"2015-12-11"^^ . . . . "Level: 17 Liang Gui starts this quest. Return 40 Purpel Cornel to complete the quest."@en . . . . . . . "Susano'o"@en . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . ."@en . "Apprentice Pyromancer.jpg"@en . "*Yoda's Jedi starfighter\n*Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry \n*Providence-class carrier/destroyer\n**Count Dooku's Providence-class carrier/destroyer\n*Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop"@en . "Sacrifice"@en . "7"^^ . . . "In the episode, Dee spurns Billy Keikeya and goes on a date with Lee \"Apollo\" Adama at a bar. An armed group takes control of the bar, demanding the captive Cylon Sharon in return for the lives of their hostages. Lee is badly wounded when Starbuck attempts a rescue. Billy is shot and killed saving Dee just before a team of Marines raids the bar and rescues the remaining hostages. The episode focuses on Admiral William Adama's relationship with Sharon as he weighs the gunmen's demands. It also presents the gunmen's motives and raises questions about whether there is merit to their point of view. In early drafts of the episode, Colonel Saul Tigh clashed with Adama over his handling of the crisis, but in the final version episode the two of them and President Laura Roslin all agree that they cannot bow to the demands of a group they call terrorists. Plot The press has learned that a Number Eight model Cylon is being held in Galactica's brig. Admiral Adama insists to President Laura Roslin that Sharon is a valuable source of intelligence. Billy, Roslin's chief of staff, urges Adama to tell the fleet about Sharon. Billy proposes marriage to Dee, but Dee turns him down. Later he discovers Dee on a date with Lee in a bar on Cloud 9 and is heartbroken. Gunmen led by Sesha Abinell take over the bar, demanding that the Admiral hand over Sharon. Learning that Abinell is seeking revenge for her husband's death in a Cylon attack, Adama refuses and orders Starbuck to plan a rescue with several Marines. A ruse by Lee convinces the gunmen that the bar is losing oxygen, giving Starbuck an opening. Her attempt backfires, and she accidentally shoots Lee during the confusion. Dee and Billy attend the bleeding, unconscious Lee. Roslin argues to Admiral Adama and Colonel Tigh they cannot give in to terrorists. As Abinell threatens Ellen Tigh, who is among the hostages, Adama agrees to hand over Sharon, but not alive. Adama sends over the corpse of Sharon \"Boomer\" Valerii, the Number Eight copy who shot him and died,[1] to give Marines time to storm the bar. Abinell shoots Boomer's corpse but discovers the deception shortly after. She orders Dee killed. Against Dee's advice, Billy grabs a gun and shoots the would-be executioner dead. As he dies, the executioner also shoots and kills Billy. The Marines kill the remaining gunmen, including Abinell, and free the hostages. Roslin mourns Billy, whom she described as \"the closest thing I have to family left\". Dee awaits Lee's recovery in Galactica's sickbay as Starbuck looks on"@en . . "10000"^^ . "United Kingdom"@en . . "19"^^ . "rare"@en . "Swifty"@en . "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"@en . . "+1"@en . "To sacrifice means to deliberately bid a contract which cannot be made, hoping that the doubled penalty will be less than the value of the opponent's making contract. A sacrifice is always made in a suit contract, and is mostly likely happen when both sides have found a fit."@en . "1"^^ . "\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9"@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "--05-29"^^ . "Broken Hearted Series"@en . . . "Eek! Wh-what's with this"@en . "477"^^ . "is chapter 480 of the original Naruto manga."@en . "Sacrifice is the thirty-third episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on April 12, 2003 on Cartoon Network."@en . "Th\u1EC3 lo\u1EA1i:K\u1EF9 n\u0103ng Sacrifice (\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, \"Hi Sinh\") l\u00E0 k\u1EF9 n\u0103ng \u0111\u1EA5m b\u00F3ng trong game Inazuma Eleven GO 3: Galaxy."@vi . . . "N/A"@en . "Kim Rhodes"@en . "40.0"^^ . . . "Jarod Joseph as Alan Durand"@en . "*Del Rey aux USA\n*Fleuve Noir en France"@fr . . . . . "*Sangue\n*Fogo\n*A For\u00E7a\n**Lado Negro da For\u00E7a\n***Dark illusion \n**Force-bond \n**Force power\n***Rel\u00E2mpago da For\u00E7a\n***Vis\u00E3o da For\u00E7a\n**Esp\u00EDrito da For\u00E7a\n*Planeta natal\n*Immortalidade \n*Language\n**Balc \n*Lightsaber combat\n*Lightsaber duel\n*Phrik \n*Plant\n**Tree\n***Great Tree\n***Gnarltree \n*Regra de Dois \n*Templo Sith"@pt . . . "Cah"@en . . "Sacrifice de Elton John: Sleeping with the Past."@es . "Gi\u00F3"@vi . . "*Armor \n**Clone trooper armor \n***Phase II clone trooper armor \n*Blaster \n**Blaster pistol \n***DC-17 hand blaster \n**Blaster rifle \n***DC-15A blaster \n*Datapad \n*Electrostaff\n*Lightsaber\n**Curved-hilt lightsaber\n***Dooku's lightsaber\n**Darth Sidious's lightsabers \n**Mace Windu's lightsaber\n**Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber\n**Shoto lightsaber\n**Skywalker's lightsaber \n**Yoda's lightsaber"@en . . . . "Ken Girotti"@en . "Alaina Huffman"@en . "2003-08-22"^^ . "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain"@en . . "Port\u00E9e : 3"@fr . . . "15"^^ . . "2013-05-15"^^ . . "* Nyssa al Ghul\n* Lourdes\n* Saracon\n* Rainie"@pl . . . . "Sacrifices a portion of the Voidwalker's health, giving its owner a shield that will absorb X damage for 30 sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage."@en . "The priest Garaesh waits to help you with your initiation rituals on the lookout post, past the ignean ruins west of the summit.\n\nI've heard rumours about the chosen one coming to the village. If you believe you can prove you are it, get the blessing of the beetle god Tirriket, by sacrificing 2 Tiny Black Beetle, and burning their shells in this ritual brazier. \n\nGet the shells and come to see me. I will tell you what to do next."@en . . "*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n*Force Priestesses\n*Galactic Republic\n**Grand Army of the Republic \n***501st Legion \n****Clone trooper \n*****Clone trooper captain \n*Jedi Order\n**Grand Master\n**Jedi\n**Jedi Knight \n**Jedi Master\n*Sith\n**Brotherhood of Darkness \n**Sith Warrior\n*Order of the Sith Lords\n**Sith Master\n**Sith apprentice"@en . . "Sacrifice was the offering of food, objects or lives to a supernatural being."@en . "Ultima Underworld II"@en . . . . . "news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-final-season-the-lost-missions-to-hit-netflix-on-march-7.html"@en . "Sacrifice"@it . . "Sacrifice, to odcinek serialu animowanego Wojny Klon\u00F3w (2008-2014)."@pl . . . . . "-"@en . . "Lanys T'Vyl, the Child of Hate, led the forces of Neriak against Highpass where she was defeated by forces led by Firiona Vie in the year 3091."@en . . "Sacrifice is a recurring theme throughout Hex. Sacrifical victims have enabled Azazeal to gain strength (Mendenham Maid and Thelma Bates). Sacrific can alse be used as a means to an end, such as spiting God (the \"pure of heart\" Roxanne)."@en . . "Sacrifice is one of Girardot's weapons in Soulcalibur III."@en . "Sacrif\u00EDco"@pt . "Tess breaks into Watchtower, triggering an elaborate security system that Chloe installed, ultimately trapping the two women inside. Chloe realizes that someone is downloading information from the Watchtower server about the Kandorians, which prompts her to make a drastic move. Oliver confronts Zod and winds up clinging to life with a \"Z\" scorched into his chest. Clark realizes Zod has given his soldiers super powers."@en . . . . "Lich"@en . "none"@en . "None"@en . . . . "Deal 3X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 25% UP"@en . "All allies recover 45% / 15% chance"@en . "*Stuns target\n*Applies Sacrifice.\n**Increases power of group members by \n**Heals group members for"@en . "\"Peace Out\""@en . "No"@en . "480"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . "Normal \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 Z \u2192 \u221E"@en . "Sacrifice \u00E9 um evento pay-per-view de wrestling profissional produzido pela Impact Wrestling. Sua primeira edi\u00E7\u00E3o ocorreu em 14 de agosto de 2005. Depois da reorganiza\u00E7\u00E3o por parte da empresa de seu calend\u00E1rio de PPV, passou a ser realizado em no m\u00EAs de maio. Em 2013 o evento n\u00E3o foi realizado, sendo retomado em 2014. Em 2016 foi uma edi\u00E7\u00E3o especial do IMPACT! Wrestling."@pt . . . "15"^^ . . "10"^^ . "*Sith snake"@en . "File:Sacrifice.pngSacrifice is a Skill unique to Micaiah in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. As the name implies, it allows Micaiah to sacrifice her own HP in order to heal and cure any status ailments of a unit in an adjacent space. Unlike many other skills in Radiant Dawn, Sacrifice cannot be removed or unequipped. Additionally, it is non-fatal to Micaiah. It is implied that only Heron Branded have this ability."@en . "Matthew Evans"@en . "\u2022 Storyline"@en . "Shadow"@en . . . "Delicate Satin Cloak"@en . . "25.4.2011 Ich wachte abrupt auf, Schwei\u00DF tropfte von meiner Stirn. Ich konnte seine Pr\u00E4senz wieder f\u00FChlen. Seine Pr\u00E4senz. Ich sah durch den Raum. Ich wusste, dass ich beobachtet wurde. Es war nirgendwo zu sehen. Verdammt. Das ist die dritte Nacht in Folge, dass ich auf diese Art aufgeweckt wurde. Die Angst droht mich zu \u00FCbermannen. Etwas da drau\u00DFen sucht mich. Etwas will mich. Aber ich sollte warten und das hier von Anfang an erz\u00E4hlen. Ich bin sechzehn Jahre alt und zog mit meiner Familie vor sieben Jahren in dieses Haus ein. Es ist drei\u00DFig Minuten von der Stadt entfernt, also sind wir ziemlich isoliert. Sie sagen, es sei friedlich und sch\u00F6n. Ich hasse es. Viel mehr in der Nacht, als am Tage. Ich hatte schon immer Angst vor der Dunkelheit. Es ist meiner gr\u00F6\u00DFte Angst. Ich hasse es, nichts sehen zu k\u00F6nnen. Und hier drau\u00DFen nachts, gibt es kein Licht mit Ausnahme des Mondes und der Sterne. Kein warmes, tr\u00F6stendes Leuchten von Stra\u00DFenlampen. Keine Scheinwerfer, die sich langsam hoch und runter auf der Stra\u00DFe bewegen; nur verschleierte Dunkelheit. Und ganz besonders finster w\u00E4hrend des Neumondes. So war es, als ich es das erste Mal antraf. Dieses Ding. Ich hatte ein paar Freunde da und nach der D\u00E4mmerung entschieden wir ein bisschen Softair \u2013 Capture the flag zu spielen. Es war Neumond, was das Ganze besonders dunkel und gruselig machte. Kein Licht drang durch die tintige Schw\u00E4rze, au\u00DFer die Taschenlampen an den L\u00E4ufen der Softairwaffen und das gelegentlichen Pfeifen der Softairkugeln, die auf ihre Ziele zuflogen. Wir hatten alle eine tolle Zeit. Ich hatte mir die Flagge des anderen Teams geschnappt und st\u00FCrmte zur\u00FCck zu meiner Basis, als ich ein Ger\u00E4usch h\u00F6rte, dass mir das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lie\u00DF. Ein Schrei des Terrors, ausgehend von circa drei\u00DFig Fu\u00DF von meiner rechten. Ein wei\u00DFes Aufblitzen hetzte von dem Schrei davon. Ich \u00E4nderte meine Richtung und rannte auf das Ger\u00E4usch zu, mit der Taschenlampe auf die Quelle des Tons zielend. Mein Freund Jacob sa\u00DF im Dreck, hielt sein blutendes Bein, offensichtlich in gro\u00DFer Qual. Der Schnitt war tief. Ein weiter Freund, Matt, und ich brachten ihn rein, wo wir am Rande der Badewanne sa\u00DFen und ihm die Wunde wuschen und versorgten. Wir fragten ihn, was passiert w\u00E4re. Eine Kreatur habe ihn gekratzt, sagte er. Er sah es nicht richtig, nur ein kurzes wei\u00DFes Aufblitzen. Zuerst nahm er an, dass es nur eine Beutelratte oder etwas \u00E4hnliches war. Das war, bevor ich es erneut sah. Das zweite Mal war ich alleine. Es war in der Mitte der Nacht, gl\u00FCcklicherweise kein Neumond, aber immer noch unheimlich. Ich hatte Schlaflosigkeit, ein gr\u00F6\u00DFeres Problem f\u00FCr mich. Es war zwei Uhr und ich hatte es aufgegeben etwas Schlaf zu finden. Also ging ich runter in das Wohnzimmer und sah mir eine DVD an. Als ich da lag, auf der Couch, meinen Kopf in Inception vertieft, begann einer meiner Hunde zu bellen. Ich dachte mir nichts, dass sie mitten in der Nacht bellten, war f\u00FCr mich normal. Dann fing auch mein anderer Hund damit an, keine gro\u00DFe Sache. Aber ich bemerkte etwas. Das Bellen war bedrohlicher als sonst. Es war eher ein kehliges, knurrendes Bellen. Es ver\u00E4ngstigte mich. Ich drehte mich r\u00FCckw\u00E4rts zum Verandalicht und schlich nach drau\u00DFen. Ich rief nach ihnen: \u201EJacke, Zoe. Kommt her!\u201C. Dann sah ich, weswegen sie bellten. Es sah menschlich aus, kroch \u00FCber das Gras. Es war vermutlich um die vier Fu\u00DF hoch, mit nackter, blasser Haut und langen, knochigen Gliedma\u00DFen. Ich studierte es f\u00FCr ungef\u00E4hr f\u00FCnf Sekunden, bis es mich zur\u00FCck anstarrte. Ich werde niemals den Anblick seiner Augen vergessen, wie leerer Steckdosen. Sein kalter Blick durchdrang mich, als ob es mich ausmessen w\u00FCrde. Dann bewegte es sich langsam zu mir. Ich war fast paralysiert von der Angst, aber noch in der Lage zur\u00FCck in das Haus zu kommen. Ich verschloss die T\u00FCr hinter mir und rannte in das Zimmer meiner Eltern. Sie waren davon \u00FCberzeugt, dass ich einen Albtraum hatte. Aber ich kannte die Wahrheit. Das war das erste Mal, dass ich die Kreatur vollst\u00E4ndig gesehen hatte, die mich schon bald an den Rand des Wahnsinns treiben w\u00FCrde. Ich sah das Wesen eine l\u00E4ngere Zeit nicht wieder. Ich begann zu glauben, dass meine Eltern recht h\u00E4tten und dass es nur ein Traum war. Nach all dem, war mir wirklich der Schlaf geraubt. Aber tief in mir wusste ich, dass ich etwas gesehen hatte. Aber vor ein paar Wochen, empfohl mir mein Freund Derik so eine Website. Und ich sah ein Bild, welches mich schockierte. Es war meine Kreatur, die, die ich gesehen hatte. Die Website gab an, dass dieses Wesen \u201EThe Rake\u201C genannt wird und das es seine Opfer suchen und \u00FCbel zurichten w\u00FCrde. In dem Moment, als ich den Artikel la\u00DF, gefror mir das Blut. K\u00F6nnte ich dieses Wesen wirklich gesehen haben? Der Gedanke jagte mich und wollte mir nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen. Ich sah es zuletzt im Monat der vergangenen Woche. Ich wachte wieder mitten in der Nacht auf. Sofort merkte ich, das etwas nicht gut war. Das Haus war zu still. Ich f\u00FChlte mich sehr unsicher. Ich stand aus meinem Bett auf, lief zum Fenster und \u00F6ffnete die Jalousie. Es war drau\u00DFen sehr dunkel, aber ich konnte etwas erkennen. Dieses Wesen war da drau\u00DFen. Schabte \u00FCber irgendetwas auf dem Boden. Sofort \u00F6ffnete ich das Fenster und schrie das Ding an. Es sah zu mir hoch, schaute mir kurz in die Augen und rannte dann davon, mit allen Vieren sehr nah \u00FCber den Boden hinweg. Als ich dann am n\u00E4chsten Morgen rausging um nachzusehen, was es dort am Boden getan hatte, fand ich etwas, was mir die Knochen gefrieren lie\u00DF; Den verst\u00FCmmelten, halb aufgefressenen K\u00F6rper meines Hundes Zoe. Meine Eltern glauben, es war ein Bergl\u00F6we, aber ich wusste, wie es wirklich war. Der so genannte \u201ERake\u201C, diese Bastardkratur, hattemeinen Hund get\u00F6tet. Die n\u00E4chsten paar N\u00E4chte waren schrecklich. Ich wachte jede Nacht in kaltem Schwei\u00DF gebadet auf und wusste, dass dieses verdammte Ding mich beobachtete. Ich f\u00FChle seine Pr\u00E4senz. Ich wei\u00DF, dass es mich jetzt will. Und ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich tun soll. Ich bin erschrocken \u00FCber dieses Wissen und ich bin hilflos. Meine Eltern erz\u00E4hlen mir weiterhin, dass ich mir die Dinge nur einbilden w\u00FCrde. Aber das mache ich nicht, verdammt! Ich wei\u00DF, was ich gesehen habe. Und jetzt will es mich. Deswegen schreibe ich all das hier um drei Uhr am Morgen. Falls mir irgendetwas passiert, m\u00F6chte ich, dass die Leute das wissen. Ich vervollst\u00E4ndige das hier, sobald etwas neues passiert. 2.5.2011 Die letzte Woche war ein Wirbel des Terrors. Ich bin nun andauernd \u00E4ngstlich, ich wei\u00DF, dass es mich beobachtet. In jeder Ecke, \u00FCberall wo ich hingehe. Jede Nacht f\u00FChle ich sein Dasein, manche N\u00E4chte mehr als sonst. Ich wei\u00DF nicht ganz genau, was es von mir will, aber es will etwas. Ich sah es erneut, dass letzte Mal heute vor einer Woche. Ich blieb alleine, weil ich krank war. Ich f\u00FChle mich immer noch wie Schei\u00DFe. Ich glaube es macht mich krank. Ich lag auf der Couch, sah Fernsehen. Andauern sah ich \u00FCber meine Schultern, weil ich wusste, dass er mich st\u00E4ndig sah. Ich habe eine Shotgun bei mir, ein Vorteil, des Landes in dem ich lebe. Ich habe sie von der Garage. Sie ist geladen, im Falle dass dieses Ding, welches ich entschieden habe \u201ERake\u201C zu nennen, versucht anzugreifen. Ich wusste, es w\u00FCrde bald. Ich h\u00F6rte ein Ger\u00E4usch von drau\u00DFen und spannte meine Waffe. Ich ging raus, um nachzusehen. Nichts. Verdammt. Ich entschied mich dazu, im Umkreis des Hauses zu patrouillieren, nur f\u00FCr den Fall. Ich ging den ganze Weg einmal herum, nichts. Ich ging wieder rein, als ich einen Geruch vernahm. Es war der Gestank des Todes. Verrottend. Ich hielt die Waffe vor mir. Langsam schritt ich die Treppe hoch und drehte mich zur Ecke in meinen Raum. Es war in die Ecke gekrochen, sein Gesicht abgewandt. Dann drehte es seinen Kopf langsam zu mir. Dann redete es. Es war eine hohe, schrille Stimme. Ich wei\u00DF nicht genau, was es zu mir gesagt hatte. Ich z\u00F6gerte nicht den Abzug zu dr\u00FCcken, aber es bewegte sich mit fast \u00FCbermenschlicher Geschwindigkeit und lief in mich rein, warf mich zu Boden. Ich sah es von unserem zweist\u00F6ckigen Balkon herunterspringen, auf den Boden des Wohnzimmers. Aus der T\u00FCr hinaus. Mein Arm blutete stark, also nahm ich ein Hemd, dr\u00FCckte es aus meinen Arm und versuchte die Blutung zu unterbinden. Ich rannte hinaus, die Waffe immer noch in meiner Hand. Es war weg. \u201EFAHR ZUR H\u00D6LLE!\u201C, schrie ich. Ich ging wieder hinein. Dann sah ich Blut. Nicht mein Blut. Sein Blut. Ich nahm den Hund, den es nicht get\u00F6tet hatte, Jake. Hielt ihm das Blut unter die Nase. Er nahm die F\u00E4hrte auf und begann sich zu dem Wald nahe meines Hauses zu bewegen. Ich \u00FCberlegte nicht zweimal und folgte ihm. Wir st\u00FCrmten durch das Geh\u00F6lz. Bald eine Meile von meinem Haus entfernt, begann Jake zu wimmern. Ich schickte ihn zur\u00FCck. Das hier war mein Job. Ich fing an, die Gegend zu durchsuchen, meinen Finger zuckend am Abzug. Nach circa einer halben Stunde des Suchens, erblickte ich etwas Seltsames. Einen kleinen Bereich des Bodens war anders. Es schien bedeckt. Ich lief dort hin und stricht das Gras beiseite. Ich lag richtig. Da war eine Platte unter dem Gras. Ich drehte die Bedeckung weg und entdeckte ein Loch. Eine rostige, alter Treppe f\u00FChrte nach unten. Entgegen jedem Verstand, packte mich die Neugier. Ich hing die Shotgun auf meinen R\u00FCcke und stieg hinunter. Es war ein Tunnel. Es war nicht gut beleuchtet. Ein paar Kerzen. Aber es war genug Licht um die blutverschmierten W\u00E4nde zu sehen. Der Gestank war schrecklich. Ich konnte Bilder in dem Blut erkennen. Verst\u00F6rende Dinge. Zeug, dass ich niemals sehen wollte. Ich schritt hindurch in Richtung der Quelle von noch mehr Licht. Ich konnte eine Art Raum sehen. Als ich eintrat, wollte ich erbrechen. Der Boden war von Tierleichen bedeckt. An den W\u00E4nden. Das musste sein Speiseraum sein. Ich drehte mich w\u00FCrgend herum. Und da stand es, genau hinter mir. Es griff nach mir. Ich wurde bewusstlos. 7.5.2011 Es ist jetzt vorbei. Er ist zufrieden. Sein Opfer ist hergestellt. Und ich bin alleine. Wir waren drei, drei, drei N\u00E4chte zusammen. Er stand einfach nur neben meinem Bett, sah mich an und fl\u00FCsterte mir etwas zu. Er erz\u00E4hlte mir, er wollte Opfer, blutige Opfer. Er sagte ich muss es tun. Ich wusste, dass er recht hat. Sie bedeuten mir nichts. Ich kann alleine sein! Meine Eltern denken ich werde verr\u00FCckt. Sie haben keine Ahnung, haha! Also letzte Nacht sagte ich ihm, dass ich es tun werde. Ich w\u00FCrde ihm sein Opfer geben, ein gutes, gutes Opfer, er wird gl\u00FCcklich sein! Ich sagte ihnen, sie sollen mitkommen, ich wollte ihnen den Ort zeigen, den ich gefunden hatte. Sie gingen mit mir mit, gingen in die H\u00F6hle des Rakes. Ich \u00F6ffnete es und ergriff eine Waffe. Ich sagte ihnen, sie sollen hinein gehen. Sie fragten, was ich tun w\u00FCrde und ich sagte ihnen, er w\u00FCrde sie sehen wollen. Sie gingen in das Loch und liefen durch den Tunnel. Sie weinte. Dann kam Mr. Rake aus seinem Versteck. Er sah mich an mit seinen schwarzen Augen und l\u00E4chelte. Dann t\u00F6tete er sie. Sie schrien ein bisschen. Mir egal. Er war jetzt gl\u00FCcklich. Er zeigte auf das Loch und ich wusste, dass es meine Zeit zu gehen war. Ich bin jetzt zur\u00FCck zuhause. Ganz allein, in meinem dunkel n Raum. Ich habe keine Angst mehr vor der Dunkelheit! Ich mag die Dunkelheit. Es erinnert mich an meinen Freund den Rake. Ich bin okay. Mir geht\u2019s gut. Ich bin verdammt nochmal nicht okay. Ich f\u00FChrte einfach meine Eltern in den Tod! Ich bin verr\u00FCckt. Ich habe die Waffe jetzt an meinem Kopf, ich werde abdr\u00FCcken. Ich sehe durch den Raum und er kriecht da, er l\u00E4chelt mich an. Er sagt mir, dass ich es tun soll, er ist immer noch hungrig, will mehr Opfer. Ich werde es ihm geben. Goodbye! Kategorie:\u00DCbersetzung Kategorie:Lang Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:The Rake Kategorie:Kreaturen Kategorie:Tod"@de . . . . "*Confedera\u00E7\u00E3o dos Sistemas Independentes\n*Profetisa da For\u00E7a\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n**Grande Ex\u00E9rcito da Rep\u00FAblica \n***501\u00AA Legi\u00E3o \n****Clone trooper \n*****Capit\u00E3o Clone \n*Ordem Jedi\n**Gr\u00E3o mestre\n**Jedi\n**Cavaleiro Jedi \n**Mestre Jedi\n*Sith\n**Irmandade das sombras \n**Guerreiro Sith\n*Ordem dos Lordes Sith\n**Mestre Sith\n**Aprendiz Sith"@pt . "Sacrifice \u00E9 um evento pay-per-view de wrestling profissional produzido pela Impact Wrestling. Sua primeira edi\u00E7\u00E3o ocorreu em 14 de agosto de 2005. Depois da reorganiza\u00E7\u00E3o por parte da empresa de seu calend\u00E1rio de PPV, passou a ser realizado em no m\u00EAs de maio. Em 2013 o evento n\u00E3o foi realizado, sendo retomado em 2014. Em 2016 foi uma edi\u00E7\u00E3o especial do IMPACT! Wrestling."