. . "Meadonroe"@en . . "190"^^ . . "180"^^ . . "The Miko has arrived! I will expel evil and cleanse all!"@en . "*Duncan Little"@de . "Miko is a simple soul, innocent and unassuming, but his years of imprisonment have given him a sharper edge, he is craftier, and has a lot of cunning and \u201Cstreet smarts.\u201D He has an overriding hatred of things that limit freedom and will go out of his way to help one in bondage. His fairy Travi is cold and aloof to ones she doesn\u2019t know, often making snide remarks about them. Fortunately Mio is the only one who can understand her and often softens her jabs."@en . "170"^^ . "19"^^ . "16"^^ . "Wild Growth"@en . "MiKO"@en . "160"^^ . "__TOC__"@en . "150"^^ . "1760"^^ . "Briar"@en . . . "130"^^ . "Miko"@sv . "Ah, master! I am also good at cleaning! Don't you think...... I would make a great wife......?"@en . "2403"^^ . . "150"^^ . . "Miko is a hairstyle, costing 1,200 Gold each."@en . "Miko (dt. Priesterin) sind Frauen, die im shintoistischen Glauben eine lange Tradition haben. Ihre Hauptaufgabe besteht im Pflegen von Schreinen. In InuYasha werden Mikos in vielen spirituellen Kr\u00E4ften ausgebildet, haben aber meist auch von Natur aus F\u00E4higkeiten. So gibt es sehr starke Miko und die, die nie so stark werden k\u00F6nnen. Oft werden sie eingesetzt, um gegen D\u00E4monen vorzugehen, aber auch, um magische/d\u00E4monische Kr\u00E4fte im Zaum zu halten."@de . "Ch\u00E2tains clairs"@fr . "1400"^^ . . "21"^^ . . . . "18"^^ . . . "12"^^ . "Double Attack II"@en . . . "Miko was the Toa Filin of Air-Light."@en . "This was the first bathing suit line since the Malibu-series in the 70's. Every year since then a new set of bathing suit dolls have been released with one doll of each ethnic version."@en . . . . "Habitante de Magnoria"@fr . . "Deceased"@en . . "Slaying Dragon"@en . . . . . "The Japanese word miko or fujo \"female shaman; shrine maiden\" is usually written \u5DEB\u5973, compounding the kanji fu, miko, or kannagi \u5DEB \"shaman\" and jo, onna, or me \u5973 \"woman; female\". In Chinese, wunu \u5DEB\u5973 (or the reverse nuwu \u5973\u5DEB) means \"female shaman; witch; sorceress\". Miko was archaically written \u795E\u5B50 (lit. \"kami/god child\") and \u5DEB\u5B50 (\"shaman child\"). Miko are known by many names; Fairchild (1962:119\u2013122) lists 26 terms for \"shrine attached miko\" and 43 for \"non shrine attached miko\". Common names are ichiko \u5E02\u5B50 (lit. \"market/town child\") \"female medium; fortuneteller\", reibai \u970A\u5A92 (lit. \"spirit go-between\") \"spirit medium\", and itako \u3044\u305F\u3053 \"(usually blind) female shaman\". English has diverse translation equivalents for Japanese miko. While \"shrine maiden\" is frequently used, other equivalents are \"female shaman\" (aka \"shamaness\" or \"shamanka\"), \"(spirit) medium\", \"prophet\", \"priestess\", \"witch\", or \"sorceress.\" Some scholars prefer the transliteration miko over translations, and contrast Japanese \"mikoism\" with East Asian \"shamanism\". Fairchild explains: Women played an important role in a region stretching from Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan to the Ryukyu Islands. In Japan these women were priests, soothsayers, magicians, prophets and shamans in the folk religion, and they were the chief performers in organized Shintoism. These women were called Miko, and the author calls the complex \"mikoism\" for lack of a suitable English word. (1962:57)"@en . . . "Male Sho"@en . . "thumb|leftMiko es el gato de Kari y Tai."@es . "53"^^ . "High Miko"@en . . "Miko is a simple soul, innocent and unassuming, but his years of imprisonment have given him a sharper edge, he is craftier, and has a lot of cunning and \u201Cstreet smarts.\u201D He has an overriding hatred of things that limit freedom and will go out of his way to help one in bondage. His fairy Travi is cold and aloof to ones she doesn\u2019t know, often making snide remarks about them. Fortunately Mio is the only one who can understand her and often softens her jabs."