. . . "present"@en . "Skipper"@en . . "0"^^ . . "Skipper Roberts was Barbie's first family member in 1964, her little sister. Skipper was usually titian haired, but she also came in blonde and brunette with the same swimsuit each time."@en . . . "50.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "__INDEX__ Skipper ist ein zuverl\u00E4ssiger, wenn auch manchmal \u00FCberreagierender (Nur ein Pieks) Pinguin. Wenn er etwas bemerkt, dass nicht stimmt, setzt er alles daran, es wieder in Ordnung zu bringen. Selbst wenn es nur zu laute Musik des Nachbarn ist (Nicht ohne meine Batterien). Seine Ordnungsliebe wird daher von Juliens Partys und dessen Naivit\u00E4t ein ums andere Mal strapaziert, so wie in Nicht ohne meine Batterien, Blitz und weg und Die Sonnenfinsternis."@de . . . . . . "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa"@en . "Kowalski and Rico"@en . . "*"@en . . . . "thumb|Mina Skippera na widok polskich dr\u00F3g thumb|Gotcha!!! [[Plik:230px-Miss_Ja.png|thumb|Skipper, niczym Kopernik, by\u0142a kobiet\u0105]] Nie ma s\u0142owa \"przegrana\" w moim s\u0142owniku! Nie ma te\u017C s\u0142owa \"kotlet\", ale to z innych wzgl\u0119d\u00F3w Skipper o zakresie swojego s\u0142ownictwa Metody dzia\u0142ania Skippera Skipper (Skipcio, Szyper, P\u0142askoczo\u0142y, Pingwin Szefuj\u0105cy) - twardziel, chojrok i gieroj jak si\u0119 patrzy, dow\u00F3dca Pot\u0119\u017Cnej Czw\u00F3rki. Swoj\u0105 odwag\u0105 i twardo\u015Bci\u0105 przewy\u017Csza nawet Chucka Norrisa, Jamesa Bonda i Indian\u0119 Jonesa (poniewa\u017C tamci nie maj\u0105 p\u0142askiego czo\u0142a, a \u017Ceby by\u0107 dobrym dow\u00F3dc\u0105, trzeba mie\u0107 p\u0142askie czo\u0142o). Przydupasem Skippera jest Rico. Skipper ma zawsze racj\u0119 - a jak nie ma, to patrz punkt pierwszy. Bezczelny, arogancki i zadufany w sobie. Uwielbia spuszcza\u0107 \u0142omot hipisom, Sowietom i ka\u017Cdemu, kto odwa\u017Cy si\u0119 mie\u0107 inne zdanie ni\u017C on. Ma o sobie b\u0142\u0119dne wyobra\u017Cenie, \u017Ce ma poczucie humoru."@pl . . . . . . "Skipper"@en . . "~ 30,000"@en . "Skipper"@en . "Skipper ist der Anf\u00FChrer der Pinguingruppe. Er bewahrt stets einen k\u00FChlen Kopf, trifft alle taktischen Entscheidungen und gibt die Befehle. Unter seiner F\u00FChrung darf niemand zur\u00FCckgelassen werden (Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission). Skipper kann das Verlassen (Nur ein Pieks) und die Selbstzerst\u00F6rung ihres Hauptquartiers autorisieren, ist aber auch die Anlaufstelle f\u00FCr die anderen Tiere, wenn sie Hilfe von den Pinguinen ben\u00F6tigen (Marlenes Mitbewohnerin). Wer den Pinguinen einen Auftrag erteilt, kann davon ausgehen, dass Skipper die Pinguine dann auch bis zum Ziel ermuntert und nicht aufgibt (Mondkater in Gefahr) und der Auftrag immer erf\u00FCllt wird. Er schaffte es in der Folge \"Klein-Skipper\" den Rattenk\u00F6nig als Baby zu besiegen. Au\u00DFerdem liebt es Skipper, Fischsud aus einem Becher zu trinken, analog dem Kaffee der Menschen. Sein Name leitet sich von \"Schipper\" ab (niederdeutsch f\u00FCr \"Schiffsherr\"), womit ein Boots- bzw. Schiffsf\u00FChrer gemeint ist. Dies passt auch gut zu ihm als Anf\u00FChrer der Pinguingruppe."@de . . . "40"^^ . "34"^^ . . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins and the comic relief from the Madagascar saga. He can be a little grouchy at times but in the inside, he has a heart of gold! He is voiced by Dreamworks mainstay Tom McGrath (who also directed the movies)."