia"@en . . . . . "*Cl\u00E3 Hutt\n*Imp\u00E9rio Gal\u00E1ctico"@pt . . "Tatooine"@en . . . . . . "tlenowa"@pl . . . . . . . "Tatooine is a desolate desert world and the innermost planet in the binary star system Tatoo, located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. A very ancient world, paleontological evidence suggest that Tatooine was once covered by vast oceans and had a much more humid climate. Today, however, the planet is very arid, and liquid water covers no more than 1% of its surface. Due to the harsh environment and the unbearable heat and brightness caused by the two suns, the planet's population is concentrated in a relatively mild area on the northern hemisphere. The equatorial region is believed to be completely uninhabited. Despite its hostile climate, Tatooine is home to a great variety of native lifeforms, including four sapient rodentoid species: the Jawas, the Tusken Raiders, the Zybahhod Yenyoni and the so-called \"Mole Creatures\"; and a poorly-known insectoid race known as the Trooshti. Besides these native species, the planet is inhabited by Humans and many other species from all over the galaxy. Tatooine is one of the many worlds politically controlled by the Hutts. The planet is also notable for being home to one of the most feared figures of the galaxy: the evil sith lord Darth Vader."@en . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "Tatooine"@en . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@nl . . . "Breathable to humans"@en . . "Tatooine, to pustynna planeta w uk\u0142adzie Tatoo. Znajduje si\u0119 w Zewn\u0119trznych rubie\u017Cach Galaktyki. Kr\u0105\u017Cy wok\u00F3\u0142 uk\u0142adu dw\u00F3ch gwiazd (Tatoo I i Tatoo II), jej klimat jest pustynny. Tatooine nie posiada zbyt wielkiej ilo\u015Bci bogactw mineralnych - wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na niej ruda metalu okazuje si\u0119 by\u0107 naturalnie namagnetyzowana, co sprawia, \u017Ce jej wydobycie i przetwarzanie staje si\u0119 na d\u0142u\u017Csz\u0105 met\u0119 nieop\u0142acalne. Na Tatooine jest kilka miast z portem kosmicznym - Mos Eisley, Mos Espa. Wod\u0119 na planecie pozyskuje si\u0119 z farm wilgoci lub z eksportu. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 tutaj tak\u017Ce nieliczne oazy."@pl . . . . "Tatooine"@es . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . . . . . . "Desert."@en . . . "2.62656E7"^^ . . "Tatooine es un planeta que esta disponible en la fiesta de Stars Wars. En este planeta tienes que pasar todos los niveles derrotando a los soldados imperiales.Es un planeta arenoso y pobre, que esta gobernado por los Hutts. Aqu\u00ED se cri\u00F3 a Luke Skywalker."@es . . . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . . . . "Tatooine"@fi . . "Tatooine"@hu . "Trugut"@nl . "The terrain has been said to suspiciously resemble that of the north African country of Tunisia; there's a sandcrawler in the Moroccan part of the Sahara that's often mistaken for the arena from Robot Wars. Tatooine is also home to the Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy space port, one of the galaxy's premier slave markets, where Imperal prisoners unfit for labor camps are sold to the highest bidder, which is usually Baron Harkonnen, who has them tortured on his Bacchanal barge over the man eating sarlacc pit."@en . . "2.62656E7"^^ . . . . . . "Tatooine is a planet that you can visit during the Star Wars Takeover, primarily for the activities you have to do in Week One of the quest for the party. It has been in every Star Wars film except for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. One of Tatooine's major cities, Mos Eisley, is known for being filled with crime and villainy. The planet is covered in desert."@en . "*Bantha Plains\n*Beggar's Canyon\n*B'omarr Monastery\n*The Cage\n*Dune Sea\n*Great Pit of Carkoon\n*Jundland-vidderna\n*Krayt Graveyard\n*Lake Anre\n*Valley of the Spirits"@sv . . . . . "Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im \u00C4u\u00DFeren Rand, der um die beiden Sonnen Tatoo I und Tatoo II kreist. Wie auf vielen Planeten im \u00C4u\u00DFerem Rand haben die Hauptm\u00E4chte der Galaxie hier wenig Einfluss, die Hutten beherrschen den Planeten. Schmuggler wie Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger oder auch Sklavenh\u00E4ndler sind auf Tatooine anzutreffen. Beg\u00FCnstigt wird seine Popularit\u00E4t in Unterwelt-Kreisen durch seine N\u00E4he zu einer der wichtigen Hyperraumrouten, der Corellianischen Schnellstra\u00DFe. Siedler, die sich ihren Lebensunterhalt auf legale Weise verdienen wollen, versuchen sich meist als Feuchtfarmer, deren Farmen meist nicht weit von gro\u00DFen Handelsst\u00E4dten wie Mos Espa, Anchorhead oder Mos Eisley entfernt liegen.Tatooine besitzt die gr\u00F6\u00DFten und trockensten W\u00FCsten der Galaxis."@de . . . "Tatooine"@cs . . "Tamuuz"@en . . . "Arkansis Sector"@en . "*Metals\n*Foodstuffs\n*Chemicals\n*Medicine\n*Technology"@en . . . "Independent"@en . . . "*Bestine \n*Anchorhead\n*Fort Tusken\n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Entha\n*Mos Espa\n*Mos Gamos"@sv . "304"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "304"^^ . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Tatooine"@fr . . "Wupiupi"@nl . . . "Jawas, Tusken Raiders, \"Mole Creatures\", Trooshti, Zybahhod Yenyoni, Dewbacks, Profoggs, Krayt Dragons, Banthas, Eopies, Rontos, etc."@en . . . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . "Disney INFINITY 3.0"@es . "13"^^ . "Known Residents:"@en . . "2"^^ . "Tatooine is a large, exceptionally arid world located in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Due to its high albedo, explorers initially believed it to be a star itself. Due to the extreme conditions, only a relatively mild region of its northern hemisphere is habitable. It is located on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route which itself is connected to the Sisar Run; additionally it is close to the Corellian Run hyperspace route."@en . "Tatooine is a desert world that features a lot of connections to many people of the Gungan Council. Its prominence is mostly due to its significance in Star Wars lore, it being the homeworld of Anakin Skywalker and featured in nearly every Star Wars movie. As a result, many Gungan Council characters were born on Tatooine. Characters that regard the planet as their homeworld include: Trenton Wayne, Darth Apparatus, Saede Taggart, Hawk Hinata, Rach Sullen, Finch Hinata, Siris Nido, and many more."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Droog"@nl . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@no . "Tatooine was a desert world in orbit of a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited mostly by poor inhabitants who operated moisture farms."@en . . "Huttese"@en . . "Tatooine was a desert planet within the Outer Rim, home to many species, criminals, and well known figures including Jabba the Hutt."@en . "10465"^^ . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . "Tatooine"@no . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@hr . "Tatooine"@sv . . "Tatooine"@fr . . "Breathable"@en . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . . "*Hutts\n*b\u00E1sico\n*jaw\u00E9s\n*tusken, \n*bocce; *\nanteriormente: kumumgah, rakatah"@es . . "Tatooine"@es . "Deserto, alcune oasi, altopiani, \"mari di dune\", canyon."@it . . . . "*Dewbacks\n*Eopies\n*Rontos ..."@fr . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . "Terrestre"@es . . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@it . . "Tatooine"@fr . "Tatooine"@sv . . "Dune Sea"@nl . "None"@en . . . "R-16"@es . "Corporate dictatorship."