. "240"^^ . "The ancient Egyptian god of chaos and disorder. According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, Set, jealous of his older brother Osiris, the first king of Egypt, ambushed his brother and threw his body into the Nile River. One of Osiris's sons avenged his father's death and sent Set to the Underworld for eternity. In this series, Tutenstein's mystical awakening has opened up a Gate between the Underworld and the Overworld -- and Set's evil power begins to grow again. Aware that there's still a Pharaoh in the world, Set is eager to steal the boy mummy's symbol of power, the Sceptor of Was, and rule the world. With the Scepter in his hands, Set will then be able to achieve his evil plans and spread his vast Legion of Demons across the world."@en . . . . . . . . . "Healing Rate: 2"@en . . . "#000"@pl . . "Set appears the most often in the series. Set is able to charm and lift everybody's spirits to whom he meets. He is commonly seen as a very nice pony, but can get aggressive when he has the requirement to. He also loves to hug others as a way to show he is not meant to be an enemy to anypony and anyone, unless certain reasons apply. One of his Special Abilities in the series is his almost perfected skills of machinery, able to create equipment for his allies within just a few seconds, such as Springboards. Set's Special Ability is the most useful in Part 6 of Generation 6. Set has a huge love interest for Fluttershy, also a character of the official SS story and is one of the Mane 6 from the MLP series. He often tries to forget about her whenever he is not with her. This is a huge problem to deal with in Generation 4 and onwards until Generation \u221E."@en . . "A set is an unordered collection of unique objects which can be iterated, but not indexed. Objects in a set must be hashable. A set can be created with the set() function or with the syntax {Item1, Item2, Item3, ...}."@en . . "no"@hu . "Click on the image to view the cards of the set:"@en . "Hai,ik zoek naar een goed wisdom set weten jullie er? Help me plz. - Prespic set. - eventueel losse elementen: ring, staf/wapen, ketting met wijsheid. Categorie:Ik zoek een agility en strengt set onder lvl 40"@nl . "The Serpent's Shadow"@en . . . . . "Set"@es . . . . . . . "Set"@es . "Opal and Onyx"@en . "In Dofus gibt es viele verschiedene Sets. Manche Setteile k\u00F6nnen direkt bei besiegen eines Monsters gefunden werden, aber die Meisten muss man aus bestimmten Gegenst\u00E4nden bei einem Spezialisten des entsprechenden Berufs herstellen lassen. Jedes Setteil f\u00FCr sich gibt dem Charakter bestimmte Effekte, aber wenn man Setteile eines Sets kombiniert tr\u00E4gt, dann kann man besondere Boni erhalten. Je mehr Teile eines Sets man tr\u00E4gt desto gr\u00F6\u00DFer ist nat\u00FCrlich der Bonus, den man durch das Set erh\u00E4lt."@de . . . . . "Black"@en . . . "In 2268, planet 892-IV's Empire TV made use of a set to film their gladiatorial combat. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\" ) In 2369, Beverly Crusher and the stage crew for Frame of Mind planned to take down the set the day after the last performance. Following William T. Riker's experience with the Tilonians, he decided to disassemble it himself that very night, believing he wouldn't be able to sleep if it was still up. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\" ) In 2370, Data admitted that his set design for The Tempest may have been too literal, after Jean-Luc Picard commented that the audience would be unable to see Data in the darkness. (TNG: \"Emergence\" )"@en . . . . . "Holy Toledo, so glad I clkiecd on this site first! Holy Toledo, so glad I clkiecd on this site first!"@en . . "a Set is a collection where there are no duplicated items and the order of the items does not matter. A Set is a special case of the List Data type."@en . . . . "--07-16"^^ . . "* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n*"@en . "Set"@de . . "Listen to me kid, and you'll go places. If your lucky, they might even be places you want to go --Set, being himself"@en . "Als Set wird alles bezeichnet was der Konsument selbst in eine Rauscherfahrung mitbringt. Dies umfasst vor allem die Einstellung des Konsumenten zum Trip, seine Gef\u00FChle, aber auch seine Erinnerung und vorherigen Erfahrungen. In den Begriff k\u00F6nnen auch k\u00F6rperliche Vorbedingungen, wie etwa eine bestehende Wirkstofftoleranz, einflie\u00DFen. Das Set geh\u00F6rt, neben Droge, Dosis und Setting, zu den zentralen Umst\u00E4nden die einen Drogenrausch bestimmen."@de . "empty"@en . . . "Trefferpunkte: 100"@de . . . "Destruction"@en . . . . . "thumb|Set (Comic-Darstellung)Set, die alte Schlange, ist der Erzfeind Mitras. Der alte Gott wird haupts\u00E4chlich in Stygien verehrt und angebetet, ist aber auch in den Schwarzen K\u00F6nigreichen bekannt. Er ist ein grausamer, eifers\u00FCchtiger Gott, der unabl\u00E4ssig Opfer von seinen Anh\u00E4ngern verlangt, und seine Priester sind dazu immer bereit. Sie schleppen schreiende Jungfrauen zu seinem Altar um seinen Blutdurst zu stillen. In Stygien ist die Schlange heilig und eine Schlange zu t\u00F6ten ist eine Tods\u00FCnde. Wenn eine Schlange durch die Stra\u00DFen der St\u00E4dte schl\u00E4ngelt und den Weg eines Menschen kreuzt, legt sich der Mensch ausgestreckt vor das Tier und hofft, als w\u00FCrdig erachtet und von ihm gebissen zu werden. Seine Priester sind fast so erschreckend wie der Gott selbst, und sie versetzen ihre eigenen Leute und ihre Feinde gleichermassen in Furcht und Schrecken. Stygien ist ein Gottesstaat und der w\u00FCtende und verdorbene Klerus f\u00FChrt das Land mit Angst und Gewalt, sowie einer bedingungslosen Bereitschaft, ihre eigenen Landsleute zu opfern. Set Urspr\u00FCnge liegen bei einer intelligenten Schlangenrasse, die ihn schon lange vor Erscheinen der Menschenrasse auf dem thurianischen Kontinent verehrte. Als diese Wesen jedoch von den Menschen ausgerottet wurden, \u00FCberlebte der Glauben an Set und wurde nach Atlantis und sp\u00E4ter nach Hyboria getragen. Dort kam der Setkult vor allem in Stygien wieder zu gro\u00DFer Macht. Heute zeugen die vielen Schlagentempel Stygiens davon. Kategorie:G\u00F6tter"@de . "En\u00F3s y muchos otros"@es . . . "Bad"@en . . . "7'"@en . "912"^^ . "Set"@en . "-"@en . . "Set ist der Anf\u00FChrer aller Ghule in Necropolis in 2161 mit Ausnahme der Underground ghouls, die in der Kanalisation wohnen und den Leuchtenden, die in Vault 12 leben. Er hat einen Sohn namens Typhon."@de . . . . . "Set is the leader of all the ghouls in Necropolis in 2161, except for the underground ghouls who lived in the sewers and the glowing ones who live in Vault 12. He has a son called Typhon."