"2012-08-06"^^ . . "DRAGON_Flag.png"@en . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki"@es . "Kingdom Hearts Fannon Wiki"@es . "210px|right Kingdom Hearts (jap. \u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) ist eine Reihe von (Action-)Rollenspielen, die in Kooperation von Square Enix mit Disney Interactive Studios entstand. Die Hauptserie begann 2002 mit dem Erscheinen von Kingdom Hearts f\u00FCr die PlayStation 2. Das Franchise erwies sich als sehr erfolgreich und dehnt sich mittlerweile auf zahlreiche Systeme aus, wobei eine einigerma\u00DFen kontinuierliche Handlung bzw. Spielwelt geschaffen wurde."@de . "actif"@fr . . "Kingdom Hearts is a video game series produced by Square Enix as a collaboration with Disney. The games feature many characters from the Disney franchise and characters from Lilo & Stitch have appeared throughout the series."@en . . "78.7"^^ . "Kingdom Hearts (\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) \u00E8 una serie di videogiochi prodotta da Square Enix. Di tipo Action RPG, la serie ha fatto il suo debutto nel mondo dei videogiochi nel 2002, lanciando sul mercato il suo primo capitolo per Playstation 2. Kingdom Hearts \u00E8 una serie tutt'ora in svolgimento ed \u00E8 nota la sua particolarit\u00E0 di aver mescolato i personaggi di Final Fantasy con l'universo Disney."@it . "Una wiki molto sviluppata riguardo il mondo di Kingdom Hearts. Conta pi\u00F9 di novecento pagine e in essa sono presenti molti articoli informativi e dettagliati sulla saga di Tetsuya Nomura. Il sito andava a rilento ma grazie al grosso contributo di cinque utenti, nella wiki sono state create centinaia di pagine in meno di un anno e tra un po' si raggiunger\u00E0 quota mille pagine. Attualmente un utente ne sta realizzando nuove, se volete venire ad aiutarlo sarete i benvenuti!"@it . . "2009-06-07"^^ . . "2009-02-02"^^ . . . "70.6"^^ . "s\u00EC"@en . . "Dryrom"@ca . "Kingdom Hearts is an anime based on the original game series with the same name. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios, and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix character designer. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover of various Disney settings based in a universe made specifically for the series. The series features an all-star voice cast, which includes many of the Disney characters' official voice actors and well-known actors such as Haley Joel Osment, David Gallagher, and Hayden Panettiere. Characters from Square Enix's Final Fantasy series make appearances and interact with the player and the Disney characters. The series centers on the main character Sora's search for his dick and his friends and his encounters with Disney and F"@en . . "28"^^ . "3053.66"^^ . . "17"^^ . . "22"^^ . "N'h\u00E9sitez \u00E0 visiter le Wiki Kingdom Hearts, base de donn\u00E9es en ligne sur la saga. Chacun peut modifier les articles pour y apporter plus de pr\u00E9cision, et ainsi permettre au wikia de toujours avoir des articles de la meilleure qualit\u00E9 possible. Si vous avez un doute, n'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 consulter notre Manuel de Style pour savoir comment mettre en page un article :) La s\u00E9rie Kingdom Hearts est un savant crossover entre les univers de Disney et Square Enix, mais ayant \u00E9galement sa mythologie propre. On raconte que le projet serait n\u00E9 dans un ascenseur, alors que deux employ\u00E9s des soci\u00E9t\u00E9s discutaient. Que ce soit vrai ou non, la s\u00E9rie Kingdom Hearts fut lanc\u00E9e au Japon le 28 mars 2002 avec le jeu \u00E9ponyme, et compte depuis 22 jeux, sortis ou en d\u00E9veloppement. A la t\u00EAte de ces projets, on ne trouve ni plus ni moins que Tetsuya Nomura, character designer le plus connu au monde, \u00E0 qui nous devons entre autres Cloud (FFVII), Ultimecia (FFVIII), ou encore Yuna (FFX et FFX-2). En esp\u00E9rant que, gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 vous, le wikia Kingdom Hearts soit connu de tous ! :D"@fr . . "Kingdom Hearts is the twenty-eighth Honest Game Trailer."@en . "RPG"@de . . "kingdomhearts"@es . "15"^^ . . . . "es.kingdomheartsfannon"@es . "RPG"@de . . "*"@en . "Kingdom Hearts \u00E8 un titolo della poco nota Square-Enix. Il suo creatore \u00E8 Nomura che dopo Final Fantasy cercava un nuovo gioco con cui inquinare la mente degli appassionati di videogiochi. Allora la sua mente perversa cominci\u00F2 a elaborare il tutto. Da tempo quelli della Square-Enix si chiedevano che effetto avrebbe fatto affiancare Sephiroth a Pluto e Winnie the Pooh. Cos\u00EC crearono questo videogame ma, essendo consapevoli che non avrebbero potuto copiare unicamente dalla Disney, decisero di utilizzare anche dei personaggi tratti dalla serie di Final Fantasy accostandoli ai personaggi dei cartoni della Disney; dando cos\u00EC prova di grande fantasia e originalit\u00E0."