@en . . "Tatooine"@it . . "Alle ovenfor"@no . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@it . . "Tatooine was a planet in the Outer Rim."@en . . "Tatooine"@es . . "Tatooine"@fr . "Tatooine"@it . . . . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@hu . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . "\u03A4\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03AF\u03BD"@pt . . . . "10465.0"^^ . . "flat, sand dunes, craggy"@en . "Tatooine"@no . . . . . "304"^^ . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . "Tatooine"@fr . . . . . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@sv . . "Varmt og T\u00F8rt"@no . . . . . . . "43000"^^ . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@ro . . . . "Tatooine"@it . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Tatooine - fikcyjna planeta z Gwiezdnych wojen charakteryzuj\u0105ca si\u0119 suchym, pustynnym klimatem. Planeta ta znajduje si\u0119 na obrze\u017Cach Galaktyki, w zwi\u0105zku z czym znajduje si\u0119 ona w du\u017Cej mierze poza kontrol\u0105 w\u0142adz centralnych. Z powodu niewielkiego nadzoru Tatooine jest siedliskiem przemytnik\u00F3w i innych przest\u0119pc\u00F3w. Przez d\u0142ugi czas utrzymywa\u0142o si\u0119 tam tak\u017Ce niewolnictwo. Na Tatooine rozegra\u0142o si\u0119 bardzo du\u017Co wydarze\u0144 przedstawionych w filmach. To st\u0105d pochodzi Anakin Skywalker. Tutaj tak\u017Ce w latach 19 - 0 BBY przebywa\u0142 Obi-Wan Kenobi oraz wychowywa\u0142 si\u0119 Luke Skywalker."@pl . . . . "200000"^^ . "*Jawa\n*Tusken Raider"@en . . . . . . . "Tatooine (pronunciado /'t\u00E6tu'in/) era un mundo des\u00E9rtico en un sistema binario del Sector Arkanis en el Borde Exterior. La \u00FAnica forma de hallar agua era extray\u00E9ndola de la humedad de la atm\u00F3sfera. No ten\u00EDa un gobierno establecido, siendo un banquete para bandidos, traficantes y cazarrecompensas. Estaba habitado por nativos de clase humilde, mayoritariamente granjeros de humedad. Otras de sus actividades era la venta al por menor y el comercio de chatarra. El planeta estaba en la Ruta de Navegaci\u00F3n 5709-DC, una rama de la Ruta Comercial Triellus, la cual tambi\u00E9n conectaba con el Corredor Sisar y no estaba lejos del Corredor Corelliano. La superficie del planeta esta cartografiada mediante un sistema de navegaci\u00F3n \u00FAnico en su especie. Este planeta, jugar\u00EDa un importante papel en los eventos"@es . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@da . . . . . . . . . "*Total desert\n*Some oases\n*Mesas\n*Buttes\n*\"Dune seas\"\n*Canyons\n*Formerly: oceans, rainforests"@en . . "Mos Entha"@en . . . . . . . "\u00A1Bienvenidos a Tatooine! Se ve demasiado caluroso y desolado...pero los grandes h\u00E9roes provienen de all\u00ED. Cuando vean a los Soldados Imperiales, \u00A1derr\u00F3tenlos!. \u00A1Hay uno all\u00ED ahora!"@es . "Tatooine"@ro . . "*Bocce\n*Galactic Basic\n*Huttese\n*Jawaese\n*Tusken"@en . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@sv . "Tatooine (pronounced t\u00E6tu'in) was a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system. However, it would still play a role in galactic events, serving as the home of Anakin Skywalker. It was here that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin's potential to become a Jedi and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor. Tatooine was also the home of Anakin's son, Luke, where he lived until his early adulthood. The planet has built up a very bad reputation, often being viewed as the cesspool of the galaxy for the large amount of crime on it."@en . . . "Tatooine oli hiekkaplaneetta ulkokeh\u00E4ll\u00E4. Planeetta tunnettiin s\u00E4\u00E4nn\u00F6llisesti Mos Espassa j\u00E4rjestett\u00E4vist\u00E4 rakettirekikilpailuista ja suuresta orjakaupasta. Siell\u00E4 asui suurimmilta osin k\u00F6yh\u00E4list\u00F6\u00E4, orjia, kauppiaita, muita vaeltajia, gangstereita sek\u00E4 hiekkakansaa. Siell\u00E4 oli v\u00E4h\u00E4inen kasvisto ja suuria aavikoita. Tatooinen suuria, mutta k\u00F6yhi\u00E4 kyli\u00E4 hallitsi usein rikollisherrat, kuten huttit. Galaksin merkkihenkil\u00F6ihin kuulunut Anakin Skywalker syntyi planeetalla vuonna 42 BBY, ja Qui-Gon Jinn ja Padm\u00E9 Amidala l\u00F6ysiv\u00E4t t\u00E4m\u00E4n 32 BBY ja veiv\u00E4t h\u00E4net Coruscantiin jedikoulutukseen."@fi . "43000"^^ . . . "200000"^^ . "Desert, canyons, rocky bluffs"@en . . "Planeten Tatooine er en \u00F8rkenplanet og det meste af planeten er ejet af Hutt'erne. Tatooine er den planet hvor R2D2 og C3PO havner efter at prinsesse Leia Organa har overgivet R2D2 planerne over D\u00F8dsstjernen. Tatooine er ogs\u00E5 hjemsted for blandt andet: Tusken Raiders, Jawas, Bantha'er, Ronto'er og Womp rotter. p\u00E5 denne planet er Podracing meget popul\u00E6rt. Der er kun f\u00E5 byer p\u00E5 Tatooine, og de der findes er ofte hjemsted for gangstere, rumpirater og andet udskud. Ude i \u00F8rkenen bor der fugtfarmere, der ved hj\u00E6lp af speciel teknologi kan dyrke gr\u00F8ntsager i den ellers ufrugtbare jord."@da . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . "Tatooine"@fr . . "Tatooine is a large, exceptionally arid world located in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Due to its high albedo, explorers initially believed it to be a star itself. Due to the extreme conditions, only a relatively mild region of its northern hemisphere is habitable. It is located on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route which itself is connected to the Sisar Run; additionally it is close to the Corellian Run hyperspace route."@en . . "sz\u00E1raz"@hu . . . "Arido"@it . "A Tatooine a k\u00FCls\u0151 perem egyik jelent\u00E9ktelen bolyg\u00F3j\u00E1nak t\u0171nik, de val\u00F3j\u00E1ban a bolyg\u00F3 legal\u00E1bb oly fontos a galaxis t\u00F6rt\u00E9nelm\u00E9ben, mint maga Coruscant. Tatooine - siv\u00E1r homoktengerek, hatalmas sivatagok hona - eleny\u00E9sz\u0151 jelent\u00E9ktelen porszem az ismert galaxis t\u00E9rk\u00E9p\u00E9n."@hu . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . "Woestijn"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Basic"@en . "25"^^ . "612"^^ . . "Tatooine"@sv . . "Arid"@en . . . "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"@es . . . . . . "\u00E1tlagos"@hu . . "Mennesker og andre humanoide arter"@no . . . . . "Star Wars Rebels"@es . . "Tatooine"@nl . "Arkanis Sector"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@en . . "Tatoo I and Tatoo II"@en . . . . . "23"^^ . . . . "*Anchorhead Pass\n*Beggar's Canyon\n*Dune Sea\n*Great Chott salt flat\n*Great Mesra Plateau\n*Great Pit of Carkoon\n*Jabba's Palace\n*Jundland Chasm\n*Jundland Wastes\n*Northern Dune Sea\n*Western Dune Sea\n*Xelric Draw"@en . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@hr . . . . . . . "*Tusken\n*Jawojen kieli\n*Galaktinen peruskieli\n*Huttien kieli"@fi . . . . "Tatooine is a desert world that features a lot of connections to many people of the Gungan Council. Its prominence is mostly due to its significance in Star Wars lore, it being the homeworld of Anakin Skywalker and featured in nearly every Star Wars movie. As a result, many Gungan Council characters were born on Tatooine. Characters that regard the planet as their homeworld include: Trenton Wayne, Darth Apparatus, Saede Taggart, Hawk Hinata, Rach Sullen, Finch Hinata, Siris Nido, and many more."@en . . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "250"^^ . "* B'omarr kolostor\n* krayt temet\u0151"@hu . . . . . . . . . . . "The capital of this planet is Bestine. One of the more popular major cities are Anchorhead, Mos Eisley, and Mos Espa."