@en . . . . . "Tokyo"@en . "Miko was a Senshi officer who appeared in The Emperor of Nihon-Ja."@en . . "125"^^ . . "''Assassin's Creed III"@fr . "Miko.png"@de . . "Exorcism"@en . . . . "T..too strong......"@en . "exist\u2020trace"@en . . . "185"^^ . . "Miko"@en . . . . "Mystic Miko"@en . . "N/A"@fr . . "MIKO is an Avanna original song by Phantom Sage released under the NoCopyrightSounds label."@en . . . "Miko (\u30DF\u30B3, Miko) est la jeune fille de Mako, elle est exclusive \u00E0 l'Anime."@fr . . . . . "Reigning Dragon"@en . "700"^^ . . "Miko are known by many names; Fairchild (1962:119-122) lists 26 terms for \"shrine attached miko\" and 43 for \"non shrine attached miko\". Common names are ichiko \u5E02\u5B50 (lit. \"market/town child\") \"female medium; fortuneteller\", reibai \u970A\u5A92 (lit. \"spirit go-between\") \"spirit medium\", and itako \u3044\u305F\u3053 \"(usually blind) female shaman\"."@en . "6"^^ . . "Male"@en . "\u30DF\u30B3"@en . . . . "n/a"@en . . . . "200"^^ . "--03-07"^^ . "Misc"@en . "Nopon Bottoms"@en . "Miko (dt. Priesterin) sind Frauen, die im shintoistischen Glauben eine lange Tradition haben. Ihre Hauptaufgabe besteht im Pflegen von Schreinen. In InuYasha werden Mikos in vielen spirituellen Kr\u00E4ften ausgebildet, haben aber meist auch von Natur aus F\u00E4higkeiten. So gibt es sehr starke Miko und die, die nie so stark werden k\u00F6nnen. Oft werden sie eingesetzt, um gegen D\u00E4monen vorzugehen, aber auch, um magische/d\u00E4monische Kr\u00E4fte im Zaum zu halten."@de . . . . "Miko.png"@pl . "Miko (\u5DEB\u5973, Miko, \"Priestesses\") are the shrine maidens of Japan beginning in the Sengoku jidai of Japan. In ancient times, women who went into trances and conveyed the words of a god were called miko, not unlike the Oracle at Delphi of ancient Greece. Later, miko were young female attendants at Shinto shrines. Roles of the miko include performing in ceremonial dances \u5DEB\u5973\u821E (dance of the priestess, \"miko-mai\") and assisting priests in wedding ceremonies. Today miko can be found at many Shinto shrines. Their duties include assisting with shrine events, performing dances and rituals, and fortune-telling. It is somewhat difficult to assign a strict definition or English equivalent translation to the Japanese word \"Miko\", though the terms Prophet, Medium (as in Oracle), Shrine Maiden, Priestess, Nun, or Sorceress are often used. Supposedly miko were virgins, though it is unlikely that this was true. It is probably true that when a woman who was serving as a miko married she abandoned her duties at the temple in order to be with her husband and new family. The traditional costume or dress of a miko is a chihaya, which consists of a scarlet red hakama (divided skirt), a white haori, and tabi."@en . . "Brown"@en . . "MIKO"@en . "Revive"@en . . "Being creative , watching movies under a blanket, her private bubble, people with neon blue hair, has a secret crush on Matsudappoiyo."@en . "Miko"@es . . . "Shield Bug"@en . "50"^^ . "Linna Nui"@en . "100"^^ . . . "36"^^ . "140"^^ . "39"^^ . "110"^^ . "N/A"@fr . . . "28"^^ . "miko is the current guitarist, backing vocal, and composer of all female visual kei band exist\u2020trace."@en . . "31"^^ . "26"^^ . "\u300EMiko\u300F"@en . "2015-10-27"^^ . "21"^^ . . . "Miko.png"@es . "19"^^ . "12"^^ . "14"^^ . . "70"^^ . "green"@en . "9.09"^^ . "10"^^ . "Non-Player Killer"@en . "Miko"@en . "4"^^ . . . "75"^^ . "The Miko class series is the default class series available to the Venus Adept Himi. The Miko class series is unique to Himi in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, as she is a mage while Matthew is a warrior. The class series, when at its highest stage of Radiant Miko and compared to the other series at their highest respective stages, ties with the Sorcerer for having the lowest HP and Defense ratings in the game, and has the lowest Attack rating in the game, but has high Agility and very high PP. This series' Luck rating is high. Noteworthy Psynergy from an endgame perspective include Weapon Grace, Revive, and Potent Cure, and the heaviest area-of-effect Psynergy it has is Reigning Dragon. Average stats from an endgame perspective are 143% (148% if you don't factor in Luck)."