@pt . "John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer"@en . . "Sacrificed Go Stone"@en . "Absorbs all damage."@en . . "*Armadura \n**Armadura de Clone trooper \n***Phase II clone trooper armor \n*Blaster \n**Pistola Blaster \n***Blaster de m\u00E3o DC-17 \n**Rifle Blaster \n***Blaster DC-15A \n*Datapad \n*Eletrobast\u00E3o\n*Sabre de luz\n**Sabre de luz de cabo curvo\n***Sabre de luz de Dookan\n**Sabres de luz de Darth Sidious \n**Sabre de luz de Mace Windu\n**Sabre de luz de Obi-Wan Kenobi\n**Sabre de luz Shoto\n**Sabre de luz de Skywalker \n**Sabre de luz de Yoda"@pt . "33"^^ . "Destiny"@en . . . . "Drains 38.6515 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . "Purple"@en . . "8"^^ . . "*Starship\n**Capital ship\n***Dreadnought\n****Providence-class dreadnought\n*****Dooku's Providence-class dreadnought\n**Gunship \n***Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry \n**Starfighter\n***Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor\n****Yoda's fighter\n**Yacht\n***Solar sailer\n****Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop\n*****Count Dooku's Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop"@en . "Take 250"@en . "Create 15 Gems, a mixture of Purple and a chosen type. Kill the last ally. All other allies gain [ + 1] Magic, boosted by Death Marked enemies."@en . . . . "0"^^ . . . "Rare"@en . "7"^^ . "Only available against current Archwitches."@en . . . . "Monk"@en . . . "Sacrifice, to odcinek serialu animowanego Wojny Klon\u00F3w (2008-2014)."@pl . . . "Survival Dash"@en . "0.5"^^ . . "Drains 54.2474 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . . "ASPD based"@en . . "\u2022 Pillars of Nosgoth"@en . "20"^^ . "right"@en . . . "Warlock"@en . . . . "30.0"^^ . . "Sacrifice"@en . "*The Force\n**Balc \n**Force choke \n**Fantasma da For\u00E7a\n**Rel\u00E2mpago da For\u00E7a\n**Magia Sith\n***Dark side ritual"@pt . "Constitution"@en . "Teleplay:"@en . . . . "Sacrifice is one of the tracks on Fanta 10's album Good Night. It focuses on the death of Marshall Cob's best friend's death. Most of it is sung from Cob's friend's perspective."@en . . . "40"^^ . "Sacrificee"@pt . "Sacrifice one's HP to inflict a great amount of damage on a target. Once Martyr's Reckoning is cast, the character will lose an amount of health equal to a certain percentage of the caster's Max HP for the next five attacks. However, these 5 attacks will have enhanced damage. Martyr's Reckoning has no time duration and will not wear off until after the fifth attack is performed or the player is dispelled. It's an instant cast self-buff like Guard or Shield Reflect. Upon casting 100sp is taken and it will last forever until the player: \n* A) lands 5 hits on something. \n* B) moves to another map or relogs. Exception applies to castle maps, meaning the player can cast MR in a room, move to another and remain with the effect. \n* C) is dispelled. \n* D) activates Battle Chant{|class=\"wikitable\" !Level !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 |- !HP Consumption (%) |9 |9 |9 |9 |9 |- !Damage Multiplier |1 |1.1 |1.2 |1.3 |1.4 |}"@en . . . . . . . "Ceremonial Bowl"@en . . "Wesley Jansen.jpg"@en . "Sacrifice"@pt . "*Cobra\n**Cobra de Moraband \n*Zumbi"@pt . "The Expendables"@en . . "\"Sacrifice\""@en . . "HAYAMI AKIRA"@en . . . . . "Exile"@fi . "Episode 13"@en . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Heals nearby allies for 20% of damage received."@en . . . . "4180"^^ . . . "This maiden is running for her life after losing her way in a haunted forest."@en . "Inheritance"@en . . . . . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . "*Anger\n*Darth Bane \n*Confusion\n*CT-7567 \"Rex\" \n*Dooku\n*Sifo-Dyas \n*Qui-Gon Jinn \n*Joy\n*Kraken\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*R2-D2\n*Tristeza\n*Serenidade\n*Darth Sidious\n*Anakin Skywalker \n*Luke Skywalker \n*Legends:Leia Organa Solo \n*Darth Vader \n*Mace Windu\n*Yoda\n*Legends:Darth Zannah"@pt . . "+13% to Battle when defending, +12% to Battle..."@en . . "Sacrifice is an order from a player, like order of attacking or order of using Skill, which can only target a card that that player owns. When a card is Sacrificed, that card is sent to the Shrine. An example of a Seal that has a Skill to Sacrifice a card is Blaze Sage, the Viceroy of Zalom."@en . . "2010-04-30"^^ . "\u72A0\u7272"@pt . . . "Sacrifice is the thirteenth and last episode of the first season of Lie to Me which finished on the May the 13th, 2009."@en . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . "5.21"^^ . "\"Sacrifice\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . "The priemere episode of the fourth season."@en . "Punching Catch"@en . . . "*Ca\u00E7a Jedi de Yoda\n*Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry \n*Providence-class carrier/destroyer\n**Count Dooku's Providence-class carrier/destroyer\n*Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop"@pt . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . . . . . "Sacrifice is a track in the biohazard (2002) Best Track Collection."@en . . . "2005-04-29"^^ . "B\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 Z \u2192 \u221E"@vi . . . "1"^^ . . . "300"^^ . . . "Blindeye Deluxe.jpg"@en . "Ordination"@en . . "Avidus"@en . . "\"Sacrifice\" is a song by The Expendables that could be downloaded for free for Guitar Hero World Tour, Guitar Hero 5 and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock."@en . . "Sacrifice is the 23rd episode, and the season finale of Season 8. It aired on May 15th, 2013."@en . "Comp\u00E9tence qui r\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E8re tous les PE d'un alli\u00E9 en sacrifiant tous ceux du joueur. \n* Niveau requis : 8 \n* Skill points : 3 \n* PM : / \n* PE : tous \n* Recharge : 600s"@fr . "\u2022 Pillar of Balance"@en . "He is chosen to be the sacrifice to Zulrah, but the player intervenes and asks High Priestess Zul-Harcinqa to be the sacrifice instead. Harcinqa allows the player to become the sacrifice, saddening the sacrifice and his family, as they would not receive extra rations of sacred eel. Despite this, he thanks the player for allowing him to live his life a bit longer."@en . "Sacrifice is an annual professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event held by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling in the month of May. The first one was held in August 2005. When event names were shuffled by TNA for 2006, the event was moved to May. Sacrifice has had a tradition of being the final round of tournaments. Sacrifice 2005 saw Samoa Joe defeat A.J. Styles to win the Super X Cup. Sacrifice 2006 was the final round of the World X Cup Tournament. Sacrifice 2008 continued the tradition with the finals of the Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament. All Events have been held inside the Impact! Zone."@en . . "Sacrifice one's HP to inflict a great amount of damage on a target. Once Martyr's Reckoning is cast, the character will lose an amount of health equal to a certain percentage of the caster's Max HP for the next five attacks. However, these 5 attacks will have enhanced damage. Martyr's Reckoning has no time duration and will not wear off until after the fifth attack is performed or the player is dispelled. It's an instant cast self-buff like Guard or Shield Reflect. Upon casting 100sp is taken and it will last forever until the player:"@en . . . "Male"@en . . "Sacrifice G04.png"@vi . "Arrow"@pl . . . . . "3"^^ . . "Buddha Bone"@en . . . . . . "Sacrifice is a Supercharge Celestial power in the Blessed tree."@en . "180"^^ . . . . . . "Steward Lee"@en . . . "\u2014"@pl . . . "Demons in front of me, too!?"@en . "None"@en . . "19"^^ . "In religion, a sacrifice is the killing of an animal or human being to please gods or goddesses. Some religions like the Azteks believed that the gods required human beings to die in horrifiying ways, such as getting their hearts ripped open. Another ancient Latin American civilization, the Incans, sacrificed their children by putting them high into the mountains, where they froze and became mummies. A: because he's a weirdy This article is a stub. You can help the Atheism Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "legendary"@en . "SVU"@en . "Arrow"@en . "Sacrifice (\u53D7\u96E3\uFF0D\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9\uFF0D Junan -Sakurifaisu-?) is the 21st episode of Ultraman Nexus."@en . "Damage: 26 Weight: 11 Delay: 450 Price: 22 Gcoin (Rare item shop) or Platinum box (32Gcoin) Required level: 40 \uFFFD (Can be used well with fire or poison) \"A sword that assumedly used for ancient traditional ceremonies. The blade is not made of iron but some mystery metal and despite for its old age, the blade hasn't lost its sharpness.\""@en . . . "21"^^ . . "Sacrifice is a prefix of an ability, in which the ability included can only by triggered by being killed. Of course being unsummoned will not trigger the effect. Sacrifice: Reanimate will not work if unit is killed by poison."@en . . "Catch"@en . "25"^^ . "2007-05-29"^^ . "SACRIFICE"@en . "2"^^ . . "9"^^ . . "9"^^ . . "10"^^ . "15"^^ . "1995-09-30"^^ . "Sacrifice.jpg"@en . . "Celina Jade as Shado"@en . "*The Force\n**Balc \n**Force choke \n**Force ghost\n**Force lightning\n**Sith magic\n***Dark side ritual"@en . "51"^^ . . . "*Anger\n*Darth Bane \n*Aprendiz de Darth Bane \n*Confusion\n*CT-7567 \"Rex\" \n*Dookan\n*Zaifo Vias \n*Qui-Gon Jinn \n*Joy\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*Kraken\n*Leia Organa \n*R2-D2\n*Tristeza\n*Serenidade\n*Darth Sidious\n*Anakin Skywalker \n*Luke Skywalker \n*Mace Windu\n*Yoda"@pt . "Enemy"@en . "*Armor \n**Phase II clone trooper armor \n*Blaster \n**Blaster pistol \n***DC-17 hand blaster \n**DC-15S \n*Datapad \n*Electrostaff\n*Knife\n*Lightsaber\n**Obi-Wan Kenobi's third lightsaber\n**Palpatine's lightsabers \n**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber \n**Mace Windu's lightsaber\n**Lightsaber shoto\n***Yoda's lightsaber\n**Curved-hilt lightsaber\n***Dooku's lightsaber"@en . "2003-04-12"^^ . "Gisei"@en . . . "38"^^ . "2004"^^ . "is chapter 480 of the original Naruto manga."@en . . "46"^^ . . . "\u0110\u1EA5m b\u00F3ng"@vi . . . "13"^^ . "None"@en . . . . "Support"@fr . . . . "4290"^^ . "Darkness"@en . "TBA"@en . "|-|KMS 1.2.274= File:Skill Sacrifice.png \uC0C8\uD06C\uB9AC\uD30C\uC774\uC2A4 \n* Class: Dark Knight \n* Type: Active \n* Maximum Level: 30"@en . "\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9"@en . . . . . "345477405"^^ . . . "Sacrifice is one of the tracks on Fanta 10's album Good Night. It focuses on the death of Marshall Cob's best friend's death. Most of it is sung from Cob's friend's perspective."@en . . "Sacrifices are a type of undead related to mayincatec-themed Lichs and Vampires. Usually, the exist as glowing skulls which orbit lichs such as Mictlantecuhtli and Tezcatlipoca, assissting with various skills of these undead sorcerers. They become targetable entities of their own in response to certain skills being used by their masters. Sacrifices are floating skulls, animated and kept aloft by alien technology grafted into them. They are surrounded by an eery glow and will easily be taken for the workings of magic by those unaccustomed to Tlalocan technology. Being small and capable of aerial movement, they are unhindered by terrain obstacles, moving swiftly in inaccessible areas. Recurring retinue of powerful lichs. They appear as richly decorated skulls, often draped in an aura of the preferred element of their master, usually linked to him or her with cables and wires. They have the powerful ability to mimic any spell cast by their master, increasing its potency by the amount of sacrifices present. Upon the master's OverDrive, they gain skeletal bodies."@en . . . "Story"@en . "Tess breaks into Watchtower, triggering an elaborate security system that Chloe installed, ultimately trapping the two women inside. Chloe realizes that someone is downloading information from the Watchtower server about the Kandorians, which prompts her to make a drastic move. Oliver confronts Zod and winds up clinging to life with a \"Z\" scorched into his chest. Clark realizes Zod has given his soldiers super powers."@en . . "Heals nearby allies for 40% of damage received."@en . "None"@en . "4.04"^^ . "Hand"@en . "-50"^^ . . "Black"@en . "5"^^ . "Gavin Blair, Raul Inglis, Phil Mitchell, Ian Pearson"@en . . "300"^^ . . . . "N/A"@en . "70"^^ . . . . "Eagle"@ja . . . . "Sacrifice"@vi . ". . . . . . . . . . . . ."@en . . "600"^^ . . "*Blood\n*Fire\n*The Force\n**Dark side of the Force\n***Dark illusion \n**Force-bond \n**Force power\n***Force lightning\n***Force vision\n**Force spirit\n*Home planet\n*Immortality \n*Language\n**Balc \n*Lightsaber combat\n*Lightsaber duel\n*Phrik \n*Plant\n**Tree\n***Great Tree\n***Gnarltree \n*Rule of Two \n*Sith temple"@en . . "9"^^ . . "--03-07"^^ . "Stuns the conjuror's summoned minion to restore health and power in increments to the conjuror's group."@en . "to self or group member."@en . . . . "3"^^ . "*Clone Wars\n**Mission to Moraband \n*Jedi\u2013Sith war"@en . "5000"^^ . "Sacrifice is the thirteenth and last episode of the first season of Lie to Me which finished on the May the 13th, 2009."@en . . "\u2022 Gameplay"@en . . . "11"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "RWBY: Volume 2 Soundtrack"@en . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "Sacrifice is the 14th episode of Season 2 also the 36th episode overall."@en . "2"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "SCommon"@en . . . "Arrowslits"@en . "Great DMGx3/ Pt+"@en . . . "yes"@en . . "Sacrifice is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. She is a senior officer and First Mate of the crew Xensity and lady of the flag League of Light. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . . . . . "__notoc__ Sacrifice Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 8,000 \u200D Dropped byOperation: Ambulas Reborn Dropped byOther: Transmutable Untransmutable Not to be confused with The Sacrifice quest. Sacrifice allows a Sentinel to revive its owner at the cost of its own life."@en . . . . "yes"@en . . . "Orange"@en . . "--03-07"^^ . "180.0"^^ . "Sacrifice"@fr . . . "29"^^ . . "\"A Death on Utapau\""@en . "Drains 71.1187 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . . "+9% to Battle when defending"@en . "23"^^ . "- / -"@en . . . . . "Ignis"@en . . "white"@en . "Sacrifice is a stage that appears in the console version of BlazBlue: Centralfiction. The stage is set on ruins with several braziers in the background."@en . "Baby Red Dragon"@en . "*Humano\n**Clone \n**Naboo\n*Esp\u00E9cie de Yoda"@pt . "This is one of the four Warlock's pet Voidwalker's spells. Sacrifice consumes a portion of the Voidwalker's health and gives the Warlock an absorption shield that is similar to a priest's Power Word: Shield abiliy. The ability consumes 25% of the voidwalker's base health, so as long as the voidwalker isn't near death, there is very little chance that the use of this ability will kill the demon. The duration of the Sacrifice shield is 30 seconds."@en . . "Pomimo zbli\u017Caj\u0105cych si\u0119 dla rodziny zagro\u017Ce\u0144, Graysonowie znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w rzadko widzianej formie, nadrabiaj\u0105c min\u0105 podczas swojej dorocznej imprezy z okazji \u015Awi\u0119ta Pracy. Jack i Amanda wyp\u0142ywaj\u0105 w podr\u00F3\u017C po\u015Blubn\u0105, jednak\u017Ce morze okazuje si\u0119 \u015Bmiertelnie niebezpieczne, a Emily nie ma tym razem wp\u0142ywu na to, co si\u0119 wydarzy."@pl . "13"^^ . "Sacrifice is a Supercharge Celestial power in the Blessed tree."@en . "* Malcolm Merlyn/Czarny \u0141ucznik/Ra's al Ghul"@pl . . "21600.0"^^ . . "29"^^ . "Colton Haynes as Roy Harper"@en . "*Guerras Cl\u00F4nicas\n**Miss\u00E3o a Moraband \n*Guerra Jedi\u2013Sith"@pt . "\u2022 \u2022 \u2022"@en . "Many characters on Lost have made or been made sacrifices. This page serves to keep track of as many sacrifices as possible.__TOC__"@en . . "Sacrifice"@ja . . . . . . . . "51"^^ . "2"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Ultima V"@en . . . "Fire"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Sacrifice File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Sacrifice File:Sacrifice.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Rare A sacrifice Necessary component of blood magic rituals"@en . . . . "Roger Cross as Lucas Hilton"@en . . "Sacrifice is an order from a player, like order of attacking or order of using Skill, which can only target a card that that player owns. When a card is Sacrificed, that card is sent to the Shrine. An example of a Seal that has a Skill to Sacrifice a card is Blaze Sage, the Viceroy of Zalom."@en . "Chance"@en . "Drains 40.1202 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . . . "\"Sacrifice\" was the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was the thirteenth episode of the sixth season, and the one hundred and twenty-first episode of the show."@en . . . "Without a Sacrifice, a Fighter is forced to take all the damage and fight by themselves but this action is frowned upon because it shows arrogance and a questionable bond between the Sacrifice and Fighter of that team. It's expressed by Breathless that if a Fighter lives while their Sacrifice dies then the Fighter should also die, giving insight into how the bond between Fighters and Sacrifices are viewed in Seven Voices Academy. It is also considered taboo for Sacrifices and Fighters sharing different names to battle as a Unit."@en . . "Hansai no Kaen"@en . "To sacrifice means to deliberately bid a contract which cannot be made, hoping that the doubled penalty will be less than the value of the opponent's making contract. A sacrifice is always made in a suit contract, and is mostly likely happen when both sides have found a fit."@en . . "Sacrifice is one of the Eight Virtues. Sacrifice, founded on the principles of Courage and Love, is the courage to give of oneself in the name of love. It is the placing of the interests of others and the ends of virtue over one's own well-being. Minoc is the centre for studying the virtue of sacrifice. The homeless of Britannia are welcomed in Minoc; here they find refuge in the Mission of the Helpless, with ready access to a charitable healer. The Shrine of Sacrifice is situated east of Minoc, in the middle of the Drylands in the dried-up Lake Generosity."@en . "\u305F\u3060\u3061\u306B\u5FA9\u6D3B\u3059\u308B"@ja . "\"Sacrifice\" is the theme to the credits sequence of \"Breach\" during Volume 2 of RWBY."@en . . . . ""@en . "|}"@en . "Level: Cleric 9 Spell Resistance: no Linking your enemy with yourself, you damage both him and you with massive black voodoo needles, destroying your own body to destroy theirs as well. A single enemy within 30 feet must make a will saving throw DC: 19+Wisdom modifier. If they fail their saving throw both you and the enemy take damage equal to a critical hit from your attack along with an additional 1d12 per level (Max 25d12). If the enemy succeeds, both of you take normal damage. This technique bypasses your own damage reduction."@en . "|-|KMS 1.2.274= File:Skill Sacrifice.png \uC0C8\uD06C\uB9AC\uD30C\uC774\uC2A4 \n* Class: Dark Knight \n* Type: Active \n* Maximum Level: 30"@en . "Surf Rock"@en . . "95"^^ . "Keith Temple"@en . . . . . . "*Human\n**Clone \n**Naboo\n*Yoda's species"@en . "*Sacrifice (State)16\n*Scar\n*For each postion change from sacrifice:\n**Caster:Transcendence+2"@en . "\"Sacrifice\" is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of Angel and the eighty-sixth episode overall. Written by Ben Edlund and directed by David Straiton, it was originally broadcast on April 23, 2003 on the WB network."@en . . "Sacrifice"@en . . "Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock"@en . . "Pink"@en . . "155"^^ . "*Coruscant\n**Templo Jedi\n***\n**Os Trabalhadores\n***LiMerge Building\n*Dagobah \n**Caverna do Lado Negro \n*Legends:Planeta da For\u00E7a \n*Moraband\n**Academia Sith\n***T\u00FAmulo de Darth Bane \n**Vale dos Lordes Sombrios"@pt . "*Humano\n**Clone \n**Korunnai\n*Esp\u00E9cie de Yoda"@pt . "Up to 35.0 meters"@en . "In the first game, a god can sacrifice living beings as soon as he/she builds a worship site. This building comes with an altar shaped like a pyre where the gods can literally drop any plant, animal or villager inside. These are converted into prayer power based on the lifeform itself. Plants yield the least amount of prayer power while villagers (particularly young ones) yield the highest amounts. Sacrifice, when applied to villagers, is considered an evil act and will drop the player's alignment towards evil."@en . "9"^^ . "Ceremonial Dagger"@en . . "Exil"@fr . . "The priemere episode of the fourth season."@en . . . . . "\u2022 Collapse of the Pillars"@en . . "1"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "Drains 66.7382 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . . . "51"^^ . "Sacrifices a moderate amount of the user's health, giving it to an ally."@en . . "\"The Magic Bullet\""@en . . . "Sacrier"@en . . "A Safe Passage Through Britannia"@en . "1"^^ . "Courage to give oneself in name of Love"@en . "Next:"@en . "Port\u00E9e : 6"@fr . . "yes"@en . "uncommon"@en . . "Instant"@en . . "Sacrifice: Flames Upon the Altar (\u71D4\u796D\u306E\u706B\u7114\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, Hansai no KaenSakurifaisu?) is the \"flame that carries the hottest heat, shinning brightly, which flared up by God's commands\" that is told of in the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament, carried by David as an incense burner while not activated. It is activated by burning Ketoret within the burner, and a phantasmal incense burner would materialize in front of each enemy presence before it would cause violet fumes to envelop the targets. Immediately, thunderclouds and mist gathers overhead, \"giving the impression of Mount Sinai,\" and from them descends fire from the heavens in the shape of an alter to incinerate all those who oppose the will of God without leaving a trace of blood."