@hu . "FO01 NPC Set N.png"@de . . . . . . "Ecset.msg"@de . . . . . . . . "Carry Weight: 150"@en . . . "Auf den folgenden Seiten soll eine Liste der Setteile nach Level geordnet entstehen. Also wenn ihr ein Setteil hinzuf\u00FCgt, macht das an der richtigen Stelle in der Tabelle. Sets mit Setbonus gibt es erst mit erreichen des Level 5 und sind Job bezogen: \n* Grundklasse: Vagrant/Sets \n* Nahkampfklasse: Mercenary/Sets \n* Knight/Sets \n* Blade/Sets \n* Magier: Magician/Sets \n* Psykeeper/Sets \n* Elementer/Sets \n* Unterst\u00FCtzer: Assist/Sets \n* Billposter/Sets \n* Ringmaster/Sets \n* Fernkampfklasse: Acrobat/Sets \n* Jester/Sets \n* Ranger/Sets"@de . . . "Gewichtslimit: 150"@de . "Ecset.msg"@en . "The Red God"@en . "yes"@en . "God of Strength"@en . . . . . . . "set t\u00FCk\u00E7esi tak\u0131m demektir 2 den fazla iteminiz olunca equit edebilirsiniz Kim yazd\u0131 lan bunu allahtan t\u00FCrk wiki asdfasdfasd :D herkese selam olsun as"@tr . . . . . . . . . . "Hate"@en . . . . . "The Red Pyramid"@en . "FO01_NPC_Set.png"@es . "* \n*"@en . "Hay muchos equipos o sets disponibles en Dofus, los forman art\u00EDculos espec\u00EDficos, que en conjunto, proporcionan bonificaciones especiales. Cuantas m\u00E1s piezas se lleven equipadas del mismo set, mayor es la bonificaci\u00F3n del set (aunque no se pueden equipar dos anillos del mismo set al mismo tiempo)."@es . . "Gold and blue"@en . "22"^^ . . . "-"@es . . "-"@en . "Leader of Necropolis ghouls"@en . . . "There'd better be a killer reason....."@de . "Set, was not originally the prime evil figure in Egyptian mythology, as that title belongs to Apep, the evil god of darkness. Apep fought against Ra, God of light and the sun, and Set was one of the gods who protected and aided Ra. Set becomes the antagonist in the Osiris myth, where he opposes his brother Osiris, who symbolized order, and his nephew Horus. Modern Kemetic pagans are usually more forgiving of Set than were the ancients, as it is understood he represents darkness and chaos, which are just as important to the balance of Ma'at as light and order are."@en . . . "#ffe066"@en . . . . . "God of Evil"@en . . "-"@hu . "Guerriero"@it . "Damballah; Dam-Ayido Wede .jpg"@en . . "Muscular"@en . . "9997"^^ . "Bashes the first contacted enemy and sends it flying with a sandstorm."@en . . "Archers"@en . "22"^^ . . "God of Evil and Chaos"@en . . "Set is a command that is used to assign values to variables."@en . "Set ist der Anf\u00FChrer aller Ghule in Necropolis in 2161 mit Ausnahme der Underground ghouls, die in der Kanalisation wohnen und den Leuchtenden, die in Vault 12 leben. Er hat einen Sohn namens Typhon."@de . "no"@en . "*Fix the Necropolis water pump"@en . "sw-W-t:x-E20-A40"@en . "25"^^ . . . "Set"@pl . "Set appears the most often in the series. Set is able to charm and lift everybody's spirits to whom he meets. He is commonly seen as a very nice pony, but can get aggressive when he has the requirement to. He also loves to hug others as a way to show he is not meant to be an enemy to anypony and anyone, unless certain reasons apply. One of his Special Abilities in the series is his almost perfected skills of machinery, able to create equipment for his allies within just a few seconds, such as Springboards. Set's Special Ability is the most useful in Part 6 of Generation 6."@en . . "Set var ett alias namn som Setesh anv\u00E4nde. (SG1: \"Seth\") kategori:Goa'uld"@sv . "A set is group of related equipment, generally armor, that can be worn together. Set items share the same prefix in their name, similar construction or source, and a themed look for the set. The themed look provides a significant role play value."@el . . . . "Color"@en . . . . "+"@en . "R\u00FCstungsklasse: 9"@de . "Set \u2013 jeden z bog\u00F3w egipskich. Czarna owca rodziny, cho\u0107 z t\u0105 owc\u0105 to nigdy nie wiadomo, niekt\u00F3rzy m\u00F3wi\u0105, \u017Ce ma g\u0142ow\u0119 os\u0142a. Bratob\u00F3jczy kazirodca pederastyjny. Fajn\u0105 mieli religi\u0119. Pata\u0142ach jakich ma\u0142o. \u017Bona go zdradzi\u0142a z bratem, kt\u00F3rego zabi\u0142, ale zmartwychwsta\u0142, a bratanek, kt\u00F3rego Set wykorzysta\u0142, tak to zmanipulowa\u0142, i\u017C wysz\u0142o, \u017Ce by\u0142o na odwr\u00F3t. Jak to zwykle bywa, najwi\u0119ksi nieudacznicy maj\u0105 najwi\u0119ksze powodzenie. Podczas gdy inni egipscy bogowie mieszkaj\u0105 dwadzie\u015Bcia metr\u00F3w pod piaskami i ich jedyn\u0105 rozrywk\u0105 s\u0105 wy\u015Bcigi skarabeuszowych rydwan\u00F3w, to Set ma w\u0142asn\u0105 religi\u0119! Je\u017Celi chodzi o jego dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 w mitach, to mo\u017Cna uzna\u0107 go za do\u015B\u0107 po\u017Cytecznego. Ochrania\u0142 Re i jego ark\u0119, przed z\u0142ym w\u0119\u017Cem Apopem. Dlaczego akurat Set? Apop mia\u0142 zdolno\u015Bci prania m\u00F3zgu, a z owych bog\u00F3w tylko Set si\u0119 nadawa\u0142. I tak mia\u0142 zlasowany umys\u0142, jedna hipnoza w t\u0119 czy we w t\u0119 r\u00F3\u017Cnicy nie robi."@pl . . "Beszczeszcz\u0105cy Umar\u0142ych, Pan Padliny, Ojciec Szakali"@pl . . . "God of the Desert and Storms"@en . . . "Animal"@en . "Experience Points: 350"@en . "Set, was not originally the prime evil figure in Egyptian mythology, as that title belongs to Apep, the evil god of darkness. Apep fought against Ra, God of light and the sun, and Set was one of the gods who protected and aided Ra. Set becomes the antagonist in the Osiris myth, where he opposes his brother Osiris, who symbolized order, and his nephew Horus. Set was born from the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, along with his twin-sister Nephtys, who also became his wife. Nut and Geb also gave birth to the twins Osiris and Isis, who became the king and queen of Egypt. Set became jealous of his brother, and sought to usurp his throne. He eventually killed Osiris by trapping him in a casket and dropping him into the Nile, taking control of Egypt. The casket flows into the sea, gets washed up and encased in a tree. After Isis finds it, Set finds out and dismembers Osiris before Isis can resurrect him, spreading his corpse parts around Egypt. Isis, with the help of Nephtys, sougth to collect the parts of his husband's corpse, while Set became king. The two goddesses collect all parts, and with the help of Thoth and Anubis, they ressurrect Osiris for a brief period, enough for Isis to conceive their son, Horus. Isis hides along with her son, so that she can raise him while protecting him from Set. Horus eventually reaches adulthood, and challenges Set for the throne. Their struggle drags for eight years, but Horus prevails. Set attempts to rape Horus after his defeat but Horus castrates him, while set removes Horus eyes. At this moment Thoth steps in to mediate the conflict, restoring the two and declaring Set's defeat. As the conflict ends, the two deities reconcile, as Horus rules over the fertile regions of Nile while Set is given rule over the desert and the foreign lands. Horus finally reclaims the throne as the rightful king of Egypt, and gives his father Osiris a proper funeral, restoring him in his afterlife, as Osiris becomes ruler of the dead. Modern Kemetic pagans are usually more forgiving of Set than were the ancients, as it is understood he represents darkness and chaos, which are just as important to the balance of Ma'at as light and order are."