. . . . "Gobliner er en race af sm\u00E5 gr\u00F8nne v\u00E6sner med sjove karaktertr\u00E6k og tit meget h\u00F8j intelligens, selvom de tit mangler almindelig fornuft. Goblinernes samfund er styret af en r\u00E6kke forskellige \"Trade Princes\" fordelt over hele Azeroth, selvom de fleste opholder sig i Undermine p\u00E5 Isle of Kezan, har de alle deres private forretninger forskelige steder p\u00E5 planeten. \"Forretninger\" kan ogs\u00E5 betyde minedrift, skovhuggeri, slave handel og skibsbagholdsangreb og nogle andre ting som tit er ulovlige i andre samfund. I den kommende expansion til World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, ville en af Trade Princerne (Det er indtil videre ukendt hvem) opgive sin neutralitet og alliere sig med Horden igen, og hans folk vil blive den nye Horde-race, ligesom Worgen vil for Alliance. Kategori:The Hord"@da . "I Goblin sono una delle tante razze facenti parte del piccolo popolo come le fate, gli spiritelli e Renato Brunetta. Sono comunemente associati all'immaginario fantasy ma una recente indagine di mercato operata tramite call center di Tele2 ne ha dimostrato l'esistenza. Essi dimorano in zone rurali e poco civilizzate ai margini della societ\u00E0 come ad esempio paludi, discariche, grotte, castelli o magioni abbandonate e i cumuli di monnezza di Napoli, ma recentemente alcuni esemplari si sono avvicinati alle aree urbane adattando il loro stile di vita con i ritmi delle grandi metropoli. Osservano una dieta onnivora ma predilogono la carne di elfo o di politico onesto (ecco perch\u00E9 si pensava fossero estinti)."@it . "30"^^ . . . . . "155.0"^^ . "10"^^ . . . . . . . . "Dungeons"@en . . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u5143\u3005 Kezan \u5CF6\u306E\u30B8\u30E3\u30F3\u30B0\u30EB\u30C8\u30ED\u30EB\u306E\u5974\u96B7\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001Mount Kajaro \u306E\u6EB6\u5CA9\u305F\u304E\u308B\u5C71\u4E2D\u304B\u3089 kaja'mite \u9271\u77F3\u3092\u63A1\u6398\u3055\u305B\u3089\u308C\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3002 \u30B8\u30E3\u30F3\u30B0\u30EB\u30C8\u30ED\u30EB\u306F\u305D\u306E\u5F37\u529B\u306A\u529B\u3092\u79D8\u3081\u305F\u9271\u77F3\u3092\u30D6\u30FC\u30C9\u30A5\u30FC\u306E\u5100\u5F0F\u306B\u7528\u3044\u3066\u3044\u305F\u304C\u3001\u9271\u77F3\u3068\u5E38\u306B\u63A5\u89E6\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u5974\u96B7\u305F\u3061\u306B\u601D\u308F\u306C\u5F71\u97FF\u3092\u53CA\u307C\u3057\u305F\u3002kaja'mite \u306F\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306B\u65B0\u305F\u306A\u308B\u77E5\u6027\u3068\u72E1\u733E\u3055\u3092\u82BD\u751F\u3048\u3055\u305B\u59CB\u3081\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u5BC6\u304B\u306B\u30A8\u30F3\u30B8\u30CB\u30A2\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3068\u932C\u91D1\u8853\u306E\u5F37\u529B\u306A\u9053\u5177\u3092\u4F5C\u308A\u51FA\u3057\u3001\u9593\u3082\u306A\u304F\u6291\u5727\u8005\u3092\u5236\u5727\u3057\u3066 Kezan \u3092\u672C\u62E0\u5730\u3068\u3057\u3066\u624B\u306B\u5165\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002\u304B\u3064\u3066\u7262\u7344\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u9271\u5C71\u306F\u53CD\u4E71\u62E0\u70B9\u3068\u306A\u308A\u3001\u73FE\u5728\u306F Undermine \u3068\u3044\u3046\u90FD\u5E02\u3068\u306A\u3063\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u5CF6\u306B\u304F\u306D\u304F\u306D\u3068\u5F35\u308A\u5DE1\u3089\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30C8\u30F3\u30CD\u30EB\u7DB2\u3001\u6EB6\u5CA9\u6D1E\u3001\u5927\u7A7A\u9593\u2026\u2026 Undermine \u306F\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306E\u4E88\u6E2C\u4E0D\u80FD\u306A\u8907\u96D1\u602A\u5947\u306A\u601D\u8003\u56DE\u8DEF\u306E\u5178\u578B\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 \u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306E\u8CAA\u6B32\u306A\u672C\u8CEA\u306F\u3001\u91CD\u5546\u4E3B\u7FA9\u306E\u8987\u8005\u3068\u306A\u308B\u9053\u3078\u3068\u5F7C\u3089\u3092\u5C0E\u3044\u305F\u3002Trade prince \u305F\u3061\u306F\u95D8\u4E89\u3092\u5229\u7528\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3092\u8EAB\u306B\u7740\u3051\u305F\u982D\u8133\u306E\u5207\u308C\u308B\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u3068\u3057\u3066\u7B2C\u4E00\u6B21\u5927\u6226\u306E\u9593\u306B\u51FA\u73FE\u3057\u305F\u3002\u83AB\u5927\u306A\u8CA1\u7523\u304C\u96C6\u7A4D\u3057\u3001Isle of Kezan \u306F\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u8CBF\u6613\u8239\u306E\u62E0\u70B9\u3068\u306A\u3063\u305F\u3002Trade prince \u306E\u3046\u3061\u306E\u4E00\u4EBA\u306F\u3001\u7B2C\u4E8C\u6B21\u5927\u6226\u306B\u304A\u3044\u3066\u81EA\u3089\u306E\u6D3E\u95A5\u3092 Horde \u306B\u5949\u4ED5\u3055\u305B\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306B\u540C\u610F\u3057\u305F\u3002Horde \u306E\u6557\u5317\u306B\u3088\u308A\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u540C\u76DF\u8005\u306E\u5931\u6557\u4F8B\u304B\u3089\u6559\u8A13\u3092\u5B66\u3073\u53D6\u308A\u3001\u9650\u5B9A\u7684\u306A\u95A2\u4FC2\u306B\u7E1B\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u306A\u3051\u308C\u3070\u81EA\u5206\u305F\u3061\u306E\u5229\u76CA\u304C\u500D\u3068\u306A\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3092\u5373\u5EA7\u306B\u609F\u3063\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002\u7B2C\u4E09\u6B21\u5927\u6226\u304C\u96C6\u7D50\u3059\u308B\u307E\u3067\u306B\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F Horde \u3068 Alliance \u306E\u53CC\u65B9\u306B\u6B66\u5668\u30FB\u4E57\u308A\u7269\u30FB\u90AA\u306A\u30B5\u30FC\u30D3\u30B9\u306A\u3069\u3092\u63D0\u4F9B\u3057\u305F\u3002\u305D\u308C\u304C\u6C38\u9060\u306B\u7D9A\u304F\u3053\u3068\u306F\u306A\u304B\u3063\u305F\u2026\u2026\u3002 \u6700\u8FD1\u3001Kezan \u306E\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F Alliance \u306E\u4E2D\u306B\u65B0\u305F\u306A\u6575\u304C\u3044\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306B\u6C17\u4ED8\u3044\u305F\u2015\u2015\u4E88\u671F\u305B\u306C\u4E0D\u63A1\u7B97\u6027\u3068\u306E\u906D\u9047\u306B\u3088\u308A\u3001\u3042\u308B trade prince \u305F\u3061\u306F\u5B89\u7A4F\u3068\u3057\u305F\u4E2D\u7ACB\u306E\u7ACB\u5834\u304B\u3089\u8FFD\u3044\u3084\u3089\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u304B\u3064\u3066\u306E\u540C\u76DF\u8005\u305F\u3061\u3068\u306E\u53E4\u304D\u76DF\u7D04\u3092\u518D\u3073\u7D50\u3073\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F Horde \u306B\u5FEB\u304F\u8FCE\u3048\u5165\u308C\u3089\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . "Goblins are magical creatures but nothing else is known of them. According to Chris Halliwell, the Charmed Ones would face some goblins in the future, saying \"It's gonna get ugly.\""@en . "Level 5"@en . "Gobliny"@pl . . "Bronze chainbody"@cs . . "Goblin"@it . . "-"@en . "Goblins are small, cunning humanoids that are a plague across all of Faer\u00FBn, though they are generally not dangerous unless encountered in very large numbers, or if they have had time to prepare an ambush. In Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, the Enhanced Edition and the expansion Throne of Bhaal, they can be encountered throughout Amn and Tethyr, but in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, they can be found at Adoy's Enclave."@en . "2"^^ . . . . "Brass necklace"@cs . "no"@en . "Goblin Champion's Scroll.png"@es . "Fires a wide blast of fire straight ahead."@en . "Categoria:Razze Goblin \u00E8 un altro nome con il quale sono conosciuti gli Orchi nelle opere di Tolkien, soprattutto ne Lo Hobbit dove sono i maggiori antagonisti, il quale si ispir\u00F2 all'antico termine inglese che \u00E8 sinonimo di Orco. Tuttavia col passare del tempo si \u00E8 teso a identificare i Goblin come una sotto-razza degli Orchi e come tali vengono rappresentati piccoli e pi\u00F9 agili. Con le trilogie di Peter Jackson i Goblin sono entrati definitivamente nell'immaginario collettivo come una razza a s\u00E8 stante, anche se in realt\u00E0 non hanno alcuna differenza con i normali orchi."@it . "* Goblin Attack Force\n* Goblin Black Ops\n* Goblin Decoy Squad\n* Goblin Elite Attack Force\n* Goblin Marauding Squad\n* Goblin Recon Squad\n* Goblindbergh\n* Scrounging Goblin\n* Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei\n* Turret Warrior\n* Marauding Captain\n* Summoner Monk"@en . "Not immune"@en . "Goburin"@en . . . "-"@en . . "Grimy kwuarm"@en . . "Air rune"@es . . . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . . . . . "Goblin"@it . . "Yes"@en . "Altura"@pt . "\"Zig Zag! Gobo attack!\"; \"Me green, me mean!\"; \"Bugga! Bugga!\"; \"Help! Goblinkiller!\"; \"Me have him!\"."@es . . "No"@en . . . . "13.0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "by character class"@en . "Goblins are native to The Bronze Rock Mountains. They are easily mistaken for Orcs from a distance, although they are nearly 1 foot smaller and not neraly as buff. They attack by destroying everything with spears or short swords. They also throw rocks and sometimes attack with axes."@en . "Ja, pisse giftig!"@da . . "nie"@pl . "The Goblin race hails from the fetid swamps of Gonsiir, south of the Plain of Tears, but can be as far west as the Isle of Utrae. Their great talent in matters both magical and technological has made them attractive servants, and many were enslaved by the ancient Utraeans. It is said that the Goblins of Gonsiir taught humanity the art of chemistry, allowing them to create powerful explosives, like those found within Windstone Fortress. Then came the Goblin Inventor."@en . "The Goblin is an assault rifle that appears in Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2."@en . "Goblin is a costumed criminal."@en . "100.0"^^ . . . . . "Short"@en . "1.0"^^ . "Goblin skull"@en . . "Categoria:Razze Goblin \u00E8 un altro nome con il quale sono conosciuti gli Orchi nelle opere di Tolkien, soprattutto ne Lo Hobbit dove sono i maggiori antagonisti, il quale si ispir\u00F2 all'antico termine inglese che \u00E8 sinonimo di Orco. Tuttavia col passare del tempo si \u00E8 teso a identificare i Goblin come una sotto-razza degli Orchi e come tali vengono rappresentati piccoli e pi\u00F9 agili. Con le trilogie di Peter Jackson i Goblin sono entrati definitivamente nell'immaginario collettivo come una razza a s\u00E8 stante, anche se in realt\u00E0 non hanno alcuna differenza con i normali orchi."@it . . . "Goblins are fast humanoid creatures that are found in Twisted Thicket Island."@en . . "Little demihumans that build villages and live in places such as caves. The art appears to show a child, but this is a mature adult. Their bodies do not grow any bigger than this. Unbefitting of their little bodies, they have the power to lift enormous weapons with ease, they are even a bit clever. However, they are childish on the inside and they had a foolish, simple side. They like mischief and that is what they use their wits for. They often form groups composed of all goblins, or with a \u201Chobgoblin\u201D leader and appear in city streets, attacking human travelers, robbing them blind. Additionally, if the person happens to be a man, they\u2019ll rape him right on the spot. On this occasion, if one of them takes a liking to him, they\u2019ll take him back to their dwelling and he will be forced to become their husband. Not all goblins are dangerous this way and there are also goblins who are trying to get along better with humans. There are even goblin merchants who come to human settlements, selling the ores and crafted works that they get from their village, but of course, they are still goblins on the inside. Once they spot a man who strikes their fancy, they will put their cunning to use and try to violate him as soon as they see an opportunity. However, other than when they are committing mischief, or trying to violate men, they are quite sociable and talkative; so an extremely large number of goblins are merchants, as mentioned before. When doing business with them, if you are a man, it is likely possible to pay with your body. Even so, if they like you, they will almost certainly be taking you home with them, so I do not recommend it very much."@en . "Assault Rifle"@en . . . . . "351237152227"^^ . . "A Goblin Shaman casting a Missile"@en . . "Phil Urich; Spider-Island Deadly Foes Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg"@en . . . "Goblin Queen and her partners"@en . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . "Grimy lantadyme"@en . "Clue scroll"@es . . . "No"@en . . . "small"@en . "The Goblin is a recruitable Creature in Dungeon Keeper 2."@en . "Nothing"@sv . "W fantasy gobliny przedstawiane s\u0105 zwykle jako ohydne i g\u0142upie stwory, o zielonej, czasem czarnej lub oliwkowej sk\u00F3rze, i ma\u0142ymi \u015Bwi\u0144skimi oczkami. Gobliny charakteryzuj\u0105 si\u0119 brutalno\u015Bci\u0105, porywczo\u015Bci\u0105, ale r\u00F3wnie\u017C ogromnym tch\u00F3rzostwem. Gobliny oraz inne spokrewnione z nimi stworzenia (np. ork\u00F3w) zalicza si\u0119 niekiedy do goblinoid\u00F3w."@pl . "Image:Albumbronze.png Bronze Card \"These monsters are well-known on the outskirts of Fanburg. They're quick to anger, but\" Earth: 0% Water: 0% Fire: 0% Wind: 100% Learnable skills : Crushing Blow , Double-Edged Sakura Sword , Blind , All or Nothing, Blink I."@en . . "Warpriest of Bandos cape"@fi . . . . "Goblin is a Mercenary who appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat"@en . . . "JAP 2"@en . . . . "Bronze scimitar"@cs . . . . . . . . "-"@en . . "Not immune"@en . . . "Grimy guam"@fi . "Green"@en . "Phys\\+3\nAilment\\-1\nElec\\-3\nGun\\-4"@en . "Blood rune"@en . "Der gemeine Goblin geh\u00F6rt, zusammen mit den anderen Masseneinheiten, zu den kleinsten Einheiten, die es in Wailan gibt. F\u00FCr diesen Truppentyp gilt zumeist Masse statt Klasse, wie im Schere-Stein-Papier-Prinzip im Kampfsystem beschrieben wird. Von Furcht kann bei diesen Einheiten kaum die Rede sein, denn schon allein die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe, neben allen anderen Mali, vermag kaum jemanden zu erschrecken."@de . . "3"^^ . . "Body-rune"@en . "yes"@en . "Fire talisman"@en . "Bones"@tl . . . "There are many other goblins, such as the Stone Clan, or the Fire Hammer Goblins."@en . "d2 -1"@en . "1"^^ . "Fairy Pouch\nLife Stone\nBead"@en . "Bones"@en . . "\u30D7\u30C1\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . . "Black, Red, Green, Blue"@en . "Bones"@cs . "Goblin.jpg"@en . "Red cape"@en . . . "Null Damage Wall"@en . "Goblins are one of The People and are incredibly dim-witted. They are violent and very power-hungry; the ability to conjure fire balls doesn't stifle this nature either. They are less than 3 feet tall."@en . . . "desde 50 hasta 90"@es . "Goblin"@de . . . . "12515"^^ . "yes"@es . . "Goblin's Gold"@en . . "Level 2"@en . "Goblins are a diminutive thursine race that resemble smaller orcs, much like gnomes resemble smaller humans. In fact, they share much the same environments and niches as gnomes and dwarves. They are from the mountains of central and southwest Odenna. There are two main subspecies of goblins: The two varieties can also interbreed, producing pale goblins that can walk much more easily on the surface."@en . "Rare"@en . "Goblins jsou b\u011B\u017En\u00ED, vyskytuj\u00ED se nap\u0159\u00EDklad v: \n* Lumbridge - lesy na z\u00E1pad\u011B a v\u00FDchodn\u00ED b\u0159eh \u0159eky Lum \n* Goblin Village \n* Port Sarim \n* Kolem Digsite \n* Stronghold Of Security \n* Underground Pass \n* Goblin Cave \n* Coal Trucks \n* D\u00EDry v Myreque Hideout v Mort Myre \n* God Wars Dungeon \n* Jeskyn\u011B u observatory \n* V\u00FDchodn\u011B od Gunnarsgrunn, ji\u017En\u011B od Grand Exchange \n* Ardougne"@cs . "An ugly green creature/\nThese goblins have grown strong/\nan ugly goblin... bleurgh!"@pl . "7"^^ . . "Fire, Ice, Elec"@en . "Ned Leeds; Edward Leeds 0002.gif"@en . "Medium"@en . . . . "Peach"@en . "Body rune"@cs . "Os goblins s\u00E3o uma esp\u00E9cie baixa, feia e repelente. Sua pele varia do amarelo ao negro (em geral tem cor de terra), t\u00EAm dentes pontiagudos e rosto achatado, com olhos muito vermelhos que brilham na escurid\u00E3o. Vivem no subsolo e enxergam no escuro, como os an\u00F5es e elfos. Ao contr\u00E1rio de outros goblin\u00F3ides com os quais s\u00E3o aparentados, goblins podem ser encontrados n\u00E3o apenas em Lamnor, mas em praticamente qualquer ponto de Arton. Os goblins possuem suas hist\u00F3rias e can\u00E7\u00F5es tradicionais pr\u00F3prias, como aquelas que falam do trapalh\u00E3o Loghog ou aquelas cantadas pela Banda dos Goblins de Valkaria."@pt . . "Sly"@en . . . "aina"@fi . . . "\"-... \u00E9s amikor hal\u00E1lrasz\u00E1ntan elfoglaltuk \u00E1ll\u00E1sainkat, napkelet fel\u0151l felbukkant egy rettenetes fekete sereg. A d\u00FCb\u00F6rg\u00E9s\u00FCkt\u0151l megmozdult a f\u00F6ld a talpunk alatt, \u00E9s az eget elhom\u00E1lyos\u00EDtotta a por. amit a pat\u00E1s d\u00F6g\u00F6k ezrei vertek. A vez\u00E9r\u00FCk, egy v\u00F6r\u00F6sen izz\u00F3 tekintet\u0171 d\u00E9monlovas, rohamra k\u00FCldte ellen\u00FCnk a katon\u00E1it, \u00E9s h\u00E1t ekkora t\u00FAler\u0151 l\u00E1tt\u00E1n, noha er\u0151m \u00E9s b\u00E1tors\u00E1gom legend\u00E1s, hiszen nem ok n\u00E9lk\u00FCl neveznek engem, a h\u0151s Gron Takit, a Seregek Ostor\u00E1t, az Istenekkel Csat\u00E1z\u00F3, Warg\u00F6l\u0151, Hatalmasokat Ig\u00E1z\u00F3, Orkm\u00E9sz\u00E1rl\u00F3 Gron Takit, akit...- El\u00E9g lesz vakarcs. Fogd be! - A kapit\u00E1nyhoz fordult: - Ha j\u00F3l \u00E9rtem, egy tucatnyi ilanori lovas tart erre, kelet fel\u0151l.P.sz. 3696, Valahol Magras k\u00F6rny\u00E9k\u00E9n\" Eg\u00E9sz Yneven elterjedt elfszab\u00E1s\u00FA faj. Igen alacsony termet\u0171ek, alig \u00E9rik el az egy ynevi l\u00E1b magass\u00E1got."@hu . "Goblin(\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3)\u306FGreenskins(\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3)\u306E\u4E00\u65CF\u3067\u3001Ork(\u30AA\u30FC\u30AF)\u306E \u3044\u3068\u3053 \u306B\u3042\u305F\u308B\u7A2E\u65CF\u3060\u3002\u30AA\u30FC\u30AF\u304C\u76F4\u63A5\u7684\u306A\u66B4\u529B\u3092\u597D\u3080\u306E\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u9593\u63A5\u7684\u306A\uFF08\u81EA\u5206\u304C\u5B89\u5168\u3060\u3068\u601D\u3048\u308B\u4F4D\u7F6E\u304B\u3089\u306E\uFF09\u66B4\u529B\u3092\u597D\u3080\u3002\u4F53\u683C\u304C\u3068\u3066\u3082\u5C0F\u3055\u304F\u8CA7\u76F8\u306A\u8EAB\u4F53\u3092\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u53CD\u9762\u3001\u3059\u3070\u3057\u3063\u3053\u304F\u3001\u307E\u305F\u5C11\u3057\u3070\u304B\u308A\u306A\u304C\u3089\u3082\u77E5\u80FD\u3068\u5668\u7528\u3055\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u305D\u306E\u305F\u3081\u3001\u5F7C\u3089\u306F\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3\u793E\u4F1A\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u88CF\u65B9\u4F5C\u696D\u5168\u822C\u3092\u62C5\u3063\u3066......\u3044\u3084\u3001\u62C5\u308F\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002"@ja . "13.0"^^ . "Unmotivate"@en . . "Goblins zijn over het algemeen zwakke monsters die populair zijn om combat te trainen voor spelers met lagere combat levels, ze zijn zeker handig als melee training."@nl . "Goblin, also called 'Goofy Goblin' by Prime Evil was sent to spy on the Ghostbusters and only learned that Belfry wished to be larger in size. Stationed outside one of Ghost Command's windows with a notepad, the presense of the Goblin made the Spectre Detector go off and the Ghostbusters soon jumped into Ghost Buggy and used Ghost Remover to dematerialize him."@en . . . . "Bollock Knife"@en . "Goblin is a type of monster in ADOM. They are among the weakest and most common monsters in the game, though they are still somewhat stronger than their monster memory description implies. They can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms in areas of lowest danger level."@en . "Bronze bolts"@es . "3.0"^^ . "27"^^ . "29.7"^^ . . . "Goblins are a mythical race of beings with green skin and horns. An unnamed goblin was the original creator of the Golden Army in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. )"@en . "Divindade Patrona"@pt . "Goblins s\u00E3o criaturas pertencentes \u00E0 Mitologia N\u00F3rdica, que se parecem muito com duendes. S\u00E3o seres verdes, que vivem em guerra com os gnomos. Possuem armas muito primitivas, como zarabatanas, lan\u00E7as, arcos e flechas. Muito ignorantes, tem uma grande capacidade de sobreviv\u00EAncia, podendo criar um bando em v\u00E1rios ambientes, como p\u00E2ntanos, desertos, montanhas, pedreiras, florestas ou cidades. S\u00E3o muito feios, e podem lan\u00E7ar diversos feiti\u00E7os. \u00C9 encontrado em v\u00E1rios livros, como por exemplo As Cr\u00F4nicas de Spiderwick, goblins s\u00E3o vulner\u00E1veis a sal, molho de tomate, vinagre vaporizado, ferro e etc. \u00C9 primo dos Hobgoblins e Bichos-Pap\u00F5es."@pt . "Iron full helm"@es . "Harry Osborn; Harold Osborn 0002.jpg"@en . "Ecumenical key"@en . "y"@en . "8"^^ . . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "251112131625"^^ . "Goblin book"@en . . . "7"^^ . . "Hide and Sneak"@en . . . "200"^^ . "-"@en . "11"^^ . . . . "6.6"^^ . . "Grimy guam"@cs . "A goblin"@en . "2"^^ . . . "Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3, Goburin) is a Fire based monster that is found in the Forest."@en . . . . . . "Mind rune"@es . "Hammer"@en . "Spirit emerald"@fi . . "Bread dough"@fi . . "4"^^ . . "An ugly green creature."@en . "5"^^ . "400"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "enemy"@en . "Goblin's are not all that fast and are not at all good at hiting."@en . . "Brass necklace"@es . "10"^^ . "Det vides ikke"@da . "300"^^ . "There are many other goblins, such as the Stone Clan, or the Fire Hammer Goblins."@en . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . "\u683C\u5E03\u6797"@en . . "6"^^ . "Bones"@en . . . . "4"^^ . "Goblin"@cs . . "slash or magic"@tl . . . . "Bronze gauntlets"@en . "100.0"^^ . . . "Cape"@fi . "no"@es . "Neutral , Independent , Venture Company, Dark Horde, Defias Brotherhood, Black dragonflight, Horde , True Horde"@en . . . . "Goblins are a highly intelligent race of small humanoids with long fingers and feet that coexist with the wizard world. Their diet consists of meat, roots and fungi. Goblins converse in a language known as Gobbledegook, and are adept metalsmiths notable for their silverwork; they even mint coins for wizarding currency. Due to their skills with money and finances, they control the wizarding economy to a large extent and run Gringotts Wizarding Bank."@en . "26"^^ . "40"^^ . "Puti Goblin"@en . . "Goblins are Winter Court fae. They were among Mab's troops in Summer Knight."@en . "A Goblinok szeretik a harcot, a h\u00E1bor\u00FAt \u00E9s a v\u00E9ront\u00E1st a vezet\u0151j\u00FCk keze alatt, akit \u0151k a \"Big High War God\" (\"A Nagy \u00E9s Magass\u00E1gos H\u00E1bor\u00FAisten\") n\u00E9ven emlegetnek (m\u00E1sn\u00E9ven Bandos). Az emberek uralma \u00F3ta a Goblinok csak a cs\u00EDnytev\u0151k szintj\u00E9re cs\u00FAsztak. \u0150ket egyszer\u0171, h\u00E1bor\u00FAszeret\u0151 konnyen vezethet\u0151, gyalogos katon\u00E1knak haszn\u00E1lta sok k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6z\u0151 entin\u00E1ns a j\u00E1t\u00E9k t\u00F6rt\u00E9nete alatt. Ezal\u00F3l kiv\u00E9tel a Dorgeshuun t\u00F6rzs, m\u00E1sn\u00E9ven a barlangi goblinok, akik m\u0171veltek, civiliz\u00E1ltak \u00E9s b\u00E9keszeret\u0151k."