@en . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses Rare: +1 Life, +1 Armor Ultra Rare: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Epic: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Legendary: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Mythic: +2 Attack, +3 Life, +2 Armor"@en . . "Necromancy"@en . "10"^^ . . . "200"^^ . . . "Melee"@en . . . . "Legendary"@en . "Conjuror"@en . "est le chapitre 480 du manga Naruto.Sacrifice"@fr . . "The method of worshipping Gods. \n* The Henotheists often sacrifice to the Ascended Masters Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . . . . . "A"@en . . "8"^^ . . "gonna be a human sacrifice!"@en . "10"^^ . "Money For Nothing"@en . "12"^^ . "zone_case.png"@fr . "14"^^ . . . "\"Sacrifice\" is the twenty-third and final episode of the first season of Arrow, and the twenty-third episode overall. It aired on May 15, 2013."@en . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Sacrifice enables Colette to heal all party members and inflict significant damage to all enemies on the battlefield with small rays of exploding light, at the cost of her own life. This arte can only be used once in a battle; even if Colette is resurrected afterward, it cannot be activated again. The angel Remiel grants this arte to Colette after she breaks the fourth seal of Sylvarant during her Journey of Regeneration."@en . . "4"^^ . . "forest!? S-somebody help!!!"@en . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "Sacrifice is a track in the biohazard (2002) Best Track Collection."@en . . "*Guerras Cl\u00F4nicas\n**Miss\u00E3o a Korriban \n*Novas Guerras Sith \n**S\u00E9tima Batalha de Ruusan"@pt . . . "__FORCETOC__ \u201ESacrifice\u201D \u2013 pierwszy rozdzia\u0142 komiksu \u201EArrow: Czarny \u0141ucznik\u201D. Jego ameryka\u0144ska premiera mia\u0142a miejsce 13 stycznia 2016 roku."@pl . . "16"^^ . "\u2022 Corruption of the Pillars"@en . "Sacrifice gathers Love in the palm of Courage. Sacrifice requires a love of self to be given without consideration to others when that selfish love suggests safer choices. Where there is no choice, therein lies no sacrifice. Where the shape of those choices blur and lose definition, the highest standards of the common good find expression. In finding the Courage to share your Love, you shall fine therein Sacrifice."@en . "25.4.2011 Ich wachte abrupt auf, Schwei\u00DF tropfte von meiner Stirn. Ich konnte seine Pr\u00E4senz wieder f\u00FChlen. Seine Pr\u00E4senz. Ich sah durch den Raum. Ich wusste, dass ich beobachtet wurde. Es war nirgendwo zu sehen. Verdammt. Das ist die dritte Nacht in Folge, dass ich auf diese Art aufgeweckt wurde. Die Angst droht mich zu \u00FCbermannen. Etwas da drau\u00DFen sucht mich. Etwas will mich. Das war das erste Mal, dass ich die Kreatur vollst\u00E4ndig gesehen hatte, die mich schon bald an den Rand des Wahnsinns treiben w\u00FCrde. 2.5.2011 7.5.2011"@de . "Legendary"@en . . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . "Asshai Prophecy Books"@en . "Diana Pavlovsk\u00E1"@en . . . . . "2001"^^ . . "\u71D4\u796D\u306E\u706B\u7114"@en . "__notoc__ Sacrifice Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 8,000 \u200D Dropped byOperation: Ambulas Reborn Dropped byOther: Transmutable Untransmutable Not to be confused with The Sacrifice quest. Sacrifice allows a Sentinel to revive its owner at the cost of its own life."@en . "*Cobra Sith"@pt . "Th\u1EC3 lo\u1EA1i:K\u1EF9 n\u0103ng Sacrifice (\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, \"Hi Sinh\") l\u00E0 k\u1EF9 n\u0103ng \u0111\u1EA5m b\u00F3ng trong game Inazuma Eleven GO 3: Galaxy."@vi . "Death"@en . . "The Sacrier protects their allies by swapping places when they are hit."@en . . . . . "Offering"@en . . "\"I'll sacrifice the lamb that I do love To spite a raven's heart within a dove.\""@en . "1"^^ . "Album"@en . "Des comp\u00E9tences de n\u00E9cromant ou de ritualiste peuvent sacrifier des points de vie. Ils sont repr\u00E9sent\u00E9es par une goutte rouge et contrairement \u00E0 l'\u00E9nergie, c'est des % de points de vie et pas une quantit\u00E9 de vie fixe."@fr . "Oathbound"@en . "N/A"@en . "Whenever Oculus is hit for more than 500 damage, he heals nearby allies for a % of the damage. Oculus is not healed by Sacrifice."@en . . "rare"@en . "Sacrifice skills are skills that decrease the health of the caster, usually ranging from 5% to 33% of the caster's maximum health depending on the skill. Health is only sacrificed if the skill is performed successfully. Cancellation or interruption of the skill will not trigger the sacrifice effect. Only Necromancers and Ritualists have skills that require sacrifice. \n* Because sacrifices are based on the caster's maximum health and not current health, it is possible for a caster to kill himself by sacrificing more than his remaining health. \n* The math for sacrificing health rounds the health loss. This means that a caster with a maximum of 1 health will not actually sacrifice any health (since 33% of 1 health rounds down to zero life lost). One way this could happen is by dying as an Invincimonk and being resurrected with 100% health, through a Resurrection Signet or Shrine. Note: Sacrifice is not counted as damage by the game mechanics. Therefore, damage mitigation skills such as Protective Spirit/Bond, Reversal of Fortune, Shielding Hands, Dark Bond, Shelter, etc. will have no effect on the sacrifice. The sole exception is Aura of the Lich which will also cut life sacrifice by half: this is believed to be an anomaly."@en . "Sacrifice is the 14th episode of Season 2 also the 36th episode overall."@en . "Zulrah - The Solo Snake Boss"@en . "Baby Red Dragon.jpg"@en . . "TBA"@en . "Elemental Affinity"@en . "Sacrifice (\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, Sakurifaisu) is a game exclusive catch hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy."@en . "Sacrifice"@pl . . "\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9"@vi . . "I didn't know I could run so"@en . . . "Rare"@en . "321.0"^^ . "Legacy of the Force"@fi . . "6"^^ . . . "***"@en . . "Self Only"@en . "33"^^ . . . "Common"@en . . . "Recurring term"@en . "School: Image:Death.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Health.png Description: Take 250 Image:Death.png Image:Damage.png to give 700 Image:Healing.png to self or group member. Received From: The Sixth School Requirements: Required Character Level: End of Wizard City Spells: \n* None Prerequisite for: Spells: \n* None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No"@en . "13"^^ . . "When Sacrifice is used, the player deals 20-100% weapon damage to their target regardless of protection prayers, and is healed by 25% of the damage dealt, or 100% if the ability kills the target. It was first obtainable by participating in the second world event, at a cost of 21,000 renown and a gold event token. With the death of Bandos and end of the event, it can now be obtained as a rare drop from General Graardor and Kree'arra. It is also obtainable from their bodyguards and from other aviansie in Armadyl's Eyrie."@en . . "\u201ECarnage\u201D"@pl . . . . "I had a plain but happy life."@en . . "Port\u00E9e : 6"@fr . . . . "Sacrifice was The W\u00F8rd on the April 25, 2007 edition of \"The Colbert Report\". Sacrifice was The W\u00F8rd on the January 19, 2009 edition of \"The Colbert Report\"."@en . "peerless"@en . . . . "Defensive"@en . ""@en . . "Sacrifice is a recurring theme throughout Hex. Sacrifical victims have enabled Azazeal to gain strength (Mendenham Maid and Thelma Bates). Sacrific can alse be used as a means to an end, such as spiting God (the \"pure of heart\" Roxanne)."@en . . . . . . "\u5FA9\u6D3B\u3059\u308B\u3068\u52B9\u679C\u304C\u9069\u7528\uFF1A"@ja . "2013-12-11"^^ . . . . . . "Sacrifice"@en . . "legendary"@en . . "Aeon engineers have the ability to Sacrifice. They kill themselves in order to give an immediate energy boost to a construction. Each tier engineer gives a different amount, with Tier 1 giving the least amount of energy and Tier 3 giving the most. However, the Tier 1 engineers give a greater percentage of their original cost than the Tier 2, and Tier 3, which give a progressively lower percentage of original cost of the Engineer."@en . . "\u0416\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430"@pt . . "Sacrifice"@pl . . "Heals nearby allies for 30% of damage received."@en . . . . . . "8"^^ . "Sacrifice is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. She is a senior officer and First Mate of the crew Xensity and lady of the flag League of Light. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . . "11"^^ . "Sacrifice was an unnamed gargoyle in medieval Scotland. She never had a true name, but \"Sacrifice\" is used to identify her."@en . "Odcinek 14"@pl . . . "1"^^ . "File:Sacrifice.pngSacrifice is a Skill unique to Micaiah in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. As the name implies, it allows Micaiah to sacrifice her own HP in order to heal and cure any status ailments of a unit in an adjacent space. Unlike many other skills in Radiant Dawn, Sacrifice cannot be removed or unequipped. Additionally, it is non-fatal to Micaiah. It is implied that only Heron Branded have this ability."@en . . . "20"^^ . . "Sacrifice"@en . . "\"Sacrifice\" is the twenty-third and final episode of the first season of Arrow, and the twenty-third episode overall. It aired on May 15, 2013."@en . "Tactic"@en . "23"^^ . "|}"@en . "Triple Ray, Flamer"@en . "Yes"@en . "\u6A19\u7684\u306F50%\u306E\u58EB\u6C17\u3092\u5F97\u308B"@ja . . "Pomimo zbli\u017Caj\u0105cych si\u0119 dla rodziny zagro\u017Ce\u0144, Graysonowie znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w rzadko widzianej formie, nadrabiaj\u0105c min\u0105 podczas swojej dorocznej imprezy z okazji \u015Awi\u0119ta Pracy. Jack i Amanda wyp\u0142ywaj\u0105 w podr\u00F3\u017C po\u015Blubn\u0105, jednak\u017Ce morze okazuje si\u0119 \u015Bmiertelnie niebezpieczne, a Emily nie ma tym razem wp\u0142ywu na to, co si\u0119 wydarzy."@pl . "Daemon is heading for Mainframe with an infected Mouse by her side. Dot and the Principal Office staff cannot reprogram the Firewall. When Mouse arrives, they're defenseless. Dot has a secondary Firewall created to give them an edge. Enzo, AndrAIa, Hack and Matrix go to the Principal Office where they find Hexadecimal lying near the entrance. Enzo tells Matrix to cure Hex, but he refuses. AndrAIa tells him that Hex is a virus, she may give them an edge against Daemon. He begrudgingly agrees. Once Hexadecimal is cured Welman reforms as well."@en . . . . "Sacrifice inflicts high damage for the next few normal attacks, while sacrificing HP. Once Sacrifice is cast, the next five melee attacks will be endowed with enhanced damage, at the cost of 9% of the user's Max HP per swing. Sacrifice has no time duration. Sacrifice is an instant cast self-buff, like Auto Guard or Shield Reflect. Upon casting, 100 SP is consumed and the buff will last forever until the 5 hits are consumed or the buff is removed. Re-logging, a Sage's Dispel, dying, or casting Battle Chant will remove the buff. On iRO, this skill is known as Martyr's Reckoning."@en . "+10% to Sabotage when attacking or defending"@en . . . "Sacrifice"@en . "Lawtia"@en . "Shadow"@en . . "30"^^ . "20"^^ . "Sage"@en . "Acolyte"@en . "Hi Sinh"@vi . "Grimoire"@en . . . "__FORCETOC__ \u201ESacrifice\u201D \u2013 pierwszy rozdzia\u0142 komiksu \u201EArrow: Czarny \u0141ucznik\u201D. Jego ameryka\u0144ska premiera mia\u0142a miejsce 13 stycznia 2016 roku."@pl . "*Nave estelar\n**Nave capital\n***Encoura\u00E7ado\n****Encoura\u00E7ado classeProvid\u00EAncia\n*****Dooku's Providence-class dreadnought\n**Canhoneira \n***Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry \n**Ca\u00E7a estelar\n***Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor\n****Yoda's fighter\n**Iate\n***Solar sailer\n****Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop\n*****Count Dooku's Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop"@pt . "Russetshine- ginger tabby she-cat\nHawknose- brown and gray tom\nHazelspot- light brown spotted she-cat\nHailstorm- gray tom"@en . . . . "Arcane Surge"@en . "Sacrifice \u00E8 un personaggio sepolto a Whisky Peek."@it . "Sacrifice was The W\u00F8rd on the April 25, 2007 edition of \"The Colbert Report\". Sacrifice was The W\u00F8rd on the January 19, 2009 edition of \"The Colbert Report\"."@en . . "Endure Lv. 1, Devotion Lv. 3"@en . "Manu Bennett as Slade Wilson"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . . . "-"@en . . . . "Gemstone ring"@en . "Enfer"@fr . . . "None"@en . . . "Sacrifice"@pt . "Sacrifice is a psionic power demonstrated by Tal'darim ascendants. The user channels power from an ally, draining them while recovering the health and shields of the caster. It is similar to the consumption ability, only channeled."@en . . . . "-"@en . . . . . . "Drains 60.2963 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to to the target's Hit Points."@en . "*Armadura \n**Phase II clone trooper armor \n*Blaster \n**Pistola Blaster \n***Blaster de m\u00E3o DC-17 \n**DC-15S \n*Datapad \n*Eletrobast\u00E3o\n*Faca\n*Sabre de Luz\n**Terceiro sabre de luz de Obi Wan Kenobi\n**Sabres de luz de Palpatine \n**Segundo sabre de luz de Anakin Skywalker \n**Sabre de Luz de Mace Windu\n**Lightsaber shoto\n***Sabre de luz de Yoda\n**Sabre de luz de cabo curvado\n***Sabre de luz de Dookan"@pt . "Annie Ilonzeh as Joanna de la Vega"@en . "None"@en . "Gavin Blair, Phil Mitchell, Ian Pearson"@en . . . "Damage"@en . . . "Random Kingdom III"@en . "Adrian Holmes as Frank Pike"@en . "Baby Dragon"@en . "Mark A. Sheppard"@en . . . . "Offensive"@en . "Level 9"@en . "frame Sacrifice (\u30BD\u30A6\u30EB\u30EA\u30EA\u30FC\u30B9 Souru Rir\u012Bsu, lit. \"Soul Release\") est une commande d'attaque exclusive \u00E0 Terra dans Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. L'attaque consiste \u00E0 faire une attaque ultra puissante en sacrifiant ses propres HPs. L'attaque r\u00E9duit les HPs du personnage \u00E0 25% des HPs totaux."@fr . . "Sacrifice is a psionic power demonstrated by Tal'darim ascendants. The user channels power from an ally, draining them while recovering the health and shields of the caster. It is similar to the consumption ability, only channeled."@en . . . "Companion"@en . . "Legacy of the Force"@en . . . . . . . "Sacrifice is a game mechanic whereby characters forfeit a portion of their health to activate certain skills."@en . "\u2022"@en . . "2001-11-02"^^ . . "*Anger\n*Darth Bane \n*Confusion\n*CT-7567 \"Rex\" \n*Dooku\n*Sifo-Dyas \n*Qui-Gon Jinn \n*Joy\n*Kraken\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*R2-D2\n*Sadness\n*Serenity\n*Darth Sidious\n*Anakin Skywalker \n*Luke Skywalker \n*Leia Organa Solo \n*Darth Vader \n*Mace Windu\n*Yoda\n*Darth Zannah"@en . . . "Deal up to 100% damage to your opponent, ignoring protection prayers. Heal 25% of the damage you deal, or 100% if your target dies."@en . . "Anti-Army"@en . . . . . "Sacrifice"@en . "Goodbye cruel world..."@en . "-"@en . . "Peerless"@en . . . . "Sacrifice.png"@en . . . . . "Hesid"@en . "The Sacrifice is a concept referring to Kain's obligation to die or take his own life in order to restore the Pillars of Nosgoth, and hence the world. As the last surviving Pillar Guardian and member of the Circle of Nine upon his defeat of the Dark Entity, Kain was presented with a dilemma; either sacrifice himself to restore the Pillar of Balance (but permanently destroy the entire race of Vampires in the process), or choose to live on but invoke the irrevocable Collapse of the Pillars. Kain chose to live, resulting in the Pillars' fall and the eventual creation of Kain's empire. Questions on the ethics and integrity of Kain's decision are frequently returned to throughout the course of the Legacy of Kain series. In Blood Omen, it is up to player to choose the ending (the cinematic will vary depending on the choice). If sacrifice is chosen, Ariel will narrate on this, stating that the world has been redeemed. If sacrifice is rejected, Kain himself will narrate the ending, sitting among the ruins of the Pillars with the chalice of blood."@en . "Kieran Yanner"@en . . "Support"@en . "The Sacrifice is a concept referring to Kain's obligation to die or take his own life in order to restore the Pillars of Nosgoth, and hence the world. As the last surviving Pillar Guardian and member of the Circle of Nine upon his defeat of the Dark Entity, Kain was presented with a dilemma; either sacrifice himself to restore the Pillar of Balance (but permanently destroy the entire race of Vampires in the process), or choose to live on but invoke the irrevocable Collapse of the Pillars. Kain chose to live, resulting in the Pillars' fall and the eventual creation of Kain's empire. Questions on the ethics and integrity of Kain's decision are frequently returned to throughout the course of the Legacy of Kain series."@en . . . "((This story depicts gruesome deaths.)) The day had drug on long, but Kerix knew that the militia training would benefit the Hillsbrad territory well. He was not the best choice to train the militia, but at this point he was the only feasible choice. Most of the trainers were killed in the scourge as they vainly fought to defend Lordaeron as it fell, and many of the others died in Kalimdor with the human forces under lady Jaina Proudmoore. It had been about a year since that day, and since Kerix returned to the eastern kingdoms, and he had settled in Hillsbrad, where he sent his son to live with his brother Gaius. After living there a few months, he met a woman, Terra, who took a liking to his son immidiatly, and his son was quite fond of Terra as well. They got along famously. Terra was about 5'4 with golden blonde hair, a slim figure, and was known for her enormous breasts. Kerix had little to no interest in her, but favored her because of how much happiness she brought his son. The two would often take an adventure into the forest, to see the large turtles at the river, going for a drink. They would often go the baker, buy some sweets, and then head to the dock, where the boy and woman would spend hours talking about every topic that would come across the boys mind. Kerix simply had a relationship with her out of almost a protocol for his son to have a mother and father figure in his life. They occasionaly made love, but at the wish of Terra, and Kerix reluctantly agreed, but was always sure to make it seem as though he was happy to. If the two talked, at all, it would be safe topics that he knew they would agree on, so they would not argue. And after six months of living with her, the situation is not much different, except he no longer agrees to sleep with her, because of her strange attitude during. This irritated her to no end, and her once always happy and cheery persona change, when alone with Kerix. If she said anything to him, it was some snide remark or smart ass comment, which Kerix simply ignored. He walked home, as he did every night and each slow footfall caused a small, nuclear explosion like, swirl of dust and with every step he took all the bones and muscles in his body ached from the endless drills and training exercises. The town of Soutshore came into view, through the trees around the winding path up to the outskirt buildings. He passed many farmers, and peasants who called his name, greeting him. He was well known and generally liked in the area. Mostly because he was an officer in the old army of Lordaeron. He returned the greetings with a friendly smile and a short wave. His brother, Giaus, much larger, and with longer hair and beard than Kerix, stopped him, \"Ave, Kerix. How goes your training?\" to which Kerix wittingly replied, \"Better than your bullshit retirement.\" The brothers shared a laugh, as it had become a custom of Kerix to berate his brother for his early, and much debated, retirement. \"Your girlfriend, Terra, acted very strangely, today.\" A look of concern on Giaus, but a look of wearyness to Kerix, as she often, recently, got herself into superfluous arguments with local shopkeepers. \"Oh what has that woman done now?\", a pause from Giaus, \"Well...she tried to steal some farm animals, was caught by the farmer, who chased her off while she still had one of the animals, and convinced a guard that the farmer raped her.\" This shocked Kerix to the bone. Sure she had argued with the locals on various stupid events, but she'd never done anything that drastic, and illogical. Without a word, the two nodded, and both knew what Kerix would do to straighten her out and end the erratic behavior. He would send his son to Giaus' home to sleep for the night, and he would give her a stern talking to. Giaus informed, \"I'll have the spare room prepaired for him.\" Kerix then thanked him and headed down the street to his home, near the dock. He approached the door, which was ajar, and could see a red glowing light radiating from within. He ruffled his brow, and slowly pushed it open. The light came from across the room, from downstairs. He slowly made his way in his home, looking around, and closed the door. \"Terra?\" he paused, with no answer, \"Samuel?\" Once again, no response. A bone chilling shreak of what seemed like dozens of bats came from the cellar, where the red light glowed from. He moved briskly to the door, and headed down the stairs. The most horrifying sight he could ever behold layed before him. Terra stood, in a very revealing leather outfit, looking similar to Mageweave, with a succubus tail, horns, and a whip. The blasted woman was a Succubus. She laughed maniacly as she whipped Samuel, who was chained to the wall, tightly, unable to moved, with his intestines pouring out of his stomach. The little amount of clothing that was still on his body was torn to shreads by the whip, and several small daggers were imbeaded in the young boys chest. His blood, and innards were smeared and splattered all around the room, and even on the face of Terra. Kerix boiled with a dangerous mix of emotions, fear, rage, anger, sorrow, despair, and revenge. He stormed down the stairs, where Terra met him, with only the shreaking words, \"Diiiieeee!