@en . . "Set was the Osirian villain who served Uterio Di Armechio and the Great Beings during the Uterio War. He was the leader of many forces throughout the war, but was already well known before it."@en . "nein"@de . "Set in Fallout"@de . . . . . . . "King of Malice"@en . . . "Chercher \"set\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . . . . "Betrayal"@en . . . "Melee Weapons: 88"@en . "Chaos, Ciemno\u015B\u0107, Powietrze, Si\u0142a, Z\u0142o, Zniszczenie"@pl . . . . . . "*Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed"@de . . . . . . "Formerly known as Gear. Sets are groups of specific items which, when worn together, give various bonuses to the wearer. Generally the more items in a Set which you equip, the larger the bonus."@en . . "22"^^ . "8096"^^ . "Nahkampfwaffen: 88"@de . "Zwini\u0119ta kobra"@pl . "[[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]"@en . "Most Egyptian myths claim Set is childless and incapable of procreation, but other myths list him as the father of Anubis and/or Thoth. His wife is usually listed as Nyphthys, but he is also linked with Anat, Astarte and Tawaret. In the realm of the Dark-Hunters, he is the father of Bathymaas and Seth, and once threatened to tear down the entire Atlantean pantheon. Archon and Apollo are not his pals, but he has been a known ally of both Apollymi and Menyara. Bathymaas was not born, but created to keep Set grounded after he went on a rampage that maimed or killed several gods. When she was a child, he gave her an Egyptian heart (ieb) amulet containing his love for her. He said it was her heart because, not having been born, she didn't have her own. After Bathymaas died, she went on her own rampage and was sentenced to death, but Ma'at helped her be reborn to Set and Symfora as Bethany. Set had to remove the part of her heart that contained Aricles to accomplish this; he hid the other half in his domain. Many years later, Leto stole that half and the DNA of his son Seth, which allowed her to trap him in the desert. All the gods believed he was dead until Styxx found and rescued him. It is revealed in Styxx that he is primary Source god Rezar."@en . . "Set jako pot\u0119\u017Cny m\u0119\u017Cczyzna o g\u0142owie bestii podobnej do os\u0142a"@pl . . "Snakes"@en . . . "9687"^^ . . "*Fix the Necropolis water pump"@hu . "* Necropolis ghouls"@en . . . "Personaje"@es . "Set is the leader of all the ghouls in Necropolis in 2161, except for the underground ghouls who lived in the sewers and the glowing ones who live in Vault 12. He has a son called Typhon."@hu . "Male"@en . "Verb: Posizionare"@en . . . "Set is the chaotic god of the Barbarian pantheon. Set's high priest is Thoth Amon, the Barbarian quest nemesis."@en . "Stimpak x2"@de . "-"@de . "thumb|Set (Comic-Darstellung)Set, die alte Schlange, ist der Erzfeind Mitras. Der alte Gott wird haupts\u00E4chlich in Stygien verehrt und angebetet, ist aber auch in den Schwarzen K\u00F6nigreichen bekannt. Er ist ein grausamer, eifers\u00FCchtiger Gott, der unabl\u00E4ssig Opfer von seinen Anh\u00E4ngern verlangt, und seine Priester sind dazu immer bereit. Sie schleppen schreiende Jungfrauen zu seinem Altar um seinen Blutdurst zu stillen. In Stygien ist die Schlange heilig und eine Schlange zu t\u00F6ten ist eine Tods\u00FCnde. Wenn eine Schlange durch die Stra\u00DFen der St\u00E4dte schl\u00E4ngelt und den Weg eines Menschen kreuzt, legt sich der Mensch ausgestreckt vor das Tier und hofft, als w\u00FCrdig erachtet und von ihm gebissen zu werden."@de . "A set, sometimes also referred to as a build, is a specific combination of robo parts. It must include the robo body, gun, bomb, pod, and legs. Some special robos like AIRS and Chick have default sets whose parts are named to match one another. The effectiveness of a set is determined first and foremost by the opponent's set. Then, factors such as defensive mobility, raw offensive firepower, and combination compatibility are taken into account."@en . . . . . "nein"@de . "Auf den folgenden Seiten soll eine Liste der Setteile nach Level geordnet entstehen. Also wenn ihr ein Setteil hinzuf\u00FCgt, macht das an der richtigen Stelle in der Tabelle. Sets mit Setbonus gibt es erst mit erreichen des Level 5 und sind Job bezogen: \n* Grundklasse: Vagrant/Sets \n* Nahkampfklasse: Mercenary/Sets \n* Knight/Sets \n* Blade/Sets \n* Magier: Magician/Sets \n* Psykeeper/Sets \n* Elementer/Sets \n* Unterst\u00FCtzer: Assist/Sets \n* Billposter/Sets \n* Ringmaster/Sets \n* Fernkampfklasse: Acrobat/Sets \n* Jester/Sets \n* Ranger/Sets"@de . "-"@en . . . . . . . . "Ghul"@pl . "Typhon - hijo"@es . "There'd better be a killer reason....."@en . . . "Busted combat armor"@en . . "Set"@en . . "ja"@de . "Set.png"@es . "Set"@en . "Se sets."@sv . . . "no"@en . "Set"@it . . . . . . . "A set is a grouping of objects."@en . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . "Set"@ca . . "Set"@en . . . . . "nein"@de . . "SET"@en . "Deception, The Poor"@en . . "Set is the ancient god of chaos."@en . . "FO1, FO2"@hu . "Evil Day"@en . "Set"@cs . . "Set"@pl . . "Set (pronounced set ) was the greatest evil power of the Mulhorandi pantheon. Known as Typhon in the lands of Thay and Unther, he was a jealous and loathsome being that did all he can to meddle in the plans of his fellow deities. He was also known as Zehir to the yuan-ti race."@en . . "A set is group of related equipment, generally armor, that can be worn together. Set items share the same prefix in their name, similar construction or source, and a themed look for the set. The themed look provides a significant role play value."@el . . "Pose"@en . . "Set, Setech (nazywany tak\u017Ce Neszeni =\"chmura burzowa\", Keri =\"wiatr?