. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Necron"@pl . . "Unknown"@en . "Sometime during his immortal life, Necron came across two witches who specialized in vanquishing skeletal beings. Despite their expertise, he proved powerful enough to survive and drain their life forces."@en . . . . "Necron"@en . "Arena"@en . . . . . . . "right|thumb|250px|Guerrieri Necron. I Necron sono un esercito di esseri cibernetici simili a robot per il wargame tridimensionale Warhammer 40.000. Sono una razza di scheletri robotici senz'anima, che ha dormito in tombe sotterranee per millenni, e si sono risvegliati solamente negli ultimi secoli. Sono una razza enigmatica, largamente sconosciuta alla quasi totalit\u00E0 delle altre razze, infatti solo i loro nemici giurati, cio\u00E8 gli Eldar, discendenti degli Antichi (vedi anche La guerra dei Cieli) si ricordano di loro. Dei Necron si sa solamente che il loro obiettivo finale \u00E8 eliminare ogni forma di vita nella Galassia, per il resto non si sa nulla n\u00E8 delle loro armi, dotate della misteriosa tecnologia Gauss, n\u00E8 della loro cultura. Persino i loro caduti spariscono dal campo di battaglia miste"@it . "None"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Necron is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #1 in the Arena."@en . . "Necron is an otherworldly being with a humanoid torso. It has a glowing pale blue skin that may be intended to look crystalline. Its face looks like it is covered by a mask that has holes and a mouth. Necron's torso appears like without skin, its muscles being pronounced. Its arm-like limbs taper off into two tentacles with stingers at the ends and it has large wing-like protrusions; although Necron hovers, the wings appear ornamental."@en . . . . . . . "*Lightning Teleportation\n*Apportation\n*Electrokinesis\n*Aerokinesis\n*Telekinesis\n*Levitation\n*Summoning\n*Life Draining"@en . . . . "boss"@en . . . "Necron"@it . . "Eternal Darkness"@en . "\"The Final Battle\""@en . "Necron is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #1 in the Arena."@en . . . . . . . "Italian"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Blue"@en . "Himself"@en . . . . . "The Necrons are a humanoid race of robotic skeletal warriors that have lain dormant for more than 60 million years. Originally the Necrontyr, the Necrons were once the servants of the C'tan, until Szarekh, the Silent King and one of the most powerful Overlords, betrayed them. Necron technology is superior to most, if not all others in the universe. The Necrons were created when, as vengeance against their ancient enemies, the Old Ones, and by the trickery of the Deciever, the Necrontyr shed their organic forms for the living metal known as Necrodermis What they didn't know was that by becoming one with the Necrodermis, the Necrontyr race would be rendered extinct. Thus, the Necrons were born. After becoming the Necrons, the Necrontyr were left devoid of emotion, no more than ruthless, undying killing machines. The Necrons then set to destroying their old enemies, but were interrupted by the Enslavers, a race of Warp entities that used psychic individuals as a conduit for more of their kind to enter the universe. Unable to find enough sentients whose souls could feed the C'tan, the Necrons went into hibernation, waiting millions of years in their Tomb Worlds for the return of sentient life. All Necrons are driven by one goal: to restore their lost empire. This immense task is made more difficult by the fact than many Tomb Worlds were destroyed, along with the Necrons hibernating within them. Yet countless billions of necrons still remain. The Necrons, as they aren't an organic species, possess the ability to repair themselves during the battle. Most injuries that would kill a human, such as the removal of limbs or the severing of the spinal cord, will only slow a Necron warrior. Only by inflicting such destruction to the Necron's body that its regenerative ability cannot keep up can you truly kill them, but then it'll just \"phase out\", its body returning to the stasis-tombs beneath the planet until repairs can be completed."