@en . . . . "The Skipper is a spaceship used in the flashbacks of Ben 10: Omniverse. It was the primary transportation in space for Ben, Gwen, and Max."@en . . . . . "Miejsce zamieszkania"@pl . "Central Park Zoo, NY"@en . . . "10.0"^^ . . . . . . "Madagascar 4"@en . . . . "The Skipper is a vehicle in Saints Row 2."@en . "__INDEX__ Skipper ist ein zuverl\u00E4ssiger, wenn auch manchmal \u00FCberreagierender (Nur ein Pieks) Pinguin. Wenn er etwas bemerkt, dass nicht stimmt, setzt er alles daran, es wieder in Ordnung zu bringen. Selbst wenn es nur zu laute Musik des Nachbarn ist (Nicht ohne meine Batterien). Seine Ordnungsliebe wird daher von Juliens Partys und dessen Naivit\u00E4t ein ums andere Mal strapaziert, so wie in Nicht ohne meine Batterien, Blitz und weg und Die Sonnenfinsternis. Wie wir in Nur ein Pieks sehen, k\u00F6nnen die anderen Pinguine es im Kampf nicht mit Skipper aufnehmen. Er f\u00FChlt sich daf\u00FCr zust\u00E4ndig, dass es den anderen gut geht. Er ist allem gegen\u00FCber misstrauisch und sieht in vielem bereits einen Komplott. In Marlenes Mitbewohnerin bezeichnet er Rhonda, ohne viel von ihr zu wissen, als Spionin, was in diesem Fall sogar stimmt. Er hat einen Zwist mit den D\u00E4nen, weswegen er sich versteckt halten muss. Dies erfahren wir in Mondkater in Gefahr, wo er glaubt, er sei von ihnen im Zoo entdeckt worden und m\u00FCsse sich wohl stellen, was aber nicht der Fall ist. Sein Erzfeind dagegen ist der Delfin Dr. Seltsam, der die Sonne verdunkeln will (Die Sonnenfinsternis) und schon eine Spionin geschickt hat. Trotzdem hat auch Skipper eine weiche, nette Seite, wie am Ende von Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission und Robo-Julien zu sehen ist. Au\u00DFerdem ist er in eine Puppe verliebt und beide heiraten dann auch am Ende von Madagascar 2. In der Episode Nur ein Pieks erf\u00E4hrt man, dass er Angst vor Spritzen hat. Dort wollte er sogar aus den Zoo fl\u00FCchten, um nicht gespritzt zu werden. Zudem muss er sich, wie die anderen Pinguine (Au\u00DFer Rico, der dies interessiert ansieht), bei Dokumentationen, bei denen Pinguine gefressen werden, \u00FCbergeben (W\u00FCrg, Rico, w\u00FCrg!), ist also auch in dieser Hinsicht nicht sehr \u201Ehart\u201C, sondern eher \u201Emenschlich\u201C. Skipper bewahrt stets einen k\u00FChlen Kopf, trifft alle taktischen Entscheidungen und gibt die Befehle. Skipper wird oft mit einer Kaffeetasse gezeigt, deren Inhalt er mit einem Fisch umr\u00FChrt. In der Episode Zombies im Zoo dachten seine Freunde Rico, Kowalski und Private er w\u00E4re ein Zombie, weil er fast auch so aussah."@de . . . . "Plik:Pingwin bia\u0142obrewy.jpg"@en . "Kowalski, Rico, and Private"@en . . "None"@en . . "4"^^ . "Fred Seibert"@en . "Name: Skipper Classification: Looks like a Pygoscelis adeliae (Ad\u00E9lie Penguin) Gender: Male Age: 25 (Unknown if it is in penguin years or human years) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Master of Stealth, very good at improvising Speed: Superhuman (A security camera has several problems catching the moves of his team) Attack Potency: Street level (Stomped a full grown gorilla with ease, held his own against an elephant, held his own against a bloodlusted kangaroo) Striking Strength: Street Class (Can break all the bones of the neck with a single flap, stomped a gorilla) Durability: Street level (Took attacks from an elephant and a bloodlusted kangaroo) Weaknesses: Short-tempered Weapons: Any kind of melee weapon"@en . . "No"@en . . . . . "n"@en . . "AntarktydaCyrk ZaragozaCentral Park ZooWiele innych"@en . . "Pingwin antarktyczny"@pl . "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted"@en . "Skipper, Misha, and Stick"@en . "Material"@en . . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins in the Madagascar franchise, and appears in Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and the main character of Penguins of Madagascar."@en . . . "Fist, karate chop, feet kick"@en . . . "The Skipper is a spaceship used in the flashbacks of Ben 10: Omniverse. It was the primary transportation in space for Ben, Gwen, and Max."@en . "SkyClan's Destiny, page 157"@en . . "Skipper"@de . "Good"@en . "y"@en . "Dragon Quest VIIIVIII"@en . "capture"@en . "Skipper is the captain of the ferry named the Sea Dragon in Spyro: Shadow Legacy. By the end of the summer, he takes Spyro's friends back to their Realms before the Calamity struck. Skipper later appeared on the other side of the Dragon Realms, his ship having been trapped in ice caused by the Ice Minion. When Spyro defeated the Minion, the ice thawed, and Skipper was able to ferry Spyro to Avalar."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Penguin"@en . . . "Skipper is an unnamed male skipper who appeared in \"Yesterday's Heroes\"."@en . "Madagascar"@en . . . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins in the Madagascar franchise, and appears in Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and the main character of Penguins of Madagascar."@en . . . "y"@en . . "central park zoo,Cyrk Zaragoza"@pl . . . . "None"@en . "The Skipper, Petey"@en . . "Skipper"@en . "Civilian"@en . . . . "I'm not scared!"@en . . "E.G. Daily"@en . . . . "TBA"@en . "New York City"@en . . . . . . . "Compact"@en . "Enjoy your fresh-kill, loser?"@en . "y"@en . . . . "Skipper is the captain of the ferry named the Sea Dragon in Spyro: Shadow Legacy. By the end of the summer, he takes Spyro's friends back to their Realms before the Calamity struck. Skipper later appeared on the other side of the Dragon Realms, his ship having been trapped in ice caused by the Ice Minion. When Spyro defeated the Minion, the ice thawed, and Skipper was able to ferry Spyro to Avalar."@en . . . "Skipper is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . . "Skipper is the leader of penguins. He is voiced by the creator.Has penguins,Kowalski,Rico,Private."@en . . . "TV: Penguin Habitat"@en . . . "132"^^ . . "Dave Marshall"@en . . "Collect 8 Ship's Wheels"@en . . . . . . "Skipper"@pl . "290"^^ . "E.G. Daily as Skipper"@en . "142"^^ . . "5.0"^^ . "137"^^ . . "The Skipper"@en . "Skipper"@en . "Rico,Szeregowy,Kowalski,Mason i Edziu,Maurice,Mort,Czasami Kr\u00F3l Julian,Marty,Melaman,Gloria,Alex,Utajniony,Detonator,Kapral Mi\u015B,EVA,Marlenka,Mi\u015B Ted"@pl . "Joe Penguin"@en . . . "30.0"^^ . . . . "Duck"@en . "Flame Attack"@en . . . . . . "Skipper's Crazy Song"@en . . "Skipper is tough around the edges but can be a real softie. From all his years in the commando world, he can be paranoid and stubborn about his opinions and theories. His paranoia episodes are often considered to be over-the-top to the rest of his team. Skipper's archenemy is Dr. Blowhole, a mad solphin scientist obsessed with ruling the world. It is unknown how he and the penguins became enemies. Skipper is also banned from Denmark, and was made public enemy number 1 in a mysterious incedent in Copenhagen between himself and a puffin