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatoo II"@nl . . . "Humanos"@pt . . . "Terrestrial"@en . . "1.0"^^ . . "Jawa"@nl . "Planeet"@nl . "planeta skalista"@pl . . . . . . "Dune Sea."@en . "Tatooine"@fr . . . . "Tatooine"@hr . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@hu . . . . . "Tatooine"@hr . "Tatooine"@da . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . . "Tatooine"@fr . "Points of Interest"@en . "Tatooine era un mundo des\u00E9rtico en el Borde Exterior, y el primero de los tres planetas en \u00F3rbita a dos estrellas de un sistema estelar binario en el sector de Arkanis. Este mundo era conocido por ser un refugio para contrabandistas, piratas y de aquellos que buscan llevar a cabo investigaciones controvertidas lejos de miradas indiscretas."@es . . "82800.0"^^ . . "Den Galaktiske Republikk, Imperiet, Oppr\u00F8rsalliansen, Hutt Imperiet"@no . . . "Jawas"@en . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . "All species"@en . . . . ""@no . . . "Tatooine"@ro . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "*Illegalt krigsmaterial\n*Narkotika\n*Mineraler"@sv . . . . . . "Tatooine"@no . "90"^^ . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@fr . . . . . . "Jundland Wastes"@nl . . . . "Derrotar a los soldados imperiales"@es . . . "*Tuskenin ratsastajat\n*Jawat\n*Rixionit"@fi . . . . "Tatooine"@es . . . "Tatooine"@es . "Jawas"@en . . . . . . . . "*Kumumgah \n*Tusken Raider \n*Jawas \n*Trooshti \n*Riorians \n*Mole Creatures \n*Dewback\n*Bantha \n*Ronto\n*Eopie \n*Womp rat \n*Sarlacc\n*Krayt dragon"@en . . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine es un planeta desolado en Star Wars."@es . "Fjernere fra galaksens sentrum enn Tatooine kommer du ikke. Planeten ligger i de ytre territoriene, og styres av de griske huttene. Tatooine er en varm \u00F8rkenplanet, som p\u00E5 mange m\u00E5ter er blitt et reir for kriminalitet. Mye av dette finner en blant annet i romhavnene, som trekker til seg diverse patetiske og syke skapninger. Blant disse er for eksempel Mos Eisley, som p\u00E5 sin side ikke ligger langt unna Mos Espa, Anchorhead eller Bestine. Oppigjennom \u00E5rene har da og flere nybyggere sl\u00E5tt seg ned her, og de fleste av disse har drevet som kondensfarmere, ute i Tatooines harde \u00F8rken."@no . . . . "R-16"@pl . . . . "*Dilarium oil\n*Silicax oxalate\n*Slaves"@en . . . "Star Wars Series"@en . "43000"^^ . . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@it . "*Omfattande \u00F6kenlandskap, n\u00E5gra oaser\n*H\u00F6gplat\u00E5er\n*Kullar\n*\"Sanddynhav\"\n*Kanjoner\n*Tidigare: oceaner, regnskog"@sv . . "Tatooine"@sv . "Tatooine"@en . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@pt . "Tatooine"@da . . "Sidrona Diath's tomb."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine.jpg"@en . . "Jawa, Sandfolk, Dewback, Bantha, Sarlacc, Kraytdrage"@no . "Tatooine"@hr . "*3 st\n**Ghomrassen \n**Guermessa\n**Chenini"@sv . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@pt . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@no . . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@da . "Tatooine"@pt . "Tatooine"@no . . . . . . . . "*Huttese\n*Galactic Basic Standard\n*Jawaese\n*Tusken\n*Tidigare: Kumumgah och Rakatan"@sv . . . . . . "Tatooine"@hr . "Tatooine"@hr . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . "* galaktikus k\u00F6z\u00F6s nyelv\n* hutt nyelv\n* jawa nyelv\n* tusken nyelv"@hu . "Tatooine (pronounced t\u00E6tu'in) was a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system. However, it would still play a role in galactic events, serving as the home of Anakin Skywalker. It was here that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin's potential to become a Jedi and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor. Tatooine was also the home of Anakin's son, Luke, where he lived u"@en . . "pustynny"@pl . . . . . . . . "Outer Rim"@en . . "Arid rock"@en . "Rocky, Desert-like planet"@en . . . . . "torrt"@sv . . . . "elhanyagolhat\u00F3"@hu . . . . "*Jawas\n*Tuskens\n*Humains ..."@fr . . . "Czerka Corporation."@en . . "1.0"^^ . . . . "200000"^^ . . . . "Outer Rim Territories"@en . . . . "Abundante vida animal"@es . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . "Hutt Space"@nl . . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@da . "*Bantha\n*Bonegnawer\n*Dewback\n*Eopie\n*Gorg\n*Jerba\n*Krayt dragon\n**Canyon krayt dragon\n**Greater krayt dragon\n*Massiff\n*Profogg\n*Rancor \n*Rock beetle\n*Rock wart\n*Ronto\n*Sandfly\n*Sand skitter\n*Sarlacc\n*Scurrier\n*Sketto\n*Trooshti\n*Womp rat\n*Worrt"@en . "Tatooine"@no . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@da . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@sv . . "2.62656E7"^^ . . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . "Mos Espa, Mos Eisley, Bestine e Mos Elrey"@pt . "2013-08-13"^^ . . "Tatooine"@ro . . "Anakin Skywalker, Shmi Skywalker, Cliegg Lars, Owen Lars, Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi"@es . "Luke Skywalker"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "Tatooine"@no . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . "Tatooine"@da . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@it . . . . . "3"^^ . . . "Tatooine"@es . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@hu . "Tatooine"@nl . . . "*Galaktinen Tasavalta\n*Huttit\n*Galaktinen Imperiumi\n*Itsen\u00E4isten aurinkokuntien konfederaatio\n*Tuskenit\n*Uusi tasavalta\n*Vapaiden planeettojen allianssi"@fi . . "10465.0"^^ . . "*Beggars Canyon\n*Gardulla's Palace\n*Dune Sea\n*Tusken Raider camp\n*Boonta Eve Classic\n*Jundland Wastes"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@es . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@hu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Permanent sunshine"@en . . "200000"^^ . . "Tatooine - planeta w Odleg\u0142ej Galaktyce po\u0142o\u017Cona gdzie\u015B na zadupiu kosmosu. Jej powierzchnia jest pokryta piachem i domkami jak u Flintson\u00F3w. Planeta ta le\u017Cy niby w jednej z najlepiej rozwini\u0119tych galaktyk, ale mimo to jest tam dziadostwo jak we wschodniej Europie."@pl . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@it . . . . . . "Black"@ru . . . . . . . . "Gold"@ru . "Ghomrassen, Guermessa, Chenini"@no . . . "*Des\u00E9rtico,\n*Mesas\n*Ca\u00F1ones\n*Anteriormente oceanos y junglas"@es . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@hr . . . "Tusken"@nl . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@ro . . . "Tatooine"@en . . "2013-07-25"^^ . . . . "Tatooine was a desert planet within the Outer Rim, home to many species, criminals, and well known figures including Jabba the Hutt."@en . "right|thumb|200px Tatooine je pustinjski planet u binarnom solarnom sistemu u Vanjskom prstenu. Uglavnom su populacija siroma\u0161ni doseljenici koji se obi\u010Dno bave hvatanjem vlage koju prodaju u gradovima. Ostale aktivnosti su uglavnom preprodaja dijelova, i popravci brodova. PLanet je dio Sisarskog puta. Tako\u0111er, planet je va\u017Ean za galakti\u010Dku povijest, jer je bio dom Anakina Skywalkera, a i njegovog sina Lukea Skywalkera."@hr . . . . . "Mos Eisley"@en . . "Tatooine era un mundo desierto. Tatooine tambi\u00E9n fue el planeta natal de Anakin Skywalker. Su hijo, Luke Skywalker, creci\u00F3 en este planeta, tambi\u00E9n."@es . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3/\u6B63\u53F2"@fr . . "200000"^^ . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Tatooine"@sv . "23"^^ . "Tatooine"@no . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "Tatooine"@fi . . "El espacio"@es . . . . "*Anchorhead\n*Bestine\n*Freetown\n*Mos Doba\n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Elrey\n*Mos Entha\n*Mos Espa \n*Mos Taike\n*Tosche Station"@en . "*Bestine \n*Anchorhead \n*Fort Tusken \n*Mos Eisley \n*Mos Entha \n*Mos Espa \n*Mos Gamos"@it . "1.0"^^ . . . . "Tatooine-planeta.jpg"@es . "Tatooine (pronunciato t\u00E6tu'in) e' un mondo deserto situato in un sistema stellare binario nel Settore Arkanis dei Territori dell'Orlo Esterno, ed era il pi\u00F9 importante tra i mondi del Triangolo della Spezia. E' abitato dalla povera popolazione locale la cui principale attivita' e' la coltivazione di umidita'. Altre attivita' comprendono la vendita al dettaglio di attrezzatura usata ed il traffico di rottami. Il pianeta si trova lungo la corsia di spedizione 5709-DC, un'appendice della Rotta Commerciale Triellus, che a sua volta connette alla Via Sisar. Il pianeta inoltre non e' lontano dalla Via Corelliana. Esso ha un suo sistema di navigazione. Tatooine viene ricordato soprattutto per il ruolo primario che ha avuto nella storia della galassia: e' il pianeta natale di Anakin Skywalker. E' su di esso che il Maestro Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn riconobbe il potenziale di Anakin per diventare uno Jedi e che quest'ultimo fece conoscenza con Obi-Wan Kenobi, suo futuro maestro e mentore. Tatooine ospito' anche il figlio di Anakin, Luke, che vi visse fino a quando non divenne adulto."@it . "Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im \u00C4u\u00DFeren Rand, der um die beiden Sonnen Tatoo I und Tatoo II kreist. Wie auf vielen Planeten im \u00C4u\u00DFerem Rand haben die Hauptm\u00E4chte der Galaxie hier wenig Einfluss, die Hutten beherrschen den Planeten. Schmuggler wie Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger oder auch Sklavenh\u00E4ndler sind auf Tatooine anzutreffen. Beg\u00FCnstigt wird seine Popularit\u00E4t in Unterwelt-Kreisen durch seine N\u00E4he zu einer der wichtigen Hyperraumrouten, der Corellianischen Schnellstra\u00DFe. Siedler, die sich ihren Lebensunterhalt auf legale Weise verdienen wollen, versuchen sich meist als Feuchtfarmer, deren Farmen meist nicht weit von gro\u00DFen Handelsst\u00E4dten wie Mos Espa, Anchorhead oder Mos Eisley entfernt liegen.Tatooine besitzt die gr\u00F6\u00DFten und trockensten W\u00FCsten der Galaxis."@en . . . . "Arkanis sector"@en . . "Tatooine"@nl . . "Primera"@es . . . . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@hu . "Tatooine"@no . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . . "977239393"^^ . . "Tatooine"@ro . "Tatooine"@en . . . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@hr . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@nl . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@es . . . . . "250"^^ . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@it . . . . . "ArrakisWant is actually called Abydos oh sorry that should be on the stargate humor wiki Tatooine, a.k.a. the Crappy Desert Planet was the most out-of-the-way, eccentric planet in the galaxy. Essentially, anybody who's ever mattered lived, was born on, or gambled at the casino's there (except Spiderman; his 'spidey sense' got him kicked out faster than you could say \"Sithspawn\"). The planet's mottos are \"What Happens in Mos Eisley Stays in Mos Eisley\" and \"Hakuna Matata! What a Crappy Phrase!\". The planet is also home to Darth Palpy Disney World. If you were from Tatooine and could shoot womp rats from a moving speeder, this automatically made you the best pilot in the world; no really; it really does."@en . . . "Arkanissektoren"@no . "Quente e \u00E1rido"@pt . . . "*Ghomrassen\n*Guermessa\n*Chenini"@fi . "Tatooine"@pl . . . . "*Infinite Empire\n*Czerka Corporation\n*Galactic Republic\n*CIS\n*Rebel Alliance\n*Galactic Empire\n*New Republic"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@it . "Standard."@en . . "*2 st\n**Tatoo I\n**Tatoo II"@sv . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "*Bestine \n*Anchorhead\n*Fort Tusken\n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Entha\n*Mos Espa\n*Mos Gamos"@en . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@no . . . . . . "*Various species\n**Jawas\n**Hutts\n**Tusken Raiders"@en . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@nl . . . "[[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png Tatooine is a level."@en . "*M\u00E4nniskor\n*Rodian\n*Pacithhip\n*Hutter\n*Askajian\n*Er'Kit\n*Ranat\n*Mandalorian\n*Toong\n*Twi'lek\n*Saurin\n*Whiphid\n*Kitonak\n*Zybahhod Yenyoni\n*Etc.\n*Tidigare: Rakata"@sv . . "250"^^ . . "Tatooine is a planet from the Star Wars universe. It is a location featured in \"Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars\" as home to Luke Skywalker, Phineas, and Ferb."@en . . . "*Jawa\n*Povo da Areia"@pt . . "Tatooine"@it . . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . . . "Tatooine"@no . "Lake Anre"@en . . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . "N\u00FAcleo fundido con manto rocoso y corteza de silicatos."@es . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@es . "Tatooine a fost o lume de\u015Fertic\u0103 \u015Fi prima dintr-un sistem stelar binar cu trei luni, localizat\u0103 \u00EEn sectorul Arkanis din teritoriile Inelului Exterior. Localnicii s\u0103i erau s\u0103raci \u015Fi produceau umezeal\u0103 pentru a tr\u0103i. Alte activit\u0103\u0163i includeau v\u00E2nzarea cu am\u0103nuntul a echipamentului \u015Fi comer\u0163ul cu fier vechi. Planeta se afla pe Aleea de naviga\u0163ie 5709-DC, o ramur\u0103 a Rutei de Comer\u0163 Triellus care se conecta ea \u00EEns\u0103\u015Fi la Ruta Sisar. Planeta nu era \u00EEndep\u0103rtat\u0103 de Ruta Corellian\u0103. Avea propriul s\u0103u sistem de naviga\u0163ie. Cu toate acestea, avea s\u0103 joace un rol major \u00EEn istoria galactic\u0103, fiind lumea de origine a lui Anakin Skywalker. Aici Maestrul Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn i-a recunoscut poten\u0163ialul de Jedi al lui Anakin \u015Fi i-a f\u0103cut cuno\u015Ftin\u0163\u0103 acestuia cu Obi-Wan Kenobi, viitorul s\u0103u maestru \u015Fi mentor. Tato"@ro . "Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im \u00C4u\u00DFeren Rand, der um die beiden Sonnen Tatoo I und Tatoo II kreist. Wie auf vielen Planeten im \u00C4u\u00DFerem Rand haben die Hauptm\u00E4chte der Galaxie hier wenig Einfluss, die Hutten beherrschen den Planeten. Schmuggler wie Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger oder auch Sklavenh\u00E4ndler sind auf Tatooine anzutreffen. Beg\u00FCnstigt wird seine Popularit\u00E4t in Unterwelt-Kreisen durch seine N\u00E4he zu einer der wichtigen Hyperraumrouten, der Corellianischen Schnellstra\u00DFe. Siedler, die sich ihren Lebensunterhalt auf legale Weise verdienen wollen, versuchen sich meist als Feuchtfarmer, deren Farmen meist nicht weit von gro\u00DFen Handelsst\u00E4dten wie Mos Espa, Anchorhead oder Mos Eisley entfernt liegen.Tatooine besitzt die gr\u00F6\u00DFten und trockensten W\u00FCsten der Galaxis."@de . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@es . . . "Tatooine"@it . "Tatooine"@no . "*Illegal munitions\n*Narcotics\n**Death sticks \n**Bando Gora neurotoxins\n*Minerals\n*Bando Gora slaves"@en . . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@pt . . "*Tusken Raiders\n*Jawas\n*Trooshti\n*Riorians\n*Mole Creatures"@en . "C\u00E2non:Tatooine"@fr . . . . . . . . "Tatooine es un planeta desolado en Star Wars."