\" Kerix was not fazed by the intentionally terrifying shreak, nor the torrent of whips and scratches from the devil woman. He knocked her back with a hard backhand strike from his right hand, and quickly looked to his left, where his tools were. A shovel, hoe, spade, and a forester ax, double bladed. He lifted the ax, gave it a quick spin, looked to Terra, who was maniacally laughing. He took two large strides to her, raised his arm, and burried the ax in her brain. She fell like a sack of potatoes, lifeless, brain juices leaking onto the stone floor, the evil laugh etched into her face. He jerked the ax out, and once again struck her skull, nearly splitting it in two. He released an audible grunt, withdrew the ax, and threw it to the side, where it landed without bouncing, hard. He turned to his son, dead, and massacred, and fell to his knees weeping uncontrollably, holding his head in his hands, considering suicide."@en . "A young man, Wesley Jansen is found shot and sexually assaulted outside of a gay club. It is soon discovered that Wesley and his wife, Jaina were working in porn so they could pay for their daughter, Mara (who has cystic fibrosis)'s medical bills. When porn producer Cal Oman is murdered, the detectives assume that Wesley killed him. Wesley admits to killing Oman, but it soon discovered that Jaina killed Oman because he was standing in the way of her fame."@en . "Alchemists' Guild"@en . . "*Droide astromec\u00E2nico\n**S\u00E9rie R2\n*IG-100 MagnaGuard\n*Super tactical droid"@pt . . "*Coruscant\n**Jedi Temple\n***Jedi Temple training ground\n**The Works\n***LiMerge Building\n*Dagobah \n**Dark Side Cave \n*Force planet \n*Moraband\n**Sith Academy\n***Darth Bane's tomb \n**Valley of the Dark Lords"@en . . "#000"@en . "Spell_Sac_Sacrifice.png"@en . . . . . . "*Astromech droid\n**R2-series astromech droid\n*IG-100 MagnaGuard\n*Super tactical droid"@en . "5.21"^^ . . "Main Charries"@en . . . . . . "\u6301\u7D9A\u6642\u9593\uFF1A 10 \u5206"@ja . . . "Orange"@en . . "End of Wizard City"@en . . . "90.0"^^ . "3990"^^ . "Drains 68.7997 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . "Flames Upon the Altar"@en . "The Sacrifice"@en . . "Holdfast"@en . . . "Russetshine loves Hawknose. But there's a problem. Her sister, Hazelspot, is practically destined to be with him. The whole Clan believes they belong together. Russetshine will do anything to be with him; to make drastic sacrifices. But will it be worth it? Or will her sacrifices bring her world crashing down?"@en . . "480"^^ . "\u201CHornet mines primed. Target is in range of Alpha and Charlie clusters.\u201D \u201CGood work, O\u2019Neil. Fire them now.\u201D The Prowler\u2019s bridge crew, a tight gathering of five officers, watched with baited breath as the Covenant cruiser slid towards them. They knew it couldn\u2019t know where they were, that their ship\u2019s stealth systems were up and running and that the aliens\u2019 sensors wouldn\u2019t pick them up. But to see it so close, close enough that it could actually be seen from the viewport\u2026 \u201CFour, sir. You\u2019re forgetting the corvette we hit when we took down the destroyer that was after Agincourt.\u201D \u201CYes, sir.\u201D"@en . . "2016-01-13"^^ . . . "Des comp\u00E9tences de n\u00E9cromant ou de ritualiste peuvent sacrifier des points de vie. Ils sont repr\u00E9sent\u00E9es par une goutte rouge et contrairement \u00E0 l'\u00E9nergie, c'est des % de points de vie et pas une quantit\u00E9 de vie fixe."@fr . . . . . "Masterwork Splint Mail"@en . "Destroy one of your shadow unit combatants Deal 2 damage to an opposing combatant."@en . . . . . . "Xena and Gabrielle rescue Seraphin, a sacrifice that will bring about the return of an evil Goddess, presumably Callisto. When Xena confronts her, she discovers that the Goddess is in fact Hope."@en . . "\"Sacrifice\""@en . "Inferno"@fi . . . . "4070"^^ . . . . . "-"@en . "Galaxy"@vi . . . "Death"@en . "Sacrifice"@en . "tv-shows/clone-wars/sacrifice-episode-guide"@en . "978"^^ . "Opfer #kanon"@en . "Apprentice Pyromancer"@en . . "Arrow_The_Dark_Archer_chapter_1_digital_cover.png"@pl . . "Sacrifice is a prefix of an ability, in which the ability included can only by triggered by being killed. Of course being unsummoned will not trigger the effect. Sacrifice: Reanimate will not work if unit is killed by poison."@en . . "\"Sacrifice\" is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of Angel and the eighty-sixth episode overall. Written by Ben Edlund and directed by David Straiton, it was originally broadcast on April 23, 2003 on the WB network."@en . "The Sacrifice as shown in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain."@en . . "Sacrifice is a stage that appears in the console version of BlazBlue: Centralfiction. The stage is set on ruins with several braziers in the background."@en . "Caster's Pet"@en . . "Good Night"@en . . . "An interesting warrior spell that can help or hinder you. The spell causes massive damage but it also affects you. Since warriors are usually tanks anyway it can be effective for short periods with lower health enemies. If you are being healed this spell can be of endless use. Cost: None Effect: The warrior does 10 times his normal damage but all the health he removes is taken from him too. Levels: 1"@en . . "\u30ED\u30A2\u30DE\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u304C\u5012\u3055\u308C\u305F\u6642\u306B\u9DF2\u304C\u6575\u3068\u6226\u95D8\u72B6\u614B\u306B\u3042\u308C\u3070\u9DF2\u304C\u8EAB\u4EE3\u308F\u308A\u306B\u306A\u3063\u3066\u8607\u751F\u3057\u307E\u3059"@ja . . . . . "200"^^ . "I awoke abruptly, sweat dripping from my brow. I could feel the presence again. His presence. I looked around my room. I know I\u2019m being watched. It\u2019s not anywhere to be seen. Damn. This is the third night in a row I\u2019ve been awoken like this. The fear is starting to take over my mind. Something out there is stalking me. Something wants me. It\u2019s over now. He\u2019s satisfied. Sacrifice is made. And I\u2019m alone."@en . . . "None"@en . . . "10.0"^^ . . . . . . "Applique l'\u00E9tat Sacrifice niveau 0, dure 5 tours"@fr . "Tear"@en . "In the first game, a god can sacrifice living beings as soon as he/she builds a worship site. This building comes with an altar shaped like a pyre where the gods can literally drop any plant, animal or villager inside. These are converted into prayer power based on the lifeform itself. Plants yield the least amount of prayer power while villagers (particularly young ones) yield the highest amounts. Sacrifice, when applied to villagers, is considered an evil act and will drop the player's alignment towards evil. Curiously, it is possible to gain prayer power from dead villagers (their skeletal remains). I do not know if this is considered evil. It is also possible to drop living beings on other gods' altars, provided there is enough influence to reach them."@en . . . . . "Port\u00E9e : 3"@fr . "Ultima IX"@en . "Rare"@en . "Sacrificeright|Sacrifice"@en . "The Sacrifice keyword allows a monster to heal itself at the cost of an adjacent monster's health. Ability text: Sacrifice: Deal up to 5 File:Heart.png to an adjacent monster to allow Lady Eliza Farrow to recover an equal amount of File:Heart.png."@en . "-"@en . . . "Suteishi"@en . "367"^^ . "In the episode, Dee spurns Billy Keikeya and goes on a date with Lee \"Apollo\" Adama at a bar. An armed group takes control of the bar, demanding the captive Cylon Sharon in return for the lives of their hostages. Lee is badly wounded when Starbuck attempts a rescue. Billy is shot and killed saving Dee just before a team of Marines raids the bar and rescues the remaining hostages. Plot Billy proposes marriage to Dee, but Dee turns him down. Later he discovers Dee on a date with Lee in a bar on Cloud 9 and is heartbroken."@en . . "Sacrifices are a type of undead related to mayincatec-themed Lichs and Vampires. Usually, the exist as glowing skulls which orbit lichs such as Mictlantecuhtli and Tezcatlipoca, assissting with various skills of these undead sorcerers. They become targetable entities of their own in response to certain skills being used by their masters."@en . "Drains 45.0966 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . "SR"@en . "Young Dragon"@en . "No"@en . "70.0"^^ . "\u72A0\u7272"@en . "Sacrifice \u00E8 un personaggio sepolto a Whisky Peek."@it . . "((This story depicts gruesome deaths.)) The day had drug on long, but Kerix knew that the militia training would benefit the Hillsbrad territory well. He was not the best choice to train the militia, but at this point he was the only feasible choice. Most of the trainers were killed in the scourge as they vainly fought to defend Lordaeron as it fell, and many of the others died in Kalimdor with the human forces under lady Jaina Proudmoore. It had been about a year since that day, and since Kerix returned to the eastern kingdoms, and he had settled in Hillsbrad, where he sent his son to live with his brother Gaius. After living there a few months, he met a woman, Terra, who took a liking to his son immidiatly, and his son was quite fond of Terra as well. They got along famously."@en . . "The Book of Lore"@en . . . . . "Unlimited"@en . . . . . . . . "Sacrifice refers to a high-ranked Darkness-element spell in ALfheim Online."@en . "Sezon 2"@pl . . . "Opfer #kanon"@pt . . "Healing"@en . "#f50"@en . . . "16.0"^^ . . . "250"^^ . "Sacrifice is the thirty-third episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on April 12, 2003 on Cartoon Network."@en . "He has volunteered to be a sacrifice to Zulrah."@en . . . "Sakurifaisu"@en . . "\"Destiny\""@en . . . "*Clone Wars\n**Mission to Korriban \n*New Sith Wars \n**Seventh Battle of Ruusan"@en . "The method of worshipping Gods. \n* The Henotheists often sacrifice to the Ascended Masters Source: Guide to Glorantha"@en . . "Sacrifice"@fi . . . . . . "Without a Sacrifice, a Fighter is forced to take all the damage and fight by themselves but this action is frowned upon because it shows arrogance and a questionable bond between the Sacrifice and Fighter of that team. It's expressed by Breathless that if a Fighter lives while their Sacrifice dies then the Fighter should also die, giving insight into how the bond between Fighters and Sacrifices are viewed in Seven Voices Academy. It is also considered taboo for Sacrifices and Fighters sharing different names to battle as a Unit. Sacrifices with a destined name will have that name visible upon their body since birth, shown when Natsuo asks Ritsuka's mother whether Ritsuka had any birthmarks as a child and says it's strange that Ritsuka's destined name has not appeared on his body yet. The artificially created Zero series also possess their destined names upon their bodies, although Yamato's destined name disappeared when her bond with Kouya dissolved. There have been no cases where this has happened with non-artificial Units as of yet. So far no Sacrifices have been shown casting Spells except for Seimei Aoyagi of Beloved. Neither have there been blank Sacrifices, however it is implied that only blank Fighters occur."@en . . . . "Sacrificing an enemy Priest will reap different benefits depending on the game type. In Single player mode, you will usually advance to the next mission when you have sacrificed enemy priests; in Multiplayer, you will have the options to gain new knowledge, gain 5000 Storm Power, or upgrade your Altar to the next level, in order to be able to choose from higher level units next sacrifice."@en . "2014-04-27"^^ . . "300"^^ . . "Activated"@en . . . . . . . . "Pristine Mail"@en . "Sacrifice is a unique breed of RTS games for PC, whereas instead of the isometric view from the above, it takes a 3rd person view behind the player avatar. This game is about battling wizards, each players gathers souls to summon creatures, and then duke it out with other wizards, also supplemented with various spells. Their goal, based on the name, is to find an enemy altar, desecrate it by performing a sacrificial ritual on that altar, and then kill the enemy wizard one last time to banish him. The story of the game is about a wizard named Eldred (or whatever the player chooses to name him), assisted with his familiar Zyzyx, who meets a wise man named Mithras in the aftermath of a great war that has all but destroyed the world. Through a series of flashbacks narrated by Eldred, we learn the story of how he served the five Gods in the game: Persephone, James, Stratos, Pyro or Charnel, and how the intervention of his arch-nemesis, Omnicidal Maniac Marduk, led to the world's present state. Sacrifice did not gain wide popularity, but garnered cult status. This game provides examples of: \n* A Wizard Did It: Literally; explains the presence of Construct Additional Pylons. \n* Aerith and Bob: The five gods are Persephone, Stratos, Charnel, Pyro, and... James? \n* All There in the Manual: Much of the background surrounding Sacrifice, like what happened to the creator God and why the world is spilt into floating islands. It's also written in the style of the Gods themselves,which makes for an interesting read. \n* Ambadassador : Ambassador Buta in this case. \n* An Ice Person: Stratos, and of course his servants. \n* Animate Dead: This handy spell is available if you serve Charnel. Despite the moniker, it actually serves more as a straight-up resurrection, sparing you the Mana and time expense of collecting the souls and re-summoning the creature manually. \n* Anti-Hero: Eldred isn't a very nice man (and was possibly a Villain Protagonist in his old world), probably lying around class III on the scale by the beginning. Depending on the gods you serve and the choices you make, he comes across as anything from The Atoner and The Hero to a class V anti-hero (avoiding Villain Protagonist-hood because Marduk is the one trying to destroy the world). \n* Anti-Magic: Troggs, James' first level ground creature, are immune to damage from spells. \n* Attract Mode: This was introduced in later patches. \n* Awesome but Impractical: Death. Insta-kills a certain number of creatures but won't harm wizards and has no Friend/Foe identification, so if you try to capitalize on the situation and move in (or your opponent runs out of creatures) he might go for your army instead. Mostly he just leads to your opponent having to collect a few souls and teleport away in irritation. Furthermore you can tell when your opponent is casting it, so a good human player will just teleport away and leave the caster footing the bill. He is good for cleaning up heavily guarded manaliths, but those are rare in multiplayer. \n* And then there is the tactic of repeatedly summoning Manahores (1 mana when even a basic spell costs 300) and collecting their souls as they are killed. Repeat until the kill limit is reached and Death vanishes. \n* All 5 top-tier spells have this a bit. Volcano is great against well-guarded manaliths but on the open battlefield your enemy can move out of the way before it erupts and the blast prevents you from taking any souls of creatures that do get killed. Meanstalks don't do much except throw units in the air for a bit. Bore can utterly destroy units but can't be used near manaliths and is relatively easy to avoid. And unless you get lucky and throw a few units of the edge of the map, tornado only delays the units it sucks up for a bit (though you can cast a cloudkill at the same position to do some more damage to the trapped enemies.) \n* Back From the Dead: Gods in Sacrifice can't really get slain -- their divine essence is retained and eventually 'recycled' into a new god with roughly the same portfolio as the old one. This process takes hundreds of years at best, though. \n* Beware the Nice Ones: James makes it clear that he does not want to fight, but if he's pushed into it he can be really dangerous. \n* Big Bad: You'd expect Charnel to be the Big Bad, but really it's Marduk. And Stratos is the reason Marduk's here. Charnel's evil but he's on your side here. \n* Blind Seer: Mithras. \n* Blow You Away: Stratos's spells tend to do this; his most powerful spell summons an actual tornado. \n* Boring but Practical: Shield spells and most of the first level blast spells. Stratos' Lightning is the crown example: It has a measly 200 mana cost and an extremely short recharge time, but will kill most level 5 and 6 creatures in two castings without much trouble. \n* Card-Carrying Villain: Charnel, humorous example. \n* Charm Person: Persephone's ultimate spell. Basically insta-gibbing on steroids; you get a new unit, *and* if it gets killed, its soul is now blue to you instead of its original owner's. \n* Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Thestor switches from Persephone to Charnel in Persephone's first mission, only to turn right back if you kill his underlings before killing him. He stays loyal for the rest of Persephone's campaign. Faestus switches from Persephone to Pyro in Pyro's first mission. If you at any point attack Pyro's capital of Helios, he will switch sides to your side and stick with you for the rest of the campaign no matter whom you serve. \n* It's also perfectly possible to play Eldred as one. Several scenarios are designed with the ability to backstab the god you work for and join the opposing side, and at several points in each god's campaign you're given the option to turn your back on the god you did your last mission for and go join some other (usually an enemy) god. \n* Corrupt Corporate Executive: Pyro seems to be styled after one. \n* Covers Always Lie: A mild example, but still: See the big, creepy red-eyes thing on the cover? That's Charnel, not Marduk, and Charnel is not the Big Bad or in any way as relevant to the story. He just looks a lot cooler than Marduk. \n* Creative Closing Credits: The end credits feature a Machinima in which all the people who worked on the game, each represented by a different one of the game's character models, come out and take their bows. \n* Deader Than Dead: Souls are essential to unit creation and normally cannot be destroyed, but if a unit's body does not land on one of the flying islands its soul(s) are lost. Additionally, Charnel's aforementioned soul-eating minions and James' ultimate attack spell, which causes a section of island to drop into space (ironic given that James is the most sympathetic god). Stratos' Tornado, Persephone's Meanstalks and Pyro's Explosion can fling creatures off the edge as well. \n* Deadpan Snarker: Zyzyx. Stratos. \n* Demon Lords and Archdevils: Big Bad Marduk and Astaroth, 'demon lord of Tartarus' and one of Charnel's hero units. \n* Disc One Nuke: Sirocco, an upgraded version of the strongest unit in Persephone's army, can be acquired as an ally in James's second mission, making the next few missions a breeze. \n* Dishing Out Dirt: James's wizards and creatures have the abilty to do just this. \n* Doomsday Device: In Pyro's 5th mission he builds one of these, and it's activated by the slaves gathered in the 4th mission. \n* Dumb Is Good: James, probably the only wholly decent one in the pantheon. Of course, he's not actually stupid, just sounds like he is. \n* Elemental Powers: James is god of earth, Stratos of air, and Pyro of fire. All three follow the personality profiles of their element to a tee. \n* Evil Is Not a Toy: Stratos admits to have summoned Marduk, expecting to be able to control him. Unsurprisingly, it failed. \n* Evil Overlooker \n* Evil Versus Evil: Serve Pyro or Charnel, and the two will eventually come to blows. Stratos will also be joining in. \n* Face Heel Turn: Sorcha pulls this off in Pyro's 9th mission. \n* Faux Affably Evil: Charnel is very jovial and cheerful for a God of Evil, especially compared to the odious and crude Pyro, but he nonetheless delights in wickedness and evil. In a less-evil example, Stratos seems charming and courteous but it soon becomes apparent he has an It's All About Me attitude. \n* Famous Last Words: Nearly everyone has one. Except the Gods you kill, for some reason. Possibly justified in that they technically aren't dead, just put out of action for a few generations. \n* Fantasy Pantheon: Sacrifice has a Pantheon of five gods -- James, Charnel, Stratos, Persephone and Pyro. \n* Fate Worse Than Death: \"Charnel, death is not the answer to everything.\" \"True... Torture also has its merits\" \n* Repeated as a Brick Joke after completing the game serving Charnel, regarding Eldred's decision to 'attend to' another of Charnel's minions who plotted to kill him. \n* Foreshadowing: As Charnel's second mission reveals, Stratos had stewardship over the Demon Gate between the War of Purification and until Charnel retains control during said mission. \n* For Want of a Nail: By playing through multiple playthroughs you soon get to see which missions which gods are capable of doing on their own, and which ones their own wizards will cock up because you didn't play a part, and how this begins affecting and twisting the overall story. Generally speaking, every god succeeds at their first three missions and the story progresses in the same way up to that point no matter which god(s) you serve, after that all bets are off. \n* Fragile Speedster: Stratos' servants. \n* Gameplay and Story Segregation: Not so much, but in the actual story it seems that the creatures killed in battle are actually dead at the end of a mission. Otherwise there's copious amounts of Fridge Logic, such as \"what happened to that huge freaking army I amassed last mission?\" and \"why isn't Eldred trying to collect any of the blue souls that are hanging around in the intro?