. "Jupiter Thunderbolt"@pl . . . . . "Jupiter Thunderbolt (pl. Piorun Jowisza) \u2013 atak Czarodziejki z Jowisza u\u017Cywany przez ni\u0105 w mandze i Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. Jest to najsilniejszy atak Wojowniczki w PGSM i jeden z pierwszych atak\u00F3w w wersji przedrukowanej mangi. Atak ten m\u00F3g\u0142 by\u0107 u\u017Cyty za pomoca Jupiter Star Tambourine. Polega\u0142 on na u\u017Cyciu pioruna, kt\u00F3ry os\u0142abia\u0142 przeciwnika."@pl . . "\u30B8\u30E5\u30D4\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30B5\u30F3\u30C0\u30FC\u30DC\u30EB\u30C8"@pl . . . "#009C29"@pl . "In the original version of the manga, Sailor Jupiter's first lightning attack did not have a name, but appeared similar to Supreme Thunder. It was given this name in the reprint of the manga, possibly to bring it in line with the attacks in the live-action series. It was only used once, in Act 5, in order to destroy Nephrite. Similar to Supreme Thunder in the anime, before Sailor Jupiter used this attack she called upon the planet Jupiter to bring down a storm."@en . "Jupiter Thunderbolt (pl. Piorun Jowisza) \u2013 atak Czarodziejki z Jowisza u\u017Cywany przez ni\u0105 w mandze i Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. Jest to najsilniejszy atak Wojowniczki w PGSM i jeden z pierwszych atak\u00F3w w wersji przedrukowanej mangi. Atak ten m\u00F3g\u0142 by\u0107 u\u017Cyty za pomoca Jupiter Star Tambourine. Polega\u0142 on na u\u017Cyciu pioruna, kt\u00F3ry os\u0142abia\u0142 przeciwnika."@pl . . . . . "Petite \u00C9trang\u00E8re"@pl . "Jupiter Thunderbolt"@en . "Jupit\u0101 Sand\u0101boruto"@pl . . . "Jupiter Thunderbolt"@pl . . . . "In the original version of the manga, Sailor Jupiter's first lightning attack did not have a name, but appeared similar to Supreme Thunder. It was given this name in the reprint of the manga, possibly to bring it in line with the attacks in the live-action series. It was only used once, in Act 5, in order to destroy Nephrite. Similar to Supreme Thunder in the anime, before Sailor Jupiter used this attack she called upon the planet Jupiter to bring down a storm."@en .