"Omnivore"@en . "Anime, Manga"@en . . "Human"@en . . . . "Neutro"@es . "no"@en . . . . "\"Kiri\" hace referencia a tres art\u00EDculos: \n* Kiri: Como se suele llamar a la Aldea Oculta de la Niebla o Kirigakure. \n* Kiri: Un ninja de Kirigakure que luch\u00F3 en la Cuarta Gran Guerra Mundial Shinobi. \n* Kiri: Estudiante de la Academia Ninja."@en . . . . "Shoji Kengen~ Uncle, Maigo~ Adoptive Daughter"@en . . . . . . "Kiri is a young girl living in the Nameless Village where Dr. Tim Marcoh hides out under the alias \"Dr. Mauro\" after the Ishval Civil War. Presumably one of the townspeople cured by his use of the Philosopher's Stone, Kiri is quite fond of \"Mauro\" and chooses to show her appreciation one afternoon by bringing him flowers for his clinic. Unfortunately, Kiri happens to walk in at the very moment that the Homunculus Lust is pressuring Marcoh to reveal the location of his hidden notes. While Marcoh refuses to acquiesce even at the cost of his own life, Kiri's interference makes her a sudden hostage. With two of Lust's bladed fingers around the little girl's throat and threatening to lop off her head, Marcoh concedes and reveals his secret to Lust. Kiri is spared and Marcoh consoles her as his enemy departs."@en . . . . "Kiri es un personaje de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Mortal Kombat: La Conquista interpretada por Sung Li Hi."@es . . . "Satomi Sat\u014D"@en . "Aquilonian"@en . "Kirigakure, Yugakure, Dou"@en . . . . . . . "Age of Conan"@en . . "Taja"@es . "No"@en . "Female"@en . "250"^^ . . . "Kiri was originally conceived as a Vocaloid/UTAU OC in July 2009. Actual production on her voice did not begin until a year later with her first song, a cover of 01_ballade . At the time, she was a private UTAUloid. During a file transfer to an external hard drive, the user's UTAU software became outdated and Kiri could not be used. In late January, Kiri was picked up again and fixed for use. So far, she has three songs. On February 5, 2011, her voicebank became available for public use."@en . . . "Kiri est localis\u00E9 dans le Pays de l'Eau. C'est l'un des cinq grands villages ninjas, dirig\u00E9 par un kage connu sous le nom de Mizukage. C'est aussi l'endroit d'o\u00F9 les Sept \u00C9p\u00E9istes de la Brume sont originaires. Kakashi et Orochimaru d\u00E9clar\u00E8rent tous deux que Kiri avait une arm\u00E9e forte et impitoyable qui ne pouvait pas \u00EAtre facilement battue. Kiri est compos\u00E9 de plusieurs b\u00E2timents cylindriques, avec la R\u00E9sidence du Mizukage \u00E9tant la plus large et la plus importante. Comme son nom l'indique, le village est entour\u00E9 par un \u00E9pais brouillard, avec plusieurs montagnes en arri\u00E8re-plan et il est difficile \u00E0 trouver."@fr . "Die Elefantenkuh Kiri wurde ca. 1962 als wilder Elefant in Thailand geboren und kam am 25. Juli 1963 in den Tiergarten N\u00FCrnberg, in dem sie bis zu ihrem Tod im August 2007 mit der Afrikanerin Yvonne zusammen lebte. Seit 1998 war sie der einzige asiatische Elefant im Tiergarten, nachdem die beiden Elefantenk\u00FChe Amba und Buka (mit 44 bzw. 54 Jahren 1998 und 1999) verstarben. Auch nach Kiris Tod soll die Elefantenhaltung im Tiergarten N\u00FCrnberg weitergehen. Die verbliebene Yvonne zog aber 2008 in den Zoo Rostock um, wo sie 2009 verstarb. Zur Zeit gibt es keine Elefanten in N\u00FCrnberg."