named Hans. He has a short fuse and will scream when upset. King Julien is often the cause of his anger. While Skipper depends on teamwork and wants everything quiet and under control, Julien is spoiled, self-centered and throws all night parties. Nevertheless, Skipper will come to the lemur's rescue when he has to. Skipper can be tender when he needs to be.He is fiercely protective of his team, often shielding them with his flippers when an unknown threat attacks. He has hugged them all at least once, and will often show his affection by slapping them high fives. He also has a soft spot for Marlene the otter, a close friend of his."@en . . . . . . . . . "Joe \"The Skipper\" Penguin"@en . "A captured Skipper can be sold at a high price and the taste is indescribable."@en . . "Spaceship"@en . "15"^^ . "Skipper was one of Barbie's cousins (I think). She was a preadolescent, but when you twisted her arm, her breasts would grow and she would be a teenager! I swear this doll existed! If you wanted her to be prepubescent, twist her arm again and her breasts would deflate."@en . "Planes: Fire & Rescue"@en . "Maybe it'll teach you not to interfere in the future."@en . . . "Sukippaa"@en . "Skipper is the leader of penguins. He is voiced by the creator.Has penguins,Kowalski,Rico,Private."@en . "Saints Row 2"@en . "The Penguins of Madagascar"@en . "You set yourself up."@en . "21"^^ . . . "Antarctica"@en . . "12"^^ . . . . "Petey"@en . . "Dragon"@en . . . . "The Skipper is a vehicle in Saints Row 2."@en . . . . "The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper"@en . . "\u30B9\u30AD\u30C3\u30D1\u30FC"@en . "Skipper"@pl . . "Julian being obnoxious, hippies, Private in trouble"@en . . "Performer(s) Appeared in Skipper is one of the four penguins from the Dreamworks Animation film Madagascar, and as such, he is also one of the main characters of the spin-off series The Penguins of Madagascar. He is the group's leader, who devises tactics and gives orders."@en . "30.0"^^ . "Collect 16 Ship's Wheels"@en . "Two-Bit Hood Jack the Knife"@en . . . "Vehicle_logo_boat_yacht01_skipper.png"@en . "Madagaskar,Madagaskar 2,Madagaskar 3,Pingwiny z Madagaskar."@pl . "88"^^ . . . "File:Huge item skipper bronze 01.png |-| Silver = File:Huge item skipper silver 01.png |-| Gold ="@en . . . . . . . "\u017Bona"@pl . . "Debi Derryberry as Freddy"@en . . . . "-"@en . . . "1998-03-06"^^ . . . . "A skipper was a ship used specifically to travel around Smuggler's Run from Skip to Skip. They were small and agile with little cargo space, which allowed them to travel through even the Run's greatest hazards, like the swirling rock storms surrounding Skip 52. Ana Blue and Nandreeson were both known to own them."@en . . . "Winged Insecta Feather"@en . . . "Debi Derryberry"@en . . "show"@en . . . . "Skipper is an unnamed male skipper who appeared in \"Yesterday's Heroes\"."@en . . . "69"^^ . . . "International Play Bird Diego Garcia"@en . "Misha"@en . . . . "TBA"@en . "66"^^ . "67"^^ . "Rogue"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Animated TV Series"@en . . "Skipper"@en . . . "Tom Kenny as Kenny"@en . "Burn"@en . "Skippsy"@en . . "10"^^ . . . . . . "Brown"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "Wyst\u0119powanie w filmach"@pl . "Pingwin bia\u0142obrewy \u2013 gatunek niedu\u017Cego nielotnego ptaka wodnego z rodziny pingwin\u00F3w , zamieszkuj\u0105cego ch\u0142odne oceany p\u00F3\u0142kuli po\u0142udniowej. Gnie\u017Adzi si\u0119 na P\u00F3\u0142wyspie Antarktycznym, Falklandach, Po\u0142udniowej Georgii, Wyspach Kerguelena, Wyspy Heard i McDonalda, Orkadach Po\u0142udniowych, Macquarie, Wyspach Crozeta, Wyspach Ksi\u0119cia Edwarda i na Sandwichu Po\u0142udniowym. Charakteryzuje si\u0119 bia\u0142\u0105 brwi\u0105, w serialu jak innym pingwinim bohaterom dodano mu bia\u0142\u0105 przestrze\u0144 mi\u0119dzy brzuchem a brwi\u0105. Przesadnie ma\u0142y."