. . "I, Who"@en . "Mad Norwegian Press"@en . "I, Who 3"@en . . . "ISBN 1-57032-900-1"@en . "I, Who 2"@en . "Earth, the 20th century. A Time Lord known as the Doctor, lacking an identity, past or agenda \u2014 but still the most dangerous man in the universe \u2014 makes our innocent blue-green planet his home through the World War years and more. Dellah, the late 26th century. Bernice Summerfield, self-accredited academic, professional lush, agent of God and razor-honed sarcastic, holds the potential to stop universal Armageddon \u2014 if she lives. Through all the triumphs, all the tragedies, every drop of furor-driven love, unrequited emotion and loss, I, Who 2 documents the Doctor Who original novels after the Earth-shaking Interference, the whole of the Benny books, the Big Finish audio line and more. It's a literary and audio tapestry so vast, it takes 170,000 words and a myriad of locations in time and space to tell this story. The Doctor would approve."@en . . "Earth, the 20th century. A Time Lord known as the Doctor, lacking an identity, past or agenda \u2014 but still the most dangerous man in the universe \u2014 makes our innocent blue-green planet his home through the World War years and more. Dellah, the late 26th century. Bernice Summerfield, self-accredited academic, professional lush, agent of God and razor-honed sarcastic, holds the potential to stop universal Armageddon \u2014 if she lives. The Doctor would approve."@en . "I, Who 2"@en . . . "Comic sized Trade Paperback, 261 pages"@en . . . .