\" \n* Presumably any left-over souls you have at the end of a missions are taken by whichever god you currently serve. \n* Genre Busting: It's a fantasy third person RPG, RTS game. \n* Genre Savvy: Reading the manual reveals Charnel is quite savvy about his role as the source of all darkness and evil in the world, recognizing it as necessary for someone to be 'evil' so others can proclaim themselves 'good'. He's also the first god to immediately jump at the 'we must defeat Marduk' bandwagon, because he doesn't like competition for the role of Big Bad. \n* Glass Cannon: Pyro's proles and Charnel's minions -- especially the latter, since they only heal by damaging other creatures. \n* Gods Need Prayer Badly: The main method of 'killing' a god is to desecrate their prime altar - thus demonstrating that the god is unworthy of faith, and depriving them of power. However the god is not dead, merely weakened, and can come in a different form given time. \n* God of Evil: Charnel. And he relishes his role. \n* Gone Horribly Right: Eldred and Stratos both wanted the services of a demon powerful enough to destroy their respective rivals. They got one. Just too bad neither could make him stop. \n* Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Pyro is constantly sucking on a big, fat cigar. \n* The Grim Reaper: Charnel's most annoying and powerful spell summons him, laughing maniacally as he slaughters anything within his reach. \n* Guttural Growler: Marduk. \n* Happily Married: Abraxus and Lord Surtur. You'll most likely see Surtur wandering around if you fight Abraxus. \n* Healing Factor: Persephone's faithful all have better healing than the other gods' creatures. \n* Healing Hands: Persephone also has the best healing spells in the game, with two dedicated healing spells and a healing-only creature. \n* The Hecate Sisters: Persephone makes the claim of being an aggregate of all three aspects. \n* Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: If you finish as one of the good guys, you can pick either to do Persephone's or James' last mission. James survives either way, and Persephone apparently dies either way, making her the only god that doesn't survive in any ending. And There Was Much Rejoicing. \n* Hell Gate: The demon gate located in Golgotha \n* Hero Unit: The wizards, and the creature heroes. The former are players' avatars who form the centre of an army, while the latter are stronger, tougher and larger versions of regular units. Persephone has Thestor (gnome), Toldor (ent) and Sirocco (dragon), James has Gammel (icarus), Stratos has Sara Bella (braniac) and Lord Surtur (storm giant), Pyro has Faestus (gnome/pyromaniac) and Charnel has Gangrel/Astaroth (both scythes). Some show up on single missions only and have a 'protect this unit' clause, but some of them (Thestor, Toldor, Sirocco, Gammel and Faestus) will stick with you through the campaign as long as you stay on one god's side and will even fight for you in the final battle, provided they don't die at some point during the campaign. \n* Hold the Line: \n* Pyro's 7th mission. \n* Charnel's 5th mission. \n* And an excellent, if boring, strategy in most missions. Link your creatures to your furthest building, and defend it against an enemy wizard's attack wave, converting some of his army's souls along the way. Rinse and repeat until he has so few souls left he can't field a proper army anymore. Then attack him with the army you stole from him. \n* This strategy is pretty much a must if you want to stand a snowball's chance in heck of beating the last boss. \n* Holier Than Thou: Persephone. She is one of Sacrifice's good deities and genuinely seems to care for her followers, but she is far more self-righteous about it than James. \n* How We Got Here \n* Hulk Speak: TROLL SMASH! FIREFIST FLATTEN! \n* Human Sacrifice: As part of the ritual used to destroy another opposing wizard's altar (for a loose definition of \"human\"). \n* Implacable Man: Death cannot be targeted, cannot be injured, has no time limit on his existence, and cannot be banished. He targets units unerringly and will chase them to the ends of the map and back until that unit is dead, teleports be damned. \n* In Love with Your Carnage \n* Incredibly Lame Pun \n* \n* In the Book of Persephone, she describes the Rain of Frogs spell by warning you about its tendency for friendly fire, telling you to keep your own creatures away \"lest they croak\" (she immediately apologizes for the pun). \n* Insufferable Genius: Brainacs and their Hero Unit Sara Bella. And Stratos, naturally. \n* Instant Win Condition: Missions can only be won by desecrating the other wizard's altar -- although if your enemy isn't sufficiently weakened, odds are he or she will pop in and stop you the moment you start doing it. \n* Justified Tutorial: Eldred is described as an old archmage with probably decades of experience under his belt: A tutorial for him would feel somewhat out of place. Therefore, the tutorial you play as Shakti, a novice mystic who's just entered the service of Persephone. \n* Jerkass Gods: Stratos, Pyro and Charnel, certainly. Persephone, debatably. James, not so much. \n* King of All Cosmos: Stratos' head is a helium balloon, complete with gas cylinder. \n* Klaatu Barada Nikto :Some of the magic words spoken by the wizards. \n* Knight Templar: Marduk claims to be a physical incarnation of all creation's sins, and that his mission is to destroy everything that he judges 'sinful' -- in other words, everything that reflects himself, however little. \n* Language of Magic: Throughout the game, every wizard shares a common pool of phrases they chant seemingly at random when casting spells. Some wizards have phrases and words unique to themselves, and others do not. \n* Last of His Kind: Jadugarr, last living Centaur. Eldred, last survivor of his homeworld Jheira. \n* The Legions of Hell: Charnel's minions are an amalgam of this and The Undead.They are among some of the freakiest looking creatures in Sacrifice \n* Lethal Lava Land: Pyro's maps are like this. In the campaign, there is even the risk of a volcano (created by Pyro's Doomsday Device) randomly popping up underneath the wizard's feet. (Sadly, in the mission where you play as Pyro to defend it, the volcanoes still pop up where it's inconvenient for you, since your starting position is identical to the one in the mission to destroy it.) \n* Laughably Evil: Charnel. \n* Level Editor: Scapex, developer-made. Notable for allowing you to alter the game's official campaign maps and triggers with a little knowledge of scripting, allowing you to fix/tweak small campaign triggers or simply cheat like a one-armed bandit. \n* Light Is Not Good: Persephone is self-proclaimedly the setting's \"Goddess of Good\" (and opposed by Charnel, who is happy to claim the title of \"God of Evil\"). She's also arrogant and Holier Than Thou, and is just as blood-thirsty as the other gods, who comment that she is just as bad about picking pointless fights as they are, she just dresses it up with pretty lables like \"righteous crusade\" and \"holy war\". \n* Of course, the one making these claims is mainly Charnel. Picking an all-Persephone campaign does lead to you killing two of the gods and getting in deep in a war, but the war was started by Pyro and the god-slaying happened after said gods tried to get into a bit of Aggressive Negotiations with you and failed. \n* Louis Cypher: Mithras is Marduk. You've spent the entire storyline telling your story to the Big Bad. \n* Ludicrous Gibs: A frequent occurrence when poking first-tier units too hard. This can happen to any unit however, no matter how powerful, and is encouraged as gibbed units produce blue souls, free to take without the need to convert. \n* Mana: The second resource besides souls. \n* Mana Meter \n* Meaningful Name/Punny Name: Pretty much everyone with a name is either one or the other. \n* Mutants: Sacrifice has Mutants, which are available if you choose Persephone. In Misson 4 of the campaign they randomly turn up after you meet the misguided Jadugar, a cutscene later plus a little talk from Persephone and they join you against Jadugar. \n* The Mario: Persephone's faithful. About the only thing they excel at is having a better-than-average regeneration rate. \n* And not a bad strategy to go for when you build your custom spell list in multiplayer (or pick times to switch sides in the singleplayer campaign). For instance, Persephone has 2 healing spells and one healing creature, all of whom are usefull but taking them all leaves you with a vastly reduced offensive arsenal. Much better to mix and match it with creatures and spells from, say, Pyro. \n* Mighty Glacier: James' yeomen. \n* Nay Theist: Jadugarr. He used to worship Stratos until he became The Last of His Kind. \n* Necromancer: Charnel's wizards are called necromancers: These are Seerix, Acheron and The Ragman. Marduk (and depending on the mission, Hachimen) also use Charnel spells. \n* Nietzsche Wannabe: Charnel's obsession with conflict kind of paints him as one of these. He's probably the most entertaining example out there, though. \n* Non-Entity General: One of most notable aversions of this trope. \n* Obfuscating Stupidity: Many of the gods are a lot cleverer than you would think from their initial personalities. Stratos is probably the main example. \n* Omnicidal Maniac: Marduk. His stated purpose is to destroy all 'unworthy' parts of Creation, and by the time the game has begun he's already destroyed Eldred's homeworld and is on the verge of destroying this one. \n* Old Soldier: Gammel, James' Hero Unit for the Icarus. \"Let's show those blighters what for!\" \n* Only Sane Man: James has elements of this. While the other gods are busy trying to kill each other, especially after a prophecy warns that one of their number is plotting to kill the rest off for real, only poor James wonders if they should give all the fighting a rest. \n* Our Dragons Are Different: Dragons are green and look like short-necked Apatosauruses with wings. They attack with their bite (which also entangles foes), and their Breath Weapon shoots life energy that can resurrect your own creatures. They are intelligent, good-aligned, and serve Persephone. \n* Palette Swap: A lot of them, with nearly as many justifications. \n* Playing with Fire: All of Pyro's spells, and all of Pyro's Proles, in one way or another. \n* Powered by a Forsaken Child: Charnel's Netherfiend, Styx and Hellmouth minions' special abilities are fuelled by blue souls; additionally multiplayer maps usually feature peaceful villages that you are encouraged to massacre for additional souls. \n* Pyromaniac: Pyro's Flame Minions, who can be heard constantly giggling about the possibility to set fires. One of Pyro's units (a gnome with a rocket launcher) is called pyromaniac, and is probably also this. \n* Rage Against the Heavens: Jadugarr seeks the death of the gods. He joins Marduk in order to do so. \n* Real Time with Pause \n* Royal We: Persephone does this. It really doesn't help with her attitude problem, and Stratos even lampshades how pretentious it made her sound. \n* Royals Who Actually Do Something: Sorcha, the Empress of Pyroboria. \n* Shock and Awe: Stratos' third element for his spells, besides storms and ice. \n* Shout-Out: \n* Worm-like God James certainly looked a lot like a certain earthworm-in-a-space-suit... Even his name sounds similar too -- and let's not forget his highest-level spell, 'Bovine Intervention'. The game was made by Shiny, the makers of Earthworm Jim. \n* The magic words used by the wizards include Klaatu Barada Nikto, the Charm of Making from Excalibur, and the name of the monster from Dragonslayer. \n* The Stop Poking Me lines are full of these. \n* In James' mission 5, Pyro will try to recruit you by offering you 'power beyond your imagining'. Eldred's reply if you turn it down? \n* Smug Snake: Stratos, as an enemy. \n* The Soulless: Acheron,according to Zyzyx. \n* Speed Echoes: When using the faster-movement spell. \n* Spiritual Successor: Brutal Legend. Possibly with a middle link of Giants: Citizen Kabuto, which was released around a month after Sacrifice was. Hardly surprising, since Planet Moon Studios, the developers of Giants was comprised of employees who once worked with Shiny, the developer of Sacrifice. \n* Tim Schafer did not know about Sacrifice, or that he unknowingly hired one of it's creators, until fans made the connection. He later played it and praised it. \n* Stiff Upper Lip: The Icarus. Its only response to Stop Poking Me is a somewhat condescending \"Oh, I say, poor show.\" \n* The Stinger/Sequel Hook: \"This is not over! I will have my revenge!\". Sadly, sales of the game kept this from becoming a reality. \n* This Cannot Be!: Eldred's reaction upon learning that Marduk has followed him to this world. Also, Marduk's final words. \n* Stop Poking Me: Sacrifice continues this fine Blizzard tradition of units getting pissed of more and more if you click on them too much. It's actually quite impressive when you consider that there's TONS of individual units and hero units in this game. \n* Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: Ranged units beat flying beat melee beat ranged... In theory. In practice, fliers are further divided into flying ranged and flying melee (the latter are excellent against buildings, and also murder ranged units if they get close) and ranged units are divided into basic first-tier archery-types, artillery (inaccurate, deal heavy area-of-effect damage, good against ground units but seldom hit fliers), snipers (extremely accurate and long range, but very slow rate of fire and is easily overwhelmed by a Zerg Rush) and the warmonger/rhinox, who don't really fit any other category than 'walking murder machines'. Plus, fliers fly low, and all but the lowest tier melee units are tall and can actually reach most fliers (but fliers have 90% damage resistance against melee attacks from ground creatures, however, so beating them to death takes a lot of time). \n* There Can Be Only One: Only one of the gods survive the war. Stratos started it with the assumption that it would be him. \n* Third Person Person: Pyro. \n* Unstable Equilibrium: Once a wizard has a soul lead, it's very hard to change it, as it's much harder to steal a wizard's souls than it is to recover your slain creatures. \n* Unwinnable By Mistake: Or at least, not able to get One Hundred Percent Completion by Mistake: In one of Charnel's missions, it's impossible to collect the boon. The bonus objective is to keep Gangrel alive. Too bad the mission can't be completed until Gangrel is possessed by a demon, turning him into Astaroth, causing the game to decide you no longer have Gangrel. \n* Even should you banish Yogo before the channeling is complete (which is hard but doable), you still do not receive the boon as the condition is that Gangrel must be under the player's control. During the channeling Gangrel is held immobile and can't be controlled by the player. \n* Useless Useful Spell: Averted. The instant death spells Intestinal Vaporization and Bovine Intervention can and will one-shot even the mightiest creatures. Even better, they instantly gib their targets, meaning the souls are up for grabs for anyone. If you're not careful, you can lose a lot of souls to a crafty opponent this way. \n* Video Game Cruelty Potential: Wizards can slaughter the innocent, defenceless peasants with the nastiest spells in their spellbook while the peasants beg, whimper and cry for mercy. Wizards are encouraged to slaughter the innocent in multiplayer -- they're a good source of soul income and are flagged as hostile for this reason. \n* We Have Reserves: The key to playing a Necromancer. Due to the cheapness of Animate Dead, the Glass Cannon nature of Charnel's minions and the somewhat indiscriminate nature of many of his spells, a one-to-one kill/loss ratio is entirely tolerable as long as you've got your creature's corpses around to animate/detonate. \n* Weaksauce Weakness: Pyro's ultimate weapon, the Magnafryer, fires a heat ray that deals heavy damage over time and will kill everything in the game eventually... Except it counts as magic damage, so James' first level melee attacker, the Trogg, is completely unaffected. \n* Welcome Back, Traitor: There's two gnome heroes in the game, and both switch sides repeatedly. They're still usable units though. \n* World in the Sky: Sacrifice is set around several floating islands in a large void. The manual provides a vague explanation for this."@en . "\"Sacrifice\" was the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was the thirteenth episode of the sixth season, and the one hundred and twenty-first episode of the show."@en . . . "Author"@en . . . "I awoke abruptly, sweat dripping from my brow. I could feel the presence again. His presence. I looked around my room. I know I\u2019m being watched. It\u2019s not anywhere to be seen. Damn. This is the third night in a row I\u2019ve been awoken like this. The fear is starting to take over my mind. Something out there is stalking me. Something wants me. But I should back up and tell this from the beginning. I\u2019m sixteen years old, and moved into this house with my family seven years ago. It\u2019s about 30 minutes outside of town, so we\u2019re fairly isolated. My parents love living out here. They say it\u2019s peaceful and pretty. I hate it. Not as much during the day as during the night. I\u2019ve always been scared of the dark. It\u2019s my number one phobia. I hate not being able to see. And out here at night, there\u2019s no light other than the moon and stars. No warm, comforting glow of street lamps. No headlights slowly moving up and down the streets; just a hazy darkness. And it\u2019s especially dark during a new moon. That\u2019s when I first encountered it. That thing. I had a bunch of friends over, and after dark, we all decided to play some airsoft capture the flag. It was a new moon, which made it especially dark and creepy. No light pierced the inky blackness, except the flashlights on the barrels of our airsoft pistols, and the occasional zip of glow in the dark airsoft pellets, flying at their targets. We were all having a great time. I had grabbed the other team\u2019s flag, and was rushing back to my base, when I heard a sound that made my blood run cold; a scream of terror, coming from about thirty feet to my right. A flash of white was rushing away from the sound. I changed direction, and rushed towards the noise, aiming my flashlight at the source of the sound. My friend Jacob was sitting in the dirt, holding his bleeding leg, obviously in pain. The cut was deep. Another friend, Matt, and I rushed him inside, where we sat on the edge of the bathtub, and began to wash and dress the cut. We asked him what a happened. Some creature had scratched him, he said. He didn\u2019t get a good look at it, but just saw a flash of white. At first I assumed it was just a possum or something. That was before I saw it again. The second time I was alone. It was the middle of the night, not a new moon thankfully, but still eerie. I had insomnia, a rather common problem for me. It was two a.m. and I had given up all hope of getting any sleep. So I went downstairs to the living room and popped in a DVD. As I lay on the couch, my mind lost in the world of Inception, one of my dogs started barking. I thought nothing of it, barking in the middle of the night is basically a routine for them. Then my other dog joined in, no big deal. But I noticed something. This bark was a lot more menacing than usual. It was more of a guttural, growling bark. The bark dogs make when threatened. I turned on the back porch light, and stepped outside, creeped out. I called for them. \u201CJake. Zoe. Come here.\u201D Then I saw what they were barking at. It looked like a human, crouched there in the grass. It was probably around four feet tall, with bare, pale skin, and long bony limbs. I studied it for about five seconds and it stared back at me. I\u2019ll never forget its eyes; dark, almost like empty sockets. Its cold gaze washed over me, as if it was sizing me up. Then it slowly started to move toward me. I was almost paralyzed by fear, but was able to get back in the house. I locked the door behind me, and rushed to my parents\u2019 room. They were convinced I had a nightmare. But I know the truth. This was the first time I had fully seen the creature that would soon push me to the brink of insanity. I didn\u2019t see that thing again for quite some time. I started to think that maybe my parents were right, and it was just a dream. I was really sleep deprived after all. But deep down inside, I knew I had seen something. But a few weeks ago I was on some website my friend Derik had recommended. And I saw a picture that shocked me. It was my creature, the one I had seen. The website claimed this creature was called \u201CThe Rake,\u201D and that It stalks and mauls its victims. The moment I saw the article my blood ran cold. Could I have really seen this creature? The thought haunted me, refusing to leave my mind. I saw it again for the first time in months last week. I had woken up in the middle of the night again. Immediately, I felt that something was wrong. The house was too quiet. I felt very unsettled. I got out of bed, walked to the window, and raised the blinds. It was very dark outside, but I could make something out. The creature was outside. Scratching at something on the ground. Immediately I opened the window, and yelled at the thing. It looked up at me, caught my eyes for a moment, then rushed off, crawling on all fours very close to the ground. When i went out to see what it was scratching at the next morning, I found something that still chills me to the bone; the mangled, half-eaten corpse of my dog Zoe. My parents think it was a mountain lion, but I know the truth. The so-called \u201Crake\u201D, that bastard creature, killed my dog. The last few nights have been terrifying. I\u2019ve woken up in a cold sweat each night, knowing that damned thing is watching me. I feel its presence. I know it wants me now. And I have no idea what to do. I\u2019m terrified beyond belief, and I\u2019m helpless. My parents keep telling me I\u2019m imagining things. But I\u2019m not, dammit! I know what I\u2019ve seen. And I know that it wants me. That\u2019s why I\u2019m writing this down at three in the morning. If anything happens to me, I want people to know what. I\u2019ll update as soon as something else happens. The last week was a whirlwind of terror. I\u2019m constantly in fear now, I know it\u2019s always watching me. Around every corner everywhere I go. Every night I feel its presence, some nights more than others. I don\u2019t know exactly what it wants from me, but it is wanting something. I saw it again, for the first time in a week today. I stayed home sick. I still feel like shit. I think it\u2019s making me sick. I was laying on the couch, watching TV. Constantly looking over my shoulders, because I know he\u2019s always watching me. I have a shotgun by my side, a benefit of living in the country. I got it from the garage. It\u2019s loaded, in case the thing which I\u2019ve decided to call the rake tries to attack. I knew it would soon. I heard a noise outside, and cocked my gun. I stepped outside to investigate. Nothing. Dammit. I decided to patrol the perimeter of the house, just in case. Walked all the way around, nothing. I stepped back inside and the smell hit me. It was the stench of death. Rotting. I held the gun out in front of me. Slowly made my way up the stairs, and turned the corner into my room. It was crouched in the corner, facing away from me. It slowly tilted its head toward me. Then it spoke. It was a high, shrill voice. I\u2019m not sure exactly what it said to me. I didn\u2019t hesitate to pull the trigger. But it moved at almost super human speed, and barreled into me, knocking me down. I saw it jump off of our 2nd floor balcony, to the living room floor. Charged out the door. My arm was bleeding bad, so I grabbed a shirt and pushed it to my arm to try to stop the blood. I rushed outside, the gun still in my hand. It was gone. \u201CGO TO HELL!