@en . "Highly aggressive, will generally kill any living creature in sight"@en . . . . "Necron is the title character of an Italian humorous-horror adult comics miniseries published between 1981 and 1985."@en . "Necrons"@en . . "Brown"@en . . . . . "right|thumb|250px|Guerrieri Necron. I Necron sono un esercito di esseri cibernetici simili a robot per il wargame tridimensionale Warhammer 40.000. Sono una razza di scheletri robotici senz'anima, che ha dormito in tombe sotterranee per millenni, e si sono risvegliati solamente negli ultimi secoli. Sono una razza enigmatica, largamente sconosciuta alla quasi totalit\u00E0 delle altre razze, infatti solo i loro nemici giurati, cio\u00E8 gli Eldar, discendenti degli Antichi (vedi anche La guerra dei Cieli) si ricordano di loro. Dei Necron si sa solamente che il loro obiettivo finale \u00E8 eliminare ogni forma di vita nella Galassia, per il resto non si sa nulla n\u00E8 delle loro armi, dotate della misteriosa tecnologia Gauss, n\u00E8 della loro cultura. Persino i loro caduti spariscono dal campo di battaglia misteriosamente. Comunque, i Necron possiedono una tecnologia di gran lunga superiore a chiunque altro, persino pi\u00F9 avanzata di quella degli Eldar o degli Space Marine. Come le altre armate di Warhammer 40000, anche i Necron sono probabilmente ispirati a popoli storici. Il loro esercito, la loro cultura, le loro tombe e le loro armi presentano caratteristiche di tre popoli differenti: gli Egiziani (per la grandissima parte del materiale, come ad esempio gli scarabei, gli obelischi, i Monoliti che rassomigliano a piramidi e la loro cultura ultraterrena completamente incentrata sulla morte), i Persiani (gli Immortali, cos\u00EC erano chiamati un tempo i guerrieri migliori della guardia imperiale, anche durante le Guerre Persiane) e qualche piccolo elemento di cultura Greca (la tecnologia avanzatissima per l'epoca, come quella dei greci). Alcuni giocatori sostengono che i Necron non siano altro che la trasposizione nel 40000 dell'esercito di Warhammer Fantasy Re dei Sepolcri, data la somiglianza stilistica e anche alcune regole comuni (come la regola che contraddistingue l'esercito, la regola \"Ritorneremo\")."@it . . . "Affiliated with or created Zombie and planted a bomb somewhere in the city. Presumably foiled by Mind's Eye.[1]"@en . "Necron (\u6C38\u9060\u306E\u95C7, Eien no Yami?, lit. Eternal Darkness) is the final boss of Final Fantasy IX, appearing in the area Hill of Despair and represents death itself. Necron's ultimate goal is to reduce everything to nothingness. Its appearance is somewhat of a mystery, as it arrives unexpectedly at the end of the game and its character is never fully explained."@en . "Necron is the main antagonist of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. He is a powerful sorcerer and emperor of the Shadow Realm."@en . . . . "195"^^ . . . "Affiliated with or created Zombie and planted a bomb somewhere in the city. Presumably foiled by Mind's Eye.