. "2369"^^ . . . "Mullibok"@en . . . . . "Mullibok said he had escaped a labor camp on Bajor by stowing away on a Cardassion survey vessel around the year 2329. When arriving on Jeraddo, he was able to overpower the crew and settled on the moon for forty years. In 2369, when Jeraddo was to have been evacuated so the Bajoran Provisional Government could transfer energy from the moon's molten core, Mullibok refused to leave. Major Kira Nerys tried to convince him that Bajor was now free from the Cardassians and explained that if he were to remain on Jeraddo, he would die. Mullibok, however, would rather have died than leave his home."@en . . . . "Active"@en . . "thumb|Mullibok (2369) Mullibok ist ein bajoranischer Farmer, der 2329 w\u00E4hrend der cardassianischen Besetzung von Bajor aus einem cardassianischen Arbeitslager flieht und sich als erster Siedler auf dem bajoranischen Klasse-M-Mond Jeraddo niederl\u00E4sst. 2369 beschlie\u00DFt die provisorische Regierung von Bajor den Kern Jeraddos anzuzapfen, um so die Energieversorgung Bajors zu sichern. Dieses Projekt wird giftige Schwefelverbindungen und Kohlenstoffe auf Jeraddo freigesetzen und den Mond damit unbewohnbar machen, so dass er evakuiert werden muss. Mullibok und seine Freunde Baltrim und Keena weigern sich jedoch zu gehen. Major Kira, die damit beauftragt ist, sicherzustellen, dass alle Siedler Jeraddo verlassen haben, erh\u00E4lt die Anweisung, sie notfalls gewaltsam zum Verlassen ihrer Heimat zu zwingen. Nachdem sie Mullibok jedoch kennengelernt hat, f\u00FChrt sie diesen Befehl zun\u00E4chst nicht aus, muss Mullibok aber schlie\u00DFlich doch mit Gewalt dazu bringen, den Mond zu verlassen. (DS9: ) Mullibok wurde von Brian Keith gespielt und von Edgar Ott synchronisiert."@de . "Male"@en . . "Mullibok said he had escaped a labor camp on Bajor by stowing away on a Cardassion survey vessel around the year 2329. When arriving on Jeraddo, he was able to overpower the crew and settled on the moon for forty years. In 2369, when Jeraddo was to have been evacuated so the Bajoran Provisional Government could transfer energy from the moon's molten core, Mullibok refused to leave. Major Kira Nerys tried to convince him that Bajor was now free from the Cardassians and explained that if he were to remain on Jeraddo, he would die. Mullibok, however, would rather have died than leave his home. After an attempt at a compromise with Bajoran Minister Toran failed, Kira returned to Jeraddo with two security officers to force the farmers from the moon. Although Baltrim and Keena were removed, Mullibok again resisted, and was injured when one of the security officers fired at him. After recovering, Kira attempted again to persuade Mullibok to leave, and he declared that as long as his cottage was still standing, he would remain. Kira then set fire to the cottage and as it burned, she informed Mullibok that it was time to move on. With his home gone, he finally conceded and left Jeraddo with Kira, but he was unable to forgive her for what she had done. (DS9: \"Progress\") Mullibok was played by Brian Keith. The script for \"Progress\" describes Mullibok thusly: \"A tall, craggy-faced and raw-boned farmer (also of Bajoran origin), his considerable age has not bowed him in the slightest. He's an impressive figure.