@de . . . . . "WiccWiki-Kiri-Violated.jpg"@en . . "Kiri ist ein Name. 2371 befragt Kira Nerys den letzten \u00FCberlebenden Zeugen der cardassianischen Strafanstalt Elemspur, ob er Kira kenne. Grund hierf\u00FCr ist, dass im bajoranischen Zentralarchiv eine Aufzeichnung gefunden worden ist, die zeigt, dass Kira zehn Jahre zuvor in dieser Strafanstalt gewesen sein soll. Diese dementiert dies jedoch. Der Zeuge Yeln scheint sich an Kira zu erinnern, er nennt sie zuerst Kiri, bis diese ihn korrigiert. Nach dem Gespr\u00E4ch bleibt es f\u00FCr sie unklar, wie sich die Person an sie erinnern kann. (DS9: )"@de . . "Magins beskyddare \u00E4r en legendarisk k\u00E4mpe som b\u00E4r titeln Kiri. Kiri \u00E4r en soldat och en kraft skapad av Azurvitner. Kiris uppgift \u00E4r att skydda Magins dal, dess m\u00E4stare och slott. \u00C4ven att vaka \u00F6ver balansen mellan all magi i v\u00E4rldarna och skydda de magiska konsterna Azurvitner och Rojvitnern. (Precis som Aziri \u00E4r skapad av Rojvitnern, f\u00F6r att skydda Rojvitnern och Azurvitnern.) D\u00E5 en varelse accepterat ansvaret som beskyddare och allt som kommer d\u00E4rtill uppfylls denne av Azurvitnernas kraft. Kiri ges \u00E4ven en m\u00E4ktig rustning. B\u00E4raren av titeln Kiri \u00E4r detta tills d\u00F6den eller om kontraktet mellan denne och Azurvitnerna bryts. D\u00E5 detta h\u00E4nder v\u00E4ljs en ny beskyddare ut, d\u00E5 dess f\u00F6reg\u00E5ngare uppfyllt sitt syfte."@en . . . . "Magins beskyddare \u00E4r en legendarisk k\u00E4mpe som b\u00E4r titeln Kiri. Kiri \u00E4r en soldat och en kraft skapad av Azurvitner. Kiris uppgift \u00E4r att skydda Magins dal, dess m\u00E4stare och slott. \u00C4ven att vaka \u00F6ver balansen mellan all magi i v\u00E4rldarna och skydda de magiska konsterna Azurvitner och Rojvitnern. (Precis som Aziri \u00E4r skapad av Rojvitnern, f\u00F6r att skydda Rojvitnern och Azurvitnern.) D\u00E5 en varelse accepterat ansvaret som beskyddare och allt som kommer d\u00E4rtill uppfylls denne av Azurvitnernas kraft. Kiri ges \u00E4ven en m\u00E4ktig rustning."@en . "Village Cach\u00E9 par la Brume"@fr . "Kiri ist ein Name. 2371 befragt Kira Nerys den letzten \u00FCberlebenden Zeugen der cardassianischen Strafanstalt Elemspur, ob er Kira kenne. Grund hierf\u00FCr ist, dass im bajoranischen Zentralarchiv eine Aufzeichnung gefunden worden ist, die zeigt, dass Kira zehn Jahre zuvor in dieser Strafanstalt gewesen sein soll. Diese dementiert dies jedoch. Der Zeuge Yeln scheint sich an Kira zu erinnern, er nennt sie zuerst Kiri, bis diese ihn korrigiert. Nach dem Gespr\u00E4ch bleibt es f\u00FCr sie unklar, wie sich die Person an sie erinnern kann. (DS9: )"@de . . "400"^^ . "Kiri es una j\u00F3ven y sensual mujer que aparece en la serie Mortal Kombat Conquest. Ella se dedica a la adivinaci\u00F3n en su propio local junto a su ayudante Ankha. Posteriormente revela que en realidad es un raptor bajo las \u00F3rdenes de Reptile."@es . . "Kiri es un personaje de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Mortal Kombat: La Conquista interpretada por Sung Li Hi."@es . . "Kiri was the smaller of the two moons of Epona."@en . . "Kiri Kayven was the daughter of Ruth Graylock and Rinic Kayven, born in late 2376. She was named for her father's grandmother. (SCE eBook: Security) Before her birth, Kiri was the subject of a betting pool held aboard the USS da Vinci, the command of her great-grandfather, David Gold. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns) See also: Gold-Gilman Family"@en . "Green"@en . . . "Human"@en . . "Kiri(\u30AD\u30EA) is a character in XBlaze \u2013 Lost: Memories. He is a young man who has lost all memories of the past except his name, and the current owner of Brain Cat. He has come to New Yokozaki City from far away to fight the leader of the so-called 'bad guys'."