"Bengel Morr was a male Nautolan Jedi who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Morr was present in the Jedi Temple when the Sith attacked Coruscant in 3653 BBY, and the devastation drove the gentle Nautolan insane. Turning to the dark side and becoming determined to destroy the Jedi Order, Morr took on an apprentice by the name of Callef and followed the Jedi when the Order migrated to their recently rediscovered homeworld of Tython. There, the two Dark Jedi marshaled the native Flesh Raiders into an army and attacked both the Jedi Order and the Twi'lek Pilgrims who had settled on the planet."@en . . . . "Pale blue"@en . . . "Azul"@es . . . . . "S\u00ED"@es . . . . . "Bengel Morr"@en . . . . . "Callef"@es . "Bengel Morr"@it . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Bengel Morr era un maschio Nautolano, Padawan del Maestro Orgus Din durante la Grande Guerra Galattica tra la Repubblica Galattica e l'Impero Sith. Nel 3653 BBY, era presente nel Tempio Jedi di Coruscant, quando avvenne il catastrofico Sacco di Coruscant da parte dei Sith. Convertitosi al Lato Oscuro dopo questo tragico evento, Morr si prefisse l'obbiettivo di distruggere l'Ordine Jedi, e dopo aver preso Callef come apprendista, segu\u00EC l'Ordine Jedi fino al pianeta ancestrale di Tython. L\u00EC reclutarono i nativi del pianeta, i Predoni Flesh, e crearono un esercito col quale attaccarono i Jedi, e i Pellegrini del Villaggio Kalikori, stabilitisi su Tython qualche anno prima e in continua lotta con i Flesh. Tuttavia, Callef, fu ben presto sconfitto da un giovane Padawan, che sarebbe poi diventato il nuovo apprendista di Orgus Din. I due Jedi cercarono di scoprire chi si celasse dietro l'esercito dei nativi, ma tuttavia Morr riusc\u00EC a catturare il suo ex maestro e lo port\u00F2 alla Forge. L\u00EC il Jedi Oscuro aveva intenzione di giustiziare Din, ma fu fermato dal nuovo apprendista di Orgus, e dopo un feroce scontro, il Nautolano usc\u00EC sconfitto. Una volta guarito dalla sua pazzia, Morr riabbracci\u00F2 il Lato Chiaro della Forza e riprese il suo addestramento da Padawan. Una volta scatenatasi la Guerra Galattica, Morr fu mandato nel campo di battaglia di Corellia, sotto il comando dell'apprendista di Din (divenuto intanto Cavaliere Jedi, e conosciuto dai pi\u00F9 come \"Eroe di Tython\"), nelle Forze Jedi dell'Orlo Esterno. Morr, insieme ai suoi compagni Jedi riuscirono a fermare il Jedi decaduto Tol Braga, il quale stava per uccidere migliaia di civili, e alla fine riuscirono a portare alla vittoria la Repubblica."@it . "Bengel Morr"@en . . . . . "Orgus Din"@es . . "Bengel Morr was a male Nautolan Jedi who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was one of the few Jedi survivors of the Empire's Sacking of Coruscant when the Empire destroyed the Jedi Temple . Believing that this occurred because the Jedi had grown weak, he travels to Tython with the rest of the Order, accumulating the planet's native inhabitants, the Flesh Raiders , to help him in his quest to destroy the Jedi and recreate them in his own image. However Bengel has no intention to fall into the dark side, his main goal is to recreate the jedi order and change its teachings."