"USS Adelphi"@fr . . "El origen del nombre viene de la palabra Griega \"hermano\""@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The USS Adelphi was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. While under the command of Captain Darson, the Adelphi was assigned to a first contact mission to the planet Ghorusda. The mission was centered around civilian specialist Tam Elbrun, an unusually talented Betazoid telepath, who joined the mission to facilitate contact with the culturally complex Ghorusdans. The situation was considered extremely delicate and volatile, and due to a misunderstanding, a conflict broke out. In the incident, later known as the Ghorusda Disaster, forty-seven Adelphi crewmembers were killed, including Captain Darson, and two friends of Riker from his class at Starfleet Academy. Later, a Starfleet Board of inquiry blamed Darson for \"carelessness\" concerning Ghorusdan cultural taboos. (TNG: \"Tin Man\" ) The Adelphi was classified as an Ambassador-class heavy cruiser with the registry NCC-26849 in an internal list of starships, dated September 26, 1990. [1] This information about the ship would later appear in the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 10) . The Adelphi was named after Adelphi, Maryland, the home of one of the teleplay authors.(citation needed \u2022 [ edit]) The Adelphi was also listed as an Ambassador-class vessel in the Decipher role-playing game supplement Starships."@en . "Adelphi"@fr . "USS Adelphi"@en . . . . "USS \"Adelphi\" -okr\u0119t Floty Gwiezdnej Federacji, b\u0119d\u0105cy w s\u0142u\u017Cbie w po\u0142owie XXIV wieku, dowodzony przez kapitana Darsona. USS \"Adelphi\" zwi\u0105zany jest z incydentem nazwanym p\u00F3\u017Aniej Katastrof\u0105 na Ghorusdzie. Kapitan Darson otrzyma\u0142 rozkaz nawi\u0105zania pierwszego kontaktu z mieszka\u0144cami planety Ghorusda. Zadanie by\u0142o na tyle delikatne, \u017Ce do pomocy w jego wykonaniu, do za\u0142ogi \"Adelphi\" przydzielono na stanowisko specjalisty misji -Tama Elbruna, kt\u00F3ry jest wyj\u0105tkowo rozwini\u0119tym telepat\u0105."@pl . "USS \"Adelphi\" -okr\u0119t Floty Gwiezdnej Federacji, b\u0119d\u0105cy w s\u0142u\u017Cbie w po\u0142owie XXIV wieku, dowodzony przez kapitana Darsona. USS \"Adelphi\" zwi\u0105zany jest z incydentem nazwanym p\u00F3\u017Aniej Katastrof\u0105 na Ghorusdzie. Kapitan Darson otrzyma\u0142 rozkaz nawi\u0105zania pierwszego kontaktu z mieszka\u0144cami planety Ghorusda. Zadanie by\u0142o na tyle delikatne, \u017Ce do pomocy w jego wykonaniu, do za\u0142ogi \"Adelphi\" przydzielono na stanowisko specjalisty misji -Tama Elbruna, kt\u00F3ry jest wyj\u0105tkowo rozwini\u0119tym telepat\u0105. Podczas spotkania z mieszka\u0144cami Ghorusdy nast\u0105pi\u0142o nieporozumienie, kt\u00F3re przerodzi\u0142o si\u0119 w konflikt, w wyniku kt\u00F3rego zgin\u0105\u0142 kapitan Darson i czterdziestu sze\u015Bciu innych cz\u0142onk\u00F3w za\u0142ogi USS \"Adelphi\". Przeprowadzone przez Flot\u0119 Gwiezdn\u0105 dochodzenie, obarczy\u0142o win\u0105 za incydent kapitana Darsona -uznano, \u017Ce niewystarczaj\u0105co zadba\u0142 o uszanowanie kulturowego tabu Ghorusdan co doprowadzi\u0142o do konfliktu. William Riker, kt\u00F3ry przyja\u017Ani\u0142 si\u0119 z Darsonem i dwoma innymi cz\u0142onkami za\u0142ogi USS \"Adelphi\", kt\u00F3rzy zgin\u0119li na Ghorusdzie, obwinia\u0142 za incydent Tama Elbruna, kt\u00F3ry, jego zdaniem, nie ostrzeg\u0142 Darsona o niebezpiecze\u0144stwie. (TNG: Tin Man)"@pl . "USS"@fr . "USS Adelphi"@es . "The USS Adelphi (NCC-26849) was an Ambassador-class ship that in the 2340s, was involved in the disastrous first contact with the planet Ghorusda. 47 crewmembers died including the captain. The USS Adelphi later transported Tam Elbrum to the Enterprise D in 2366."@en . "In 2361, the Adelphi, under the command of Captain Darson, participated in the Ghorusda Disaster in which 47 people were killed, including the captain. (TNG episode: \"Tin Man\"; Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships) The Adelphi was still in active service in 2376. (NF novel: Gods Above) Adelphi translates from Greek as \"brothers.\" However, this ship was probably named for Adelphi, Maryland, which was the one-time home of Dennis Russell Bailey, writer of \"Tin Man.\""@en . . . "active"@en . "Thunder Download PluginThunder Download Plugin"@zh . . . . "The USS Adelphi (NCC-26849) was an Ambassador-class Federation starship in service during the mid-24th century. While under the command of Captain Darson, the Adelphi was assigned to make first contact with the planet Ghorusda. The mission was to be centered around civilian specialist Tam Elbrun, a highly talented Betazoid telepath, whose duty it was to facilitate first contact with the culturally complex Ghorusdans. The situation was extremely volatile, and due to a misunderstanding, resulted in conflict."@en . . . . "In 2361, the Adelphi, under the command of Captain Darson, participated in the Ghorusda Disaster in which 47 people were killed, including the captain. (TNG episode: \"Tin Man\"; Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships) The Adelphi was still in active service in 2376. (NF novel: Gods Above) Adelphi translates from Greek as \"brothers.