@en . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "Miko is voiced by Naomi Shindo in the anime. She is shown in flashes during the opening song and episodes 1 and 4 but made her official appearance in episode 12"@en . . . "Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World"@es . . . . . . . "Miko's Father"@en . "80"^^ . . . "90"^^ . "She is a supportive character and helps Dosu-Roku out of trouble caused from Amon. In rest of the volumes of the ancient past she is replaced by a red-haired version of herself named Atai (\u30A2\u30BF\u30A4), with a bug helm and pincer arm. Controlled by a demon which may or may not be Tollg , she attacks Sirene. But Kaim pierces her through the stomach disecting her. Grieving over the loss of their friend, the two halves join and heal her body. The acid-spitting demon leaves her body (leaving the bug parts) and goes off to find a better host."@en . . "70"^^ . . . "Toa Form"@en . "Blue, With gold highlights"@en . "right|300px Eine Miko ist eine traditionelle japanische Tempeldienerin, die den Priestern hilft, Shinto Zeremonien durchzuf\u00FChren. Urspr\u00FCnglich waren sie ein jungfr\u00E4uliches Geschenk f\u00FCr die G\u00F6tter, die enthaltsam lebten. Rei Hino ist eine Miko im Hikawa Shrine ihres Gro\u00DFvaters."@de . "W 1753 roku Miko spotka\u0142 templariusza Haythama Kenwaya podczas wykonywania zlecenia na Korsyce. Ten ukrad\u0142 mu ukryte ostrze po tym jak sam przez asasyna straci\u0142 rodzinny miecz. Mimo to Haytham nie widzia\u0142 powodu by go zabija\u0107 i oszcz\u0119dzi\u0142 Miko, obiecuj\u0105c mu jednak, \u017Ce przy ich nast\u0119pnym spotkaniu jeden z nich zginie. 18 kwietnia 1754 dotrzyma\u0142 s\u0142owa. Podczas ogl\u0105dania przedstawienia Opery \u017Bebraczej w Teatrze Kr\u00F3lewskim, Haytham zabi\u0142 Miko w celu uzyskania klucza do Wielkiej \u015Awi\u0105tyni."@pl . . "\"Miko\" (unknown \u2013 1754) was the alias of the leader of the London Brotherhood of Assassins alongside Edward Kenway, and the holder of the Grand Temple Key."@en . "Unknown"@en . . "\u30DF\u30B3"@fr . "170"^^ . . "120"^^ . . . . . "110"^^ . "Meadonroe."@en . "This was the first bathing suit line since the Malibu-series in the 70's. Every year since then a new set of bathing suit dolls have been released with one doll of each ethnic version."@en . . . . . "Drizzle Element"@en . "I've been cleaning hard today! Or should I be expelling?"@en . . . . . "thumb|leftMiko es el gato de Kari y Tai."@es . . "25"^^ . . . "Miko"@de . "Miko"@de . . . . . . . "Brown tunic, Tan arm wraps"@en . "yes"@en . . "Twin Airblades"@en . . "120"^^ . "60"^^ . . "\"MIKO\""@en . . "Hau"@en . "2003"^^ . . "1420"^^ . "Weapon Grace"@en . . . "A young girl who serves God in a holy sanctuary. She can communicate with God."@en . "35"^^ . . "venus"@en . "Miko"@en . "Passion"@en . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "Nettle"@en . "El t\u00E9rmino miko (\u5DEB\u5973 pronunciado miko) se refiere espec\u00EDficamente a las j\u00F3venes del altar de la religi\u00F3n Shinto . Ellas viven y trabajan en un templo Shinto (en un \"jinja\" en Japon\u00E9s). Las mikos son com\u00FAnmente v\u00EDrgenes y toman varios ritos de purificacio\u00F3 y castidad, tambi\u00E9n se someten a varias formas de entrenamiento mental y f\u00EDsico. Ellas tambi\u00E9n practican rituales de purificaci\u00F3n y sellado, los cuales son altamente espec\u00EDficos y simb\u00F3licos y son usados para bendecir, purificar, o exorcizar malos