@en . "1920.0"^^ . "Ally"@en . "Najbli\u017Asi przyjaciele i koledzy"@pl . "Skipper is a supporting character in the Cars Toons episode Air Mater. He also appears in DisneyToon Studios' Planes and its sequel Planes: Fire & Rescue."@en . . "Imi\u0119"@pl . . "Skipper is a penguin from the Madagascar Movie Series and TV Series called The Penguins Of Madagascar."@en . "5"^^ . . "After entering Elysion"@en . "Name: Skipper Classification: Looks like a Pygoscelis adeliae (Ad\u00E9lie Penguin) Gender: Male Age: 25 (Unknown if it is in penguin years or human years) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Master of Stealth, very good at improvising Speed: Superhuman (A security camera has several problems catching the moves of his team) Attack Potency: Street level (Stomped a full grown gorilla with ease, held his own against an elephant, held his own against a bloodlusted kangaroo) Durability: Street level (Took attacks from an elephant and a bloodlusted kangaroo)"@en . . . . . "SkyClan's Destiny, Hawkwing's Journey"@en . "Leader of the penguins"@en . "Butterfly"@en . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins"@en . . "Sharp Nymphalidae Quill"@en . . . "Henchmen"@en . "N/A"@en . "Prove it! Help us catch this rabbit."@en . . "Gabor Csupo"@en . . "Boat"@en . "You'd hunt it fast enough if you weren't scared of the Twolegs."@en . . . "File:Huge item skipper bronze 01.png |-| Silver = File:Huge item skipper silver 01.png |-| Gold ="@en . "12"^^ . . "None"@en . . . "8"^^ . . "An old homeless man that can be found rummaging through the junkyard in Estoni. The Army burned down his home and murdered his family, taking everything away from him in one fell swoop."@en . "The Penguins of Madagascar"@en . . "Boat Racing"@en . "70886"^^ . "Dragon Quest VIII"@en . "Antarctica"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Merry Madagascar"@en . . "Winged Insecta"@en . . . . "Skipper"@en . "Skipper is tough around the edges but can be a real softie. From all his years in the commando world, he can be paranoid and stubborn about his opinions and theories. His paranoia episodes are often considered to be over-the-top to the rest of his team. Skipper's archenemy is Dr. Blowhole, a mad solphin scientist obsessed with ruling the world. It is unknown how he and the penguins became enemies. Skipper is also banned from Denmark, and was made public enemy number 1 in a mysterious incedent in Copenhagen between himself and a puffin named Hans."@en . . "Circus Zaragosa"@en . . . . . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins"@en . . . . . . "Ocean"@en . "1"^^ . "Alan Goodman"@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . . "The Skipper (real name unknown) is the captain of The Rotting Pelican. He is a resident of \"Barnacle Bay\", an Island in New England. He and his crew mainly fished for \"Yum Yum Fish\", but had fallen on hard times after overfishing drove all the Yum Yums away. After accidentally burning down the boardwalk, Homer is forced to join the crew in order to pay off his debts. They go