@hu . "7.0"^^ . "Neutralni, Niezale\u017Cni"@pl . "500"^^ . "Bronze hatchet"@cs . "Gabriel Stacy; Gabriel Stacy from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 514 0001.jpg"@en . "16"^^ . "Black or White"@en . "A diminutive creature created by Rallos Zek."@en . "Goblin"@pt . . "Phys x1, 1 enemy"@en . "Humanoids"@sv . "6"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "Goblins are small creatures from Earth Land which are capable of wielding makeshift weapons."@en . . . "Goblin"@cs . . . "Green"@en . "Goblins can be found in various places, including: \n* Lumbridge - Mainly found on the east side of the River Lum, but can also be found near the path leading to Draynor Village/Wizards' Tower (level 2) \n* Lumbridge Swamp (level 5) [2] \n* Goblin Village (level 5) \n* Port Sarim (levels 2 & 4) \n* Around the Digsite (level 11) \n* Stronghold Of Security (levels 5, 6 & 7) \n* Underground Pass (levels 5 & 11) \n* Goblin Cave (levels 1 & 2) \n* South of the Coal Trucks (levels 1 & 2) \n* Holes in Myreque Hideout in Mort Myre (levels 2, 5 & 11) \n* God Wars Dungeon (level 84) \n* Observatory Dungeon (levels 2 & 5) \n* East of Gunnarsgrunn, south-west of the Grand Exchange (level 11) \n* North of Ardougne (levels 1 & 2) \n* Crossroads of Draynor Village (level 2) "@en . . . "The Goblins are a green humanoid race which specializes in the magic arts. Unlike their cousins, the Orcs, Goblins are introverted and tend to look after their own affairs, without fighting many wars abroad. Their primary territory lies east of the Orcs, in the great Shelterbelts of the south coast. Goblins are the first enemy which fight back against the player. From time to time, a Goblin will launch a Missile attack directly at the player. Otherwise, they move slowly and make easy targets."@en . "Bronze hatchet"@es . "Normal"@en . . "Trade Prince Steamwheedle, Vice Admiral Grezzlik, The Trade Coalition, Trade Prince Gallywix , formerly Trade Prince Maldy"@en . "1"^^ . . . "No"@tl . . . "Full-Auto Assault Rifle"@en . "Blood rune"@es . . . . . "g"@en . . . "Goblin"@es . . . . "Gobeullin"@en . "28"^^ . . "Level 120"@de . . "31"^^ . . . . "Phil Urich; Phillip Urich 0001.jpg"@en . . . "\"Zig Zag! Gobo attack!\"; \"Me green, me mean!\"; \"Bugga! Bugga!\"; \"Help! Goblinkiller!\"; \"Me have him!\"."@sv . "Zig Zag! Gobo attack!\nMe green, me mean!\nBugga! Bugga!\nHelp! Goblinkiller!\nMe have him!"@ca . . "An ugly green creature OR These goblins have grown strong OR an ugly goblin... bleurgh!"@tl . "24"^^ . "Grimy avantoe"@es . "21"^^ . "20"^^ . "Goblin is an enemy in Sinjid Battle Arena."@en . "Bronze chainbody"@en . . . "A Goblin is a short, emaciated-seeming humanoid, roughly the size of a halfling, and tend to be around three feet tall, with large, flat heads and long ears. Their skin tends to be leathery and grey, often wrinkled and covered in tiny scars, warts, and scabs. Goblins grow little if any hair, relying on their thick skin and huddling together in groups to keep warm. They have small, beady red eyes set close together over a little pug nose, above a hideously wide mouth lined with sharp little teeth. Goblins often dress in rags and scraps cast off by other humanoids and bear coarsely cobbled together equipment. Many humans and similar races find it hard to distinguish between male and female goblins, though they do possess the appropriate organs. Excessive weight is considered a sign of beauty among female goblins, with their great hero of goblin sexuality being an obese female barghest."@en . . "No"@en . "12"^^ . . "Continental kind and several nyingling ethnic groups"@en . "Ambush\nFeral Claw"@en . "0"^^ . "Level 6"@en . . . "7"^^ . . . "*Dark Goblin \n*Human\n*Pukwudgie"@en . "63"^^ . "Find selv ud af det!"@da . . "45"^^ . "58"^^ . "Il Goblin, creatura ricorrente all'interno di qualunque ambientazione fantasy, \u00E8 un nemico presente in un gran numero di episodi della saga. Solitamente, si tratta dei nemici pi\u00F9 deboli che un giocatore va ad affrontare, e rappresenta perci\u00F2 un nemico adatto all'allenamento nelle prime fasi di un gioco, ma che diventa presto molto obsoleto. Chiamati Folletti (Imps) nelle primissime edizioni anglosassoni, i goblin hanno cambiato visibilmente il loro aspetto solo in pochissimi capitoli, come Final Fantasy XIII, ma nella maggioranza degli episodi, essi sono sempre rappresentati come esseri piccoli e magri, con un berretto appuntito in testa e pochi altri vestiti; li caratterizzano un volto sogghignante, orecchie lunghe e a punta, nasi altrettanto lunghi e capelli scompigliati. Questo aspetto \u00E8 basato sulla concezione moderna del goblin, piuttosto che su quella antica descritta nei racconti germanici e scandinavi. I goblin, solitamente, comprendono esemplari che si distinguono per importanza, o anche sottospecie: molto comuni sono la guardia goblin, il principe goblin, il berretto rosso, e il minikiller. Il nemico Satana, di Final Fantasy VI era stato ribattezzato Goblin nelle prime edizioni, per questioni di adattamento. In molti giochi, i goblin attaccano i nemici con la loro mossa firma, Pugno goblin, che causa tanti pi\u00F9 danni quanto pi\u00F9 il livello di chi la usa \u00E8 vicino a quello del bersaglio."@it . . "\"It's not easy being green... and small... and smelly...\""@en . "They live in a small village that neighbors the Orc Village to the south."@en . "They run away when they are in red health, can be pushed, don't move objects."@sv . "Nej han har en kone som hedder Anne-mette. Se hun er sgu giftig Wa-hehehehe"@da . "These goblins have grown strong."@en . "Gobliny to ma\u0142e, zielonosk\u00F3re stworzenia, kt\u00F3re wykazuj\u0105 cechy wysokiej inteligencji. Grupa handlowych ksi\u0105\u017C\u0105t rz\u0105dzi licznymi gobli\u0144skimi kartelami na ca\u0142ym \u015Bwiecie. Mimo \u017Ce wszyscy oni mieszkaj\u0105 w mie\u015Bcie Undermine na Wyspie Kezan, ka\u017Cdy z nich kontroluje w\u0142asne prywatne armie i floty handlowe. W zamian ka\u017Cdy kontroluje kr\u0119gi handlu, g\u00F3rnictwa, wycinki drzew, niewolnictwa."@pl . . "Ne"@cs . . "yes"@en . "40"^^ . "7168"^^ . "+0"@en . "Species"@en . "39"^^ . "Goblin book"@fi . . "Cabbage"@cs . . "Green goblin mail.png"@es . . . "0"^^ . "4"^^ . . . . . . "87"^^ . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Bronze spear"@fi . . "12"^^ . . "Coins"@fi . . "8"^^ . "Warpriest of Bandos greaves"@en . . . "Green goblin mail"@es . . "16"^^ . "178"^^ . "y"@en . . "Bronze sq shield"@cs . "24"^^ . . "Water rune"@cs . "38"^^ . . "Goblins are small, weak humanoids who have learned to exploit what advantages they have over bigger, meaner races: their numbers and malicious ingenuity."@en . . "Vida entre 50 - 60 Lugares donde esta : Noria Drop Depende del server pero casi siempre bow"@es . . "32"^^ . "Mega Man 2:"@en . . "Iron arrow"@en . . "link=arrowslink=Leather Armorlink=Axe"@en . . . "3"^^ . . "48"^^ . "Bronze sq shield"@es . "0.0"^^ . "A dwarf or metavariant infected with HMHVV. Victims of the disease lose most of their hair and body fat, becoming skeletally emaciated. Like other vampiric variants, goblins gain enhanced smell and taste, chronic essence loss, and rapid regeneration, though they lack the usual immunities of other vampires\u2014substituting them it with an invulnerability to fire, a mild sunlight allergy and a vulnerability to iron. The goblin diet largely consists of raw meat\u2014presumably the method by which they drain the essence of others. Goblins are also capable of spreading their infection to others, though their preference for dead prey tends to preclude this in many cases. Goblin sentience is still a debated topic among most of the parabiological establishment, as most observed specimens have suffered a si"@pl . . "no"@en . "61"^^ . . "no"@en . . "Grimy avantoe"@cs . "Demi-Human"@en . "amc\u0131klar toplulu\u011Fu"@en . "G\u00E9b\u00F9l\u00EDn"@en . "--08-28"^^ . . "Fire"@en . "Goblins"@nl . "\u30C0\u30E1\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "Air talisman"@en . "Omnivorous, eats anything"@en . "Grimy marrentill"@fi . . . "N/A"@en . "Small"@en . . "Norman Osborn; Green goblin full body.png"@en . . "A cursed race."@en . "Goblin mail"@es . . . . "Chaos-rune"@en . . "Grimy marrentill"@es . "Goblins (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin) are Demons that possess small animals like mice and moles. They are classified as kin of Amaimon."@en . "Goblin"@en . . "13.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "28.2"^^ . "Green"@en . "8"^^ . "Grimy kwuarm"@es . . "-"@en . . "80.1"^^ . "\u017B\u00F3\u0142wie, Wycinacze oraz uje\u017Cd\u017Calne ogry gobli\u0144skich alchemik\u00F3w"@pl . . "23"^^ . "Crushing Blow , Double-Edged Sakura Sword , Blind , All or Nothing, Blink I."@en . . . "26"^^ . "Monstruo"@es . . "Green goblin mail"@cs . "Goblins are the direct descendants of the presently extinct hobs who migrated to Granying from the continent several million years ago by ship. Hobs were the result of countless generations of dwarves and white elves struggling to survive in the inhospitable swamps of eastern Calendor, which became a single race through interbreeding. Many hobs followed the flow of the Badlands to the eastern coast of Calendor and emigrated the land, most being overcome by the ferocity of the Sea of Broken Dreams, and the lucky few that arrived in the new land called it \"great gift\" (gran nying in the ancestral hob dialect). In Granying, the hob society was fragile for a long time, the ages passing unrecorded by the expanding hunter-gatherer nomadic tribes, evolution favoring the stronger and shorter of them, who needed not worry about building but could still fight the quadrupedal animals of the strange jungles. Martial arts were created and forgotten, but the brutal fighting style of modern goblins survived, encompassing all that remained."@en . . "Peter Parker; Peter Parker 001.png"@en . "always"@en . "Goblins retreat in yellow health (35 hp), they can be pushed and don't move objects."@en . . . "No"@en . "14"^^ . "Crossbow bolts"@en . . "Hills"@en . "It is an artificial shade that belonged to a general in the army of nene. KilerBat faced and then was defeated by BlueDragon on their first appearance."@en . "Goblins are a race of creatures who are as tall as dwarves and as strong and intelligent as your average Scun. They are vicious and attack in groups but are also cowardly so they flee easily if the odds are turned against them. They greatly dislike elves and attack any elf they come across. They were active in Thracia in the Second Age, and according to adventurers' tales some goblins may have survived the Explosion and attacked wanderers in the wilderness of Aison every now and then in the Third Age."@en . . "Body rune"@fi . "Goblinit eli mennink\u00E4iset ovat RuneScapen rotu. Ne ovat yleens\u00E4 vihreit\u00E4 ja kumaraselk\u00E4isi\u00E4. Suuria m\u00E4\u00E4ri\u00E4 goblineita l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 esimerkiksi Lumbridgesta tai Rimmingtonin ja Port Sarimin v\u00E4lisest\u00E4 mets\u00E4st\u00E4. 5. tasoisia goblineita l\u00F6ytyy paljon Goblin Villagesta.Goblineita l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 my\u00F6s god wars dungeonista bandosin puolella. N\u00E4m\u00E4 ovat suosittuja combat levelin kehitt\u00E4miseksi. thumb|Mennink\u00E4inen Lumbridgen kuolleessa mets\u00E4ss\u00E4.]] Goblineita l\u00F6ytyy my\u00F6s paljon stronghold of serucityst\u00E4. Goblineja ovat mm. \n* Goblin (lvl 2, 5, 11, 13, 16 ja 25) \n* Hobgoblin (lvl 28, 42)"@fi . . . "G: 15/8/15/0, GII: 0/0/0/0, GII:NK: 0/0/0/0"@pl . . . . "The Goblin"@en . "1"^^ . . "Goblin champion scroll"@en . . "No"@en . . . "M\u00E1lo b\u011B\u017En\u00E9"@cs . . "A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous creature; a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom. They are attributed with various (sometimes conflicting) abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins have been classified as constantly annoying little creatures somewhat related to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted as small, sometimes only a few inches tall, sometimes the size of a dwarf. They also often are said to possess various magical abilities."@en . "Bronze chainbody"@fi . . . "Bandos"@en . "Goblins are a diminutive thursine race that resemble smaller orcs, much like gnomes resemble smaller humans. In fact, they share much the same environments and niches as gnomes and dwarves. They are from the mountains of central and southwest Odenna. There are two main subspecies of goblins: \n* Green, Terrestrial \n* Essentially short, smarter orcs. They have spread far into Ellador and across eastern Odenna. \n* The thurses most often called snotlings. \n* Also yellow/goldenrod and red varieties in the deserts and wastes. \n* Pink, Subterranean \n* Troglophilic goblins with more extreme sensitivity to sun and the surface environment than orcs. \n* Also called white goblins and pale goblins. The two varieties can also interbreed, producing pale goblins that can walk much more easily on the surface."@en . . "Goblins"@pt . "Goblin Book.PNG"@es . . . . . "2"^^ . . . "-3"^^ . "Bronze sword"@es . "Runescape beta is now online!"@en . . "Grimy marrentill"@cs . "uNT+VtzxVtnEztzk"@en . . "7"^^ . "OpyFVtz-zd+tFruf"@en . . "Grimy irit"@en . . "3.5"^^ . . "Iron dagger"@cs . "None"@en . . . "Goblin"@en . "Latest RuneScape News"@en . . . "Chaos rune"@en . . "Grimy kwuarm"@cs . "De goblins (offici\u00EBle vertaling: kobolden) Categorie:Artikelen met een offici\u00EBle vertaling zijn kleine, groene wezens die op het eiland Kezan leven."@nl . . "2.0"^^ . . "Bronze scimitar"@en . . "Yes"@en . . . . "Lazer Thrash"@en . "Equips All"@en . "Little"@en . "Common"@es . . "Goblinit eli mennink\u00E4iset ovat RuneScapen rotu. Ne ovat yleens\u00E4 vihreit\u00E4 ja kumaraselk\u00E4isi\u00E4. Suuria m\u00E4\u00E4ri\u00E4 goblineita l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 esimerkiksi Lumbridgesta tai Rimmingtonin ja Port Sarimin v\u00E4lisest\u00E4 mets\u00E4st\u00E4. 5. tasoisia goblineita l\u00F6ytyy paljon Goblin Villagesta.Goblineita l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 my\u00F6s god wars dungeonista bandosin puolella. N\u00E4m\u00E4 ovat suosittuja combat levelin kehitt\u00E4miseksi. thumb|Mennink\u00E4inen Lumbridgen kuolleessa mets\u00E4ss\u00E4.]] Goblineita l\u00F6ytyy my\u00F6s paljon stronghold of serucityst\u00E4. Goblineja ovat mm. \n* Goblin (lvl 2, 5, 11, 13, 16 ja 25) \n* Hobgoblin (lvl 28, 42) P2P-pelaajille on tarjolla mm. 45-47 tasoisia Angry Goblineita ja 624 tasoinen General Graardor (sijaitsee God Wars Dungeonnissa)."@fi . "Goblin Level: 41 HP: 2054 Aggro: <52"@de . . . . "64800.0"^^ . "1"^^ . "nw_goblina, nw_goblinb"@en . . "Goblin mail"@fi . "Goblins, also referred to as Kobolds, are short, humanoid creatures with dog-like faces that inhabit the Continent. They are regarded by humans as not really a threat, only pests. There was at least one goblin who fought in Claremont Arena."@en . . "-"@en . . . . . "Simple, ill-tempered"@en . "Goblins are a common monster for new players to train on. There are many wandering around in Lumbridge, where players start, so they are commonly one of the first monsters players will ever kill. They are great monsters to train on because they are weak, making them easy to kill. Although these monsters are great to train on and gain profit from at lower levels, not many players kill them."@en . "Cape"@es . . "Goblin"@pt . "7.6"^^ . "40"^^ . "Rare"@es . "Goblin is an enemy within Breath of Fire III. It will focus its attacks according to the target the Boss Goblin Influenced."@en . . . . "*An ugly green creature.\n*These goblins have grown strong.\n*An ugly goblin... bleurgh!\n*A soldier to the death."@cs . . "A Goblin Warlock casting a Missile"@en . "Red goblin mail"@cs . "Steel helm"@en . . . "2"^^ . . "385.2"^^ . . . "When a woman took the bella-donna, which could induce hallucinations, she experienced a hallucination of a Goblin dancing in the fiery coals. The Witchfinder, Aredian, used this as evidence that a sorcerer was loose in Camelot (The Witchfinder)."@en . "Air Tikki"@en . . "Nature rune"@cs . "Earth talisman"@fi . "30"^^ . "The Goblins are a green humanoid race which specializes in the magic arts. Unlike their cousins, the Orcs, Goblins are introverted and tend to look after their own affairs, without fighting many wars abroad. Their primary territory lies east of the Orcs, in the great Shelterbelts of the south coast. Goblins are the first enemy which fight back against the player. From time to time, a Goblin will launch a Missile attack directly at the player. Otherwise, they move slowly and make easy targets."@en . . "Grimy cadantine"@en . . "8"^^ . . . . . . . . . "7"^^ . . "Warpriest of Bandos cape"@en . . . "No"@en . "Goblin is a type of monster in ADOM. They are among the weakest and most common monsters in the game, though they are still somewhat stronger than their monster memory description implies. They can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms in areas of lowest danger level."@en . . "25"^^ . "22"^^ . "20"^^ . "bnetwowus"@en . "180"^^ . . . . "An ugly goblin, bleurgh!"@en . "4"^^ . . "Golden Goblin(Phil Urich); Phillip Urich from Spider-Girl Vol 1 20 page 30.jpg"@en . . "2"^^ . "Goblins sind schwache Monster, die zum Trainieren von niedrigen Kampfstufen geeignet sind. Sie haben eine gr\u00FCne Haut,lange Ohren und Z\u00E4hne. Sie sind an sehr vielen Pl\u00E4tzen aufzufinden, der ber\u00FChmteste jedoch, ist in der N\u00E4he von Lumbridge. Es gibt auch ein Goblindorf, nord\u00F6stlich von Taverley . Dort kann man auch das Abenteuer \"Goblindiplomatie\" anfangen. Goblins sind Anh\u00E4nger des Gottes Bandos und sind mit den Trollen verwandt. Eine weitere Art von Goblins sind die Dorgeshuun, diese Leben in der unterirdischen Stadt Dorgeskhan die sich unter Lumbridge befindet."@de . "60"^^ . "*Second Age\n*Third Age"@en . "Ne"@cs . "250"^^ . "Norman Osborn; Spider-Man Noir Vol 1 3 page 18 Norman Osborn .jpg"@en . "No"@es . . . . . "86400.0"^^ . . "2264"^^ . "290"^^ . "Creatures"@en . "Always: Green"@en . . . "290"^^ . "90"^^ . . . . "2010-04-21"^^ . "Weak: Sleep"@en . "Bronze arrows"@en . . . "Siempre"@es . . . . . . "Grey to black"@en . "Grimy irit"@es . . "100.0"^^ . "Peso"@pt . "Clue scroll.png"@es . "The Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u65CF Goburin-zoku) are a demon-like brutal race in Kamen Rider Kiva. They devour the flesh of their enemies and enjoy collecting bones. They are wiped out by Fangire forces led by the First King wearing the Saga armor. [Citation needed]"@en . "Raw chicken"@fi . "Turtles, Shredders, and Goblin Alchemists ride ogres"@en . "100"^^ . "Staff of air"@en . "Tend\u00EAncia"@pt . . . "16"^^ . . . "26"^^ . "A spirit who has always appeared the exact double of Quinn Blackwood. Goblin has been with Quinn all his life and even tried to protect him whilst he was being attacked. Goblin's entire nature changed when Quinn left for a few years and was made a vampire. Goblin became violent and drained Quinn's blood whenever Quinn fed. It is discovered that Goblin is Gawain Blackwood, Quinn's dead twin brother, and is killed by Merrick Mayfair who in the process kills herself."@en . "Black"@en . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "110"^^ . "Los Goblin son peque\u00F1os seres verdes (a veces de tonalidad amarilla) con una gran inteligencia aunque a menudo unida a un escaso sentido com\u00FAn. Los pr\u00EDncipes mercantes gobiernan sobre varios c\u00E1rteles comerciales alrededor del mundo desde la ciudad de Undermine en la isla de Kezan donde gestionan sus ej\u00E9rcitos y flotas mercantes. A pesar de que su actividad principal es el comercio, disponen de ramas dedicadas a la miner\u00EDa, deforestaci\u00F3n, tr\u00E1fico de esclavos y la caza furtiva."@es . "6"^^ . . ""@en . . "9"^^ . "0"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . . "12"^^ . "Cabbage"@en . . . "Yes"@es . . . "48"^^ . "120"^^ . . . . "harvinainen"@fi . . "Light"@en . . . . "Goblin can refer to \n* The Shining Force I enemy. \n* The Shining Force II enemy. \n* The Shining Force Gaiden enemy."@en . "30"^^ . . "9"^^ . . . . . "Goblin in Xeen may refer to: \n* Goblin (Clouds), the monster fought in MM4, Clouds of Xeen \n* Goblin (Darkside), the monster fought in MM5, Darkside of Xeen"@en . "Bronze full helm"@en . . . . "1132"^^ . . . "Primary"@en . "Raw chicken"@es . "gif"@ca . "6"^^ . "Goblin \u2013 gatunek stwora, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w ka\u017Cdej grze z Serii Gothic. Najs\u0142absza i najbardziej pospolita odmiana. Wyst\u0119puje w Gothic, Gothic II wraz z dodatkiem oraz w Gothic 3 i Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bog\u00F3w."@pl . "3"^^ . . "360.0"^^ . . "Approx. 4 foot"@en . . "d8 -1 or d6 -1"@en . . . . "Earth rune"@fi . "1"^^ . "181"^^ . . "\"Deep within planet-stone mines you will find Goblins at work. These hard working and sometimes troublesome people are employed in fields of intense physcal [sic] labor due to their immense strength and strong work ethic. Just don't piss one off.\""@en . . . "140"^^ . . "6.1"^^ . . . . "130"^^ . "Sprite"@en . . "good for a starter but rubbish for a master"@en . "Cabbage"@fi . "10"^^ . "Beer"@es . . "150"^^ . "Bread dough"@en . . "6.0"^^ . "Dropper k\u00E6resten"@da . "When Melkor was taken in chains to Valinor, the Goblins and other foul creatures were forced to flee from Angband. Their kingdoms spread throughout many mountains of Middle-earth; notable cities include Goblin-town near the High Pass above Rivendell while the Gundabad Orcs have taken their capital at Mount Gundabad. Even though goblins are portrayed as a very barbaric and tribal race their technology seems to be more advanced than other races in Middle-earth."@en . "100.0"^^ . . . "Raw chicken"@en . "5"^^ . "Bronze axe"@en . "7"^^ . "Goblins enjoy fighting, wars and bloodshed, based on the commandments of their god, who they refer to as \"Big High War God\" (known to others as Bandos). Since the dominance of humans, goblins have been reduced to merely causing mischief. They are depicted as simple minded, warlike and easily controlled, and they have been used as basic foot soldiers by many different entities throughout the game's history. The exception is the Dorgeshuun tribe, also called cave goblins, who are portrayed as being educated, civil and peace loving."@tl . . . . "The P416 (also known as the Patriot Ordnance Factory P416 or Goblin) is a compact assault rifle based in the AR-15 platform."@en . . . . "400"^^ . "Herb"@en . . "Pospolity"@pl . "Vida entre 50 - 60 Lugares donde esta : Noria Drop Depende del server pero casi siempre bow"@es . "4"^^ . "Pas p\u00E5 at denne m\u00E6gtige goblin ikke boller dig, og derved udvider dit anushul.\n\nDen eneste m\u00E5de at f\u00E5 adgang til Goblinen er ved at dr\u00E6be Vorago som findes udenfor Lumberbridge"@da . "Rookgaard , Cova de Goblins d'Edron, Turons F\u00E8mur, Maze of Lost Souls, Yalahar Foreign Quarter, Fenrock Maze."@ca . "2001-04-06"^^ . . "Bronze javelin"@cs . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "Goblin"@tl . "1"^^ . "3"^^ . "slash vagy m\u00E1gia"@hu . "Fairy"@en . "400"^^ . . "nie"@pl . "None"@en . "Water rune"@fi . . "The Goblin"@en . . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "101"^^ . "* Blade Armor Ninja\n* Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King\n* Comic Hero King Arthur\n* CXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur\n* Heroic Champions"@en . "Bronze javelin"@es . . "269.77"^^ . . "Goblins"@en . "83"^^ . "Grapes"@fi . "A Child; Goblin from Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol 1 1 0001.jpg"@en . "* Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL (manga)\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! D Team ZEXAL"@en . "Goblin"@el . . "280"^^ . "Yes"@en . "110"^^ . . "1"^^ . "13.8"^^ . . "Goblins are aggressive creatures, roughly half the height of humans. They can be found in various locations and almost always carry very little personally in the way of possessions, such as a few coin, a bullet, or a fork. In goblin camps or dens (when they establish themselves in caves), chests are sometimes found protecting items of somewhat greater value. It is very common for goblins to be found in the same locations as gnomes, although they are curiously absent from Risen 2: Dark Waters, while gnomes are found in all three games."@en . "Mabu"@en . . . . . "S\u00ED"@es . "Goblins' heads, unlike most Fallen and Hive enemies that are encountered before them, are not their weak point. Instead, shooting their head will destroy it and briefly stun them, but will not do critical damage. At that point, headless Goblins will rush their enemies with a hastened pace. A glowing white core in their chest is actually their weak point. Goblins do not tend to take cover, like most Vex units, but they do often crouch to shield their vulnerable cores with their heads. Usually, this results in the destruction of the Goblin's head if they're under fire, which will cause them to run at enemies, making their cores exposed targets."@en . . "Goblin"@da . "70"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . "Attack"@en . . "Knife"@fi . "Goblin"@es . "55"^^ . "Grodd goblins"@en . . . "Goblins, also referred to as Kobolds, are short, humanoid creatures with dog-like faces that inhabit the Continent. They are regarded by humans as not really a threat, only pests. There was at least one goblin who fought in Claremont Arena."@en . . "13.0"^^ . "Goblin is a monster."@en . "Normal"@en . "Yes"@en . . . . "Descripci\u00F3n Oficial"@es . "50"^^ . . . . "Champion's scroll"@fi . . "No"@en . "Water rune"@en . . "Goblin come appaiono nella Trilogia de \"Lo Hobbit\" del regista Peter Jackson"@it . "30"^^ . . "Assault Rifle"@en . "Mind talisman"@cs . "3"^^ . "8"^^ . "Cap en concret: simplement, atacar-los."@ca . . "*Thracia \n*Aison"@en . . "Grimy tarromin"@cs . . . "Half the height of a Human, the males tend to be very ugly rude and violent, and the females tend to be very sweet and pretty. During the Harpy Goblin war, the Harpies cursed the Goblin girls to only like ugly violent men, so by natural selection all of the decent men disappeared. The curse was abated later, but by then the damage was already done."@en . "12"^^ . . "These monsters are well-known on the outskirts of Fanburg. They're quick to anger, but"@en . "Goblin"@en . "8"^^ . "Jim Brading owns her after winning a scholarship to Oxford; he used to sail in her with his Uncle Bob. He says that his furthest voyage in Goblin was when Uncle Bob and I took her down to Falmouth and back one year .... Uncle Bob is coming on Monday and we're going to have a try for Scotland (WD1). He's coming cruising next week (WD2). When the Swallows went aboard her, John and Susan were to be first and second mate and Titty and Roger were to be able-seamen (WD3). When Mary Walker and Frank the boatman see Emily, Mother asks if she is the (missing) Goblin, and then says Of course, she isn't the Goblin. She's a yawl, and the Goblin's a cutter (WD14). Dum sees her, and says There's a dark red Bermuda sail coming in from the sea .. (SW29). Like the Nancy Blackett the Goblin has a Royal Cruising Club burgee (presumably Jim's uncle Bob was a member), although the Nancy Blackett's official number was 162814 not 16856 (NBUS page 107). When they see her first, she is described as a little white cutter (WD1). Goblin's tonnage is 4.86, carved on the main beam in the cabin (WD22). Goblin's burgee (three-cornered flag at masthead) is bright blue and red and white (WD16) The Imp is a tiny black pram dinghy towed by the Goblin. Is she the Imp because she's black? whispered Roger, or does he have her black because she's an Imp? (WD1)."@en . "50"^^ . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Cos a cos"@ca . . "Goblins.jpg"@it . "11"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Spirit emerald"@en . "Tarukaja\nAmbush"@en . "4"^^ . . "No"@en . "5"^^ . "Level: 1, DV: 10, PV: 0, Hits: 2, Attacks: 1, Damage: 1-6. Speed: 100."@en . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "Mind rune"@en . "Popoli Liberi della Terra di Mezzo"@it . "Watch Dogs: Bad Blood"@en . . . . "Green goblin mail"@en . . "3.0"^^ . "Warpriest of Bandos gauntlets"@fi . "Goblins are usually depicted as small creatures, sometimes no taller than a few feet in height. Sometimes, even smaller still. They have large hands with long fingers, and also have Elf-like ears. According to legend, the males and females show little difference in appearance, making them almost sexually indistinguishable. Flat faced wide mouth with small, sharp fangs and broad nose .The skin colour depends on tribe most shades of yellow, orange, and deep red."@en . "*An ugly, green creature.\n*These goblins have grown strong.\n*An ugly goblin... bleurgh!\n*A soldier to the death.\n*Para el logro \"Intervention\": An ugly, green creature, being menacing."@es . . . . . . "The Goblin is an assault rifle that appears in Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2."@en . ""@en . "100"^^ . "2"^^ . "A slightly twisted parallel of 1830. GB,IW151"@en . "Habitat"@pt . "Goblin"@en . . "Goblins are small, green (or yellow-green) creatures with pointy features and high intelligence (though often little common sense). A number of trade princes rule over the various goblin holdings around the world. Though the trade princes all live in the goblin city of Undermine on the Isle of Kezan, they each control their own private armies and trade fleets, as well as trade cartels, mining groups, deforestation operations, slave rings, and poachers. Before experimentation by the Keeper Mimiron, the goblins were Pygmies. [citation needed]"@en . "goblins"@ca . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . . "a"@en . . "Cape"@en . . . . "yleinen"@fi . "Velmi vz\u00E1cn\u00E9"@cs . "5"^^ . "Bones"@hu . "No"@tl . "150"^^ . "Single foe/1/Physical/None"@en . "Grimy lantadyme"@fi . . . . "Air rune"@en . . . . . "Agi\nDormin\nTarukaja\nFairy Bolt\nIllusion\nAgilao"@en . . "They are just like Trolls, but they can throw stones at you, and provide slightly better loot."@sv . "Norman Osborn; Vlcsnap-2012-11-10-21h37m45s104.png"@en . . "Bronze scimitar"@en . . . . . . "13.0"^^ . "Bronze full helm"@es . "500"^^ . "no"@en . "1"^^ . "Goblins are a mythical race of beings with green skin and horns. An unnamed goblin was the original creator of the Golden Army in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. )"@en . . "2"^^ . . . . "2007-03-05"^^ . . "60"^^ . "2001-04-06"^^ . . . . . "bnetwoweu"@en . . . "Goblins s\u00E3o criaturas pertencentes \u00E0 Mitologia N\u00F3rdica, que se parecem muito com duendes. S\u00E3o seres verdes, que vivem em guerra com os gnomos. Possuem armas muito primitivas, como zarabatanas, lan\u00E7as, arcos e flechas. Muito ignorantes, tem uma grande capacidade de sobreviv\u00EAncia, podendo criar um bando em v\u00E1rios ambientes, como p\u00E2ntanos, desertos, montanhas, pedreiras, florestas ou cidades. S\u00E3o muito feios, e podem lan\u00E7ar diversos feiti\u00E7os. \u00C9 encontrado em v\u00E1rios livros, como por exemplo As Cr\u00F4nicas de Spiderwick, goblins s\u00E3o vulner\u00E1veis a sal, molho de tomate, vinagre vaporizado, ferro e etc."@pt . "2"^^ . "thumb|270pxUn 'Goblin 1. \n* RINVIA \u00E8 una piccola creatura magica"@it . "6"^^ . . "45"^^ . "-"@en . . . "Dog-like faces"@en . "There are two known types of goblins."@en . . . "200"^^ . "Touki"@en . "Petradi"@en . . "30.0"^^ . . . "80"^^ . . . "Nej"@da . . "melee"@en . "121"^^ . "A goblin is an evil or mischievous creature, often depicted in a grotesque manner. They are attributed with various (sometimes conflicting) abilities, temperaments and appearances, depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins have been portrayed as constantly annoying little creatures somewhat similar to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted as small, sometimes only a few inches tall, and appear in European folklore."@en . . . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 3D7D52"@en . . "225"^^ . "Bronze bolts"@fi . . "Very Rare"@en . "Mountain Monster"@en . "7"^^ . "Earth talisman"@cs . "None"@en . . "Goblins exist as far as two million years ago and were responsible for imprisoning a Djinni in a mythic cup. They, however, were forced into hiding along with the rest of the magical community because of the human fear of magic[citation needed]."@en . "110"^^ . "Chaotic"@en . . "250"^^ . "30"^^ . . . "Goblyn; Goblyn from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 3 3.jpg"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "Oni-Kagura\\Innate\nTarukaja\\Innate\nBad Company\\25\nCharge\\26"@en . "15"^^ . . . "Bronze bolts"@cs . . . "JAP 5"@en . . . . . "Bronze javelin"@en . "B\u011B\u017En\u00E9"@cs . "60"^^ . . . "1.0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Red goblin mail.png"@es . "9"^^ . . "Il Goblin, creatura ricorrente all'interno di qualunque ambientazione fantasy, \u00E8 un nemico presente in un gran numero di episodi della saga. Solitamente, si tratta dei nemici pi\u00F9 deboli che un giocatore va ad affrontare, e rappresenta perci\u00F2 un nemico adatto all'allenamento nelle prime fasi di un gioco, ma che diventa presto molto obsoleto."@it . "6"^^ . . . "Looting bag"@en . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "Goblin is a Demi-Human monster in the MMORPG Elder Tale."@en . "Damaging Holy attack"@en . "Grimy harralander"@en . "1"^^ . . "Iron arrow"@cs . "The Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u65CF Goburin-zoku) are a demon-like brutal race in Kamen Rider Kiva. They devour the flesh of their enemies and enjoy collecting bones. They are wiped out by Fangire forces led by the First King wearing the Saga armor. [Citation needed]"@en . . . "Bones"@es . . . . . "13247"^^ . . "13.0"^^ . "123"^^ . . "120"^^ . . "\u03A4\u03BF Goblin \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B1\u03C1\u03BA\u03B5\u03C4\u03AC \u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03C1\u03CC\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03BF \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC Orc, \u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC \u03B1\u03BD\u03C4\u03B9\u03C3\u03C4\u03B1\u03B8\u03BC\u03AF\u03B6\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF \u03BC\u03B5\u03B9\u03BF\u03BD\u03AD\u03BA\u03C4\u03B7\u03BC\u03B1 \u03BC\u03B5 \u03AC\u03B3\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF cunning \u03C0\u03BF\u03C5 \u03AD\u03C7\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD \u03AD\u03BB\u03BB\u03B5\u03B9\u03C8\u03B7 \u03C4\u03B1 \u03B1\u03B4\u03AD\u03BB\u03C6\u03B9\u03B1 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2. \u03A4\u03B1 Goblins \u03C6\u03BF\u03B2\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03BF\u03BD\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03C3\u03C5\u03BD\u03B5\u03C7\u03CE\u03C2 \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03BA\u03C6\u03BF\u03B2\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B5 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF Orcs \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2 \u03AD\u03C7\u03B5\u03B9 \u03B1\u03BD\u03B1\u03B3\u03BA\u03AC\u03C3\u03B5\u03B9 \u03BD\u03B1 \u03B5\u03BE\u03B5\u03BB\u03B9\u03C7\u03B8\u03B5\u03AF \u03C3\u03C4\u03B1 sneaky \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B4\u03CC\u03BB\u03B9\u03B1 \u03C0\u03BB\u03AC\u03C3\u03BC\u03B1\u03C4\u03B1 \u03B7 \u03C4\u03C9\u03BD \u03BF\u03C0\u03BF\u03AF\u03C9\u03BD \u03BA\u03C9\u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03B5\u03BC\u03C6\u03AC\u03BD\u03B9\u03C3\u03B7 \u03B4\u03B9\u03B1\u03C8\u03B5\u03CD\u03B4\u03B5\u03B9 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BA\u03B1\u03BA\u03CC\u03B2\u03BF\u03C5\u03BB\u03B7 \u03BD\u03BF\u03B7\u03BC\u03BF\u03C3\u03CD\u03BD\u03B7 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2. \u0391\u03C0\u03CC \u03C0\u03BF\u03BB\u03BB\u03AD\u03C2 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC\u03C8\u03B5\u03B9\u03C2 \u03C4\u03B1 Goblins \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03BF\u03B9 \u03B5\u03B3\u03BA\u03AD\u03C6\u03B1\u03BB\u03BF\u03B9 \u03C0\u03AF\u03C3\u03C9 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03C4\u03B7 \u03C6\u03C5\u03BB\u03B5\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03BA\u03BF\u03B9\u03BD\u03C9\u03BD\u03AF\u03B1 greenskin. \u03A4\u03BF Goblins \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03C3\u03C5\u03C7\u03BD\u03AC \u03C4\u03BF Shamans \u03C4\u03C9\u03BD \u03C6\u03C5\u03BB\u03CE\u03BD \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2 \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03C3\u03C5\u03C7\u03BD\u03AC \u03B1\u03C1\u03BA\u03B5\u03C4\u03AC \u03AD\u03BE\u03C5\u03C0\u03BD\u03BF \u03BD\u03B1 \u03C7\u03C1\u03B7\u03C3\u03B9\u03BC\u03BF\u03C0\u03BF\u03B9\u03AE\u03C3\u03B5\u03B9 \u03C4\u03B7 \u03B4\u03CD\u03BD\u03B1\u03BC\u03B7 \u03C0\u03BF\u03C5 \u03C3\u03C5\u03BD\u03B4\u03AD\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03BC\u03B5 \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03AE\u03BD \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03B8\u03AD\u03C3\u03B7 \u03BD\u03B1 \u03C7\u03B5\u03B9\u03C1\u03B9\u03C3\u03C4\u03B5\u03AF \u03C4\u03BF \u03BC\u03B5\u03B3\u03B1\u03BB\u03CD\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03BF \u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC \u03C0\u03B9\u03BF \u03B1\u03C1\u03B3\u03CC Orcs \u03BD\u03B1 \u03BA\u03AC\u03BD\u03B5\u03B9 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03C3\u03C6\u03BF\u03C1\u03AC \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2. \u03A4\u03BF Goblins \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03C0\u03AF\u03C3\u03B7\u03C2 \u03C4\u03BF \u03C0\u03B9\u03BF \u03AD\u03BC\u03C0\u03B5\u03B9\u03C1\u03BF \u03C4\u03C9\u03BD \u03C6\u03C5\u03BB\u03CE\u03BD greenskin \u03C3\u03C4\u03B7 \u03C7\u03C1\u03B7\u03C3\u03B9\u03BC\u03BF\u03C0\u03BF\u03AF\u03B7\u03C3\u03B7 \u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 \u03C4\u03B5\u03C7\u03BD\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2. \u03A4\u03BF Goblins \u03C7\u03C4\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03B9 \u03C4\u03B1 \u03B1\u03BD\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03B5\u03AF\u03BC\u03B5\u03BD\u03B1 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5 \u03B1\u03C0\u03BB\u03BF\u03CD, \u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC \u03B1\u03C0\u03BF\u03C4\u03B5\u03BB\u03B5\u03C3\u03BC\u03B1\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03BF\u03CD \u03C3\u03C7\u03B5\u03B4\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5. \u038C\u03C0\u03C9\u03C2 \u03BC\u03B5 \u03CC\u03BB\u03B7 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BA\u03B1\u03C4\u03B1\u03C3\u03BA\u03B5\u03C5\u03AE greenskin, \u03BF\u03B9 \u03BC\u03B7\u03C7\u03B1\u03BD\u03AD\u03C2 \u03C0\u03BF\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C1\u03BA\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03C4\u03B1 Goblins \u03AD\u03C7\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD \u03AD\u03BD\u03B1\u03BD \u03C0\u03BF\u03BB\u03CD \u03C0\u03C1\u03C9\u03C4\u03CC\u03B3\u03BF\u03BD\u03BF \u03C4\u03C1\u03CC\u03C0\u03BF, \u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC \u03AD\u03BD\u03B1\u03C2 \u03B2\u03C1\u03AC\u03C7\u03BF\u03C2 \u03B5\u03BA\u03B1\u03C4\u03CC \u03BB\u03B9\u03B2\u03C1\u03CE\u03BD \u03B2\u03BB\u03AC\u03C0\u03C4\u03B5\u03B9 \u03B1\u03BA\u03C1\u03B9\u03B2\u03CE\u03C2 \u03CC\u03C0\u03C9\u03C2 \u03CC\u03C4\u03B1\u03BD \u03B5\u03BA\u03C3\u03C6\u03B5\u03BD\u03B4\u03BF\u03BD\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03BC\u03AD\u03C3\u03C9 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5 \u03B1\u03AD\u03C1\u03B1 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03AD\u03BD\u03B1\u03BD \u03B1\u03C0\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03C6\u03C1\u03B1\u03C3\u03C4\u03B1-\u03B4\u03B9\u03B1\u03BC\u03BF\u03C1\u03C6\u03C9\u03BC\u03AD\u03BD\u03BF greenskin \u03B2\u03C1\u03AC\u03C7\u03BF Lobber \u03C9\u03C2 \u03C0\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03BA\u03BF\u03BC\u03C8\u03BF \u03BD\u03AC\u03BD\u03BF thrower \u03BC\u03BD\u03B7\u03C3\u03B9\u03BA\u03B1\u03BA\u03AF\u03B1\u03C2."@el . . "The origin of the word \"goblin\" is unknown. It may derive either from the German Kobold or the Welsh coblynau, both of which refer to ghostly creatures, similar to poltergeists, which are said to enjoy playing tricks on people and to irritate them by making noises. Another type of goblin is the hobgoblin, which is most often depicted as a separate entity, sometimes evolved from regular goblins in some manner. Sometimes goblins are also interchangeable with imps."@en . "6.4"^^ . "Jastor Gallywix"@nl . "Goblin.png100px"@pl . "Queen of the Goblins; Spider-Girl Vol 1 79 Textless.jpg"@en . . . "Normal"@en . . "Melee"@en . "110"^^ . . "-"@en . "Bread dough"@es . "Goblin is an enemy in Sinjid Battle Arena."@en . . . . "Bounce"@en . . . "70"^^ . . "Goblin Force; Goblin Entity from Mutant X Vol 1 12 0001.jpg"@en . "Goblin Champion's scroll"@en . "Mind talisman"@en . . . . . "32"^^ . "60"^^ . "1"^^ . "Mind rune"@fi . . "33"^^ . "Goblins of Limbo; Goblins from All-New X-Men Vol 2 12.jpg"@en . . "6280"^^ . "6281"^^ . "6282"^^ . . "6283"^^ . . "10"^^ . "Femor Hills, north east of Carlin, Edron goblin cave, Rookgaard premium area, some parts of Maze of Lost Souls."@sv . "8"^^ . . . . . "2"^^ . "--04-21"^^ . "6279"^^ . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "250"^^ . "Gobliny to niewielkie, maj\u0105ce sk\u0142onno\u015Bci ku z\u0142u humanoidy, b\u0119d\u0105ce najliczniejszymi i najbardziej rozpoznawalnymi przedstawicielami grupy goblinoid\u00F3w. Gobliny maj\u0105 p\u0142askie twarze, szerokie nosy, szpiczaste uszy i szerokie usta, pe\u0142ne ma\u0142ych ostrych k\u0142\u00F3w. Ich czo\u0142a s\u0105 cofni\u0119te a oczy zazwyczaj szkliste i ot\u0119pia\u0142e. Gobliny chodz\u0105 wyprostowane, ze zwieszonymi r\u0119kami, kt\u00F3re si\u0119gaj\u0105 a\u017C do kolan. Ich sk\u00F3ra przybiera barw\u0119 r\u00F3\u017Cnych odcieni \u017C\u00F3\u0142ci, pomara\u0144czu lub czerwieni. Zazwyczaj cz\u0142onkowie pojedynczego plemienia maj\u0105 ten sam kolor sk\u00F3ry. Oczy bywaj\u0105 jasnoczerwone, cytrynowo\u017C\u00F3\u0142te i w innych podobnych odcieniach. S\u0105 bardzo wra\u017Cliwe na \u015Bwiat\u0142o s\u0142oneczne, zapewniaj\u0105 natomiast mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 widzenia w ciemno\u015Bci na du\u017C\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Gobli\u0144ski j\u0119zyk charakteryzuje si\u0119 szorstko\u015Bci\u0105 i wysok\u0105 tonacj\u0105. Gobliny n"@pl . "6"^^ . "2003-03-17"^^ . . "4"^^ . "3"^^ . . "A race of small humanoids native to Ehaiah. Goblins are strong for their size, but rather tribal; even though Ehaiah gets its fair share of space travellers and goblins understand technology and so on, they prefer not to use it for whatever reason. Only male goblins go out adventuring; the females are confined to their mate's home, charged with the task of looking after the house and children."@en . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "13"^^ . "3"^^ . "16"^^ . "1"^^ . "8"^^ . "Medium-High"@en . . "Misc"@en . "48"^^ . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "8"^^ . "Bronze scimitar"@fi . . "Fast breeding, martial abilities, pointy ears"@en . . . "Goblin"@en . "good for a starter but rubbish for a master"@en . "4"^^ . . "An ugly goblin... bleurgh!"@en . "Resists Expel"@en . "Air talisman"@fi . . . "13097"^^ . . . "1.0"^^ . "Coins"@es . . "290"^^ . . "Earth-rune"@en . "Semi-rare"@en . "13095"^^ . "--"@en . "desconhecido"@pt . . "Little"@en . "Shelterbelt, Area 2"@en . . . . . "Level 3"@en . . "\"Goblin\" (Japanese: \u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin) is an archetype based on \"Goblin Attack Force\" and \"Goblin of Greed\", and their variations. The theme didn't have any support until The New Challengers, in which \"Scrounging Goblin\" was released. Most members share the effect \"If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase, and its battle position cannot be changed until the End Phase of your next turn.\" (though not necessarily with the same wording) and also share 0 DEF."@en . . . ""@en . . . . . "A goblin is an imaginary evil, crabby, and mischievous creature described as a grotesquely disfigured or gnome-like phantom, that may range in height from that of a dwarf to that of a human. They are attributed with various abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In most cases, goblins have been classified as constantly annoying little creatures."@en . . . "2014-11-12"^^ . . . "15"^^ . . "Grimy dwarf weed"@es . . . . "Random"@en . . "Goblin Level: 41 HP: 2054 Aggro: <52"@en . . "Speed"@en . . "Goblins are short hominid creatures with beards, clever faces and very long fingers and feet. Gringotts Wizards' Bank was run by goblins."@en . . . . "Black"@en . "God Wars Dungeon"@en . . "verd"@ca . . "88"^^ . "0"^^ . "High"@en . "Goblins are weak, low level monsters that are mainly located in Lumbridge. Due to their weakness, they are killed by newer players for Combat XP or even for Slayer tasks."@en . . . "Common, Goblin"@en . ": Sleep"@en . "400"^^ . "181"^^ . "Resist: Sword, Expel, Death"@en . "Goblin mail"@cs . "I Goblin sono una delle tante razze facenti parte del piccolo popolo come le fate, gli spiritelli e Renato Brunetta. Sono comunemente associati all'immaginario fantasy ma una recente indagine di mercato operata tramite call center di Tele2 ne ha dimostrato l'esistenza. Essi dimorano in zone rurali e poco civilizzate ai margini della societ\u00E0 come ad esempio paludi, discariche, grotte, castelli o magioni abbandonate e i cumuli di monnezza di Napoli, ma recentemente alcuni esemplari si sono avvicinati alle aree urbane adattando il loro stile di vita con i ritmi delle grandi metropoli. Osservano una dieta onnivora ma predilogono la carne di elfo o di politico onesto (ecco perch\u00E9 si pensava fossero estinti)."@it . "404.1"^^ . . "Chargebow"@fi . . "todella harvinainen"@fi . . "Chef's hat"@en . "com\u00FAn"@es . "G: greengobbosword, greengobboclub, GII: ygobbo_green, G3: Goblin"@pl . "Goblins are a race of creatures who are as tall as dwarves and as strong and intelligent as your average Scun. They are vicious and attack in groups but are also cowardly so they flee easily if the odds are turned against them. They greatly dislike elves and attack any elf they come across. They were active in Thracia in the Second Age, and according to adventurers' tales some goblins may have survived the Explosion and attacked wanderers in the wilderness of Aison every now and then in the Third Age."@en . . "None."@es . . "Expel"@en . . . . "150"^^ . "-"@en . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information"@en . "140"^^ . . "130"^^ . . "Grapes"@en . "-15"^^ . "16"^^ . . "Prova de lluitar cos a cos fins que t\u00E9 la vida en vermell, aleshores fuig. En tot moment tira pedres petites."