. . . . "Tok'ra"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tok'ra \u00E4r en grupp av symbioter som mots\u00E4tter sig v\u00E4gar Goa'uld och mer specifikt, Systemherrarna, som h\u00E4rr\u00F6r sitt namn fr\u00E5n Goa 'uld orden \"Tok\", som betyder \"mot\" och namnet p\u00E5 den H\u00F6gsta Systemherre, den avlidne Ra som d\u00F6dades av Jonathan J. O'Neill och Daniel Jackson p\u00E5 Abydos. Till skillnad fr\u00E5n Goa'uld, symbioter tar bara frivilliga v\u00E4rdar, ofta de som \u00E4r sjuka eller skadade, och inte undertrycka deras sinnen, s\u00E5 att b\u00E5da enheterna fullt medvetande och kontroll \u00F6ver samma kropp."@sv . . . . . . . . "\"In the Line of Duty\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tok'ra"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tollan"@en . . . . "The Tok'ra are a resistance group of symbiotes who resist the cruel ways of the Goa'uld and more specifically, the System Lords, deriving their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord, the deceased Ra who was killed by Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson on Abydos."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Goa'uld and other languages"@en . . . "Anche se sono la stessa specie dei Goa'uld, i Tok'ra costituiscono un movimento di resistenza e vivono in uno stato di simbiosi volontaria con i loro ospiti umani, rifiutano infatti di farsi chiamare Goa'uld anche per le loro differenze filosofiche. 2000 anni prima la loro regina Egeria, cap\u00EC quanto malvagi fossero i Goa'uld e prese la decisione di ribellarsi contro Ra e i Signori del Sistema. Tutta la sua progenie fu creata con questi ideali e il movimento Tok'ra (che letterelmente significa \"Contro Ra\") ebbe cos\u00EC inizio. I Tok'ra si offendono facilmente se i loro simbionti vengono paragonati ai Goa'uld, nella convinzione di essere enormemente differenti da loro. Sono stati cacciati senza piet\u00E0 dai Signori del Sistema prima della loro ribellione. I Tok'ra cambiano spesso la sede della lor"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "==Species Overview== Homeworld: Pangar Home Galaxy: The Milky Way Home System: ----- Current Population: Several Thousand and Increasing Primary Language: Goa'uld Skin Tone: Human, color varies Major Planets: Pangar Affiliation: Tok'ra Status: Alive Diplomatic Status Allied The Tok'ra are perhaps the backbone of the Resistance, members of the Resistance often have themselves voluntairly implanted with Tok'ra. This not only for the many practical uses of symbiosis with a Tok'ra, but also because of the many other benefits. Practical uses include enhanced healing, increased intellect and great wisdom."@en . . . . . "thumb|left|230px| Eg\u00E9ria r\u00E9ne de tout les Tok'raLa Tok'ra est un groupe de symbiotes de type Goa'uld prenant des humains comme h\u00F4te mais, contrairement au Goa 'uld, l'h\u00F4te est consentant. Ils descendent d'une reine nomm\u00E9e Eg\u00E9ria et luttent activement contre les Goa 'uld en infiltrant leurs bases. Ils vivent sous terre dans des galeries creus\u00E9es avec des cristaux et refusent de se servir de technologies n'\u00E9tant pas Goa'uld afin de se faire passer plus facilement pour l'un d'entre eux. Il n'utilisent pas de sarcophage pour se r\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9rer et la vie de leurs h\u00F4tes est ainsi r\u00E9duite \u00E0 deux cents ans au maximum et doivent en trouver un autre passer ce d\u00E9lai."@fr . . . "Tok'ra"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Tok'ra were originally founded as a resistance group of symbiotes who resist the cruel ways of their species, the Goa'uld, and more specifically, the System Lords. They derived their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord, Ra. With the final defeat of their enemies at the hands of the Replicators, the Tok'ra have emerged from hiding and have taken a place of power on the intergalactic stage, known as the premiere intelligence-gatherers in the Milky Way Galaxy and founding members of the Interstellar Alliance."