searching for Yum Yum Fish, with little luck. However, after Homer accidentally beer battered the fishing hooks, they caught many Yum Yum fish. Suddenly a \"Perfect Storm\" started and the crew found itself trapped in the middle of the ocean. It was decided that they would abandon ship, but Bart had stowed away in the life raft compartment, and threw away the raft. The Rotting Pelican sank and the crew was stuck in the m"@en . "Air Mater"@en . . . "45000"^^ . "Lola"@pl . "Performer(s) Appeared in Skipper is one of the four penguins from the Dreamworks Animation film Madagascar, and as such, he is also one of the main characters of the spin-off series The Penguins of Madagascar. He is the group's leader, who devises tactics and gives orders."@en . . . "\"You didn't see anything!\""@en . . . "Skipper"@en . . . "Skipper is the title given to the male leader of the otter tribes in Mossflower Woods, as well as leaders of holts."@en . . "The Skipper (real name unknown) is the captain of The Rotting Pelican. He is a resident of \"Barnacle Bay\", an Island in New England. He and his crew mainly fished for \"Yum Yum Fish\", but had fallen on hard times after overfishing drove all the Yum Yums away. After accidentally burning down the boardwalk, Homer is forced to join the crew in order to pay off his debts. They go searching for Yum Yum Fish, with little luck. However, after Homer accidentally beer battered the fishing hooks, they caught many Yum Yum fish. Suddenly a \"Perfect Storm\" started and the crew found itself trapped in the middle of the ocean. It was decided that they would abandon ship, but Bart had stowed away in the life raft compartment, and threw away the raft. The Rotting Pelican sank and the crew was stuck in the middle of the storm, but were saved by a Japanese Fishing boat. At the end, the Skipper agrees with Lisa's stern warnings about overfishing, and the residents of the island take up logging instead."@en . . "Skipper is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . . "A skipper was a ship used specifically to travel around Smuggler's Run from Skip to Skip. They were small and agile with little cargo space, which allowed them to travel through even the Run's greatest hazards, like the swirling rock storms surrounding Skip 52. Ana Blue and Nandreeson were both known to own them."@en . "Skipper \u2013 samiec pingwina bia\u0142obrewego, lider grupy pingwinich komandos\u00F3w. Ciekawostk\u0105 jest to, \u017Ce jego imi\u0119 po przet\u0142umaczeniu na j\u0119zyk polski oznacza kapitana, przyw\u00F3dc\u0119. Jego dru\u017Cyna to najgro\u017Aniejsi (pingwini) komandosi w Ameryce P\u00F3\u0142nocnej."@en . . "Skipper"@pl . . "\"The Wife Aquatic\""@en . . . "24247"^^ . "thumb|Mina Skippera na widok polskich dr\u00F3g thumb|Gotcha!!! [[Plik:230px-Miss_Ja.png|thumb|Skipper, niczym Kopernik, by\u0142a kobiet\u0105]] Nie ma s\u0142owa \"przegrana\" w moim s\u0142owniku! Nie ma te\u017C s\u0142owa \"kotlet\", ale to z innych wzgl\u0119d\u00F3w Skipper o zakresie swojego s\u0142ownictwa Metody dzia\u0142ania Skippera"@pl . "None known"@en . . . . . . "thumb|250px|Skipper Skipper ist einer der w\u00E4hlbaren Protagonisten aus Grand Theft Auto 1. Er ist aber nur in der GBC-Version von GTA 1 verf\u00FCgbar, wenn der Spieler auf dem Profil von Kelly den Namen \"SUMNER\" eingibt. Dies gilt auch f\u00FCr viele andere Protagonisten aus der GBC-Version, es ist sozusagen ein kleines Easter Egg im Spiel."