@ca . . "5"^^ . . . . . "The P416 (also known as the Patriot Ordnance Factory P416 or Goblin) is a compact assault rifle based in the AR-15 platform."@en . . "0"^^ . . . . "When Jadis learned of Aslan's intent to wage war on her, she sent her wolves to gather her most faithful followers, which included the Goblins, and raise her own army. When the Centaur Oreius led his troops in to rescue Edmund, at the White Witch's camp, a goblin turned around and hissed at him. The Goblins were also present at the sacrifice of Aslan at the Stone Table, and fought during the First Battle of Beruna."@en . "12"^^ . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "300"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . "bnetwoweu"@ja . "''Mega Man 2"@en . "10 hp warriors can kill the goblin in 1 hit.If using bandos,a goblin priest or hobgoblin can do it.(A hobgoblin is recomended because of the Priest's weak combat and special ability)"@en . . . "Goblins are weak, low level monsters that are mainly located in Lumbridge. Due to their weakness, they are killed by newer players for Combat XP or even for Slayer tasks."@en . "60"^^ . "0"^^ . . "2"^^ . "Not Bad"@en . "Goblin is an enemy and a summon featured in the Final Fantasy series. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it."@en . "I Goblin sono dei nemici che compaiono nella saga di Gothic. I goblin sono piccole creature con fattezze quasi umane di colore verde, grigio, o nero che popolano essenzialmente tutti i territori conosciuti eccetto, probabilmente, il pericoloso e mortale deserto del Varant. La carenza perenne di acqua e il sole caldo, ha spinto i goblin a diffondersi in maniera quasi capillare nel territorio di Myrtana ma anche nel Nordmar, escluse solo le zone pi\u00F9 settentrionali dove, fra i ghiacciai, i troll e i lupi dei ghiacci lottano per la sopravvivenza. I goblin sono abbastanza comuni anche sull'isola di Khorinis. Queste piccole creature (la cui altezza non supera il metro) tendono a stabilirsi nei pressi di grotte, edifici abbandonati oppure in prossimit\u00E0 di abitazioni o accampamenti isolati e, pi\u00F9 "@it . "Goblin Prince; Madelyne Pryor and Alexander Summers from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 242 0001.jpg"@en . "13.4"^^ . "Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin?), also known as Air Tikki in the Mega Man 2 instruction manual for the U.S., is an indestructible giant goblin head that appears in Air Man's stage. Its horns lift slowly and periodically to damage enemies, and if an enemy stays on its head, it will use small versions of himself (Petit Goblin, see below) to remove them. It was originally used in a robot circus. The Time Stopper is a good weapon to use on it, as it will prevent its horns from rising and it won't release Petit Goblins, making passage across them easier. __TOC__"@en . "-"@en . "10"^^ . "19"^^ . . "10"^^ . "creare metalli indistruttibili o che assorbono solo ci\u00F3 che li fortifica"@it . "11"^^ . "0.5"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "2.0"^^ . "30"^^ . "-"@en . . "2"^^ . "7"^^ . "3"^^ . "1.0"^^ . "6"^^ . "2006-07-04"^^ . "7"^^ . "-"@en . "13"^^ . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . . "112.0"^^ . . "Grimy dwarf weed"@cs . "8637"^^ . "Bronze helm"@fi . . "Aunque no es una Caracteristica del Goblin este Monstruo Dropa La piel de Goblin La cual sirve para una mision La cual Obtienes 30kk y 42000 xp la mision la encuntras en -4,6 blando con bworkespin ;D"@es . . . . . . . . . "Always"@en . . . . "Bronze hatchet"@en . . "120"^^ . "Uncommon"@en . . "Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3, Goburin) is a Fire based monster that is found in the Forest."@en . . "Level 6"@de . "2.524608E9"^^ . "Regional"@en . . "1"^^ . "Image:Albumbronze.png Bronze Card \"These monsters are well-known on the outskirts of Fanburg. They're quick to anger, but\" Earth: 0% Water: 0% Fire: 0% Wind: 100% Learnable skills : Crushing Blow , Double-Edged Sakura Sword , Blind , All or Nothing, Blink I."@en . . "40.0"^^ . "1132"^^ . "Varied colors"@en . "Runescape beta is now online!"@cs . "Goblin is a character appearing in The Goblin Story and Little Goblin Bear. He wears a beard, a blue shirt, a red hat, yellow trousers and dark red shoes."@en . . "Blood rune"@cs . "Goblin"@nl . "Shortbow"@en . . . . "56"^^ . . . "n/a"@en . "0.0"^^ . . . "Not actual image of character."@en . "Goblin"@en . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "120"^^ . . . . . . "Normal"@en . "1"^^ . . . "Goblin"@ca . "* Merc Suit\n* Viper 5 with Silencer."@en . . "110"^^ . "Gobliny to ma\u0142e, zielonosk\u00F3re stworzenia, kt\u00F3re wykazuj\u0105 cechy wysokiej inteligencji. Grupa handlowych ksi\u0105\u017C\u0105t rz\u0105dzi licznymi gobli\u0144skimi kartelami na ca\u0142ym \u015Bwiecie. Mimo \u017Ce wszyscy oni mieszkaj\u0105 w mie\u015Bcie Undermine na Wyspie Kezan, ka\u017Cdy z nich kontroluje w\u0142asne prywatne armie i floty handlowe. W zamian ka\u017Cdy kontroluje kr\u0119gi handlu, g\u00F3rnictwa, wycinki drzew, niewolnictwa."@pl . "Unknown"@en . "250"^^ . . "4"^^ . "Gobelin"@en . "17.0"^^ . . . "Sentient"@en . "desde 4 hasta 12%"@es . . "Mind talisman"@es . . "Nature rune"@es . . "A goblin stands 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. Its eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to yellow. A goblin\u2019s skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of a single tribe are about the same color. Goblins wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward drab, soiled-looking colors. Goblins speak Goblin; those with Intelligence scores of 12 or higher also speak Common. Most goblins encountered outside their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level."@en . "Fire Spells"@en . "7.0"^^ . "Bronze hatchet"@fi . . . . . . "Goblin is a character appearing in The Goblin Story and Little Goblin Bear. He wears a beard, a blue shirt, a red hat, yellow trousers and dark red shoes."@en . . "Gobliner er en race af sm\u00E5 gr\u00F8nne v\u00E6sner med sjove karaktertr\u00E6k og tit meget h\u00F8j intelligens, selvom de tit mangler almindelig fornuft. Goblinernes samfund er styret af en r\u00E6kke forskellige \"Trade Princes\" fordelt over hele Azeroth, selvom de fleste opholder sig i Undermine p\u00E5 Isle of Kezan, har de alle deres private forretninger forskelige steder p\u00E5 planeten. \"Forretninger\" kan ogs\u00E5 betyde minedrift, skovhuggeri, slave handel og skibsbagholdsangreb og nogle andre ting som tit er ulovlige i andre samfund. I den kommende expansion til World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, ville en af Trade Princerne (Det er indtil videre ukendt hvem) opgive sin neutralitet og alliere sig med Horden igen, og hans folk vil blive den nye Horde-race, ligesom Worgen vil for Alliance. Kategori:The Horde Kategori:Horde Kategori:Hordes Racer Kategori:Hordens racer Kategori:Racer Kategori:Gobliner"@da . . "6"^^ . "They closely resemble Trolls but throw Small Stones and provide slightly better items."@en . . "Ild og jord."@da . "Level 9"@de . "High"@en . "13.0"^^ . "BT02-044ENC.jpg Spike_Brothers_Strike_Force.jpg Goblins are a shared Race of units found in the Pale Moon and Spike Brothers Clans. There are no effects related to this specific race so far."@en . "leather body"@fi . . "150"^^ . "* Hard-Sellin' Goblin\n* Robbin' Goblin\n* Final Attack Orders\n* Soul Rope"@en . "Goblin, to generalnie s\u0142aby potw\u00F3r aktualnie zamieszkuj\u0105cy prawie ca\u0142\u0105 planet\u0119 Gielinor. Gobliny maj\u0105 zielon\u0105 skor\u0119, skrzywiony kr\u0119gos\u0142up i odstaj\u0105ce uszy. Zapewne s\u0105 krewnymi Ork\u00F3w i Hobgoblin\u00F3w. Gobliny lubi\u0105 walczy\u0107 w imi\u0119 ich boga Big High War God (w trakcie Questa Land of the Goblins poznajemy jego prawdziwe imi\u0119 - Bandos). W trakcie Pi\u0105tej Ery Gobliny zosta\u0142y zdominowane przez ludzi, uznawane jako bezm\u00F3zgie, \u0142atwo kontrolowane przez innych, o czym mo\u017Cna si\u0119 przekona\u0107 w wielu Questach, szczeg\u00F3lnie z serii Dorgeshuun. Wyj\u0105tkiem jest plemi\u0119 Dorgeshuun (Cave Goblins), ucywilizowane, wykszta\u0142cone i mi\u0142uj\u0105ce pok\u00F3j. Przed nadej\u015Bciem Bandosa, Gobliny by\u0142y inteligentn\u0105 ras\u0105 \u017Cyj\u0105c\u0105 w r\u00F3wnoleg\u0142ym wymiarze - Yu'biusk. Gdy Bandos uzna\u0142 si\u0119 za boga wszystkich plemion goblin\u00F3w, nakaza\u0142 przenie\u015B\u0107 si\u0119 im do Gielinoru i walczy\u0107 w jego imi\u0119. Ostatnie badania wskaza\u0142y, \u017Ce Yu'biusk dzi\u015B jest w ca\u0142o\u015Bci zniszczony. Z przeci\u0105giem czasu Gobliny zostawa\u0142y coraz mniej inteligentne - wyj\u0105tek to plemi\u0119 Dorgeshuun - i zyska\u0142y wszelakie magiczne zdolno\u015Bci, inne ni\u017C wyrabianie broni i zbroi."@pl . "Grey Goblin"@en . "Azeroth"@hu . . "-"@en . . . "250"^^ . "Bronze longsword"@es . "4"^^ . . . "6"^^ . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . . "10"^^ . . . "Bronze sword"@en . "Goblin RPG.jpg"@en . "Air rune"@fi . . . . "240.0"^^ . "Water rune"@es . . . . "Spirit sapphire"@en . . "Very rare"@es . "Grimy cadantine"@es . "200"^^ . "Level 16"@de . "932"^^ . . "933"^^ . . . "Goblins are small, cunning humanoids that are a plague across all of Faer\u00FBn, though they are generally not dangerous unless encountered in very large numbers, or if they have had time to prepare an ambush. In Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, the Enhanced Edition and the expansion Throne of Bhaal, they can be encountered throughout Amn and Tethyr, but in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, they can be found at Adoy's Enclave."@en . . . "Air talisman"@es . . "Red goblin mail"@en . "15000.0"^^ . "A warrior for Bandos."@en . . . "Air talisman"@cs . . "120"^^ . . "Bronze arrow"@en . . "100.0"^^ . . . "Goblin Armour"@en . "Earth rune"@en . "Champion scroll"@cs . . "Goblin Warlock"@en . "Sinister and devious, the goblins of the Kojan Archipelago are practitioners of magic without equal. Along with their orc clansmen, the magically adept goblins pose a very dangerous threat to the rest of Telon, a threat that is tempered only by the warfare between their clans. While goblins possess a potent link to the spiritual ancestors of their kind, it is in their ability to master any arcane art they lay hands on that the goblins display true power. No arcane secret remains so for long once it is in the hands of a goblin."@en . "Tarukaja\nSukukaja\nMakakaja"@en . "Goblins are small humanoids that many consider little more than a nuisance, however if they are left unchecked, their great numbers coupled with a rapid reproduction ability and evil disposition enable them to overrun civilised areas. A goblin stands roughly 3-3.5ft tall and weighs 40-45 pounds. They usually have dull, glazed eyes that vary in colour from red to yellow, with their skin colour ranging from the same hues. All members of a single tribe are usually the same colour. Goblins prefer to wear clothing of dark leather, tending towards drab, soiled-looking colours. Goblins speak Goblin, although more intelligent members of a tribe speak Common. Goblins have a poor grasp of strategy and are cowardly by nature, tending to flee if the battle turns against them. Because of this, they fight using ambushes, dirty tricks, and overwhelming odds... and are usually bullied by bigger, stronger creatures, such as their cousins, hobgoblins. Goblins are tribal, with the biggest, strongest, goblin of the tribe becoming the leader. They live in communal areas with privacy only afforded to the leader. They survive by raiding and stealing from villages and towns at night and are not above waylaying travellers on the road. These creatures live where they can, usually in dark, dank caverns or dismal ruins. Some goblin tribes forge alliances with worgs, which will carry them into combat."@en . . . . "Goblin Flame Dance - 21 Turns"@en . . . . . . . . . "25"^^ . . "26"^^ . "Turael"@es . "Warpriest of Bandos gauntlets"@en . "4"^^ . "77.4"^^ . . "Goblin skull.png"@es . . . "Fire, Energy, Poison"@en . "Chargebow"@en . "Though most people associate them with Halloween, Jews, Internet trolls, orcs, Jews, and annoying movies that should never have left the box office, the Goblin is a real creature such as the Unicorn and the Liger. It lives mainly off of meat, but will occasionally show omnivorous tendancies when food is scarce. They prefer to live mainly in boggy areas, such as Florida, Nothern Europe, and the inside of the lead singer from the newly formed band The Lonely Island's pants. Because of humans building out of control, the Goblin habitat has been dangerousl ycut back on, and many reports say that Goblins have been steadily adapting to city life, living in dingy areas like rats. Also because of this, they have been moved to the endangered species list, landing place number 2305. They are also, b"@en . "Red goblin mail"@es . . "Mind-rune"@en . . "Bronze sq shield"@fi . "-15"^^ . . . "Chef's hat"@es . . "Body rune"@en . "22"^^ . "Goblins retreat in yellow health (35 hp), they can be pushed and don't move objects."@es . "50"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "Coins"@cs . "3.0"^^ . . . "Attacks in an X pattern with 4 medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . "Goblinit ovat sekasiki\u00F6it\u00E4 jotka hypp\u00E4\u00E4v\u00E4t taureenin perseest\u00E4 ku se v\u00E4\u00E4nt\u00E4\u00E4 paskaa talos takana t\u00E4ll\u00E4ki hetkell\u00E4. Ne vittu syntyy siit\u00E4, ku sellane vitunmoinen taureeni m\u00E4rehtii vihiriet\u00E4 heinee pihalla ja imasee v\u00E4h\u00E4n paskaa, ett\u00E4 tulloo varmasti paskanvihiri\u00E4 j\u00E4lkikasvu! ja kaikki alkoi siit\u00E4, kun taureeni erehtyi maistamaan ihmisen m\u00E4llill\u00E4 kuorrutettua hein\u00E4\u00E4. mahtava historia t\u00E4ll\u00E4 jalolla, paskanvihre\u00E4ll\u00E4 kansalla. Sitten ne jurpot eksy jonneki saareele ja kuoli sinne Loppu perekele Luokka:Rodut"@fi . "None"@en . . "2"^^ . "Goblins are small humanoid monsters. They vary in height from about 3 to 3 \u00BD feet and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed. They have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth. Their mouth contains small, but sharp fangs. Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red though nearly any shade of orange to yellow. Members of the same tribe tend to have the same skin color. Based on their ability scores the average goblin would be able to lift about 60 pounds over his head."@en . . . "Water-rune"@en . "Goblins"@en . . . "2"^^ . "They are also used for Level Grinding by noobs who have no final fantasy skillz. They often come in groups. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous creature; a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom. They are attributed with various (sometimes conflicting) abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins have been classified as constantly annoying little creatures somewhat related to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted as small, sometimes only a few inches tall, sometimes the size of a dwarf. They also often are said to possess various magical abilities."@en . . "Grimy kwuarm"@fi . "100"^^ . "Grimy dwarf weed"@fi . "Grimy tarromin"@es . . "Forest"@en . "Coins 1000.png"@es . "2"^^ . "Agi\nFlee"@en . "Useless Goblin"@en . . "25"^^ . "W fantasy gobliny przedstawiane s\u0105 zwykle jako ohydne i g\u0142upie stwory, o zielonej, czasem czarnej lub oliwkowej sk\u00F3rze, i ma\u0142ymi \u015Bwi\u0144skimi oczkami. Gobliny charakteryzuj\u0105 si\u0119 brutalno\u015Bci\u0105, porywczo\u015Bci\u0105, ale r\u00F3wnie\u017C ogromnym tch\u00F3rzostwem. Gobliny oraz inne spokrewnione z nimi stworzenia (np. ork\u00F3w) zalicza si\u0119 niekiedy do goblinoid\u00F3w."@pl . "35"^^ . . . "A diminutive creature created by Rallos Zek."@en . "8"^^ . "Grimy ranarr"@es . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "10"^^ . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "2.7"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . "[[Bild:Goblin.jpg|thumb|200px|Goblin aus dem Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani PnP RPG. Zeichnung von Jaros\u0142aw Musia\u0142.]] Ein Goblin ist ein kleinw\u00FCchsiges humanoides Wesen und z\u00E4hlt zu den H\u00F6hlenkreaturen. In dem Pen&Paper RGP Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani werden Goblins und Gnome Kobolde genannt. Im PnP RPG sind ebenfalls sie menschenartige Wesen, die grausam, hinterh\u00E4ltig und b\u00F6sartig sind und in H\u00F6hlen leben. Sie meiden das Tageslicht und kommen nur nachts aus ihren unterirdischen Behausungen. Ein Goblin ist nicht grunds\u00E4tzlich b\u00F6se, k\u00F6nnen aber zur wahren Plage werden, wenn man es sich mit ihnen verscherzt hat. Sie pinkeln in die Milch der Leute, besch\u00E4digen deren H\u00E4user und Wohnungen und stehlen H\u00FChner."@de . . "Grimy lantadyme"@es . . . . . . "DemiHuman"@en . . "0"^^ . . . "It's a Goblin"@en . "60"^^ . "Variabile dal bianco al nero"@it . "Nem"@hu . "Bronze spear"@en . . "desconhecida"@pt . . "Goblin is a type of monster in ADOM. They are among the weakest and most common monsters in the game, though they are still somewhat stronger than their monster memory description implies. They can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms in areas of lowest danger level."@en . . . "Green goblin mail"@fi . . . "10 hp warriors can kill the goblin in 1 hit.If using bandos,a goblin priest or hobgoblin can do it.(A hobgoblin is recomended because of the Priest's weak combat and special ability)"@en . . "No taller than a human child"@en . . . "Gremlin"@en . . "Vz\u00E1cn\u00E9"@cs . . . . "neutral evil or chaotic neutral"@en . "Staff of air"@es . . . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "Gobliny to niewielkie, maj\u0105ce sk\u0142onno\u015Bci ku z\u0142u humanoidy, b\u0119d\u0105ce najliczniejszymi i najbardziej rozpoznawalnymi przedstawicielami grupy goblinoid\u00F3w. Gobliny maj\u0105 p\u0142askie twarze, szerokie nosy, szpiczaste uszy i szerokie usta, pe\u0142ne ma\u0142ych ostrych k\u0142\u00F3w. Ich czo\u0142a s\u0105 cofni\u0119te a oczy zazwyczaj szkliste i ot\u0119pia\u0142e. Gobliny chodz\u0105 wyprostowane, ze zwieszonymi r\u0119kami, kt\u00F3re si\u0119gaj\u0105 a\u017C do kolan. Ich sk\u00F3ra przybiera barw\u0119 r\u00F3\u017Cnych odcieni \u017C\u00F3\u0142ci, pomara\u0144czu lub czerwieni. Zazwyczaj cz\u0142onkowie pojedynczego plemienia maj\u0105 ten sam kolor sk\u00F3ry. Oczy bywaj\u0105 jasnoczerwone, cytrynowo\u017C\u00F3\u0142te i w innych podobnych odcieniach. S\u0105 bardzo wra\u017Cliwe na \u015Bwiat\u0142o s\u0142oneczne, zapewniaj\u0105 natomiast mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 widzenia w ciemno\u015Bci na du\u017C\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Gobli\u0144ski j\u0119zyk charakteryzuje si\u0119 szorstko\u015Bci\u0105 i wysok\u0105 tonacj\u0105. Gobliny nosz\u0105 sk\u00F3rzane stroje w ciemnych, matowych kolorach. Zazwyczaj s\u0105 uzbrojone w proste w u\u017Cyciu i nie wymagaj\u0105ce specjalistycznego treningu bronie a swe cia\u0142a chroni\u0105 sk\u00F3rzniami lub rzadziej kolczugami. Nie s\u0105 najlepszymi wojownikami, co wynika z ma\u0142ej si\u0142y i du\u017Cej strachliwo\u015Bci. Dlatego te\u017C od frontalnego ataku preferuj\u0105 r\u00F3\u017Cnego rodzaju pu\u0142apki, zasadzki i ataki dystansowe. \u017Byj\u0105 oko\u0142o 50 lat. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 gobli\u0144skich plemion zamieszkuje ponure i wilgotne podziemia. Nieliczne gnie\u017Cd\u017C\u0105 si\u0119 w ruinach na powierzchni, opuszczaj\u0105c swe legowiska tylko noc\u0105 lub podczas bardzo pochmurnych dni. Nie znaj\u0105 poj\u0119cia higieny, wi\u0119c w ich siedzibach panuje straszliwy od\u00F3r. Dzi\u0119ki \u017Cyciu w brudzie s\u0105 jednak uodpornione na wiele chor\u00F3b. S\u0105 te\u017C niew\u0105tpliwie dobrymi g\u00F3rnikami, sprawnie poszerzaj\u0105cymi i rozbudowuj\u0105cymi korytarze swych siedzib. Gobli\u0144skie spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci oparte s\u0105 na wsp\u00F3lnocie - ich siedziby posiadaj\u0105 du\u017Ce wsp\u00F3lne pomieszczenia s\u0142u\u017C\u0105ce do spania i jedzenia. Tylko przyw\u00F3dcy posiadaj\u0105 w\u0142asne pokoje. Osobist\u0105 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 gobliny zawsze nosz\u0105 ze sob\u0105, natomiast dobytek plemienia znajduje si\u0119 pod nadzorem wodza i jego zast\u0119pc\u00F3w. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 d\u00F3br pochodzi z kradzie\u017Cy, cho\u0107 gobliny wytwarzaj\u0105 w\u0142asn\u0105 odzie\u017C i proste wyroby ze sk\u00F3ry. Poj\u0119cie prywatno\u015Bci jest dla tych istot nieznane i niezrozumia\u0142e. Typowe gobli\u0144skie plemi\u0119 liczy sobie od 40 do 400 doros\u0142ych m\u0119\u017Cczyzn - wojownik\u00F3w. Na ka\u017Cd\u0105 czterdziestk\u0119 przypada jeden przyw\u00F3dca i jego czterech pomocnik\u00F3w, na ka\u017Cdych dwustu wice-herszt z kilkoma ochroniarzami. Nad nimi wszystkimi znajduje si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wny herszt, r\u00F3wnie\u017C posiadaj\u0105cy swoj\u0105 ochron\u0119. Opr\u00F3cz tego wi\u0119ksze plemiona maj\u0105 r\u00F3wnie\u017C szaman\u00F3w. Razem z goblinami \u017Cyj\u0105 cz\u0119sto sfory warg\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re podczas walki s\u0105 przez nie dosiadane. Innymi popularnymi towarzyszami goblin\u00F3w s\u0105 nied\u017Awie\u017Cuki. Opr\u00F3cz wojowniczych samc\u00F3w w sk\u0142ad plemienia wchodz\u0105 samice w liczebno\u015Bci oko\u0142o 60% samc\u00F3w oraz dzieci, kt\u00F3rych jest mniej wi\u0119cej tyle samo co doros\u0142ych. Zar\u00F3wno samice jak i dzieci nie bior\u0105 udzia\u0142u w wyprawach \u0142upie\u017Cczych ani nie walcz\u0105. Ka\u017Cde z plemion ma \u015Bci\u015Ble ustalon\u0105 hierarchi\u0119, w kt\u00F3rej ka\u017Cdy cz\u0142onek zna swoje miejsce. Gobliny nieustannie tocz\u0105 mniej lub bardziej krwaw\u0105 walk\u0119 o awans w g\u00F3r\u0119 tej drabiny spo\u0142ecznej. Gobliny cz\u0119sto bior\u0105 niewolnik\u00F3w, traktowanych zar\u00F3wno jako si\u0142a robocza jak i zapas \u017Cywno\u015Bci na trudne czasy. Ich liczba si\u0119ga nawet 40% liczebno\u015Bci plemienia. Niewolnicy s\u0105 stale zakuci w kajdany a na noc przytraczani do wsp\u00F3lnego, pot\u0119\u017Cnego \u0142a\u0144cucha. Gobliny nienawidz\u0105 innych humanoid\u00F3w, szczeg\u00F3ln\u0105 niech\u0119ci\u0105 darz\u0105c jednak krasnoludy i gnomy. Gobliny nie jedz\u0105 wiele, preferuj\u0105c mi\u0119so \u017Cywych istot dowolnych rozmiar\u00F3w, a w ci\u0119\u017Ckich czasach nie gardz\u0105c padlin\u0105. Posiadaj\u0105 naturaln\u0105 \u017C\u0105dz\u0119 zabijania, kt\u00F3ra popycha ich do pl\u0105drowania i niszczenia. G\u0142\u00F3wnym bogiem wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci gobli\u0144skich spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci jest g\u0142owa ich panteonu, b\u00F3g wojny i w\u0142adzy Maglubiyet. Innymi popularnymi b\u00F3stwami s\u0105: b\u00F3g niewolnictwa, opresji i morale Khurgorbaeyag oraz b\u00F3g wsp\u00F3\u0142pracy i terytorium Bargrivyek."@pl . . . "Old Common term: Jebli"@en . . "Goblins are by far the most common of the goblinoid races (i.e., lesser Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Black Orcs, and Snotlings). They love to inflict pain and suffering on other creatures, and squabble amongst themselves if they have no one else to fight. Lacking fighting discipline, they make very poor warriors and often run away at the first opportunity. In spite of their numbers, Goblins are so disunited and undisciplined that they rarely present anything other than a transitory threat to Human settlements. Their favorite mounts are Wolves or Boars."