. "The Living Planet"@en . "Riippuu palkkajasta"@fi . . . . "L&O"@en . . . . . . . "Prawdziwe imi\u0119 i nazwisko: Ego Inne pseudonimy: Nu-Xandar, The Living Planet, Worldmind Aktualny status: Nieznany Uniwersum 616 Narodowo\u015B\u0107: nie dotyczy Debiut: Thor #132 (1966) Powi\u0105zania z grupami: Elders of The Universe, Nova Corps"@pl . . . . "48"^^ . . . . "Palkkionmets\u00E4st\u00E4j\u00E4"@fi . . . "13122"^^ . . "Dark"@en . "In case of not wanting a massive loss of Ego with the consequent deficiency stomach, come on, because you shit all killed. This, I and Super-ego or Id, Ego and superego are fundamental concepts in the theory of psychoanalysis with which Sigmund Freud tried to explain how the mind, suggesting that it has a particular structure. Proposed that is divided into three parts: the result, I and Super-ego."@en . . . . . . "Ego"@fi . . . "21"^^ . . . . . . "The Ego, in Miriadic terms does not mean the same thing as the Self. The Ego is basically a systemic virus, spread through dissonant behaviour. It is self-aware, a kind of mental parasite, which channels the energy way from the Self, towards other Qliphothic entities that can use the 'negative energy.' The Ego is not a personality trait or a seperate part of the Self, but rather, a virus that creates an absence of something that should be there, a Elemental Deficiency. In strictly magickal terms, the Ego can be likened to Choronzon. I"@en . . "Returning to a London cathedral after the ominous warning by the prophetic Faith, The Doctor finds Earth literally collapsing around him. Pulled through time via a new rift in time and space, The Doctor and Trevayne must find a way back into the present, while Christina must combat the vicious Reapers."@en . . . . . . "Guardians of the Galaxy"@en . "17"^^ . . . "Equipment"@en . "E1324"@en . "Abilities"@en . "Prawdziwe imi\u0119 i nazwisko: Ego Inne pseudonimy: Nu-Xandar, The Living Planet, Worldmind Aktualny status: Nieznany Uniwersum 616 Narodowo\u015B\u0107: nie dotyczy Debiut: Thor #132 (1966) Powi\u0105zania z grupami: Elders of The Universe, Nova Corps"@pl . "Dormina"@en . . . "In spirituality ego is described as an illusion in nondualism, mysticism, and meditation. The \"sense of doership\" is the part of the individual existence that believes it is a human being. It believes it must fight for its existence and is unaware of its true nature. Ego is associated with the mind and time, where it believes it must think in order to prove its existence rather than knowing its own self in the present."@en . . . . "Spaceman"@en . "Inconnu"@fr . . . "Rhekarid"@en . "Ego es una misteriosa entidad de la poco se entiende. La explicaci\u00F3n psiqui\u00E1trica se refiera a \u00E9l como un efecto disociativo, sin embargo no se ha encontrado ninguna explicaci\u00F3n l\u00F3gica para el efecto. En los pocos registros que se tienen de \u00E9l se habla como una manifestaci\u00F3n inconsciente pero al mismo tiempo como un efecto neuro ps\u00EDquico que transgrede las leyes de la neuropsiquiatra b\u00E1sica y de la psicolog\u00EDa elemental. Un documento encontrado de un testigo de uno de los pocos eventos conocidos de una manifestaci\u00F3n de Ego lo describe como un fen\u00F3meno que transcurre durante el sue\u00F1o REM."@es . "Little One Inch Man"@en . "199999"^^ . "White Lie"@en . "None"@en . "Changes Surface, Psychic"@en . "Ego ist der Antagonist in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Er ist ein Celestial und au\u00DFerdem Peter Quills Vater."