esp\u00EDritus. La principal herramienta de una miko, o posiblemente la mas popular, es la vara con papeles doblados en la punta, conocido como el \"gohei\". Otras herramientas comunes son peque\u00F1os papeles rectangulares usados para sellar, llamados \"o-fuda\"; estos son pintados con varios s\u00EDmbolos m\u00EDsticos y ritos de sellado. \n* Ejemplos: Reimu Hakurei, Sanae Kochiya Referencia: \n* Entrada Wikipedia de miko"@es . "Potent Cure"@en . . . "Master Miko"@en . "Miko are known by many names; Fairchild (1962:119-122) lists 26 terms for \"shrine attached miko\" and 43 for \"non shrine attached miko\". Common names are ichiko \u5E02\u5B50 (lit. \"market/town child\") \"female medium; fortuneteller\", reibai \u970A\u5A92 (lit. \"spirit go-between\") \"spirit medium\", and itako \u3044\u305F\u3053 \"(usually blind) female shaman\". English has diverse translation equivalents for Japanese miko. While \"shrine maiden\" is frequently used, other equivalents are \"female shaman\" (aka \"shamaness\" or \"shamanka\"), \"(spirit) medium\", \"prophet\", \"priestess\", \"witch\", or \"sorceress.\" Some scholars prefer the transliteration miko over translations, and contrast Japanese \"mikoism\" with East Asian \"shamanism\". Fairchild explains: Women played an important role in a region stretching from Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan to the Ryukyu Islands. In Japan these women were priests, soothsayers, magicians, prophets and shamans in the folk religion, and they were the chief performers in organized Shintoism. These women were called Miko, and the author calls the complex \"mikoism\" for lack of a suitable English word. (1962:57)"@en . "Fille de Mako"@fr . "Un mapache"@es . . . "120"^^ . . . "House of Mouse"@es . "N/A"@fr . "Mee-koh"@en . . . "2090"^^ . "\u300E\u307F\u3053\u300F"@en . . . . "Miko was a 24th century Eerlikka individual, a politician. Miko served as a speaker in the government of the planet Eerlik. (SCE - Have Tech, Will Travel eBook: Fatal Error)"@en . "N/A"@fr . . . . "Disney Sing-Along Songs"@es . "Bleed Plus II"@en . . . "Miko (\u5DEB\u5973, Miko, \"Priestesses\") are the shrine maidens of Japan beginning in the Sengoku jidai of Japan. In ancient times, women who went into trances and conveyed the words of a god were called miko, not unlike the Oracle at Delphi of ancient Greece. It is somewhat difficult to assign a strict definition or English equivalent translation to the Japanese word \"Miko\", though the terms Prophet, Medium (as in Oracle), Shrine Maiden, Priestess, Nun, or Sorceress are often used."@en . "Assassin's Creed III"@en . . . . "Miko is an attempt at a universal language. This will probably go nowhere, but why not. Vowel harmony is in this language. There are strong vowels and weak vowels. A word will start with a strong vowel and all others will be weak. STRONG: Ii Uu Aa WEAK: Ee Oo Yy This is used so you can tell where words start and end."@en . "Miko \u00E4r en Tau'ri och \u00E4r medlem av Atlantis Expeditionen. Under 2005 f\u00F6ljde Miko med \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppard och hans team p\u00E5 ett uppdrag. Under uppdraget kraschade deras Puddle Jumper och Miko klarade sig i kraschen. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Entanglement\") kategori:Atlantis Expeditionen medlem kategori:Tau'ri kategori:N\u00E4mnd endast Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . "Miko"@zh . "Cure Well"@en . "Ok\u00E4nd"@sv . . "Wannabe cuties, the color yellow, cold weather, extremely nice or social people."@en . . . "Kokiri"@en . . . "miko"@en . "156"^^ . . "Miko es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Pocahontas y Pocahontas II"@es . "--04-18"^^ . . "hello! what is that??lalfdlajfljdsal"@zh . . . "Miko"@fr . . "Miko"@pl . "Miko is a hairstyle, costing 1,200 Gold each."