. "Bastila Shan"@es . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . . . . "Battle Meditation"@en . "Bastila Shan Kateg\u00F3ria:Jedinci Kateg\u00F3ria:\u017Deny Kateg\u00F3ria:Jediovia"@sk . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . "Bastila Shan"@es . . . "Castani"@it . . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . . "Talravin"@sk . . . "*spada laser gialla\n*spada laser a doppia lama gialla\n*spada laser a doppia lama rossa"@it . "brunatny"@pl . . "Bastila Shan var en menneskelig Jedi Padawan som ble en av n\u00F8kkelfigurene i den Sivile Jedikrigen og dens etterspill. Hun var kjent for sitt talent innen kampmeditasjon, noe som var grunnen til at hun ble sett p\u00E5 som en av n\u00F8kkelspillerne til og vinne krigen. Hun var med p\u00E5 og konfrontere Darth Revan, og formet et Kraftb\u00E5nd med ham da hun reddet livet hans. Etter at Jedir\u00E5det hadde omprogrammert hukommelsen hans, ble han satt under Bastilas pleie i h\u00E5p om at han uvitende ville lede dem til Star Forge. Mens hun reiste sammen med Revan som hun ble forelsket i under krigen, ble skipet hennes angrepet over Taris og hun ble fanget av Black Vulkar gjengen. Etter \u00E5 ha blitt oppsporet og reddet av Revan, ble hun med ham p\u00E5 oppdraget hans om og finne og \u00F8delegge Star Forge. Bastila ble senere midlertidig fanget og gikk i l\u00E6re hos Darth Malak, som vendte henne til den m\u00F8rke siden gjennom tortur. Men Revan tok et oppgj\u00F8r med henne om bord p\u00E5 Star Forge, og vendte henne tilbake fra m\u00F8rket hun hadde falt for. For og vise seg verdig denne nye sjansen ledet hun den Galaktiske Republikken i Slaget om Rakata Prime og dro nytte av sin kratige kampmeditasjon. Hun var ogs\u00E5 en av de f\u00E5 Jediene som overlevde forf\u00F8lgelsen som fulgte etter krigen."@no . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . "Sleheyron or Talravin"@en . . . . "Bastila Shan was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set."@en . . "Bastila Shan was a Hot Chick-class Jedi Padawan who didn't take any bullshit from anyone, not even from a editor that's a pussy. She was skilled in battle meditation, which means being a badass without moving an inch. She had a romantic involvement with Revan, former Dark Lord of the Sith. Reports later in her life of her turning to the Dark Side and helping destroy the Galactic Republic four thousand years before its time are unsubstantiated\u2014which is a shame, because said reports also indicated the Sith offered her a line of kinky underwear as part of her Sith costume."@en . . . . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@fr . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . "V mlad\u00E9m v\u011Bku byla p\u0159ed\u00E1na \u0158\u00E1du potenci\u00E1ln\u00ED Ryt\u00ED\u0159 Jedi. Objevily se u n\u00ED schopnosti Ochr\u00E1nce Jedi a zejm\u00E9na v t\u00E9 dob\u011B unik\u00E1tn\u00ED schopnost Bitevn\u00ED Meditace. Bastila vedla skupinu, kter\u00E1 m\u011Bla za \u00FAkol zajmout Dartha Revana, sithsk\u00E9ho p\u00E1na, kter\u00FD vedl v\u00E1lku proti sv\u00FDm b\u00FDval\u00EDm mistr\u016Fm z \u0158\u00E1du a proti Republice. Pozd\u011Bji se uk\u00E1zalo, \u017Ee Darth Revan vedl v\u00E1lku proti Republice, aby ji zachr\u00E1nil. T\u00FDmu se \u00FAkol povedl, p\u0159esto\u017Ee Darth Malak zradil sv\u00E9ho mistra a t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 ho zabil kdy\u017E vyp\u00E1lil na Revanovu lo\u010F. Bastila ho zachr\u00E1nila a vytvo\u0159ila tak pouto mezi nimi. Rada v\u0161ak tvrdila, \u017Ee Revan na palub\u011B sv\u00E9 lodi zem\u0159el. O n\u011Bkolik m\u011Bs\u00EDc\u016F pozd\u011Bji velila Bastila misi, kter\u00E1 m\u011Bla za \u00FAkol osvobodit Taris. Na palub\u011B vel\u00EDc\u00ED lodi Endire Spire byl i Revan a kapit\u00E1n Carth Onasi, velitel lodi. Nad Tarisem v\u0161ak byl ve stejnou dobu Leviathan, velic\u00ED lo\u010F admir\u00E1la Saula Karatha, b\u00FDval\u00E9ho d\u016Fstojn\u00EDka Republiky a Carthova u\u010Ditele, s Darthem Malakem na palub\u011B. Sithsk\u00E1 flotila rozpr\u00E1\u0161ila republikovou a posledn\u00ED zb\u00FDval jen Endire Spire. Carth nacpal Bastilu do p\u0159edposledn\u00EDho modulu a ne\u017E mohl sko\u010Dit za n\u00ED zjistil, \u017Ee na palub\u011B je posledn\u00ED \u010Dlov\u011Bk, pr\u00E1v\u011B Revan se zm\u011Bnou identitou. Bastila byla po ztroskot\u00E1n\u00ED zajata swoopov\u00FDm gangem \u010Cern\u00FDch Vulkar\u016F pod velen\u00EDm Brejika. Revan mezit\u00EDm s Carthem hledali zp\u016Fsob, jak Bastilu zachr\u00E1nit. To se jim povedlo a po z\u00E1vod\u011B swoopov\u00FDch kluz\u00E1k\u016F zem\u0159el i Brejik. Bastila, Revan, Carth, Mission Vao a Zalbaar se za vydatn\u00E9 pomoci budouc\u00EDho Mandalora, Canderouse Orda, dostali i z Tarisu, kter\u00FD Malak nechal vybombardovat. A z\u00EDskali lo\u010F Ebon Hawk. Rada pak dala Revanovi \u00FAkol naj\u00EDt jistou Star Forge (Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E1 v\u00FDhe\u0148) a Bastila ho m\u011Bla doprov\u00E1zet. B\u011Bhem cesty se do n\u011Bj proti sv\u00E9 v\u016Fli a v\u00FDcviku zamilovala. Po najit\u00ED \u010Dtvrt\u00E9 mapy ji Malak zajal, mu\u010Dil a p\u0159ivedl na Temnou stranu S\u00EDly. Bastila