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Serpentine shape, perfect health, genetic memory"@en . . "Tok'ra \u00E4r en grupp av symbioter som mots\u00E4tter sig v\u00E4gar Goa'uld och mer specifikt, Systemherrarna, som h\u00E4rr\u00F6r sitt namn fr\u00E5n Goa 'uld orden \"Tok\", som betyder \"mot\" och namnet p\u00E5 den H\u00F6gsta Systemherre, den avlidne Ra som d\u00F6dades av Jonathan J. O'Neill och Daniel Jackson p\u00E5 Abydos. Till skillnad fr\u00E5n Goa'uld, symbioter tar bara frivilliga v\u00E4rdar, ofta de som \u00E4r sjuka eller skadade, och inte undertrycka deras sinnen, s\u00E5 att b\u00E5da enheterna fullt medvetande och kontroll \u00F6ver samma kropp."@sv . . . "Tok'ra"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Los Tok'ra son un grupo de resistencia de los simbiontes que se oponen a los caminos de los Goa'uld y, m\u00E1s concretamente, thumb|Sociedad tok'ralos Se\u00F1ores del Sistema, que derivan su nombre de las palabras Goa'uld \"tok\", que significa \"en contra\" y el nombre de la Supremo Se\u00F1or del Sistema, el fallecido Ra quien fue asesinado por Jack O'Neill y Daniel Jackson en Abidos"@es . . . "Cht\u011Bj\u00ED svrhnout Vl\u00E1dci soustav. Jsou to potomci goa'uldsk\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovny Egerie. Jm\u00E9no Tok'ra znamen\u00E1 ,,proti Raovi\" co\u017E byl vl\u00E1dce soustavy, kter\u00FD \u00FAdajn\u011B zavra\u017Edil kr\u00E1lovnu Egerii."@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cht\u011Bj\u00ED svrhnout Vl\u00E1dci soustav. Jsou to potomci goa'uldsk\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovny Egerie. Jm\u00E9no Tok'ra znamen\u00E1 ,,proti Raovi\" co\u017E byl vl\u00E1dce soustavy, kter\u00FD \u00FAdajn\u011B zavra\u017Edil kr\u00E1lovnu Egerii."@cs . . . "Lever"@sv . . . . . "Tok'ra"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Tok'ra are a resistance group of symbiotes who resist the cruel ways of the Goa'uld and more specifically, the System Lords, deriving their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord, the deceased Ra who was killed by Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson on Abydos."@en . . . . . "*Serpentine form\n*Perfekt h\u00E4lsa\n*Genetisk minne"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pangarans"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Tok'ra were originally founded as a resistance group of symbiotes who resist the cruel ways of their species, the Goa'uld, and more specifically, the System Lords. They derived their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord, Ra. With the final defeat of their enemies at the hands of the Replicators, the Tok'ra have emerged from hiding and have taken a place of power on the intergalactic stage, known as the premiere intelligence-gatherers in the Milky Way Galaxy and founding members of the Interstellar Alliance."@en . . . . . . . "Tok'ra"@fr . . . . "The Tok'ra are a group of symbiotes who object to the ways of the Goa'uld and more specifically, the System Lords, deriving their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord Ra, who was killed by Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson on Abydos in 1995. Unlike the Goa'uld, the symbiotes only take volunteer's as hosts, more often those who are sick or injured, and do not suppress their minds, allowing both entities full consciousness and control over the same body."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Los Tok'ra son un grupo de resistencia de los simbiontes que se oponen a los caminos de los Goa'uld y, m\u00E1s concretamente, thumb|Sociedad tok'ralos Se\u00F1ores del Sistema, que derivan su nombre de las palabras Goa'uld \"tok\", que significa \"en contra\" y el nombre de la Supremo Se\u00F1or del Sistema, el fallecido Ra quien fue asesinado por Jack O'Neill y Daniel Jackson en Abidos"@es . . . "Tok'ra"@es . . . . . . . . "Tok'ra"@cs . . . . . . . "Anche se sono la stessa specie dei Goa'uld, i Tok'ra costituiscono un movimento di resistenza e vivono in uno stato di simbiosi volontaria con i loro ospiti umani, rifiutano infatti di farsi chiamare Goa'uld anche per le loro differenze filosofiche. 