. "Ravi ist ein Asiatisches Elefantenbullkalb im niederl\u00E4ndischen Dierenpark Emmen. Ravi wurde am 20.07.2014 morgens fr\u00FCh im Emmener Zoo im Au\u00DFenbereich beim Elefantenhaus geboren. Er ist der zweite Nachwuchs seiner Mutter Ma Ya Yee nach seinem Bruder Ein She Min, der ebenfalls noch in Emmen weilt."@de . . . . . . . . "Jelly box DamnRa Ravi(\uB77C\uBE44) (feat. SAM&SP3CK) Performance Video|DamnRa (feat. SAM&SP3CK) Ravi - Bomb (feat. San E)|Bomb (feat. San E) Categor\u00EDa:Jelly Fish Entertainment Categor\u00EDa:KRapero Categor\u00EDa:KBailar\u00EDn Categor\u00EDa:KModelo Categor\u00EDa:KActor Categor\u00EDa:Nacidos en 1993 Categor\u00EDa:KSolista Categor\u00EDa:KDebut2016 __NOEDITARSECCI\u00D3N__"@es . . "270"^^ . . "Ravi"@de . "Ravi is the current Viscount of Kaiten in Dragon Age Legends. He is a former templar who formed a group of warriors that banded together to prevent an abomination from destroying the Free Marches city of Kaiten in a hedonistic orgy of narcissism and opulence. Ravi is the protagonist of the Dragon Age Legends Remix."@en . . "Viscount of Kaiten"@en . . "Elementary school student"@en . . . . "Ravi was a trademan of the Ivory Kingdoms who sent caravans to Medinaat al-Salaam. He was concerned with the bandits of the Burning Sands who undermined his interests."@en . ":"@en . "Ravi is one of Timmy Turner's classmates thirteen years into the future. Timmy is still in grade school because of his desire to keep his fairies by acting like a child. Ravi is friends with Timmy, and later witnesses Tootie getting kidnapped by Hugh J. Magnate's goons, which he informs Timmy of. Ravi returned in the live action movie's sequel, \"A Fairly Odd Christmas\"."@en . . . "Habib Marwan's terrorist cell"@en . "Ravi is a character who works in Ravi's house of eastern curiosities in the Liverpool Avalon and employs Bhadraksh. Ravi is a Yaksha but appears to be a small Indian man in human form. He has a unexplained affection for the Finns and Jim in particular. He appears to have some knowledge about Michelle's history and suggest that she has the same appearance as a distant ancestor. He states the he has lived a very long time and knew Sphinxes before the great war."@en . . "1"^^ . "Clerk"@en . "Ravi is a character who works in Ravi's house of eastern curiosities in the Liverpool Avalon and employs Bhadraksh. Ravi is a Yaksha but appears to be a small Indian man in human form. He has a unexplained affection for the Finns and Jim in particular. He appears to have some knowledge about Michelle's history and suggest that she has the same appearance as a distant ancestor. He states the he has lived a very long time and knew Sphinxes before the great war."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "Ravi is a pediatrician who works with Jim and Pam's baby. He was portrayed by Sendhil Ramamurthy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ma\u00EEtre d'"@en . . . . . . . . "Ravi was a trademan of the Ivory Kingdoms who sent caravans to Medinaat al-Salaam. He was concerned with the bandits of the Burning Sands who undermined his interests."@en . "Guard"@en . . "Ravi is the current Viscount of Kaiten in Dragon Age Legends. He is a former templar who formed a group of warriors that banded together to prevent an abomination from destroying the Free Marches city of Kaiten in a hedonistic orgy of narcissism and opulence. Ravi is the protagonist of the Dragon Age Legends Remix."@en . . "Ravi was a terrorist loyal to Habib Marwan during Day 4."@en . . . "Human"@en . . . "Criminal"@en . . "Ravi ist ein Asiatisches Elefantenbullkalb im niederl\u00E4ndischen Dierenpark Emmen. Ravi wurde am 20.07.2014 morgens fr\u00FCh im Emmener Zoo im Au\u00DFenbereich beim Elefantenhaus geboren. Er ist der zweite Nachwuchs seiner Mutter Ma Ya Yee nach seinem Bruder Ein She Min, der ebenfalls noch in Emmen weilt. Das Bullkalb entwickelte sich gut und begann bereits am Tag der Geburt bei seiner Mutter zu trinken, in deren N\u00E4he er stets blieb. In der Emmener Herde leben auch Ravis Tanten Mingalar Oo und Swe Zin, die sich ebenfalls um ihn k\u00FCmmern. Mit Mingalar Oos j\u00FCngstem Sohn Radza junior, der zwei Monate vor ihm geboren wurde, hat er einen etwa gleichaltrigen Spielgef\u00E4hrten. Neben den drei K\u00FChen leben in Emmen ansonsten nur Nachwuchsbullen. Ravi ist der siebzehnte und letzte Nachwuchs des am 01.10.2013 in Emmen eingeschl\u00E4ferten