@de . . "\"I've seen Red around a lot lately. Next time, it might be a tuft of her fur that's left beside a dead Twoleg pet.\""@en . . "Tom Kenny"@en . . . "Fish, danger"@en . . . "4630.0"^^ . . "Madagascar"@en . . . "No"@en . "I didn't hurt that rabbit, and you know it. You set me up."@en . "Skipper"@en . "Skipper was one of Barbie's cousins (I think). She was a preadolescent, but when you twisted her arm, her breasts would grow and she would be a teenager! I swear this doll existed! If you wanted her to be prepubescent, twist her arm again and her breasts would deflate."@en . . . "Pudgy, Small penguin with a flat head"@en . "0.075"^^ . . "Skipper is a supporting character in the Cars Toons episode Air Mater. He also appears in DisneyToon Studios' Planes and its sequel Planes: Fire & Rescue."@en . "Misha and Skipper taunting Stick"@en . . "Planes"@en . . "1"^^ . "Non-Giftable"@en . "A hairy furball of a monster whose love for unwanted old boots manifests itself in much the same way as a hermit crab's love for discarded shells."@en . . . . . "Paul Germain\nFred Seibert"@en . . . . "Straight"@en . . . . . . "*Smugglers Run\n*Mercenaries\n*Smugglers"@en . . . . "Collect 4 Ship's Wheels"@en . . . . . . . . "Wrogowie"@pl . . . "item"@en . . . "Skipper Roberts was Barbie's first family member in 1964, her little sister. Skipper was usually titian haired, but she also came in blonde and brunette with the same swimsuit each time."@en . "23"^^ . "Skipper \u2013 samiec pingwina bia\u0142obrewego, lider grupy pingwinich komandos\u00F3w. Ciekawostk\u0105 jest to, \u017Ce jego imi\u0119 po przet\u0142umaczeniu na j\u0119zyk polski oznacza kapitana, przyw\u00F3dc\u0119. Jego dru\u017Cyna to najgro\u017Aniejsi (pingwini) komandosi w Ameryce P\u00F3\u0142nocnej."@en . . . . "Tom McGrath"@en . . . . . "Slap"@en . . . "Male"@en . . "PS2"@en . . "Skipper threatening Stick"@en . . . . "Captain of the Rotting Pelican"@en . . . "Allan Royal"@en . "Misha"@en . "?"@en . . "Fossy,psyopatyczna babcia,Pan Tartaczek,Dubois,Dave,Pomocniczy,Dr.Bulgot,Hans,Savio,Rondha,Czasami Kr\u00F3l Julian"@pl . . . . "Butterfly Dust"@en . . . . . "Butterfly Antennae"@en . "Skipper ist der Anf\u00FChrer der Pinguingruppe. Er bewahrt stets einen k\u00FChlen Kopf, trifft alle taktischen Entscheidungen und gibt die Befehle. Unter seiner F\u00FChrung darf niemand zur\u00FCckgelassen werden (Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission). Skipper kann das Verlassen (Nur ein Pieks) und die Selbstzerst\u00F6rung ihres Hauptquartiers autorisieren, ist aber auch die Anlaufstelle f\u00FCr die anderen Tiere, wenn sie Hilfe von den Pinguinen ben\u00F6tigen (Marlenes Mitbewohnerin). Wer den Pinguinen einen Auftrag erteilt, kann davon ausgehen, dass Skipper die Pinguine dann auch bis zum Ziel ermuntert und nicht aufgibt (Mondkater in Gefahr) und der Auftrag immer erf\u00FCllt wird. Er schaffte es in der Folge \"Klein-Skipper\" den Rattenk\u00F6nig als Baby zu besiegen."@de . . "7"^^ . "Rogue:"@en . "Butterfly Liver"@en . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@en . "10"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Pingwin pojawiaj\u0105cy si\u0119 w filmach sagi Madagaskar. Jest szefem oddzia\u0142u pingwinich komandos\u00F3w. Kowalski to m\u00F3zg dru\u017Cyny, Rico asystent od zada\u0144 wybuchowych i Szeregowy kt\u00F3ry jest maskotk\u0105 dru\u017Cyny pingwin\u00F3w. Skippera mo\u017Cna pozna\u0107 po szerokieji p\u0142askiej g\u0142owie. P Kategoria:Zwierz\u0119ta Kategoria:Ptaki Kategoria:Pingwiny Kategoria:Postacie pozytywne Kategoria:Postacie z sagi Madagaskar"@pl . . . . . . . . . "2012-06-06"^^ . . "[Flame] Attack +5"@en . . "Skipper (born April 25, 2006; age 11 in Mr. Roger's Empire) is a penguin from the series The Penguins of Madagascar and leader of his gang in the Central Park Zoo, New York City."