\", Nemhem =\"piorun\") - pierwotnie g\u00F3rnoegipskie prab\u00F3stwo, kt\u00F3rego kult rozpowszechniony by\u0142 na wielu obszarach Egiptu. Mia\u0142, paradoksalnie, dobre i z\u0142e aspekty - jako brat i zab\u00F3jca Ozyrysa otaczany by\u0142 kultem negatywnym (to, wed\u0142ug niekt\u00F3rych teorii, echo przegrania walk o zjednoczenie Egiptu przez tzw. konfederacj\u0119 Seta - predynastyczny organizm pa\u0144stwowy po\u0142udniowego Egiptu - z Delt\u0105 - czyli czcicielami Ozyrysa i Horusa), jednak\u017Ce Set patronowa\u0142 tak\u017Ce, jako b\u00F3stwo bustyni i \"obcych ziem\", r\u00F3\u017Cnym dalekim wyprawom i karawanowym szlakom. W pewnych okresach dziej\u00F3w Egiptu zyskiwa\u0142 nawet pozycj\u0119 opiekuna dynastii. Seta wyobra\u017Cano w postaci nie zidentyfikowanego jednoznacznie zwierz\u0119cia (antylopa? osio\u0142?)."@pl . "A set is a grouping of objects."@en . . . "ciemno\u015B\u0107, z\u0142o, noc, pustynne burze, susza"@pl . . "Set appears in Telepath RPG: Servants of God."@en . . "Set era uno degli Shandia vissuti a Jaya circa quattrocento anni fa."@it . . . "The Throne of Fire"@en . . "Lord of Carrion"@en . "Set"@fr . "Baixar"@en . . . . . . . . "Set"@en . "Click on the image to view the cards of the set:"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Shandia"@it . . . "-"@hu . "22"^^ . . "#ffcc00"@en . "Anf\u00FChrer der Ghule von Necropolis"@de . . . . "A set olyan be\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1si parancsok \u00F6sszess\u00E9ge, amely nem konfigur\u00E1ci\u00F3s m\u00F3dban haszn\u00E1latosak."@hu . "L\u00EDder de los necr\u00F3fagos de Necr\u00F3polis"@es . "God of Chaos"@en . . . "A set is a conjunt of equipment. A set can contain armor, shield, legs, helmet, weapon and boots. Not all sets will contain every different type of equipment. For example the Leather Set consists of Leather Armor, Leather Legs, Leather Helmet and the Leather Boots. Sets by material they are made of: \n* Bone Set \n* Brass Set \n* Chain Set \n* Crown Set \n* Dark Set \n* Dragon Scale Set \n* Golden Set \n* Iron Set \n* Leather Set \n* Plate Set \n* Steel Set \n* Studded Set Sets by element they are resistant to: \n* Lightning Set \n* Magma Set \n* Glacier Set \n* Terra Set Sets by monsters' drops or fashion: \n* Amazon Set \n* Barbarian Set \n* Bonelord Set \n* Blue Set \n* Dwarven Set \n* Demon Set \n* Dragon Set \n* Draken Set \n* Dryad Set \n* Hero Set \n* Knight Set \n* Mammoth Set \n* Minotaur Set \n* Pirate Set \n* Viking Set \n* Yalahari Set \n* Zaoan Set Sets given to players to start them out: \n* Island of Destiny Sets \n* Druid Set \n* Knight Set \n* Paladin Set \n* Sorcerer Set Rookgaard Sets: \n* Beginner Set \n* Rook Set Some other sets are not made up of like-items, but are based upon the availability or strength of the equipment in the set: \n* Blocking Set \n* Dream Set \n* Rare Set \n* Full Set \n* Paladin Set \n* Semi Rare Set \n* Mage Set \n* Noob Set \n* High Level Knight Basic Set \n* Speed Set"@es . "Geb and Nut"@en . "Male"@en . "Set"@en . "Masculino"@es . . . . "Posizionamento"@en . . . "Formerly known as Gear. Sets are groups of specific items which, when worn together, give various bonuses to the wearer. Generally the more items in a Set which you equip, the larger the bonus."@en . . "no"@en . . "Drought"@en . . "72"^^ . . . . . . . "nein"@de . . . . . . . "Heilungsrate: 2"@de . . "Set var ett alias namn som Setesh anv\u00E4nde. (SG1: \"Seth\") kategori:Goa'uld"@sv . "90"^^ . "no"@hu . . . . . . . "To Set (Japanese: \u30BB\u30C3\u30C8 Setto) is to place a card face-down on the field. Monster Cards can be Normal Set from the hand in the Monster Zones, which places them in face-down Defense Position on the field. Each player can only perform 1 Normal Summon or Set per turn. With the exception of Field Spell Cards (which are Set in the Field Zone), Spell and Trap Cards are Set in the Spell & Trap Card Zones. Cards that are Set in the Spell & Trap Zone or Field Zone are are placed vertically. Pendulum Monsters cannot be Set in the Pendulum Zone as Spell Cards. Prior to the introduction of Extra Monster Zones, Pendulum Zones were separate zones, so no cards could be Set in them; after the introduction of Extra Monster Zones, two Spell & Trap Zones are used as Pendulum Zones instead, although they are not treated as Pendulum Zones if there is not a Pendulum Monster in them (such as if a Spell or Trap Card is Set in them). Flipping a card on the field face-down (such as by the effect of \"Book of Moon\" or \"Scrap-Iron Scarecrow\") and Special Summoning a monster in face-down position (such as by the effect of \"The Shallow Grave\" or \"Magical Hats\") are both forms of Setting."@en . . "0.223"^^ . "Typhon - Sohn"@de . "Set"@en . . . "Dwana\u015Bcie Godzin Nocy; Baator"@pl . "Egyptian god of chaos, storms, foreigners and darkness"@en . "A set, sometimes also referred to as a build, is a specific combination of robo parts. It must include the robo body, gun, bomb, pod, and legs. Some special robos like AIRS and Chick have default sets whose parts are named to match one another. The effectiveness of a set is determined first and foremost by the opponent's set. Then, factors such as defensive mobility, raw offensive firepower, and combination compatibility are taken into account."@en . . . "God"@en . . . . . "Set is the leader of all the ghouls in Necropolis in 2161, except for the Underground ghouls who lived in the sewers and the glowing ones who live in Vault 12. He has a son called Typhon."@en . . . "Typhon - son"@en . . . . "Kr\u00F3tka w\u0142\u00F3cznia lub p\u00F3\u0142w\u0142\u00F3cznia"@pl . . . "Set \u2013 jeden z bog\u00F3w egipskich. Czarna owca rodziny, cho\u0107 z t\u0105 owc\u0105 to nigdy nie wiadomo, niekt\u00F3rzy m\u00F3wi\u0105, \u017Ce ma g\u0142ow\u0119 os\u0142a. Bratob\u00F3jczy kazirodca pederastyjny. Fajn\u0105 mieli religi\u0119. Pata\u0142ach jakich ma\u0142o. \u017Bona go zdradzi\u0142a z bratem, kt\u00F3rego zabi\u0142, ale zmartwychwsta\u0142, a bratanek, kt\u00F3rego Set wykorzysta\u0142, tak to zmanipulowa\u0142, i\u017C wysz\u0142o, \u017Ce by\u0142o na odwr\u00F3t. Jak to zwykle bywa, najwi\u0119ksi nieudacznicy maj\u0105 najwi\u0119ksze powodzenie. Podczas gdy inni egipscy bogowie mieszkaj\u0105 dwadzie\u015Bcia metr\u00F3w pod piaskami i ich jedyn\u0105 rozrywk\u0105 s\u0105 wy\u015Bcigi skarabeuszowych rydwan\u00F3w, to Set ma w\u0142asn\u0105 religi\u0119!"@pl . "Set is a comic book supervillain from the Image Comics series Invincible."@en . "In Egyptian mythology, Set (also spelt Sutekh, Setesh, Seteh) is an ancient God, who was originally the god of the desert, one of the two main biomes that constitutes Egypt, the other being the small fertile area on either side of the Nile. Due to developments in the Egyptian language over the 3,000 years that Set was worshiped, by the Greek period, the t in Set was pronounced so indistinguishably from th that the Greeks spelled it as Seth."@en . . . . "Mask"@en . "Set"@en . . . . . . "Przyw\u00F3dca Nekropolis"@pl . . . "14577"^^ . "Psy Defence x2"@en . . . "Stimpak x2"@en . . . . "Set"@en . . "Hit Points: 100"@en . "Egyptian"@en . . "This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you."