Zuchtbullen Radza. Von den 17 K\u00E4lbern Radzas wurden 15 in Emmen geboren, davon war eines weiblich (Swe Zin), das Geschlecht eines totgeborenen Kalbes ist unbestimmt. Mit Zuze, die im Zoo Riga zur Welt kam und in Japan lebt, und Marlar, die im Zoo K\u00F6ln geboren wurde und dort heranw\u00E4chst, hat er allerdings zwei weitere Halbschwestern v\u00E4terlicherseits. Seine \u00E4lteren Halbbr\u00FCder haben den Zoo bereits vor Ravis Geburt verlassen. Ravi ist das drei\u00DFigste in Emmen geborene Elefantenkalb. Von den 27 lebend geborenen K\u00E4lbern waren 23 Bullk\u00E4lber, nur vier K\u00FChe stammen aus der Emmener Zucht, von denen drei, die T\u00F6chter von Ravis verstorbener Gro\u00DFmutter Htoo Kin Aye, noch in Emmen leben. Nach der Abgabe der Familie von Htoo Yin Aye mit ihrer Tochter Ma Palai im Dezember 2013 lebt in Emmen derzeit eine Familiengruppe aus miteinander verwandten K\u00FChen und K\u00E4lbern. Bereits am 21.07.2014 wurde der Name f\u00FCr das neugeborene Elefantenkalb bekannt gegeben durch die in dieser Woche im Dierenpark amtierende \"Kinderdirektorin\" Amber van der Sleen, der der Name \"Ravi\", was \"Sonne\" bedeuten soll, gefiel und auch zu Radza junior passend erschien. Im Gegensatz zu den \u00E4lteren K\u00E4lbern Radzas, deren Namenvergabe mit birmanischen Namen der Herkunft ihrer M\u00FCtter aus Myanmar Rechnung trug, stammt Ravis (und indirekt auch Radza juniors) Name aus dem indischen Kulturkreis, der auf die indische Herkunft seines Vaters hinweist."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ravi"@en . . . . "Ravi was a terrorist loyal to Habib Marwan during Day 4."@en . "Eiton"@en . "Ravi was a clerk under Sir William Fitzgerald Cromarty of the Indian Civil Service in Allahabad, India. When travelers arrived looking to go to Pankot, Ravi fetched Cromarty, believing he should speak with them directly."@en . "Ravi is one of Timmy Turner's classmates thirteen years into the future. Timmy is still in grade school because of his desire to keep his fairies by acting like a child. Ravi is friends with Timmy, and later witnesses Tootie getting kidnapped by Hugh J. Magnate's goons, which he informs Timmy of. Ravi returned in the live action movie's sequel, \"A Fairly Odd Christmas\"."@en . . . "\"Day 4: 1:00pm-2:00pm\""@en . . . "Ravi was the Ma\u00EEtre d' of the hotel restaurant where Dev Alahan and Nina Mandal dined when they were conducting their clandestine affair. Ravi's friendliness towards Nina and knowledge of her tastes convinced a jealous Dev that he was not the first man that she had brought to the hotel."@en . . . "Ravi is a character from the Swazzle puppet show, The Case of the Elephant Trunk."@en . "Ravi was the Ma\u00EEtre d' of the hotel restaurant where Dev Alahan and Nina Mandal dined when they were conducting their clandestine affair. Ravi's friendliness towards Nina and knowledge of her tastes convinced a jealous Dev that he was not the first man that she had brought to the hotel."@en . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Ravi"@es . "Brown"@en . "Khedra"@en . . "Ravi is a guard at the island prison, the Vault."@en . "Ravi is a guard at the island prison, the Vault."@en . . . . . . "Ravi was a clerk under Sir William Fitzgerald Cromarty of the Indian Civil Service in Allahabad, India. When travelers arrived looking to go to Pankot, Ravi fetched Cromarty, believing he should speak with them directly."@en . "Jelly box DamnRa Ravi(\uB77C\uBE44) (feat. SAM&SP3CK) Performance Video|DamnRa (feat. SAM&SP3CK) Ravi - Bomb (feat. San E)|Bomb (feat. San E) Categor\u00EDa:Jelly Fish Entertainment Categor\u00EDa:KRapero Categor\u00EDa:KBailar\u00EDn Categor\u00EDa:KModelo Categor\u00EDa:KActor Categor\u00EDa:Nacidos en 1993 Categor\u00EDa:KSolista Categor\u00EDa:KDebut2016 __NOEDITARSECCI\u00D3N__"@es . . . . "Black"@en . . "\"Day 4: 2:00pm-3:00pm\""@en . . . "Prior to the mission to Hissrich"@en . . "10"^^ . . "yes"@en . . . "Dimmsdale, California"@en . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Ravi is a pediatrician who works with Jim and Pam's baby. He was portrayed by Sendhil Ramamurthy."@en . . . "Pediatrician"@en . . . . . . "Ravi is a character from the Swazzle puppet show, The Case of the Elephant Trunk."@en . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "Ravi"@en . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . "Live-Action"@en . . "2008-08-31"^^ . . "Ravi"@en .