p\u0159i st\u0159etnut\u00ED s Revanem, kter\u00FD si vzpomn\u011Bl na svou minulost, na Lehonu prozradila, \u017Ee za to m\u016F\u017Ee i ono pouto mezi nimi. Bastila byla pora\u017Eena a utekla na Star Forge. Revan ji na palub\u011B Ebon Hawku pron\u00E1sledoval a povedlo se mu ji zachr\u00E1nit. Bastila pak pou\u017E\u00EDla Bitevn\u00ED meditaci na pomoc republikov\u00E9 flotile pod veden\u00EDm admir\u00E1la Forn Dodonny, p\u0159edkyn\u00ED gener\u00E1la Jana Dodonny. Revan porazil Malaka a podle Sith\u016F se mu pomstil, podle Republiky se tal hrdinnou. On v\u0161ak musel odej\u00EDt do Nezn\u00E1m\u00FDch oblast\u00ED a Bastila ho nemohla n\u00E1sledovat. O p\u011Bt let pozd\u011Bji se spole\u010Dn\u011B s admiralem Carthem Onasim pokou\u0161eli naj\u00EDt Revana za pomoci Vypov\u011Bzen\u00E9 Jedi, kter\u00E9 s n\u00EDm bojovala za Mandaloriansk\u00FDch v\u00E1lek a kter\u00E9 za to byla vypov\u011Bzena. P\u0159i obran\u011B Telosu IV se Carth pokou\u0161el tyto informace z\u00EDskat, ale Vypov\u011Bzen\u00E1 mu nic ne\u0159ekla, proto\u017Ee nev\u011Bd\u011Bla, co se s n\u00EDm stalo. Bastila se pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B stala zakl\u00E1daj\u00EDc\u00ED \u010Dlenkou nov\u00E9 Rady, po t\u00E9 co Kreia zabila \u010Dleny Rady z doby p\u0159ed Ob\u010Danskou v\u00E1lkou Jedi\u016F."@cs . . . . "Bastila Shan"@es . . "Bastila Shan"@es . "Menneske"@no . . . "Bastila Shan"@es . . . . . . "Bastila Shan era una Jedi del lado luminoso de la fuerza, una de los pocos Jedi que sobrevivieron al exterminio del lado luminoso que sigui\u00F3 despu\u00E9s de \u00E9ste."@es . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . "Jedi Consular"@en . . "Star\u00E1 Republika"@sk . . . . . "kobieta"@pl . "Old Republic"@en . . . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@no . . "46"^^ . . . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . . . . . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@hu . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . . "Bastila Shan"@fi . . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . "\uBC14\uC2A4\uD2F8\uB77C \uC0E8"@fr . "Darth Malak"@hu . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@en . "Bastila Shan oli padawan, josta tuli yksi jedien sis\u00E4llissodan t\u00E4rkeimmist\u00E4 henkil\u00F6ist\u00E4. H\u00E4net tunnettiin vakuuttavasta taistelumeditaation k\u00E4yt\u00F6st\u00E4, joka n\u00E4htiin t\u00E4rke\u00E4n\u00E4 osana sodan voittamiseksi. Bastila oli mukana jedien iskuryhm\u00E4ss\u00E4, joka hy\u00F6kk\u00E4si Darth Revanin alukselle. T\u00E4m\u00E4n hy\u00F6kk\u00E4yksen seurauksena, Bastila p\u00E4\u00E4tyi pelastamaan sithin mustan valtiaan hengen ja loi t\u00E4ten heid\u00E4n v\u00E4lileen voimakkaan siteen. Jedineuvosto asetti Revanin vahingoittuneeseen mieleen uuden henkil\u00F6llisyyden ja laittoi t\u00E4m\u00E4n Bastilan valvontaan toivoen, ett\u00E4 Revan johtaisi heid\u00E4t T\u00E4htiahjon luokse."@fi . . . "*Jedit\n*Galaktinen Tasavalta\n*Sithit"@fi . . "Bastila Shan"@pl . . . . "Gray"@en . "Bastila Shan"@es . . . . "Bastila Shan oli padawan, josta tuli yksi jedien sis\u00E4llissodan t\u00E4rkeimmist\u00E4 henkil\u00F6ist\u00E4. H\u00E4net tunnettiin vakuuttavasta taistelumeditaation k\u00E4yt\u00F6st\u00E4, joka n\u00E4htiin t\u00E4rke\u00E4n\u00E4 osana sodan voittamiseksi. Bastila oli mukana jedien iskuryhm\u00E4ss\u00E4, joka hy\u00F6kk\u00E4si Darth Revanin alukselle. T\u00E4m\u00E4n hy\u00F6kk\u00E4yksen seurauksena, Bastila p\u00E4\u00E4tyi pelastamaan sithin mustan valtiaan hengen ja loi t\u00E4ten heid\u00E4n v\u00E4lileen voimakkaan siteen. Jedineuvosto asetti Revanin vahingoittuneeseen mieleen uuden henkil\u00F6llisyyden ja laittoi t\u00E4m\u00E4n Bastilan valvontaan toivoen, ett\u00E4 Revan johtaisi heid\u00E4t T\u00E4htiahjon luokse. Kuljettaessaan uuden henkil\u00F6llisyyden saanutta Revania, Bastilan alus joutui hy\u00F6kk\u00E4yksen kohteeksi ja h\u00E4n lopulta p\u00E4\u00E4tyi Black Vulkar -rikollisj\u00E4rjest\u00F6n kaappaamaksi. Revan kuitenkin pelasti h\u00E4net ja yhdess\u00E4 he alkoivat etsi\u00E4 T\u00E4htiahjoa. My\u00F6hemmin Bastila joutui Darth Malakin kaappaamaksi ja k\u00E4\u00E4ntyi kidutuksen seurauksena pime\u00E4lle puolelle. Revan saapui j\u00E4lleen paikalle kohdaten Bastilan ja sai t\u00E4m\u00E4n palaamaan jediksi. Kaksikko tunnusti toisilleen rakkautensa ja taistelivat yhdess\u00E4 Darth Malakin joukkoja vastaan, mink\u00E4 seurauksena T\u00E4htiahjo tuhottiin ja Darth Malak kuoli Revanin k\u00E4siss\u00E4. Bastila oli my\u00F6s yksi harvoista jedeist\u00E4, jotka selviytyiv\u00E4t sodan j\u00E4lkeisest\u00E4 jedipuhdistuksesta."@fi . . "Bastila Shan"@es . . . "Bastila Shan era una Caballero Jedi humana activa durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Nacida en el planeta Talravin, sus padres fueron Helena Shan y un cazador de tesoros, su madre la entreg\u00F3 a la Orden Jedi, creyendo que el estilo de vida de viajes y esfuerzos no era adecuado para la joven Shan. Shan se encontr\u00F3 con que ten\u00EDa un don excepcional con un poder de la Fuerza conocida como meditaci\u00F3n de batalla, que aumentaba la moral de sus aliados, mientras que desmoralizaba a sus enemigos. Shan apoy\u00F3 el Consejo Jedi cuando los Caballeros Jedi Revan y Malak se rebelaron contra el Consejo y se unieron a la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica en su lucha contra la invasi\u00F3n de los Neo-Cruzados Mandalorianos."