@es . . . . . . . . . "Location:"@en . . . . . "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi"@es . . "1"^^ . . . "dry, desert"@en . . . "Tatooine is a desert planet in the Star Wars universe. Pronounced /t\u00E6tu'in/ or Tah doo Een in Jawaese it is the first planet in the binary Tatoo star system and part of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. An impoverished population of the planet gathers moisture and engages in equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The criminal dregs of the universe collect there. Tatooine's place in galactic events was the home of Anakin Skywalker. There Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin's potential to become a Jedi Knight and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor. Tatooine would also be the home of Anakin's son, Luke, where he lived until his early adulthood."@en . "80"^^ . . . . . . "304"^^ . . "Tatooine"@da . . . . . . . "Tatooine a fost o lume de\u015Fertic\u0103 \u015Fi prima dintr-un sistem stelar binar cu trei luni, localizat\u0103 \u00EEn sectorul Arkanis din teritoriile Inelului Exterior. Localnicii s\u0103i erau s\u0103raci \u015Fi produceau umezeal\u0103 pentru a tr\u0103i. Alte activit\u0103\u0163i includeau v\u00E2nzarea cu am\u0103nuntul a echipamentului \u015Fi comer\u0163ul cu fier vechi. Planeta se afla pe Aleea de naviga\u0163ie 5709-DC, o ramur\u0103 a Rutei de Comer\u0163 Triellus care se conecta ea \u00EEns\u0103\u015Fi la Ruta Sisar. Planeta nu era \u00EEndep\u0103rtat\u0103 de Ruta Corellian\u0103. Avea propriul s\u0103u sistem de naviga\u0163ie. Cu toate acestea, avea s\u0103 joace un rol major \u00EEn istoria galactic\u0103, fiind lumea de origine a lui Anakin Skywalker. Aici Maestrul Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn i-a recunoscut poten\u0163ialul de Jedi al lui Anakin \u015Fi i-a f\u0103cut cuno\u015Ftin\u0163\u0103 acestuia cu Obi-Wan Kenobi, viitorul s\u0103u maestru \u015Fi mentor. Tatooine a fost \u015Fi casa fiului lui Anakin, Luke, unde acesta a tr\u0103it p\u00E2n\u0103 aproape de maturitate. Planeta avea o reputa\u0163ie foarte proast\u0103, fiind adesea v\u0103zut\u0103 ca groapa de gunoi a galaxiei din cauza num\u0103rului ridicat de infractori care se reg\u0103seau acolo. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@ro . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@pt . . "2"^^ . . . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@hu . . . . . "Tatooine"@es . . . . . . . . . . "1.0"^^ . . . "Tatooine"@no . "82800.0"^^ . . "Pirates Lane"@en . . "Territorios del Borde Exterior"@es . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . "Tatooine was the desert homeworld of Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke. It was also the base planet of Jabba the Hutt. The terrain was mostly desert and the weather was either intense heat from the twin sun's rays or harsh sandstorms."@en . . . "Tatoo I og Tatoo II"@no . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@no . "250"^^ . . . "*43,000 light years\n*13,183 parsecs"@en . . . . . "*Pianure Bantha\n* Beggar's Canyon \n*Monastero B'omarr \n*The Cage \n*Mare di Dune \n*Grande Pozzo di Carkoon \n*Jundland Wastes \n*Cimitero Krayt \n*Lago Anre \n*Valle degli Spiriti"@it . . . . "[Source] Tatooine \u00E9tait un monde d\u00E9sertique de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure. Des fossiles laissent penser aux scientifiques que Tatooine \u00E9tait recouverte par un oc\u00E9an \u00E0 l'instar de Kamino. La plan\u00E8te fut colonis\u00E9e par des corporations mini\u00E8res qui pensaient que la plan\u00E8te \u00E9tait riche en minerais. Cependant, lorsqu'elles d\u00E9couvrirent que ce n'\u00E9tait pas le cas, ces corporations pli\u00E8rent bagages et laiss\u00E8rent leurs ouvriers sur la plan\u00E8te. Depuis, Tatooine est devenu le repaire des hors-la-loi et le fief du Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tiure."@fr . "Tatooine"@es . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@da . "Beggars Juv\n\nDynesj\u00F8en\n\nJabbas Palass\n\nGardullas Palass\n\nDen Store Pytt i Karkoon\n\nKraytgravplassen\n\nFort Tusken\n\nJawa Fjell Festningen\n\nLars Hjemsted\n\nBoonta Eve Klassisk\n\nBen Kenobis hytte"@no . . . "Tatooine (pronunciato t\u00E6tu'in) e' un mondo deserto situato in un sistema stellare binario nel Settore Arkanis dei Territori dell'Orlo Esterno, ed era il pi\u00F9 importante tra i mondi del Triangolo della Spezia."@it . . . . "Tatooine"@ru . "*Umani \n*Rodiani \n*Pacithhip \n*Hutt \n*Askajiani \n*Er'Kit \n*Ranat \n*Mandaloriani \n*Toong \n*Twi'lek \n*Saurini \n*Whiphid \n*Kitonak \n*Zybahhod Yenyoni \n*In origine: Rakata"@it . . . "Tatooine"@it . . . "Modest"@en . "13465"^^ . . . "Coded"@en . . . . . . "Tatooine is a desert planet in the Western Outer rim, surpisingly, it was home to the one and only moisture farmer who saved the Galaxy - Luke Skywalker."@en . . . . . ""@no . "Tatooine"@en . . . . . . "10.465"^^ . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@pl . . . . . . . "\"You mean Dantooine?\" might be the most common, and most annoying question posed to those who hail from Tatooine and have \"made it\" off. Of course, it's not a question asked very often, because so few \"make it\" off the world. Once a thriving mining colony of the Hutts, Tatooine is now little more than a slum. Most of the criminals who stop over on this desolate planet know the name Mos Eisley better than the name of the planet itself. Tatooine is presently administrated by Maltorus Valen, a native of Sienar."@en . . . "N / A"@ru . . . . . . "Tatooine"@da . "Tatooine"@hr . "Terrain"@en . "Chaud et aride"@fr . "Tatooine"@en . "*Huttese\n*Galactic Basic Standard\n*Jawaese\n*Tusken"@en . . . . "* sivatagok\n* d\u0171netengerek\n* kanyonok\n* fenns\u00EDkok"@hu . "Chenini"@en . . "250"^^ . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . . "Tatooine has two severe environmental factors that can be crippling to any land forces these included sand devils which will instantly kill or destroy any land unit that gets in its way, the second is the occasional sandstorms that reduce rocket accuracy giving infantry a hard time against vehicles. The Benefit of owning the Tatooine system is the Light Armour Bonus which improves all light vehicles armour by 10."@en . . "Tatooine"@hr . . "Tatooine"@ro . . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . . "Terrestrial, Arid Rock"@en . . . . . . "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"@es . . . . "Tatooine"@it . "Tatooine (\u0440\u0443\u0441. \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D) \u2014 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044B\u0439 \u044D\u043F\u0438\u0437\u043E\u0434 Angry Birds Star Wars, \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442 \u0438\u0437 40 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0435\u0439. \u0412\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u0442 \u043D\u0430 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0438\u043C\u0451\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0441 \u043F\u0435\u0441\u0447\u0430\u043D\u044B\u043C\u0438 \u0431\u0430\u0440\u0445\u0430\u043D\u0430\u043C\u0438. \u0417\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043C \u0441 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u044F 1-26 \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432 \u043A\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0441, \u043D\u043E \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0436\u0435 \u043D\u0435\u043F\u043E\u0434\u0430\u043B\u0451\u043A\u0443 \u043E\u0442 \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D\u0430, \u0430 \u043F\u043E \u043C\u0435\u0440\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0445\u043E\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u043F\u0442\u0438\u0446\u044B \u043D\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043D\u0430\u044E\u0442 \u0432\u0441\u0451 \u0434\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435 \u043E\u0442\u043B\u0435\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043E\u0442 \u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D\u0430, \u0438 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0431\u043B\u0438\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u043A \u0417\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0435 \u0421\u043C\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438."