[1]"@en . . . "Necron, Steinmann und Allesh\u00E4ndler [[Datei:My098-Necron.jpg|thumb|300px|Der Allesh\u00E4ndler und Steinmann Necron mit seinen Wurfmessern. Von Nikolai Lutohin, Ausschnitt des Titels von My98.]] Bericht aus dem Jahre 121 vP.: \"Es gibt nur wenige Bewoh\u00ADner der D\u00FCsterzone, die sich in diesem Randgebiet der Schattenzone behaupten k\u00F6nnen und sich auch unter den widrig\u00ADsten Bedingungen zurechtfinden. Necron ist einer davon, der sich so sehr an die hier herrschenden Extreme gew\u00F6hnt hat, da\u00DF er sich ein Leben in der \u201Enormalen\" Welt nicht mehr vor\u00ADstellen kann. Obwohl er nicht hier geboren wurde, ist Necron zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der D\u00FCsterzone geworden und geh\u00F6rt ebenso hierher wie die Abstrusen, die Bizarren, die Valunen, die Fledderer und all die Verdammten und Gescheiterten, die zwischen Nac"@de . "FFIX"@en . . . . . . . "Eien no Yami"@en . . . . . . . "Necron, Steinmann und Allesh\u00E4ndler [[Datei:My098-Necron.jpg|thumb|300px|Der Allesh\u00E4ndler und Steinmann Necron mit seinen Wurfmessern. Von Nikolai Lutohin, Ausschnitt des Titels von My98.]] Bericht aus dem Jahre 121 vP.: \"Es gibt nur wenige Bewoh\u00ADner der D\u00FCsterzone, die sich in diesem Randgebiet der Schattenzone behaupten k\u00F6nnen und sich auch unter den widrig\u00ADsten Bedingungen zurechtfinden. Necron ist einer davon, der sich so sehr an die hier herrschenden Extreme gew\u00F6hnt hat, da\u00DF er sich ein Leben in der \u201Enormalen\" Welt nicht mehr vor\u00ADstellen kann. Obwohl er nicht hier geboren wurde, ist Necron zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der D\u00FCsterzone geworden und geh\u00F6rt ebenso hierher wie die Abstrusen, die Bizarren, die Valunen, die Fledderer und all die Verdammten und Gescheiterten, die zwischen Nacht und D\u00E4mmerung ihr Dasein fristen. Man k\u00F6nnte Necron sogar als wichtigen Faktor der \u00D6kologie in die\u00ADsem D\u00E4mmerstreifen bezeichnen, auf jeden Fall ist er mehr als nur ein Abenteurer und Schacherer, wenn er dies auch selbst nicht als Bestimmung sieht: Er durchf\u00E4hrt dieses Land, das au\u00DFerhalb aller Naturgesetze steht, mit seinem Wagen, ver\u00ADsorgt die Pflanzlichen im Garten der Verdammten mit Brutk\u00F6rpern, die er von den Fledderern gegen alle m\u00F6glichen Waren eintauscht, und ficht einen steten Kampf gegen die M\u00E4chte des B\u00F6sen. Er hat einige Eigenheiten, die ihn zus\u00E4tzlich von anderen D\u00FCsterleuten abheben. So hat er vor seinen Wagen, \u201ENecrons Schrein\" genannt, sechs Graupferde gespannt und akzep\u00ADtiert keine anderen. Er tr\u00E4gt stets ein schwarzes Samtgewand und w\u00FCrde sein Leben einsetzen, um zu schwarzem Samt f\u00FCr neue Kleidung zu kommen. Und er tr\u00E4gt einen Leibgurt mit zw\u00F6lf Wurfmessern, die er handhaben kann wie kein zwei\u00ADter... Es mag Zufall oder Schicksal sein, da\u00DF Luxon von dem Fled\u00ADderer Miesel ausgerechnet an Necron verschachert wird. Die beiden verbindet bald eine seltsame Freundschaft, und als Lu\u00ADxon die \u00C4hnlichkeit Necrons zu dem Steinmann Sadagar er\u00ADw\u00E4hnt, bekennt der Allesh\u00E4ndler: \u201EAuch ich bin ein Stein\u00ADmann!\" Das Band der Freundschaft hindert Necron jedoch nicht daran, Luxon als \u201EHordenf\u00FChrer\" an die Valunen wei\u00ADterzureichen, im Austausch gegen frische Graupferde. Ge\u00ADsch\u00E4ft ist eben Gesch\u00E4ft! \" Er wird zum Augenpartner Luxons und mit diesem gemeinsam zum Alptraumritter. \n* Mythor-Fundort: 59, My73 ."@de . . "AC Black Dragon"@en . . . . . "thumbNecron jest pot\u0119\u017Cnym demonem uwi\u0119zionym pomi\u0119dzy \u017Cyciem, a \u015Bmierci\u0105. Panuje nad energi\u0105. Ta szkieletowa istota karmi si\u0119 nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci\u0105. Si\u0142y \u017Cyciowe utrzymuj\u0105 go przez wieki. Necron potrzebuje nieko\u0144cz\u0105cej si\u0119 dostawy nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci, aby utrzyma\u0107 si\u0119 przy \u017Cyciu. Potrafi on strzela\u0107 piorunami, teleportowa\u0107 si\u0119 i przyzywa\u0107 swoich kruk\u00F3w pos\u0142a\u0144c\u00F3w. Jego najwa\u017Cniejsz\u0105 misj\u0105 by\u0142o zdobycie nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci przez odebranie jej syrenie. Kiedy Phoebe sta\u0142a si\u0119 przez przypadek syren\u0105 Necron chcia\u0142 j\u0105 porwa\u0107 jednak mu si\u0119 nie uda\u0142o."