"*Scorpius Malfoy"@de . "Det ses tydelig vis ogs\u00E5 ved slutningen af bog 2 hvor Lucius er ved at sl\u00E5 Harry Potter ihjel. Denne artikel er en Stub. Du kan hj\u00E6lpe ved at [ udvide den]. Kategori:D\u00F8dsgardist Kategori:Familien Malfoy Kategori:M\u00E6nd Kategori:Slytherin elev Kategori:Hogwarts elev Kategori:Azkaban fanger Kategori:Flygtet fra Azkaban Kategori:Troldm\u00E6nd"@da . . . . . "18.0"^^ . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . . "Lucius Malfoy is a minifigure from the Harry Potter theme. He is the husband of Narcissa Malfoy, and the father of Draco Malfoy."@en . . . . . . . "Rubio"@es . "Lucius Malfoy, nacido en 1954, era un mago de sangre pura, hijo de Abraxas Malfoy. Era el marido de Narcisa Malfoy (de soltera Black) el padre de Draco y abuelo de Scorpius Malfoy, viv\u00EDa en la Mansi\u00F3n Malfoy, ubicada en Wiltshire. Lucius era un hombre aristocr\u00E1tico, y, adem\u00E1s, mortifago, y como tal ten\u00EDa una obsesi\u00F3n con la pureza de sangre por lo que doctrin\u00F3 a su hijo Draco con los mismos ideales. Fue fiel a Lord Voldemort, uni\u00E9ndose a los mort\u00EDfagos y particip\u00F3 en la Primera Guerra M\u00E1gica. Despu\u00E9s de la primera derrota de Voldemort, Lucius logr\u00F3 evitar que lo encarcelaran alegando que hab\u00EDa sido controlado por el maleficio Imperius."@es . . . . . . "\u2020"@de . . . . . "*Jason Isaacs\n*Tony Coburn"@de . "Owner of Tom Riddle's Diary"@en . "*Abraxas Malfoy \n*Narcissa Malfoy \n*Draco Malfoy \n*Astoria Malfoy \n*Scorpius Malfoy \n*Cygnus Black III \n*Druella Rosier \n*Bellatrix Lestrange \n*Rodolphus Lestrange \n*Andromeda Black \n*Ted Tonks \n*Ninfadora Tonks"@it . . . . . . "Biondi"@it . . "Lucius nacque nel 1954. \u00C8 figlio di Abraxas Malfoy e di madre sconosciuta."@it . . . "Male"@en . . . . "between late 2007-2008 and October 2020"@en . "Escape from Lord Voldemort's control ."@en . . "Death Eater"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy is a minifigure from the Harry Potter theme. He is the husband of Narcissa Malfoy, and the father of Draco Malfoy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u2020\n*Bellatrix Lestrange"@de . . . . . . . "Maschile"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u2020\n*Lucius Malfoy I"@de . . "Lucius3.jpg"@en . "*Abraxas Malfoy \u2020\n*Fru Malfoy \n*Narcissa Black \n*Draco Malfoy \n*Scorpius Malfoy \n*Druella Black \n*Cygnus Black II \u2020\n*Bellatrix Lestrange \u2020\n*Andromeda Tonks \n*Astoria Greengrass \n*Nymphadora Tonks \u2020"@da . . . . . "Elm, dragehjerteb\u00E5nd"@da . . . . "*Hogwarts\n*D\u00F8dsgardist\n*Ministeriet for Magi"@da . . . "Harmaat"@fi . . . "\u2020\n*Nymphadora Tonks"@de . . . "Pavone"@it . "2002200320052010"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy \u00E4r son till Abraxas Malfoy, gift med Narcissa Malfoy (f\u00F6dd Black) och far till Draco Malfoy"@en . . "Lucius Malfoy was on a boat!"@en . "*Familie Malfoy\n*Malfoy-Apotheke\n*Slug-Club\n*Slytherin"@de . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy is a major antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, making his debut as the true main antagonist of Chamber of Secrets and later as the quaternary antagonist of Goblet of Fire and tertiary antagonist of Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows. He is a former Death Eater, the son of Abraxas Malfoy, the husband of Narcissa Malfoy, the brother-in-law of Bellatrix Lestrange, the father of Draco Malfoy, the father-in-law of Astoria Malfoy, and the grandfather of Scorpius Malfoy. He is a rival of the good-natured Arthur Weasley, patriarch of the poor Weasley family."@en . . . . . . . . . "Grey"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucius2.jpg"@en . . "siehe links"@de . "Ihminen"@fi . "*Hogwarts' bestyrelsesformand\n*Vejleder"@da . . . . "Second version of Lucius in 2003"@en . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Lucius nacque nel 1954. \u00C8 figlio di Abraxas Malfoy e di madre sconosciuta."@it . . . . . "Dark Magic"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy was on a boat!"@en . "Lucius Malfoy is Draco Malfoy's father. He is a pure-blood wizard, married to the pure-blood witch Narcissa. He lives at Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire. He owns at least one albino peacock."@en . "Lucius Malfoy ist unverkennbar der Vater von Harrys verhasstem Mitsch\u00FCler Draco: Genau wie sein Sohn hat er ein spitzes, blasses Gesicht, kalte graue Augen, wei\u00DFblonde Haare und einen blasierten Gesichtsausdruck. Seine gepflegte Erscheinung und sein herrisches Gehabe verraten gleich, dass die Malfoys eine wohlhabende, alte \"reinbl\u00FCtige\" Zaubererfamilie sind."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Buch)"@de . . "Naimisissa\n*Narcissa Malfoy [os. Black]"@fi . . . . . . "Man"@en . . . . . . "*18 Zoll, Ulme, Drachenherzfaser \n*Unbekannte L\u00E4nge, Kern und Zauberstabholz"@de . "Grigi"@it . . . . . "Vitblond"@sv . "Blond"@da . "Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy"@en . "\u00DCber seinen eigenen Stammbaum ist nicht viel bekannt, au\u00DFer, dass er der Sohn von Abraxas Malfoy war, der in hohem Alter an Drachenpocken starb."@de . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . "Eliminate Muggle-borns ."@en . . . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . "Due\u00F1o del Diario de Tom Riddle"@es . . . . "*Ted Tonks"@de . "Familjen Malfoy"@en . . . . "Fuldblod"@da . "Death Eaters"@en . . "Lucius Malfoy ist unverkennbar der Vater von Harrys verhasstem Mitsch\u00FCler Draco: Genau wie sein Sohn hat er ein spitzes, blasses Gesicht, kalte graue Augen, wei\u00DFblonde Haare und einen blasierten Gesichtsausdruck. Seine gepflegte Erscheinung und sein herrisches Gehabe verraten gleich, dass die Malfoys eine wohlhabende, alte \"reinbl\u00FCtige\" Zaubererfamilie sind. Lucius ist nicht nur \"reinbl\u00FCtig\", sondern legt in alter Familientradition Wert auf die Reinhaltung der Zaubererrasse. Ganz im Sinne dieser Geisteshaltung hat er die Hexe Narzissa Malfoy (geb. Black) geehelicht, die ebenfalls einer derartigen reingehaltenen, alten Zaubererfamilie entstammt. Nat\u00FCrlich waren er und Narzissa w\u00E4hrend ihrer Schulzeit im Haus Slytherin wie auch ihr Sohn. Noch lieber wollte Lucius allerdings seinen Sohn Draco standesgem\u00E4\u00DF in Durmstrang ausbilden lassen, weil dort auch schwarze Magie unterrichtet wird. Draco wurde nur wegen seiner Mutter in die weniger weit entfernt gelegene Schule Hogwarts geschickt. Die tolerante und nicht-rassistische Schulleitung von Hogwarts wird von Lucius mit Intrigen, schwarz-magischen Interventionen und nat\u00FCrlich auch entsprechenden Schmiergeldern bek\u00E4mpft. Mit Bestechungen erreicht er nicht nur Kleinigkeiten wie die Aufnahme seines Sohns in die Quidditch-Mannschaft. Er erpresst die Schulr\u00E4te beispielsweise in Harrys zweitem Schuljahr auch dazu, Albus Dumbledore zu suspendieren. Im Zaubereiministerium kungelt er mit den h\u00F6chsten Stellen und erkauft sich \u00FCber gro\u00DFz\u00FCgige karitative Spenden den n\u00F6tigen Einfluss. Gesetzesvorlagen des Muggelfreunds Arthur Weasley, die rassistischen schwarz-magischen Bestrebungen einen Riegel vorschieben sollen, hintertreibt Lucius auch im eigenen Interesse: Ministerielle Razzien k\u00F6nnten auf dem Malfoyschen Landsitz etliche verbotene Objekte finden. Selbstverst\u00E4ndlich geh\u00F6rte Lucius auch zum engsten Kreis der Anh\u00E4nger Lord Voldemorts und getreu seines Vornamens \"Lucius\" pr\u00E4sentierte er sich nach dessen Fall wieder glaubhaft als Unschuldsengel und ehrbarer B\u00FCrger, der nichts daf\u00FCr konnte."