@ru . . . "Tatooine es una canci\u00F3n por los hermanos Flynn-Fletcher en Phineas y Ferb: Star Wars. thumb|right|296 px"@es . . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . "1.3569768E12"^^ . . . . "*Humans \n*Rodians \n*Pacithhip \n*Hutts \n*Askajians \n*Er'Kits \n*Ranats \n*Mandalorians \n*Toongs\n*Twi'leks \n*Saurins \n*Whiphids \n*Kitonaks \n*Zybahhod Yenyoni \n*Rancor\n*Formerly: Rakata"@en . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@ro . "*Black melon\n*Funnel flower\n*Japor ivory wood\n*Lamta\n*Pallie\n*Poonten grass\n*Polta bean\n*Tuber"@en . . "Tatooine"@hr . "Tatooine var en \u00F6kenv\u00E4rld i Galaxen. Koordinater: R-16 P\u00E5 denna planet v\u00E4xte Anakin Skywalker upp och likas\u00E5 Luke Skywalker. Tatooine hade tv\u00E5 solar och l\u00E5g i utkanten av galaxen. Till st\u00F6rsta delen bestod Tatooine av \u00F6ken och en av n\u00E4ringarna var fuktfarmar. Tv\u00E5 st\u00F6rre st\u00E4der inkluderade rymdhamnen Mos Eisley samt Mos Espa och Anchorhead. Planeten styrdes av Hutterna. Den mest inflytelserika hutten var Jabba the Hutt som styrde minst en tredjedel av slavhandeln i Mos Espa vid tiden f\u00F6r Slaget vid Yavin. Federationen existerade d\u00E5 inte p\u00E5 Tatooine, d\u00E4rf\u00F6r p\u00E5gick mycket olagliga saker som till exempel slavhandel, smuggling och kapselrace. Kapselrace var olagligt p\u00E5 de flesta planeter men p\u00E5 Tatooine var inget olagligt och allt lagligt. Kapselrace var en farlig och riskfull sport, f\u00F6r att klara det m\u00E5ste man ha mod som en jedi. Den enda m\u00E4nniskan som n\u00E5gonsin klarade ett race var den 10-\u00E5riga slaven Anakin Skywalker som vann ett kapselrace p\u00E5 boonta-afton."@sv . "*Bestine \n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Espa\n*Anchorhead\n*Fuerte Tusken\n*Mos Entha\n*Mos Gamos"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@no . . "2"^^ . . "Tatooine"@hr . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@sv . . "Tatooine is a planet that you can visit during the Star Wars Takeover, primarily for the activities you have to do in Week One of the quest for the party. It has been in every Star Wars film except for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. One of Tatooine's major cities, Mos Eisley, is known for being filled with crime and villainy. The planet is covered in desert."@en . "Tatooine was een oude planeet gelegen in de Outer Rim in de Arkanis Sector op minder dan \u00E9\u00E9n Parsec van Geonosis. Alhoewel de woestijnplaneet met de twee zonnen ver van het centrum van het universum lag, was Tatooine een planeet die vrij gekend was in het universum. Tijdens de Galactic Republic maakte Tatooine nog deel uit van het Hutt Space. Het leven op Tatooine was niet makkelijk. Het was de planeet waar zowel Anakin en zijn zoon Luke Skywalker opgroeiden."@nl . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@ro . . . . "1"^^ . "Caluroso, \u00E1rido, seco y con tormentas de arena"@es . . "1.0"^^ . "Beggar's Canyon."@en . "Tatooine"@da . "Tatooine"@pt . "Tatooine"@en . "*Bestine \n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Espa\n*Mos Entooine\n*Mos Entha\n*Mos Gamos"@en . "ArrakisWant is actually called Abydos oh sorry that should be on the stargate humor wiki Tatooine, a.k.a. the Crappy Desert Planet was the most out-of-the-way, eccentric planet in the galaxy. Essentially, anybody who's ever mattered lived, was born on, or gambled at the casino's there (except Spiderman; his 'spidey sense' got him kicked out faster than you could say \"Sithspawn\"). The planet's mottos are \"What Happens in Mos Eisley Stays in Mos Eisley\" and \"Hakuna Matata! What a Crappy Phrase!\". The planet is also home to Darth Palpy Disney World."@en . . "200012"^^ . "Tatooine is a desert world in a binary star system, inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. The planet has been the site of repeated and failed attempts at colonization. During the prequel era, it was ruled for a long period by the Hutts, being beyond the reach of the Galactic Republic. After the fall of the Republic, the Galactic Empire established a token presence on Tatooine, but the crime lord Gardulla the Hutt still retained de facto control of the planet."@en . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . . "Jawaese"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . "Local council"@en . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@da . "Great Pit of Carkoon"@en . "Mos Eisley"@en . . . . "Verschillende species"@nl . . . . . "History of location is unknown."@en . . "Sector"@en . "Tatooine (pronounced /t\u00E6tu'in/) was a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system."@en . . . . . "D\u00E9sert"@fr . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Terrestre"@pt . . "N/A"@en . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@nl . "Others of numerous variety"@en . . . . . "*Teknologiaa\n*Viljaa\n*Vett\u00E4\n*Metalleja\n*Ruokaa"@fi . . "Tatooine Kateg\u00F3ria:Plan\u00E9ty"@sk . . . . . . . "Torr sten"@sv . . "320"^^ . "2"^^ . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@es . . "Tatooine is a desert planet in the Star Wars universe. Pronounced /t\u00E6tu'in/ or Tah doo Een in Jawaese it is the first planet in the binary Tatoo star system and part of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. An impoverished population of the planet gathers moisture and engages in equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The criminal dregs of the universe collect there."@en . . . "250"^^ . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@no . "Tatooine"@no . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . "*Jundland Wastes\n*Beggar's Canyon\n*Jabba's Palace"@en . "See Tatooine#General"@en . . "Tatooine is a desert world in the Outer Rim, and the first of three planets that orbit the suns of a binary star system in the Arkanis sector. The world is known as a haven for smugglers, pirates and those seeking to conduct questionable research away from prying eyes. Tatooine's level bracket is 24-28. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Tatooine on Wookieepedia"@en . "Mezcla de ox\u00EDgeno"@es . . . . . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@hr . . "Mushroom Mesa."@en . "Imperio Hutt"@es . . . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@sv . . . . . . "Sistema Tatoo"@es . . "Tatooine"@da . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@hu . . . . "Munizioni illegali, narcotici, minerali"@it . "* Bestine \n* Anchorhead\n* Fort Tusken\n* Mos Eisley\n* Mos Entha\n* Mos Espa\n* Mos Gamos"@fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@nl . "l\u00E9legezhet\u0151"@hu . . . . . "90"^^ . . "*Illegal Munitions\n*Narcotics\n*Minerals"@en . . . "\"You mean Dantooine?