"Seska was a female Cardassian intelligence operative posted aboard the Maquis raider Val Jean in 2371."@en . . . . . . . . . "Seska war eine cardassianische Agentin, die als Bajoranerileft|thumb|226px|Seska in ihrer bajoranischen Tarnung auf der Voyagern im Dienst der Sternenflotte getarnt an Bord der USS Voyager kam. Als die Voyager im Delta-Quadranten strandete, verriet Seska die Voyager an die Kazon, um sich einen pers\u00F6nlichen Vorteil zu verschaffen, da sie nicht an eine R\u00FCckkehr in den Alpha-Quadranten glaubte. Seska war kurzzeitig mit Commander Chakotay liiert."@de . . "Seska"@es . "A Wicked Good Time"@en . . . . . "Spy"@en . "Seska in 2372"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Ensign Seska, Operations Division"@en . . . "Seska \u00E9tait une agent Cardassienne, modifi\u00E9e chirurgicalement pour ressembler \u00E0 une Bajorane dans le but d'infiltrer le Maquis. Elle fut assign\u00E9e au Val Jean sous les ordres de Chakotay. Comme les autres membres du vaisseau, elle fut projet\u00E9 en 2371 dans le Quadrant Delta o\u00F9 elle rejoignit l'\u00E9quipage de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656 jusqu'\u00E0 ce que sa v\u00E9ritable identit\u00E9 soit r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9e."@fr . . . . "One brother"@en . . "Seska was a 24th century Cardassian operative, surgically altered to appear Bajoran in order to infiltrate the Maquis. Before being stranded in the Delta Quadrant with the rest of her Maquis team and the USS Voyager crew, she was assigned to Chakotay's Maquis raider, the Val Jean and used her relationship with him to steal Maquis secrets. She appeared in Star Trek Voyager and portrayed by Martha Hackett."@en . "Dead children of Glauce"@en . "Seska"@de . . . . "Seska was a Cardassian female born on Cardassia sometime in the 2340s."@en . . "Seska ist eine Cardassianerin und wird als Agentin beim Maquis eingeschleust. Als Bajoranerin getarnt unterwandert Seska den Maquis. Der ehemalige Sternenflottenoffizier Chakotay holt sie pers\u00F6nlich in seine Maquiszelle. Ihr gelingt es in dieser Zeit sogar, mit einigen Maquis Freundschaften zu schlie\u00DFen \u2013 darunter auch B'Elanna Torres. Mit Chakotay hat sie sogar ein Verh\u00E4ltnis. (VOY: , )"@de . "intelligence agent"@en . . . ""@en . . . . . . "Seska, disguised as a Bajoran Starfleet science officer ."@en . . . . . . "Seska is the daughter of Telaquire Amazon, Lilith and former King of Corinth, Jason. Her parents had a relationship during their time at Cheiron's Academy (Young Hercules). After they graduated, Lilith went back to her Amazon tribe and Jason became King of Corinth and an Argonaut. Lilith gave birth to Seska without ever telling Jason so that she may grow strong as an Amazon and make her own decision about wanting to know her father. When Seska became a teenager, Lilith sent her to train at Cheiron's Academy during a time when rebellious teenagers took over. It was also during this time that Hercules, Jason, Iolaus II, as well as Lilith arrived and whipped everyone back into shape. Seska got to know her father for the first time. Lilith and Seska soon settled in a town near the Academy, but Seska had difficulty making friends. She eventually joined an illegal coven of witches consisting of local girls Helah and Sariah \u2013 the entire group being manipulated, somewhat unsurprisingly, by Discord. After Haleh threw Hercules in jail and cast a spell on Iolaus, Seska realized how dangerous Haleh was and helped Hercules defeat her. Seska later arranged for Discord to testify that she had been behind the troubles the town was facing so that Hercules' name could be cleared. Their final meeting showed that Seska was planning to use her natural talent for witchcraft responsibly."@en . "The Academy"@en . . . . "early 2373"@en . . . "Sessen, born 2372"@en . . . . . . . "300"^^ . . . . "Seska is the daughter of Telaquire Amazon, Lilith and former King of Corinth, Jason. Her parents had a relationship during their time at Cheiron's Academy (Young Hercules). After they graduated, Lilith went back to her Amazon tribe and Jason became King of Corinth and an Argonaut. Lilith gave birth to Seska without ever telling Jason so that she may grow strong as an Amazon and make her own decision about wanting to know her father."