@en . "Tanned"@en . "Kimono"@en . "Cloudy Eyeball Cloudy Eyeball"@en . . "Mad Growth"@en . "#EDC9AF; color:#696969"@en . . "black; color: #00E6FF"@en . . . "1540"^^ . . "88"^^ . . . . "NC"@fr . . "Alive"@en . "160"^^ . "Not yet, expected in 2017"@en . . "Miko"@fr . "MiKO"@en . "100"^^ . . . . "140"^^ . "Slow, emotional songs prefered, but she can take on most genres."@en . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . . "Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed: Porzuceni, Assassin's Creed: Rogue , Assassin's Creed: Syndicate"@pl . "Roaring Dragon"@en . "5"^^ . . "miko"@en . "\"Ayano's Theory of Happiness\""@en . "130"^^ . . . . "150"^^ . . "280"^^ . "Miko (\u30DF\u30B3 Miko) was the daughter of Mako."@en . "Blonde"@en . . . . . "84"^^ . "Miko (\u30DF\u30B3, Miko) est la jeune fille de Mako, elle est exclusive \u00E0 l'Anime."@fr . . "Kamiya family :"@en . "Marrons"@fr . "Miko was the Rokugani term for shrine maiden."@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "Guitar"@en . "\"Miko\" (unknown \u2013 1754) was the alias of the leader of the London Brotherhood of Assassins alongside Edward Kenway, and the holder of the Grand Temple Key."@en . . . . . "?"@en . . . . "Miko (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B3 M\u012Bko?) is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. Miko is a pet cat belonging to the Kamiya family, and features in Digimon Adventure, as well as the movie of the same name and the movie Our War Game!. However, Miko never appeared and was never mentioned in the sequel series, Digimon Adventure 02."@en . "N/A"@en . . "Miko is one of the main charcters in the Foldabots comics he is the one who originally drew the foldabots on his sketchpad he is bestfriends with Caloy, Raya, Astig and all the other foldabots. His guardian Foldabot is Kulog. When Lu-sho decides to destroy all the other foldabots Caloy, Miko and Raya's Guardian foldabots combine and become the Bakunawa dragon to defeat Lu-sho, after the defeated him Caloy and Miko became cocky and started quarreling with each other, after the fight Raya leaves to fight the Lutabots with Lobo, her guardian Foldabot, after she left Miko and Caloy felt remorse from their actions and went out to help her."@en . . "Miko war ein Mitglied der Assassinen und der Besitzer von dem Amulett welches die T\u00FCr im Gro\u00DFen Tempel \u00F6ffnet."@de . "130"^^ . . . "Miko Live.jpg"@en . "Yumi T\u014Dma"@en . "All enemies' attack 25% down / 10% chance"@en . . "Oracles for sale!"@en . . . . "60"^^ . . . . "Miko was the Toa Filin of Air-Light."@en . "Female"@en . . "1"^^ . . "Golden"@en . . . "N/A"@fr . . "Q-11"@en . "1754-04-18"^^ . "Miko was a 24th century Eerlikka individual, a politician. Miko served as a speaker in the government of the planet Eerlik. (SCE - Have Tech, Will Travel eBook: Fatal Error)"@en . . "Extra info Hair color: Purple Eye color: Purple fading to blue. Outfit: Normally wears a dress with the colors purple and black. Race: Demon Sexuality: Gay Personality: Tsundere"@en . . "Village Auditor"@en . . "1900"^^ . . "\u00A0???"@en . . "Miko"@es . . "n/a"@en . . "Air-Light"@en . "__TOC__"@en . "Assassin's Creed: Forsaken"@en . . . "1754-04-18"^^ . . . . . "150"^^ . . "Stephanie Goudy"@en . "Miko"@fr . . . . ""@fr . "Miko (\u30DF\u30FC\u30B3 M\u012Bko?) is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. Miko is a pet cat belonging to the Kamiya family, and features in Digimon Adventure, as well as the movie of the same name and the movie Our War Game!. However, Miko never appeared and was never mentioned in the sequel series, Digimon Adventure 02."@en . "Leave it up to me! From cleaning to exorcisms!"@en . . "Miko was a planet located in the Esaga sector of the Mid Rim."@en . . "2015-11-30"^^ . "Pocahontas"@es . . . . "Miko war ein Mitglied der Assassinen und der Besitzer von dem Amulett welches die T\u00FCr im Gro\u00DFen Tempel \u00F6ffnet."@de . . . . . "miko is the current guitarist, backing vocal, and composer of all female visual kei band exist\u2020trace."