@es . "Jedi"@fr . "Jedi"@pl . . . "\u010Clovek"@sk . "Bastila Shan era una Caballero Jedi humana activa durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Nacida en el planeta Talravin, sus padres fueron Helena Shan y un cazador de tesoros, su madre la entreg\u00F3 a la Orden Jedi, creyendo que el estilo de vida de viajes y esfuerzos no era adecuado para la joven Shan. Shan se encontr\u00F3 con que ten\u00EDa un don excepcional con un poder de la Fuerza conocida como meditaci\u00F3n de batalla, que aumentaba la moral de sus aliados, mientras que desmoralizaba a sus enemigos. Shan apoy\u00F3 el Consejo Jedi cuando los Caballeros Jedi Revan y Malak se rebelaron contra el Consejo y se unieron a la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica en su lucha contra la invasi\u00F3n de los Neo-Cruzados Mandalorianos. Un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s de la batalla final de las Guerras Mandalorianas, Revan regres\u00F3 de las Regiones Desconocidas, como el nuevo Se\u00F1or Oscuro de los Sith, con Malak como su aprendiz, a la cabeza de un nuevo Imperio Sith. Dos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s de la Guerra Civil Jedi, Shan fue el l\u00EDder de un equipo de ataque Jedi enviado a capturar a Darth Revan y Darth Malak. Cuando su equipo abord\u00F3 la nave de Darth Revan, lograron acorralar el Se\u00F1or Oscuro, en el puente. Antes de que pudieran empezar el combate con Revan, Malak, quien fue separado de su maestro durante la batalla, lo traicion\u00F3 al ordenar que su nave, el Leviat\u00E1n, disparase en el buque de Revan, en un intento de destruir a los Jedi y Revan. Sin embargo, Shan sobrevivi\u00F3 y logr\u00F3 usar la Fuerza para estabilizar a Revan, que estaba cerca de la muerte. Esta acci\u00F3n cre\u00F3 un v\u00EDnculo entre los dos, y Shan llev\u00F3 a un Revan en estado de coma ante el Consejo Jedi. Tanto al Consejo como a Shan se le ocurrieron un plan, y temporalmente borraron los recuerdos de Revan, reprogram\u00E1ndolo con una identidad de un soldado leal a la Rep\u00FAblica. El Consejo esperaba que Shan, a trav\u00E9s de su v\u00EDnculo con Revan, fuese capaz de obligar a Revan a revelar la ubicaci\u00F3n de la estaci\u00F3n espacial rakata llamada la Forja Estelar, que ahora estaba bajo el control del nuevo Se\u00F1or Oscuro Darth Malak. En el \u00FAltimo a\u00F1o de la guerra, el buque de guerra republicano de Shan, la Espiral Endar fue emboscada y atacada por la flota de Malak encima de la atm\u00F3sfera del planeta Taris. Se las arregl\u00F3 para huir de la nave a bordo de una de las c\u00E1psulas de escape, asistido por el comandante de la Rep\u00FAblica Carth Onasi. Poco despu\u00E9s de que su c\u00E1psula alcance la superficie, Shan fue capturada por una banda conocida como los Vulkars Negros. Despu\u00E9s de que Revan y Carth aterrizasen en Taris, lograron localizar y rescatar a Shan. Ella, Revan y sus compa\u00F1eros se unieron al mandaloriano Canderous Ordo, para robar tanto los c\u00F3digos de lanzamiento necesarios para escapar de Taris, como robar al se\u00F1or del crimen Davik Kang su carguero, el Halc\u00F3n de \u00C9bano. Shan y sus compa\u00F1eros escaparon durante el bombardeo Sith de Taris, y se dirigieron a Dantooine, donde se encontraba un enclave Jedi. Despu\u00E9s que de Shan se reuniese con el Consejo Jedi de Dantooine, Revan comenz\u00F3 a re-entrenarse en los caminos de los Jedi. Despu\u00E9s de encontrar un Mapa Estelar rakata en los t\u00FAmulos funerarios cerca del Enclave, el Consejo encomend\u00F3 a Shan, Revan y sus compa\u00F1eros buscar la Forja Estelar. Durante sus viajes, Shan vigil\u00F3 muy de cerca a Revan para asegurarse de que no cayese al lado oscuro. Shan finalmente se enamor\u00F3 de Revan, quien a pesar de su pasado, fue capaz de permanecer fiel al C\u00F3digo Jedi. Despu\u00E9s de que Revan encontrase un mapa en Manaan, que fue el cuarto necesario para localizar la Forja Estelar\u2014Shan fue capturada por Malak, y cay\u00F3 al lado oscuro despu\u00E9s de una semana de tortura a manos de su nuevo Maestro Sith. Sin embargo, Revan finalmente se enfrent\u00F3 a Shan a bordo de la Forja Estelar, y fue rescatada de la oscuridad a la que hab\u00EDa sucumbido. Para probar su fe recuperada, Shan ayud\u00F3 a la Rep\u00FAblica en la Batalla de Rakata Prime a trav\u00E9s del uso de su meditaci\u00F3n de batalla. Revan entonces derrot\u00F3 a Malak, y la flota de la Rep\u00FAblica destruy\u00F3 con \u00E9xito la Forja Estelar, derrotando a las fuerzas Sith. Un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s de la muerte de Darth Malak, Revan fue a las Regiones Desconocidas, tratando de eliminar una amenaza oculta que Revan hab\u00EDa descubierto durante su tiempo como Se\u00F1or Oscuro. Dej\u00F3 todo lo que le importaba atr\u00E1s, incluyendo a Shan. Ella lleg\u00F3 a sobrevivir a la era de lucha que sigui\u00F3 a la Guerra Civil Jedi."