@en . "card"@en . . . ""@en . "Seska"@en . . "Seska in her true Cardassian form."@en . . . . "\"Not a tribe\", according to Pella, the Seska may have been native to Xenon, but Pella did mention them coming to the planet because it was not unlike Earth. The Seska were all women, with telekinetic powers boosted by dynamon crystals. Removing the collar containing the crystal required specialised surgery, suggesting a direct link with the neural system of the wearer. Orac referred to the crystal as \"ingrafted\". War between the Seska and the Hommiks had been waged for some time prior to the crew's arrival on Xenon. Records from the time of Maravik (predecessor of Gunn-Sar) include references to a nucleic burster being thrown in the procreation vault, contaminating the seminal stocks held there. Reports viewed by Dayna and Tarrant of the last battle mentioned 18 dead and 7 taken, leaving 94 remaining Seska including 52 infants. The Seska described themselves as experts in tele-ergonomics and energy transference. They assisted Dorian in developing what he thought was a teleport system, but was in fact a tele-ergotron. Kate said that the Seska had worked on developing a teleport \"for generations\". They were hunted by the Hommiks to \"give them sons\", and did their best to find and save daughters left exposed on the hillsides. A week prior to the crew's arrival there were five Seska, but this had dwindled to just three by the time Avon met them: Pella, Kate and Luxia. Luxia was captured and operated on by Nina, a former Seska, and Kate was killed by Pella who, last of the Seska by a matter of minutes, was shot dead by Avon as she tried to take control of Scorpio."@en . . . . . . . . . "Seska first joined the Maquis in 2370 while undercover for the Cardassian Union. (VOY: \"State of Flux\") She served under Chakotay aboard the Maquis raider Val Jean when it was catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array in 2371. (VOY: \"Caretaker\") She was close friends with B'Elanna Torres and on Voyager was granted the field commission of ensign, initially in the science department but later moving to engineering. Not very fond of the Federation, Starfleet, and their \"mighty principles\", she often expressed her disapproval and annoyance with their rules and made it clear to Chakotay that if the situation ever necessitated it, she would support a Maquis mutiny. (VOY: \"Caretaker\", \"Parallax\", \"Prime Factors\")"@en . "Dead children of Glauce"@en . "Seska was a 24th century Cardassian operative, surgically altered to appear Bajoran in order to infiltrate the Maquis. Before being stranded in the Delta Quadrant with the rest of her Maquis team and the USS Voyager crew, she was assigned to Chakotay's Maquis raider, the Val Jean and used her relationship with him to steal Maquis secrets. She appeared in Star Trek Voyager and portrayed by Martha Hackett."@en . "Seska \u00E9tait une agent Cardassienne, modifi\u00E9e chirurgicalement pour ressembler \u00E0 une Bajorane dans le but d'infiltrer le Maquis. Elle fut assign\u00E9e au Val Jean sous les ordres de Chakotay. Comme les autres membres du vaisseau, elle fut projet\u00E9 en 2371 dans le Quadrant Delta o\u00F9 elle rejoignit l'\u00E9quipage de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656 jusqu'\u00E0 ce que sa v\u00E9ritable identit\u00E9 soit r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9e."@fr . . "Spying, Sabotage, Trained in Starfleet, Maquis, and Cardassian tactics, Seductive, Master Manipulator, Vast Techincal Skills"@en . "Seska"@en . "2373"^^ . . . . . "Seska, sciences division.jpg"@en . "En 2371 se encontraba bajo la orden de Chakotay en una nave Maquis, y manten\u00EDa una relaci\u00F3n con \u00E9l para obtener informaci\u00F3n sobre sus planes. Cuando fueron transportados al Cuadrante Delta por El Guardi\u00E1n, junto a la USS Voyager, la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave de Chakotay, con Seska incluida, debi\u00F3 unirse a la tripulaci\u00F3n de la Voyager e intentar con ellos volver al Cuadrante Alfa. A bordo de la Voyager, su verdadera identidad sigui\u00F3 oculta durante un tiempo. No obstante, su disgusto con las medidas tomadas por la Capit\u00E1n y su poco apego a la