@en . . . "Set is the ancient god of chaos."@en . "#fff"@pl . . . "Set appears in Telepath RPG: Servants of God."@en . "A set is an unordered collection of unique objects which can be iterated, but not indexed. Objects in a set must be hashable. A set can be created with the set() function or with the syntax {Item1, Item2, Item3, ...}."@en . . "M"@it . "Red"@en . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Set, Setech (nazywany tak\u017Ce Neszeni =\"chmura burzowa\", Keri =\"wiatr?\", Nemhem =\"piorun\") - pierwotnie g\u00F3rnoegipskie prab\u00F3stwo, kt\u00F3rego kult rozpowszechniony by\u0142 na wielu obszarach Egiptu. Mia\u0142, paradoksalnie, dobre i z\u0142e aspekty - jako brat i zab\u00F3jca Ozyrysa otaczany by\u0142 kultem negatywnym (to, wed\u0142ug niekt\u00F3rych teorii, echo przegrania walk o zjednoczenie Egiptu przez tzw. konfederacj\u0119 Seta - predynastyczny organizm pa\u0144stwowy po\u0142udniowego Egiptu - z Delt\u0105 - czyli czcicielami Ozyrysa i Horusa), jednak\u017Ce Set patronowa\u0142 tak\u017Ce, jako b\u00F3stwo bustyni i \"obcych ziem\", r\u00F3\u017Cnym dalekim wyprawom i karawanowym szlakom. W pewnych okresach dziej\u00F3w Egiptu zyskiwa\u0142 nawet pozycj\u0119 opiekuna dynastii. Seta wyobra\u017Cano w postaci nie zidentyfikowanego jednoznacznie zwierz\u0119cia (antylopa? osio\u0142?)."@pl . . . "Significado del Nombre: Puesto en"@es . "no"@en . "Caf\u00E9 der Zerst\u00F6rten Tr\u00E4ume"@de . . . . . "Guarding the Globe Vol 1 1"@en . "ST 5, PE 7, EN 7, CH 8, IN 7, AG 9, LK 6"@hu . . "-"@en . "Sequence: 14"@en . . . . "13101"^^ . . "Set in Fallout"@en . "Melee Damage: 4"@en . . . . . . "Set - przyw\u00F3dca ghuli z Nekropolis (z wyj\u0105tkiem Podziemnych Ghuli)."@pl . . . "\u84CB\u724C G\u00E0ip\u00E1i / Goi3 paai4"@en . . . "Hall of the Dead, Necropolis"@en . "*Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed"@en . "Millions of years old"@en . "Aktionspunkte: 9"@de . . . . "5"^^ . "[[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]"@en . "Set was the Osirian villain who served Uterio Di Armechio and the Great Beings during the Uterio War. He was the leader of many forces throughout the war, but was already well known before it."@en . . . . . . "Set"@es . "Set is the Dragon's Gate god of deception. He is the patron of thieves and the poor. His symbols are the serpent and the jackal. Worshipers of Set can be of either Entropic or Chaotic alignment."@en . . "Attacks with 3 non-elemental shockwaves."@en . . . . "22"^^ . . . . . . . "Se sets."@sv . "*Fix the Necropolis water pump"@de . "- Im Zeichen des Ph\u00F6nix, Robert E. Howard thumb|leftSet, die alte Schlange, ist der Erzfeind Mitras. Der alte Gott wird haupts\u00E4chlich in Stygien verehrt und angebetet, ist aber auch in den Schwarzen K\u00F6nigreichen bekannt. Seine Priester sind fast so erschreckend wie der Gott selbst, und sie versetzen ihre eigenen Leute und ihre Feinde gleicherma\u00DFen in Furcht und Schrecken. Stygien ist ein Gottesstaat und der w\u00FCtende und verdorbene Klerus f\u00FChrt das Land mit Angst und Gewalt, sowie einer bedingungslosen Bereitschaft ihre eigenen Landsleute zu opfern."@de . "Bald or Black or Red"@en . . "The Desert"@en . . "Samurai Slayer L"@en . "no"@en . . . . "Red or dark"@en . . "This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you."@en . . . "In 2268, planet 892-IV's Empire TV made use of a set to film their gladiatorial combat. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\" ) In 2369, Beverly Crusher and the stage crew for Frame of Mind planned to take down the set the day after the last performance. Following William T. Riker's experience with the Tilonians, he decided to disassemble it himself that very night, believing he wouldn't be able to sleep if it was still up. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\" )"@en . . "Set est\u00E1 molesto por la presencia de Supermutantes en Necr\u00F3polis, por lo que intenta reclutar al Morador del Refugio para que se ocupe del problema. Tambi\u00E9n insistir\u00E1 en que el jugador arregle la bomba de agua si se encuentra en posesi\u00F3n del Chip de agua. Si el jugador tiene una inteligencia de 1 \u00E9l tratar\u00E1 de enga\u00F1arlo."@es . . "Set is a Child of Oberon who was worshipped as a god in ancient Egypt."@en . . . . . . . . "A set olyan be\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1si parancsok \u00F6sszess\u00E9ge, amely nem konfigur\u00E1ci\u00F3s m\u00F3dban haszn\u00E1latosak."@hu . . . "A set is a collection of distinct, symbols in ordered objects. Sets are typically collections of numbers, though a set may contain any type of data (including other sets).The objects in a set are called the members of the set or the elements of the set. A set should satisfy the following: 1) The members of the set should be distinct. (not be repeated) 2) The members of the set should be well-defined. (well-explained)"@en . . . "Set"@en . . "The Red Lord"@en . . . . "\"The Spear of Darkness\""@en . "223"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Lord of Evil"@en . . "Geb and Nut"@en . . . . "wi\u0119ksze b\u00F3stwo"@pl . "Shu and Tefnut"@en . . "Angry Warlord - 13 Turns"@en . . . . "Deity"@en . "Set is the Egyptian god of deserts, storms, strength, chaos, and evil. He is the son of Geb and Nut, as well as the brother of Horus, Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys. Later, Horus would become his nephew and Nephthys would become his wife. He is the main antagonist of The Red Pyramid, but a minor supporting protagonist in the rest of the series."@en . . "Set; Set 001.jpg"@en . . . "Po\u015Brednie b\u00F3stwo mulhorandzkie"@pl . "SET.MSG"@en . "Himself"@en . . "FO1, FO2"@en . "* Priests can convert wild animals.\n* Pharaoh can summon animals at the cost of favor.\n* Starts with a Hyena scout.\n* Five animals are summoned at the temple on each age advance.\n* Slingers and Chariot Archers are trained 20% faster.\n* Slingers have 10% more HP and 10% less hack vulnerability.\n* Migdol Strongholds costs 25% less."@en . . "Apocalypse; En Sabah Nur from Ultra X-Men 1994 0001.jpg"@en . "Set (Ancient Greek: \u03A3\u03AE\u03B8 (Seth), alternatively spelled Seth, Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh or Suty) is the god of chaos, evil, the desert, and foreigners in Egyptian mythology. Set is the brother of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. As well as the son of Nut the sky goddess and Geb the god of the earth. Regarded as the Lord of Lower (Northern) Egypt, Set was represented by a big-eared imaginary animal with red hair, resembling a donkey or maybe an aardvark. The Greeks associated Set with their god, Typhon, a personification of a huge monstrous storm and disaster. He is a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis and ferried Ra's barge."