\""@en . "Mullibok"@de . "In the late 2320s, Mullibok escaped from a Cardassian camp on Bajor to Jeraddo. He was joined by Baltrim and Keena in approximately 2351. Mullibok claimed he stowed away on a Cardassian survey vessel who were looking for possible mining sites in the Bajoran system and, when they arrived at Jeraddo, overpowered the crew and took equipment he would need. However, by the time the fever sickness had struck the Kaladrys Valley in 2370, Mullibok had managed to forgive Kira and forge a new life. After being injected with the antidote, he told Jadzia Dax to send Kira his love. (DS9 novel: Warchild)"@en . . "Mullibok \u00E9tait un fermier Bajoran qui a v\u00E9cu dans une petite cabane, avec Baltrim et Keena, sur la lune Jeraddo dans le syst\u00E8me bajoran. Ils s'y \u00E9taient install\u00E9s pour \u00E9chapper \u00E0 l'occupation cardassienne de Bajor. En 2369, lorsque le Gouvernement Provisoire Bajoran d\u00E9cida d'\u00E9vacuer Jeraddo pour y puiser l'\u00E9nergie \u00E0 partir du noyau de la lune, Mullibok refusa de partir. Le Major Kira Nerys essaya de le convaincre que Bajor \u00E9tait lib\u00E9r\u00E9 du joug cardassien et expliqua que s'il restait sur Jeraddo, il mourrait. Mais, Mullibok pr\u00E9f\u00E8rerait \u00EAtre mort que de quitter sa maison."@fr . "Mullibok"@en . . . "In the late 2320s, Mullibok escaped from a Cardassian camp on Bajor to Jeraddo. He was joined by Baltrim and Keena in approximately 2351. Mullibok claimed he stowed away on a Cardassian survey vessel who were looking for possible mining sites in the Bajoran system and, when they arrived at Jeraddo, overpowered the crew and took equipment he would need. In 2369, Major Kira Nerys attempted to convince Mullibok to leave Jeraddo, so that the Bajoran government could transfer energy from Jeraddo's core. Mullibok told Kira that as long as his home still stood, he would never leave. As a result, Kira burned down his cottage. He finally agreed to leave Jeraddo but could not forgive Kira for what she had done. (DS9 episode: \"Progress\") However, by the time the fever sickness had struck the Kaladrys Valley in 2370, Mullibok had managed to forgive Kira and forge a new life. After being injected with the antidote, he told Jadzia Dax to send Kira his love. (DS9 novel: Warchild)"@en . . . . . "Mullibok"@fr . . "thumb|Mullibok (2369) Mullibok ist ein bajoranischer Farmer, der 2329 w\u00E4hrend der cardassianischen Besetzung von Bajor aus einem cardassianischen Arbeitslager flieht und sich als erster Siedler auf dem bajoranischen Klasse-M-Mond Jeraddo niederl\u00E4sst. Mullibok wurde von Brian Keith gespielt und von Edgar Ott synchronisiert."@de . . . "Mullibok \u00E9tait un fermier Bajoran qui a v\u00E9cu dans une petite cabane, avec Baltrim et Keena, sur la lune Jeraddo dans le syst\u00E8me bajoran. Ils s'y \u00E9taient install\u00E9s pour \u00E9chapper \u00E0 l'occupation cardassienne de Bajor. En 2369, lorsque le Gouvernement Provisoire Bajoran d\u00E9cida d'\u00E9vacuer Jeraddo pour y puiser l'\u00E9nergie \u00E0 partir du noyau de la lune, Mullibok refusa de partir. Le Major Kira Nerys essaya de le convaincre que Bajor \u00E9tait lib\u00E9r\u00E9 du joug cardassien et expliqua que s'il restait sur Jeraddo, il mourrait. Mais, Mullibok pr\u00E9f\u00E8rerait \u00EAtre mort que de quitter sa maison. Apr\u00E8s l'\u00E9chec d'une tentative de compromis avec le Ministre Toran, Kira revint sur Jeraddo avec deux officiers de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 pour \u00E9vacuer de force les fermiers de la lune. Bien que Baltrim et Keena aient \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9vacu\u00E9s, Mullibok r\u00E9sista encore, et fut bless\u00E9 par l'un des gardes de s\u00E9curit\u00E9. Apr\u00E8s l'avoir laiss\u00E9 r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer, Kira essaya \u00E0 nouveau de le persuader \u00E0 partir. Mais il d\u00E9clara que tant que sa maison tiendrait debout, il resterait. Kira mit alors le feu sur la maison et l'informa qu'il \u00E9tait d\u00E9sormais temps de partir. Il accepta finalement de quitter la lune, mais fut incapable de pardonner \u00E0 Kira ce qu'elle avait fait. (DS9: \"Progress\") Le personnage de Mullibok r\u00E9appara\u00EEt dans le roman DS9 \"Warchild\". Son alter-\u00E9go de l'Univers-miroir appara\u00EEt dans \"Dark Passions, Book One\"."@fr . . . . . .