filosof\u00EDa de la Federaci\u00F3n, hicieron que finalmente su verdadera naturaleza se revelara. Sin importarle los principios de la Flota, comenz\u00F3 a negociar en secreto con los Kazon, brind\u00E1ndoles tecnolog\u00EDa de la Federaci\u00F3n. Finalmente, un an\u00E1lisis de El Doctor termina por revelar su identidad cardassiana, dado que sus genes no coincid\u00EDan totalmente con los de un bajoriano. Sin embargo, aunque su mentira es revelada, logra escapar a una nave Kazon, dejando as\u00ED por completo la Voyager (VOY: State of Flux). Desde entonces, Seska se involucr\u00F3 con los Kazon completamente, comenzando una relaci\u00F3n con el l\u00EDder de la secta Kazon-Nistrim, Culluh. En la nave kazon recuper\u00F3 por completo su fisiolog\u00EDa cardassiana. En diversas ocasiones Seska y la Voyager se reencontraron, dado que el objetivo de los Kazon era robar la avanzada tecnolog\u00EDa de la nave. En 2372 los planes de Seska son impedidos por Chakotay, quien se siente culpable por haberse visto enga\u00F1ado por ella en el pasado. Sin embargo, aunque el Primer Oficial de la Voyager sale triunfante, impidiendo el robo de la teconolog\u00EDa y escapando de los Kazon, Seska contacta a la Voyager para comunicar que ha extra\u00EDdo el ADN de Chakotay y se ha embarazado con \u00E9l (VOY: Maneuvers). Cuando a fines de 2372 dio a luz a su hijo, contact\u00F3 inmediatamente a Chakotay para informarle que su vida y la del ni\u00F1o estaban en peligro, dado que Culluh hab\u00EDa descubierto que el ni\u00F1o no era suyo. Sin embargo, esto result\u00F3 ser una trampa para atraer a la Voyager y as\u00ED lograr abordarla. Janeway no pudo activar la secuencia de auto destrucci\u00F3n de la nave, por lo que lo que ella y todos sus tripulantes se vieron forzados a trasladarse a Hanon IV, dejando de la Voyager en manos de los kazon y qued\u00E1ndose all\u00ED sin teconolog\u00EDa ninguna. Durante la corta ocupaci\u00F3n de la Voyager, Seska descubre grancias a El Doctor que su hijo no es de Chakotay, como ella cre\u00EDa, sino de Culluh. Finalmente, gracias a Tom Paris, El Doctor y Lon Suder, Janeway y su tripulaci\u00F3n logran volver a tomar control de la Voyager. Seska muere en la nave, resultado de una explosi\u00F3n, pero Culluh logra escapar, no sin antes llevarse a su hijo con \u00E9l (VOY: Basics, Part I) (VOY: Basics, Part II)."@es . . "Seska"@fr . . . . "Seska ist eine Cardassianerin und wird als Agentin beim Maquis eingeschleust. Als Bajoranerin getarnt unterwandert Seska den Maquis. Der ehemalige Sternenflottenoffizier Chakotay holt sie pers\u00F6nlich in seine Maquiszelle. Ihr gelingt es in dieser Zeit sogar, mit einigen Maquis Freundschaften zu schlie\u00DFen \u2013 darunter auch B'Elanna Torres. Mit Chakotay hat sie sogar ein Verh\u00E4ltnis. (VOY: , ) Einmal legt Seska den Computerspeicherkern auf einen cardassianischen Raumschiff lahm. Sie modifiziert einen Antiprotonenstrahl, welcher die Schilde und die H\u00FClle des Schiffs durchdringt und so den Speicher lahm legt. (VOY: ) 2371 befindet Seska sich auf Chakotays Schiff, der SS Val Jean, als dieses von dem cardassianischen Schiff Vetar verfolgt wird. Als das Schiff sich vor den Cardassianern in den Badlands verstecken will, wird es dort von einer Verlagerungswelle erfasst und gelangt so in den Delta-Quadranten. Nachdem die Val Jean beim Kampf gegen die Kazon vernichtet wird, beamt die ganze Besatzung \u2013 darunter auch Seska \u2013 auf die USS Voyager, ein F\u00F6derationsschiff, welches ebenfalls im Delta-Quadrant gestrandet ist. An Bord der Voyager beginnt f\u00FCr sie wie f\u00FCr die \u00FCbrige Besatzung die lange Heimreise in den Alpha-Quadranten. (VOY: , )"@de . . . . . "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"@en . . . . . "En 2371 se encontraba bajo la orden de Chakotay en una nave Maquis, y manten\u00EDa una relaci\u00F3n con \u00E9l para obtener informaci\u00F3n sobre sus planes. Cuando fueron transportados al Cuadrante Delta por El Guardi\u00E1n, junto a la USS Voyager, la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave de Chakotay, con Seska incluida, debi\u00F3 unirse a la tripulaci\u00F3n de la Voyager e intentar con ellos volver al Cuadrante Alfa. A bordo de la Voyager, su verdadera identidad sigui\u00F3 oculta durante un tiempo. En diversas ocasiones Seska y la Voyager se reencontraron, dado que el objetivo de los Kazon era robar la avanzada tecnolog\u00EDa de la nave."