@it . . "s\u00EC"@it . . . . "KH1.jpg"@es . "La acci\u00F3n gira en torno a Sora un ni\u00F1o de 14 a\u00F1os que vive en las Islas del Destino junto a sus amigos, Kairi, Riku, Selphie, Tidus y Wakka Sora, Kairi y Riku, desean salir de su hogar, que desde su punto de vista es una prisi\u00F3n para sus sue\u00F1os de conocimiento y grandeza, construyendo as\u00ED una balsa. Pero la noche antes del viaje, una tormenta oscurece toda la isla y aparecen unas criaturas llamadas Sincoraz\u00F3n. Los tres amigos se separan. Cuando Sora encuentra a Riku, \u00E9ste le da la mano, pero desaparece en la oscuridad."@es . "Una wiki molto sviluppata riguardo il mondo di Kingdom Hearts. Conta pi\u00F9 di novecento pagine e in essa sono presenti molti articoli informativi e dettagliati sulla saga di Tetsuya Nomura. Il sito andava a rilento ma grazie al grosso contributo di cinque utenti, nella wiki sono state create centinaia di pagine in meno di un anno e tra un po' si raggiunger\u00E0 quota mille pagine. Attualmente un utente ne sta realizzando nuove, se volete venire ad aiutarlo sarete i benvenuti!"@it . . "Das Kingdom Hearts Wiki hat eine umfassende Auflistung aller Spiele der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe."@de . . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki \u00E9s el wiki en catal\u00E0 dels videojocs de Kingdom Hearts."@ca . . . "pages/Wiki-Kingdom-Hearts-Francophone/313409588773112"@fr . "N'h\u00E9sitez \u00E0 visiter le Wiki Kingdom Hearts, base de donn\u00E9es en ligne sur la saga. Chacun peut modifier les articles pour y apporter plus de pr\u00E9cision, et ainsi permettre au wikia de toujours avoir des articles de la meilleure qualit\u00E9 possible. Si vous avez un doute, n'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 consulter notre Manuel de Style pour savoir comment mettre en page un article :) A la t\u00EAte de ces projets, on ne trouve ni plus ni moins que Tetsuya Nomura, character designer le plus connu au monde, \u00E0 qui nous devons entre autres Cloud (FFVII), Ultimecia (FFVIII), ou encore Yuna (FFX et FFX-2)."@fr . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Sony Computer Entertainment"@de . . . . . . ""@es . . . . . . "kingdomheartsfannon"@es . . . "2050"^^ . . "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix"@en . . . . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki"@es . "Kingdom Hearts"@fr . . "\"For Love and Justice\""@en . . "Activa"@es . . "By the Episode, A Cosmos Despair, Tripod Zarak Can Use its Own Mechanical Pillars to Launch to Tokyo, Japan and Bringing The Kingdom Hearts into Our Sky."@en . . . . "(Note: People can use Nintendo DS Lite, Download Kingdom Hearts games and plain old Gameboy Advance Cartridges to make a Gameboy Advance game versions of Kingdom Hearts games as well as Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) \n* Kingdom Hearts (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts II (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (Gameboy Advance)"@en . . . . . . "Keinen"@de . . "Kingdom Hearts"@en . . "Kingdom Hearts is a Japanese RPG video game series that presents a marriage between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios. Boasting an in-depth plot akin to those of various Final Fantasy titles, Kingdom Hearts follows Sora and his fellow Keyblade Wielders through worlds both original and those featured in various Disney cinematic titles such as Beauty in the Beast, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Carribian, Tron, and more."@en . . . "210px|right Kingdom Hearts (jap. \u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) ist eine Reihe von (Action-)Rollenspielen, die in Kooperation von Square Enix mit Disney Interactive Studios entstand. Die Hauptserie begann 2002 mit dem Erscheinen von Kingdom Hearts f\u00FCr die PlayStation 2. Das Franchise erwies sich als sehr erfolgreich und dehnt sich mittlerweile auf zahlreiche Systeme aus, wobei eine einigerma\u00DFen kontinuierliche Handlung bzw. Spielwelt geschaffen wurde."@de . "Einzelspieler"@de . . . . "76.74"^^ . "Kingdom Hearts II"@de . "111095"^^ . . "1553"^^ . . "Kingdom Hearts est une s\u00E9rie de jeux vid\u00E9os am\u00E9ricano-japonaise mettant en sc\u00E8ne divers personnages de l'univers Disney."@fr . . "66"^^ . "68"^^ . . "Kingdom Hearts"@ca . . "PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance, Mobile phone, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, Web browser, PlayStation 4, Xbox One"@en . "Down Right Awesome Group Of Nations"@en . "Kingdom Hearts is the twenty-eighth Honest Game Trailer."@en . "Un jugador"@es . "75"^^ . . . "76"^^ . . . . . . "it.kingdomhearts"@it . "82"^^ . . "85"^^ . . "86.4"^^ . . "87"^^ . "20000"^^ . "Kingdom Hearts, adem\u00E1s de ser una saga de videojuegos, tiene su adaptaci\u00F3n al manga. Fue publicado en Octubre de 2003 hasta Enero de 2005 con 4 vol\u00FAmenes. Sus autores fueron: Shiro Amano (Arte), Tetsuya Nomura (Historia)."@es . . . "List of Bosses"@en . . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios featuring characters from both Square Enix and Disney. It was released in Japan March 28, 2002 and in North America September 17, 2002 on Playstation 2."