. "SS Beagle"@fr . "Le SS Beagle \u00E9tait un vaisseau \u00E0 propulsion de classe 4 de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, affili\u00E9 \u00E0 la Marine marchande sid\u00E9rale, en service dans la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, sous le commandement du capitaine R.M. Merik."@fr . "The SS Beagle was a 23rd century Federation class 4 survey vessel operated by the Merchant Service. The Beagle had a crew of forty-seven and was commanded by Captain R.M. Merik; his flight officer was William B. Harrison. The Beagle was the first ship to survey the star sector where the System 892 was located when it disappeared in 2262. During its mission, the Beagle suffered meteor damage and Captain Merik went ashore to the star's fourth planet to obtain iridium ore for repairs. While on the planet, they were met by the local inhabitants, led by Proconsul Claudius Marcus. The Proconsul believed it would be unfair, even ruinous, to his highly conservative society if word of its existence should be carried elsewhere. Merik, convinced that this fine world should not be contaminated, had the remainder of his crew beam down and the Beagle was left to be deserted. . Some of the crew took to their new home and became citizens, but the others, who refused to adopt the ways of this society, were thrown in prison. Regarded as captured barbarians, they were forced to fight as gladiators. Abandoned, the wreck of the Beagle drifted for six years before it was found, approximately 1/16th of a parsec away from 892-IV, leaving behind in its debris field portions of its antimatter nacelles and the personal effects \u2013 but not the bodies \u2013 of the crew. Following the discovery of the Beagle's debris, the USS Enterprise visited 892-IV to determine their fates. Merik, for one, had done very well for himself, having secured a high place in imperial politics. As for his crew, Merik told the Starfleet landing party that \"those who were able to adapt are still alive\". Kirk and Spock, however, witnessing the death of Harrison on Roman television, had heard him sports-commentated as \"the last of the barbarians\". Kirk did not press him on this issue. Merik would have been removed from the planet to face charges of violating the Prime Directive had he not died saving the Enterprise landing party from Marcus and his machine gun-toting police. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\" )"@en . . . "Die SS Beagle ist ein Erkundungsschiff der Klasse 4 der F\u00F6deration, dass von Captain R.M. Merik kommandiert wird. Die Beagle wird 2262 nahe des Planeten 892-IV durch einen Meteoriten schwer besch\u00E4digt. Der Captain und ein Landetrupp suchen auf dem Planeten nach Iridiumerz, um das Schiff zu reparieren. Auf dem Planeten wird Merik von Prokonsul Claudius Marcus aufgegriffen und zur Kooperation \u00FCberredet. Nach und nach lockt Merik seine gesamte Besatzung auf den Planeten, wo sie entweder get\u00F6tet werden oder sich so gut es geht in die Gesellschaft integrieren m\u00FCssen. Sie werden als die Barbaren bekannt. Die Beagle treibt danach als Wrack durch den Weltraum, bis sie sechs Jahre sp\u00E4ter von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) gefunden wird. (TOS: )"@de . . . . . . . . "d\u00E9truit"@fr . "SS Beagle"@en . . "2262"^^ . "Die SS Beagle ist ein Erkundungsschiff der Klasse 4 der F\u00F6deration, dass von Captain R.M. Merik kommandiert wird. Die Beagle wird 2262 nahe des Planeten 892-IV durch einen Meteoriten schwer besch\u00E4digt. Der Captain und ein Landetrupp suchen auf dem Planeten nach Iridiumerz, um das Schiff zu reparieren. Auf dem Planeten wird Merik von Prokonsul Claudius Marcus aufgegriffen und zur Kooperation \u00FCberredet. Nach und nach lockt Merik seine gesamte Besatzung auf den Planeten, wo sie entweder get\u00F6tet werden oder sich so gut es geht in die Gesellschaft integrieren m\u00FCssen. Sie werden als die Barbaren bekannt. Die Beagle treibt danach als Wrack durch den Weltraum, bis sie sechs Jahre sp\u00E4ter von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) gefunden wird. (TOS: )"@de . "Beagle"@fr . . . . . . . "SS Beagle"@en . . . . "The SS Beagle was a 23rd century Federation class 4 survey vessel operated by the Merchant Service. The Beagle had a crew of forty-seven and was commanded by Captain R.M. Merik; his flight officer was William B. Harrison. The Beagle was the first ship to survey the star sector where the System 892 was located when it disappeared in 2262. During its mission, the Beagle suffered meteor damage and Captain Merik went ashore to the star's fourth planet to obtain iridium ore for repairs."@en . . "SS"@fr . "Le SS Beagle \u00E9tait un vaisseau \u00E0 propulsion de classe 4 de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, affili\u00E9 \u00E0 la Marine marchande sid\u00E9rale, en service dans la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, sous le commandement du capitaine R.M. Merik."@fr . . "SS Beagle"@de . "Destroyed"@en . "SS Beagle"@en . . .