@en . "Adventurer and harlot"@en . . "Kirigakure no Sato"@fr . "*Jedi Order\n**Wolf Clan"@en . . . "Kiri"@fr . "Jedi"@en . . . . . "Barbarian"@en . . . "Kiri"@es . . . . . "Violet"@en . . . "Kiri es una j\u00F3ven y sensual mujer que aparece en la serie Mortal Kombat Conquest. Ella se dedica a la adivinaci\u00F3n en su propio local junto a su ayudante Ankha. Posteriormente revela que en realidad es un raptor bajo las \u00F3rdenes de Reptile."@es . "\u9727\u96A0\u308C\u306E\u91CC"@fr . "Ankha"@es . . "103"^^ . . . "In Kold Blood"@es . "XBlaze \u2013 Lost: Memories"@en . "Dorothy Elias-Fahn"@en . . . "Kiri was first seen when Mushra accidentally bumped into her while playing with his hover board. She was chased by insect enterrans, having escaped Shinzo to go and find Yakumo. She also has a fear of Enterrans, claiming they are evil, and would not even go near Mushra, when he tries to help, choosing instead to bite his hand."@en . "A"@en . "Kirin"@en . . . . . . "Water Release, Earth Release, Wind Release"@en . "Blue-gray"@en . . . "His cat plushie"@en . "2"^^ . . . . "Kiri"@en . . . . . . "Kiri"@fr . . . "Kiri is a young girl living in the Nameless Village where Dr. Tim Marcoh hides out under the alias \"Dr. Mauro\" after the Ishval Civil War. Presumably one of the townspeople cured by his use of the Philosopher's Stone, Kiri is quite fond of \"Mauro\" and chooses to show her appreciation one afternoon by bringing him flowers for his clinic. Unfortunately, Kiri happens to walk in at the very moment that the Homunculus Lust is pressuring Marcoh to reveal the location of his hidden notes. While Marcoh refuses to acquiesce even at the cost of his own life, Kiri's interference makes her a sudden hostage. With two of Lust's bladed fingers around the little girl's throat and threatening to lop off her head, Marcoh concedes and reveals his secret to Lust. Kiri is spared and Marcoh consoles her as his "@en . . . . "Febuary 13"@en . . "36"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "Kiri is a trained pet cat occasionally available to everyone through Cragara, the , at the regular price of File:Sc.png399, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png359."@en . . "2"^^ . "Interpretada por Sung Hi Lee"@es . . . "Kiri"@en . . . . . . . . "Lawful Neutral"@en . . "Various"@en . . "23"^^ . "Lies"@en . "Kiri"@de . "Black with a white streak"@en . . . . . "Kiri"@en . . . . "Kiri est localis\u00E9 dans le Pays de l'Eau. C'est l'un des cinq grands villages ninjas, dirig\u00E9 par un kage connu sous le nom de Mizukage. C'est aussi l'endroit d'o\u00F9 les Sept \u00C9p\u00E9istes de la Brume sont originaires. Kakashi et Orochimaru d\u00E9clar\u00E8rent tous deux que Kiri avait une arm\u00E9e forte et impitoyable qui ne pouvait pas \u00EAtre facilement battue."@fr . . . "Kiri(\u9727,Kiri) was a Genin from Kirigakure and is the Jinch\u016Briki of Saiken, the Six-Tails. After the Second Neo Akatsuki War she left Kiri and became a traveler."@en . "No"@en . "=== ==="@en . . "None"@en . "Kiri Symbole.svg"@fr . "Kiri was originally conceived as a Vocaloid/UTAU OC in July 2009. Actual production on her voice did not begin until a year later with her first song, a cover of 01_ballade . At the time, she was a private UTAUloid. During a file transfer to an external hard drive, the user's UTAU software became outdated and Kiri could not be used. In late January, Kiri was picked up again and fixed for use. So far, she has three songs. On February 5, 2011, her voicebank became available for public use."