@en . "Purple"@en . "Ragwing"@en . . . . "Der Junge Sora lebt mit seinen Freunden, dem M\u00E4dchen Kairi und dem \u00E4lteren Freund Riku auf einer kleinen Insel, die eines Nachts von schattenhaften Wesen zerst\u00F6rt wird. Sora findet sich in einer fremden Welt wieder, getrennt von seinen Freunden und mit einem schl\u00FCsself\u00F6rmigen Schwert ausgestattet. Dort trifft er auf den Hofmagier Donald und den Hauptmann Goofy, die von ihrem verschwundenen K\u00F6nig beauftragt sind, Sora als den Tr\u00E4ger des Schl\u00FCsselschwerts zu finden und ihn zu begleiten. Gemeinsam macht sich das Trio auf die Suche nach Soras Freunden und K\u00F6nig Micky. Sp\u00E4ter haben die Helden erfahren, dass Micky hinter Ansem und seinen Berichten her ist, und das Ansem die Macht der Dunkelheit begehrt."@de . "Felixking"@de . "28"^^ . . "JuegoelMarko has released a video detailing his upcoming Kingdom Hearts projects. He will make the videos on the entire series as of the end of September. It is unknown if this content will be on the group channel or his personal one."@en . "Kingdom Hearts (\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) \u00E8 una serie di videogiochi prodotta da Square Enix. Di tipo Action RPG, la serie ha fatto il suo debutto nel mondo dei videogiochi nel 2002, lanciando sul mercato il suo primo capitolo per Playstation 2. Kingdom Hearts \u00E8 una serie tutt'ora in svolgimento ed \u00E8 nota la sua particolarit\u00E0 di aver mescolato i personaggi di Final Fantasy con l'universo Disney."@it . "Anarchy"@en . "no"@it . . "This is the first game of the Kingdom Hearts Series. This introduces the game's mechanics (or most of them)of Kingdom Hearts II.This game also introduces the main protagonist of the series-Sora along with Donald Duck and Goofy Goof. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "RPG"@de . "Kingdom Hearts"@it . "27"^^ . . . "ca.kingdomhearts"@ca . . "70.18"^^ . . "Kingdom Hearts es un juego de rol (RPG) para la plataforma PlayStation2 desarrollado por Squaresoft en 2002."@es . . "Kingdom Hearts \u00E8 un titolo della poco nota Square-Enix. Il suo creatore \u00E8 Nomura che dopo Final Fantasy cercava un nuovo gioco con cui inquinare la mente degli appassionati di videogiochi. Allora la sua mente perversa cominci\u00F2 a elaborare il tutto."@it . . "Sum2k3"@de . . "79338.8"^^ . "Square EA, Disney Interactive"@es . "PS2"@de . "Voodoo"@en . "82.13"^^ . . . "Kingdom Hearts"@ca . . "es.kingdomhearts"@es . . . . "28"^^ . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki"@de . . . . "\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0\u30CF\u30FC\u30C4"@es . "Kingdom Hearts"@en . . . "By the Episode, A Cosmos Despair, Tripod Zarak Can Use its Own Mechanical Pillars to Launch to Tokyo, Japan and Bringing The Kingdom Hearts into Our Sky."@en . . "Italia Wiki"@it . "Kingdom Hearts(\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) is a series of crossover action role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix (originally by Square). It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios, and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix character designer. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover of various Disney settings based in a universe made specifically for the series. The series centers on the main character Sora and his search for his friends and encounters with Disney, Final Fantasy, and The World Ends With You characters on their worlds."@en . . . . . . . "(Note: People can use Nintendo DS Lite, Download Kingdom Hearts games and plain old Gameboy Advance Cartridges to make a Gameboy Advance game versions of Kingdom Hearts games as well as Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) \n* Kingdom Hearts (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts II (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Gameboy Advance) \n* Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (Gameboy Advance)"@en . . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts es un juego de rol (RPG) para la plataforma PlayStation2 desarrollado por Squaresoft en 2002."@es . "Tout commen\u00E7a le jour ou deux responsables d\u00E9cid\u00E8rent de prendre l'ascenseur agr\u00E9ablement, une tasse de caf\u00E9 et un croissant au bec. Quand soudain, l'un des deux se mit a parler d'un gosse chaussant du 78, qui aurait pour trip de trainer avec un chien et un canard... Ceci marqua le d\u00E9but d'une s\u00E9rie de jeux qui allait se vendre comme des petits pains (ou des croissant \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 le concept) et ils trouv\u00E8rent un arrangement pour se renvoyer mutuellement l'ascenseur(deuxi\u00E8me jeu de mot foireux), c'est ainsi que vient au monde kingdom hearts, traduit litt\u00E9ralement comme \"le royaume des c\u0153urs\""@fr . . "Kingdom Hearts"@es . "91095"^^ . . "Kingdom Hearts, adem\u00E1s de ser una saga de videojuegos, tiene su adaptaci\u00F3n al manga. Fue publicado en Octubre de 2003 hasta Enero de 2005 con 4 vol\u00FAmenes. Sus autores fueron: Shiro Amano (Arte), Tetsuya Nomura (Historia)."