@en . . . "Alignment: Lawful Evil Domains: Law, Evil, Knowledge, Death Symbol: Black Ankh of Set Garb: Kilt, sandals, and ceremonial head-dress (beast mask), Black Ankh of Set Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff, spear, poisoned weapons Typical Worshippers: Evil power-seeking humanoids, evil monks, assassins Set is a greater god, worshiped on many planes in many forms. He most often appears as a scaled humanoid with the head of a jackal. He is utterly dedicated to the orderly spread of evil and oppression. His symbol is the coiled cobra, though any snake can be used to represent his power. His temples are filled with enormous serpents, always poisonous. His skin is poisonous to the touch. He makes his home in the Nine Hells. Organized groups of assassins are known to be dedicated to his worship. His priests carry staves worked on one end into the head of a cobra. The cobra head is often tipped with steel fangs coated with poison. His clerics often carry a stylized black spear, representing the Spear of Darkness he carries. Many of his worshippers tattoo themselves with serpents or cobras. Why's he not worshiped in the Valley? Oddly, because both Thyr and Orcus say no. Thyr wants a slightly less brutal theocracy, while Orcus has laid claim to the role of \"resident evil guy\". Set is worshiped right across the continent however, particularly north past the Jungle. There's variations on Set across the multiverse, and scholars agree it's probably all one god, shaping himself to appeal to different worshipers in different places. Snakes and ankhs here, spiders and lanterns there."@en . . . . . . "no"@hu . . "Los Sets son objetos de equipamiento para aumentar las caracter\u00EDsticas o aumentar determinados bonus al personaje.tambien se los puede utilizar de una manera para verse mejor y mas presentable los set son faciles de conseguir los puedes tener enfretandote a monstros como jalatos arankas etc:: estos set por lo regular te pueden dar mas da\u00F1os;mas vida;o resistencia;y algunos hasta prospecion y sabiduria."@es . "The ancient Egyptian god of chaos and disorder. According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, Set, jealous of his older brother Osiris, the first king of Egypt, ambushed his brother and threw his body into the Nile River. One of Osiris's sons avenged his father's death and sent Set to the Underworld for eternity. In this series, Tutenstein's mystical awakening has opened up a Gate between the Underworld and the Overworld -- and Set's evil power begins to grow again. Aware that there's still a Pharaoh in the world, Set is eager to steal the boy mummy's symbol of power, the Sceptor of Was, and rule the world. With the Scepter in his hands, Set will then be able to achieve his evil plans and spread his vast Legion of Demons across the world."@en . "Unbewaffnet: 98"@de . . "121.83"^^ . . "Unarmed: 98"@en . . . "Setto"@en . "no"@hu . . "Leader of Necropolis ghouls, he sodom"@hu . "Chercher \"set\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Hall of the Dead, Necropolis"@de . "Set is the leader of all the ghouls in Necropolis in 2161, except for the Underground ghouls who lived in the sewers and the glowing ones who live in Vault 12. He has a son called Typhon."@en . . . . "Common sense should be referred to as \"the sense formerly known as common.\""@en . "Channels a war god's power to increase Strength."@en . . . . . . . "no"@hu . . "A set is group of related equipment, generally armor, that can be worn together. Set items share the same prefix in their name, similar construction or source, and a themed look for the set. The themed look provides a significant role play value."@en . . . . . . . . "black"@en . . "Samurai Slayer"@en . . . "Ra"@en . "*Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed"@hu . . "Nahkampfschaden: 4"@de . . . . "Set in Fallout 2"@de . "Set is a minor recurring villain in Sonic the Comic and Sonic the Comic Online."@en . "FO1, FO2"@de . "Set (pronounced set ) was the greatest evil power of the Mulhorandi pantheon. Known as Typhon in the lands of Thay and Unther, he was a jealous and loathsome being that did all he can to meddle in the plans of his fellow deities. He was also known as Zehir to the yuan-ti race."@en . "The Order"@en . "Dios"@es . . "Ambition"@en . . . . "Busted combat armor"@hu . . "SET (an acronym for Secure Electronic Transaction) is a protocol developed by Mastercard and Visa to permit secure use of credit cards over insecure networks, specifically, the Internet."@en . "ciemno\u015B\u0107, \u0142uskowate, magia, nienawi\u015B\u0107, powietrze, prawo, z\u0142o"@pl . . . . . . . "To Set (Japanese: \u30BB\u30C3\u30C8 Setto) is to place a card face-down on the field. Monster Cards can be Normal Set from the hand in the Monster Zones, which places them in face-down Defense Position on the field. Each player can only perform 1 Normal Summon or Set per turn. With the exception of Field Spell Cards (which are Set in the Field Zone), Spell and Trap Cards are Set in the Spell & Trap Card Zones. Cards that are Set in the Spell & Trap Zone or Field Zone are are placed vertically."@en . . "Seth; Serpent Seth from Thor 400.jpg"@en . . . "Set"@es . . "602"^^ . . "Marvel Comics"@en . "A set in mathematics is a mathematical object that is a collection of distinct mathematical objects in which the order is negelected. There is no formal definition of a set in most set theories. In such set theories, it is taken to be a primitive notion. The study of sets it set theory. This article is a stub, please help Philosophy Wiki by improving it. If its finished, please remove this template. Set Theory Concepts Set theory, Set, Element, Subset, Equality, Empty Set, Enumeration, Function, Ordered pair, Uncountable set, Extensionality, Finite set, Domain, Codomain, Image, DeMorgan's Laws Operations Union, Intersection, Relative complement, Absolute complement, Symmetric complement, Cartesian product, Power Set Axiomatic Systems ZF Set Theory"@en . "603"^^ . "22"^^ . "Assassins, Blackguards, Brigands, Criminals, Rogues, Thieves, Tomb Robbers, Wizards"@en . . "-"@en . "7486"^^ . . . . "Set is a Child of Oberon who was worshipped as a god in ancient Egypt."@en . . . "W\u0142\u00F3cznia Ciemno\u015Bci"@pl . "Kaputte Kampfr\u00FCstung"@de . "Set is the Dragon's Gate god of deception. He is the patron of thieves and the poor. His symbols are the serpent and the jackal. Worshipers of Set can be of either Entropic or Chaotic alignment."@en . "* Necropolis ghouls"@hu . . "Set era uno degli Shandia vissuti a Jaya circa quattrocento anni fa."