@en . . "8"^^ . "4"^^ . "2.0"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "3.15576E9"^^ . "Goblins are small goblinoids that many consider little more than a nuisance. They have flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. Their foreheads slope back, and their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of the same tribe share the same colored skin. Goblins are tribal. Their leaders are generally the strongest and sometimes the smartest around. They have almost no concept of privacy, living and sleeping in large common areas; only the leaders live separately."@en . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "Neutral with all races except Pookas"@en . "3"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . . "Knife"@es . . "90"^^ . . . "There are two known types of goblins."@en . . "Footsoldier for Bandos."@en . . "1000"^^ . "Goblins jsou b\u011B\u017En\u00ED, vyskytuj\u00ED se nap\u0159\u00EDklad v: \n* Lumbridge - lesy na z\u00E1pad\u011B a v\u00FDchodn\u00ED b\u0159eh \u0159eky Lum \n* Goblin Village \n* Port Sarim \n* Kolem Digsite \n* Stronghold Of Security \n* Underground Pass \n* Goblin Cave \n* Coal Trucks \n* D\u00EDry v Myreque Hideout v Mort Myre \n* God Wars Dungeon \n* Jeskyn\u011B u observatory \n* V\u00FDchodn\u011B od Gunnarsgrunn, ji\u017En\u011B od Grand Exchange \n* Ardougne"@cs . . . "Though lacking intelligence and strength, goblins make up for this with their overwhelming numbers. Goblins are followers of the god Bandos, who they refer to as the \"Big High War God\". Goblins are frequently at war with the other races of Gielinor, in particular dwarves and gnomes. Goblins are often one of the first monsters a player will encounter in RuneScape, as they inhabit much of the area around Lumbridge. It is very important to note that the goblins in Stronghold of Security do not drop chef's hats."@en . "Bronze longsword"@fi . . . "When a woman took the bella-donna, which could induce hallucinations, she experienced a hallucination of a Goblin dancing in the fiery coals. The Witchfinder, Aredian, used this as evidence that a sorcerer was loose in Camelot (The Witchfinder). Merlin once accidentally let a goblin loose in the city of Camelot whilst he was fetching an old tome for Gaius. After being released, the goblin possessed the body of Gaius and began to wreak havoc on the kingdom. After King Uther lost his hair and Prince Arthur grew a pair of donkey-like ears, the citizens of Camelot knew that something wasn't right. The goblin then put the blame on Merlin after hiding a book of spells in his room. Determined to see justice, Gwen and Merlin tricked the goblin into licking a gold coin laced with poison. The tiny creature fled its dying host and was trapped inside the lead box once more. Later the box was stored deep into Camelot's vaults, where no one could release it again (Goblin's Gold)."@en . . "Grimy guam"@en . "Not Bad"@en . "Nature-rune"@en . . "13.0"^^ . . . . "brown to orange"@en . "310.0"^^ . . . . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . . . . . . "Grimy irit"@cs . "Bloodthirsty, cowardly, attack in small or larger groups to overwhelm a bigger foe, dislike elves"@en . . "Goblins sind schwache Monster, die zum Trainieren von niedrigen Kampfstufen geeignet sind. Sie haben eine gr\u00FCne Haut,lange Ohren und Z\u00E4hne. Sie sind an sehr vielen Pl\u00E4tzen aufzufinden, der ber\u00FChmteste jedoch, ist in der N\u00E4he von Lumbridge. Es gibt auch ein Goblindorf, nord\u00F6stlich von Taverley . Dort kann man auch das Abenteuer \"Goblindiplomatie\" anfangen. Goblins sind Anh\u00E4nger des Gottes Bandos und sind mit den Trollen verwandt. Eine weitere Art von Goblins sind die Dorgeshuun, diese Leben in der unterirdischen Stadt Dorgeskhan die sich unter Lumbridge befindet."@de . "16"^^ . "Femor Hills, north east of Carlin, Edron Goblin Cave, Rookgaard , Maze of Lost Souls and Fenrock."@en . "Earth talisman"@en . . "0"^^ . "Jerome Sierra is a character in the series Ara\u00F1a."@en . "Blood rune"@fi . . "\u2014Book of Prophecy \n* Weakness: Bomb \n* Pages: 81-82 \n* Original Title: Stone Goblin \n* Original Codes: Stone x3 \n* Mental Map Upgrade Gains: None/2nd upgrade/4x4 \n* Grana Plains 2, Plus Future Vision: \"Monsters on the Move!\" \n* Grana Plains 4 \n* Grana Plains 8 (Cutscene only) \n* Three-Way Road Ruins, Plus Future Vision: \"Goblin King Attack!\" \n* Grana Plains 14 \n* Hidden Meia 16 \n* Granatum Forest 1 \n* Q: What is the fat monster seen in the fields? A: Goblin \n* Q: When you first met Duran outside of the cemetary, what was he facing? A: Goblin The first monster the player encounters in the game. Fat, squat, and covered in a thick gray hide, the goblins are more imposing to look at than they are threatening to fight. Their weakness is the Bomb weapon, and they are said to live in thick forests. The goblins wield heavy stone tomahawks and have tattoo-like decorations on their bodies."@en . "Goblin is a monster."@en . "A dwarf or metavariant infected with HMHVV. Victims of the disease lose most of their hair and body fat, becoming skeletally emaciated. Like other vampiric variants, goblins gain enhanced smell and taste, chronic essence loss, and rapid regeneration, though they lack the usual immunities of other vampires\u2014substituting them it with an invulnerability to fire, a mild sunlight allergy and a vulnerability to iron. The goblin diet largely consists of raw meat\u2014presumably the method by which they drain the essence of others. Goblins are also capable of spreading their infection to others, though their preference for dead prey tends to preclude this in many cases. Goblin sentience is still a debated topic among most of the parabiological establishment, as most observed specimens have suffered a signifigant loss of intellect, with many individuals seeming to be no more intelligent than the great apes. The UN Committee on Awakened Sapience has thusfar declined to make a definitive ruling, though most most nations have already legislated various protections in order to avoid any future embarassments should the ruling come out in favor of classifying goblins as sentients. GOBLIN Goblins are HMHVV-infected dwarfs. Virally induced changes include the loss of almost all body hair and fat; the latter reduces the goblin\u2019s body mass to the point that its skeletal structure is clearly visible. Goblin ears are large, long, and slightly pointed. Its favorite food is raw meat, and it prefers the dark recesses of abandoned buildings or underground caverns. As with other HMHVV-afflicted species, most goblins suffer from severely reduced intelligence, though they remain capable of some coherent speech. A dwarf who becomes infected with HMHVV and turns into a goblin uses its normal Attributes. B: 5 Q: 4 x 2 S: 6 C: \u2014 I: 1/5 W: 5 E: 2D6 R: 4 INIT: 4 + 2D6 Attacks: Humanoid Powers: Enhanced Senses (Smell, Taste), Essence Drain (Permanent), Immunity (Fire), Infection, Regeneration. Some also have Magical Skills. Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Essence Loss, Vulnerability (Iron)"@pl . . "25.5"^^ . . "-5"^^ . "6000"^^ . "Red goblin mail"@fi . "\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\u30FB\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . "Bilgewater Harbor by the way of Undermine , Everlook"@en . "Spade, coltelli, lance, archi"@it . . "Madelyne Pryor; Madelyne Pryor .jpg"@en . . "101"^^ . "Sling"@en . "Flat"@en . . "Immortality, cunning, agility."@en . "107"^^ . "no"@es . "Goblins are the creatures who run Gringotts bank. They are short creatures, with very long fingers and feet, swarthy faces, and are often bearded."@en . . "Brass necklace"@en . . "Burst-Fire Assault Rifle"@en . . . . "A Goblin Enchanter casting a Missile"@en . . . . . "125"^^ . . "64"^^ . . "159"^^ . "5.0"^^ . "67"^^ . . . . . . "Green, red, yellow, white"@en . . . "Security and free-to-play update - the Stronghold of Security"@en . . "Bon enemic per Paladins, ja que d\u00F3na pedres petites que es poden utilitzar per pujar el combat a dist\u00E0ncia. Malgrat ser feble, s'ha vist m\u00E9s d'un jugador inexpert morir en mans de grups nombrosos de goblins, aix\u00ED que els recents arribats de Rookgard han de tenir-hi cura."@ca . "Goblin"@el . "Dame Goburin"@en . . . . . "36"^^ . "Ne"@cs . . "39"^^ . "40"^^ . . "25"^^ . . . . . "Bronze med helm"@cs . "50"^^ . "51"^^ . "Race: goblinoid Alignment: neutral evil or chaotic neutral Armor class: 10 Hit points: 4 Attack bonus: +0 Damage: d8 -1 (morningstar) or d6 -1 (shortbow) Disarmed: d2 -1 (unarmed strike) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/4 Size: small Trained skills:(\u2021) hide (5), listen (5), move silently (3), spot (5) Feats: alertness, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (martial) (shortbow variant), weapon proficiency (simple) (morningstar variant)"@en . "Brass Necklace"@en . . "None"@en . . . "Bronze med helm"@es . . "Goblin"@pl . "60"^^ . "Herb"@en . "Greedy"@en . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "Common"@en . "4"^^ . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3"@en . . . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "Goblin"@tl . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "10"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "Goblin"@en . "3"^^ . "Goblins are fast humanoid creatures that are found in Twisted Thicket Island."@en . "21"^^ . . "100.0"^^ . . "Tin ore"@en . . . . "Bread dough"@cs . . . . "Goblin"@fi . "Cape"@en . . . . . "Bronze sq shield"@en . "8"^^ . . "A slightly twisted parallel of 1830. GB,IW151"@en . . "Bones"@en . . . "A goblinok kis, z\u00F6ld (vagy s\u00E1rg\u00E1sz\u00F6ld), hegyes f\u00FCl\u0171, r\u00FAt l\u00E9nyek. Nagyon intelligensek, \u00E9rtenek a technik\u00E1hoz \u00E9s a m\u00E1gi\u00E1hoz egyar\u00E1nt. Egykor a R\u00E9gi Hord\u00E1hoz tartoztak, de m\u00E1ra m\u00E1r f\u00FCggetlen frakci\u00F3, mivel a r\u00E9gi horda feloszlott. Egy r\u00E9sz\u00FCk a horda oldal\u00E1n maradt(n\u00E9h\u00E1ny ogr\u00E9val \u00E9s egy\u00E9b hasonl\u00F3 l\u00E9nnyel). Remek \u00FCzleti \u00E9rz\u00E9k\u00FCk van. F\u0151v\u00E1rosuk Undermine, ami Kezan sziget\u00E9n tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3. Ismertebb goblin frakci\u00F3k/c\u00E9gek/stb: \n* Steamwheedle Cartel \n* Venture Co. \n* Bilgewater Cartel Goblin v\u00E1rosok: \n* Undermine \n* Gadgetzan \n* Area 52 \n* Booty Bay \n* Ratchet \n* Everlook H\u00EDresebb goblinok: \n* Gazlowe-Ratchet vezet\u0151je. \n* Kryll-Hal\u00E1lsz\u00E1rny (Deathwing) szolg\u00E1ja. \n* Baron Revilgaz-Booty Bay-i quest ad\u00F3, Booty Bay vezet\u0151je. \n* Mogul Razdunk-A Venture co. vezet\u0151je. \n* Mida, a F\u0151n\u00F6k-Az orgrimmari goblin nyomornegyed vezet\u0151je \n* Jastor Gallywix-A Bilgewater Kartell keresked\u0151 hercege \n* Druz-Gallyvix helyettese \n* Marin Noggenfogger-Gatgetzan vezet\u0151je, a Noggenfogger ital n\u00E9vad\u00F3ja"@hu . . . . "6628"^^ . . . "An ugly green creature VAGY These goblins have grown strong VAGY an ugly goblin... bleurgh!\n----\nEgy cs\u00FAnya z\u00F6ld teremtm\u00E9ny VAGY Ezek a goblinok er\u0151sre n\u0151ttek VAGY egy cs\u00FAnya goblin... bleurgh!"@hu . "1"^^ . . "Goblins are small humanoid monsters. They vary in height from about 3 to 3 \u00BD feet and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed. They have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth. Their mouth contains small, but sharp fangs. Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red though nearly any shade of orange to yellow. Members of the same tribe tend to have the same skin color. Based on their ability scores the average goblin would be able to lift about 60 pounds over his head. Goblins wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward drab, soiled-looking colors. Goblins are small humanoids that many consider little more then a nuisance. However, if they are unchecked, their great numbers, rapid reproduction, and evil disposition enable them to overrun and despoil civilized areas. Goblins speak Goblin; those with Intelligence scores of 12 or higher also speak Common. Most goblins encountered outside their homes are warriors."@en . . . "Goblin skull"@cs . "\u2014Book of Prophecy \n* Weakness: Bomb \n* Pages: 81-82 \n* Original Title: Stone Goblin \n* Original Codes: Stone x3 \n* Mental Map Upgrade Gains: None/2nd upgrade/4x4 \n* Grana Plains 2, Plus Future Vision: \"Monsters on the Move!\" \n* Grana Plains 4 \n* Grana Plains 8 (Cutscene only) \n* Three-Way Road Ruins, Plus Future Vision: \"Goblin King Attack!\" \n* Grana Plains 14 \n* Hidden Meia 16 \n* Granatum Forest 1 \n* Q: What is the fat monster seen in the fields? A: Goblin \n* Q: When you first met Duran outside of the cemetary, what was he facing? A: Goblin"@en . . "37"^^ . . "They live in a small village that neighbors the Orc Village to the south."@en . "A Goblin is a short, emaciated-seeming humanoid, roughly the size of a halfling, and tend to be around three feet tall, with large, flat heads and long ears. Their skin tends to be leathery and grey, often wrinkled and covered in tiny scars, warts, and scabs. Goblins grow little if any hair, relying on their thick skin and huddling together in groups to keep warm. They have small, beady red eyes set close together over a little pug nose, above a hideously wide mouth lined with sharp little teeth. Goblins often dress in rags and scraps cast off by other humanoids and bear coarsely cobbled together equipment."@en . "0.0"^^ . . "Terra, Mort"@ca . . . . "No ill effects for any PCs; though goblin \"do not sit well\" with many PCs of most races."@en . "Idiomas"@pt . "2"^^ . "6000"^^ . "Level 11"@en . . "15"^^ . . "10"^^ . . . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "5"^^ . . "A Goblin is a fantasy creature. In The Lord of the Goblinstone, they are invaders from an unknown planet and take to war against the Devils to storm the planet Mondem."@en . "Behaves like Trolls but throw Small Stones and provide better items."@es . "1"^^ . "Goblin armour"@en . . . . . . . "13.0"^^ . "Sinister and devious, the goblins of the Kojan Archipelago are practitioners of magic without equal. Along with their orc clansmen, the magically adept goblins pose a very dangerous threat to the rest of Telon, a threat that is tempered only by the warfare between their clans. While goblins possess a potent link to the spiritual ancestors of their kind, it is in their ability to master any arcane art they lay hands on that the goblins display true power. No arcane secret remains so for long once it is in the hands of a goblin. The city of Martok is home to many goblins, along with their orc clansmen. As a clan they have blended together to not only survive, but form an army of such brutal efficiency, drive, and capability that none can stand before them. The goblins tend to enjoy gathering trinkets and discarded treasures from the orcs, and each other, with a curious drive to figure everything out. While viewed by other races as vicious, evil, and disgusting beings, the goblins are anything but. While they do indeed utilize any advantage they can against a foe in combat, they are a respected and respectful people to their friends and allies, the orcs. Goblins possess the drive and innate ability to make excellent Warriors, Rogues, Monks, Disciples, Shamans, Blood Mages, Sorcerers, Psionicists and Necromancers."@en . . . "Water"@en . "Los Goblins pueden ser encontrados en varios lugares, incluyendo: \n* Lumbridge - Mayormente al este del River Lum, pero tambi\u00E9n en el camino a Draynor (nivel 2) \n* Lumbridge Swamp (nivel 5) [2] \n* Goblin Village (nivel 5) \n* Port Sarim \n* En los alrededores del Digsite \n* Stronghold Of Security \n* Underground Pass \n* Goblin Cave \n* Coal Trucks \n* T\u00FAneles en el Myreque Hideout en Mort Myre \n* God Wars Dungeon \n* En la cueva cerca del observatory \n* Al Este de Gunnarsgrunn, Suroeste del Grand Exchange (nivel 5) \n* Ardougne \n* En el cruce de Draynor"@es . "1"^^ . "Goblins are green humanoid monsters in Fate."@en . "2"^^ . "no"@en . . "Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information"@en . . . . "Omnivore"@en . "V\u0161e"@cs . . . "9"^^ . "Observatory Quest online!"@en . "30"^^ . . "Enemy is alone"@en . "19"^^ . "9"^^ . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . "9"^^ . "Bones"@fi . . . . "Categoria"@pt . "322"^^ . . "Goblins are a highly intelligent race of small humanoids with long fingers and feet that coexist with the wizard world. Their diet consists of meat, roots and fungi. Goblins converse in a language known as Gobbledegook, and are adept metalsmiths notable for their silverwork; they even mint coins for wizarding currency. Due to their skills with money and finances, they control the wizarding economy to a large extent and run Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Goblins have their own type of magic and can do magic without a wand. They are represented by the Goblin Liaison Office of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic. Goblins are considered to be inferior by many wizards, who foolishly believe that the goblins are comfortable with that arrangement."@en . "-"@en . "Goblin's are not all that fast and are not at all good at hiting."@en . "5"^^ . "None"@en . . "V\u017Edy"@cs . . "Der gemeine Goblin geh\u00F6rt, zusammen mit den anderen Masseneinheiten, zu den kleinsten Einheiten, die es in Wailan gibt. F\u00FCr diesen Truppentyp gilt zumeist Masse statt Klasse, wie im Schere-Stein-Papier-Prinzip im Kampfsystem beschrieben wird. Von Furcht kann bei diesen Einheiten kaum die Rede sein, denn schon allein die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe, neben allen anderen Mali, vermag kaum jemanden zu erschrecken."@de . . "*Europe \n*North America"@en . . . "Jim Brading owns her after winning a scholarship to Oxford; he used to sail in her with his Uncle Bob. He says that his furthest voyage in Goblin was when Uncle Bob and I took her down to Falmouth and back one year .... Uncle Bob is coming on Monday and we're going to have a try for Scotland (WD1). He's coming cruising next week (WD2). When the Swallows went aboard her, John and Susan were to be first and second mate and Titty and Roger were to be able-seamen (WD3). Goblin's burgee (three-cornered flag at masthead) is bright blue and red and white (WD16)"@en . . "Os goblins s\u00E3o uma esp\u00E9cie baixa, feia e repelente. Sua pele varia do amarelo ao negro (em geral tem cor de terra), t\u00EAm dentes pontiagudos e rosto achatado, com olhos muito vermelhos que brilham na escurid\u00E3o. Vivem no subsolo e enxergam no escuro, como os an\u00F5es e elfos. Ao contr\u00E1rio de outros goblin\u00F3ides com os quais s\u00E3o aparentados, goblins podem ser encontrados n\u00E3o apenas em Lamnor, mas em praticamente qualquer ponto de Arton. Em regi\u00F5es selvagens, s\u00E3o pequenos monstros, vivendo de emboscadas e ataques covardes. Grandes grupos de goblins costumam estar sob o comando de um l\u00EDder ou mesmo um rei, que cavalga um grande lobo. Assim como os outros goblin\u00F3ides, foram criados por Ragnar e, no continente de Lamnor, s\u00E3o os mais baixos dentre os soldados da Alian\u00E7a Negra. Contudo, no Reinado os goblins s\u00E3o cidad\u00E3os \u2014 aceitos, mas v\u00EDtimas de grande preconceito. Costumam ser taxados de incompetentes, trapalh\u00F5es, burros e trapaceiros. Os goblins civilizados de Arton superam (ou suprimem) suas tend\u00EAncias maldosas, mesmo que continuem mesquinhos, covardes e ego\u00EDstas, e vivem de trabalhos que mais ningu\u00E9m aceita fazer. Fazem todo tipo de servi\u00E7o por baixo pre\u00E7o, mas sem grande efici\u00EAncia. Alimentam-se de restos, moram em favelas (como a Favela dos Goblins de Valkaria) e ainda assim amam e protegem a civiliza\u00E7\u00E3o. S\u00E3o raros os goblins aventureiros \u2014 a covardia natural da ra\u00E7a os impele para longe desse caminho. No entanto, aqueles que escolhem a vida de aventuras se valem de sua furtividade natural e falta de orgulho para triunfar em situa\u00E7\u00F5es adversas. Os goblins possuem dificuldades culturais em lidar com magia arcana. No entanto, s\u00E3o grandes inventores e engenhoqueiros, imitando muitos efeitos m\u00E1gicos com seus aparelhos esquisitos. Sua inven\u00E7\u00E3o mais famosa s\u00E3o os bal\u00F5es goblins. Os goblins possuem suas hist\u00F3rias e can\u00E7\u00F5es tradicionais pr\u00F3prias, como aquelas que falam do trapalh\u00E3o Loghog ou aquelas cantadas pela Banda dos Goblins de Valkaria."@pt . . "Sotto-razza degli Orchi"@it . "Imperial Guardsman; Hobgoblin .gif"@en . . . . "Goblin skull"@es . "Goblins are short, squatty creatures living in large colonies underground. Although they seem cowardly at first encounter, they tend to observe an adventurer and assess his (or her) weaknesses. Once they regain their courage, they tend to gang up on the unsuspecting hero. It is not advisable to go exploring a goblin hole unless accompanied by a party of Dwarves."@en . . . "Warrior"@en . . "Bronze arrow"@es . . . "any"@en . "Chaos rune"@es . "Beer"@cs . "1.0"^^ . "9966"^^ . . . . . "90"^^ . . . . . "No"@en . "No"@tl . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "50"^^ . "s\u00ED"@ca . . "Bronze sword"@fi . "Ssaki"@pl . "Goblin"@ja . "Todo"@es . "2.5"^^ . "N/A"@en . "temperate forest and plains"@en . "Iron dagger"@en . . "\"Goblin Attack Force\" and \"Goblin Calligrapher\" in the artwork of \"Attention!\""@en . "F\u00FCggetlen, Horda, Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g"@hu . "Goblins are small creatures from Earth Land which are capable of wielding makeshift weapons."@en . . . . . . . "Bucket"@en . "Bronze kiteshield"@en . . "A goblinok kis, z\u00F6ld (vagy s\u00E1rg\u00E1sz\u00F6ld), hegyes f\u00FCl\u0171, r\u00FAt l\u00E9nyek. Nagyon intelligensek, \u00E9rtenek a technik\u00E1hoz \u00E9s a m\u00E1gi\u00E1hoz egyar\u00E1nt. Egykor a R\u00E9gi Hord\u00E1hoz tartoztak, de m\u00E1ra m\u00E1r f\u00FCggetlen frakci\u00F3, mivel a r\u00E9gi horda feloszlott. Egy r\u00E9sz\u00FCk a horda oldal\u00E1n maradt(n\u00E9h\u00E1ny ogr\u00E9val \u00E9s egy\u00E9b hasonl\u00F3 l\u00E9nnyel). Remek \u00FCzleti \u00E9rz\u00E9k\u00FCk van. F\u0151v\u00E1rosuk Undermine, ami Kezan sziget\u00E9n tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3. Ismertebb goblin frakci\u00F3k/c\u00E9gek/stb: \n* Steamwheedle Cartel \n* Venture Co. \n* Bilgewater Cartel Goblin v\u00E1rosok: \n* Undermine \n* Gadgetzan \n* Area 52 \n* Booty Bay \n* Ratchet \n* Everlook"@hu . "New Quest Online - Part Three"@en . . "1.0"^^ . "0.0"^^ . . . . "A Goblin (G-ah-buh-lin) is a greedy, crabby, or mischievous creature. They are often described as a grotesquely disfigured gnome. In some cases goblins have been classified as constant annoying little creatures somewhat related with the fairies, a label in which they hate. They tend to sit on the shoulder of a Burnakk whispering into its ear and tricking it to do its bidding."@en . . . . . "Roderick Kingsley(Clone); Hobgoblin 01.png"@en . . . "Bronze kiteshield"@es . . "Bronze full helm"@cs . "Mega Man 2:"@en . "Goblin is an enemy within Breath of Fire III. It will focus its attacks according to the target the Boss Goblin Influenced."