\u201D I screamed. I stepped back inside. And saw the blood. Not my blood. Its blood. I grabbed the dog it hadn\u2019t killed, Jake. Put his nose to the blood. He picked the scent up and started moving toward the woods near my house. I didn\u2019t think twice, and followed. We rushed through the woods. Around a mile away from the house, Jake started to whimper. I sent him back. This was my job. I started to explore the area, my finger twitching on the trigger, terrified. After about a half hour of searching I saw something weird. A small area of ground that was different. It seemed covered up. I walked over and swept away the grass. I was right. There was a board under the grass. I pulled up the board, exposing a hole. A rusty old ladder led down. Against all better judgement, curiosity got the best of me. I slung the shotgun over my back, and lowered myself down. I was in a tunnel. It wasn\u2019t well lit. A few candles. But it was light enough to see the blood smeared walls. The smell was awful. I could see paintings in the blood. Disturbing things. Stuff I never wanted to see. I walked through the tunnel toward the source of more light. I could see a sort of room. When I stepped in, I wanted to throw up. There were animal parts all over the floor. On the walls. This must be its feeding room. I turned around, retching. And there it stood, right behind me. It reached toward me. I blacked out. I woke up in my room, about 30 minutes ago now. Alone. No cut on my arm. No blood anywhere. Decided to write everything while it\u2019s still fresh on my mind. Parents still aren\u2019t home. It\u2019s dark outside. I\u2019m terrified to leave my room now. Maybe it didn\u2019t all happen. Maybe I\u2019m going insane. Paranoia is here to stay. I realize what the rake said in my room now, when he talked to me. It wants sacrifice. Mom, Dad, if you read this after I\u2019m gone, then get the Hell away. I don\u2019t know where to, but just leave this place. It\u2019s over now. He\u2019s satisfied. Sacrifice is made. And I\u2019m alone. He was with me three, three, three nights. He just stands next to my bed, watches me, and sometimes he\u2019ll whisper to me. He told me he wanted sacrifice, bloody sacrifice. He said I had to do it. I knew he was right. They don\u2019t matter to me. I can be alone. My parents thought I was going crazy. Little did they know, haha. So last night, I told him, I told him I\u2019d do it. I\u2019d give him a sacrifice, a good good sacrifice, so he will be happy. I told them to come with me, I wanted to show them a pretty spot I had found. They walked with me, walked to the Rake hole. I opened it up, and pulled out a gun. I told them to go into it. They asked what was I doing, and I told them he wanted to see them. They went in the hole, and we walked through the tunnel. She was crying. Then Mr. Rake came out of his hiding place. He looked at me, with his black eyes and smiled. Then he killed them. They screamed a little bit. I didn\u2019t care. He was happy now. He pointed at the hole, and I knew it was time to leave. I\u2019m back home now. All alone, in my dark room. I\u2019m not scared of the dark anymore. I like the dark. It reminds me of my friend the Rake. I\u2019m okay. I\u2019m okay. Dammit I\u2019m not okay. I just led my parents to their death. I\u2019m crazy. I have the gun to my head now, I\u2019m going to pull the trigger. I\u2019m looking across my room and he\u2019s crouched there, smiling at me. Telling me to do it, that he\u2019s still hungry, wants one more sacrifice. I\u2019m going to give it to him. Goodbye."@en . . "3885"^^ . . "4095"^^ . "\u2022 Kain"@en . "A sacrifice in Biblical terms is referring to an offering made by a person for the atonement of sins, whether it is for their own or for someone else. In ancient Biblical times, sacrifices were first initiated by Adam's sons Cain and Abel, although Abel's sacrifices were accepted by God while Cain's weren't, resulting in Cain being angry enough to kill his brother Abel. By the time of Moses, sacrifices were codified into the Law that God gave to His people Israel, indicating the types of sacrifices and offerings that He considered acceptable. This lasted up until Jesus Christ came in the flesh and offered Himself up on the cross as the sacrifice that would atone for all people's sins for all time, thus abolishing the need for continual sacrifices and offerings that were made once every year by the high priest in the Temple. In the Left Behind books, sacrifices and offerings were once again put into effect by the Jews in Israel when the Temple was first erected during the early years of the Tribulation, although they were now no longer acceptable unto God because the Temple was erected in rejection to God, according to the two witnesses Eli and Moishe. By the midpoint of the Tribulation, Nicolae Carpathia put an end to sacrifices and offerings in the Temple unless they were made unto him by sacrificing a pig within the Holy of Holies and splashing its blood upon the altar, thus defiling the Temple and making it unfit for use by the Jews for the rest of the Tribulation. In the Millennial Kingdom, with Jesus erecting a new Temple to replace the defiled Temple that was destroyed by God, sacrifices were once again put into effect, but this time as a memorial for Jesus' one-time-for-all-time sacrifice."@en . "f"@en . . "Nightshade"@en . . "All allies recover 30% / 10% chance"@en . . . "-"@en . . "Sacrifice is a game mechanic whereby characters forfeit a portion of their health to activate certain skills."@en . . "TBA"@en . . "Dr. Larry Fleinhardt's friend from college days Jonas Hoke, a senior computer-science researcher, is found murdered. He was in the process of developing a classified program to evaluate government projects for Robert Oliver's firm, the Lorman group, with gifted college drop-out Scott Reynolds. Data was stolen from his computer, which only contains a coded program for analysis of baseball statistics. Hoke's financial divorce complications seem irrelevant, although his wife had a relationship with their security system installer Lucas Grant. However, Charlie deduces that Hoke actually used the same kind of advanced statistic analysis and performance prediction on other data, cleverly masked under meaningless baseball numbers: Hoke applied this cutting-edge method to calculate human performance prospects in real life, based on various governmental and other data, a potentially far more valuable application..."@en . "Young Red Dragon"@en . . . "An interesting warrior spell that can help or hinder you. The spell causes massive damage but it also affects you. Since warriors are usually tanks anyway it can be effective for short periods with lower health enemies. If you are being healed this spell can be of endless use. Cost: None Effect: The warrior does 10 times his normal damage but all the health he removes is taken from him too. Levels: 1"@en . . . . "Daemon is heading for Mainframe with an infected Mouse by her side. Dot and the Principal Office staff cannot reprogram the Firewall. When Mouse arrives, they're defenseless. Dot has a secondary Firewall created to give them an edge. Meanwhile, Welman Matrix is playing baseball with Little Enzo. Phong checks to see how things are going between them. Little Enzo has adjusted well to his father's transformation, thinking its cool that his Dad's a null monster now. Bob is left despondent by the fact that, due to ill-health, he's unable to contribute to the defense of Mainframe. Hexadecimal attempts to both cheer him up and heavily flirt with him, eventually forcing a kiss on him and telling him that Dot said she just wants to be friends with him. Before this can develop further, the first Firewall is destroyed. Bob and Hexadecimal arrive at the Principal Office where Welman and Phong are working on the Gateway Command. Dot, running operations, gets into a brief spat with Hex. When the System Voice announces an incoming Game Cube, Dot asks Enzo to go into the Game with Frisket and Hack and Slash. She tells him to change his icon to Game Sprite mode and stay there until he's as old and big as Matrix. This way, he can come back and save them if all goes wrong. Bob can't believe what he's hearing. Enzo, at first eager, seems slightly shaken when he actually enters the Game. Dot explains to a horrified Bob that she's covering her options. She also wants him to use a portal to get to an offline system so Daemon can't capture him. Refusing to leave, he realizes her strategy is to use the Gateway to kill Daemon. By using the Gateway to connect with every address on the Net they can activate it when Daemon arrives, and she will be completely fragmented. Without Daemon's control the Net may recover. It's a thin plan, but it's all they've got. Suddenly the Firewall collapses and Daemon enters the System, the CPU fleet preparing to shoot if the Guardians invade. Daemon enters the system alone and greets the Mainframers with warmth and friendliness, except for Hexadecimal who she views as an abomination for changing her format. She prepares to walk through the Gateway, but the instant she touches the ground, her infection sweeps Mainframe, brainwashing everyone to her will and making Welman collapse into a scattering of nulls. She brings the other infected Mainframers back home using a Zoom Room and prepares to use Bob to reach all the remaining Systems. Hexadecimal asks Daemon's forgiveness. Daemon cruelly says no and throws Hex into a wall, knocking her unconscious and cracking her face. During all this, Enzo has won the Game. He can't bear to leave his family. He, Frisket, Hack and Slash emerge to find Mainframe infected and Daemon using Bob to create portals, with Bob getting weaker with each one. With the robots looking to him for guidance, he realizes he's not Matrix. Little Enzo taps his icon and changes his clothes to the Guardian's, declaring his function is to mend and defend. Hack and Slash are tasked to help him, though Slash is unable to stop Daemon. Finding the infected Matrix and AndrAIa, he tries to get them to help, but Matrix is too much at peace to fight. While Hack restrains AndrAIa, Enzo has Frisket bite his older version and try and use the pain to get through the infection. When declaring he'll hurt Frisket, Enzo challenges him on this: \"We love that dog, and you'll hurt him? Would you hurt Dot too? Would you hurt Bob? Phong?!\" Getting Matrix to declare \"No!\", he urges him to focus on his hate for viruses to get past the infection, which lasts long enough for Matrix to switch his icon to Guardian mode, causing him to be hit with uninfected Guardian code. Matrix uses his clean code to disinfect AndrAIa. Enzo, AndrAIa, Hack and Matrix go to the Principal Office where they find Hexadecimal lying near the entrance. Enzo tells Matrix to cure Hex, but he refuses. AndrAIa tells him that Hex is a virus, she may give them an edge against Daemon. He begrudgingly agrees. Once Hexadecimal is cured Welman reforms as well. Daemon has infected every offline System and Bob has fallen deathly ill from creating so many Portals. The cured sprites watch Daemon's victory from the War Room. Hex exclaims that Daemon is killing Bob, but AndrAIa says they just don't have the firepower to go up against Daemon. Hexadecimal says she's going to get more firepower and Matrix asks where. Hex tells him from the Core. Meanwhile, Daemon flies everyone from the portal generator to the Principal Office entrance. She gets Dot to admit she loves Bob and tells her not to worry, for nothing can stop the Word now. Suddenly Hexadecimal, transformed back into her powerful virus form, emerges to attack Daemon. She screams, \"Get away from my Sprites!\", and shoots Daemon into the city while laughing insanely. The battle between the two viruses shakes the System. Several buildings are destroyed as they plow each other into the city sectors of Baudway and Wall Street. Some binomes are nearly deleted, including the Baby Binome. Neither virus is able to damage the other and the battle ends in stalemate at the Principal Office. Daemon's time finally runs out. Having reached the end of her life, she utters the word \"Cron\" and decompiles, in the process causing every infected being on the Net to begin counting down, just like Daecon did. Bob realizes that Daemon was a cron virus and this means that at the end of the countdown, everything will self-delete. The demented Hex, swatting Dot aside, begins dancing with Bob and appears to be on the verge of turning into a threat again until Bob tells her that the countdown means they'll die too. Realizing their \"love\" won't survive, she turns to Phong and demands a solution, but the only way to administer the clean code to everyone in time would be to use the Gateway to infect the Net with a benign virus. While this will kill her Hexadecimal decides to do it to ensure Bob survives. She forcibly takes the cure from Matrix saying to him, \"Virus hater! Learn from this\". She turns to leave but Little Enzo stops her, saying he doesn't want her to leave. She says she adores children and gives the young Guardian a gift, touching his icon and changing it into viral red and black. She tells him it's so he doesn't turn out like Matrix did. Hexadecimal says her goodbye to Bob, telling him she loves him and asks Dot to take care of him and to be happy together. She then scream to Welman to activate the Gateway, controlling the little Null. The Gateway activates, pulling in Hexadecimal. Welman shatters as she leaves. Hexadecimal spreads through the Net as her insane laughter echoes trough every system. The entire Net is infected by the Queen of Chaos, defeating Daemon and saving everyone. Her sacrifice brings the Net War to an end. The Net is cured of the infection but Bob is still ill. Dot begs for him to hold on, admitting her love and asking him to marry her. Before they can kiss, a portal opens and Ray Tracer steps out of it with ... a second Bob, \"Marry him? I don't think so!\""@en . "Sacrifice"@pl . "Virtue of Sacrifice"@en . . "2013-04-21"^^ . . "\u72A0\u7272"@fr . . . "Light"@en . "A young man, Wesley Jansen is found shot and sexually assaulted outside of a gay club. It is soon discovered that Wesley and his wife, Jaina were working in porn so they could pay for their daughter, Mara (who has cystic fibrosis)'s medical bills. When porn producer Cal Oman is murdered, the detectives assume that Wesley killed him. Wesley admits to killing Oman, but it soon discovered that Jaina killed Oman because he was standing in the way of her fame."@en . "4"^^ . "frame Sacrifice (\u30BD\u30A6\u30EB\u30EA\u30EA\u30FC\u30B9 Souru Rir\u012Bsu, lit. \"Soul Release\") est une commande d'attaque exclusive \u00E0 Terra dans Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. L'attaque consiste \u00E0 faire une attaque ultra puissante en sacrifiant ses propres HPs. L'attaque r\u00E9duit les HPs du personnage \u00E0 25% des HPs totaux."@fr . "Sacrifice is the placing of the interests of others and the ends of virtue over one's own well-being."@en . . "\"Use anything and anyone at your disposal. To do any less is weakness and provokes death to find you.\" --Laarthik K'Shin, Teir'Dal mentor to Lanys T'Vyl, the Child of Hate"@en . "3800"^^ . "-1"^^ . "File:Wind Icon.png Wind"@en . . . "Sidottu"@fi . . . . "50.0"^^ . . . "Daemon battling Hexadecimal"@en . "30.0"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . "50400.0"^^ . . . . . . "A sacrifice in Biblical terms is referring to an offering made by a person for the atonement of sins, whether it is for their own or for someone else. In ancient Biblical times, sacrifices were first initiated by Adam's sons Cain and Abel, although Abel's sacrifices were accepted by God while Cain's weren't, resulting in Cain being angry enough to kill his brother Abel. By the time of Moses, sacrifices were codified into the Law that God gave to His people Israel, indicating the types of sacrifices and offerings that He considered acceptable. This lasted up until Jesus Christ came in the flesh and offered Himself up on the cross as the sacrifice that would atone for all people's sins for all time, thus abolishing the need for continual sacrifices and offerings that were made once every yea"@en . "Sacrifice is a fixed effect psych exclusive to Tin Pin Thrift. At the beginning of a battle, Neku's half of the HP bar is reduced to 0, placing him in SOS. He may heal or regenerate normally to full health. Sacrifice increases total ATK by 30% and EXP gain by 20% as long as a character is in SOS. This affects both Neku and his partner. The stat boost is added to the bonus multiplier normally reserved for SOS boosts."@en . "16"^^ . "19"^^ . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . "*Mundos do N\u00FAcleo\n**Setor Corusca\n***Coruscant subsector\n****Coruscant\n*****Cidade Gal\u00E1ctica\n******Distrito Federal\n*******Templo Jedi\n********Jedi Temple training ground\n********Temple Spire\n******Trabalhadores\n*Territ\u00F3rios da Orla Exterior \n**Setor Sluis \n***Sistema Dagobah \n****Dagobah \n*****Caverna do Mal \n**Moraband \n***Vale dos Lordes Sombrios \n****Templo Sith \n*****C\u00E2mara de Execu\u00E7\u00F5es de Moraband \n*****T\u00FAmulo de Darth Bane \n*"@pt . "10"^^ . . "12"^^ . "body"@en . "14"^^ . "R'hllor Temple"@en . . . . . . "3"^^ . "Sacrifice is a mage spell from the Blood Mage specialization in Dragon Age II."@en . "4"^^ . "Xena and Gabrielle rescue Seraphin, a sacrifice that will bring about the return of an evil Goddess, presumably Callisto. When Xena confronts her, she discovers that the Goddess is in fact Hope."@en . "5"^^ . . "Dr. Larry Fleinhardt's friend from college days Jonas Hoke, a senior computer-science researcher, is found murdered. He was in the process of developing a classified program to evaluate government projects for Robert Oliver's firm, the Lorman group, with gifted college drop-out Scott Reynolds. Data was stolen from his computer, which only contains a coded program for analysis of baseball statistics. Hoke's financial divorce complications seem irrelevant, although his wife had a relationship with their security system installer Lucas Grant. However, Charlie deduces that Hoke actually used the same kind of advanced statistic analysis and performance prediction on other data, cleverly masked under meaningless baseball numbers: Hoke applied this cutting-edge method to calculate human performan"@en . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "Sacrifice: Flames Upon the Altar (\u71D4\u796D\u306E\u706B\u7114\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, Hansai no KaenSakurifaisu?) is the \"flame that carries the hottest heat, shinning brightly, which flared up by God's commands\" that is told of in the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament, carried by David as an incense burner while not activated. It is activated by burning Ketoret within the burner, and a phantasmal incense burner would materialize in front of each enemy presence before it would cause violet fumes to envelop the targets. Immediately, thunderclouds and mist gathers overhead, \"giving the impression of Mount Sinai,\" and from them descends fire from the heavens in the shape of an alter to incinerate all those who oppose the will of God without leaving a trace of blood."@en . "367"^^ . . . "61"^^ . . "+10% to Battle when attacking..."@en . . "Comp\u00E9tence qui r\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E8re tous les PE d'un alli\u00E9 en sacrifiant tous ceux du joueur. \n* Niveau requis : 8 \n* Skill points : 3 \n* PM : / \n* PE : tous \n* Recharge : 600s"@fr . . "9"^^ . "Sacrifice is the 23rd episode, and the season finale of Season 8. It aired on May 15th, 2013."@en . "Previous:"@en . "47"^^ . . . "25"^^ . "33"^^ . "The Clone Wars Legacy"@en . . . . "3700"^^ . "Oculus"@en . . "-"@en . . . . . . "84"^^ . . "Applique l'\u00E9tat Sacrifice niveau 0, dure 3 tours"@fr . "1"^^ . "20.0"^^ . "Aeon engineers have the ability to Sacrifice. They kill themselves in order to give an immediate energy boost to a construction. Each tier engineer gives a different amount, with Tier 1 giving the least amount of energy and Tier 3 giving the most. However, the Tier 1 engineers give a greater percentage of their original cost than the Tier 2, and Tier 3, which give a progressively lower percentage of original cost of the Engineer. A pre-3254 exploit allowed Aeon players to pause upgrades on their commander, sacrifice one engineer, then unpause, resulting in an upgrade for the price of only one engineer. This was resolved in hotfix 1.1.3254. Don't underestimate the power to finish a colossus or harbringer by ridding your unit population of those later hindrances referred to as T1 engineers. Sacrifice can be put to use immediately and gives you energy as well as mass, making it superior to reclaiming your outdated engineers. This also puts you in a unique position, if your opponent is foolish but aware of sacrifice, then you may damage a critical structure of his that he needs, like ACU or a factory. The foolish opponent could sacrifice your factions engineers and later remember he will need to capture them again to access aeon tech. This can be countered if they construct a factory, but you can get rid of it with a colossus or gunships and bombers. Sacrifice can be a lifesaver for your ACU, especially if your ACU is being attacked by T3 bombers, as the engineers can heal the ACU between bombs while you wait for shields and AA to move in. You can also utilize this strategy: use a combat ACU to {with support} attack an outpost or base. The ACU can be covered with it's own shields and some mobile ones, and if there is light or no AA, you can send in transports to drop engineers, or SACU's to heal him. Using 5-6 SACU's with both the sacrifice and the personal telporter upgrades, it is posable to insta build a Galactic Colossus ANYWHERE on the map, even within you enemy's base. As demastrated by Chosen on a Gyle cast; here"@en . "74"^^ . "Level: 17 Liang Gui starts this quest. Return 40 Purpel Cornel to complete the quest."