@it . . . "-"@de . . "100"^^ . . . "Seto"@it . "no"@hu . "yes"@hu . "Set.png"@it . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Set"@pl . "Set is a command that is used to assign values to variables."@en . . "Mahalaleel"@es . . . . "Power"@en . "nein"@de . "You better have a killer reason....."@hu . "180"^^ . "A set in mathematics is a mathematical object that is a collection of distinct mathematical objects in which the order is negelected. There is no formal definition of a set in most set theories. In such set theories, it is taken to be a primitive notion. The study of sets it set theory."@en . . "Significado del Nombre: Puesto en"@es . . "Set"@tr . "Father of Jackals"@en . "Als Set wird alles bezeichnet was der Konsument selbst in eine Rauscherfahrung mitbringt. Dies umfasst vor allem die Einstellung des Konsumenten zum Trip, seine Gef\u00FChle, aber auch seine Erinnerung und vorherigen Erfahrungen. In den Begriff k\u00F6nnen auch k\u00F6rperliche Vorbedingungen, wie etwa eine bestehende Wirkstofftoleranz, einflie\u00DFen. Das Set geh\u00F6rt, neben Droge, Dosis und Setting, zu den zentralen Umst\u00E4nden die einen Drogenrausch bestimmen."@de . "Set is a minor recurring villain in Sonic the Comic and Sonic the Comic Online."@en . . . "- Im Zeichen des Ph\u00F6nix, Robert E. Howard thumb|leftSet, die alte Schlange, ist der Erzfeind Mitras. Der alte Gott wird haupts\u00E4chlich in Stygien verehrt und angebetet, ist aber auch in den Schwarzen K\u00F6nigreichen bekannt. Er ist ein grausamer, eifers\u00FCchtiger Gott, der unabl\u00E4ssig Opfer von seinen Anh\u00E4ngern verlangt, und seine Priester sind dazu immer bereit. Sie schleppen schreiende Jungfrauen zu seinem Altar um seinen Blutdurst zu stillen. In Stygien ist die Schlange heilig und eine Schlange zu t\u00F6ten ist eine Tods\u00FCnde. Wenn eine Schlange durch die Stra\u00DFen der St\u00E4dte schl\u00E4ngelt und den Weg eines Menschen kreuzt, legt sich der Mensch ausgestreckt vor das Tier und hofft, als w\u00FCrdig erachtet und von ihm gebissen zu werden. Seine Priester sind fast so erschreckend wie der Gott selbst, und sie versetzen ihre eigenen Leute und ihre Feinde gleicherma\u00DFen in Furcht und Schrecken. Stygien ist ein Gottesstaat und der w\u00FCtende und verdorbene Klerus f\u00FChrt das Land mit Angst und Gewalt, sowie einer bedingungslosen Bereitschaft ihre eigenen Landsleute zu opfern. In der realen Mythologie ist Set[h] der \u00E4gyptische Gott des Unwetters und der Gewalt, bekannt als Menschenk\u00F6rper mit hunds\u00E4hnlichem Kopf. Die Schlange ist nur eine von vielen untergeordneten Varianten, als die er noch dargestellt wird. [1] Kategorie:G\u00F6tter"@de . "Robert Kirkman; Benito Cereno; Ransom Getty"@en . "Defiler of the Dead"@en . "Hay muchos equipos o sets disponibles en Dofus, los forman art\u00EDculos espec\u00EDficos, que en conjunto, proporcionan bonificaciones especiales. Cuantas m\u00E1s piezas se lleven equipadas del mismo set, mayor es la bonificaci\u00F3n del set (aunque no se pueden equipar dos anillos del mismo set al mismo tiempo)."@es . . "Poison"@en . "Erfahrungspunkte: 350"@de . "Influence"@en . "* Necropolis Ghule"@de . "Reaktion: 14"@de . "Set (Ancient Greek: \u03A3\u03AE\u03B8 (Seth), alternatively spelled Seth, Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh or Suty) is the god of chaos, evil, the desert, and foreigners in Egyptian mythology. Set is the brother of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. As well as the son of Nut the sky goddess and Geb the god of the earth. Regarded as the Lord of Lower (Northern) Egypt, Set was represented by a big-eared imaginary animal with red hair, resembling a donkey or maybe an aardvark. The Greeks associated Set with their god, Typhon, a personification of a huge monstrous storm and disaster. He is a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis and ferried Ra's barge."@en . . "Set"@sv . "Set - przyw\u00F3dca ghuli z Nekropolis (z wyj\u0105tkiem Podziemnych Ghuli)."@pl . . "Cain\u00E1n"@es . . . . . . "zwini\u0119ta kobra"@pl . . . . "-"@hu . "A LEGO Set is a building kit that contains numerous bricks that can be assembled in a way to form an object, such as a plane or fortress. Some sets can be assembled in different ways, so you can build different models with bricks of one set. All bricks are compatible with bricks of other sets. All sets are categorized in themes like Orient Expedition or Star Wars, under LEGO System. Here you can find a List of themes."@en . . "Set is an Archaic Age Egyptian major god."@en . "Staff"@en . . "12"^^ . "Hebrea"@es . "Set"@el . "no"@en . "\u03A3\u03AE\u03B8, Swth, Seti, Sutah, Setesh, Sutekh, Seth, Setekh, Suty,Rezar"@en . . "nein"@de . . . . "In Dofus gibt es viele verschiedene Sets. Manche Setteile k\u00F6nnen direkt bei besiegen eines Monsters gefunden werden, aber die Meisten muss man aus bestimmten Gegenst\u00E4nden bei einem Spezialisten des entsprechenden Berufs herstellen lassen. Jedes Setteil f\u00FCr sich gibt dem Charakter bestimmte Effekte, aber wenn man Setteile eines Sets kombiniert tr\u00E4gt, dann kann man besondere Boni erhalten. Je mehr Teile eines Sets man tr\u00E4gt desto gr\u00F6\u00DFer ist nat\u00FCrlich der Bonus, den man durch das Set erh\u00E4lt."@de . "A set is group of related equipment, generally armor, that can be worn together. Set items share the same prefix in their name, similar construction or source, and a themed look for the set. The themed look provides a significant role play value."@en . . . . "Pierce"@en . "Murder"@en . . . "Aram-Seti; Aram-Seti Supernatural Thrillers Vol 1 5.jpg"@en . . . "FO, FO2"@es . "Set"@nl . . "Evil Magic"@en . . . . . . . . . "Set"@en . . . . . . "Set"@hu . "Los Sets son objetos de equipamiento para aumentar las caracter\u00EDsticas o aumentar determinados bonus al personaje.tambien se los puede utilizar de una manera para verse mejor y mas presentable los set son faciles de conseguir los puedes tener enfretandote a monstros como jalatos arankas etc:: estos set por lo regular te pueden dar mas da\u00F1os;mas vida;o resistencia;y algunos hasta prospecion y sabiduria. No hace falta tener completo un set para poder equipartelo, simplemente cuantas m\u00E1s partes tengas m\u00E1s bonus te dar\u00E1n. Cuando te equipas una o varias partes de un set se ven despu\u00E9s en el juego. Tambi\u00E9n se pueden equipar partes de sets diferentes. Cada parte tiene atribuida una parte del cuerpo en la que se puede equipar. Por tanto, un casco solo se puede equipar en la cabeza y no puedes llevar dos cascos (o sombreros) equipados simult\u00E1neamente."