@en . "Spell_Goblin.png"@en . . "Iron full helm"@fi . . "Goblins can be found in various places, including: \n* Lumbridge - Mainly found on the east side of the River Lum, but can also be found near the path leading to Draynor Village/Wizards' Tower (level 2 with weakness against air spells) \n* Crossroads of Draynor Village (level 2 with weakness against air spells) \n* East of Gunnarsgrunn, south-west of the Grand Exchange (level 11 with weakness against water spells) \n* Goblin Village (level 5 with weakness against fire spells) \n* Port Sarim (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against air spells) \n* North of Ardougne (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against fire spells) \n* South of the Coal truck mining site (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against fire spells) \n* Underground Pass (levels 5 and 11 with weakness against air spells, with"@en . "Hobgoblin"@it . . "Level 2"@de . "13.0"^^ . "6.0"^^ . . "leather body"@en . . "A Goblin is a recurring enemy in the Mana series of games. In Secret of Mana, the Goblin is classified as a Dragon."@en . . . "Warpriest of Bandos helm"@fi . . . . "Walk"@en . "Grimy ranarr"@en . . "Counterblaze - 21 Turns"@en . . . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 3D7D52"@en . . "A spirit who has always appeared the exact double of Quinn Blackwood. Goblin has been with Quinn all his life and even tried to protect him whilst he was being attacked. Goblin's entire nature changed when Quinn left for a few years and was made a vampire. Goblin became violent and drained Quinn's blood whenever Quinn fed. It is discovered that Goblin is Gawain Blackwood, Quinn's dead twin brother, and is killed by Merrick Mayfair who in the process kills herself."@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . "n/a"@en . "black, brown , or none"@en . "6"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Prova de lluitar cos a cos fins que t\u00E9 la vida en vermell, aleshores fuig. En tot moment tira pedres petites."@ca . "15"^^ . "Spirit ruby"@en . . . "goblinoid"@en . "Beer"@en . . . "Umotivate"@en . . "Goblin Level: 41 HP: 2054 Aggro: <52"@en . "Kobolds"@en . "Earth talisman"@es . "-"@en . . "desconhecida"@pt . . . . . . . . "Goblin"@en . . "Leather body"@en . "Air rune"@cs . "Humanoids"@el . . "Iron dagger"@es . . "Various"@en . . "A soldier to the death."@en . . . "250"^^ . "Goblins were a race of monstrous humanoids that inhabited the same planet as the Elfins."@en . . . "Goblin God; April Parker 0003.jpg"@en . . "Tarukaja\nSukukaja\nMakakaja\nDekunda"@en . "Grimy tarromin"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "Goblins are the direct descendants of the presently extinct hobs who migrated to Granying from the continent several million years ago by ship. Hobs were the result of countless generations of dwarves and white elves struggling to survive in the inhospitable swamps of eastern Calendor, which became a single race through interbreeding. Many hobs followed the flow of the Badlands to the eastern coast of Calendor and emigrated the land, most being overcome by the ferocity of the Sea of Broken Dreams, and the lucky few that arrived in the new land called it \"great gift\" (gran nying in the ancestral hob dialect)."@en . "Goblins are usually depicted as small creatures, sometimes no taller than a few feet in height. Sometimes, even smaller still. They have large hands with long fingers, and also have Elf-like ears. According to legend, the males and females show little difference in appearance, making them almost sexually indistinguishable. Flat faced wide mouth with small, sharp fangs and broad nose .The skin colour depends on tribe most shades of yellow, orange, and deep red."@en . . "Goblin are Medium height and fair in size. They are fierce and vicous. Most goblin raiders ride Worgs in battle."@en . "God Wars Dungeon"@en . "A Goblinok szeretik a harcot, a h\u00E1bor\u00FAt \u00E9s a v\u00E9ront\u00E1st a vezet\u0151j\u00FCk keze alatt, akit \u0151k a \"Big High War God\" (\"A Nagy \u00E9s Magass\u00E1gos H\u00E1bor\u00FAisten\") n\u00E9ven emlegetnek (m\u00E1sn\u00E9ven Bandos). Az emberek uralma \u00F3ta a Goblinok csak a cs\u00EDnytev\u0151k szintj\u00E9re cs\u00FAsztak. \u0150ket egyszer\u0171, h\u00E1bor\u00FAszeret\u0151 konnyen vezethet\u0151, gyalogos katon\u00E1knak haszn\u00E1lta sok k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6z\u0151 entin\u00E1ns a j\u00E1t\u00E9k t\u00F6rt\u00E9nete alatt. Ezal\u00F3l kiv\u00E9tel a Dorgeshuun t\u00F6rzs, m\u00E1sn\u00E9ven a barlangi goblinok, akik m\u0171veltek, civiliz\u00E1ltak \u00E9s b\u00E9keszeret\u0151k."@hu . . "Warpriest of Bandos cuirass"@fi . . "138"^^ . "Bronze chainbody"@es . . . . . . "Humanoids"@es . "Bronze spear"@cs . "Coins"@en . "Giant Triad Member;Goblin 01.gif"@en . . "Varied colors"@en . . "140"^^ . . "Bronze square shield"@en . "Warpriest of Bandos boots"@fi . "For in-game purposes goblins are orcs including being subject to the effects of Sting and Orcrist. Their corpses are useful for orc characters since they can be sacrificed to convert altars to the chaotic alignment. They are usually peaceful to chaotic players."@en . . "\u03A4\u03BF Goblin \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B1\u03C1\u03BA\u03B5\u03C4\u03AC \u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03C1\u03CC\u03C4\u03B5\u03C1\u03BF \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC Orc, \u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC \u03B1\u03BD\u03C4\u03B9\u03C3\u03C4\u03B1\u03B8\u03BC\u03AF\u03B6\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF \u03BC\u03B5\u03B9\u03BF\u03BD\u03AD\u03BA\u03C4\u03B7\u03BC\u03B1 \u03BC\u03B5 \u03AC\u03B3\u03C1\u03B9\u03BF cunning \u03C0\u03BF\u03C5 \u03AD\u03C7\u03BF\u03C5\u03BD \u03AD\u03BB\u03BB\u03B5\u03B9\u03C8\u03B7 \u03C4\u03B1 \u03B1\u03B4\u03AD\u03BB\u03C6\u03B9\u03B1 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2. \u03A4\u03B1 Goblins \u03C6\u03BF\u03B2\u03B5\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03BF\u03BD\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03C3\u03C5\u03BD\u03B5\u03C7\u03CE\u03C2 \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03BA\u03C6\u03BF\u03B2\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B5 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF Orcs \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2 \u03AD\u03C7\u03B5\u03B9 \u03B1\u03BD\u03B1\u03B3\u03BA\u03AC\u03C3\u03B5\u03B9 \u03BD\u03B1 \u03B5\u03BE\u03B5\u03BB\u03B9\u03C7\u03B8\u03B5\u03AF \u03C3\u03C4\u03B1 sneaky \u03BA\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B4\u03CC\u03BB\u03B9\u03B1 \u03C0\u03BB\u03AC\u03C3\u03BC\u03B1\u03C4\u03B1 \u03B7 \u03C4\u03C9\u03BD \u03BF\u03C0\u03BF\u03AF\u03C9\u03BD \u03BA\u03C9\u03BC\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03B5\u03BC\u03C6\u03AC\u03BD\u03B9\u03C3\u03B7 \u03B4\u03B9\u03B1\u03C8\u03B5\u03CD\u03B4\u03B5\u03B9 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BA\u03B1\u03BA\u03CC\u03B2\u03BF\u03C5\u03BB\u03B7 \u03BD\u03BF\u03B7\u03BC\u03BF\u03C3\u03CD\u03BD\u03B7 \u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2. \u0391\u03C0\u03CC \u03C0\u03BF\u03BB\u03BB\u03AD\u03C2 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC\u03C8\u03B5\u03B9\u03C2 \u03C4\u03B1 Goblins \u03B5\u03AF\u03BD\u03B1\u03B9 \u03BF\u03B9 \u03B5\u03B3\u03BA\u03AD\u03C6\u03B1\u03BB\u03BF\u03B9 \u03C0\u03AF\u03C3\u03C9 \u03B1\u03C0\u03CC \u03C4\u03B7 \u03C6\u03C5\u03BB\u03B5\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE \u03BA\u03BF\u03B9\u03BD\u03C9\u03BD\u03AF\u03B1 greenskin."@el . "Bronze spear"@es . . "White"@en . . . "Goblin, Rome"@en . "Though most people associate them with Halloween, Jews, Internet trolls, orcs, Jews, and annoying movies that should never have left the box office, the Goblin is a real creature such as the Unicorn and the Liger. It lives mainly off of meat, but will occasionally show omnivorous tendancies when food is scarce. They prefer to live mainly in boggy areas, such as Florida, Nothern Europe, and the inside of the lead singer from the newly formed band The Lonely Island's pants. Because of humans building out of control, the Goblin habitat has been dangerousl ycut back on, and many reports say that Goblins have been steadily adapting to city life, living in dingy areas like rats. Also because of this, they have been moved to the endangered species list, landing place number 2305. They are also, by and large, much smarter then you."@en . "Small"@en . . . "Goblins are native to The Bronze Rock Mountains. They are easily mistaken for Orcs from a distance, although they are nearly 1 foot smaller and not neraly as buff. They attack by destroying everything with spears or short swords. They also throw rocks and sometimes attack with axes."@en . . "Fire talisman"@fi . "Very Low"@en . "Level 5"@de . "Goblins"@en . . . . . "Earth rune"@es . "Grimy irit"@fi . "Grimy cadantine"@fi . "-"@en . "2001-01-04"^^ . . . . . "Agi\nParaladi\nLullaby"@en . . . "1250"^^ . . "Mind talisman"@fi . "-"@en . "9"^^ . . "3"^^ . "13.0"^^ . "Goblins are Winter Court fae. They were among Mab's troops in Summer Knight."@en . "55716"^^ . . . "Jerome Sierra"@en . "Uncommon"@es . "Yes"@cs . "Goblin"@en . . "10"^^ . "Chaos rune"@fi . "n/a"@en . "Grimy harralander"@es . . . . . "Nem"@hu . "14"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "File:0.pngFile:0_f.png"@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . . "<=200"@en . . "6"^^ . . "26"^^ . "7"^^ . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "\"Deep within planet-stone mines you will find Goblins at work. These hard working and sometimes troublesome people are employed in fields of intense physcal [sic] labor due to their immense strength and strong work ethic. Just don't piss one off.\""@en . "__NOWYSIWYG__"@es . "2"^^ . "Goblins"@es . "3"^^ . "desconhecidos"@pt . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Gnomish , and any language to barter effectively."@en . "24"^^ . . "5.0"^^ . "Mortal"@en . "12"^^ . "Goblins are a common monster for new players to train on. There are many wandering around in Lumbridge, where players start, so they are commonly one of the first monsters players will ever kill. They are great monsters to train on because they are weak, making them easy to kill. Although these monsters are great to train on and gain profit from at lower levels, not many players kill them."@en . . "-15"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "-"@en . "6"^^ . "13.0"^^ . "desde 10 hasta 14"@es . "styl slash"@pl . . "0"^^ . "Earth rune"@cs . . . "1"^^ . . . "100"^^ . "Goblin(\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3)\u306FGreenskins(\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3)\u306E\u4E00\u65CF\u3067\u3001Ork(\u30AA\u30FC\u30AF)\u306E \u3044\u3068\u3053 \u306B\u3042\u305F\u308B\u7A2E\u65CF\u3060\u3002\u30AA\u30FC\u30AF\u304C\u76F4\u63A5\u7684\u306A\u66B4\u529B\u3092\u597D\u3080\u306E\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u9593\u63A5\u7684\u306A\uFF08\u81EA\u5206\u304C\u5B89\u5168\u3060\u3068\u601D\u3048\u308B\u4F4D\u7F6E\u304B\u3089\u306E\uFF09\u66B4\u529B\u3092\u597D\u3080\u3002\u4F53\u683C\u304C\u3068\u3066\u3082\u5C0F\u3055\u304F\u8CA7\u76F8\u306A\u8EAB\u4F53\u3092\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u53CD\u9762\u3001\u3059\u3070\u3057\u3063\u3053\u304F\u3001\u307E\u305F\u5C11\u3057\u3070\u304B\u308A\u306A\u304C\u3089\u3082\u77E5\u80FD\u3068\u5668\u7528\u3055\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u305D\u306E\u305F\u3081\u3001\u5F7C\u3089\u306F\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3\u793E\u4F1A\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u88CF\u65B9\u4F5C\u696D\u5168\u822C\u3092\u62C5\u3063\u3066......\u3044\u3084\u3001\u62C5\u308F\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002"@ja . . "298.47"^^ . . "A goblin stands 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds. Its eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to yellow. A goblin\u2019s skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of a single tribe are about the same color. Goblins wear clothing of dark leather, tending toward drab, soiled-looking colors. Goblins speak Goblin; those with Intelligence scores of 12 or higher also speak Common. Most goblins encountered outside their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level."@en . "Trade Prince Steamwheedle"@nl . "Beer"@en . . "Goblin was the common term for members of the Bakemono race."@en . . "11"^^ . . . "-"@en . "2003-03-17"^^ . "Be careful in Rookgaard, because they can hit hard! You can hunt them profitable from Level 6 with decent equipment. In Mainland they were usually hunted for Small Stones that is the Paladin's popular light training weapon. After update 8.5 small stones drop rate was drastically reduced, as a direct result, goblins are not a popular hunt anymore"@es . "1125"^^ . "Iron arrow"@fi . "8"^^ . "Level 10"@en . "legend or myth"@en . "7"^^ . "84"^^ . "5"^^ . "No"@es . . "0.0"^^ . "Bronze longsword"@en . . "thumb|Carta Goblin frame|left|Goblin Goblins s\u00E3o criaturas imagin\u00E1rias de diversas mitologias e folclores, com caracter\u00EDsticas diferentes em parte deles."@pt . . . "Staff of air"@fi . "Grimy dwarf weed"@en . . . "Los Goblin son peque\u00F1os seres verdes (a veces de tonalidad amarilla) con una gran inteligencia aunque a menudo unida a un escaso sentido com\u00FAn. Los pr\u00EDncipes mercantes gobiernan sobre varios c\u00E1rteles comerciales alrededor del mundo desde la ciudad de Undermine en la isla de Kezan donde gestionan sus ej\u00E9rcitos y flotas mercantes. A pesar de que su actividad principal es el comercio, disponen de ramas dedicadas a la miner\u00EDa, deforestaci\u00F3n, tr\u00E1fico de esclavos y la caza furtiva."@es . . "Goblins are small humanoids that many consider little more than a nuisance, however if they are left unchecked, their great numbers coupled with a rapid reproduction ability and evil disposition enable them to overrun civilised areas. A goblin stands roughly 3-3.5ft tall and weighs 40-45 pounds. They usually have dull, glazed eyes that vary in colour from red to yellow, with their skin colour ranging from the same hues. All members of a single tribe are usually the same colour. Goblins prefer to wear clothing of dark leather, tending towards drab, soiled-looking colours. Goblins speak Goblin, although more intelligent members of a tribe speak Common."@en . "156"^^ . "-1"^^ . . . . . . "Level 8"@de . . . . "no"@cs . . "Low"@en . . . "Femor Hills, north east of Carlin, Edron Goblin Cave, Rookgaard , Maze of Lost Souls and Fenrock."@es . . "marroncino"@it . "N/A"@en . . "Normal"@en . "Spirit sapphire"@fi . . "GII: 5/5, GII:NK: 5/5"@pl . "65"^^ . "Goblins are green humanoid monsters in Fate."@en . "poikkeuksellisen harvinainen"@fi . "Very Common"@en . "0"^^ . "Short, agile, flat face, persuasive personality, stealthy, deceitful, small fangs, pointed ears"@en . "Goblins are small, weak humanoids who have learned to exploit what advantages they have over bigger, meaner races: their numbers and malicious ingenuity."@en . . . . . "80"^^ . "-"@en . "Yellow to red"@en . . . "no"@sv . . . "Melee, Ranged, Magic"@en . "Chef's hat"@fi . . . "When Jadis learned of Aslan's intent to wage war on her, she sent her wolves to gather her most faithful followers, which included the Goblins, and raise her own army. When the Centaur Oreius led his troops in to rescue Edmund, at the White Witch's camp, a goblin turned around and hissed at him. The Goblins were also present at the sacrifice of Aslan at the Stone Table, and fought during the First Battle of Beruna."@en . "They are smaller than men with blue-green tinged skins. They have thick browridges with sloping foreheads, topped by thick black hair. Their huge around eyes, are yellow with black irises. They wear long fang-like teeth."@en . "0.0"^^ . . . . . "Goblin je monstrum jako ostatn\u00ED. Toto monstrum je st\u0159edn\u011B nebezpe\u010Dn\u00E9. Pokud je s\u00E1m, je skoro ne\u0161kodn\u00FD. Jeho v\u00FDhoda je, \u017Ee um\u00ED st\u0159\u00EDlet na st\u0159edn\u00ED d\u00E1lku. Pokud je ale v houfu tak m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt a\u017E smrteln\u011B nebezpe\u010Dn\u00FD. \u010Casto b\u00FDv\u00E1 s Bwork Magusem nebo Bworkem a jin\u00FDmi Bworky. Pokud jste bez ochrany m\u016F\u017Ee ubrat kolem 18 HP pokud jste ale s obranou, tak ubere jen 9-13. Kdy\u017E m\u00E1te men\u0161\u00ED obranu, tak v\u00E1m ubere v\u00EDc a pokud v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED tak naopak. P\u016Fm\u011Br jeho HP je 80."@cs . "G: 40, GII: 20, GII:NK: 20"@pl . "Knockers"@en . . . . "[[Bild:Goblin.jpg|thumb|200px|Goblin aus dem Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani PnP RPG. Zeichnung von Jaros\u0142aw Musia\u0142.]] Ein Goblin ist ein kleinw\u00FCchsiges humanoides Wesen und z\u00E4hlt zu den H\u00F6hlenkreaturen. In dem Pen&Paper RGP Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani werden Goblins und Gnome Kobolde genannt. Im PnP RPG sind ebenfalls sie menschenartige Wesen, die grausam, hinterh\u00E4ltig und b\u00F6sartig sind und in H\u00F6hlen leben. Sie meiden das Tageslicht und kommen nur nachts aus ihren unterirdischen Behausungen."@de . "Goblin to jedna z ras postaci wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w uniwersum Might and Magic. Najcz\u0119\u015Bciej jednak jest spotykany jest jako przeciwnik w wielu grach z serii.W brytyjskich ba\u015Bniach i legendach, goblin to z\u0142e lub jedynie z\u0142o\u015Bliwe stworzenie, zazwyczaj opisywane jako brzydkie i groteskowe. Jednym z rodzaj\u00F3w goblin\u00F3w s\u0105 s\u0105 hobgobliny - w ba\u015Bniach przedstawiane jako przyjazny rodzaj goblin\u00F3w, za\u015B w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci gier fantasy (w tym MM) - jako wi\u0119ksza, gro\u017Aniejsza ich odmiana."@pl . "Clue scroll"@cs . "6"^^ . "Loot: gold(0-40),Throwing Stones(0-8 semi-rare),wooden shield(rare),Dagger(semi-rare),Small Axe(very-rare) Return Creatures"@en . . "Plains"@en . "9"^^ . "Water, Fire"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "Goblin G1 .png"@pl . . . "It is an artificial shade that belonged to a general in the army of nene. KilerBat faced and then was defeated by BlueDragon on their first appearance."@en . . "Nem"@hu . "Male"@en . . "Goblin"@en . . "-"@en . "\uACE0\uBE14\uB9B0"@en . . . "Turael, Spria"@en . "22"^^ . . . . . "A cursed race."@en . "Bronze scimitar"@es . "Unknown"@en . "desde 70 hasta 90"@es . . "125"^^ . . . "Goblin"@en . . "16"^^ . . . "Bronze helm"@en . "Knife"@en . . "Temperate"@en . "Level 10"@de . "Goblin"@hu . . . . . "-"@en . "Attacks in an X pattern with 4 small elemental lasers."@en . . . "Apr\u00EDt\u00F3, Ut\u00E1sz, B\u00E1dogos, G\u0151zharcos,\nTechno-m\u00E1gus,Pil\u00F3ta,Kal\u00F3z,T\u00FCz\u00E9r,\nPotion doc, \u00D6k\u00F6lv\u00EDv\u00F3, Gyalogos,\nHal\u00E1llovag, Vad\u00E1sz, M\u00E1gus, Pap,\nZsiv\u00E1ny, S\u00E1m\u00E1n, Harcos, \nBoszork\u00E1nymester, K\u00E1rty\u00E1s"@hu . "Chef's hat"@cs . "1.5"^^ . "Green"@en . . "1"^^ . "Many"@en . "1"^^ . "Trivial"@en . . "Friend"@en . "Knife"@cs . "Deal [2+Magic] damage to an enemy. Gain an extra turn."@en . . . . . "Various depictions of goblins."@en . "Martin Tate"@en . . "Yellow to red"@en . . "Goblins exist as far as two million years ago and were responsible for imprisoning a Djinni in a mythic cup. They, however, were forced into hiding along with the rest of the magical community because of the human fear of magic[citation needed]."@en . "Escape"@en . "250"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Goblin is a costumed criminal."@en . . . "Grimy guam"@es . . . . . . "32"^^ . . . "Slayer Challenges"@en . "Fire"@en . . . "Goblin"@ca . "100"^^ . . "Goblins can be found in various places, including: \n* Lumbridge - Mainly found on the east side of the River Lum, but can also be found near the path leading to Draynor Village/Wizards' Tower (level 2) \n* Lumbridge Swamp (level 5) [2] \n* Goblin Village (level 5) \n* Port Sarim (levels 2 & 4) \n* Around the Digsite (level 11) \n* Stronghold Of Security (levels 5, 6 & 7) \n* Underground Pass (levels 5 & 11) \n* Goblin Cave (levels 1 & 2) \n* South of the Coal Trucks (levels 1 & 2) \n* Holes in Myreque Hideout in Mort Myre (levels 2, 5 & 11) \n* God Wars Dungeon (level 84) \n* Observatory Dungeon (levels 2 & 5) \n* East of Gunnarsgrunn, south-west of the Grand Exchange (level 11) \n* North of Ardougne (levels 1 & 2) \n* Crossroads of Draynor Village (level 2) \n* Turael and Spria's Slayer challenge (levels 1, 5 and 11)"@en . . . "40"^^ . "10.0"^^ . "3"^^ . "Goblin book"@cs . . . "Medium/High"@en . "30"^^ . . . "3264"^^ . "Goblin is monster #27 from the Series 1 figures."@en . . . . "Warpriest of Bandos helm"@en . . . . . "-"@en . . "Gram Slice\\Innate\nLunge\\4"@en . "For in-game purposes goblins are orcs including being subject to the effects of Sting and Orcrist. Their corpses are useful for orc characters since they can be sacrificed to convert altars to the chaotic alignment. They are usually peaceful to chaotic players."@en . "Watch Dogs"@en . "0"^^ . "S\u00ED"@es . "Bronze sword"@cs . . . . . . "Ko"@da . . . "4"^^ . . "Caves, mountainous regions, human settlements, etc."@en . . . . "Earth"@en . . "40"^^ . . . "Small"@en . "Nem"@hu . "Tin ore"@cs . . "Cabbage"@es . "No"@tl . "Cape"@cs . . "Puchi Goburin"@en . "Goblins zijn over het algemeen zwakke monsters die populair zijn om combat te trainen voor spelers met lagere combat levels, ze zijn zeker handig als melee training."@nl . . "Goblins are aggressive creatures, roughly half the height of humans. They can be found in various locations and almost always carry very little personally in the way of possessions, such as a few coin, a bullet, or a fork. In goblin camps or dens (when they establish themselves in caves), chests are sometimes found protecting items of somewhat greater value. It is very common for goblins to be found in the same locations as gnomes, although they are curiously absent from Risen 2: Dark Waters, while gnomes are found in all three games."@en . . "0"^^ . . . . "Goblin Shaman"@en . "Grimy tarromin"@fi . . "Wilder parts of the Northern Kingdoms"@en . "60"^^ . "Grimy cadantine"@cs . . "Goblin is a Mercenary who appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat"@en . . . "Goblins are by far the most common of the goblinoid races (i.e., lesser Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Black Orcs, and Snotlings). They love to inflict pain and suffering on other creatures, and squabble amongst themselves if they have no one else to fight. Lacking fighting discipline, they make very poor warriors and often run away at the first opportunity. In spite of their numbers, Goblins are so disunited and undisciplined that they rarely present anything other than a transitory threat to Human settlements. Their favorite mounts are Wolves or Boars."@en . . "Goblin"@es . . "Goblin book"@es . "An ugly green creature"@en . "10"^^ . "De goblins (offici\u00EBle vertaling: kobolden) Categorie:Artikelen met een offici\u00EBle vertaling zijn kleine, groene wezens die op het eiland Kezan leven."