@en . . "Stick"@en . . "Elven Core"@en . . "Butterfly Rawhide"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Neutral"@en . "Noah Segan as Mr. Fairy"@en . "300"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . "Butterfly Family"@en . "Relaxing in Madagascar , having a honeymoon with his doll at Monte Carlo , he dance with his friends during mash-up of Marty's \"Afro Circus\" song and \"I Like To Move It\" , turns private to normal and have snow conestorm"@en . "Skipper is from Penguins of Madagascar!"@en . "Tom McGrath"@en . . . "Skipper (born April 25, 2006; age 11 in Mr. Roger's Empire) is a penguin from the series The Penguins of Madagascar and leader of his gang in the Central Park Zoo, New York City."@en . . . . . . . "thumb|250px|Skipper Skipper ist einer der w\u00E4hlbaren Protagonisten aus Grand Theft Auto 1. Er ist aber nur in der GBC-Version von GTA 1 verf\u00FCgbar, wenn der Spieler auf dem Profil von Kelly den Namen \"SUMNER\" eingibt. Dies gilt auch f\u00FCr viele andere Protagonisten aus der GBC-Version, es ist sozusagen ein kleines Easter Egg im Spiel."@de . . "Skipper is a ginger-and-white tom with massive shoulders."@en . . "The Skipper in Saints Row 2"@en . . "Gatunek"@pl . . . . "1320.0"^^ . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . "Pingwin pojawiaj\u0105cy si\u0119 w filmach sagi Madagaskar. Jest szefem oddzia\u0142u pingwinich komandos\u00F3w. Kowalski to m\u00F3zg dru\u017Cyny, Rico asystent od zada\u0144 wybuchowych i Szeregowy kt\u00F3ry jest maskotk\u0105 dru\u017Cyny pingwin\u00F3w. Skippera mo\u017Cna pozna\u0107 po szerokieji p\u0142askiej g\u0142owie. P Kategoria:Zwierz\u0119ta Kategoria:Ptaki Kategoria:Pingwiny Kategoria:Postacie pozytywne Kategoria:Postacie z sagi Madagaskar"@pl . "Skipper - Bling SR2 variant screenshot.png"@en . "Superior"@en . "Hard-boiled, tough, dedicated, responsible, somewhat ditzy, caring, suspicious, alert, adventurous, lion-hearted, sensible, confident, daring, heroic, kind, understanding"@en . "Butterfly Rawhide"@en . "Skipper is the leader of the penguins and the comic relief from the Madagascar saga. He can be a little grouchy at times but in the inside, he has a heart of gold! He is voiced by Dreamworks mainstay Tom McGrath (who also directed the movies)."@en . "Skipper is a penguin from the Madagascar Movie Series and TV Series called The Penguins Of Madagascar."@en . "Madly Madagascar"@en . . "Butterfly Eyes"@en . . . "Pingwin bia\u0142obrewy"@en . . "I6"@en . . . "Skipper is from Penguins of Madagascar!"@en . . . "Skipper is the title given to the male leader of the otter tribes in Mossflower Woods, as well as leaders of holts."@en . . . . . . . . "Wealthy Industrial Lincoln Douglas"@en . . "Movies: Circus Zaragoza"@en . "Skipper is a ginger-and-white tom with massive shoulders."@en . . "Skippy"@en . . "50"^^ . "Grzegorz Pawlak"@en . "154"^^ . "An old homeless man that can be found rummaging through the junkyard in Estoni. The Army burned down his home and murdered his family, taking everything away from him in one fell swoop."@en . . . . . . "Penguins of Madagascar"@en . "Aliases"@en . . . "156"^^ . "31"^^ . .