@es . "Kingdom Hearts is a RPG series created by Square that is set in the wonderful world of Disney. The first game was such a huge success that it's given credit for single-handedly changing the GameFAQs demographic in 2003, as \"Kingdom Hearts Factor\" is still the number one explanation given for Square's dominance that season, specifically how Cloud was able to defeat Link. The late '05 release of Kingdom Hearts 2 had a smaller but still important effect on the site, as the \"KH2 Factor\" turned everything KH-related into absolute day vote beasts throughout 2006. Kingdom Hearts didn't do much in the '04 Game Contest, bowing out in disappointing fashion to StarCraft after (confusingly) nearly losing to Soul Calibur in Round One. However, the series had a better run in the '06 Series Contest, pulling off a solid comeback to defeat Castlevania before making a pretty strong exit in looking okish against Metal Gear Solid. But Kingdom Heart's biggest Contest impact has been as the undisputed (well, at least aside from Halo) king of the After-School Vote. No matter how badly KH or one of its characters are losing during the overnight or morning hours of a poll, they will always mount a huge comeback once all of the grade/mid/high-schoolers return to their homes and can get online. In this way, KH has been the only real example of the so-called \"kiddie vote\" that the site has ever seen."@en . "thumb|210px|Logo de Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts (\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0\u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu?) es un videojuego de rol de acci\u00F3n desarrollado y publicado por Squaresoft (actual Square Enix) en el 2002 para la consola PlayStation 2. Kingdom Hearts es el resultado de una colaboraci\u00F3n entre Square y The Walt Disney Company. El juego combina personajes y escenarios de los dibujos animados de Disney con los de la saga Final Fantasy, desarrollada por Square. La historia se centra en un joven llamado Sora, quien se adentra en una \u00E9pica batalla en contra de la oscuridad. A \u00E9l se le unen el Pato Donald y Goofy, personajes cl\u00E1sicos de Disney, quienes lo ayudan en su aventura."@es . . . . . . . "Gaming"@fr . "La acci\u00F3n gira en torno a Sora un ni\u00F1o de 14 a\u00F1os que vive en las Islas del Destino junto a sus amigos, Kairi, Riku, Selphie, Tidus y Wakka Sora, Kairi y Riku, desean salir de su hogar, que desde su punto de vista es una prisi\u00F3n para sus sue\u00F1os de conocimiento y grandeza, construyendo as\u00ED una balsa. Pero la noche antes del viaje, una tormenta oscurece toda la isla y aparecen unas criaturas llamadas Sincoraz\u00F3n. Los tres amigos se separan. Cuando Sora encuentra a Riku, \u00E9ste le da la mano, pero desaparece en la oscuridad. Un monstruo gigante aparece entonces, y Sora utiliza para luchar una espada que aparece repentinamente en su mano, la Llave Espada, con la cual combatir\u00EDa a todos los Sincoraz\u00F3n y abrir\u00EDa la puerta hacia la luz. La Lave Espada es el arma principal, a quien la posea se le llama portador de la llave, sus portadores son Sora, el rey Mickey y por un tiempo Riku, la llave sirve para cerrar las cerraduras de los mundos para que no entren m\u00E1s Heartless y para atacar y destruir a los Heartless, seres creados a partir de la oscuridad del coraz\u00F3n. Su mundo es entonces engullido por la oscuridad, y Sora despierta en Traverse Town, un mundo en el que se encuentra con Aerith, Squall Leonhart, que prefiere ser llamado Le\u00F3n y Yuffie. M\u00E1s tarde se encuentra con el Pato Donald y Goofy, los cuales fueron encargados de buscar al due\u00F1o de la keyblade para despu\u00E9s reunirse con su rey, Mickey Mouse. Y as\u00ED empieza una aventura inolvidable a trav\u00E9s de mundos basados en pel\u00EDculas de Disney y otros de la serie de videojuegos Final Fantasy. A lo largo de su viaje, Sora ir\u00E1 sellando las cerraduras al coraz\u00F3n de los mundos, evitando as\u00ED la destrucci\u00F3n de \u00E9stos. A su vez, Riku, creyendo que Sora no se preocupa por el destino de su amiga Kairi, se aliar\u00E1 con Mal\u00E9fica, la cual lidera una organizaci\u00F3n de villanos Disney. El fin de esta organizaci\u00F3n es capturar a siete doncellas con un coraz\u00F3n puro, las Princesas del Coraz\u00F3n, para abrir la puerta alReino de los Corazones o Kingdom Hearts, fuente de poder y sabidur\u00EDa. Finalmente, Sora y los dem\u00E1s consiguen llegar a Hollow Bastion, cuartel general de los malos, en el cual, Sora se enfrenta a Riku, y \u00E9ste le revela que tambi\u00E9n es un portador de la keyblade, arrebat\u00E1ndole a Sora la suya para adue\u00F1arse de ella y demostrarle quien es el verdadero \"elegido\". Sora consigue recuperar la keyblade al demostrar que su coraz\u00F3n es mucho m\u00E1s fuerte que el de Riku, el cual, derrotado, acepta la oferta de un misterioso encapuchado, el cual le ofrece un gran poder para derrotar a Sora . Riku aparece de nuevo ante Sora y sus amigos, con una keyblade que abre los corazones, la usa contra Mal\u00E9fica, que por fin obtiene el verdadero poder de la oscuridad y se transforma as\u00ED en un terrible drag\u00F3n. Sora se enfrenta de nuevo a Riku, solo que esta vez no es verdaderamente \u00E9l; sino Ansem, el cient\u00EDfico que investig\u00F3 sobre los Heartless (lo cual reflej\u00F3 en unos \"Informes de Ansem\", ocupando el cuerpo de Riku. Ansem desea ser parte de lo que \u00E9l cree la primera fase de la existencia, la oscuridad