@nl . "Aunque no es una Caracteristica del Goblin este Monstruo Dropa La piel de Goblin La cual sirve para una mision La cual Obtienes 30kk y 42000 xp la mision la encuntras en -4,6 blando con bworkespin ;D"@es . . . "Demogoblin; Demogoblin from Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 94 0001.jpg"@en . "16"^^ . "It was originally thought that goblins were merely the runts of the Orc populations, but later it was confirmed that they are indeed a distinct species. What has been obvious from the first notice of these sad creatures is their dismal fate. They are kicked around by anyone above them in the Orc hierarchy, which is to say everyone. They get no respect from Orcs, Ogres, or Lizardmen, and even their Wolf mounts have been known to turn on goblins if they get a bit hungry. Some Goblins accept this fate, and they can be found doing the most menial tasks in the Barbarian villages. Most however channel this abuse into hatred for the outside world, and they are sent out ahead of Orc war bands to cause mayhem where ever they can. Woe to the worker or scout that is ambushed by a group of these gobli"@en . "3'"@en . . "* Fire Formation - Tenki\n* Fire Formation - Tensu\n* Forbidden Chalice\n* Magic Planter\n* Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force\n* Recurring Nightmare\n* Reinforcement of the Army\n* The Warrior Returning Alive"@en . . . "5"^^ . "Humanoid"@en . "Goblinit ovat sekasiki\u00F6it\u00E4 jotka hypp\u00E4\u00E4v\u00E4t taureenin perseest\u00E4 ku se v\u00E4\u00E4nt\u00E4\u00E4 paskaa talos takana t\u00E4ll\u00E4ki hetkell\u00E4. Ne vittu syntyy siit\u00E4, ku sellane vitunmoinen taureeni m\u00E4rehtii vihiriet\u00E4 heinee pihalla ja imasee v\u00E4h\u00E4n paskaa, ett\u00E4 tulloo varmasti paskanvihiri\u00E4 j\u00E4lkikasvu! ja kaikki alkoi siit\u00E4, kun taureeni erehtyi maistamaan ihmisen m\u00E4llill\u00E4 kuorrutettua hein\u00E4\u00E4. mahtava historia t\u00E4ll\u00E4 jalolla, paskanvihre\u00E4ll\u00E4 kansalla. Sitten ne jurpot eksy jonneki saareele ja kuoli sinne Loppu perekele Luokka:Rodut"@fi . "Goblins"@sv . . "The origin of the word \"goblin\" is unknown. It may derive either from the German Kobold or the Welsh coblynau, both of which refer to ghostly creatures, similar to poltergeists, which are said to enjoy playing tricks on people and to irritate them by making noises. Goblins are often depicted as being similar in appearance to humans but with exaggerated features, such as large noses and large pointed ears. Their skin may be an unusual color, such as green. Goblins are usually imagined as being small. Depending on the story, they may be slightly shorter than the average person or they may be only a few inches tall, making them almost invisible to the naked eye. They are sometimes said to possess magical powers. Goblins are often said to be mischievous and sometimes to be thoroughly evil. In some stories, goblins are depicted as greedy, money-loving creatures. Another type of goblin is the hobgoblin, which is most often depicted as a separate entity, sometimes evolved from regular goblins in some manner. Sometimes goblins are also interchangeable with imps."@en . . "8"^^ . "Goblins are the creatures who run Gringotts bank. They are short creatures, with very long fingers and feet, swarthy faces, and are often bearded."@en . . "Goblins are a criminal race in Erion who constantly engage in acts of violence and thievery. They are actually Pookas who have become evil over time. They served King Valentine for a time following his return to the world. A number of them became merchants, selling their wares to whoever would buy them, though it's likely their wares were not obtained legitimately."@en . . "9843"^^ . . . "Sling"@es . "0"^^ . "Goblin Underground; Goblin Underground 001.jpeg"@en . "~60 lbs."@en . . "yes"@sv . "Lily Hollister; LilyMenace.jpg"@en . . . . . . "goblin"@en . . . "215"^^ . . . . . . "Goblin (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin?), also known as Air Tikki in the Mega Man 2 instruction manual for the U.S., is an indestructible giant goblin head that appears in Air Man's stage. Its horns lift slowly and periodically to damage enemies, and if an enemy stays on its head, it will use small versions of himself (Petit Goblin, see below) to remove them. It was originally used in a robot circus. The Time Stopper is a good weapon to use on it, as it will prevent its horns from rising and it won't release Petit Goblins, making passage across them easier. __TOC__"@en . "Roderick Kingsley; Hobgoblin002.jpg"@en . "25.8"^^ . . "*Green goblin\n*Yellow goblins\n*Brown goblins\n*Nilbogs\n*South Goblins"@en . "18"^^ . . "?"@en . . . "No"@es . "Goblins"@en . "Bronze full helm"@fi . "According to legend, the Pandorica was the prison of a warrior or goblin who dropped out of the sky and tore the world apart until a \"good wizard\" tricked it and locked it up. River Song remarked that the good wizard had likely been the Doctor himself. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) In his speech to the Clerics in which he told them that the Eleventh Doctor was a living breathing man, Colonel Manton said that the Doctor was not, among other things, a goblin. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) Christina Rossetti's poem \"Goblin Market\" referred to goblins. Dee Dee Blasco quoted the poem."@en . "G: 60, GII: 30, GII:NK: 30, G3: 50, G3:ZB: 50"@pl . . . . "Goblins are human-like creatures that live in small tribes in the hills in the centre of Tibia. They are ugly, stinking beings that mainly live on tubers and roots. They are weak but cunning fighters and use their slings to ambush and rob travellers."@en . . . "Primeira Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . "7200.0"^^ . "Goblin King; Goblin King .jpg"@en . "Ensouled goblin head"@en . . . . . "Jerome Sierra is a character in the series Ara\u00F1a."@en . "Grimy ranarr"@cs . . "Grimy marrentill"@en . . "They are found mainly in Daventry. The mangy race is typically dumb, slow, and weak. They attack with clubs (often made out of bones). They present themselves as nice targets to novice adventurers. Goblins returned to Daventry during the cataclysm, and attacked Connor forcing him to defend himself. Connor met his first goblin roving near Sarah's House and he used is bare fists to defeat it. He killed another one near his house after he picked up his Dagger. He disposed of more near the lake shore, and river. He had no idea whence came the foul creatures, believing a madness covered the land. The swamp witch had been preparing Goblin tartar in her Witch's Tower."@en . "110.0"^^ . . . "Iron full helm"@cs . "For instance, the Night Goblins live in cave systems deep underground, and have a strong aversion to sunlight.[2a] The Forest Goblins are known to dwell almost exclusively within the forest, hence their namesake, where their primitive lifestyle and constant worship of spiders makes them an all too common threat for many lumber communities within the Old World.[1d] The turquoise-skinned Gnoblar are a distinct off-shoot of the Goblin race that have settled within the mountainous regions of the East alongside their Ogre overlords. But perhaps the smallest and most pathetic of the Goblin species are the Snotlings, creatures so dull-witted and simple in their behavior that they serve no purpose in Greenskin society other than as pets or emergency food.[1e] The Common Goblin, or Plain Goblin can vary greatly in size and habits, but all of them are universally small, scrawny, nimble, and evil-minded.[1c] Since most Orcs are too lazy or dull-witted to do anything other than fighting, Goblins are often used as the primary labor force for many Greenskin tribes, often doing menial acts and labors such as hunting, building, herding and crafting.[1a] While they lack the size and brute strength of the Orcs, they are considerably far more cunning and intelligent by comparison. Goblins possess just enough intelligence to craft simple tools and build crude buildings, traits that are usually nonexistent to most Orcs within a tribe. Nevertheless, due to their weak and cowardly behavior in a society that only respects strength and brutality, Goblins naturally don't possess a powerful position within Orc dominated tribes."@en . "A Goblin is a recurring enemy in the Mana series of games. In Secret of Mana, the Goblin is classified as a Dragon."@en . . . . . "nie"@pl . . "An ugly, green creature."@en . . . "4.0"^^ . "Steel helm"@fi . . "3"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . "Grimy lantadyme"@cs . "Goblins"@es . "Yes"@en . . . . . "Body rune"@es . . "It was originally thought that goblins were merely the runts of the Orc populations, but later it was confirmed that they are indeed a distinct species. What has been obvious from the first notice of these sad creatures is their dismal fate. They are kicked around by anyone above them in the Orc hierarchy, which is to say everyone. They get no respect from Orcs, Ogres, or Lizardmen, and even their Wolf mounts have been known to turn on goblins if they get a bit hungry. Some Goblins accept this fate, and they can be found doing the most menial tasks in the Barbarian villages. Most however channel this abuse into hatred for the outside world, and they are sent out ahead of Orc war bands to cause mayhem where ever they can. Woe to the worker or scout that is ambushed by a group of these goblins."@en . . "Obscure creatures associated with Darkness. \n* They were saved from destruction from Zorak Zoran by Xiola Umbar \n* They are found in the Anatasy Isles \n* The Grazers associated them with Kanvak whol also rules Trolls, Demons and Shadows \n* Goblins have also been associated with Red Elves \n* The Voyans are also known as Sea Goblins Sources: Cult Compendium, Guide to Glorantha"@en . . "Grapes"@en . "gestiscono la Gringott"@it . "Criaturas de la monta\u00F1a"@es . . . "250"^^ . "They are smaller than men with blue-green tinged skins. They have thick browridges with sloping foreheads, topped by thick black hair. Their huge around eyes, are yellow with black irises. They wear long fang-like teeth."@en . . . . . . "Carnivouruos"@en . . . . "-"@en . . "They are also used for Level Grinding by noobs who have no final fantasy skillz. They often come in groups. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Goblin Enchanter"@en . "Barton Hamilton; Green Goblin003.jpg"@en . . . "amc\u0131klar toplulu\u011Fu"@en . "Goblin is a Demi-Human monster in the MMORPG Elder Tale."@en . "Little demihumans that build villages and live in places such as caves. The art appears to show a child, but this is a mature adult. Their bodies do not grow any bigger than this. Unbefitting of their little bodies, they have the power to lift enormous weapons with ease, they are even a bit clever. However, they are childish on the inside and they had a foolish, simple side. They like mischief and that is what they use their wits for."@en . . . "Rockman Megamix"@en . . "Goblin; Green goblin .jpg"@en . "Goblins enjoy fighting, wars and bloodshed, based on the commandments of their god, who they refer to as \"Big High War God\" (known to others as Bandos). Since the dominance of humans, goblins have been reduced to merely causing mischief. They are depicted as simple minded, warlike and easily controlled, and they have been used as basic foot soldiers by many different entities throughout the game's history. The exception is the Dorgeshuun tribe, also called cave goblins, who are portrayed as being educated, civil and peace loving."@tl . "290"^^ . "Bronze"@en . . "Goblin Princess; Excalibur Vol 1 7 Back Cover.jpg"@en . "\"-... \u00E9s amikor hal\u00E1lrasz\u00E1ntan elfoglaltuk \u00E1ll\u00E1sainkat, napkelet fel\u0151l felbukkant egy rettenetes fekete sereg. A d\u00FCb\u00F6rg\u00E9s\u00FCkt\u0151l megmozdult a f\u00F6ld a talpunk alatt, \u00E9s az eget elhom\u00E1lyos\u00EDtotta a por. amit a pat\u00E1s d\u00F6g\u00F6k ezrei vertek. A vez\u00E9r\u00FCk, egy v\u00F6r\u00F6sen izz\u00F3 tekintet\u0171 d\u00E9monlovas, rohamra k\u00FCldte ellen\u00FCnk a katon\u00E1it, \u00E9s h\u00E1t ekkora t\u00FAler\u0151 l\u00E1tt\u00E1n, noha er\u0151m \u00E9s b\u00E1tors\u00E1gom legend\u00E1s, hiszen nem ok n\u00E9lk\u00FCl neveznek engem, a h\u0151s Gron Takit, a Seregek Ostor\u00E1t, az Istenekkel Csat\u00E1z\u00F3, Warg\u00F6l\u0151, Hatalmasokat Ig\u00E1z\u00F3, Orkm\u00E9sz\u00E1rl\u00F3 Gron Takit, akit...- El\u00E9g lesz vakarcs. Fogd be! - A kapit\u00E1nyhoz fordult: - Ha j\u00F3l \u00E9rtem, egy tucatnyi ilanori lovas tart erre, kelet fel\u0151l.P.sz. 3696, Valahol Magras k\u00F6rny\u00E9k\u00E9n\" Eg\u00E9sz Yneven elterjedt elfszab\u00E1s\u00FA faj. Igen alacsony termet\u0171ek, alig \u00E9rik el az egy ynevi l\u00E1b magass\u00E1got. B\u0151r\u00FCk sz\u00EDne rasszonk\u00E9nt v\u00E1ltoz\u00F3, az avarsz\u00EDn\u0171t\u0151l a narancsv\u00F6r\u00F6sig terjed\u0151 spektrumon bel\u00FCl. Szem\u00FCk szint\u00E9n a s\u00E1rga valamely \u00E1rnyalat\u00E1ban j\u00E1tszik. Arcuk az emberi arc elnagyolt von\u00E1sait viseli, sz\u00E1juk sz\u00E9les, szem\u00FCk nagy, f\u00FCl\u00FCk apr\u00F3, olykor hegyesek \u00E9s/vagy el\u00E1ll\u00F3ak. Rendk\u00EDv\u00FCli m\u00F3don t\u00E1rsas l\u00E9nyek, \u00E1ltal\u00E1ban b\u0151besz\u00E9d\u0171ek, gyors \u00E9szj\u00E1r\u00E1s\u00FAak. R\u00F6vid \u00E9let\u00FCket (40 \u00E9vn\u00E9l ritk\u00E1n adatik sz\u00E1mukra t\u00F6bb), hihetetlen temp\u00F3ban \u00E9lik, mely a legt\u00F6bb faj sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra t\u00FAl csapong\u00F3 \u00E9s kaotikus. Igazi t\u00FAl\u00E9l\u0151k, hamar feltal\u00E1lj\u00E1k magukat b\u00E1rmilyen k\u00F6rnyezetben. Mi\u00F3ta kiker\u00FCltek Orwella befoly\u00E1sa al\u00F3l (aki a tudom\u00E1ny hetedkori \u00E1ll\u00E1sa szerint nem megalkotta, csup\u00E1n m\u00E9rt\u00E9ktelen\u00FCl elszapor\u00EDtotta \u0151ket), jobb\u00E1ra kit\u00E9rnek az orkok \u00E9s egy\u00E9b elfszab\u00E1s\u00FAak \u00FAtj\u00E1b\u00F3l, a vel\u00FCk val\u00F3 \u00E9rintkez\u00E9s legink\u00E1bb a peremter\u00FCleteken jellemz\u0151 csak. Legismertebb sz\u00E1ll\u00E1ster\u00FClet\u00FCk Gro-Ugonban tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3 (ahov\u00E1 az orkok el\u0151tt, igazi honfoglal\u00F3kk\u00E9nt \u00E9rkeztek), de az \u00C9szaknyugati Vadont\u00F3l az El\u00E1tkozott Vid\u00E9ken \u00E1t a Rossz F\u00F6ldekig sz\u00E1mos zugban megtal\u00E1lhat\u00F3k. S\u0151t a D\u00E9lvid\u00E9kre is eljutottak, \u00E1m ott sokkal szorv\u00E1nyosabb az el\u0151fordul\u00E1suk, sokuk Kr\u00E1n rabszolg\u00E1ja. A Kyria buk\u00E1s\u00E1t okoz\u00F3 \u00F6tsz\u00E1z\u00E9ves h\u00E1bor\u00FAban voltak utolj\u00E1ra elegen ahhoz, hogy seregk\u00E9nt vonuljanak hadba... de nemigen telt \u00F6r\u00F6m\u00FCk benne. A feljegyz\u00E9sek szerint csup\u00E1n egyszer siker\u00FClt egyfajta \u00E1llamot l\u00E9trehozniuk, ez volt a Gro szabad\u00E1llam, a Hetedkor hajnal\u00E1n, \u00E1m k\u00E9r\u00E9sz\u00E9lett\u0171nek bizonyult, \u00E9s elbukott. Vall\u00E1si \u00E9let\u00FCk nem meglep\u0151 m\u00F3don, szint\u00E9n kaotikus. Az orkokhoz, hasonl\u00F3an Orwell\u00E1t gy\u0171l\u00F6lik, b\u00E1r olykor h\u00EDrad\u00E1sok \u00E9rkeznek olyan t\u00F6rzsekr\u0151l, melyek a K\u00E1rhozat Asszony\u00E1nak mutatnak be \u00E1ldozatot. A legt\u00F6bben persze Menegle h\u00EDvei, de opportunist\u00E1k l\u00E9v\u00E9n egy\u00E9b haland\u00F3, szellemi \u00E9s isteni l\u00E9nyeket is k\u00F6vethetnek. M\u00E1gi\u00E1juk teljesen prof\u00E1n, foh\u00E1szaikn\u00E1l szitkaik is t\u00F6bb szakr\u00E1lis energi\u00E1t termelnek - inn\u00E9t a k\u00F6zkelet\u0171 t\u00E9vhit, hogy tulajdon b\u00E1lv\u00E1nyaikat sem tisztelik. Az \u00FAn. kalandoz\u00F3-k\u00F3r ritk\u00E1n \u00FCti fel k\u00F6z\u00F6tt\u00FCk a fej\u00E9t, s\u0151t szinte soha. Viszont a Hetedkor, egyik legh\u00EDresebb kalandoz\u00F3ja Graum Hedgrok m\u00E9gis k\u00F6z\u00FCl\u00FCk ker\u00FClt ki. Forr\u00E1s: Alapk\u00F6nyv; \u00DAj Tekercsek; G\u00E1sp\u00E1r Andr\u00E1s k\u00F6zl\u00E9sei \u00EDr\u00F3i f\u00F3rum\u00E1r\u00F3l az ynev.hu-n Kateg\u00F3ria:\u00DAj Tekercsek"@hu . . . . . . . . "Training and Gambling"@en . "Tarukaja\nSukukaja\nZan\nMakakaja\nSummon Ally"@en . . . . "Goblins are short hominid creatures with beards, clever faces and very long fingers and feet. Gringotts Wizards' Bank was run by goblins."@en . . "Goblin is an enemy and a summon featured in the Final Fantasy series. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Goblin_6.png"@da . . . . "Warpriest of Bandos cuirass"@en . "Primeira Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . "Medium"@en . "100"^^ . "Nature rune"@en . "22"^^ . "351217"^^ . . . . . "Brown"@en . "90"^^ . "black"@en . . "Bronze spear"@en . . "Ka\u017Cdy"@pl . . "72"^^ . . . "Goblins are a criminal race in Erion who constantly engage in acts of violence and thievery. They are actually Pookas who have become evil over time. They served King Valentine for a time following his return to the world. A number of them became merchants, selling their wares to whoever would buy them, though it's likely their wares were not obtained legitimately."@en . "Warpriest of Bandos boots"@en . . "80.0"^^ . . "Grimy harralander"@fi . . "N/A"@en . . . . "Physical, one hit, one enemy"@en . . . "Bien"@en . "Creatures"@en . . "Goblins are common, mostly evil, creatures. They are the first enemies you'll fight in Farglow. After that you'll find them in many other locations, including underground camps and caves, throughout your adventures in Rivellon. Goblins can be warriors, shamans and healers, and have various skin colors. According to Kaan, goblins barter for skins, troll teeth, colored pebbles, and pieces of wood to carve a totem. Najaad mentions that they also have an innate attraction to shiny objects. Goblin outcasts such as Nathirap and Eareb find their way of life uncivilized. Groth notes that goblins have a rich history of storytelling that is passed down verbally, because most goblins cannot read or write their own language. Killing a goblin may provide you with a goblin heart, used in the Hearttaker quest given Richard by in Broken Valley's village."@en . "3.0"^^ . . "Grimy avantoe"@fi . . . . . "Half the height of a Human, the males tend to be very ugly rude and violent, and the females tend to be very sweet and pretty. During the Harpy Goblin war, the Harpies cursed the Goblin girls to only like ugly violent men, so by natural selection all of the decent men disappeared. The curse was abated later, but by then the damage was already done."@en . "Goblins are magical creatures but nothing else is known of them. According to Chris Halliwell, the Charmed Ones would face some goblins in the future, saying \"It's gonna get ugly.\""@en . "Goblin, to generalnie s\u0142aby potw\u00F3r aktualnie zamieszkuj\u0105cy prawie ca\u0142\u0105 planet\u0119 Gielinor. Gobliny maj\u0105 zielon\u0105 skor\u0119, skrzywiony kr\u0119gos\u0142up i odstaj\u0105ce uszy. Zapewne s\u0105 krewnymi Ork\u00F3w i Hobgoblin\u00F3w. Gobliny lubi\u0105 walczy\u0107 w imi\u0119 ich boga Big High War God (w trakcie Questa Land of the Goblins poznajemy jego prawdziwe imi\u0119 - Bandos). W trakcie Pi\u0105tej Ery Gobliny zosta\u0142y zdominowane przez ludzi, uznawane jako bezm\u00F3zgie, \u0142atwo kontrolowane przez innych, o czym mo\u017Cna si\u0119 przekona\u0107 w wielu Questach, szczeg\u00F3lnie z serii Dorgeshuun. Wyj\u0105tkiem jest plemi\u0119 Dorgeshuun (Cave Goblins), ucywilizowane, wykszta\u0142cone i mi\u0142uj\u0105ce pok\u00F3j."@pl . . . "goblin"@en . "2007-08-28"^^ . "Little"@en . "220"^^ . "Admiral Grezzlik"@nl . "Iron dagger"@fi . . "Goblin was the common term for members of the Bakemono race."@en . . . . "Goblin"@en . "Sling"@cs . . "Physical"@en . "Usuallly neutral evil"@en . . . . "Though lacking intelligence and strength, goblins make up for this with their overwhelming numbers. Goblins are followers of the god Bandos, who they refer to as the \"Big High War God\". Goblins are frequently at war with the other races of Gielinor, in particular dwarves and gnomes. Goblins are often one of the first monsters a player will encounter in RuneScape, as they inhabit much of the area around Lumbridge. It is very important to note that the goblins in Stronghold of Security do not drop chef's hats."@en . "Race: goblinoid Alignment: neutral evil or chaotic neutral Armor class: 10 Hit points: 4 Attack bonus: +0 Damage: d8 -1 (morningstar) or d6 -1 (shortbow) Disarmed: d2 -1 (unarmed strike) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/4 Size: small Trained skills:(\u2021) hide (5), listen (5), move silently (3), spot (5) Feats: alertness, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (martial) (shortbow variant), weapon proficiency (simple) (morningstar variant)"@en . "Brass necklace"@fi . . "Nature rune"@fi . . "Chaos rune"@cs . . . "thumb|Carta Goblin frame|left|Goblin Goblins s\u00E3o criaturas imagin\u00E1rias de diversas mitologias e folclores, com caracter\u00EDsticas diferentes em parte deles."@pt . . "Goblin"@pl . . "Los Goblins pueden ser encontrados en varios lugares, incluyendo: \n* Lumbridge - Mayormente al este del River Lum, pero tambi\u00E9n en el camino a Draynor (nivel 2) \n* Lumbridge Swamp (nivel 5) [2] \n* Goblin Village (nivel 5) \n* Port Sarim \n* En los alrededores del Digsite \n* Stronghold Of Security \n* Underground Pass \n* Goblin Cave \n* Coal Trucks \n* T\u00FAneles en el Myreque Hideout en Mort Myre \n* God Wars Dungeon \n* En la cueva cerca del observatory \n* Al Este de Gunnarsgrunn, Suroeste del Grand Exchange (nivel 5) \n* Ardougne \n* En el cruce de Draynor"@es . "Grapes"@es . . . "Not Bad"@en . . . . "No"@en . "13.0"^^ . "yes"@en . . . "No"@es . . . "Level 4"@en . "7"^^ . . . "25"^^ . . "1.0"^^ . . . "Greenskins"@el . "1 m"@en . "A goblin is an evil or mischievous creature, often depicted in a grotesque manner. They are attributed with various (sometimes conflicting) abilities, temperaments and appearances, depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins have been portrayed as constantly annoying little creatures somewhat similar to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted as small, sometimes only a few inches tall, and appear in European folklore."@en . . "5.0"^^ . "Tin ore"@es . "5"^^ . . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . . "No"@en . "10"^^ . "0.0"^^ . . . . . "Tin ore"@fi . . . . . . "desconhecido"@pt . "Goblins are small, green (or yellow-green) creatures with pointy features and high intelligence (though often little common sense). A number of trade princes rule over the various goblin holdings around the world. Though the trade princes all live in the goblin city of Undermine on the Isle of Kezan, they each control their own private armies and trade fleets, as well as trade cartels, mining groups, deforestation operations, slave rings, and poachers. Before experimentation by the Keeper Mimiron, the goblins were Pygmies. [citation needed]"@en . "2"^^ . . "Goblins' heads, unlike most Fallen and Hive enemies that are encountered before them, are not their weak point. Instead, shooting their head will destroy it and briefly stun them, but will not do critical damage. At that point, headless Goblins will rush their enemies with a hastened pace. A glowing white core in their chest is actually their weak point."@en . . "Trade Coalition"@nl . "Bronze arrow"@cs . . . . "Petit Goblin"@en . . . "Bronze Sword"@en . . "bnetwowus"@ja . "Iron arrow"@es . . . "13.0"^^ . . . . "Loot: gold(0-40),Throwing Stones(0-8 semi-rare),wooden shield(rare),Dagger(semi-rare),Small Axe(very-rare) Return Creatures"@en . "13.0"^^ . "For instance, the Night Goblins live in cave systems deep underground, and have a strong aversion to sunlight.[2a] The Forest Goblins are known to dwell almost exclusively within the forest, hence their namesake, where their primitive lifestyle and constant worship of spiders makes them an all too common threat for many lumber communities within the Old World.