@en . . "The Miko class series is the default class series available to the Venus Adept Himi. The Miko class series is unique to Himi in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, as she is a mage while Matthew is a warrior. The class series, when at its highest stage of Radiant Miko and compared to the other series at their highest respective stages, ties with the Sorcerer for having the lowest HP and Defense ratings in the game, and has the lowest Attack rating in the game, but has high Agility and very high PP. This series' Luck rating is high. Noteworthy Psynergy from an endgame perspective include Weapon Grace, Revive, and Potent Cure, and the heaviest area-of-effect Psynergy it has is Reigning Dragon. Average stats from an endgame perspective are 143% (148% if you don't factor in Luck)."@en . "Suzelle Palacios"@en . "Miko \u00E4r en Tau'ri och \u00E4r medlem av Atlantis Expeditionen. Under 2005 f\u00F6ljde Miko med \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppard och hans team p\u00E5 ett uppdrag. Under uppdraget kraschade deras Puddle Jumper och Miko klarade sig i kraschen. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Entanglement\") kategori:Atlantis Expeditionen medlem kategori:Tau'ri kategori:N\u00E4mnd endast Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . "Childlike"@en . "Miko was a planet located in the Esaga sector of the Mid Rim."@en . . . "Miko is an attempt at a universal language. This will probably go nowhere, but why not. Vowel harmony is in this language. There are strong vowels and weak vowels. A word will start with a strong vowel and all others will be weak. STRONG: Ii Uu Aa WEAK: Ee Oo Yy This is used so you can tell where words start and end."@en . "Light Brown"@en . . . "Miko"@sv . . "B"@en . . "100"^^ . "Olthoi Spear Crafter"@en . . "Once Upon a Halloween"@es . "Ratcliffe, Percy"@es . "110"^^ . . . "Premi\u00E8re moiti\u00E9 du XVIII\u00E8me si\u00E8cle"@fr . . "120"^^ . . "and"@en . . . "Miko es un personaje de la pel\u00EDcula Pocahontas y Pocahontas II"@es . "110"^^ . . "76"^^ . . "I'll exorcise you!"@en . . . . . . . . . "regular UTAUloid"@en . . . . . "Miko"@en . . . . "Thorn"@en . "unbekannt"@de . . "90"^^ . . . . "N"@en . . "1754"^^ . "Cure"@en . . "She is a supportive character and helps Dosu-Roku out of trouble caused from Amon. In rest of the volumes of the ancient past she is replaced by a red-haired version of herself named Atai (\u30A2\u30BF\u30A4), with a bug helm and pincer arm. Controlled by a demon which may or may not be Tollg , she attacks Sirene. But Kaim pierces her through the stomach disecting her. Grieving over the loss of their friend, the two halves join and heal her body. The acid-spitting demon leaves her body (leaving the bug parts) and goes off to find a better host. In volume five Miko is shown running away from the Demon Busters as her fellow Devilmen get massacred. Refusing help from Dosu-roku she is escorted by a young man into the Anti-Demon Headquarters. She is not killed however as she is seen fine in the Armageddon battle in Neo Devilman."@en . "Alpine Spear"@en . . . "MIKO is an Avanna original song by Phantom Sage released under the NoCopyrightSounds label."@en . "Rainbow Bug"@en . "Radiant Miko"@en . . . . . "W 1753 roku Miko spotka\u0142 templariusza Haythama Kenwaya podczas wykonywania zlecenia na Korsyce. Ten ukrad\u0142 mu ukryte ostrze po tym jak sam przez asasyna straci\u0142 rodzinny miecz. Mimo to Haytham nie widzia\u0142 powodu by go zabija\u0107 i oszcz\u0119dzi\u0142 Miko, obiecuj\u0105c mu jednak, \u017Ce przy ich nast\u0119pnym spotkaniu jeden z nich zginie. 18 kwietnia 1754 dotrzyma\u0142 s\u0142owa. Podczas ogl\u0105dania przedstawienia Opery \u017Bebraczej w Teatrze Kr\u00F3lewskim, Haytham zabi\u0142 Miko w celu uzyskania klucza do Wielkiej \u015Awi\u0105tyni."