de la que \u00E9l cree que est\u00E1 formado el Reino de los Corazones. Kairi resulta ser una de las Princesas de Coraz\u00F3n Puro, y su coraz\u00F3n est\u00E1 unido al de Sora aunque est\u00E9n separados, porque el coraz\u00F3n de Kairi siempre le perteneci\u00F3 a Sora. Sora, Donald y Goofy derrotan a Ansem en forma de Riku del que obtuvo anteriormente el cuerpo. Para liberar el coraz\u00F3n de Kairi, Sora se clava a s\u00ED mismo la keyblade de Riku, perdiendo su coraz\u00F3n (que es el de Kairi) , pero restaurando as\u00ED a Kairi y liberando a las otras Princesas del Coraz\u00F3n. De esta forma, el camino al Reino de los Corazones fue abierto. Ahora Sora, al no tener coraz\u00F3n se transforma en un Heartless, que intenta proteger a Kairi, y \u00E9sta, reconociendo a su amigo, lo devuelve de la infinita oscuridad y vuelve a ser Sora (en Kingdom Hearts II sabremos que es aqu\u00ED donde se crea el incorp\u00F3reo de Sora, Roxas). Estos huyen de Hollow Bastion debido a la cantidad de Heartless que surgen de \u00E9ste. Vuelven m\u00E1s tarde para sellar la cerradura y viajar a The End Of The World, donde est\u00E1 el Reino de los Corazones y tiene lugar la batalla final contra Ansem. Cuando la luz de la que est\u00E1 hecha el Reino de los Corazones derrota a Ansem, la puerta amenaza con soltar a millones y millones de Heartless en el universo. Sora, Donald y Goofy intentan cerrar la puerta, pero su fuerza no es suficiente. Riku, que ha recuperado su cuerpo, les ayuda a cerrarla por el otro lado, pero \u00E9l y el Rey Mickey se quedan dentro. Mickey y Sora combinan sus keyblades para cerrar la puerta del Reino de los Corazones. Antes de cerrarse la puerta, Riku le pide a Sora que cuide de Kairi. El reencuentro de Kairi y Sora es muy corto, ya que son separados por la reconstrucci\u00F3n de las Islas del Destino. Sora le promete a Kairi que regresar\u00E1 con ella y se marcha con Donald y Goofy a buscar a Riku y al rey Mickey y llegar\u00E1n al Castle Oblivion, donde la historia contin\u00FAa en el videojuego Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories."@es . "Shinji Hashimoto"@en . . "Europa31.12.2002"@de . . . "Kingdom Hearts"@de . "Italia Wiki"@en . "Kingdom Hearts(\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0 \u30CF\u30FC\u30C4Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) is a series of crossover action role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix (originally by Square). It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios, and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix character designer. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover of various Disney settings based in a universe made specifically for the series. The series centers on the main character Sora and his search for his friends and encounters with Disney, Final Fantasy, and The World Ends With You characters on their worlds. The series consists of seven games across multiple video game consoles, and future titles are planned. Most of the games in the series have been both critically acclaimed and commercially successful, though each title has seen varying levels of success. As of October 2013, the Kingdom Hearts series has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. A wide variety of related merchandise has been released along with the games, including soundtracks, figurines, companion books, novels, and manga series."@en . "Playsonic2"@es . "Tout commen\u00E7a le jour ou deux responsables d\u00E9cid\u00E8rent de prendre l'ascenseur agr\u00E9ablement, une tasse de caf\u00E9 et un croissant au bec. Quand soudain, l'un des deux se mit a parler d'un gosse chaussant du 78, qui aurait pour trip de trainer avec un chien et un canard... Ceci marqua le d\u00E9but d'une s\u00E9rie de jeux qui allait se vendre comme des petits pains (ou des croissant \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 le concept) et ils trouv\u00E8rent un arrangement pour se renvoyer mutuellement l'ascenseur(deuxi\u00E8me jeu de mot foireux), c'est ainsi que vient au monde kingdom hearts, traduit litt\u00E9ralement comme \"le royaume des c\u0153urs\""@fr . . "Kingdom Hearts is a video game series produced by Square Enix as a collaboration with Disney. The games feature many characters from the Disney franchise and characters from Lilo & Stitch have appeared throughout the series."@en . . "The logo of Kingdom Hearts, the first game in the series. Subsequent titles use a similar logo."@en . "Der Junge Sora lebt mit seinen Freunden, dem M\u00E4dchen Kairi und dem \u00E4lteren Freund Riku auf einer kleinen Insel, die eines Nachts von schattenhaften Wesen zerst\u00F6rt wird. Sora findet sich in einer fremden Welt wieder, getrennt von seinen Freunden und mit einem schl\u00FCsself\u00F6rmigen Schwert ausgestattet. Dort trifft er auf den Hofmagier Donald und den Hauptmann Goofy, die von ihrem verschwundenen K\u00F6nig beauftragt sind, Sora als den Tr\u00E4ger des Schl\u00FCsselschwerts zu finden und ihn zu begleiten. Gemeinsam macht sich das Trio auf die Suche nach Soras Freunden und K\u00F6nig Micky. Sp\u00E4ter haben die Helden erfahren, dass Micky hinter Ansem und seinen Berichten her ist, und das Ansem die Macht der Dunkelheit begehrt."