@de . . . "Lucius 2010 redesign"@en . . . . . "*Malfoy family\n**Malfoy Apothecary\n*House of Black\n*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry\n**Slug Club\n**Slytherin\n*Death Eaters"@en . "Lucius Malfoy (b. 1953 - 1954) was a pure-blood wizard, and son of Abraxas Malfoy, husband of Narcissa Black and the father of Draco Malfoy. Lucius was educated at Hogwarts, where he was made a prefect in Slytherin House. As an adult, Lucius was an aristocratic wizard and patriarch of the Malfoy family, believing strongly in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. He joined the Death Eaters, who shared his views on blood purity, and participated in the First Wizarding War. After Lord Voldemort's first defeat, Lucius managed to avoid imprisonment by claiming that he had been acting under the Imperius Curse. He and his family remained members of the social elite, though Lucius continued to demonstrate his prejudice. He attempted to sabotage Arthur Weasley's career by slipping Arthur's daughter an old school diary of Tom Riddle's, opening the Chamber of Secrets in 1992, and in 1994, he participated in the humiliation of a Muggle family after the Quidditch World Cup. When Voldemort returned, Lucius once again served him as a Death Eater, leading the efforts to obtain the prophecy Voldemort sought. In the battle that ensued, the prophecy was destroyed, and Lucius and his comrades were imprisoned in Azkaban in 1996. Although Voldemort broke them out of prison in 1997, he was displeased with Lucius for his failures and treated the Malfoys with disdain. Lucius and his family finally had enough and defected at the end of the Second Wizarding War. Because he and his family defected from the Death Eaters they were pardoned for their crimes after Voldemort's final defeat and did not serve a stint in Azkaban. He and Narcissa later had a grandson, Scorpius Malfoy, after Draco married Astoria Greengrass."@en . . . "Lucius Abraxas Malfoy"@it . "1954"^^ . . . . . "300"^^ . "*Cygnus Black III"@de . "Lucius Malfoy is Draco Malfoy's father. He is a pure-blood wizard, married to the pure-blood witch Narcissa. He lives at Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire. He owns at least one albino peacock."@en . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Enjoying luxury and sadism."@en . "*Andromeda Tonks"@de . . . . ""@de . "250"^^ . . . . . . . "*Armand Malfoy \u2020\n*Nicholas Malfoy \u2020\n*Lucius Malfoy I \u2020\n*Brutus Malfoy \u2020\n*Septimus Malfoy \u2020\n*Abraxas Malfoy \u2020\n*Narcisa Malfoy \n*Draco Malfoy \n*Astoria Malfoy (de soltera Greengrass) \n*Scorpius Malfoy \n*Druella Black \n*Cygnus Black III \u2020\n*Bellatrix Lestrange \u2020\n*Rodolphus Lestrange \n*Andromeda Tonks \n*Ted Tonks \u2020\n*Nymphadora Tonks \u2020"@es . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@da . "Det ses tydelig vis ogs\u00E5 ved slutningen af bog 2 hvor Lucius er ved at sl\u00E5 Harry Potter ihjel. Denne artikel er en Stub. Du kan hj\u00E6lpe ved at [ udvide den]. Kategori:D\u00F8dsgardist Kategori:Familien Malfoy Kategori:M\u00E6nd Kategori:Slytherin elev Kategori:Hogwarts elev Kategori:Azkaban fanger Kategori:Flygtet fra Azkaban Kategori:Troldm\u00E6nd"@da . . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "Lucius Malfoy"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@et . . . "?-1992"@en . . . . "Lucius Malfoy \u00E4r son till Abraxas Malfoy, gift med Narcissa Malfoy (f\u00F6dd Black) och far till Draco Malfoy"@sv . . "1954"^^ . . . "200"^^ . . "Umano"@it . "gr\u00E5"@en . "Lucius Malfoy"@es . "Nein"@de . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@fi . . . "Grises"@es . . "Lucius Malfoy (b. 1953 - 1954) was a pure-blood wizard, and son of Abraxas Malfoy, husband of Narcissa Black and the father of Draco Malfoy. Lucius was educated at Hogwarts, where he was made a prefect in Slytherin House. As an adult, Lucius was an aristocratic wizard and patriarch of the Malfoy family, believing strongly in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. He joined the Death Eaters, who shared his views on blood purity, and participated in the First Wizarding War."@en . . "Ei mit\u00E4\u00E4n"@fi . . . . . "*Armand Malfoy \u2020\n*Nicholas Malfoy \u2020\n*Lucius Malfoy I \u2020\n*Septimus Malfoy \u2020\n*Brutus Malfoy \u2020\n*Abraxas Malfoy \u2020\n*Narcissa Malfoy \n*Draco Malfoy \n*Astoria Malfoy \u2020\n*Scorpius Malfoy \n*Druella Black \n*Cygnus Black III \u2020\n*Bellatrix Lestrange \u2020\n*Rodolphus Lestrange \n*Andromeda Tonks \n*Ted Tonks \u2020\n*Nymphadora Lupin \u2020\n*Delphini \n*Edward Lupin \n*House of Black \n*Malfoy family"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Blond"@de . "kuolonsy\u00F6j\u00E4t"@fi . . . . "P\u00E1lida"@es . . . "Lucius4.jpg"@en . . . "Jason Isaacs"@fi . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@sv . "None"@en . . . . "dark-wizard"@en . "4867"^^ . . . "*Astoria Greengrass"@de . "Human"@en . . "*Mangiamorte\n*Famiglia Malfoy \n*Tom Riddle"@it . "Ninguno"@es . . . . . . . "Dual-sided head"@en . . . . . . . "Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi [Mainittu]"@fi . . "Vaaleat"@fi . . . "*Haus Slytherin\n*Schule: Hogwarts\n*Erster Auftritt: Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "White-blond"@en . "Malfoy, Lucius.png"@de . "between September 1953 and September 1954"@en . "1954"^^ . . . . . . "? - 1992"@es . . . . . . "\u2020\n*Abraxas Malfoy"@de . . "Lucius Malfoy II"@de . . . . . "4736"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Casado"@es . . . "*Hogwarts\n*Zaubereiministerium\n*Todesser"@de . "4766"^^ . "Verheiratet"@de . . "Maintain power and wealth."@en . "\u2020\n*Brutus Malfoy"@de . "Harmaat"@fi . . . . . . . . . "\u2020\n*Narzissa Black"@de . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . "Wolfgang M\u00FCller"@de . . . "*School Governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry \n*Apothecary"@en . . "Lucius Malfoy on surmas\u00F6\u00F6ja ja Draco Malfoy isa."@et . . "4720"^^ . . . . . . . . "\u2020\n*Rodolphus Lestrange"@de . "4731"^^ . . . "Magic Supremacist"@en . "\u00DCber seinen eigenen Stammbaum ist nicht viel bekannt, au\u00DFer, dass er der Sohn von Abraxas Malfoy war, der in hohem Alter an Drachenpocken starb."@de . . . . . "1956"^^ . . . . "Man"@sv . . . . . . . "kuolonsy\u00F6j\u00E4n\u00E4"@fi . "siehe links"@de . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . . . . . . "luihuinen"@fi . . "Lucius Abraxas Malfoy"@it . "*Jefe del Consejo Escolar"@es . . . "Lucius1.jpg"@en . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@da . . . . . . "*Vertrauenssch\u00FCler\n*Askabaninsasse\n*Todesser"@de . . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy on surmas\u00F6\u00F6ja ja Draco Malfoy isa."@et . . "Keep his family safe ."@en . . "Mies"@fi . . . . . . . "No known special abilities"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy \u00E4r son till Abraxas Malfoy, gift med Narcissa Malfoy (f\u00F6dd Black) och far till Draco Malfoy"@sv . . . . "Mand"@da . . . "Vaalea"@fi . . . . . . . . . "Wizard parents"@en . . . . . "*Hogwarts-Schulrat"@de . . "Hood"@en . . . . . "Vitblond"@en . . . "Blass"@de . . . . "Malfoy, Mr. Malfoy, Lucius"@en . "*Druella Black(geb. Rosier)"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . "gr\u00E5"@sv . . "Malfoy Sr"@it . "*Mangiamorte\n*Membro del Ministero della Magia\n*Membro dei consiglieri di Hogwarts"@it . . "*Armand Malfoy"@de . . . . . "Familjen Malfoy"@sv . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy, nacido en 1954, era un mago de sangre pura, hijo de Abraxas Malfoy. Era el marido de Narcisa Malfoy (de soltera Black) el padre de Draco y abuelo de Scorpius Malfoy, viv\u00EDa en la Mansi\u00F3n Malfoy, ubicada en Wiltshire. Lucius era un hombre aristocr\u00E1tico, y, adem\u00E1s, mortifago, y como tal ten\u00EDa una obsesi\u00F3n con la pureza de sangre por lo que doctrin\u00F3 a su hijo Draco con los mismos ideales. Fue fiel a Lord Voldemort, uni\u00E9ndose a los mort\u00EDfagos y particip\u00F3 en la Primera Guerra M\u00E1gica. Despu\u00E9s de la primera derrota de Voldemort, Lucius logr\u00F3 evitar que lo encarcelaran alegando que hab\u00EDa sido controlado por el maleficio Imperius. Intent\u00F3 sabotear a Arthur Weasley haciendo que su hija, Ginny, abriera la C\u00E1mara de los Secretos en 1992. Los Malfoy han tenido como sirviente un elfo dom\u00E9stico llamado Dobby por muchos a\u00F1os, pero Lucius lo liber\u00F3 inadvertidamente por culpa de la prenda que le regal\u00F3 Harry Potter. La familia Malfoy fue fiel a Lord Voldemort durante la Primera y Segunda Guerra M\u00E1gica, pero desert\u00F3 a la conclusi\u00F3n de esta \u00FAltima. Evit\u00F3 ir a Azkaban luego del final de la guerra brind\u00E1ndole al Ministerio de Magia los nombres de mort\u00EDfagos que se encontraban huyendo luego de la ca\u00EDda definitiva de Lord Voldemort en 1998."@es . . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@en . . "*Valvojaoppilas"@fi . "*Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicer\u00EDa\n*Slytherin\n*Ministerio de Magia \n*Mort\u00EDfagos\n*Familia Malfoy\n*Club de las Eminencias"@es . . . "Pale"@en . . . "First version of Lucius in 2002"@en . . . . . . . "Lucius in Death Eater disguise in 2005"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Harry Potter"@en . . "Lucius Malfoy"@it . . "Lucius Malfoy"@sv . . "Political manipulation"@en . . "Potion Bottle"@en . . "1954"^^ . . "Olmo, Nervio de Coraz\u00F3n de Drag\u00F3n"@es . . . . "Lucius Malfoy is a major antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, making his debut as the true main antagonist of Chamber of Secrets and later as the quaternary antagonist of Goblet of Fire and tertiary antagonist of Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows. He is a former Death Eater, the son of Abraxas Malfoy, the husband of Narcissa Malfoy, the brother-in-law of Bellatrix Lestrange, the father of Draco Malfoy, the father-in-law of Astoria Malfoy, and the grandfather of Scorpius Malfoy. He is a rival of the good-natured Arthur Weasley, patriarch of the poor Weasley family. He was portrayed by Jason Isaacs, who was also the voice of Ra's Al Ghul in Batman: Under the Red Hood, Satan in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Colonel William Tavington in The Patriot, Admiral Zhao in Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars: Rebels, and Captain Hook in the 2003 Peter Pan film and Dr. Heinreich Volmer in A Cure for Wellness"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . "*Prefecto\n*Prisionero de Azkaban\n*Mort\u00EDfago"@es . . "Diafana"@it . . . . . . . "*Draco Malfoy"@de . "*Hogwarts Governor \n*Prefect"@en . . . . . . . . "Lucius Malfoy"@fi . . . . . . "Lord Malfoy"@it . . "Lucius Malfoy"@es . . "Grau"@de . . . . . . . "Sposato"@it . . . . . "10217"^^ . . "1954"^^ . "Narcissa Malfoy Draco Malfoy"@fi . . . . "250"^^ . . . "Married"@en . . . "Lucius Malfoy \u00E4r son till Abraxas Malfoy, gift med Narcissa Malfoy (f\u00F6dd Black) och far till Draco Malfoy"@en . "Ei mit\u00E4\u00E4n"@fi . "LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4\nLEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7"@en . .