@es . . . . . "Bastila Shan is one of the protagonists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. She's a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. Shan sided with the Jedi Council when the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak rebelled against the Council and joined the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders."@en . . "Bastila Shan egy ember n\u0151, aki Jedi Lovagk\u00E9nt szolg\u00E1lt a Jedi Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA alatt. A Talravin bolyg\u00F3n sz\u00FCletett Helena Shan \u00E9s egy kincsvad\u00E1sz gyermekek\u00E9nt, anyja adta \u00E1t a Jedi Rendnek, mert nem tal\u00E1lta alkalmasnak az utaz\u00E1sokkal \u00E9s er\u0151fesz\u00EDt\u00E9sekkel teli \u00E9letm\u00F3djukat a fiatal Shan sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra. Shanr\u00F3l kider\u00FClt, hogy k\u00FCl\u00F6nleges aj\u00E1nd\u00E9kkal rendelkezik, egy Er\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9ggel, a Csatamedit\u00E1ci\u00F3val; ami n\u00F6veli sz\u00F6vets\u00E9gesei szellem\u00E9t \u00E9s demoraliz\u00E1lja az ellens\u00E9geit. Shan a Jedi Tan\u00E1cs oldal\u00E1n \u00E1llt, mikor Revan \u00E9s Malak Jedi Lovagok fell\u00E1zadtak, \u00E9s csatlakoztak a Galactikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1ghoz a Mandal\u00F3riai \u00DAj-Keresztesek ellen v\u00EDvott h\u00E1bor\u00FAban."@hu . . . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . "*Jedi Order\n*Galactic Republic\n**Republic Navy\n*Darth Malak's Sith Empire \n*Lost Jedi"@en . . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@fr . "Bastila Shan"@cs . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . "Bastila Shan"@en . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Bastila Shan era una femmina Umana ed una Padawan Jedi, la quale divenne una delle figure chiave durante la Guerra Civile Jedi e gli eventi immediatamente ad essa successivi. Era nota per il suo notevole talento nell'uso della meditazione da battaglia, ritenuta la chiave per la vittoria della guerra. Bastila fu una sopravvissuta della squadra d'assalto Jedi inviata per neutralizzare Darth Revan, con il quale ella form\u00F2 un legame di Forza salvandogli la vita. Il Consiglio Jedi riprogramm\u00F2 in seguito la mente danneggiata di Revan ed affid\u00F2 l'ex-Signore Oscuro dei Sith alle cure di Bastila, sperando che egli avrebbe inconsciamente portato gli Jedi fino alla Star Forge. Durante una missione nella quale era presente anche il nuovo Revan, del quale ella si sarebbe poi innamorata durante la guerra, la nave di Bastila cadde in un'imboscata sopra Taris ed ella fu in seguito catturata dalla gang dei Black Vulkar. Dopo essere stata recuperata da Revan, Bastila accompagn\u00F2 quest'ultimo nella sua missione per trovare e distruggere la Star Forge. Successivamente Bastila fu catturata da Darth Malak, il quale riusc\u00EC a farla passare al Lato Oscuro della Forza tramite la tortura e a farla diventare per breve tempo sua apprendista. Ella venne tuttavia affrontata da Revan sulla Star Forge e fu in grado di voltare le spalle all'oscurit\u00E0 nella quale era caduta. Per provare la sua ritrovata fede, ella aiut\u00F2 la Repubblica Galattica nella Battaglia di Rakata Prime sfruttando la sua potente meditazione da battaglia. Bastila fu anche una dei pochi Jedi che sopravvissero alla Purga Jedi che fece seguito alla guerra."@it . "Bastila Shan"@hu . "Force Valor"@en . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . . . "Harmaat"@fi . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . "Roughly ten years after Meetra Surik"@en . . "hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . . "BastilaShan.jpg"@sk . "Bastila Shan"@fr . "250"^^ . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . "Bastila Shan"@es . "Bastila Shan"@it . "Bastila Shan, to jedi \u017Cyj\u0105ca w czasach starej Republiki. \u017Bona Revana."@pl . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . "Bastila Shan"@es . . . "110"^^ . . . . "Bastila Shan was a female Human Jedi Padawan who became one of the key figures involved in the Jedi Civil War and its immediate aftermath. She was known for having an impressive talent in battle meditation and as such was seen as the key to winning the war. Bastila was the only survivor of the Jedi strike team sent to neutralize Darth Revan, forming a Force bond with him when she saved his life. The Jedi Council then reprogrammed Revan's damaged mind and put him under Bastila's care, hoping he could subconsciously lead them to the Star Forge."@en . . . . . "Bastila Shan era una femmina Umana ed una Padawan Jedi, la quale divenne una delle figure chiave durante la Guerra Civile Jedi e gli eventi immediatamente ad essa successivi. Era nota per il suo notevole talento nell'uso della meditazione da battaglia, ritenuta la chiave per la vittoria della guerra. Bastila fu una sopravvissuta della squadra d'assalto Jedi inviata per neutralizzare Darth Revan, con il quale ella form\u00F2 un legame di Forza salvandogli la vita. Il Consiglio Jedi riprogramm\u00F2 in seguito la mente danneggiata di Revan ed affid\u00F2 l'ex-Signore Oscuro dei Sith alle cure di Bastila, sperando che egli avrebbe inconsciamente portato gli Jedi fino alla Star Forge."@it . . "Darth Malak"@sk . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@cs . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@sk . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . "*Jedi Order\n*Galactic Republic\n*Sith, Darth Malak's Sith Empire \n*Republic Navy\n*Lost Jedi"@en . . . "Grey"@en . . . "At least two decades after her mother"@en . . . "Talravin"@cs . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@es . "Jedi"@es . . . . . . . . . "20"^^ . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@hu . "Fair"@en . . . "Me :)"@en . "Bastila Shan"@cs . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@es . . . . . . "Darth Malak"@es . "Bastila Shan is one of the protagonists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. She's a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. Shan sided with the Jedi Council when the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak rebelled against the Council and joined the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. One year after the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan returned from the Unknown Regions as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak as his apprentice, at the head of a new Sith Empire. Two years into the Jedi Civil War, Shan was the leader of a Jedi strike team sent to capture Darth Revan and Darth Malak. When her team boarded Revan's vessel, they managed to corner the Dark Lord on the bridge. Before they could engage Revan in combat, Malak, who was separated from his Master during the battle, betrayed Revan by ordering the guns of his flagship Leviathan to fire on Revan's vessel in an attempt to destroy both the Jedi and Revan. However, Shan survived and managed to use the Force to stabilize Revan, who was near death. This act created a bond between the two and Shan brought the comatose Revan to the Jedi Council. Both the Council and Shan came up with a plan and temporarily erased Revan's memories, reprogramming Revan with an identity of a soldier loyal to the Republic. The Council hoped that Shan, through her bond with Revan, would be able to coerce Revan into revealing the location of the Rakatan space station called the Star Forge, which was now under the new Dark Lord Darth Malak's control. In the final year of the war, Shan's Republic warship Endar Spire was ambushed and attacked by Malak's fleet above the Outer Rim planet Taris. She managed to flee the ship aboard one of its escape pods, assisted by Republic commander Carth Onasi. Shortly after her pod reached the surface, Shan was captured by a swoop gang known as the Black Vulkars. After Revan and Onasi landed on Taris, they managed to track down and rescue Shan. She, Revan, and their companions teamed up with the Mandalorian Canderous Ordo, managing to steal both the launch codes necessary to escape Taris and the Exchange crime lord Davik Kang's light freighter Ebon Hawk. Shan and her companions escaped during the Sith's bombardment of Taris, and headed to Dantooine, where a Jedi Enclave was located. After Shan met with the Dantooine Jedi Council, they began retraining Revan in the Jedi ways. After finding a Rakatan Star Map in the burial mounds near the Enclave, the Council tasked Shan, Revan, and their companions with finding the Star Forge. During their travels, Shan watched Revan closely to ensure that he did not fall to the dark side. Shan eventually fell in love with Revan, who, despite his past, was able to remain true to the Jedi Code. After Revan found a fourth Star Map\u2014which was necessary to locate the Star Forge\u2014Shan was captured by Malak and fell to the dark side after a week of torture at her new Sith Master's hands. However, Revan eventually confronted Shan aboard the Star Forge and she was redeemed from the darkness to which she had succumbed. To prove her reclaimed faith, Shan aided the Republic in the Battle of Rakata Prime through the means of her battle meditation. Revan then vanquished Malak, and the Republic fleet successfully destroyed the Star Forge, routing the Sith forces. Sometime after this, Shan and Revan married, and started a new life together. However, within the next two years, Revan left for the Unknown Regions, seeking to eliminate a hidden Sith threat that Revan had discovered during his time as the Dark Lord. He left all whom he cared for behind, including Shan due to her pregnancy, as he did not wish to put the life of their child at risk. She went on to survive the era of strife that followed the Jedi Civil War."@en . "Svetl\u00E1"@sk . . "Bastila Shan"@en . "Bastila Shan"@hu . "*Jedi Rend\n*Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g\n*Darth Malak Sith birodalma \n*Elveszett Jedik"@hu . . . . . . . . "Bastila is first mentioned as being the Jedi in charge of the Republic ship the Endar Spire. Following it's destruction Bastila is among the occupants who escape to the planet Taris, only for her to be captured by the Black Vulkar gang. Fortunately, she is rescued by an amnesiac Revan, but is initially cold and hostile towards him. At the same time though Bastila does acknowledge his capabilities and also notes that he possess a connection to the Force. Indeed, after Revan is re-trained as a Jedi, he and Bastila are partnered together during the hunt for the Star Maps."