@pl . . . . . . . "Scars on arms and back"@en . . . . "Miko"@pl . "Juguet\u00F3n, comil\u00F3n"@es . "\u30DF\u30FC\u30B3"@en . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . "1"^^ . "\u30DF\u30B3"@en . "N/A"@fr . . "The name 'miko' has various meanings in Japanese."@en . "El t\u00E9rmino miko (\u5DEB\u5973 pronunciado miko) se refiere espec\u00EDficamente a las j\u00F3venes del altar de la religi\u00F3n Shinto . Ellas viven y trabajan en un templo Shinto (en un \"jinja\" en Japon\u00E9s). Las mikos son com\u00FAnmente v\u00EDrgenes y toman varios ritos de purificacio\u00F3 y castidad, tambi\u00E9n se someten a varias formas de entrenamiento mental y f\u00EDsico. Ellas tambi\u00E9n practican rituales de purificaci\u00F3n y sellado, los cuales son altamente espec\u00EDficos y simb\u00F3licos y son usados para bendecir, purificar, o exorcizar malos esp\u00EDritus. \n* Ejemplos: Reimu Hakurei, Sanae Kochiya Referencia: \n* Entrada Wikipedia de miko"@es . "Growth"@en . "110"^^ . . . "80"^^ . . . "90"^^ . . . "Human"@en . "All enemies' attack 25% down / 5% chance"@en . "Miko was a Senshi officer who appeared in The Emperor of Nihon-Ja."@en . . "Guitarist"@en . . . . . . . "hello! what is that??lalfdlajfljdsal"@zh . "977000"^^ . . . "Toa Filin"@en . . . . "Gamelan"@en . . . . . "The Japanese word miko or fujo \"female shaman; shrine maiden\" is usually written \u5DEB\u5973, compounding the kanji fu, miko, or kannagi \u5DEB \"shaman\" and jo, onna, or me \u5973 \"woman; female\". In Chinese, wunu \u5DEB\u5973 (or the reverse nuwu \u5973\u5DEB) means \"female shaman; witch; sorceress\". Miko was archaically written \u795E\u5B50 (lit. \"kami/god child\") and \u5DEB\u5B50 (\"shaman child\")."@en . "Miko is one of the main charcters in the Foldabots comics he is the one who originally drew the foldabots on his sketchpad he is bestfriends with Caloy, Raya, Astig and all the other foldabots. His guardian Foldabot is Kulog. When Lu-sho decides to destroy all the other foldabots Caloy, Miko and Raya's Guardian foldabots combine and become the Bakunawa dragon to defeat Lu-sho, after the defeated him Caloy and Miko became cocky and started quarreling with each other, after the fight Raya leaves to fight the Lutabots with Lobo, her guardian Foldabot, after she left Miko and Caloy felt remorse from their actions and went out to help her."@en . . . "32"^^ . "Extra info Hair color: Purple Eye color: Purple fading to blue. Outfit: Normally wears a dress with the colors purple and black. Race: Demon Sexuality: Gay Personality: Tsundere"@en . . . . . "39"^^ . "145.0"^^ . . "Oct 27, 2015"@en . "Frontier Village"@en . . . "Michael Sorich"@en . "16"^^ . . "Bow, Sharp pointy objects"@en . "19"^^ . . "2"^^ . "23"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Mickey's Magical Christmas"@es . "10"^^ . "M\u012Bko"@en . "6"^^ . "11"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "\"MIKO\""@en . "13"^^ . "15"^^ . . "8"^^ . "3"^^ . "1600"^^ . "4"^^ . . "6"^^ . . . . "7"^^ . . . . "Phantom Sage"@en . . . . "Miko is voiced by Naomi Shindo in the anime. She is shown in flashes during the opening song and episodes 1 and 4 but made her official appearance in episode 12"@en . "JUNKOSHUN , Matsudappoiyo , Hei Yu Bai"@en . "calebfig"@en . "Miko (\u30DF\u30B3 Miko) was the daughter of Mako."@en . . . "F3-B4"@en . "250"^^ . . . "Nieznane"@pl . "\u300E\u5DEB\u5973\u300F"@en . . "N/A"@fr . . . "190"^^ . "Miko was the Rokugani term for shrine maiden."@en . "A black & white flag with a Japanese Kitsune, and her black pet cat, Liebe."@en . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "4"^^ . . . . . . "right|300px Eine Miko ist eine traditionelle japanische Tempeldienerin, die den Priestern hilft, Shinto Zeremonien durchzuf\u00FChren. Urspr\u00FCnglich waren sie ein jungfr\u00E4uliches Geschenk f\u00FCr die G\u00F6tter, die enthaltsam lebten. Rei Hino ist eine Miko im Hikawa Shrine ihres Gro\u00DFvaters."@de . . "Digimon Adventure [M1]"@en . . . .