@de . "Ego"@es . "Jackass"@en . . "Jeder Mensch hat ein gewisses Ma\u00DF an Selbstvertrauen und Stabilit\u00E4t. Dieses wird durch unterschiedliche Einfl\u00FCsse von au\u00DFen ver\u00E4ndert. \u00C4hnlich verh\u00E4lt es sich im Spiel. Selbstwertgef\u00FChl und Selbstvertrauen k\u00F6nnen durch gewisse Aktionen (z.B. Besuch eines Rhetorikkurses; siehe Terminkalender) gest\u00E4rkt oder geschw\u00E4cht werden. Das schl\u00E4gt sich sofort auf dein Ego nieder. F\u00FChrst du z.b. eine gl\u00FCckliche Beziehung wird dir das sicher im Ego gut tun. Verlierst du z.B. eine Wahl kann den Ego schon mal herunterfallen. Dar\u00FCber hinaus ist es im weiteren Verlauf des Spiels sinnvoll Mitarbeiter einzustellen, die dich in deiner Arbeit unterst\u00FCtzen und ebenfalls indirekt dein Ego steigern helfen.[Ego#endnote_poptext]"@de . . . . . . "High-powered pistol"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ego, griechisch f\u00FCr ich, bezeichnet eine Art Selbstbewusstsein einer Person. Jadzia Dax h\u00E4lt Gul Dukats Ego f\u00FCr zu gro\u00DF. (DS9: )"@de . "11"^^ . "44"^^ . "Jeder Mensch hat ein gewisses Ma\u00DF an Selbstvertrauen und Stabilit\u00E4t. Dieses wird durch unterschiedliche Einfl\u00FCsse von au\u00DFen ver\u00E4ndert. \u00C4hnlich verh\u00E4lt es sich im Spiel. Selbstwertgef\u00FChl und Selbstvertrauen k\u00F6nnen durch gewisse Aktionen (z.B. Besuch eines Rhetorikkurses; siehe Terminkalender) gest\u00E4rkt oder geschw\u00E4cht werden. Das schl\u00E4gt sich sofort auf dein Ego nieder. F\u00FChrst du z.b. eine gl\u00FCckliche Beziehung wird dir das sicher im Ego gut tun. Verlierst du z.B. eine Wahl kann den Ego schon mal herunterfallen. Dar\u00FCber hinaus ist es im weiteren Verlauf des Spiels sinnvoll Mitarbeiter einzustellen, die dich in deiner Arbeit unterst\u00FCtzen und ebenfalls indirekt dein Ego steigern helfen.[Ego#endnote_poptext]"@de . "Ego"@en . . . . "Ego is Peter Quill's father."@en . . . . "200509"^^ . . . . "Sideburn; Sideburn in Galacta Daughter of Galactus Vol 1 1 001.jpg"@en . . "Id, the Selfish Moon; Id__Deadpool_Vol_2_33.jpg"@en . . "An Iron Dwarf in Tarkala's Band \n* He is an Individualist \n* He was exiled from Greatway for his heresy. \n* He is extremely greedy and selfish. \n* He is loyal to Tarkala of Jonstown and Erlinda \n* He is heavily armed and armoured. Source: Pavis: Gateway to Adventure"@en . . . . "Kynnet, hampaat, h\u00E4nt\u00E4 jonka p\u00E4\u00E4ss\u00E4 on nuija"@fi . . "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Prelude"@en . "11"^^ . . . "634962"^^ . . "514"^^ . "Ei ole"@fi . . "Ego.JPG"@en . . "gold"@fi . . . . . "Der lebende Planet"@de . "Ego"@en . . . "R\u00E9plo\u00EFde"@fr . . . . . "Localized omniscience"@en . "5309"^^ . "Male"@en . "Little Man"@en . "King"@en . . . . . . "2014-10-19"^^ . . . . "47"^^ . . . . . "Returning to a London cathedral after the ominous warning by the prophetic Faith, The Doctor finds Earth literally collapsing around him. Pulled through time via a new rift in time and space, The Doctor and Trevayne must find a way back into the present, while Christina must combat the vicious Reapers."@en . . . . "Bronx Cheer"@en . . "David Hasselhoff"@en . "Ego"@it . "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2"@en . "4162"^^ . . "In spirituality ego is described as an illusion in nondualism, mysticism, and meditation. The \"sense of doership\" is the part of the individual existence that believes it is a human being. It believes it must fight for its existence and is unaware of its true nature. Ego is associated with the mind and time, where it believes it must think in order to prove its existence rather than knowing its own self in the present."