@en . "*Jedi Order\n*Galactic Republic\n*Flesh Raiders"@en . "*Orden Jedi\n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Incursores Flesh"@es . . . . . . . "*Ordine Jedi\n**Forze Jedi dell'Orlo Esterno\n*Repubblica Galattica\n*Predoni Flesh"@it . . . "Neri"@it . . . "Bengel Morr"@it . . . . "Defender"@en . . . "Bengel Morr"@en . . . "Bengel Morr"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Tython"@en . "Bengel Morr"@es . "Bengel Morr"@en . . . . . . . "Callef"@en . . "Bengel Morr era un maschio Nautolano, Padawan del Maestro Orgus Din durante la Grande Guerra Galattica tra la Repubblica Galattica e l'Impero Sith. Nel 3653 BBY, era presente nel Tempio Jedi di Coruscant, quando avvenne il catastrofico Sacco di Coruscant da parte dei Sith. Convertitosi al Lato Oscuro dopo questo tragico evento, Morr si prefisse l'obbiettivo di distruggere l'Ordine Jedi, e dopo aver preso Callef come apprendista, segu\u00EC l'Ordine Jedi fino al pianeta ancestrale di Tython. L\u00EC reclutarono i nativi del pianeta, i Predoni Flesh, e crearono un esercito col quale attaccarono i Jedi, e i Pellegrini del Villaggio Kalikori, stabilitisi su Tython qualche anno prima e in continua lotta con i Flesh."@it . "Bengel Morr was a male Nautolan Jedi who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He was one of the few Jedi survivors of the Empire's Sacking of Coruscant when the Empire destroyed the Jedi Temple . Believing that this occurred because the Jedi had grown weak, he travels to Tython with the rest of the Order, accumulating the planet's native inhabitants, the Flesh Raiders , to help him in his quest to destroy the Jedi and recreate them in his own image. However Bengel has no intention to fall into the dark side, his main goal is to recreate the jedi order and change its teachings. He is the final class boss to the Jedi Knight . Morr captured the Knight's master, Orgus Din, and was in the process of killing him when the Knight and T7-O1 freed him from Morr's control. Earlier, Morr contacted him via hologram when the Knight's efforts to quell the Flesh Raider's uprising led him to sabotaging many of their bases. This communication helped the Knight and Orgus Din to track him down and allow the Knight to capture Morr and end his evil plans."@en . . . "Bengel Morr was a male Nautolan Jedi who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Morr was present in the Jedi Temple when the Sith attacked Coruscant in 3653 BBY, and the devastation drove the gentle Nautolan insane. Turning to the dark side and becoming determined to destroy the Jedi Order, Morr took on an apprentice by the name of Callef and followed the Jedi when the Order migrated to their recently rediscovered homeworld of Tython. There, the two Dark Jedi marshaled the native Flesh Raiders into an army and attacked both the Jedi Order and the Twi'lek Pilgrims who had settled on the planet. However, Callef was killed by a young Jedi during an early assault on the Order, and Morr soon learned that his former Master decided to take on the initiate as a Padawan. Din and his new student worked to uncover the truth behind the Flesh Raiders' attacks, and despite the blows struck against his army by the Jedi Order Morr managed to capture Din with the help of the Twi'lek villagers. Bringing the Jedi Master before the ancient machine known as the Forge, Morr prepared to kill his former teacher, but Din's apprentice confronted the Nautolan and defeated him in battle. Healed of his insanity by the Temple healers, Morr embraced the light side once more and was retrained as a Jedi Padawan. When the Galactic War broke out across the galaxy, Morr was sent to the battlefields of Corellia, where he served under Din's apprentice\u2014now the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython. Fighting alongside the forces of the Republic Military, Morr and his fellow Jedi aided their commander in stopping the fallen Jedi Tol Braga from massacring thousands of civilians, and their actions during the Battle of Corellia helped ensure a Republic victory."@en . . "Bengel Morr"@it . . "Bengel Morr fue un Padawan Jedi nautolano que sirvi\u00F3 a la Orden Jedi y la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica durante la Gran Guerra Gal\u00E1ctica, como aprendiz del Maestro Jedi Orgus Din, y en la Segunda Gran Guerra Gal\u00E1ctica. Morr desapareci\u00F3 durante el saqueo de Coruscant\u2014la batalla final de la guerra\u2014en 3.653 ABY, y fue testigo de las masacres a manos del Imperio Sith. Al ver que los Jedi apoyaron la firma del Tratado de Coruscant para terminar la guerra, Morr empez\u00F3 a detestar la Orden Jedi, ya que \u00E9stos se rindieron tras su mayor derrota, y se propuso reformarla como una facci\u00F3n capaz de derrotar al Imperio. Posteriormente, Morr cay\u00F3 en el lado oscuro de la Fuerza y entren\u00F3 al humano Callef como su aprendiz durante a\u00F1os. Los dos Jedi Oscuros iniciaron su ataque a la Orden Jedi entre 3.643 ABY y 3.641 A"@es . . . "Bengel Morr"@es . . . . . "Jedi"@en . . . "Bengel Morr"@it . . . . . . . "Jedi"@es . . . . . . . "Azzurra"@it . "Bengel Morr"@es . . . "Bengel Morr"@es . . "Nautolan"@en . . . . . . "Callef"@it . . "Bengel Morr"@es . . . "Bengel Morr"@en . "Jedi Order/Flesh Raiders"@en . . . . . "9"^^ . . . . . "Bengel Morr fue un Padawan Jedi nautolano que sirvi\u00F3 a la Orden Jedi y la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica durante la Gran Guerra Gal\u00E1ctica, como aprendiz del Maestro Jedi Orgus Din, y en la Segunda Gran Guerra Gal\u00E1ctica. Morr desapareci\u00F3 durante el saqueo de Coruscant\u2014la batalla final de la guerra\u2014en 3.653 ABY, y fue testigo de las masacres a manos del Imperio Sith. Al ver que los Jedi apoyaron la firma del Tratado de Coruscant para terminar la guerra, Morr empez\u00F3 a detestar la Orden Jedi, ya que \u00E9stos se rindieron tras su mayor derrota, y se propuso reformarla como una facci\u00F3n capaz de derrotar al Imperio. Posteriormente, Morr cay\u00F3 en el lado oscuro de la Fuerza y entren\u00F3 al humano Callef como su aprendiz durante a\u00F1os. Los dos Jedi Oscuros iniciaron su ataque a la Orden Jedi entre 3.643 ABY y 3.641 ABY cuando contactaron a los Incursores Flesh en Tython\u2014el cuartel general de los Jedi\u2014y empezaron por agredir a padawans en las Gnarls Tythonianas con armas avanzadas proporcionadas por Morr. Sin embargo, Callef fue muerto durante un duelo con un Padawan, quien poco despu\u00E9s rob\u00F3 la mayor\u00EDa de las armas. Villa Kalikori, un asentamiento de twi'leks que estaba en guerra con los Flesh desde hac\u00EDa tiempo, se ali\u00F3 con los Jedi y empezaron a atacar los puntos d\u00E9biles de los Incursores. Morr se aprovech\u00F3 de que los twi'leks desconfiasen de los Jedi y dej\u00F3 de atacarles a cambio de que ellos capturasen a Orgus Din\u2014que hab\u00EDa estado participando en el conflicto\u2014y matasen al Padawan que asesin\u00F3 a Callef. El Jedi Oscuro llev\u00F3 a Orgus Din a Vur Tepe para sacrificarlo y hacer m\u00E1s fuerte a la Fuerza, pero el Padawan le derrot\u00F3, y Morr, reconociendo el poder de su enemigo, le ofreci\u00F3 ayudarle exparciendo su fama por la Galaxia, aunque el Padawan rechaz\u00F3 su oferta y lo captur\u00F3. Tras su rescate, el antiguo maestro del nautolano lo llev\u00F3 al Templo Jedi para que fuese curado por sanadores Jedi. Morr volvi\u00F3 a ser entrenado en las artes Jedi, y combati\u00F3 a los Sith en Corellia durante la Segunda Gran Guerra Gal\u00E1ctica. Morr se uni\u00F3 al Padawan, ahora un Caballero Jedi, para detener los intentos del Emperador Sith de conquistar el planeta."@es . "Bengel Morr"@en . "250"^^ . "Bengel Morr"@it . . .