"thumb|Keena 2369 Keena ist eine Bajoranerin und Ehefrau von Baltrim. 2352 kommen Keena und ihrem Mann als Fl\u00FCchtlinge nach Jeraddo. Sie freunden sich dort mit Mullibok an, der seit 2329 auf dem Mond lebt. Sie fliehen dort hin, nachdem sie von den Cardassianern misshandelt worden sind. Bei den Misshandlungen verlieren beide ihre Stimme und sind seitdem stumm. Im Jahr 2369, als Jeraddo zur Energielieferung f\u00FCr hunderttausende bajoranische Haushalte genutzt werden soll, bleiben Baltrim, Keena und Mullibok als einzige auf dem Mond zur\u00FCck und werden sp\u00E4ter von Major Kira und bajoranischen Sicherheitsleuten gewaltsam umgesiedelt. Keena hat, so wie ihr Mann Baltrin, Angst vor Uniformen. (DS9: ) Baltrim wurde gespielt von Annie O'Donnell."@de . "Keena was a female Bajoran farmer who had been rendered mute by the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor. Keena and Baltrim, also a mute, managed to escape to Jeraddo in 2351, a Bajoran moon, where they took up residence in a cottage along with their friend, a fellow farmer named Mullibok. However, in 2369, plans to transfer energy from Jeraddo's molten core were put into play, forcing the evacuation of all of Jeraddo's residents. Mullibok, however, refused to allow himself or his friends to be taken from their home."@en . "Keena is a RuneScape player. She was a rank/smiley in the rare name friend's chat called \"E\". She came to create a clan chat but he closed in mid-2012."@en . . . "Trade Goods"@en . . "2369"^^ . "Keena"@fr . "Humanoid"@en . . . "Keena \u00E9tait une fermi\u00E8re bajorane au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original. Durant l'Occupation de Bajor, elle devint muette \u00E0 cause des Cardassiens. Keena et Baltrim, aussi un muet, parvenu pour s'\u00E9chapper \u00E0 Jeraddo dans 2351, une lune de Bajoran, o\u00F9 ils ont pris la r\u00E9sidence dans une maison avec leur ami, un fermier de camarade ont appel\u00E9 Mullibok. Cependant, dans 2369, des plans pour transf\u00E9rer l'\u00E9nergie \u00E0 partir du noyau fondu de Jeraddo ont \u00E9t\u00E9 mis dans le jeu, for\u00E7ant l'\u00E9vacuation de tous les r\u00E9sidants de Jeraddo. Mullibok, cependant, a refus\u00E9 de se permettre ou ses amis \u00E0 prendre de leur maison. Apr\u00E8s que les tentatives initiales de les convaincre de partir aient \u00E9t\u00E9 non r\u00E9ussies, Kira principal Nerys a transport\u00E9 sur la surface de la lune avec deux gardes de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 pour enlever Keena et les autres par la force. Apr\u00E8s qu'une br\u00E8ve lutte, Keena et Baltrim aient \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9vacu\u00E9es. Mullibok, qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 bless\u00E9 dans le combat, est rest\u00E9 derri\u00E8re. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9vacu\u00E9 bient\u00F4t apr\u00E8s apr\u00E8s que Kira ait d\u00E9truit leur maison, ne leur donnant aucune raison suppl\u00E9mentaire de rester. (DS9: \"Progress\")"@fr . . . "thumb|Keena 2369 Keena ist eine Bajoranerin und Ehefrau von Baltrim. 2352 kommen Keena und ihrem Mann als Fl\u00FCchtlinge nach Jeraddo. Sie freunden sich dort mit Mullibok an, der seit 2329 auf dem Mond lebt. Sie fliehen dort hin, nachdem sie von den Cardassianern misshandelt worden sind. Bei den Misshandlungen verlieren beide ihre Stimme und sind seitdem stumm. Keena hat, so wie ihr Mann Baltrin, Angst vor Uniformen. (DS9: ) Baltrim wurde gespielt von Annie O'Donnell."@de . . "Keena in 2369"@en . "Keena was a female Tezwan who was employed by the government. She was sent to check on the contraband shipments sent by Presidential Chief of Staff Koll Azernal and Federation Minister of Military Intelligence Nelino Quafina; she found Lirwon's team dead, likely killed by loyalist forces loyal to deposed Prime Minister Kinchawn, who intended to capture the shipments and use them to blackmail Bilok and the Federation. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)"@en . "Female"@en . . . . . . . "Keena is a level 33 trade goods vendor located in Hammerfall in the contested territory of Arathi Highlands. See List of Arathi Highlands NPCs."@en . . . . "Orgrimmar"@en . . . . . . . "2821"^^ . . . "Keena"@en . "Keena"@de . . "Keena is a RuneScape player. She was a rank/smiley in the rare name friend's chat called \"E\". She came to create a clan chat but he closed in mid-2012."@en . "Keena was a female Bajoran farmer who had been rendered mute by the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor. Keena and Baltrim, also a mute, managed to escape to Jeraddo in 2351, a Bajoran moon, where they took up residence in a cottage along with their friend, a fellow farmer named Mullibok. However, in 2369, plans to transfer energy from Jeraddo's molten core were put into play, forcing the evacuation of all of Jeraddo's residents. Mullibok, however, refused to allow himself or his friends to be taken from their home. After initial attempts to convince them to leave were unsuccessful, Major Kira Nerys transported to the moon's surface with two security guards to remove Keena and the others by force. After a brief struggle, both Keena and Baltrim were evacuated. Mullibok, who was injured in the fight, remained behind. He was evacuated soon afterward after Kira destroyed their cottage, giving them no further reason to remain. (DS9: \"Progress\") Keena was played by actress Annie O'Donnell. According to the script for \"Progress\", Keena was in her 40s in 2369."@en . "Keena \u00E9tait une fermi\u00E8re bajorane au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original. Durant l'Occupation de Bajor, elle devint muette \u00E0 cause des Cardassiens. Keena et Baltrim, aussi un muet, parvenu pour s'\u00E9chapper \u00E0 Jeraddo dans 2351, une lune de Bajoran, o\u00F9 ils ont pris la r\u00E9sidence dans une maison avec leur ami, un fermier de camarade ont appel\u00E9 Mullibok."@fr . . "Keena is a level 33 trade goods vendor located in Hammerfall in the contested territory of Arathi Highlands. See List of Arathi Highlands NPCs."@en . . "Active"@en . "Female"@en . "Keena"@en . . . "33"^^ . "Keena was a female Tezwan who was employed by the government. She was sent to check on the contraband shipments sent by Presidential Chief of Staff Koll Azernal and Federation Minister of Military Intelligence Nelino Quafina; she found Lirwon's team dead, likely killed by loyalist forces loyal to deposed Prime Minister Kinchawn, who intended to capture the shipments and use them to blackmail Bilok and the Federation. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)"@en . . "Horde"@en . . "Orc"@en .