@de . . "2011-08-06"^^ . "no"@en . "Kingdom Hearts is a Japanese RPG video game series that presents a marriage between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios. Boasting an in-depth plot akin to those of various Final Fantasy titles, Kingdom Hearts follows Sora and his fellow Keyblade Wielders through worlds both original and those featured in various Disney cinematic titles such as Beauty in the Beast, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Carribian, Tron, and more. The series begins with Sora, the protagonist, as a happy-go-lucky resident of the tranquil Destiny Islands. He and his friends Riku and Kairi dream of escaping their solitary lives and experiencing foreign worlds. Before they can cast off, the Heartless, shadowy creatures who hunger for the hearts of people and worlds alike, plunge their island into darkness. Sora manages to escape to another world and there discovers that he can use the Keyblade, a powerful weapon capable of vanquishing Heartless. He is soon after recruited by Donald and Goofy, King Mickey's right hands, in the effort to fight the Darkness that threatens to overtake the entire Realm of Light. To save the cosmos, restore his world, and reunite with his friends, Sora embarks on a journey that's taking a really long time to conclude. The series spans 8 games so far, with 3 collections of the series containing the previous games but remaked in HD (i.e KH I.5, II.5, and II.8), and the current arc will conclude with a 9th arriving (hopefully) sometime around next year. These games are, in order of the plot's chronology: chi, Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts, 358/2 Days, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, coded, Dream Drop Distance, and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III."@en . . . "Kingdom Hearts"@es . . . "Kingdom Hearts Fannon Wiki"@es . . . . "Kingdom Hearts may refer to the following pages: \n* Kingdom Hearts-is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 video game console. The first game in the Kingdom Hearts series. \n* Kingdom Hearts-Kingdom Hearts is a series of role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix (primaly Square Co.) with the collaborating of Disney Interactive Studios. The whole flagship is under direction of Tetsuya Nomura."@en . . . "In the Kingdom Hearts series, the Hundred Acre Woods is featured as a peaceful place free of battles (other than with occasional bees), in which the player plays minigames, both to unlock special treasures and to advance the plot."@en . . "Tetsuya Nomura"@en . . "6"^^ . "Euro"@en . . . . . . "KingdomHearts Cover.jpg"@de . "Das Kingdom Hearts Wiki hat eine umfassende Auflistung aller Spiele der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe."@de . . "Una wiki molto sviluppata riguardo il mondo di Kingdom Hearts. Conta pi\u00F9 di novecento pagine e in essa sono presenti molti articoli informativi e dettagliati sulla saga di Tetsuya Nomura. Il sito andava a rilento ma grazie al grosso contributo di cinque utenti, nella wiki sono state create centinaia di pagine in meno di un anno e tra un po' si raggiunger\u00E0 quota mille pagine. Attualmente un utente ne sta realizzando nuove, se volete venire ad aiutarlo sarete i benvenuti!"@en . "KHWikiFr"@fr . "8999.99"^^ . . "List of Bosses"@en . . "The Kingdom Hearts series is a canon crossover video game created by Square Enix. It combines elements of the Final Fantasy series with various Disney films, including Mulan, The Lion King, Hercules, and Pirates of the Caribbean."@en . "This is the first game of the Kingdom Hearts Series. This introduces the game's mechanics (or most of them)of Kingdom Hearts II.This game also introduces the main protagonist of the series-Sora along with Donald Duck and Goofy Goof. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "2009-11-22"^^ . . . . . "it.kingdomhearts"@en . . . "fr.kingdomhearts"@fr . . . . . . "Kategorie:Square Co., Ltd. Kategorie:Sony Computer Entertainment Kategorie:RPG Kategorie:USK unbekannt Kategorie:Spiele von A-Z Kingdom Hearts (jap. \u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0\u30CF\u30FC\u30C4 Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) ist ein Rollenspiel welches aus der Kooperation von Square Enix und Wald Disney entstand. Der bombastische Erfolg dieses Spiels veranlasste Square Enix dazu, weitere Teile zu ver\u00F6ffentlichen. Das Grundprinzip des Spiels ist einfach: Es baut darauf auf, eine neue noch unbekannte Charaktere zusammenzuf\u00FChren mit Charakteren aus den bekannten Wald Disney Filmen und den beliebten Final Fantasy Charaktere. Somit ist es bei weitem nicht \u00FCberraschend wenn man pl\u00F6tzlich in der Welt von \"Alice im Wunderland\" steckt oder zusammen mit Aladin in Aggrabah sein unwesend treibt. Selbst Schaupl\u00E4tze aus \"Ariel die Meerjungfrau\", \"Der K\u00F6nig der L\u00F6wen\" und \"Die Sch\u00F6ne und das Biest\" finden hier Verwendung."@de . "Kingdom Hearts est une s\u00E9rie de jeux vid\u00E9os am\u00E9ricano-japonaise mettant en sc\u00E8ne divers personnages de l'univers Disney."