[1d] The turquoise-skinned Gnoblar are a distinct off-shoot of the Goblin race that have settled within the mountainous regions of the East alongside their Ogre overlords. But perhaps the smallest and most pathetic of the Goblin species are the Snotlings, creatures so dull-witted and simple in their behavior that they serve no purpose in Greenskin society other than as pets or emergency food.[1e]"@en . "Grimy avantoe"@en . "thumb|270pxUn 'Goblin 1. \n* RINVIA \u00E8 una piccola creatura magica"@it . "Yes"@en . . . "The Goblin is a recruitable Creature in Dungeon Keeper 2."@en . "Beer"@fi . "1.0"^^ . "Goblin mail"@en . . "Battle"@en . "1.0"^^ . "Greenskin"@en . "170"^^ . "150"^^ . . "13.0"^^ . . . . "Goblin"@en . . "A Goblin is a fantasy creature. In The Lord of the Goblinstone, they are invaders from an unknown planet and take to war against the Devils to storm the planet Mondem."@en . . "Forestkith goblins"@en . . "25"^^ . . "Bufula"@en . "Res"@ca . "300"^^ . . "Rare"@en . . "\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u5143\u3005 Kezan \u5CF6\u306E\u30B8\u30E3\u30F3\u30B0\u30EB\u30C8\u30ED\u30EB\u306E\u5974\u96B7\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001Mount Kajaro \u306E\u6EB6\u5CA9\u305F\u304E\u308B\u5C71\u4E2D\u304B\u3089 kaja'mite \u9271\u77F3\u3092\u63A1\u6398\u3055\u305B\u3089\u308C\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3002 \u30B8\u30E3\u30F3\u30B0\u30EB\u30C8\u30ED\u30EB\u306F\u305D\u306E\u5F37\u529B\u306A\u529B\u3092\u79D8\u3081\u305F\u9271\u77F3\u3092\u30D6\u30FC\u30C9\u30A5\u30FC\u306E\u5100\u5F0F\u306B\u7528\u3044\u3066\u3044\u305F\u304C\u3001\u9271\u77F3\u3068\u5E38\u306B\u63A5\u89E6\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u5974\u96B7\u305F\u3061\u306B\u601D\u308F\u306C\u5F71\u97FF\u3092\u53CA\u307C\u3057\u305F\u3002kaja'mite \u306F\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306B\u65B0\u305F\u306A\u308B\u77E5\u6027\u3068\u72E1\u733E\u3055\u3092\u82BD\u751F\u3048\u3055\u305B\u59CB\u3081\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F\u5BC6\u304B\u306B\u30A8\u30F3\u30B8\u30CB\u30A2\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3068\u932C\u91D1\u8853\u306E\u5F37\u529B\u306A\u9053\u5177\u3092\u4F5C\u308A\u51FA\u3057\u3001\u9593\u3082\u306A\u304F\u6291\u5727\u8005\u3092\u5236\u5727\u3057\u3066 Kezan \u3092\u672C\u62E0\u5730\u3068\u3057\u3066\u624B\u306B\u5165\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002\u304B\u3064\u3066\u7262\u7344\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u9271\u5C71\u306F\u53CD\u4E71\u62E0\u70B9\u3068\u306A\u308A\u3001\u73FE\u5728\u306F Undermine \u3068\u3044\u3046\u90FD\u5E02\u3068\u306A\u3063\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002\u5CF6\u306B\u304F\u306D\u304F\u306D\u3068\u5F35\u308A\u5DE1\u3089\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30C8\u30F3\u30CD\u30EB\u7DB2\u3001\u6EB6\u5CA9\u6D1E\u3001\u5927\u7A7A\u9593\u2026\u2026 Undermine \u306F\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306E\u4E88\u6E2C\u4E0D\u80FD\u306A\u8907\u96D1\u602A\u5947\u306A\u601D\u8003\u56DE\u8DEF\u306E\u5178\u578B\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 \u6700\u8FD1\u3001Kezan \u306E\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F Alliance \u306E\u4E2D\u306B\u65B0\u305F\u306A\u6575\u304C\u3044\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306B\u6C17\u4ED8\u3044\u305F\u2015\u2015\u4E88\u671F\u305B\u306C\u4E0D\u63A1\u7B97\u6027\u3068\u306E\u906D\u9047\u306B\u3088\u308A\u3001\u3042\u308B trade prince \u305F\u3061\u306F\u5B89\u7A4F\u3068\u3057\u305F\u4E2D\u7ACB\u306E\u7ACB\u5834\u304B\u3089\u8FFD\u3044\u3084\u3089\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u304B\u3064\u3066\u306E\u540C\u76DF\u8005\u305F\u3061\u3068\u306E\u53E4\u304D\u76DF\u7D04\u3092\u518D\u3073\u7D50\u3073\u3001\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u306F Horde \u306B\u5FEB\u304F\u8FCE\u3048\u5165\u308C\u3089\u308C\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . "2152"^^ . . . "Norman Osborn; Norman Osborn from Thunderbolts Vol 1 120.jpg"@en . "Spirit ruby"@fi . "Obscure creatures associated with Darkness. \n* They were saved from destruction from Zorak Zoran by Xiola Umbar \n* They are found in the Anatasy Isles \n* The Grazers associated them with Kanvak whol also rules Trolls, Demons and Shadows \n* Goblins have also been associated with Red Elves \n* The Voyans are also known as Sea Goblins Sources: Cult Compendium, Guide to Glorantha"@en . "no"@fi . "Goblin is monster #27 from the Series 1 figures."@en . . "An ugly green creature"@en . "Prova de lluitar cos a cos fins que t\u00E9 la vida en vermell, aleshores fuig. En tot moment tira pedres petites."@ca . "Goblins (\u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin) are Demons that possess small animals like mice and moles. They are classified as kin of Amaimon."@en . "BT02-044ENC.jpg Spike_Brothers_Strike_Force.jpg Goblins are a shared Race of units found in the Pale Moon and Spike Brothers Clans. There are no effects related to this specific race so far."@en . "Melee"@es . "Attack"@en . . "24.9"^^ . "[[LOTR:Misty Mountain"@en . . "Den kaster med grise, derfor kun 20.000."@da . . . . . "30"^^ . . "Chef's hat"@en . "Normal"@en . "2001-01-04"^^ . . "Goblins are small goblinoids that many consider little more than a nuisance. They have flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. Their foreheads slope back, and their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red; usually all members of the same tribe share the same colored skin. Goblins are tribal. Their leaders are generally the strongest and sometimes the smartest around. They have almost no concept of privacy, living and sleeping in large common areas; only the leaders live separately. Goblins survive by raiding and stealing, sneaking into lairs, villages, and even towns by night to take what they can. They are not above waylaying travelers on the road or in forests and stripping them of all possessions, including the clothes on their backs. Goblins sometimes capture slaves to perform hard labor in the tribes lair or camp. Being bullied by bigger, stronger creatures has taught goblins to exploit what few advantages they have: sheer numbers and malicious ingenuity. The concept of a fair fight is meaningless in their society. They favor ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edge they can devise. They are quite cowardly and will likely flee if a battle turns against them."@en . "Bronze axe"@en . "16"^^ . "5"^^ . "Humanoids"@en . . "Goblin"@en . "* Yu-Gi-Oh!\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"@en . "10"^^ . "Goblins are common, mostly evil, creatures. They are the first enemies you'll fight in Farglow. After that you'll find them in many other locations, including underground camps and caves, throughout your adventures in Rivellon. Goblins can be warriors, shamans and healers, and have various skin colors. Killing a goblin may provide you with a goblin heart, used in the Hearttaker quest given Richard by in Broken Valley's village."@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . . "6"^^ . "5"^^ . "According to legend, the Pandorica was the prison of a warrior or goblin who dropped out of the sky and tore the world apart until a \"good wizard\" tricked it and locked it up. River Song remarked that the good wizard had likely been the Doctor himself. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) In his speech to the Clerics in which he told them that the Eleventh Doctor was a living breathing man, Colonel Manton said that the Doctor was not, among other things, a goblin. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) Christina Rossetti's poem \"Goblin Market\" referred to goblins. Dee Dee Blasco quoted the poem. \"We must not look at goblin men, We must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry, thirsty roots?\" (TV: Midnight)"@en . . "4499"^^ . "250"^^ . "Bronze kiteshield"@fi . . "Ne"@cs . . "A Goblin (G-ah-buh-lin) is a greedy, crabby, or mischievous creature. They are often described as a grotesquely disfigured gnome. In some cases goblins have been classified as constant annoying little creatures somewhat related with the fairies, a label in which they hate. They tend to sit on the shoulder of a Burnakk whispering into its ear and tricking it to do its bidding."@en . "Bronze kiteshield"@cs . . . "Goblins are short, squatty creatures living in large colonies underground. Although they seem cowardly at first encounter, they tend to observe an adventurer and assess his (or her) weaknesses. Once they regain their courage, they tend to gang up on the unsuspecting hero. It is not advisable to go exploring a goblin hole unless accompanied by a party of Dwarves."@en . "--01-04"^^ . . "Goblin"@sv . "incom\u00FAn"@es . "Goblins can be found in various places, including: \n* Lumbridge - Mainly found on the east side of the River Lum, but can also be found near the path leading to Draynor Village/Wizards' Tower (level 2 with weakness against air spells) \n* Crossroads of Draynor Village (level 2 with weakness against air spells) \n* East of Gunnarsgrunn, south-west of the Grand Exchange (level 11 with weakness against water spells) \n* Goblin Village (level 5 with weakness against fire spells) \n* Port Sarim (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against air spells) \n* North of Ardougne (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against fire spells) \n* South of the Coal truck mining site (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against fire spells) \n* Underground Pass (levels 5 and 11 with weakness against air spells, with one level 5 being weak against fire spells) \n* Observatory Dungeon (levels 2 and 5 with weakness against air spells) \n* Goblin Cave (levels 2 and 4 with weakness against fire spells) \n* Around the Digsite (level 11 with weakness against water spells) \n* Holes in Myreque Hideout in Mort Myre (levels 2, 5 and 11 with weakness against air spells) \n* Stronghold of Security (levels 5, 6 and 7 with weakness against water spells) \n* God Wars Dungeon (level 84) \n* Turael and Spria's Slayer challenge (levels 1, 5 and 11)"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . "Clue scroll"@en . . . . "Cerca de 1m"@pt . "25"^^ . "Goblins are one of The People and are incredibly dim-witted. They are violent and very power-hungry; the ability to conjure fire balls doesn't stifle this nature either. They are less than 3 feet tall."@en . "50404.0"^^ . . . "Goblin w Gothic"@pl . . "L\u00E1sd a le\u00EDr\u00E1sban."@hu . "raro"@es . "Emerald"@en . "Goblin"@en . . . "See article."@tl . . "Bronze javelin"@fi . "Energia, Sagrat"@ca . . . "Yes"@en . . . "Staff of air"@cs . "21"^^ . "Footsoldieer for Bandos."@en . "Tra i 100 e i 150 cm"@it . 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Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction Game Guide 2 Promos"@en . "18"^^ . "Air"@en . "Grapes"@cs . "99"^^ . "A goblin is an imaginary evil, crabby, and mischievous creature described as a grotesquely disfigured or gnome-like phantom, that may range in height from that of a dwarf to that of a human. They are attributed with various abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In most cases, goblins have been classified as constantly annoying little creatures."@en . "Goblin"@sv . "100.0"^^ . . "Bronze bolts"@en . . "No"@en . . . "Ovestron, Orkish, Linguaggio Nero"@it . . . . . "Jason Macendale, Jr.; Hobgoblin .jpg"@en . "\u00DAltima Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . . "8"^^ . . "10"^^ . . "4409"^^ . "Human Slayer"@en . "Watch Dogs 2"@en . "4412"^^ . "Goblins were a race of monstrous humanoids that inhabited the same planet as the Elfins."@en . "Other Goblins"@en . . . "Bronze arrow"@fi . "-"@en . "4407"^^ . "Very rare"@en . . . "Lamnor e outros lugares"@pt . . "-15"^^ . . "vaihtelee"@fi . . "Be careful in Rookgaard, because they can hit hard, you can hunt them profitable from levels 6+ and decent equipment. On mainland they are hunted for Small Stone that is the Paladin popular and light training weapon."@sv . . . . "4"^^ . "Goblin Level: 41 HP: 2054 Aggro: <52"@de . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "Old Common term: Jebli"@en . "Goblin 2099; Goblin Spider-Man 2099 Vol 1 39 003.jpg"@en . . . . . "Goblin skull"@fi . "Be careful in Rookgaard, because they can hit hard! You can hunt them profitable from Level 6 with decent equipment. In Mainland they are usually hunted for Small Stones which is the Paladin's popular light training weapon. After update 8.5, the small stones drop rate has been reduced."@en . . . "4479"^^ . "I Goblin sono dei nemici che compaiono nella saga di Gothic. I goblin sono piccole creature con fattezze quasi umane di colore verde, grigio, o nero che popolano essenzialmente tutti i territori conosciuti eccetto, probabilmente, il pericoloso e mortale deserto del Varant. La carenza perenne di acqua e il sole caldo, ha spinto i goblin a diffondersi in maniera quasi capillare nel territorio di Myrtana ma anche nel Nordmar, escluse solo le zone pi\u00F9 settentrionali dove, fra i ghiacciai, i troll e i lupi dei ghiacci lottano per la sopravvivenza. I goblin sono abbastanza comuni anche sull'isola di Khorinis. Queste piccole creature (la cui altezza non supera il metro) tendono a stabilirsi nei pressi di grotte, edifici abbandonati oppure in prossimit\u00E0 di abitazioni o accampamenti isolati e, pi\u00F9 precisamente, al limitare delle strade percorse dagli umani; il motivo principale \u00E8 attaccare i viaggiatori solitari. I goblin sono dei rapidi saccheggiatori, agili e armati di rozze mazze di legno realizzate artigianalmente o semplicemente di rami pesanti. I loro veloci attacchi possono indurre a commettere qualche errore anche avversari relativamente forti; attimi durante i quali, ad esempio, potrebbero borseggiarli. Inoltre, i goblin non si tirano mai indietro qualora dovessero avere l'opportunit\u00E0 di poter rubare qualcosa ad un uomo che dorme. Ricordate il mago del fuoco Daron che, nonostante i suoi poteri, venne derubato della sua preziosa statuetta di Innos da queste agili creature? Oppure il gruppo di ribelli vicino Montera ai quali i goblin, che vivevano in una grotta nei paraggi, derubarono le loro provviste di notte? I goblin della regione centrale di Myrtana e quelli pi\u00F9 \"civilizzati\" di Khorinis, non sono i vicini che tutti vorrebbero avere, ma \u00E8 improbabile che siano in grado di fare qualcosa di pi\u00F9 di qualche rapina o furto. Altra questione sono i loro vicini parenti del nord (il Nordmar) e dell'est (la Valle delle miniere). Nelle aree del Nordmar e della Valle delle miniere, queste creature sono diventate molto pi\u00F9 ostili e potenti. Si pu\u00F2 discutere molto riguardo alle capacit\u00E0 dei goblin; non vi \u00E8 dubbio che la loro intelligenza gli consente di appiccare un fuoco da campo o scagliare abilmente uno o due sacchi di grano dai granai dei contadini, ad esempio. \u00C8 improbabile che sappiano forgiare intere armi. Quasi tutte le armi in loro possesso sono il risultato di saccheggi, eccetto le mazze ferrate costruite in maniera sommaria. D'altra parte, date le loro dimensioni, a chi mai potrebbero sottrarre direttamente le armi? Ai bambini? I goblin difficilmente riescono a coesistere con le altre razze o specie; inoltre, essi non vanno d'accordo nemmeno fra di loro. Quando non appartengono a nessun gruppo, i goblin svolgono compiti di schiavi per gli orchi. \u00C8 possibile che queste creature siano state adoperate dai sacerdoti di Beliar, a volte, come servi. Ricordate gli scheletri-goblin che prendono vita in Jharkendar, nel tempio di Khorinis e nel Circolo del Sole? Con l'uomo poi non sono mai andati d'accordo. C'\u00E8 invece un precedente con gli ogre. Questo caso di coesistenza di un gruppo limitato di goblin con un'altra specie \u00E8 con Ugluz pancione, il potente ogre di Gothic 3, nel Nordmar. Cosa mangiano i goblin non \u00E8 noto. Presumibilmente, quasi tutto. Preferiscono mangiare carne, cruda e cotta. Non disprezzano neanche i vegetali; infatti, una delle erbe che cresce nelle foreste di Myrtana e di Khorinis \u00E8 anche chiamata \"Bacca del goblin\" poich\u00E9 questa creatura spesso trascina in giro con s\u00E9 i cespugli della pianta. Si suppone sia questa erba il segreto della loro rapidit\u00E0, la quale, se ben cotta, pu\u00F2 aumentare l'agilit\u00E0 di chi la mangia. \u00C8 possibile discutere molto sui goblin, ma una cosa \u00E8 certa: questa creatura tenace e intelligente, anche se di piccole dimensioni, pu\u00F2 ancora giocare un importante ruolo negli equilibri della storia... [[Immagine:Gruener_goblin_knueppel.jpg|right|thumb|138px|Un normale Goblin armato di bastone.]]"@it . "Varies"@en . "Varies"@en . . . "Warhammer"@en . "These goblins have grown strong"@en . "Massive update!"@en . "nie"@pl . . . "Medium-Low"@en . . "Mind rune"@cs . "None"@en . "Level 84"@en . . "See Appearances"@en . "They are found mainly in Daventry. The mangy race is typically dumb, slow, and weak. They attack with clubs (often made out of bones). They present themselves as nice targets to novice adventurers. Goblins returned to Daventry during the cataclysm, and attacked Connor forcing him to defend himself. Connor met his first goblin roving near Sarah's House and he used is bare fists to defeat it. He killed another one near his house after he picked up his Dagger. He disposed of more near the lake shore, and river. He had no idea whence came the foul creatures, believing a madness covered the land. The swamp witch had been preparing Goblin tartar in her Witch's Tower."@en . "Abilities"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Tin ore"@en . . . . "Breakcore"@en . "Warpriest of Bandos greaves"@fi . "Nature Link"@en . . "Gaak3 bou3 lam4"@en . . "Goblin can refer to \n* The Shining Force I enemy. \n* The Shining Force II enemy. \n* The Shining Force Gaiden enemy."@en . "100"^^ . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "4272"^^ . . . "Goblin, also called 'Goofy Goblin' by Prime Evil was sent to spy on the Ghostbusters and only learned that Belfry wished to be larger in size. Stationed outside one of Ghost Command's windows with a notepad, the presense of the Goblin made the Spectre Detector go off and the Ghostbusters soon jumped into Ghost Buggy and used Ghost Remover to dematerialize him."@en . "Goblin"@hu . . "Level 7"@en . "0"^^ . "5"^^ . "Detonate Rock"@en . . "6"^^ . . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . . "4261"^^ . "11259"^^ . "\u2010"@en . "2.5"^^ . . . "An ancient goblin."@en . "9.0"^^ . "13.0"^^ . "Cannon fodder, so to speak."@en . "16"^^ . . "Mabu dodges out of the way of a Cross Napalm"@en . "Coins"@en . "24"^^ . "Green"@en . . "4"^^ . . "Bones"@cs . "27"^^ . "Goblin in Xeen may refer to: \n* Goblin (Clouds), the monster fought in MM4, Clouds of Xeen \n* Goblin (Darkside), the monster fought in MM5, Darkside of Xeen"@en . . "4"^^ . . "Proto-Goblin; Nels van Adder 001.jpg"@en . "5"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Goblin je monstrum jako ostatn\u00ED. Toto monstrum je st\u0159edn\u011B nebezpe\u010Dn\u00E9. Pokud je s\u00E1m, je skoro ne\u0161kodn\u00FD. Jeho v\u00FDhoda je, \u017Ee um\u00ED st\u0159\u00EDlet na st\u0159edn\u00ED d\u00E1lku. Pokud je ale v houfu tak m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt a\u017E smrteln\u011B nebezpe\u010Dn\u00FD. \u010Casto b\u00FDv\u00E1 s Bwork Magusem nebo Bworkem a jin\u00FDmi Bworky. Pokud jste bez ochrany m\u016F\u017Ee ubrat kolem 18 HP pokud jste ale s obranou, tak ubere jen 9-13. Kdy\u017E m\u00E1te men\u0161\u00ED obranu, tak v\u00E1m ubere v\u00EDc a pokud v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED tak naopak. P\u016Fm\u011Br jeho HP je 80."@cs . "3"^^ . "A race of small humanoids native to Ehaiah. Goblins are strong for their size, but rather tribal; even though Ehaiah gets its fair share of space travellers and goblins understand technology and so on, they prefer not to use it for whatever reason. Only male goblins go out adventuring; the females are confined to their mate's home, charged with the task of looking after the house and children."@en . "Grimy ranarr"@fi . "4"^^ . "\"Goblin\" (Japanese: \u30B4\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3 Goburin) is an archetype based on \"Goblin Attack Force\" and \"Goblin of Greed\", and their variations. The theme didn't have any support until The New Challengers, in which \"Scrounging Goblin\" was released. Most members share the effect \"If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase, and its battle position cannot be changed until the End Phase of your next turn.\" (though not necessarily with the same wording) and also share 0 DEF."@en . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "Goblin \u2013 gatunek stwora, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy w ka\u017Cdej grze z Serii Gothic. Najs\u0142absza i najbardziej pospolita odmiana. Wyst\u0119puje w Gothic, Gothic II wraz z dodatkiem oraz w Gothic 3 i Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bog\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . "0"^^ . "Amber"@en . "15"^^ . . . "Champion's scroll"@es . . "Nasty goblins! This grungy little humanoid would much rather hide under a rock than fight you. He cowers in fear at your drawn weapon, and flees so he can bully some weaker creature."@en . . "The Goblin race hails from the fetid swamps of Gonsiir, south of the Plain of Tears, but can be as far west as the Isle of Utrae. Their great talent in matters both magical and technological has made them attractive servants, and many were enslaved by the ancient Utraeans. It is said that the Goblins of Gonsiir taught humanity the art of chemistry, allowing them to create powerful explosives, like those found within Windstone Fortress. Despite their brilliance, the frequent bouts of infighting that plague Goblin society has undermined their ability to unite time and again, even on the rare chance that a leader did arise, as happened during the Affair of the Goblin Pretender. As such, their kind has never been seen as a true threat. Then came the Goblin Inventor."@en . "2003-03-03"^^ . . . . . . . "-15"^^ . "Abilities"@en . "-"@en . "Tempo de Vida"@pt . . "Level 4"@de . "Iron full helm"@en . "goblins"@en . "2.7"^^ . "11.8"^^ . . . "Gothador"@en . . . "13.0"^^ . . . "Yes"@en . "2511131625"^^ . "Goblin to jedna z ras postaci wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w uniwersum Might and Magic. Najcz\u0119\u015Bciej jednak jest spotykany jest jako przeciwnik w wielu grach z serii.W brytyjskich ba\u015Bniach i legendach, goblin to z\u0142e lub jedynie z\u0142o\u015Bliwe stworzenie, zazwyczaj opisywane jako brzydkie i groteskowe. Jednym z rodzaj\u00F3w goblin\u00F3w s\u0105 s\u0105 hobgobliny - w ba\u015Bniach przedstawiane jako przyjazny rodzaj goblin\u00F3w, za\u015B w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci gier fantasy (w tym MM) - jako wi\u0119ksza, gro\u017Aniejsza ich odmiana."@pl . . "When Melkor was taken in chains to Valinor, the Goblins and other foul creatures were forced to flee from Angband. Their kingdoms spread throughout many mountains of Middle-earth; notable cities include Goblin-town near the High Pass above Rivendell while the Gundabad Orcs have taken their capital at Mount Gundabad. Even though goblins are portrayed as a very barbaric and tribal race their technology seems to be more advanced than other races in Middle-earth."@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . "3"^^ . "5"^^ . "Clue scroll"@fi . . "Level 1"@en .