@es . . . . . . . . . . "2373"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . "One son, with Culluh"@en . . "Cardassian"@en . . . . . . . . "Star Trek: Voyager"@en . . . . . "\"Not a tribe\", according to Pella, the Seska may have been native to Xenon, but Pella did mention them coming to the planet because it was not unlike Earth. The Seska were all women, with telekinetic powers boosted by dynamon crystals. Removing the collar containing the crystal required specialised surgery, suggesting a direct link with the neural system of the wearer. Orac referred to the crystal as \"ingrafted\"."@en . "female"@en . . "seska SF.jpg"@en . "Female"@en . "2340.0"^^ . "Seska was a Cardassian female born on Cardassia sometime in the 2340s."@en . . . "Seska first joined the Maquis in 2370 while undercover for the Cardassian Union. (VOY: \"State of Flux\") She served under Chakotay aboard the Maquis raider Val Jean when it was catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array in 2371. (VOY: \"Caretaker\") She was close friends with B'Elanna Torres and on Voyager was granted the field commission of ensign, initially in the science department but later moving to engineering. Not very fond of the Federation, Starfleet, and their \"mighty principles\", she often expressed her disapproval and annoyance with their rules and made it clear to Chakotay that if the situation ever necessitated it, she would support a Maquis mutiny. (VOY: \"Caretaker\", \"Parallax\", \"Prime Factors\") She was involved with Lieutenants Torres, Joe Carey, and Tuvok in a covert attempts to acquire spatial trajector technology from the Sikarians, behind Captain Janeway's back. When their plan to steal the technology failed, she attempted a cover-up, but Torres held her back, stating that she did not want to lie anymore \u2013 something Seska found rather disappointing. (VOY: \"Prime Factors\") Her disdain of Starfleet and Starfleet principles, such as the prime directive, lead to her distancing herself from the crew further, ultimately leading to collaboration with the Kazon-Nistrim, offering them replicator technology in exchange for their help in this unknown part of the galaxy. She did not believe that something simple like replicators could shift the balance of power in this part of the quadrant as her primary goal was to get back home. (VOY: \"State of Flux\") Her true origins remained undiscovered until the time she helped transfer replicator technology to the Nistrim and was seriously injured during the transfer. The Doctor's subsequent examination revealed her true Cardassian origin. She denied this fact, claiming that she had suffered from Orkett's disease as a child and received an extensive transfusion from a Cardassian to survive. When Chakotay confronted her, revealing the cover-up, she finally confessed to everything and openly expressed her dislike for Captain Janeway's decision, calling her a fool for having gotten them stranded in the Delta Quadrant and being unwilling to give the Kazon what they wanted so Voyager had an ally. She also expressed her disappointment in Chakotay, who she believed had naively followed Janeway's, and stated that she couldn't imagine why she had ever loved him. Before she could be further questioned, she escaped Voyager by transferring to a Kazon raider. (VOY: \"State of Flux\")"@en . . . "Seska was a female Cardassian intelligence operative posted aboard the Maquis raider Val Jean in 2371."@en . . . . . "Neina"@en . . "Seska war eine cardassianische Agentin, die als Bajoranerileft|thumb|226px|Seska in ihrer bajoranischen Tarnung auf der Voyagern im Dienst der Sternenflotte getarnt an Bord der USS Voyager kam. Als die Voyager im Delta-Quadranten strandete, verriet Seska die Voyager an die Kazon, um sich einen pers\u00F6nlichen Vorteil zu verschaffen, da sie nicht an eine R\u00FCckkehr in den Alpha-Quadranten glaubte. Seska war kurzzeitig mit Commander Chakotay liiert."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Seska in the Sciences division"@en . . "Seska"@en . "Seska-Bajoran.jpg"@en . "Cardassian spy"@en . "To gain power."@en . . .