@fr . "Kingudamu H\u0101tsu"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios featuring characters from both Square Enix and Disney. It was released in Japan March 28, 2002 and in North America September 17, 2002 on Playstation 2."@en . . "27"^^ . "PlayStation 2"@en . "7258.77"^^ . . . . "Una wiki molto sviluppata riguardo il mondo di Kingdom Hearts. Conta pi\u00F9 di novecento pagine e in essa sono presenti molti articoli informativi e dettagliati sulla saga di Tetsuya Nomura. Il sito andava a rilento ma grazie al grosso contributo di cinque utenti, nella wiki sono state create centinaia di pagine in meno di un anno e tra un po' si raggiunger\u00E0 quota mille pagine. Attualmente un utente ne sta realizzando nuove, se volete venire ad aiutarlo sarete i benvenuti!"@en . "Kingdom Hearts"@en . . "Kingdom Hearts is a RPG series created by Square that is set in the wonderful world of Disney. The first game was such a huge success that it's given credit for single-handedly changing the GameFAQs demographic in 2003, as \"Kingdom Hearts Factor\" is still the number one explanation given for Square's dominance that season, specifically how Cloud was able to defeat Link. The late '05 release of Kingdom Hearts 2 had a smaller but still important effect on the site, as the \"KH2 Factor\" turned everything KH-related into absolute day vote beasts throughout 2006."@en . . . "Square Enix"@en . "87.46"^^ . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de reunir informaci\u00F3n sobre los videojuegos de Kingdom Hearts."@es . . . "Action role-playing"@en . "thumb Kingdom Hearts es el nombre de una serie de videojuegos, perteneciente al g\u00E9nero de juegos de rol de acci\u00F3n, desarrollado y publicado por Square Enix. La serie consta de diez juegos: tres juegos principales desarrollados por Square Enix, siendo el primero de la serie de Square antes de su fusi\u00F3n con Enix, una versi\u00F3n expandida de Kingdom Hearts y Kingdom Hearts II, un remake para PlayStation 2 del juego de Game Boy Advance, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, siendo titulado como Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories y un juego V CAST para telefon\u00EDa m\u00F3vil desarrollado por Superscape."@es . "2002-03-28"^^ . . . . "Logo Kingdom Hearts.jpg"@es . . . . "Kingdom Hearts Fannon Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de hacer sagas de Kingdom Hearts."@es . . . "Kingdom Hearts may refer to the following pages: \n* Kingdom Hearts-is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 video game console. The first game in the Kingdom Hearts series. \n* Kingdom Hearts-Kingdom Hearts is a series of role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix (primaly Square Co.) with the collaborating of Disney Interactive Studios. The whole flagship is under direction of Tetsuya Nomura."@en . . ""@en . . . "Kategorie:Square Co., Ltd. Kategorie:Sony Computer Entertainment Kategorie:RPG Kategorie:USK unbekannt Kategorie:Spiele von A-Z Kingdom Hearts (jap. \u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0\u30CF\u30FC\u30C4 Kingudamu H\u0101tsu) ist ein Rollenspiel welches aus der Kooperation von Square Enix und Wald Disney entstand. Der bombastische Erfolg dieses Spiels veranlasste Square Enix dazu, weitere Teile zu ver\u00F6ffentlichen. Das Grundprinzip des Spiels ist einfach: Es baut darauf auf, eine neue noch unbekannte Charaktere zusammenzuf\u00FChren mit Charakteren aus den bekannten Wald Disney Filmen und den beliebten Final Fantasy Charaktere."@de . . . "The Kingdom Hearts series is a canon crossover video game created by Square Enix. It combines elements of the Final Fantasy series with various Disney films, including Mulan, The Lion King, Hercules, and Pirates of the Caribbean."@en . "Water and Oil"@en . "de.kingdomhearts"@de . "Abandonada"@ca . "Deutsch"@de . "Kingdom Hearts is an anime based on the original game series with the same name. It is a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios, and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix character designer. Kingdom Hearts is a crossover of various Disney settings based in a universe made specifically for the series. The series features an all-star voice cast, which includes many of the Disney characters' official voice actors and well-known actors such as Haley Joel Osment, David Gallagher, and Hayden Panettiere. Characters from Square Enix's Final Fantasy series make appearances and interact with the player and the Disney characters. The series centers on the main character Sora's search for his dick and his friends and his encounters with Disney and Final Fantasy characters on their worlds."