"Durin"@es . "Durin is part of the Olympus System. It is not currently inhabited by any species. This is due to the fact that it's axis-speed is rather fast. A ULP-standard day is 5 hours on the planet."@en . "Durin"@nl . . . "Product Management"@en . . . . "Durin was the name of many Dwarves in the First, Second, and Third Ages, starting with Durin the Deathless, after whom the Line was named."@en . . . . "Ulrich Schlott"@en . "Re Durin I di Khazad-d\u00FBm (Anni degli Alberi ?, Prima Era ?), conosciuto anche come Durin il Senza Morte dato che mor\u00EC in et\u00E0 molto avanzata, alla fine della Prima Era, fu il pi\u00F9 anziano dei Sette Padri dei Nani, il primo ad essere creato dal Vala Aul\u00EB. Durin fu creato, con gli altri Padri dei Nani, agli albori di Arda ma fu risvegliato solo dopo la venuta degli Elfi, durante gli Anni degli Alberi, quando la Terra di Mezzo era illuminata solo dalle stelle. Secondo i Nani, egli si risvegl\u00F2 nei pressi del Monte Gundabad, nelle Montagne Nebbiose, e si avventur\u00F2 verso sud in luoghi che nessuno aveva ancora visitato prima. Giunse infine al lago di Kheled-z\u00E2ram e osservando le stelle misteriose riflesse sulla sua superficie intravide l'immagine di una corona. Prese questo come un segno e e stabil\u00EC la proprio dimora nelle caverne sopra il lago, fondando la citt\u00E0 di Khazad-d\u00FBm, pi\u00F9 tardi rinominata Moria. Egli diede origine alla Casa dei Longobarbi, altrimenti conosciuti come Popolo di Durin."@it . "Re Durin I di Khazad-d\u00FBm (Anni degli Alberi ?, Prima Era ?), conosciuto anche come Durin il Senza Morte dato che mor\u00EC in et\u00E0 molto avanzata, alla fine della Prima Era, fu il pi\u00F9 anziano dei Sette Padri dei Nani, il primo ad essere creato dal Vala Aul\u00EB. Durin fu creato, con gli altri Padri dei Nani, agli albori di Arda ma fu risvegliato solo dopo la venuta degli Elfi, durante gli Anni degli Alberi, quando la Terra di Mezzo era illuminata solo dalle stelle. Secondo i Nani, egli si risvegl\u00F2 nei pressi del Monte Gundabad, nelle Montagne Nebbiose, e si avventur\u00F2 verso sud in luoghi che nessuno aveva ancora visitato prima. Giunse infine al lago di Kheled-z\u00E2ram e osservando le stelle misteriose riflesse sulla sua superficie intravide l'immagine di una corona. Prese questo come un segno e e stabil"@it . "Durin is one of the creators of Tibia, known as Ulrich Schlott. He's famous for attacking Thais/Tibia city with his character Ferumbras. Dwarves also worship a \"god\" named Durin. They can regularly be heard saying \"Hail Durin!\"\n\nUlrich primarily works as Product Manager for TibiaME.\nthumb|left|300px|One tibian's idea of what Durin is (credits to Artfire and TibiaNews)"@en . . . . . "Durin"@en . "Chief Executive"@en . . . . . . . "Durin is the god character used by Ulrich Schlott, one of the creators of Tibia and a current member of the CipSoft. Dwarves also worship a \"god\" named Durin. They can regularly be heard saying \"Hail Durin!\" Also he has controlled Ferumbras, and made him to be killed. Image:Durin.JPG One tibian's idea of what Durin is (credits to Artfire and Tibia news) This God was feared in tibia's past as he was known to be a bit chaotic with his power, by summoning demon's within the first ever known city of Thais.."@es . . . "Durin"@it . "Durin is the god character used by Ulrich Schlott, one of the creators of Tibia and a current member of the CipSoft. Dwarves also worship a \"god\" named Durin. They can regularly be heard saying \"Hail Durin!\" Also he has controlled Ferumbras, and made him to be killed. Image:Durin.JPG One tibian's idea of what Durin is (credits to Artfire and Tibia news) This God was feared in tibia's past as he was known to be a bit chaotic with his power, by summoning demon's within the first ever known city of Thais.."@es . . . . . . . . . "Durin is de naam die als eerste werd gedragen door de voornaamste van de Zeven Vaders van de Dwergen. Na hem droegen nog zes erfgenamen van hem de naam Durin, wat het totaal aantal Dwergenkoningen met de naam Durin op zeven brengt, hetzelfde aantal als de Zeven Vaders die oorspronkelijk door Aul\u00EB geschapen waren, het aantal Dwergenclans en het aantal ringen dat Sauron aan de Dwergen schonk. De Durins in latere tijden waren volgens de Dwergen zo gelijkend in uiterlijk en karakters dat ze wel re\u00EFncarnaties van Durin I moesten zijn."@nl . "Durin was the name of many Dwarves in the First, Second, and Third Ages, starting with Durin the Deathless, after whom the Line was named."@en . "Durin"@en . . . . . . . "Durin is de naam die als eerste werd gedragen door de voornaamste van de Zeven Vaders van de Dwergen. Na hem droegen nog zes erfgenamen van hem de naam Durin, wat het totaal aantal Dwergenkoningen met de naam Durin op zeven brengt, hetzelfde aantal als de Zeven Vaders die oorspronkelijk door Aul\u00EB geschapen waren, het aantal Dwergenclans en het aantal ringen dat Sauron aan de Dwergen schonk. De Durins in latere tijden waren volgens de Dwergen zo gelijkend in uiterlijk en karakters dat ze wel re\u00EFncarnaties van Durin I moesten zijn."@nl . . . "1995"^^ . "Durin is part of the Olympus System. It is not currently inhabited by any species. This is due to the fact that it's axis-speed is rather fast. A ULP-standard day is 5 hours on the planet."@en . . . "Durin"@de . . . "Lead Product Manager"@en .