\" might be the most common, and most annoying question posed to those who hail from Tatooine and have \"made it\" off. Of course, it's not a question asked very often, because so few \"make it\" off the world. Once a thriving mining colony of the Hutts, Tatooine is now little more than a slum. Most of the criminals who stop over on this desolate planet know the name Mos Eisley better than the name of the planet itself. Because of its anonmity, sentients can get away with almost anything on Tatooine. The Tatooinan desert devours all traces of a body, whether it happens to be the body of a flithy Jawa (the disgusting natives) or a Galactic Senator. The desert is not discerning. Terrible things happen on Tatooine, and not even the rumor of these crimes finds its way off the world. An observant sentient once noted that the true foulness of sentience shows its colors when it's not being watched. That said, a few honest Tatooinans, mostly refugees from the days of Hutt mining, manage to eke out an existence on the fringes of the crime- ridden towns. Trapped between the Tusken Raiders of the desert and the murderous criminals of the townships, these natives tend to be tough and closed. They aren't interested in outsiders. They aren't interested in much of anything, save their meager moisture farms. Tatooine is presently administrated by Maltorus Valen, a native of Sienar."@en . . . . . . "A desert planet in George Lucas' universe."@en . . . . "Roccioso, arido"@it . . . . . "Tatooine was een oude planeet gelegen in de Outer Rim in de Arkanis Sector op minder dan \u00E9\u00E9n Parsec van Geonosis. Alhoewel de woestijnplaneet met de twee zonnen ver van het centrum van het universum lag, was Tatooine een planeet die vrij gekend was in het universum. Tijdens de Galactic Republic maakte Tatooine nog deel uit van het Hutt Space. Het leven op Tatooine was niet makkelijk. Het was de planeet waar zowel Anakin en zijn zoon Luke Skywalker opgroeiden."@nl . . "Tatooine es una canci\u00F3n por los hermanos Flynn-Fletcher en Phineas y Ferb: Star Wars. thumb|right|296 px"@es . . "Tatooine"@it . "2"^^ . . "Star Wars"@en . . . . "R-16"@en . . . . . . . "304"^^ . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@es . . "Tatooine is the homeland of Luke and Anakin Skywalker and Ben Kenobi and is controlled by The Hutts The Lars moisture farm is the home of Luke for most of his childhood"@en . . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@hr . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@sv . . . "*Infinite Empire\n*Galactic Republic\n*Czerka Corporation\n*Hutts\n*Jabba Desilijic Tiure's Criminal Empire\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n*Galactic Empire\n*Hutt Cartel\n*Alliance of Free Planets\n*New Republic"@en . . . . "Tellurique"@fr . . "82800.0"^^ . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@hu . . "*43 000 ljus\u00E5r\n*13 183 parsec"@sv . "Basic."@en . . . "Tatooine to pustynna planeta po\u0142o\u017Cona na Zewn\u0119trznych Rubie\u017Cach Galaktyki. Tatooine kr\u0105\u017Cy wok\u00F3\u0142 uk\u0142adu dw\u00F3ch s\u0142o\u0144c, jej klimat jest w przewa\u017Caj\u0105cej cz\u0119\u015Bci pustynny. Tatooine nie posiada zbyt wielkiej ilo\u015Bci bogactw mineralnych - wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na niej ruda metalu okazuje si\u0119 by\u0107 naturalnie namagnetyzowana, co sprawia, \u017Ce jej wydobycie i przetwarzanie staje si\u0119 na d\u0142u\u017Csz\u0105 met\u0119 nieop\u0142acalne. Spo\u015Br\u00F3d najbardziej znanych na Tatooine lokacji wymieni\u0107 nale\u017Cy miasto Mos Eisley ze znanym w ca\u0142ych Rubie\u017Cach lokalem \"Kantyna Mos Eisley\", a tak\u017Ce pa\u0142ac Hutta Jabby."@pl . "--11-08"^^ . . . . . "Galactic Empire"@nl . "* Tatoo I\n* Tatoo II"@hu . "Mos Espa"@en . "Deserto, c\u00E2nions, penhascos rochosos"@pt . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . "planeta"@pl . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@es . . . "Ghomrassen"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@hu . . . . . . . . . "Ludzie Tuskeni Jawowie"@pl . . . . . . "*Huttese \n*Basic Galattico Standard \n*Jawaese \n*Tusken\n*In origine: linguaggio Kumumgah e linguaggio Rakata"@it . . . . "Dune Sea"@en . . "Tatooine"@it . "Tatooine is a Desert Planet based off All of Star Wars Series. it is a Desert world was Ruled by Gangsters and Criminals, Fierce Sand People Tusken Raiders, Scavenger Jawas, and Finally Desert aliens."@en . . "Tatooine"@pt . "Tatooine"@es . . . . . . "Tatooine"@es . "[Source] Tatooine \u00E9tait un monde d\u00E9sertique de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure. Des fossiles laissent penser aux scientifiques que Tatooine \u00E9tait recouverte par un oc\u00E9an \u00E0 l'instar de Kamino. La plan\u00E8te fut colonis\u00E9e par des corporations mini\u00E8res qui pensaient que la plan\u00E8te \u00E9tait riche en minerais. Cependant, lorsqu'elles d\u00E9couvrirent que ce n'\u00E9tait pas le cas, ces corporations pli\u00E8rent bagages et laiss\u00E8rent leurs ouvriers sur la plan\u00E8te. Depuis, Tatooine est devenu le repaire des hors-la-loi et le fief du Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tiure. La plan\u00E8te est \u00E9galement devenue connue pour ses courses de modules comme la Classique de Boonta Eve. Les Jawa, un peuple de ferrailleur, et les Tusken, un peuple de guerriers sanguinaires, \u00E9taient des esp\u00E8ces originaires de la plan\u00E8te. En 32 av.BY, la Reine de Naboo, Padm\u00E9 Amidala, alors en fuite vers Coruscant pour d\u00E9noncer le Blocus de Naboo organis\u00E9e par la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration du Commerce dut se poser sur Tatooine. En effet, l'Hyperdrive de son vaisseau avait l\u00E2ch\u00E9 et elle envoya le Ma\u00EEtre Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn pour en trouver un autre."@fr . . . "*Impero Infinito \n*Repubblica Galattica \n*Czerka Corporation\n*Hutt \n*Impero Criminale di Jabba Desilijic Tiure\n*Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti \n*Impero Galattico \n*Cartello Hutt \n*Alleanza dei Pianeti Liberi \n*Nuova Repubblica"@it . "*Mineraalit\n*Laittomia panostavaroita\n*Narcotics"@fi . . "Tatooine"@it . . "* Bestine \n* Anchorhead\n* Tusken er\u0151d\n* Mos Eisley\n* Mos Entha\n* Mos Espa\n* Mos Gamos"@hu . . . "Tatooine.jpg"@es . . . . . "*Humans\n*Rodians\n*Pacithhip\n*Hutts\n*Askajians\n*Er'Kits\n*Ranats\n*Mandalorians\n*Toongs\n*Twi'leks\n*Saurins\n*Whiphids\n*Kitonaks\n*Zybahhod Yenyoni\n*Etc.\n*Formerly: Rakata"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@hr . "Tatooine"@it . . . . "200000"^^ . . "In origine: oceani, foreste pluviali"@it . . "Tatooine"@it . . "82800.0"^^ . . . . . "Type:"@en . . "Tatooine"@it . . . . . . "Tatooine, to pustynna planeta w uk\u0142adzie Tatoo. Znajduje si\u0119 w Zewn\u0119trznych rubie\u017Cach Galaktyki. Kr\u0105\u017Cy wok\u00F3\u0142 uk\u0142adu dw\u00F3ch gwiazd (Tatoo I i Tatoo II), jej klimat jest pustynny. Tatooine nie posiada zbyt wielkiej ilo\u015Bci bogactw mineralnych - wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca na niej ruda metalu okazuje si\u0119 by\u0107 naturalnie namagnetyzowana, co sprawia, \u017Ce jej wydobycie i przetwarzanie staje si\u0119 na d\u0142u\u017Csz\u0105 met\u0119 nieop\u0142acalne. Na Tatooine jest kilka miast z portem kosmicznym - Mos Eisley, Mos Espa. Wod\u0119 na planecie pozyskuje si\u0119 z farm wilgoci lub z eksportu. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 tutaj tak\u017Ce nieliczne oazy."@pl . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@ro . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@fr . "Desert"@en . "10465.0"^^ . . . "Tatooine\u200E\u200E"@no . . "Tatooine - planeta w Odleg\u0142ej Galaktyce po\u0142o\u017Cona gdzie\u015B na zadupiu kosmosu. Jej powierzchnia jest pokryta piachem i domkami jak u Flintson\u00F3w. Planeta ta le\u017Cy niby w jednej z najlepiej rozwini\u0119tych galaktyk, ale mimo to jest tam dziadostwo jak we wschodniej Europie."