@en . "1"^^ . . . "Le Sacrieur se lie \u00E0 un alli\u00E9. Tant que le Sacrifice est actif et d\u00E8s que l'alli\u00E9 sera attaqu\u00E9, le sacrieur \u00E9changera de position avec lui pour subir les d\u00E9g\u00E2ts \u00E0 sa place."@fr . . "3900"^^ . . "\"Sacrifice\" is a song by The Expendables that could be downloaded for free for Guitar Hero World Tour, Guitar Hero 5 and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock."@en . "Damage: 26 Weight: 11 Delay: 450 Price: 22 Gcoin (Rare item shop) or Platinum box (32Gcoin) Required level: 40 \uFFFD (Can be used well with fire or poison) \"A sword that assumedly used for ancient traditional ceremonies. The blade is not made of iron but some mystery metal and despite for its old age, the blade hasn't lost its sharpness.\""@en . "White"@en . . . "Sacrifice"@pt . "Rare"@en . . . "The Sacrifice keyword allows a monster to heal itself at the cost of an adjacent monster's health. Ability text: Sacrifice: Deal up to 5 File:Heart.png to an adjacent monster to allow Lady Eliza Farrow to recover an equal amount of File:Heart.png."@en . "Jason Felix"@fr . . "E2309"@en . . "vrai"@fr . "Sebastian Dunn as Edward Fyers"@en . "Gisei"@fr . "Sacrifice was the offering of food, objects or lives to a supernatural being."@en . . . "9"^^ . "*Human\n**Clone \n**Korunnai\n*Yoda's species"@en . "Sacrifice"@es . . "But I don't taste any good!"@en . . . "Sacrifice"@fi . "Restores HP and restores status while subtracting the same amount from the user"@en . "Story:"@en . . "Spell_Sacrifice.png"@en . "2014-03-07"^^ . . ""@en . "Sacrifice inflicts high damage for the next few normal attacks, while sacrificing HP. Once Sacrifice is cast, the next five melee attacks will be endowed with enhanced damage, at the cost of 9% of the user's Max HP per swing. Sacrifice has no time duration. Sacrifice is an instant cast self-buff, like Auto Guard or Shield Reflect. Upon casting, 100 SP is consumed and the buff will last forever until the 5 hits are consumed or the buff is removed. Re-logging, a Sage's Dispel, dying, or casting Battle Chant will remove the buff. On iRO, this skill is known as Martyr's Reckoning."@en . . "\u72A0\u7272"@en . "He is chosen to be the sacrifice to Zulrah, but the player intervenes and asks High Priestess Zul-Harcinqa to be the sacrifice instead. Harcinqa allows the player to become the sacrifice, saddening the sacrifice and his family, as they would not receive extra rations of sacred eel. Despite this, he thanks the player for allowing him to live his life a bit longer."@en . "Sacrifice"@en . "SVU"@en . . "Sacrieur"@fr . . "Amanda Tapping"@en . "Level: Cleric 9 Spell Resistance: no Linking your enemy with yourself, you damage both him and you with massive black voodoo needles, destroying your own body to destroy theirs as well. A single enemy within 30 feet must make a will saving throw DC: 19+Wisdom modifier. If they fail their saving throw both you and the enemy take damage equal to a critical hit from your attack along with an additional 1d12 per level (Max 25d12). If the enemy succeeds, both of you take normal damage. This technique bypasses your own damage reduction."@en . "Drains 50.4144 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . "Unit"@en . . "*Anger\n*Darth Bane \n*Darth Bane's apprentice \n*Confusion\n*CT-7567 \"Rex\" \n*Dooku\n*Sifo-Dyas \n*Qui-Gon Jinn \n*Joy\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*Kraken\n*Leia Organa \n*R2-D2\n*Sadness\n*Serenity\n*Darth Sidious\n*Anakin Skywalker \n*Luke Skywalker \n*Mace Windu\n*Yoda"@en . . . "85"^^ . . . . . . "+8"@en . "0"^^ . . . "This is one of the four Warlock's pet Voidwalker's spells. Sacrifice consumes a portion of the Voidwalker's health and gives the Warlock an absorption shield that is similar to a priest's Power Word: Shield abiliy. The ability consumes 25% of the voidwalker's base health, so as long as the voidwalker isn't near death, there is very little chance that the use of this ability will kill the demon. The duration of the Sacrifice shield is 30 seconds."@en . "When Sacrifice is used, the player deals 20-100% weapon damage to their target regardless of protection prayers, and is healed by 25% of the damage dealt, or 100% if the ability kills the target. It was first obtainable by participating in the second world event, at a cost of 21,000 renown and a gold event token. With the death of Bandos and end of the event, it can now be obtained as a rare drop from General Graardor and Kree'arra. It is also obtainable from their bodyguards and from other aviansie in Armadyl's Eyrie. These abilities are individual drops, however it is possible to receive multiple abilities in a single kill. When received as a drop it is automatically learned; it does not drop as an item. When learned, the message \"You have unlocked the Sacrifice ability!\" appears in the chatbox. If the Swift gloves' extra shot passive effect activates while using Sacrifice, both hits will heal the player."@en . . "100"^^ . . . "*Caster is not being carried\n*Caster is not in the Impending Death state\n*2 turns cooldown"@en . "Inferno"@en . "Sacrifice skills are skills that decrease the health of the caster, usually ranging from 5% to 33% of the caster's maximum health depending on the skill. Health is only sacrificed if the skill is performed successfully. Cancellation or interruption of the skill will not trigger the sacrifice effect. Only Necromancers and Ritualists have skills that require sacrifice."@en . . "405"^^ . . . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . . "Darkness on Dagobah!\nAll attention is focused on Yoda,\nwho claims to hear the voice of a\nlong dead Jedi. Convinced that he is\nguarded by Qui-Gon Jinn, he finds\nfive priestesses, who will teach him\nhow to manifest conciousness after death.\n\nAfter many trials, Yoda travels\nto Moraband, ancient home planet of\nthe Sith. For now, he must face the\ntrue evil that may be his undoing;\nand one that seeks to control the galaxy..."@en . "Sacrifice refers to a high-ranked Darkness-element spell in ALfheim Online."@en . . . "The blood mage sucks the life force from an ally to regain health."@en . "Sacrifice"@en . . . . "Basic"@en . . "None"@en . . "Many of the characters have made or been made sacrifices"@en . "None"@en . . "2000"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . . "3"^^ . "Sacrifice.png"@it . "DreamBoone.jpg"@en . "4"^^ . "\u6A19\u7684\u306F25%\u306E\u6C17\u529B\u3092\u5F97\u308B"@ja . . . "School: Image:Death.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Health.png Description: Take 250 Image:Death.png Image:Damage.png to give 700 Image:Healing.png to self or group member. Received From: The Sixth School Requirements: Required Character Level: End of Wizard City Spells: \n* None Prerequisite for: Spells: \n* None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No"@en . . "240.0"^^ . . "Sacrifice enables Colette to heal all party members and inflict significant damage to all enemies on the battlefield with small rays of exploding light, at the cost of her own life. This arte can only be used once in a battle; even if Colette is resurrected afterward, it cannot be activated again. The angel Remiel grants this arte to Colette after she breaks the fourth seal of Sylvarant during her Journey of Regeneration."@en . . . "no"@en . . . "1"^^ . "senior officer"@en . "Sacrifice is one of Girardot's weapons in Soulcalibur III."@en . "*Astromech droid\n**R-series\n***R2 series astromech droid\n*Battle droid\n**IG-series\n***IG-100 MagnaGuard\n*Tactical droid\n**Super tactical droid"@en . "*Core Worlds\n**Corusca sector\n***Coruscant subsector\n****Coruscant\n*****Galactic City\n******Federal District\n*******Jedi Temple\n********Jedi Temple training ground\n********Temple Spire\n******Works\n*Outer Rim Territories \n**Sluis sector \n***Dagobah system \n****Dagobah \n*****Cave of Evil \n**Moraband \n***Valley of the Dark Lords \n****Sith temple \n*****Moraband execution chamber \n*****Tomb of Darth Bane \n*Wellspring of Life"@en . . . "Sacrifice de Elton John: Sleeping with the Past."@es . "Any Styles"@en . . "8"^^ . "Grand Barred Helm"@en . . "6"^^ . . "4"^^ . . . "2003-04-23"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Sacrifice File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Sacrifice File:Sacrifice.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Rare A sacrifice Necessary component of blood magic rituals"@en . . "3"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . "Construct Bond"@en . . . . "Summary"@en . . "100"^^ . . "Sacrificing an enemy Priest will reap different benefits depending on the game type. In Single player mode, you will usually advance to the next mission when you have sacrificed enemy priests; in Multiplayer, you will have the options to gain new knowledge, gain 5000 Storm Power, or upgrade your Altar to the next level, in order to be able to choose from higher level units next sacrifice. To sacrifice an enemy priest, you must first pick up their priest with a walking transport or a flying transport. The priest must then be dropped onto your altar (constructed by your priest.) You then select your priest, and then left-click on the Altar with the imprisoned enemy priest -- the cursor should change into a dagger sign when the mouse is over the Altar."@en . . "*Droide astromec\u00E2nico\n**S\u00E9rie R2\n***R2 series astromech droid\n*Droide de Batalha\n**S\u00E9rie IG\n***IG-100 MagnaGuard\n*Tactical droid\n**Super tactical droid"@pt . "2500"^^ . . "10"^^ . "800"^^ . "The demons told me I'm"@en . . "In religion, a sacrifice is the killing of an animal or human being to please gods or goddesses. Some religions like the Azteks believed that the gods required human beings to die in horrifiying ways, such as getting their hearts ripped open. Another ancient Latin American civilization, the Incans, sacrificed their children by putting them high into the mountains, where they froze and became mummies. In Christianity, animals were sacrificed because humans are better then animals. This stopped when Jesus \"sacrificed\" himself, because that was supposedly the ultimate sacrifice, but that makes no sense, since people are still sinners. There is another weird thing about Jesus on the cross. While fundies have no problem with the idea of a literal garden of Eden, more educated Christians regard it as a myth or an allegory. However one of the reasons given by all Christians for Jesus' death on the cross is to atone for original sin. Now if the story of the snake and the tree and all is a myth - why did god decide to torture himself to make up for this myth? A: because he's a weirdy This article is a stub. You can help the Atheism Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n**Head of State\n*Count\n*Force Priestesses\n**Priest\n*Galactic Republic \n**Republic military \n***Grand Army of the Republic \n****501st Legion \n****Clone trooper \n*****Clone Captain \n*Jedi\n**Jedi Order\n***Jedi High Council \n****Grand Master\n***Jedi Knight \n***Jedi Master\n***Master of the Order\n*Sith\n**Dark Lord of the Sith\n**Darth\n**Sith apprentice\n**Sith Lord\n**Sith Master\n*Sith Warrior \n*Skywalker"@en . "Sacrifice (\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9, Sakurifaisu) is a game exclusive catch hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy."@en . . "2"^^ . . "286.0"^^ . . . "unit"@en . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . "Sacrifice"@en . "Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak"@en . . . . "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."@en . . . "2"^^ . "5"^^ . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . "rare"@en . "Sacrifice is one of the Eight Virtues. Sacrifice, founded on the principles of Courage and Love, is the courage to give of oneself in the name of love. It is the placing of the interests of others and the ends of virtue over one's own well-being. Minoc is the centre for studying the virtue of sacrifice. The homeless of Britannia are welcomed in Minoc; here they find refuge in the Mission of the Helpless, with ready access to a charitable healer. The Shrine of Sacrifice is situated east of Minoc, in the middle of the Drylands in the dried-up Lake Generosity."@en . "4"^^ . "Magic"@en . "5"^^ . "Black/Red"@en . . "Five Kage Summit"@en . "Journal"@en . . . "Applique l'\u00E9tat Sacrifice niveau 100, dure 10 tours"@fr . "-"@en . "November"@en . "Sacrifice"@pt . "33"^^ . . . . "Exile"@en . "The Sacrier protects their allies by swapping places when they are hit."@en . "Sacrifice (\u53D7\u96E3\uFF0D\u30B5\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30B9\uFF0D Junan -Sakurifaisu-?) is the 21st episode of Ultraman Nexus."@en . . . "Outside Bulwayo"@en . "Many characters on Lost have made or been made sacrifices. This page serves to keep track of as many sacrifices as possible.__TOC__"@en . . "No! I can't give up yet!"@en . . "Sacrifice is a fixed effect psych exclusive to Tin Pin Thrift. At the beginning of a battle, Neku's half of the HP bar is reduced to 0, placing him in SOS. He may heal or regenerate normally to full health. Sacrifice increases total ATK by 30% and EXP gain by 20% as long as a character is in SOS. This affects both Neku and his partner. The stat boost is added to the bonus multiplier normally reserved for SOS boosts."@en . "No"@en . "Sacrifice is an annual professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event held by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling in the month of May. The first one was held in August 2005. When event names were shuffled by TNA for 2006, the event was moved to May. Sacrifice has had a tradition of being the final round of tournaments. Sacrifice 2005 saw Samoa Joe defeat A.J. Styles to win the Super X Cup. Sacrifice 2006 was the final round of the World X Cup Tournament. Sacrifice 2008 continued the tradition with the finals of the Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament. All Events have been held inside the Impact! Zone."@en . . "to give 700"@en . . "With a gesture of self-sacrifice, the Sacrier takes blows on behalf of allies. Every time ally takes damage, the Sacrier will switch places with that ally. The Sacrifice is charged up and will gradually decreases with each hit taken."@en . "Sacrifice"@pt . "Sacrifice was an unnamed gargoyle in medieval Scotland. She never had a true name, but \"Sacrifice\" is used to identify her."@en . . "Sacrifice is a mage spell from the Blood Mage specialization in Dragon Age II."@en . "Osric Chau"@en . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses Rare: +1 Life, +1 Armor Ultra Rare: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Epic: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Legendary: +1 Attack, +2 Life, +2 Armor Mythic: +2 Attack, +3 Life, +2 Armor"@en . "Sacrifice is a unique breed of RTS games for PC, whereas instead of the isometric view from the above, it takes a 3rd person view behind the player avatar. This game is about battling wizards, each players gathers souls to summon creatures, and then duke it out with other wizards, also supplemented with various spells. Their goal, based on the name, is to find an enemy altar, desecrate it by performing a sacrificial ritual on that altar, and then kill the enemy wizard one last time to banish him. Sacrifice did not gain wide popularity, but garnered cult status. This game provides examples of:"@en . . . . . "\u3059\u3066\u3044\u3057"@en . . . . "194"^^ . . "\u201CHornet mines primed. Target is in range of Alpha and Charlie clusters.\u201D \u201CGood work, O\u2019Neil. Fire them now.\u201D The Prowler\u2019s bridge crew, a tight gathering of five officers, watched with baited breath as the Covenant cruiser slid towards them. They knew it couldn\u2019t know where they were, that their ship\u2019s stealth systems were up and running and that the aliens\u2019 sensors wouldn\u2019t pick them up. But to see it so close, close enough that it could actually be seen from the viewport\u2026 And then a cage of white light erupted around the cruiser\u2019s sleek form. For a moment it sat suspended within a dozen beams of light and then in the next its shields were failing, its armor burning away in a storm of nuclear fire. Then it was gone completely, reduced to a small field of rubble amidst the empty darkness of space. The navigation and systems officers let out triumphant whoops; the communications officer reached over and pounded O\u2019Neil on the back at his weapons station. In the center of the bridge, their captain grinned and settled back into his command chair. The youngest man on the bridge, Commander Arthur Onegin did not look at all like your run of the mill ONI officer. His uniform was wrinkled and uneven and he slouched in his chair in a way that O\u2019Neil was certain they were supposed to drill out of you at the academy. Even his hair was growing out a few centimeters beyond the tight Navy standard held by the rest of the bridge crew. \u201CWell,\u201D Commander Onegin said, looking around with a grin. \u201CThat\u2019s what I call a big bang. What\u2019s that make for us today, O\u2019Neil? Two? Three?\u201D \u201CFour, sir. You\u2019re forgetting the corvette we hit when we took down the destroyer that was after Agincourt.\u201D Onegin tapped his chin. \u201CYou\u2019re right about that, O\u2019Neil, I think we got that one, too. That\u2019s another tally for the hull, isn\u2019t it?\u201D Kerry laughed from the communications station. \u201CI don\u2019t think command is going to like that, sir.\u201D \u201COh damn it, you\u2019re right. Well, let\u2019s pack it up and call it a day guys. Command has a problem with all the kills we\u2019re getting.\u201D Everyone laughed at that, but their brevity quickly faded as they altered the prowler\u2019s course and headed back into Xavier\u2019s atmosphere. The motes of flashing lights that appeared on the colony planet\u2019s horizon were a harsh reminder that their victory here was just a slight bump in a losing battle. The Navy was giving the Covenant all they had and more, but just like with countless worlds before Xavier even that was not enough. All they could do was fight as hard as they could to slow them here so that the rest of humanity would live to fight another day. As if realizing the harsh reality himself, Commander Onegin rubbed his hands down the front of his uniform and stretched his shoulder muscles. \u201CWell, I think we just bought Omelas a bit more time. Kerry, what\u2019s the evacuation status?\u201D \u201CThe Army\u2019s giving the Covenant hell down there, sir, but from the looks of things it\u2019s slow going. Lots of transports stalled on the landing pads, waiting for clear skies before they lift off.\u201D O\u2019Neil watched the captain out of the corner of his eye. It wasn\u2019t often Onegin\u2019s self-assured, cocky demeanor flickered but just for a moment he suddenly looked the way a twenty-five old Prowler commander should: nervous and uncoordinated. \u201CYou have family in Omelas, don\u2019t you sir?\u201D Onegin gave him a shaky grin, the old confidence slipping back into place. \u201CYeah. Parents and a younger brother. That cruiser was dropping Banshees down into their airspace, so the skies should be clear soon.\u201D \u201CYes, sir.\u201D The commander clapped his hands together, all traces of fear gone. \u201CWell, then. Let\u2019s go ruin another hinge-head\u2019s day.\u201D O\u2019Neil could still remember the day that Onegin had been given command. He and the rest of the bridge crew had instantly taken bets on how long it would be before \u201Cthe kid\u201D snapped and had to be locked up. His reputation had preceded him: the rising star who\u2019d been fast tracked through the academy and recruited by ONI to become the youngest warship commander in UNSC history\u2014just the kind of jumped-up punk who\u2019d get them all killed in some crazy quest for glory to further his own career. The fact that he dressed sloppily and took a liberal approach to military formalities had not helped his standing in the eyes of the crew. Of course, this was all before he\u2019d led them in destroying eight Covenant warships over three engagements. \u201CWe\u2019re on course for Omelas now, sir,\u201D Kayneth reported from navigations. \u201CLots of Covenant ground activity, but no sign of any warships.\u201D \u201CWell, keep scanning. We\u2019re on a roll today and we\u2019ve still got some Hornets left on board.\u201D It wasn\u2019t that Onegin was some kind of technical genius. He never got in the way when his crew were fussing over the Prowler\u2019s subsystems or its arsenal of stealth weaponry and was content to let them handle most of the daily workings of the ship. No, what made Onegin special was his uncanny ability to predict just when and where the enemy would appear and where they\u2019d move once the prowler had a lock on their signal. All he needed was a reading on a Covenant ship and he\u2019d know exactly where to place the Hornet nuclear mines that would tear it apart. O\u2019Neil had never seen a commander wield the prowler\u2019s arsenal with such lethal, unflinching efficiency. If they\u2019d had a fleet of prowlers headed by men like him, O\u2019Neil was convinced that they wouldn\u2019t be losing this war. And when he gets higher up, who knows? Maybe we will. O\u2019Neil was convinced that Onegin would be an admiral in five years. A guy like him, who didn\u2019t let drill and ceremony get in the way of killing the enemy, was going places and O\u2019Neil could only hope to stay with him long enough to see it happen. It was a little ray of hope amidst the wave of black despair he had to fight every day this war ground on. \u201CWe\u2019re twenty thousand klicks above Xavier\u2019s surface, sir,\u201D Kayneth reported. \u201CAlright, alter course so that we pass near Omelas,\u201D the commander ordered. \u201CIf there\u2019s anything we can do to help with the evac, let\u2019s do it.