@en . . "Jedi Order"@en . . . "Bastila Shan.jpg"@no . "3988"^^ . . "250"^^ . "260"^^ . . . "Bastila Shan"@fi . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@cs . . . "Melee Attack"@en . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . "Bastila Shan"@no . . . "Ui'llaim"@en . . "Bastila Shan#legends"@en . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@cs . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . . "Female"@en . . "\uBC14\uC2A4\uD2F8\uB77C \uC0E8"@cs . . "BastilaAvatar.jpg"@cs . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . . . "Bastila Shan era una Jedi del lado luminoso de la fuerza, una de los pocos Jedi que sobrevivieron al exterminio del lado luminoso que sigui\u00F3 despu\u00E9s de \u00E9ste."@es . . "Bastila Shan"@it . "*Orden Jedi\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Imperio Sith ( )\n*Orden Sith ( )"@es . . "2"^^ . . . . . . "jasny"@pl . "Bastila Shan"@es . "Triple Attack"@en . . . . "Bastila is first mentioned as being the Jedi in charge of the Republic ship the Endar Spire. Following it's destruction Bastila is among the occupants who escape to the planet Taris, only for her to be captured by the Black Vulkar gang. Fortunately, she is rescued by an amnesiac Revan, but is initially cold and hostile towards him. At the same time though Bastila does acknowledge his capabilities and also notes that he possess a connection to the Force. Indeed, after Revan is re-trained as a Jedi, he and Bastila are partnered together during the hunt for the Star Maps. As time passes, Revan is able to peel away Bastila's layers and frosty exterior, also learning that her relationship with her mother was poor and that the father she adored died. After helping her resolve her issues with her mother, he begins to form a romantic relationship with Bastila, but she is reluctant to return his feelings due to the Jedi Code's frowning on attachments. During the escape from the Leviathan and a run-in with Darth Malak, Revan learns of his past as a Sith Lord and how Bastila was involved with the Jedi's re-writing his memory and giving him a new identity, much to Bastila's guilt. She is then captured by Darth Malak while buying Revan and Carth time to escape the Leviathan with the other members of the Ebon Hawk. She is then tortured by Malak and from that corrupted to the Dark Side. However, Revan is able to redeem her on the Star Forge, the two also at last confessing their love for one another in full, neither one afraid of their feelings by this point."@en . . . . . . . "*Ma\u00EEtre Jedi\n*"@fr . . . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . . "Champions of the Force"@en . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . . "Zhruba 10 rokov po Meetra Surik"@sk . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . "Grises"@es . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Bastila Shan"@en . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . "Caf\u00E9, despu\u00E9s gris"@es . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . . "Bastila Shan"@en . "Bastila Shan"@it . "Bastila Shan"@sk . "Bastila Shan"@no . "Bastila Shan"@cs . "sv\u011Btl\u00E1"@cs . . . "Medium"@en . . . . . . . "Bastila Shan was a Jedi Padawan later Jedi Knight during the Jedi Civil War, famed for the advanced use, at a young age, of the rare art of Battle Meditation. Sometime after the Jedi Civil War ended, Bastila became a Jedi Master. She was also the daughter of an unnamed man, and Helena, the wife of former Dark Lord of the Sith and Jedi Master Revan, the mother of Vaner Shan, the mother-in-law of Emess, the grandmother of Bress Shan, and Reesa Shan, and the ancestor of Jedi Knight Tasiele Shan, Jedi Master and Grand Master Satele Shan, and Theron Shan,"@en . "Grigi"@it . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . "Lightsaber Deflect"@en . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . . . . . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@en . . . . . . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@no . . "*Ordine Jedi\n**Repubblica Galattica\n*Sith \n**Impero Sith"@it . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . "Bastila Shan was a female Human Jedi Padawan who became one of the key figures involved in the Jedi Civil War and its immediate aftermath. She was known for having an impressive talent in battle meditation and as such was seen as the key to winning the war. Bastila was the only survivor of the Jedi strike team sent to neutralize Darth Revan, forming a Force bond with him when she saved his life. The Jedi Council then reprogrammed Revan's damaged mind and put him under Bastila's care, hoping he could subconsciously lead them to the Star Forge. While transporting the amnesiac Revan who she eventually fell in love with during the war, her ship was ambushed over Taris and she was captured by the Black Vulkar gang. After being rescued by Revan, Bastila accompanied him on his mission to find and destroy the Star Forge. Bastila was later captured and briefly became the apprentice to Darth Malak, who turned her to the dark side through torture. However, aboard the Star Forge Revan confronted her and she was redeemed from the darkness to which she had succumbed. To prove her reclaimed faith she aided the Galactic Republic in the Battle of Rakata Prime through means of her powerful battle meditation. Bastila was also one of the few Jedi to survive the purge which followed the war."