@en . . "Kiri in 1171 was a slender Scorpion girl who had only two years left until her gempukku. She was being tought in the ways of Tao by Togashi Shiori. Kiri believed Shiori was a bad teacher, and catalogued the Tattooed Monk's faults, which started with her insistence on teaching abstruse theories that could not possibly have any bearing on reality, continued with the futility of meditations on firelight, and ended just short of an accusation of heterodox thinking. Shiori saw Kiri as a most excellent student, who she encouraged by her capacity for independent thought."@en . "Male"@en . . "Kiri(\u9727,Kiri) was a Genin from Kirigakure and is the Jinch\u016Briki of Saiken, the Six-Tails. After the Second Neo Akatsuki War she left Kiri and became a traveler."@en . "Kiri Kayven was the daughter of Ruth Graylock and Rinic Kayven, born in late 2376. She was named for her father's grandmother. (SCE eBook: Security) Before her birth, Kiri was the subject of a betting pool held aboard the USS da Vinci, the command of her great-grandfather, David Gold. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns) See also: Gold-Gilman Family"@en . . "Kiri was a trainee in the ways of the Force as a Jedi youngling. Living in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, Kiri was a member of Wolf Clan alongside Lina Lascol, Lartan, Mox Freedan and the male Ezak."@en . . . . . . . "Kiri was the smaller of the two moons of Epona."@en . . . . "Jinch\u016Briki~ Saiken"@en . . . . . . . "Vengeance"@es . . "Kiri(\u30AD\u30EA) is a character in XBlaze \u2013 Lost: Memories. He is a young man who has lost all memories of the past except his name, and the current owner of Brain Cat. He has come to New Yokozaki City from far away to fight the leader of the so-called 'bad guys'."@en . . "Kiri"@en . . "Die Elefantenkuh Kiri wurde ca. 1962 als wilder Elefant in Thailand geboren und kam am 25. Juli 1963 in den Tiergarten N\u00FCrnberg, in dem sie bis zu ihrem Tod im August 2007 mit der Afrikanerin Yvonne zusammen lebte. Seit 1998 war sie der einzige asiatische Elefant im Tiergarten, nachdem die beiden Elefantenk\u00FChe Amba und Buka (mit 44 bzw. 54 Jahren 1998 und 1999) verstarben. Am 07.08.2007 wurde die 45 Jahre alte Elefantenkuh aufgrund ihrer gesundheitlichen Beschwerden eingeschl\u00E4fert. Seit drei Jahren schlief sie aufgrund ihrer altersbedingten Arthrose nur noch im Stehen und konnte sich nicht mehr hinlegen. Am 07.08 und bereits am Abend des Vortages knickte Kiri immer wieder mit den Hinterbeinen ein. Nur mit Hilfe von Elefantenkuh Yvonne konnte sie wieder aufstehen. Als sich im Laufe des Tages ihr Gesundheitszustand verschlechterte, versuchte sogar die Feuerwehr, sie mit Lufthebekissen und einem Kran wieder zum Aufstehen zu bewegen. Schlie\u00DFlich hatte sie keine Kraft mehr und wurde durch die Tier\u00E4rzte von ihrem Leiden erl\u00F6st. Auch nach Kiris Tod soll die Elefantenhaltung im Tiergarten N\u00FCrnberg weitergehen. Die verbliebene Yvonne zog aber 2008 in den Zoo Rostock um, wo sie 2009 verstarb. Zur Zeit gibt es keine Elefanten in N\u00FCrnberg. Kiris Skelett wurde Staatssammlung f\u00FCr Anthropologie und Pal\u00E4oanatomie in M\u00FCnchen \u00FCberf\u00FChrt, wo es als \"Vergleichsskelett\" f\u00FCr fossile Knochen, die bei Ausgrabungen gefunden werden, dienen soll."@de . . "Older kiri.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Active"@en . . "Alive"@en . . . "Kiri was first seen when Mushra accidentally bumped into her while playing with his hover board. She was chased by insect enterrans, having escaped Shinzo to go and find Yakumo. She also has a fear of Enterrans, claiming they are evil, and would not even go near Mushra, when he tries to help, choosing instead to bite his hand. She leads the group to Shinzo, but would not show the secret passage of how to get in unless Mushra, Sago and Kutal left. Once the three of them are gone, she shows Yakumo the secret entrance, which is reached by following the moonlight's reflection on the river. However, just when she and Yakumo are just about to go inside, a giant caterpillar shows. Luckily for them Mushra, Sago and Kutal manage to arrive just in time to help and manage to defeat the bug. However, the two are captured again, this time by a carnivorous plant. In episode seven, it is revealed that she is actually an Enterran known as Katai. Katai says it was easy for him to manipulate the others to go into Shinzo by assuming the appearance of Kiri. Katai later assumes the appearance of Yakumo in an attempt to capture the others and destroy them. However, he is later destroyed by King Daku and his encard absorbed."@en . . . "\"Kiri\" hace referencia a tres art\u00EDculos: \n* Kiri: Como se suele llamar a la Aldea Oculta de la Niebla o Kirigakure. \n* Kiri: Un ninja de Kirigakure que luch\u00F3 en la Cuarta Gran Guerra Mundial Shinobi. \n* Kiri: Estudiante de la Academia Ninja."@en . . . . "Humanoid"@en . "Kiri.jpg"@es . . . . . "Noob Saibot"@es . "Kiri was a trainee in the ways of the Force as a Jedi youngling. Living in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, Kiri was a member of Wolf Clan alongside Lina Lascol, Lartan, Mox Freedan and the male Ezak."@en . . "Torture Slaves of Stygia"@en . . . "=== ==="@en . "Kiri"@en . . . . "Lunar blonde"@en . . . "Bony and weak"@en . . . "Kiri in 1171 was a slender Scorpion girl who had only two years left until her gempukku. She was being tought in the ways of Tao by Togashi Shiori. Kiri believed Shiori was a bad teacher, and catalogued the Tattooed Monk's faults, which started with her insistence on teaching abstruse theories that could not possibly have any bearing on reality, continued with the futility of meditations on firelight, and ended just short of an accusation of heterodox thinking. Shiori saw Kiri as a most excellent student, who she encouraged by her capacity for independent thought."@en . . . "1.8"^^ . . . "Kiri"@es . . "Viva"@es . . . . . . . "The Kiri come from the planet Kirin located in the Unknown Regions. Their planet was once under the control of the Isen Star Empire, but now they are a New Republic world. They have violet skin. There have been reports of other skin colors, though it is rare. Despite the fact that their planet has a relatively non-hostile environment, they have a lot in common with the Zabrak of Iridonia. They have extremely strong will power, which makes them superb for both Special Ops agents and Jedi Knights. Aside from their will power they also have the unique ability to survive in almost no atmosphere for an extended length of time."@en . "Ch\u016Bnin"@en . . . . . "-8.0"^^ . . . "* Immune to Most Diseases\n* Extremely Strong Will Power\n* Can Survive For Long Periods in Very Little Atmosphere"@en . . "Kiri is a trained pet cat occasionally available to everyone through Cragara, the , at the regular price of File:Sc.png399, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png359."@en . "Balance of Power"@es . . . . . "The Kiri come from the planet Kirin located in the Unknown Regions. Their planet was once under the control of the Isen Star Empire, but now they are a New Republic world. They have violet skin. There have been reports of other skin colors, though it is rare. Despite the fact that their planet has a relatively non-hostile environment, they have a lot in common with the Zabrak of Iridonia. They have extremely strong will power, which makes them superb for both Special Ops agents and Jedi Knights. Aside from their will power they also have the unique ability to survive in almost no atmosphere for an extended length of time."@en .