@pl . . . . . "Necron is an otherworldly being with a humanoid torso. It has a glowing pale blue skin that may be intended to look crystalline. Its face looks like it is covered by a mask that has holes and a mouth. Necron's torso appears like without skin, its muscles being pronounced. Its arm-like limbs taper off into two tentacles with stingers at the ends and it has large wing-like protrusions; although Necron hovers, the wings appear ornamental."@en . . . "Male"@en . . "\u6C38\u9060\u306E\u95C7"@en . . . . . . . "The Necrons are a humanoid race of robotic skeletal warriors that have lain dormant for more than 60 million years. Originally the Necrontyr, the Necrons were once the servants of the C'tan, until Szarekh, the Silent King and one of the most powerful Overlords, betrayed them. Necron technology is superior to most, if not all others in the universe. The Necrons were created when, as vengeance against their ancient enemies, the Old Ones, and by the trickery of the Deciever, the Necrontyr shed their organic forms for the living metal known as Necrodermis What they didn't know was that by becoming one with the Necrodermis, the Necrontyr race would be rendered extinct. Thus, the Necrons were born."@en . "Necron (\u6C38\u9060\u306E\u95C7, Eien no Yami?, lit. Eternal Darkness) is the final boss of Final Fantasy IX, appearing in the area Hill of Despair and represents death itself. Necron's ultimate goal is to reduce everything to nothingness. Its appearance is somewhat of a mystery, as it arrives unexpectedly at the end of the game and its character is never fully explained."@en . . . "Blue"@en . . . . "Sometime during his immortal life, Necron came across two witches who specialized in vanquishing skeletal beings. Despite their expertise, he proved powerful enough to survive and drain their life forces."@en . "Immortal"@en . "Necron"@de . . "Necron is the title character of an Italian humorous-horror adult comics miniseries published between 1981 and 1985."@en . . "hide"@en . . . . . . . "Armored Core: Project Phantasma"@en . . . . . . . . "Necron"@en . "AC"@en . . "Presumably necromancy"@en . . . "Necron is the main antagonist of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. He is a powerful sorcerer and emperor of the Shadow Realm."@en . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Regeneration\n*High Resistance\n*Reconstitution"@en . . "GrandCross.ogg"@en . . "Warhammer 40,000"@en . . . "Raven"@en . "unknown"@en . . . . . . "unknown"@en . "Seeking Immortality"@en . "unknown"@en . "Necron"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Necron"@en . . . . "2002"^^ . . "background:#8080ff"@en . . "thumbNecron jest pot\u0119\u017Cnym demonem uwi\u0119zionym pomi\u0119dzy \u017Cyciem, a \u015Bmierci\u0105. Panuje nad energi\u0105. Ta szkieletowa istota karmi si\u0119 nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci\u0105. Si\u0142y \u017Cyciowe utrzymuj\u0105 go przez wieki. Necron potrzebuje nieko\u0144cz\u0105cej si\u0119 dostawy nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci, aby utrzyma\u0107 si\u0119 przy \u017Cyciu. Potrafi on strzela\u0107 piorunami, teleportowa\u0107 si\u0119 i przyzywa\u0107 swoich kruk\u00F3w pos\u0142a\u0144c\u00F3w. Jego najwa\u017Cniejsz\u0105 misj\u0105 by\u0142o zdobycie nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci przez odebranie jej syrenie. Kiedy Phoebe sta\u0142a si\u0119 przez przypadek syren\u0105 Necron chcia\u0142 j\u0105 porwa\u0107 jednak mu si\u0119 nie uda\u0142o."@pl . . . . . "As Necrontyr, extinct. As Necrons, active."@en . . .