@en . "Bastila Shan"@it . . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@es . . . . . . . "Bastila Shan was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set."@en . "Bastila Shan"@it . . . . . "hned\u00E1"@sk . "*\u0158\u00E1d Jedi\n*Galaktick\u00E1 republika\n*Sith"@cs . . "szary"@pl . "Ruskeat"@fi . "\u017Dena"@sk . . "Bastila Shan"@es . "Bastila Shan"@no . "\u017Eena"@cs . "R\u00E1d Jedi\nGalaktick\u00E1 Republika"@sk . "Bastila Shan var en menneskelig Jedi Padawan som ble en av n\u00F8kkelfigurene i den Sivile Jedikrigen og dens etterspill. Hun var kjent for sitt talent innen kampmeditasjon, noe som var grunnen til at hun ble sett p\u00E5 som en av n\u00F8kkelspillerne til og vinne krigen. Hun var med p\u00E5 og konfrontere Darth Revan, og formet et Kraftb\u00E5nd med ham da hun reddet livet hans. Etter at Jedir\u00E5det hadde omprogrammert hukommelsen hans, ble han satt under Bastilas pleie i h\u00E5p om at han uvitende ville lede dem til Star Forge."@no . "KotOR y KotOR II"@es . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . . . "*Darth Malak ( )"@it . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@it . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . "hn\u011Bd\u00E1, pozd\u011Bji sv\u011Btle \u0161ed\u00E1"@cs . . "Deceased"@en . "Bastila Shan"@fr . "Brown, later gray"@en . "Barna"@hu . "Bastila Shan Kateg\u00F3ria:Jedinci Kateg\u00F3ria:\u017Deny Kateg\u00F3ria:Jediovia"@sk . . . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@it . . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . "19"^^ . . . . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . . . . "Bastila_Shan.JPG"@es . . . "Lightsaber Sweep"@en . . "Bastila Shan"@pl . "\uBC14\uC2A4\uD2F8\uB77C \uC0E8"@en . . . "Jedi"@en . . . . . . "\u0411\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043B\u0430 \u0428\u0430\u043D"@en . . "Ukjent"@no . . . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . "Chiara"@it . "\u30D0\u30B9\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30FB\u30B7\u30E3\u30F3"@no . "Bastila Shan"@no . "V mlad\u00E9m v\u011Bku byla p\u0159ed\u00E1na \u0158\u00E1du potenci\u00E1ln\u00ED Ryt\u00ED\u0159 Jedi. Objevily se u n\u00ED schopnosti Ochr\u00E1nce Jedi a zejm\u00E9na v t\u00E9 dob\u011B unik\u00E1tn\u00ED schopnost Bitevn\u00ED Meditace. Bastila vedla skupinu, kter\u00E1 m\u011Bla za \u00FAkol zajmout Dartha Revana, sithsk\u00E9ho p\u00E1na, kter\u00FD vedl v\u00E1lku proti sv\u00FDm b\u00FDval\u00EDm mistr\u016Fm z \u0158\u00E1du a proti Republice. Pozd\u011Bji se uk\u00E1zalo, \u017Ee Darth Revan vedl v\u00E1lku proti Republice, aby ji zachr\u00E1nil. T\u00FDmu se \u00FAkol povedl, p\u0159esto\u017Ee Darth Malak zradil sv\u00E9ho mistra a t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 ho zabil kdy\u017E vyp\u00E1lil na Revanovu lo\u010F. Bastila ho zachr\u00E1nila a vytvo\u0159ila tak pouto mezi nimi. Rada v\u0161ak tvrdila, \u017Ee Revan na palub\u011B sv\u00E9 lodi zem\u0159el."@cs . . "Bastila Shan, to jedi \u017Cyj\u0105ca w czasach starej Republiki. \u017Bona Revana."@pl . . "Bastila Shan#legends"@fr . . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@it . . . "Bastila Shan"@no . "Darth Malak"@en . . . "Sz\u00FCrke"@hu . . "\uBC14\uC2A4\uD2F8\uB77C \uC0E8"@no . . . "Bastila Shan was a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. Shan sided with the Jedi Council when the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak rebelled against the Council and joined the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. One year after the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan returned from the Unknown Regions as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak as his apprentice, at the head of a new Sith Empire. Two years into the Jedi Civil War, Shan was the leader of a Jedi strike team sent to capture Darth Revan and Darth Malak. When her team boarded Revan's vessel, they managed to corner the Dark Lord on the bridge. Before they could engage Revan in combat, Malak, who was separated from his Master during the battle, betrayed Revan by ordering the guns of his flagship Leviathan to fire on Revan's vessel in an attempt to destroy both the Jedi and Revan. However, Shan survived and managed to use the Force to stabilize Revan, who was near death. This act created a bond between the two and Shan brought the comatose Revan to the Jedi Council. Both the Council and Shan came up with a plan and temporarily erased Revan's memories, reprogramming Revan with an identity of a soldier loyal to the Republic. The Council hoped that Shan, through her bond with Revan, would be able to coerce Revan into revealing the location of the Rakatan space station called the Star Forge, which was now under the new Dark Lord Darth Malak's control. In the final year of the war, Shan's Republic warship Endar Spire was ambushed and attacked by Malak's fleet above the Outer Rim planet Taris. She managed to flee the ship