. . . "2375"^^ . "The seventh USS Hornet participated in both of the USA's attempts to reconquer the island territory of Hawaii from the Empire of Japan. The first attempt came in June, 1942, and was quickly aborted. Hornet was one of three carriers in the fleet (the other two were the Saratoga and the Yorktown), and the only one to survive engagement with the Japanese navy. Though badly damaged, the Hornet was able to make it back to port. The Hornet was sent into battle again a year later as part of the successful invasion in 1943."@en . . "The seventh USS Hornet participated in both of the USA's attempts to reconquer the island territory of Hawaii from the Empire of Japan. The first attempt came in June, 1942, and was quickly aborted. Hornet was one of three carriers in the fleet (the other two were the Saratoga and the Yorktown), and the only one to survive engagement with the Japanese navy. Though badly damaged, the Hornet was able to make it back to port. The Hornet was sent into battle again a year later as part of the successful invasion in 1943."@en . . . . . . "NCC-45231"@en . . . . . . . "The USS Hornet (NCC-45231) was an Excelsior Class ship in the 24th century that was part of the 23 ship blockade at the Klingon-Romulan Border during the Klingon Civil War. In 2375, it docked at Deep Space Nine for repairs."@en . . . "Die USS Hornet (NCC-45231) ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration im 24. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2368 ist die Hornet Teil der Task Force, welche eine Blockade der klingonisch-romulanischen Grenze w\u00E4hrend des klingonischen B\u00FCrgerkrieges durchf\u00FChrt (TNG: ). W\u00E4hrend des Dominion-Krieges dockt die Hornet 2375 an Deep Space 9 an, um Reparaturen am Schiff durchzuf\u00FChren (DS9: )."@de . . . "USS Hornet"@en . . . . "USS Hornet"@en . . . . "USS Hornet (NCC-45231) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. In 2368, the Hornet joined Captain Jean-Luc Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the USS Enterprise-D. A plan was hatched by Picard, which he hoped would lure the Romulans through the detection grid. When Gowron launched a full attack against the forces of the House of Duras, the Romulan ships would rush to their aid. During this, the USS Excalibur would fall back with feigned engine troubles, taking the USS Akagi and the Hornet. In doing so, this would open up a small gap in the detection net for the Romulans to attempt to pass through. As their ships passed through the gap, the Enterprise-D and the USS Tian An Men would swing around, close the gap, and catch the Romulans in the act. The plan was foiled when the network was disrupted by a high-energy burst released by the Romulans, the net was no longer effective in a radius of ten million kilometers around the USS Sutherland. Subsequently, Picard ordered the fleet to proceed to Gamma Eridon at maximum warp, where the fleet would attempt to reestablish the net before the Romulans got there. (TNG: \"Redemption II\" ) In 2375, during the Dominion War, Hornet put in for repairs at Deep Space 9. However, in order to bring forward repairs of the Romulan warbirds Dividices and Genorex, Hornet, as well as the IKS Rotarran, had to stand by. (DS9: \"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges\")"@en . . "USS Hornet (NCC-45231) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. In 2368, the Hornet joined Captain Jean-Luc Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the USS Enterprise-D."@en . . "The USS Hornet (NCC-45231) was an Excelsior Class ship in the 24th century that was part of the 23 ship blockade at the Klingon-Romulan Border during the Klingon Civil War. In 2375, it docked at Deep Space Nine for repairs."@en . . "USS Hornet"@en . . . "Active"@en . . . "USS Hornet"@de . . . "Die USS Hornet (NCC-45231) ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration im 24. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 2368 ist die Hornet Teil der Task Force, welche eine Blockade der klingonisch-romulanischen Grenze w\u00E4hrend des klingonischen B\u00FCrgerkrieges durchf\u00FChrt (TNG: ). W\u00E4hrend des Dominion-Krieges dockt die Hornet 2375 an Deep Space 9 an, um Reparaturen am Schiff durchzuf\u00FChren (DS9: )."@de . .