\u201D \u201CGladly, sir.\u201D \u201CSir, update on the evacuation situation,\u201D Kerry called out. \u201CA couple transport shuttles just got through. Took some fire from the surface, but they\u2019re both outside the kill zone.\u201D \u201CAnd the rest?\u201D Onegin asked, that strange tightness creeping into his voice again. \u201CStill lots of fighting in the residential areas. The Army\u2019s got a perimeter around the spaceports. The troopers are trying to get everyone inside their defenses, but they\u2019re getting cut to pieces down there. I\u2019ve got a colonel down there asking for reinforcements.\u201D \u201CPass his broadcasts through to the fleet, just in case they aren\u2019t getting through.\u201D The commander tapped his fingers against the sides of his command chair, eyes narrowed in thought. After another moment he turned to O\u2019Neil. \u201CWeapons, are our Shiva nukes primed for use?\u201D he asked. \u201CYes sir, I had them prepped when started hunting upstairs.\u201D Onegin nodded, a glimmer in his eyes. O\u2019Neil had seen that look before, usually right before one of the commander\u2019s mine formations wiped out a Covenant ship. \u201CHave them rearmed,\u201D Onegin ordered. \u201DI want them ready to be launched in-atmosphere.\u201D O\u2019Neil instinctively reached for his console controls, then hesitated. \u201CIn-atmosphere, sir? We haven\u2019t received clearance for that.\u201D \u201CYou let me worry about clearance,\u201D Onegin said dismissively, turning back to Kerry. \u201CKerry, get me a heads up on the region around Omelas. If there\u2019s any Covenant hard points, artillery batteries, ground camps, anything that they could be hitting the city from, you let me know.\u201D If it had been any other officer, O\u2019Neil might have pushed the issue further. But this was Onegin. Another officer would have worried about the consequences of an unauthorized Shiva strike, but the commander was focused entirely on protecting the city. The man\u2019s family was there, and woe to the Covenant who were between Onegin and his will to keep them safe. He keyed in the authorization codes to the weapons crew, ordering them to prime the Shivas for atmospheric launch. Onegin had settled back in his chair, eyes fixed on the sensor display. A slight smile played across his lips; O\u2019Neil could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he worked out exactly how he\u2019d use the Shivas to save Omelas. If they\u2019d been fighting rebels, O\u2019Neil might have been terrified by that look. Even in this day of massed space warfare, the ability to use weapons of mass destruction so easily against the enemy was one that one that only a deranged psychopath would be expected to possess. But this was the Covenant they were dealing with here. Whatever it took to exterminate them, O\u2019Neil would gladly follow through with. This is why the commander\u2019s going far, he told himself. We need men like him if we\u2019re going to win. \u201CSir, I\u2019ve got something,\u201D Kerry said. \u201CArmy aerial recon says almost all of the Covenant forces are flying in from a canyon just north of Omelas. Looks like they\u2019ve got ground emplacements covered in the rocks.\u201D \u201CLet me see.\u201D Onegin\u2019s eyes flashed over the data and his smile widened into a grin, one that O\u2019Neil couldn\u2019t help but share. It was time to go hunting again. \u201CThis is perfect,\u201D Onegin said. \u201CThe way the wind is, all the radiation will get blown back towards anything beyond their positions. We\u2019ll barbecue those freaks in their own little fort.\u201D He nodded to O\u2019Neil. \u201CLock in on that canyon. Kayneth, get us over there now.\u201D The prowler lurched as it changed course yet again. They were in the lower atmosphere now, a tiny speck of a ship armed with enough destructive power to wipe out more Covenant in an instant than an entire Army brigade could kill in a month. O\u2019Neil relished the poetic justice of it all. Let\u2019s see how they like getting fried from orbit. The commander leaned back in his chair and locked his fingers behind his head as if he were relaxing on a beach instead of directing a warship. \u201CThis is gonna be one for the books,\u201D he said, still grinning. \u201CI hope Simon can see the blast from the spaceport.\u201D \u201CSimon, sir?\u201D Kerry asked. \u201CMy little brother,\u201D Onegin explained. \u201CGuy\u2019s only nine, but if you think I\u2019m a clever son of a bitch wait until he grows up. He\u2019s going places, I know it.\u201D O\u2019Neil couldn\u2019t help himself. \u201CWell, then let\u2019s make sure he can, sir.\u201D Onegin nodded. \u201CThat\u2019s the plan. Kerry, send out a tight beam transmission to the Army. Tell them to be ready for the blast. Kayneth, get me a heading on that canyon and be on the lookout for any corvettes snooping around out there. Maybe we can light them up with another Shiva if they get too close.\u201D Before either officer could report back, Onegin\u2019s personal communications console started beeping frantically. O\u2019Neil recognized the sound at once: a high priority transmission from Onegin\u2019s bosses in ONI. Everyone froze, eyes turning towards the commander. If ONI was calling them in the middle of a battle like this, something big was up. The commander had never been the type to carry on private conversations in front of the bridge. He flicked the comm system on so that it was on the main speakers. \u201CThis is Onegin. We\u2019re in the middle of something, so would you mind keeping this short\u2014\u201C \u201CCommander,\u201D interrupted a terse voice from the other end. Static punctuated the transmission, but it was still perfectly audible. \u201CWe just received your last positioning transmission. You\u2019re in the vicinity of Omelas?\u201D \u201CYes, sir,\u201D Onegin said confidently. \u201CAnd I\u2019d be watching the show down here, because we\u2019re about to make some hinge-heads very unhappy.\u201D \u201CExcellent,\u201D the officer said. He sounded distracted, as if he were listening to someone else as well. \u201CAre your Shiva nukes armed?\u201D \u201CArmed and ready to fire,\u201D Onegin replied. \u201CWe\u2019ve got a whole canyon full of Covies that aren\u2019t going to be around much\u2014\u201C \u201CWhatever you\u2019re doing down there, forget it,\u201D the officer snapped. \u201CWe have a new directive for you. This is Priority Alpha, commander. I can\u2019t stress enough how critical this order is.\u201D Onegin frowned, leaning forward in his chair. \u201COkay, sir, I\u2019m listening. What\u2019s the problem?\u201D \u201CIt\u2019s Omelas, commander. Specifically Watkins University.\u201D \u201CThat shitty college?\u201D Onegin let out a little laugh. \u201CYeah, I remember that. A real crapshack. What\u2019s that got to do with anything?\u201D \u201CIt\u2019s their library, commander.\u201D The officer didn\u2019t even seem to be noticing the commander\u2019s flippancy. \u201CThe Covenant overran it five hours ago and wiped out the staff before they could wipe its digital files. There\u2019s an astro-navigational cache in there that hasn\u2019t been wiped. Do you understand what that means?\u201D Everyone on the bridge knew exactly what that meant. It was the reason they reviewed every article of the Cole Protocol, word for word, before every engagement. If the Covenant got their claws on that cache, they\u2019d have a map of every human planet they hadn\u2019t already glassed\u2014including Earth. O\u2019Neil\u2019s palms began to sweat at the very thought of it. He had family on Iskander, just a few systems away. If the Covenant found that out here, it would be the first one they creamed. Onegin nodded, all trace of cocky brevity gone. He knew the stakes just as much as the rest of them. \u201CAll right, I get the picture. Do you need us to do aerial recon, provide support for ground teams? How close should we get?\u201D The officer on the other end was quiet for several moments. When he finally spoke again, he sounded incredibly tired. \u201CIt\u2019s too late for that, commander. We\u2019re initiating emergency code Jabberwocky. You\u2019ve been briefed on it.\u201D O\u2019Neil had never heard of any code called \u201CJabberwocky\u201D before, but from the way Onegin stiffened he knew exactly what the officer was talking about. The commander let out a small laugh and shook his head. \u201CSir, it sounds like there\u2019s been a little misunderstanding here. The evacuation\u2019s still going on down there\u2014\u201C \u201CDo you think we don\u2019t know that, commander?\u201D the officer snarled with such ferocity that even Onegin looked taken aback. \u201CSir, there have to be ground teams that can wipe that cache,\u201D Onegin protested. \u201CWe don\u2019t have to initiate Jabberwocky.\u201D \u201CCommander, you aren\u2019t the only one with an understanding of the tactical situation,\u201D the officer said coldly. \u201CWe ordered the Army to retake the college four hours ago. When that didn\u2019t work, we had Army special forces assault the campus. The Covenant wiped them out before they even got close. An hour ago we deployed Spartan assets to Omelas. A Headhunter team. We confirmed them KIA ten minutes ago.\u201D Everyone on the bridge was hanging on the officer\u2019s every word. O\u2019Neil couldn\u2019t believe it. ONI had used Spartans and even they\u2019d been wiped out. What was going on here? \u201CSo you see,\u201D the officer continued. \u201CIf the Covenant didn\u2019t know they were sitting on a gold mine then, they do now. It\u2019s only a matter of time before they find that cache and transmit it back to their fleet.\u201D Onegin leaned back in his chair, his face ashen. It was the first time O\u2019Neil had ever seen the young commander look anything but confident and self-assured; the sudden look of desperation that filled his eyes now frightened O\u2019Neil beyond words. Silence hung on the bridge for nearly a full minute, interrupted only by the soft humming and beeping from the prowler\u2019s instruments. Finally, Onegin nodded. \u201CAlright. I understand. We\u2019ve got our point defense missiles primed and ready. I\u2019ll put us into a low level run and level the college with those.\u201D \u201CCommander, you know damn well those won\u2019t be enough to make sure the cache is wiped out. This is the reason Jabberwocky was created in the first place.\u201D \u201CThen I\u2019ll go in myself!\u201D Onegin yelled, jumping to his feet. \u201CWe have small arms onboard, and I\u2019m trained for ground contact! I\u2019ll take my whole crew in and wipe the cache, just give us\u2014\u201C \u201CCommander, if you don\u2019t shut up and follow this order I will relieve you and find someone who can!\u201D The officer\u2019s voice was like ice. \u201CYou\u2019re the only asset in the vicinity with Shiva capabilities. The rest of the fleet is tied up in orbit. Do you understand me?\u201D The wheels in the commander\u2019s head were spinning again. Every option was playing out in front of him even as he stood there on the bridge glaring down at the communicator. Looking at him now, O\u2019Neil felt a cold gulf opening between them, with him and the rest of the bridge crew on one side and Onegin on the other. In such a tight room he had never seen a man look so alone. Onegin brought one fist down on the console hard enough that a stream of blood ran down his knuckles and onto the controls. He glanced down at the crimson trickle, then back at the console. His mouth tightened, but his voice was shockingly calm as he spoke to the officer once more. \u201CUnderstood, sir. Our nukes are primed. Send me the library\u2019s exact coordinates and I\u2019ll initiate Jabberwocky.\u201D He clicked the communicator off, but remained standing. His fingers tightened and tapped against the console, as if he were kneading invisible dough. \u201CKerry,\u201D he said. The ferocity with which he\u2019d argued with the officer a moment ago was nowhere to be heard. Instead, his voice just sounded calm and dull. \u201CThey\u2019ll be transmitting you coordinates in a minute. I need you to transfer them to the weapons station. O\u2019Neil, have that Shiva locked in on them as soon as you receive them.\u201D And then O\u2019Neil understood exactly what Jabberwocky was. For a moment he was speechless, unable to register the horror of what they were about to do. He shook his head slowly, hoping to wake up from the nightmare they\u2019d suddenly plunged into. \u201COh no,\u201D he whispered through numb lips. \u201CSir, no\u2026\u201D Onegin ignored him. \u201CKayneth, maneuver us towards the city. Maintain stealth protocols but get us as close as you can.\u201D Maybe Kayneth still didn\u2019t understand or maybe he was just a better soldier than O\u2019Neil was. The ship jerked again as it veered around, bringing them away from the Covenant lines and towards the embattled city. O\u2019Neil felt ever jolt and bump from the engines like fists being punched into his gut. There was no way they were heading there, no way they were going to do what they were about to do. A stream of coordinates flashed up on his console, but O\u2019Neil ignored them. \u201CSir, we can\u2019t do this. You were right, there has to be another way. We can land, just like you said. We\u2019ll fight off the Covenant and\u2014\u201C \u201CEnter those coordinates, O\u2019Neil,\u201D Onegin ordered. He stood alone at his command chair, hands clasped behind his back. He was aloof and detached from them all now, just like they\u2019d always expected from an ONI officer. \u201CThat\u2019s an order.\u201D A small proximity alarm chimed somewhere off to the side\u2014they were in range. O\u2019Neil looked desperately around at the rest of the bridge crew, but they were suddenly busy with their own stations. No one was going to back him up. He was the only one who wouldn\u2019t go through with it. \u201CWe are at minimum safe distance now,\u201D Kayneth said quietly. \u201CHolding position.\u201D \u201CEnter the coordinates,\u201D Onegin said again. \u201CSir, please,\u201D O\u2019Neil said. He was having trouble breathing now. \u201CSir, your family\u2019s down there.\u201D In an instant the commander flashed across the deck, crossing over to the weapons station in two strides. He grabbed O\u2019Neil\u2019s shoulder and hauled him away from the station. O\u2019Neil looked up from the floor, stunned. He had never expected such a wiry man, seven years his junior, to be so strong. \u201COh, sir,\u201D he said. There was nothing else to say. The commander bent over and entered the coordinates. His fingers flashed across the controls, priming the Shiva and locking it in on its course. Now that he was closer, O\u2019Neil could see how utterly devoid of life his eyes were. They were icy grey pools cold steel, nothing like the casual, easily amused commander he had known before. The console beeped: it had a lock. \u201CSir\u2026\u201D O\u2019Neil pleaded one last time. \u201CTen billion people,\u201D the commander whispered. His arms shook. \u201CAgainst five million. Against my mother and father. My little brother.\u201D \u201CSir, don\u2019t\u2026\u201D The commander looked straight ahead and pushed the button. \n* \n* The Shiva dropped from the Prowler\u2019s launch bay. A trail of fire burned from its tail as it shot forward, hurtling down towards the city below. It flashed across the miles between them, hurtling towards its programmed target. In Omelas, the Army troopers and the Covenant warriors did not look up from their battle to see the warhead plunge over their heads. The civilians crowded in the docks did not see it as they waited to be taken away from the aliens who cried for their blood, nor did the pilots who struggled desperately to save them. A single transport, its pilot tired of delays and empty promises for cover, shot off away from its landing pad and up into the atmosphere. The missile ignored the fleeing craft, ignored everything except the target it had been given. It was suspended in air for a second longer, and then it reached the college and the timed fuse within its casing did the rest of its deadly work. White fire consumed the cache, the college, and the city of Omelas in an instant. It made no distinction between human and alien, soldier or civilian. Everything was wiped clean, a perfect result from a perfect hit. Omalas was gone, a sacrifice offered up to ensure the survival of the human race. And in the fleeing transport, rocked by the shockwave from the blast, a young boy stared down at the brilliant light, amazed by the sudden flare and unable to comprehend the hole that his brother had just blasted in his life. A few moments after it had appeared the light faded, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake. \n* \n* The Prowler shuddered as the blast washed over it, but Kayneth had already taken them out of range of the worst of the shock wave. Their shields held; the ship\u2019s stealth systems weren\u2019t even affected by the radiation. O\u2019Neil looked up at the commander. There was nothing left to say. Onegin\u2019s hand dropped away from the console and he stepped away, shuffling back to the command chair. He turned to look at the viewscreens, still broadcasting the data from the Shiva strike. A contented smile played across his lips and he nodded. His eyes gazed past the screens and locked on something far away, further than the ship, something that only he could see. \u201CDid you see that, Simon?\u201D he asked. It took O\u2019Neil a moment to realize that Onegin was talking to his brother, the one he\u2019d just vaporized along with his parents and every other soul in Omelas. \u201CI did it,\u201D the commander continued, as if he were the only person on the bridge. \u201CI didn\u2019t screw things up.\u201D With a start, the commander fell to his knees, arms dangling by his side like a puppet with its strings cut. \u201CI saved so many people,\u201D Onegin said, his face splitting into a wide-eyed grin. \u201CI saved everyone. If the Covenant had found that cache, there\u2019s no telling how many people could have died. Your sacrifice\u2026\u201D His voice broke and he hunched over, kneeling before the evidence of his atrocity like a worshiper at prayer. \u201CYour sacrifice prevented that. So Simon, Mom, Dad, I\u2026 I\u2026\u201D And then he threw his head back and let out a shriek of pure animal anguish that reverberated around the bridge. The other officers looked away, as if they were witnessing something obscene, but O\u2019Neil could only watch as the commander dropped down to the deck, his body wracked with sobs. \u201CShut up! Just shut up!\u201D Onegin screamed at himself, tears running down his face. \u201CShut up! You bastard!\u201D He screamed again, another howl that petered out into a chorus of weak sobs as he shuddered against the cold metal of the deck. O\u2019Neil lay against his console, unable to tear his eyes away from the hunched, demolished figure that had been his commander. This was the end of his career, he was sure of that. He hadn\u2019t carried out orders; he had forced his commander to come over and push the button himself. He\u2019d be demoted if he was lucky, maybe even court martialed and discharged for dereliction of duty. But he couldn\u2019t think about that now, or think about all the people who wouldn\u2019t die because the Covenant didn\u2019t have that cache. All he could see was the Shiva blast as it wiped out Omelas and everything in it. If that was the price of salvation\u2026 He looked at the commander, then at the images of Omelas\u2019s destruction, and back again."@en . . . . "30"^^ . "Sacrifice.gif"@en . . "16"^^ . . . . . "Applique l'\u00E9tat Sacrifice niveau 100, dure 12 tours"@fr . . . . . . . . "2017-06-07"^^ . . "50"^^ . "Sacrifice is the courage to give of oneself in the name of love."@en . . "Redemption"@en . "pink"@en . . "Sacrifice"@ru . . "Sacrifice"@fr . "\u0416\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0432\u0430"@en . . "2005-08-14"^^ . "B\u1EAFt b\u00F3ng"@vi . "The Bird and the Beast - World Event 2"@en . . "60"^^ . "2015-01-08"^^ . . . "Sacrifice"@fr . . . "Support"@en . "Black"@en . "*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n**Chefe de Estado\n*Conde\n*Profetisa da For\u00E7a\n**Profetisa\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica \n**For\u00E7as armadas da Rep\u00FAblica \n***Grande Ex\u00E9rcito da Rep\u00FAblica \n****501\u00AA Legi\u00E3o \n****Clone trooper \n*****Clone Captain \n*Jedi\n**Ordem Jedi\n***Alto Conselho Jedi \n****Gr\u00E3o Mestre\n***Cavaleiro Jedi \n***Mestre Jedi\n***Mestre da Ordem\n*Sith\n**Lorde Negro dos Sith\n**Darth\n**Aprendiz Sith\n**Lorde Sith\n**Mestre Sith\n*Guerreiro Sith \n*Skywalker"@pt . . "Please, somebody help!!!"@en . . "50.0"^^ . . . "40"^^ . "Civile"@it . "Lanys T'Vyl, the Child of Hate, led the forces of Neriak against Highpass where she was defeated by forces led by Firiona Vie in the year 3091."@en . "24"^^ . . . "M"@it . "*Snake\n**Moraband serpent \n*Zombie"@en . "2010"^^ . "Fresh Wildfire"@en . "\"Sacrifice\" is the theme to the credits sequence of \"Breach\" during Volume 2 of RWBY."@en . "0"^^ . "Sacrifice"@de . . "40"^^ . "fast. And I can't stop now!"@en . "Health"@en . . "The Sixth School"@en . . . "No"@en . "Drains 52.2633 + 100% of focus damage from the user's Hit Points, transferring 150% back to the target's Hit Points."@en . . "Christian Taylor"@en . . "Curtis Armstrong"@en . "Icon yellow headstone.jpg"@en . . "est le chapitre 480 du manga Naruto.Sacrifice"@fr .