@en . "[ Kingdom Hearts] is a video game series born as a collaboration between Square Enix (formerly Squaresoft) and Disney. It is an action RPG that includes appearances of characters from the Final Fantasy series, Disney movies, and in a recent title, The World Ends with You, as well as some characters original to the series. The first titular game was released in 2002 to massive approval and widespread acclaim. Kingdom Hearts was followed by a sequel, [ Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories], released in 2004, which connected to [ Kingdom Hearts II], released a year later. Since the release of Kingdom Hearts II, four more games in the series have been released: [ Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days] for the Nintendo DS, acting as a prequel to Kingdom Hearts II, [ Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep] for the PlayStation Portable, acting as a prequel for the entire series, [ Kingdom Hearts coded] for mobile phones (and later the Nintendo DS), acting as a \"bridge game\" to the latest installment [ Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance] on the Nintendo 3DS system. It will lead into the recently announced at E3 2013 Kingdom Hearts III. Much like the International versions of Final Fantasy games, the series also has updated versions of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II known as Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. In Japan, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ was a two-pack collection that consisted of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and a PS2 remake version of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories known as Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories; the latter was later released as a standalone title outside of Japan. The Final Mix versions of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Birth by Sleep were released outside Japan for the first time in Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix, and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix for PlayStation 3."@en . . "Seicer"@es . . . . . . . . . . "239918"^^ . . . "thumb Kingdom Hearts es el nombre de una serie de videojuegos, perteneciente al g\u00E9nero de juegos de rol de acci\u00F3n, desarrollado y publicado por Square Enix. La serie consta de diez juegos: tres juegos principales desarrollados por Square Enix, siendo el primero de la serie de Square antes de su fusi\u00F3n con Enix, una versi\u00F3n expandida de Kingdom Hearts y Kingdom Hearts II, un remake para PlayStation 2 del juego de Game Boy Advance, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, siendo titulado como Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories y un juego V CAST para telefon\u00EDa m\u00F3vil desarrollado por Superscape."@es . . "Aventura, Fantas\u00EDa, Shounen"@es . "Sony Computer Entertainment"@es . . . . . . "Disney Interactive Studios"@en . . "Kingdom Hearts is the name of the nation ruled by Ragwing, a member of DRAGON."@en . "77.59"^^ . "Unbirth"@fr . "2014-10-02"^^ . . "Square Co., Ltd."@de . . . . . "Kingdom Hearts"@en . "JuegoelMarko has released a video detailing his upcoming Kingdom Hearts projects. He will make the videos on the entire series as of the end of September. It is unknown if this content will be on the group channel or his personal one."@en . "In the Kingdom Hearts series, the Hundred Acre Woods is featured as a peaceful place free of battles (other than with occasional bees), in which the player plays minigames, both to unlock special treasures and to advance the plot."@en . . "thumb|210px|Logo de Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts (\u30AD\u30F3\u30B0\u30C0\u30E0\u30CF\u30FC\u30C4, Kingudamu H\u0101tsu?) es un videojuego de rol de acci\u00F3n desarrollado y publicado por Squaresoft (actual Square Enix) en el 2002 para la consola PlayStation 2. Kingdom Hearts es el resultado de una colaboraci\u00F3n entre Square y The Walt Disney Company. El juego combina personajes y escenarios de los dibujos animados de Disney con los de la saga Final Fantasy, desarrollada por Square. La historia se centra en un joven llamado Sora, quien se adentra en una \u00E9pica batalla en contra de la oscuridad. A \u00E9l se le unen el Pato Donald y Goofy, personajes cl\u00E1sicos de Disney, quienes lo ayudan en su aventura. Kingdom Hearts se alej\u00F3 del los juegos de rol est\u00E1ndar de Square al introducir un importante elemento de acci\u00F3n/aventura. Adem\u00E1s, el juego tuvo un elenco de voces \"all-star\" que inclu\u00EDa a varios de los actores de voz originales de Disney. Kingdom Hearts tambi\u00E9n fue el primer juego dirigido por el dise\u00F1ador de Square, Tetsuya Nomura. Kingdom Hearts se ha ganado muchos elogios por su inusual combinaci\u00F3n de acci\u00F3n con rol, al igual que por su inseperada mezcla armoniosa de Square y Disney. El juego recibi\u00F3 numerosos premios de fin de a\u00F1o a \"Mejor Videojuego\" y alcanz\u00F3 el estatus de \"Sony Greatest Hits\". Desde su lanzamiento, Kingdom Hearts ha vendido m\u00E1s de 5.6 millones de copias a nivel mundial."@es . "Square Co., Ltd."@es . . . . . . "Silver Millennium"@en . . "100"^^ . . . . "Aktiv"@de . "[ Kingdom Hearts] is a video game series born as a collaboration between Square Enix (formerly Squaresoft) and Disney. It is an action RPG that includes appearances of characters from the Final Fantasy series, Disney movies, and in a recent title, The World Ends with You, as well as some characters original to the series."@en . "22"^^ . . . "Kingdom Hearts is the name of the nation ruled by Ragwing, a member of DRAGON."@en . . . .