@en . "Ego"@la . . . "\"Ego\" was the 69th episode of The Dead Zone and the second episode of the sixth season, airing on USA Network on 24 June 2007."@en . . "The Sea"@en . . "Ego, griechisch f\u00FCr ich, bezeichnet eine Art Selbstbewusstsein einer Person. Jadzia Dax h\u00E4lt Gul Dukats Ego f\u00FCr zu gro\u00DF. (DS9: )"@de . . . "116.0"^^ . "Ego res in mundo maximi momenti sum. Me amo, quia sapiens sum et multum pulchritudinem habeo. Tamen semper de me loqui me non delectat. Melius est de meis operibus loqui."@la . . "Meta-Terra"@fr . . . . . "In psychology, ego was an inflated sense of self-importance and selfishness which was seen as unfavorable by many species. Egotistic people were usually frowned upon and even alienated. People with extreme egos were known as egomaniacs. This article is a stub. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it."@en . . . . . . "Ego was a Celestial, a primordial and extremely powerful entity, and the father of Star-Lord. He originally appeared to be a caring and wise father with a cocky personality, similar to his own son. However, it is later revealed that he is a ruthless entity with a god complex who wishes to conquer the universe. He was a mysterious adventurer from far parts of the galaxy who had heard the legend of the Guardians of the Galaxy following the Battle of Xandar and had come to meet them for the first time."@en . "43"^^ . . "Ego res in mundo maximi momenti sum. Me amo, quia sapiens sum et multum pulchritudinem habeo. Tamen semper de me loqui me non delectat. Melius est de meis operibus loqui."@la . "Ego es una misteriosa entidad de la poco se entiende. La explicaci\u00F3n psiqui\u00E1trica se refiera a \u00E9l como un efecto disociativo, sin embargo no se ha encontrado ninguna explicaci\u00F3n l\u00F3gica para el efecto. En los pocos registros que se tienen de \u00E9l se habla como una manifestaci\u00F3n inconsciente pero al mismo tiempo como un efecto neuro ps\u00EDquico que transgrede las leyes de la neuropsiquiatra b\u00E1sica y de la psicolog\u00EDa elemental. Un documento encontrado de un testigo de uno de los pocos eventos conocidos de una manifestaci\u00F3n de Ego lo describe como un fen\u00F3meno que transcurre durante el sue\u00F1o REM. -No s\u00E9 qu\u00E9 diablos paso, el pobre hombre dec\u00EDa que no deb\u00EDa dormir, porque si lo hac\u00EDa podr\u00EDa olvidar quien era. Hace tiempo hab\u00EDa o\u00EDdo un caso en la televisi\u00F3n sobre un hombre que sufr\u00EDa de fobia a dormir por razones muy similares a las de este paciente. El doctor del centro de salud mental me ha hablado de que tiene alucinaciones con una entidad, un hombre que dice ver en sus sue\u00F1os y que le dice que no existe\u2026.Esta grave sensaci\u00F3n de inseguridad sobre su propia existencia ha complicado mucho las cosas, los medicamentos solo lo calman pero nada lo cura. Me siento preocupado\u2026en todos mis a\u00F1os como medico jam\u00E1s hab\u00EDa sentido tanto temor por el dolor de un paciente, le ha dado un ataque y han tenido que trasladarlo a urgencia porque se ha hecho da\u00F1o, los familiares piden que se le de eutanasia, he indagado sobre el tema, el paciente me ha dicho que todo su malestar comenz\u00F3 cuando se indujo en un estado de sue\u00F1o consiente\u2026. \u2026Esto no tiene ning\u00FAn sentido, he indagado en todos los libros y en la base de datos pero es imposible que una persona pueda causarse a s\u00ED mismo una alteraci\u00F3n severa a nivel neuro psicol\u00F3gico por este medio...no he podido dormir desde ayer\u2026. Se desconoce el estado actual tanto del doctor como del paciente descrito en este documento