@pl . "10465.0"^^ . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@it . . . . . . . "200"^^ . . "Tatooine"@ro . . "Tatooine"@en . . "Tatooine era un mundo des\u00E9rtico en el Borde Exterior, y el primero de los tres planetas en \u00F3rbita a dos estrellas de un sistema estelar binario en el sector de Arkanis. Este mundo era conocido por ser un refugio para contrabandistas, piratas y de aquellos que buscan llevar a cabo investigaciones controvertidas lejos de miradas indiscretas."@es . . . . "Hot and arid"@en . "Seas of Sand and Rock"@en . . . . "Tatooine"@en . . . . "Space"@en . . "Tatooine is a Desert Planet based off All of Star Wars Series. it is a Desert world was Ruled by Gangsters and Criminals, Fierce Sand People Tusken Raiders, Scavenger Jawas, and Finally Desert aliens."@en . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3/\u6B63\u53F2"@en . . "Tatooine"@ro . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@hr . . . . . "Zuurstof mengsel"@nl . "Tusken Raiders, Jawas"@en . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@da . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@en . . . . . "Tatooine is a desolate desert world and the innermost planet in the binary star system Tatoo, located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. A very ancient world, paleontological evidence suggest that Tatooine was once covered by vast oceans and had a much more humid climate. Today, however, the planet is very arid, and liquid water covers no more than 1% of its surface. Due to the harsh environment and the unbearable heat and brightness caused by the two suns, the planet's population is concentrated in a relatively mild area on the northern hemisphere. The equatorial region is believed to be completely uninhabited."@en . . "Tatooine"@en . "Planeten Tatooine er en \u00F8rkenplanet og det meste af planeten er ejet af Hutt'erne. Tatooine er den planet hvor R2D2 og C3PO havner efter at prinsesse Leia Organa har overgivet R2D2 planerne over D\u00F8dsstjernen. Tatooine er ogs\u00E5 hjemsted for blandt andet: Tusken Raiders, Jawas, Bantha'er, Ronto'er og Womp rotter. p\u00E5 denne planet er Podracing meget popul\u00E6rt. Der er kun f\u00E5 byer p\u00E5 Tatooine, og de der findes er ofte hjemsted for gangstere, rumpirater og andet udskud. Ude i \u00F8rkenen bor der fugtfarmere, der ved hj\u00E6lp af speciel teknologi kan dyrke gr\u00F8ntsager i den ellers ufrugtbare jord. kun 4% af denne \u00F8rkenplanets overflade er d\u00E6kket af vand. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@da . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0457\u043D"@en . . . "Tatooine"@nl . "History of location is unknown."@en . . . . . . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@ro . "1"^^ . . "Tatooine"@da . . . "\uD0C0\uD22C\uC778"@no . "right|300px Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet im Outer-Rim-Territorium und Heimatplanet von Anakin Skywalker und seinem Sohn Luke Skywalker. Die Einheimischen sind die Tusken-R\u00E4uber oder Sandleute und die Jawas, die als nomadische Schrotth\u00E4ndler unterwegs sind. [WP] - \"Tatooine ist ein W\u00FCstenplanet, der um ein Zwillingssonnenpaar (Tatoo 1 & 2) kreist. Abseits von wichtigen Handelsrouten am Rande des Outer-Rim-Territoriums ist er ein Refugium f\u00FCr Schmuggler, Kriminelle und Leute, die nicht gefunden werden wollen. Sonst hat er, abgesehen von Feuchtfarmen, nicht viel Sehenswertes.\""@de . . . . "*Tusken Raider\n*Jawa\n*Trooshti\n*Riorian\n*Mole Creature"@sv . "right|thumb|200px Tatooine je pustinjski planet u binarnom solarnom sistemu u Vanjskom prstenu. Uglavnom su populacija siroma\u0161ni doseljenici koji se obi\u010Dno bave hvatanjem vlage koju prodaju u gradovima. Ostale aktivnosti su uglavnom preprodaja dijelova, i popravci brodova. PLanet je dio Sisarskog puta. Tako\u0111er, planet je va\u017Ean za galakti\u010Dku povijest, jer je bio dom Anakina Skywalkera, a i njegovog sina Lukea Skywalkera."@hr . . "The capital of this planet is Bestine. One of the more popular major cities are Anchorhead, Mos Eisley, and Mos Espa."@en . "\u00D8rken, Juv, Oaser, Reinskog"@no . . . . "Tatooine has two severe environmental factors that can be crippling to any land forces these included sand devils which will instantly kill or destroy any land unit that gets in its way, the second is the occasional sandstorms that reduce rocket accuracy giving infantry a hard time against vehicles. Tatooine has 4 indigenous species; Humans, Hutts, Jawas and Tusken Raiders. Humans and Jawas are friendly to the Alliance and the Hutts are friendly to the imperials, Tusken Raiders are hostile to everyone. As well as this Tatooine is home to 3 other creatures; Banthas, Womp Rats and Rancors Banthas and Womp Rats are harmless but may get in the way of troop movement. The Rancor however are hostile and will attack all units. The Benefit of owning the Tatooine system is the Light Armour Bonus which improves all light vehicles armour by 10."@en . "3"^^ . . . . . . "Tatooine"@nl . . "*Bantha Plains\n*Beggar's Canyon\n*B'omarr Monastery\n*The Cage\n*Dune Sea\n*Great Pit of Carkoon\n*Jundland Wastes\n*Krayt Graveyard\n*Lake Anre\n*Valley of the Spirits"@en . . . . "Candace Flynn, Stormtrooper Baljeet, Stormtrooper Buford Candace's C.O.R2-D2, C-3PO, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Pilot Isabella"@en . "Tatooine"@sv . . . . "*Huttese\n*Galactic Basic Standard\n*Jawaese\n*Tusken\n*Formerly: Kumumgah language and Rakatan language"@en . "1.0"^^ . "Desiertos de arena y roca"@es . "\u5854\u5716\u56E0"@ro . . . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@en . . "Tatooine"@sk . . . . "23"^^ . . . . . . "Controlled by:"@en . . "A desert planet in George Lucas' universe."@en . "Basic"@nl . . . . . "Tatooine is a desert world in a binary star system, inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. The planet has been the site of repeated and failed attempts at colonization. During the prequel era, it was ruled for a long period by the Hutts, being beyond the reach of the Galactic Republic. After the fall of the Republic, the Galactic Empire established a token presence on Tatooine, but the crime lord Gardulla the Hutt still retained de facto control of the planet. Tatooine is also home to much crime and activities that go along with it. This planet has many bars and places to gamble on things. One of the main attractions for gambling is podracing, a sport in which many competitors race extremely fast in hovercraft-type vehicles. Podrace tracks here include the Boonta Training Course and the Boonta Eve Classic. These races involve pilots piloting their pods through twisty canyons, dark caves, rock arches, mushroom rocks and cratered valleys etc."@en . . "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"@es . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@fr . . "43000"^^ . . . . . "Inhabitants"@en . "\u30BF\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30FC\u30F3"@da . . "*Small desert towns with spaceports\n*Mos Eisley\n*Mos Espa"@en . . . . . . "Tatooine"@pt . . . . "\u062A\u0627\u062A\u0648\u06CC\u06CC\u0646"@it . . "*Metaller\n*Mat\n*Kemikalier\n*Medicin\n*Teknologi"@sv . . . . . . . . . "*Sabbipodi \n*Jawa \n*Trooshti \n*Rioriani \n*Creature Talpa"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatooine"@da . . . . "* Ghomrassen\n* Guermessa\n* Chenini"@hu . "* tusken\n* jawa\n* trooshti\n* riorian\n* vak teremtm\u00E9nyek"@hu . "Settlements"@en . . . "Tatooine"@sv . "Tatooine"@en . . . .