\" However, this ship was probably named for Adelphi, Maryland, which was the one-time home of Dennis Russell Bailey, writer of \"Tin Man.\""@en . "USS Adelphi"@de . . "2360.0"^^ . "NCC-26849"@en . . . "USS Adelphi"@en . . "L'USS Adelphi \u00E9tait un vaisseau spatial de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "USS Adelphi"@nl . . . . . . . . . . "The USS Adelphi (NCC-26849) was an Ambassador-class Federation starship in service during the mid-24th century. While under the command of Captain Darson, the Adelphi was assigned to make first contact with the planet Ghorusda. The mission was to be centered around civilian specialist Tam Elbrun, a highly talented Betazoid telepath, whose duty it was to facilitate first contact with the culturally complex Ghorusdans. The situation was extremely volatile, and due to a misunderstanding, resulted in conflict. The incident, later known as the Ghorusda Disaster, resulted in the deaths of 47 Adelphi crewmembers, including Darson and two of William Riker\u2019s classmates from Starfleet Academy. Later a Board of inquiry, commissioned by Starfleet, found that Darson had been \u201Ccareless\u201D in regards to Ghorusdan cultural taboos. The name Adelphi is Greek which translates to brothers, but it\u2019s more likely that it is named after Adelphi, Maryland."@en . . . . "USS Adelphi"@pl . "Thunder Download PluginThunder Download Plugin"@zh . . . "The USS Adelphi (NCC-26849) was an Ambassador-class ship that in the 2340s, was involved in the disastrous first contact with the planet Ghorusda. 47 crewmembers died including the captain. The USS Adelphi later transported Tam Elbrum to the Enterprise D in 2366."@en . "El origen del nombre viene de la palabra Griega \"hermano\""@es . . . . . "De USS Adelphi was een Federatie sterrenschip dat in dienst was in de 24e eeuw onder het commando van kapitein Darson. In het midden van de 24e eeuw was de Adelphi aangewezen voor een eerste contact missie naar de planeet Ghorusda, waar de Tam Elbrun zich bij de bemanning voegde om ervoor te zorgen dat het contact soepel zou verlopen. De situatie werd gezien als extreem breekbaar en complex en door een misverstand brak er een conflict uit. De Adelphi werd vernoemd naar een Grieks woord voor \"Broeders\"."@nl . "USS Adelphi"@en . "The USS Adelphi was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. While under the command of Captain Darson, the Adelphi was assigned to a first contact mission to the planet Ghorusda. The mission was centered around civilian specialist Tam Elbrun, an unusually talented Betazoid telepath, who joined the mission to facilitate contact with the culturally complex Ghorusdans. The situation was considered extremely delicate and volatile, and due to a misunderstanding, a conflict broke out."@en . . . . "actif"@fr . "Die USS Adelphi ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Der Kommandant des Schiffes ist Captain Darson. In der Mitte des 24. Jahrhunderts erh\u00E4lt die Adelphi den Auftrag, den Erstkontakt zum Planeten Ghorusda herzustellen. Dazu ist der betazoidische Telepath Tam Elbrun an Bord, der als Erstkontakt-Spezialist gilt. Im Verlauf der Mission kommt es aufgrund eines Missverst\u00E4ndnisses zu einem fatalem Konflikt."@de . . "USS Adelphi"@zh . "Active"@en . "De USS Adelphi was een Federatie sterrenschip dat in dienst was in de 24e eeuw onder het commando van kapitein Darson. In het midden van de 24e eeuw was de Adelphi aangewezen voor een eerste contact missie naar de planeet Ghorusda, waar de Tam Elbrun zich bij de bemanning voegde om ervoor te zorgen dat het contact soepel zou verlopen. De situatie werd gezien als extreem breekbaar en complex en door een misverstand brak er een conflict uit. In het conflict, dat later bekend werd als de Ghorusda ramp, werden 47 bemanningsleden van de Adelphi gedood, waaronder ook kapitein Darson. Later legde een Starfleet raad de schuld bij Darson, omdat hij niet goed zou zijn omgegaan met de culturele taboes. (TNG: \"Tin Man\") De Adelphi werd vernoemd naar een Grieks woord voor \"Broeders\"."@nl . . "fed"@en . "Die USS Adelphi ist ein Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Der Kommandant des Schiffes ist Captain Darson. In der Mitte des 24. Jahrhunderts erh\u00E4lt die Adelphi den Auftrag, den Erstkontakt zum Planeten Ghorusda herzustellen. Dazu ist der betazoidische Telepath Tam Elbrun an Bord, der als Erstkontakt-Spezialist gilt. Im Verlauf der Mission kommt es aufgrund eines Missverst\u00E4ndnisses zu einem fatalem Konflikt. Dieser Vorfall wird sp\u00E4ter als das Ghorusda-Desaster bekannt. 47 Mannschaftsmitglieder der Adelphi, unter ihnen Captain Darson, werden dabei get\u00F6tet. Die Untersuchungen der Sternenflotte stellen allerdings fest, dass Darson kulturelle Tabus der Ghorusdaner verletzt hat (TNG: )."@de . . . . "L'USS Adelphi \u00E9tait un vaisseau spatial de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . .