. . "Chirithy"@fr . . "Lara Jill Miller"@fr . "O Chirithy s\u00E3o gato, antropom\u00F3rfica Dream Eater s que aparecem em Kingdom Hearts \u03C7 e atuar como companheiro de um Jogador. Eles foram criados pelo mestre dos Foretellers e supervisionam o progresso dos jogadores, colocando-os atrav\u00E9s de ensaios, mas tamb\u00E9m oferecendo conselhos e ajudam para que eles podem ficar mais fortes. O Chirithy suporta todos os cinco Unions, e mesmo que eles n\u00E3o s\u00E3o diretamente subordinados para os Foretellers, eles trabalham com eles juntos \u00E0 traseira do carro da escurid\u00E3o. Um Chirithy \u00E9 vinculado ao seu jogador; no caso em que o jogador sucumbe \u00E0 escurid\u00E3o ou desaparece, assim como o Chirithy."@pt . "Spirit"@en . . "Kingdom Hearts: \u03C7 [chi]"@fr . . . "Chirithy"@en . "The Chirithy (\u30C1\u30EA\u30B7\u30A3 Chirish\u012B?) are a species of Dream Eater which first appear in Kingdom Hearts \u03C7. They are the creations of the Master of Masters, and act throughout the game as a companion and guide to the player. The Chirithy are responsible for advising and assisting the player, enabling them to become stronger Keyblade wielders. While the Chirithy are present to offer advice to the player, they do not dictate the latter's actions and are content to allow the player to do as they please. The Chirithy are, however, bound to their respective players, and as a consequence will succumb to the darkness or disappear if their player travels down either path."@en . . . "Tomoko Kaneda"@fr . . "Ally, Antagonist"@en . . . . . . "The Chirithy (\u30C1\u30EA\u30B7\u30A3 Chirish\u012B?) are a species of Dream Eater which first appear in Kingdom Hearts \u03C7. They are the creations of the Master of Masters, and act throughout the game as a companion and guide to the player. The Chirithy are responsible for advising and assisting the player, enabling them to become stronger Keyblade wielders. While the Chirithy are present to offer advice to the player, they do not dictate the latter's actions and are content to allow the player to do as they please. The Chirithy are, however, bound to their respective players, and as a consequence will succumb to the darkness or disappear if their player travels down either path. Whilst being bound to the player, the Chirithy do not claim allegiance to a particular Union, but rather assist the Foretellers in purging the world of darkness."@en . "200"^^ . . "\u30C1\u30EA\u30B7\u30A3"@fr . . . "Chirish\u012B"@fr . . "DreamEater"@pt . . . "\u30C1\u30EA\u30B7\u30A3"@pt . "Spirit Dream Eater"@pt . . "Chirish\u012B"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Chirithy"@en . . "o"@fr . . . "Aliado"@pt . "Kingdom Hearts \u03C7\n''Kingdom Hearts Unchained \u03C7"@en . . . . "Chirish\u012B"@pt . "Kingdom Hearts \u03C7"@pt . . . "\u30C1\u30EA\u30B7\u30A3"@en . "Protagoniste"@fr . "Les Chirithy sont des cr\u00E9atures apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts: \u03C7 [chi]. Ce sont des Avale-R\u00EAves anthropomorphes, ayant l'apparence d'un chat. Charg\u00E9s d'accompagner les diff\u00E9rents porteurs de la Keyblade au cours de leurs aventures, les Chirithy ont \u00E9galement pour but des les aider, de les conseiller, et de les tester. Plusieurs Chirithy ont \u00E9t\u00E9 crois\u00E9s au cours du jeu, mais le plus important reste celui du Joueur. La relation entre les deux devient tellement forte, qu'ils finissent par se consid\u00E9rer plus comme des amis que comme des partenaires."@fr . "Kingdom Hearts \u03C7"@en . "Nightmare"@en . . "Les Chirithy sont des cr\u00E9atures apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts: \u03C7 [chi]. Ce sont des Avale-R\u00EAves anthropomorphes, ayant l'apparence d'un chat. Charg\u00E9s d'accompagner les diff\u00E9rents porteurs de la Keyblade au cours de leurs aventures, les Chirithy ont \u00E9galement pour but des les aider, de les conseiller, et de les tester. Plusieurs Chirithy ont \u00E9t\u00E9 crois\u00E9s au cours du jeu, mais le plus important reste celui du Joueur. La relation entre les deux devient tellement forte, qu'ils finissent par se consid\u00E9rer plus comme des amis que comme des partenaires."@fr . "Chirithy"@fr . . . . . "O Chirithy s\u00E3o gato, antropom\u00F3rfica Dream Eater s que aparecem em Kingdom Hearts \u03C7 e atuar como companheiro de um Jogador. Eles foram criados pelo mestre dos Foretellers e supervisionam o progresso dos jogadores, colocando-os atrav\u00E9s de ensaios, mas tamb\u00E9m oferecendo conselhos e ajudam para que eles podem ficar mais fortes. O Chirithy suporta todos os cinco Unions, e mesmo que eles n\u00E3o s\u00E3o diretamente subordinados para os Foretellers, eles trabalham com eles juntos \u00E0 traseira do carro da escurid\u00E3o. Um Chirithy \u00E9 vinculado ao seu jogador; no caso em que o jogador sucumbe \u00E0 escurid\u00E3o ou desaparece, assim como o Chirithy."@pt . "Chirithy"@pt . . . . . "Chirithy"@pt . "Chirithy"@fr . . "Tomoko Kaneda"@en .