pero se entiende que de verdad pertenec\u00EDa al diario de un trabajador de un centro m\u00E9dico en cuesti\u00F3n, dentro del \u00E1rea neurol\u00F3gica. Se han o\u00EDdo de numerosos eventos en los cuales esta entidad ha estado presente, en otros relatos orales sobre los acontecimientos se pudo rastrear un documento en el cual se hablaba de un ente conocido como Ego o Igo. -Un d\u00EDa me dorm\u00ED y so\u00F1\u00E9 que despertaba en mi cama. Al mirar hacia adelanta vi a un hombre al que no le pod\u00EDa ver el rostro o no lo ten\u00EDa, intente despertarme pero no pod\u00EDa intente recordar mi nombre pero no pod\u00EDa, intente recordar qui\u00E9n era y no pod\u00EDa, intente recordar lo que era pero no pod\u00EDa y entonces me despert\u00E9 asustada. La noche siguiente so\u00F1\u00E9 que estaba en mi cama y el hombre sin rostro me miraba desde el armario y entonces lentamente todo perdi\u00F3 el color y yo misma me olvide de c\u00F3mo era mi rostro, al despertar por el miedo no record\u00E9 mi rostro y no recordaba quienes eran mis padres ha s\u00ED que grite para que vinieran a m\u00ED y me ayudaran. Antes de despertar ve\u00EDa como se acercaba a m\u00ED y acercaba su mano como si quisiera arrancarme el rostro. A la noche siguiente so\u00F1\u00E9 con \u00E9l y despert\u00E9, leo las notas de este diario que no se d\u00E9 quien es y escribo en el, creo que era de otra ni\u00F1a que so\u00F1aba lo mismo, es extra\u00F1o, no recuerdo nada, me pregunto c\u00F3mo llegue aqu\u00ED y como existo\u2026, Ya no s\u00E9 si existo de verdad o quien fui, cuando le pregunto al hombre solo me responde Ego, y desaparece, veo rostros de otras personas dentro del rostro sin nada del hombre y me pregunto si soy yo algo, que existe porque lo pienso o si solo me pregunto esto porque alguien m\u00E1s lo piensa o si existe siquiera la realidad\u2026 Por lo visto los incidentes ocurren sin un detonador previo m\u00E1s que sue\u00F1os en los cuales el afectado sue\u00F1a con una entidad comportamiento y caracter\u00EDsticas parecidas y luego de un tiempo de entre una y tres semanas cae en un estado catat\u00F3nico, despu\u00E9s de haber perdido conciencia de su existencia y su identidad, ha si como un deterioro sustancial de la memoria. Categor\u00EDa:Fantasmas"@es . "verstorben"@de . . "45"^^ . "Aaron Schwartz"@en . . "Law & Order"@en . . . . . . . "Marin Karin"@en . "L'Ego \u00E8 una sostanza stupefacente creata verso il 1985 in Europa ma tornato in voga nel 2011. L'Ego \u00E8 formata soprattutto da Tabacco e estratti di piante come ad esempio il lampone, la noce moscata , papavero e muscio. L'Ego viene chiamao anche \"Il Correttore\" poich\u00E8 amplifica gli effetti e aromatizza il sapore della cannabis aumentando di 200 volte gli effetti del THC sul corpo. Come dice il nome stesso della sostanza ,Ego, indica che gli effetti cambiano da persona a persona, ma gli effetti comuni sono: Rilassamento estremo, aumento elevato degli effetti del THC,aumento della libido e Empatia. La preparazione richiede molto tempo, all'incirca 3 anni e la ricetta e le dosi sono rimaste sempre segrete. Il prezzo \u00E8 medio/alto poich\u00E8 per la preparazione servono molte materie prime."@it . . "154.0"^^ . . . . "2001"^^ . "Ego is an enormous being who can disguise himself as a planet."@en . "In case of not wanting a massive loss of Ego with the consequent deficiency stomach, come on, because you shit all killed. This, I and Super-ego or Id, Ego and superego are fundamental concepts in the theory of psychoanalysis with which Sigmund Freud tried to explain how the mind, suggesting that it has a particular structure. Proposed that is divided into three parts: the result, I and Super-ego."