@es . . . . . . . "A LEGO Set is a building kit that contains numerous bricks that can be assembled in a way to form an object, such as a plane or fortress. Some sets can be assembled in different ways, so you can build different models with bricks of one set. All bricks are compatible with bricks of other sets. All sets are categorized in themes like Orient Expedition or Star Wars, under LEGO System. Here you can find a List of themes."@en . . "30"^^ . . . . . . . . "Demon-Steed; Set .jpg"@en . "9151"^^ . . "\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"@en . "Colocar"@en . . . . . "SET.MSG"@de . "SET (an acronym for Secure Electronic Transaction) is a protocol developed by Mastercard and Visa to permit secure use of credit cards over insecure networks, specifically, the Internet."@en . "Caf\u00E9 of Broken Dreams"@en . . . . . "Armor Class: 9"@en . "pustynia, zniszczenie, susza, noc, gnicie, w\u0119\u017Ce, nienawi\u015B\u0107, zdrada, z\u0142a magia, ambicja, trucizna, morderstwo"@pl . . "Listen to me kid, and you'll go places. If your lucky, they might even be places you want to go --Set, being himself"@en . . . "Most Egyptian myths claim Set is childless and incapable of procreation, but other myths list him as the father of Anubis and/or Thoth. His wife is usually listed as Nyphthys, but he is also linked with Anat, Astarte and Tawaret. In the realm of the Dark-Hunters, he is the father of Bathymaas and Seth, and once threatened to tear down the entire Atlantean pantheon. Archon and Apollo are not his pals, but he has been a known ally of both Apollymi and Menyara. It is revealed in Styxx that he is primary Source god Rezar."@en . "A set is a combination of head, body, hand, legs and feet armor. Armor sold in premium item shops for real money are typically sold in sets."@en . . "50"^^ . . "Invincible"@en . . "Ad\u00E1n y Eva"@es . . "a Set is a collection where there are no duplicated items and the order of the items does not matter. A Set is a special case of the List Data type."@en . "\u30BB\u30C8"@it . "Holy Toledo, so glad I clkiecd on this site first! Holy Toledo, so glad I clkiecd on this site first!"@en . . "240"^^ . . "Outcast of the Gods"@en . . . "Night"@en . . "Egypt"@en . . "\uC138\uD2B8 Seteu"@en . . "Metalworking"@en . . "602"^^ . . . "603"^^ . . "Typhon - son"@hu . "A set is a conjunt of equipment. A set can contain armor, shield, legs, helmet, weapon and boots. Not all sets will contain every different type of equipment. For example the Leather Set consists of Leather Armor, Leather Legs, Leather Helmet and the Leather Boots. Sets by material they are made of: \n* Bone Set \n* Brass Set \n* Chain Set \n* Crown Set \n* Dark Set \n* Dragon Scale Set \n* Golden Set \n* Iron Set \n* Leather Set \n* Plate Set \n* Steel Set \n* Studded Set Sets by element they are resistant to: Sets by monsters' drops or fashion: Rookgaard Sets:"@es . . "Set"@en . "Set era un personaje masculino en una leyenda del planeta Naboo, se dijo estar profundamente enamorado de una mujer llamada Ver\u00E9. En el 22 ABY, el Padawan Jedi Anakin Skywalker y la Senadora Padm\u00E9 Amidala de Naboo, utilizaron los nombres de Set y Ver\u00E9, respectivamente, para casarse en secreto. Eso lo hicieron, por esconder su matrimonio a la Orden Jedi."@es . . . . . . . "set t\u00FCk\u00E7esi tak\u0131m demektir 2 den fazla iteminiz olunca equit edebilirsiniz Kim yazd\u0131 lan bunu allahtan t\u00FCrk wiki asdfasdfasd :D herkese selam olsun as"@tr . . "Set era un personaje masculino en una leyenda del planeta Naboo, se dijo estar profundamente enamorado de una mujer llamada Ver\u00E9. En el 22 ABY, el Padawan Jedi Anakin Skywalker y la Senadora Padm\u00E9 Amidala de Naboo, utilizaron los nombres de Set y Ver\u00E9, respectivamente, para casarse en secreto. Eso lo hicieron, por esconder su matrimonio a la Orden Jedi."@es . . "121.57"^^ . "Action Points: 9"@en . "In Egyptian mythology, Set (also spelt Sutekh, Setesh, Seteh) is an ancient God, who was originally the god of the desert, one of the two main biomes that constitutes Egypt, the other being the small fertile area on either side of the Nile. Due to developments in the Egyptian language over the 3,000 years that Set was worshiped, by the Greek period, the t in Set was pronounced so indistinguishably from th that the Greeks spelled it as Seth."@en . "Set in the Caf\u00E9 of Broken Dreams in Fallout 2"@en . . "Sandstorm Betrayal - 15 Turns"@en . . . . . . "A set is a collection of distinct, symbols in ordered objects. Sets are typically collections of numbers, though a set may contain any type of data (including other sets).The objects in a set are called the members of the set or the elements of the set. A set should satisfy the following: 1) The members of the set should be distinct. (not be repeated) 2) The members of the set should be well-defined. (well-explained)"@en . . . "FO1, FO2"@es . . . . . "leer"@de . "Setzen"@en . . . . . "30"^^ . "Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Horus the Elder"@en . . "Set est\u00E1 molesto por la presencia de Supermutantes en Necr\u00F3polis, por lo que intenta reclutar al Morador del Refugio para que se ocupe del problema. Tambi\u00E9n insistir\u00E1 en que el jugador arregle la bomba de agua si se encuentra en posesi\u00F3n del Chip de agua. Si el jugador tiene una inteligencia de 1 \u00E9l tratar\u00E1 de enga\u00F1arlo."@es . . . "Gem"@en . "Age of Mythology"@en . . "Set is the Egyptian god of deserts, storms, strength, chaos, and evil. He is the son of Geb and Nut, as well as the brother of Horus, Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys. Later, Horus would become his nephew and Nephthys would become his wife. He is the main antagonist of The Red Pyramid, but a minor supporting protagonist in the rest of the series."@en . . . "Verb: Poser"@en . . . "Deity"@en . "Set is an Archaic Age Egyptian major god."@en . . "Set is the chaotic god of the Barbarian pantheon. Set's high priest is Thoth Amon, the Barbarian quest nemesis."@en . "Jackal, Serpent, Wolf"@en . "Rot"@en . "Hai,ik zoek naar een goed wisdom set weten jullie er? Help me plz. - Prespic set. - eventueel losse elementen: ring, staf/wapen, ketting met wijsheid. Categorie:Ik zoek een agility en strengt set onder lvl 40"@nl . . . . . "Alignment: Lawful Evil Domains: Law, Evil, Knowledge, Death Symbol: Black Ankh of Set Garb: Kilt, sandals, and ceremonial head-dress (beast mask), Black Ankh of Set Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff, spear, poisoned weapons Typical Worshippers: Evil power-seeking humanoids, evil monks, assassins"@en . "Null Damage Wall"@en . "A set is a combination of head, body, hand, legs and feet armor. Armor sold in premium item shops for real money are typically sold in sets."@en . "Brother of Serpents"@en .