2000 anni prima la loro regina Egeria, cap\u00EC quanto malvagi fossero i Goa'uld e prese la decisione di ribellarsi contro Ra e i Signori del Sistema. Tutta la sua progenie fu creata con questi ideali e il movimento Tok'ra (che letterelmente significa \"Contro Ra\") ebbe cos\u00EC inizio. I Tok'ra si offendono facilmente se i loro simbionti vengono paragonati ai Goa'uld, nella convinzione di essere enormemente differenti da loro. Sono stati cacciati senza piet\u00E0 dai Signori del Sistema prima della loro ribellione. I Tok'ra cambiano spesso la sede della loro base operativa e utilizzano simultaneamente pi\u00F9 basi. Vivono in tunnel sotterranei generati da speciali cristalli. Appena arrivano su un pianeta, immediatamente si spostano sottoterra e con i cristalli creano gallerie e stanze. Questo \u00E8 ci\u00F2 che li ha fatti rimanere al sicuro dai Signori del Sistema per migliaia di anni. Spesso i Tok'ra vengono mandati in missione per infiltrarsi e sconvolgere i piani dei Signori del Sistema. Molte spie Tok'ra si sono infiltrate in vari gruppi di Goa'uld in tutta la galassia e raramente sono state scoperte. Fino all'incontro con la SG-1, i Tok'ra vivevano sul pianeta Vorash, in seguito si spostarono sul pianeta Revanna. Quando il Goa'uld Zipacna (al servizio di Anubis) scopr\u00EC la loro posizione, attacc\u00F2 e distrusse l'intera base; rimasero in vita solo quelli che si trovavano in altre basi o erano via in missione. Nonostante nel corso degli anni abbiano subito perdite considerevoli, la loro determinazione di spazzare via dalla galassia i Goa'uld \u00E8 pi\u00F9 forte che mai. Il loro obiettivo a lungo termine \u00E8 quello di far scontrare i Signori del Sistema tra di loro, cos\u00EC che nessuno possa avere una posizione dominante rispetto agli altri."@it . . . . . . . . . . "==Species Overview== Homeworld: Pangar Home Galaxy: The Milky Way Home System: ----- Current Population: Several Thousand and Increasing Primary Language: Goa'uld Skin Tone: Human, color varies Major Planets: Pangar Affiliation: Tok'ra Status: Alive Diplomatic Status Allied"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Tok'ra are a group of symbiotes who object to the ways of the Goa'uld and more specifically, the System Lords, deriving their name from the Goa'uld words \"tok\", meaning \"against\" and the name of the Supreme System Lord Ra, who was killed by Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson on Abydos in 1995. Unlike the Goa'uld, the symbiotes only take volunteer's as hosts, more often those who are sick or injured, and do not suppress their minds, allowing both entities full consciousness and control over the same body."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Serpentine form, genetic memory"@en . . . . . . "thumb|left|230px| Eg\u00E9ria r\u00E9ne de tout les Tok'raLa Tok'ra est un groupe de symbiotes de type Goa'uld prenant des humains comme h\u00F4te mais, contrairement au Goa 'uld, l'h\u00F4te est consentant. Ils descendent d'une reine nomm\u00E9e Eg\u00E9ria et luttent activement contre les Goa 'uld en infiltrant leurs bases. Ils vivent sous terre dans des galeries creus\u00E9es avec des cristaux et refusent de se servir de technologies n'\u00E9tant pas Goa'uld afin de se faire passer plus facilement pour l'un d'entre eux. Il n'utilisent pas de sarcophage pour se r\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9rer et la vie de leurs h\u00F4tes est ainsi r\u00E9duite \u00E0 deux cents ans au maximum et doivent en trouver un autre passer ce d\u00E9lai. Eg\u00E9ria, disparu pendant des si\u00E8cles, a \u00E9t\u00E9 retrouv\u00E9e dans un \u00E9pisode de la s\u00E9rie, enferm\u00E9 dans un complexe industriel, sur une plan\u00E8te o\u00F9 les habitants se servaient d'elle pour fabriquer une substance nomm\u00E9e tr\u00E9tonine qui leur permettait de ne plus \u00EAtre malade. Cette substance va lib\u00E9rer les jaffas de l'obligation de porter un symbiote Goa'uld en leur fournissant un syst\u00E8me immunitaire performant mais temporaire car il faut une injection r\u00E9guli\u00E8re de tr\u00E9tonine pour que ses effets soient permanent."@fr . . . . . . . "Arrakis ', Unknown '"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Active"@en . . . . . . . . . .