aboard one of its escape pods, assisted by Republic commander Carth Onasi. Shortly after her pod reached the surface, Shan was captured by a swoop gang known as the Black Vulkars. After Revan and Onasi landed on Taris, they managed to track down and rescue Shan. She, Revan, and their companions teamed up with the Mandalorian Canderous Ordo, managing to steal both the launch codes necessary to escape Taris and the Exchange crime lord Davik Kang's light freighter Ebon Hawk, killing Davik and nearly doing the same to Calo Nord, who Revan, Bastila and one of their companions would later kill on Kashyyyk. Shan and her companions escaped during the Sith's bombardment of Taris, and headed to Dantooine, where a Jedi Enclave was located. After Shan met with the Dantooine Jedi Council, they began retraining Revan in the Jedi ways. After finding a Rakatan Star Map in the burial mounds near the Enclave, the Council tasked Shan, Revan, and their companions with finding the Star Forge. During their travels, Shan watched Revan closely to ensure that he did not fall to the dark side. Shan eventually fell in love with Revan, who, despite his past, was able to remain true to the Jedi Code. After Revan found a fourth Star Map\u2014which was necessary to locate the Star Forge\u2014Shan was captured by Malak and fell to the dark side after a week of torture at her new Sith Master's hands. However, Revan eventually confronted Shan aboard the Star Forge and she was redeemed from the darkness to which she had succumbed. To prove her reclaimed faith, Shan aided the Republic in the Battle of Rakata Prime through the means of her battle meditation. Revan then vanquished Malak, and the Republic fleet successfully destroyed the Star Forge, routing the Sith forces. Sometime after this, Shan and Revan married, and started a new life together. However, within the next two years, Revan left for the Unknown Regions, seeking to eliminate a hidden Sith threat that Revan had discovered during his time as the Dark Lord. He left all whom he cared for behind, including Shan due to her pregnancy, as he did not wish to put the life of their child at risk. She went on to survive the era of strife that followed the Jedi Civil War."@en . "*Sabre laser\n*La Force"@fr . "kvinne"@no . "Very Rare"@en . "Bastila Shan was a Hot Chick-class Jedi Padawan who didn't take any bullshit from anyone, not even from a editor that's a pussy. She was skilled in battle meditation, which means being a badass without moving an inch. She had a romantic involvement with Revan, former Dark Lord of the Sith. Reports later in her life of her turning to the Dark Side and helping destroy the Galactic Republic four thousand years before its time are unsubstantiated\u2014which is a shame, because said reports also indicated the Sith offered her a line of kinky underwear as part of her Sith costume."@en . . . . "Bastila Shan"@hu . . . . . "Bastila Shan was a Jedi Padawan later Jedi Knight during the Jedi Civil War, famed for the advanced use, at a young age, of the rare art of Battle Meditation. Sometime after the Jedi Civil War ended, Bastila became a Jedi Master. She was also the daughter of an unnamed man, and Helena, the wife of former Dark Lord of the Sith and Jedi Master Revan, the mother of Vaner Shan, the mother-in-law of Emess, the grandmother of Bress Shan, and Reesa Shan, and the ancestor of Jedi Knight Tasiele Shan, Jedi Master and Grand Master Satele Shan, and Theron Shan,"@en . . . . "13"^^ . . . . "Zakon JediRepublika GalaktycznaDarth Malak's Sith Empire Lost Jedi"@pl . "Bastila Shan"@en . . . . . . . "*Famille Shan\n*Ordre Jedi\n*R\u00E9publique Galactique\n*"@fr . . "Bastila Shan was a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies' morale while demoralizing her enemies. Shan sided with the Jedi Council when the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak rebelled against the Council and joined the Galactic Republic in its war against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders."@en . . . . . "Bastila Shan"@en . "Bastila Shan"@it . . "hned\u00E1, nesk\u00F4r \u0161ed\u00E1"@sk . . "Bastila Shan"@fr . . . "Bastila Shan"@en . "Bastila Shan"@cs . . "Bastila Shan egy ember n\u0151, aki Jedi Lovagk\u00E9nt szolg\u00E1lt a Jedi Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA alatt. A Talravin bolyg\u00F3n sz\u00FCletett Helena Shan \u00E9s egy kincsvad\u00E1sz gyermekek\u00E9nt, anyja adta \u00E1t a Jedi Rendnek, mert nem tal\u00E1lta alkalmasnak az utaz\u00E1sokkal \u00E9s er\u0151fesz\u00EDt\u00E9sekkel teli \u00E9letm\u00F3djukat a fiatal Shan sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra. Shanr\u00F3l kider\u00FClt, hogy k\u00FCl\u00F6nleges aj\u00E1nd\u00E9kkal rendelkezik, egy Er\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9ggel, a Csatamedit\u00E1ci\u00F3val; ami n\u00F6veli sz\u00F6vets\u00E9gesei szellem\u00E9t \u00E9s demoraliz\u00E1lja az ellens\u00E9geit. Shan a Jedi Tan\u00E1cs oldal\u00E1n \u00E1llt, mikor Revan \u00E9s Malak Jedi Lovagok fell\u00E1zadtak, \u00E9s csatlakoztak a Galactikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1ghoz a Mandal\u00F3riai \u00DAj-Keresztesek ellen v\u00EDvott h\u00E1bor\u00FAban."@hu . . . . . . . .