@en . . . . . . "Ego"@en . . . "Ego"@fr . "unbekannte Anzahl weiterer Kinder, alle verstorben"@de . . "Ego oli palkkionmets\u00E4st\u00E4j\u00E4. H\u00E4n hallitsi joltain osin ekovoimaa, kuten luoda ekovoimaiskuja. Historia: Ego asui alunperin Arogonilla. Pian h\u00E4n l\u00E4hti L.IG.H.T.T.R.I.B.E.O.F.T.E.G.N.N.U.I-lautalla Tegna Nuille. Siell\u00E4 harmahtavanruskea Appalachiosaurus palkkasi h\u00E4net ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n tietoja P\u00E4\u00E4kallonmets\u00E4st\u00E4jist\u00E4. Ego l\u00E4hti mets\u00E4\u00E4n etsim\u00E4\u00E4n tietoja h\u00E4n n\u00E4ki Bahariasauruksen j\u00E4lki\u00E4. Sitten Chiku-Hikuy ja outo vihre\u00E4 Agorimainen olento tulivat paikalle. Agorimainen ampui Egoa varjoheittimell\u00E4\u00E4n. Sitten Ego muuttui DarkEgoksi. Ulkon\u00E4k\u00F6: Ego n\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 Vahkilta. Paitsi sill\u00E4 on h\u00E4nt\u00E4 ja erillainen p\u00E4\u00E4."@fi . "Galactic Empire"@en . . . "965"^^ . . "Ego is Peter Quill's father."@en . . . . . . . "Ego"@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Ego]] eg\u014D (\u201C\u2018I\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . . . . "The Ego, in Miriadic terms does not mean the same thing as the Self. The Ego is basically a systemic virus, spread through dissonant behaviour. It is self-aware, a kind of mental parasite, which channels the energy way from the Self, towards other Qliphothic entities that can use the 'negative energy.' The Ego is not a personality trait or a seperate part of the Self, but rather, a virus that creates an absence of something that should be there, a Elemental Deficiency. In strictly magickal terms, the Ego can be likened to Choronzon. I"@en . . . . . . . "Appearances"@en . . "Millions of years"@en . "4.73364E8"^^ . "221"^^ . "Ego"@fr . "534834"^^ . . . "Ego"@en . . . . . "Super-Ego; Super-Ego from Thor Vol 1 450 001.jpg"@en . "Idda the Living Planet; Idda .jpg"@en . "Dans la recherche d'un sens \u00E0 sa vie, l'homme doit en permanence essayer de se comprendre lui m\u00EAme, \u00E9videmment n'\u00E9tant pas une femme, cela peut lui sembler difficile. Cet article... ne vous y aiderais pas."@fr . "Ego oli palkkionmets\u00E4st\u00E4j\u00E4. H\u00E4n hallitsi joltain osin ekovoimaa, kuten luoda ekovoimaiskuja. Historia: Ego asui alunperin Arogonilla. Pian h\u00E4n l\u00E4hti L.IG.H.T.T.R.I.B.E.O.F.T.E.G.N.N.U.I-lautalla Tegna Nuille. Siell\u00E4 harmahtavanruskea Appalachiosaurus palkkasi h\u00E4net ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n tietoja P\u00E4\u00E4kallonmets\u00E4st\u00E4jist\u00E4. Ego l\u00E4hti mets\u00E4\u00E4n etsim\u00E4\u00E4n tietoja h\u00E4n n\u00E4ki Bahariasauruksen j\u00E4lki\u00E4. Sitten Chiku-Hikuy ja outo vihre\u00E4 Agorimainen olento tulivat paikalle. Agorimainen ampui Egoa varjoheittimell\u00E4\u00E4n. Sitten Ego muuttui DarkEgoksi. Ulkon\u00E4k\u00F6: Ego n\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 Vahkilta. Paitsi sill\u00E4 on h\u00E4nt\u00E4 ja erillainen p\u00E4\u00E4. Esiintymiset: \n* BIONICLE: Dawn of DarkEgo!"@fi . . . . "Ego The Living Planet; Ego .png"@en . . "71166"^^ . . . . "Ego is Rhekarid's seventeenth character, and had a brief 1-1 career."@en . . "\"Ego\" was the 69th episode of The Dead Zone and the second episode of the sixth season, airing on USA Network on 24 June 2007."@en . "Alec_Conroy.jpg"@en . "91119"^^ . . . "The Alien"@en . . . . "Ego"@nl . "Ego"@en . "20051"^^ . "Hapilma"@en . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . "Ego was a Celestial, a primordial and extremely powerful entity, and the father of Star-Lord. He originally appeared to be a caring and wise father with a cocky personality, similar to his own son. However, it is later revealed that he is a ruthless entity with a god complex who wishes to conquer the universe. He was a mysterious adventurer from far parts of the galaxy who had heard the legend of the Guardians of the Galaxy following the Battle of Xandar and had come to meet them for the first time. Reunited with his son in 2014, Ego desired to forward his plan to rule the universe through the Expansion by using his son's Celestial genes to terraform the planets he has planted alien seedlings on. Halfway through the Expansion, Ego's plans were foiled by the Guardians of the Galaxy and he was ultimately destroyed by their hand."@en . . "43"^^ . . . "Ego"@pl . "Bufula"@en . . "An Iron Dwarf in Tarkala's Band \n* He is an Individualist \n* He was exiled from Greatway for his heresy. \n* He is extremely greedy and selfish. \n* He is loyal to Tarkala of Jonstown and Erlinda \n* He is heavily armed and armoured. Source: Pavis: Gateway to Adventure"@en . "12041"^^ . . "Ego"@ia . "Sabaki no Ikazuchi"@en . "Oa the Living Planet; Oa the Living Planet from Iron Lantern Vol 1 1 0001.jpg"@en . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "Dans la recherche d'un sens \u00E0 sa vie, l'homme doit en permanence essayer de se comprendre lui m\u00EAme, \u00E9videmment n'\u00E9tant pas une femme, cela peut lui sembler difficile. Cet article... ne vous y aiderais pas."@fr . . "Solo villain"@en . . . "gold"@fi . . . . "Team affiliations"@en . . . . . "L'Ego \u00E8 una sostanza stupefacente creata verso il 1985 in Europa ma tornato in voga nel 2011. L'Ego \u00E8 formata soprattutto da Tabacco e estratti di piante come ad esempio il lampone, la noce moscata , papavero e muscio. L'Ego viene chiamao anche \"Il Correttore\" poich\u00E8 amplifica gli effetti e aromatizza il sapore della cannabis aumentando di 200 volte gli effetti del THC sul corpo. La preparazione richiede molto tempo, all'incirca 3 anni e la ricetta e le dosi sono rimaste sempre segrete. Il prezzo \u00E8 medio/alto poich\u00E8 per la preparazione servono molte materie prime."@it . "Mahabufu"@en . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Ego]] eg\u014D (\u201C\u2018I\u2019\u201D)."@ia . "Angel"@en . . "Ego is Rhekarid's seventeenth character, and had a brief 1-1 career."@en . . "Victor von Doom/\"Ego\"; Victor von Doom 01 .jpg"@en . . "Holy"@en . . . . "Xinjiangovenator"@fi . . "In psychology, ego was an inflated sense of self-importance and selfishness which was seen as unfavorable by many species. Egotistic people were usually frowned upon and even alienated. People with extreme egos were known as egomaniacs. This article is a stub. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it."@en . "Ego"@de . . "Alter Ego; Alter Ego from Astonishing Thor Vol 1 5 0001.jpg"@en . . "Ego is an enormous being who can disguise himself as a planet."@en . . "Ego"@en . "Ego Prime; Ego Prime from Thor Vol 1 202 001.jpg"@en . "L&O"@en . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . "Sans-Destin"@fr . . . . . . . "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Charakterposter Ego.jpg"@de . "Deceased"@en . . . . . "Ego ist der Antagonist in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Er ist ein Celestial und au\u00DFerdem Peter Quills Vater."@de . "Ego"@en . "43"^^ . "Relevant quote"@en . "Ego"@fr . . "March"@en . "2149"^^ . . . "Ego"@de . "Muuttunut DarkEgoksi"@fi . "Creator"@en .