. . . "Royal decree"@en . . "Semi-Limited"@en . . "\u0E0E\u0E35\u0E01\u0E32\u0E41\u0E2B\u0E48\u0E07\u0E23\u0E32\u0E0A\u0E27\u0E31\u0E07"@en . . . "Annulez tous les autres effets de Pi\u00E8ge sur le Terrain."@en . . "The document is stamped with King Gjuki Sorvott IV's royal seal."@en . . "Royal"@en . "\u53EA\u8981\u9019\u5F35\u5361\u5728\u5834\u4E0A\u8868\u5074\u8868\u793A\u5B58\u5728\uFF0C\u9019\u5F35\u5361\u4EE5\u5916\u7684\u5834\u4E0A\u7684\u9677\u9631\u5361\u7684\u6548\u679C\u7121\u6548\u3002"@en . "No"@en . "Kraljevska Bula"@en . "Decree of the Royal Palace"@en . . "Decreto Real"@en . . "2007-02-06"^^ . "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0643\u064A\u0651"@en . . "0"^^ . "Annulla gli effetti di tutte le altre Trappole sul Terreno."@en . "Continuous-like"@en . "No"@en . "S\u1EAFc L\u1EC7nh Ho\u00E0ng Gia"@en . "\uC655\uAD81\uC758 \uD3EC\uACE0\uB839"@en . "D\u00E9cret Royal"@en . "1"^^ . . "always"@en . . "Fremennik Isles"@en . . "Yes"@en . "\u2460\uFF1A\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u9B54\u6CD5\uFF06\u7F60\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3059\u308B\u9650\u308A\u3001\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u4EE5\u5916\u306E\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u306E\u5168\u3066\u306E\u7F60\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u52B9\u679C\u306F\u7121\u52B9\u5316\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3002"@en . "5000"^^ . . . "Royal decree"@en . . "0.453"^^ . "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the effects of all Trap Cards except this card on the field."@en . "Negates the effects of Trap Cards"@en . . "Flight to a New World"@en . "\u738B\u5BAE\u7684\u901A\u544A"@en . "4866"^^ . "By decree of Queen Ayrenn, the Court Mage Sanessalmo is henceforth stripped of all titles, duties, and rights accorded to him by his position. The outcast Sanessalmo is furthermore banished from the Summerset Isles for his crimes against the citizenry of the Dominion. By the will of the queen, he has one week to remove himself from the heart of the Dominion, or face charges most serious. And consequences most fatal. By the Queen's hand!"@en . "\u306E\u304A\u308C"@en . "\u0392\u03B1\u03C3\u03B9\u03BB\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC \u0394\u03B9\u03AC\u03C4\u03B1\u03B3\u03BC\u03B1"@en . "Decreto Real"@en . "405"^^ . "Continuous Spell/Trap A \n\nAll Traps \n\nAll at Random"@en . "Trap"@en . "No"@en . . "0"^^ . "K\u00F6niglicher Erlass"@en . . "No"@en . "\u014Cky\u016B no Ofure"@en . "As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the effects of all Trap Cards except this one are deactivated."@en . . "Decreto Reale"@en . "Pack 8"@en . . "Continuous"@en . "Niega todos los efectos de las dem\u00E1s Trampas en el Campo."@en . . "Annulliere alle anderen Falleneffekte auf dem Spielfeld."@en . . . . "Royal Decree"@en . "Negue todos os outros efeitos de Armadilha no campo."@en . . . "No"@en . "By decree of Queen Ayrenn, the Court Mage Sanessalmo is henceforth stripped of all titles, duties, and rights accorded to him by his position. The outcast Sanessalmo is furthermore banished from the Summerset Isles for his crimes against the citizenry of the Dominion. By the will of the queen, he has one week to remove himself from the heart of the Dominion, or face charges most serious. And consequences most fatal. By the Queen's hand!"@en . . "0"^^ . "Continuous Effects \n\nDorothy's Gift"@en . . . . . "10830"^^ . "51452091"^^ . . "Negate all other Trap effects on the field."@en . "No"@en . . . "King Sorvott of Jatizso will give you another one, grudgingly."@en . . "\uC774 \uCE74\uB4DC\uAC00 \uD544\uB4DC \uC704\uC5D0 \uC55E\uBA74 \uD45C\uC2DC\uB85C \uC874\uC7AC\uD558\uB294 \uD55C, \uC774 \uCE74\uB4DC \uC774\uC678\uC758 \uD568\uC815 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uD6A8\uACFC\uB97C \uBB34\uD6A8\uB85C \uD55C\uB2E4."@en .