. . . . . . . . . "\"Headless Horseman or The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving\" is a 1922 silent film starring Will Rogers as Ichabold Crane. It follows the Washington Irving story in plot."@en . . . . . . "Before 2011"@en . . "Ichabod crossing the bridge to stop him"@en . . "To protect Far Far Away"@en . . "Legendary Ghost"@en . . . . "No"@en . . . . "Undead"@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . "5000"^^ . "It takes 300 seconds for the Horseman to respawn, and he deals roughly 158 damage."@en . . . . . "Anthony Ho Wong"@en . . . "Headless Horseman"@en . "Headless Horsemen"@en . "The Headless Horseman (Also known as The Headless Rider) [citation needed] is an infamous ghost from the folktale The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which has been adapted into various books and movies."@en . "hide"@en . . "1324"^^ . . . "Armor, cape, gloves"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aaron Blaise"@en . . "Bad, later good"@en . "Headless Ghost Rider"@en . . . . "The Headless Horseman is a character that is part of the animated feature The Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow. He is the ghost that legends say haunts the area in the Smurf Forest known as Smurfy Hollow, and who is unable to cross the covered bridge that leads into that region."@en . "Plays the flute"@en . . "The Headless Horseman was a ghost who only liked scary things that are fun instead of actually scaring people. He didn't really enjoy working for Prime Evil either. It was Prime Evil who told the Horseman to appear headless to look more scary, even though he actually had a head attached to his neck."@en . . . . . "The Headless Horseman"@en . . "0"^^ . . . "HeadlessHorsemanTCG.jpg"@en . . . "Headless Horseman"@en . "Es war ein Tag wie jeder andere auch, ich sa\u00DF in meinem Sessel und la\u00DF die Zeitung der aktuellen Woche. Als ich den letzten Satz des Sportartikels fertig gelesen hatte wandte ich mich zur Garderobe, zog meine Jacke an und ging zum Reitplatz denn ich war auch ein begeisteter Pferdeliebhaber. Dort angekommen ging ich zu Missi einem Yonaguni-Pony, sie ist ein \u00E4u\u00DFerst seltenes Pony. Doch an diesem Tag traf ich nicht nur sie an sondern auch einen mir v\u00F6llig fremden Mann, er trug eine schwarze Stoffjacke, eine seltsame Lederhose und einen Cowboyhut. written by WhiteZeroLP"@de . "The Headless Horseman is a decoration in FarmVille. It was an uncommon reward in Mystery Game 74."@en . "23682"^^ . . . . "Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tessel, Tilda, Mr. Van Tessel, Sleepy Hollow villagers, Bambi, Spring Sprite"@en . "Villain"@en . . . . . . . . "When a random attack destroyed King Mickey's library in Disney Castle, many magic books he personally recovered during the two years were stolen or destroyed. Sora however managed to save two books from the escaping Heartless, \"The Wind in the Willows\" and \"Ichabod, or the Legend of Sleepy Hollow\". But most of the pages were scattered in the corridoor of darkness, and without them both books and their worlds would be lost."@en . "Shrek 2"@en . "A specific type of undead (sometimes a ghost, sometimes a physical revenant), the Headless Horseman is a headless rider who haunts woods and roadways, often the one where he lost his head, in search of victims. Sometimes a Headless Horseman just seeks to scare, other times he will try to take others' heads. Sometimes, the Horseman will carry a jack-o'-lantern in place of his lost head. The probable Sister Trope to Losing Your Head. Examples of Headless Horseman include:"@en . . . . . . "File:Treehouse of horror.jpg THOH \u2013 \"Treehouse of Horror VI\""@en . "10"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Headless Horseman"@de . . . . . . . . . "Playing the flute"@en . "\u041A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044E\u043C \u0432\u0441\u0430\u0434\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0430 \u0431\u0435\u0437 \u0433\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0432\u044B"@en . "\"Headless Horseman or The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving\" is a 1922 silent film starring Will Rogers as Ichabold Crane. It follows the Washington Irving story in plot."@en . "Jinete sin cabeza"@en . "The Headless Horseman is the main antagonist (replacing Brom Bones) in The Adventures Of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, specifically the Legend of Sleepy Hollow segment."@en . . "Goat transformed into ghost"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Las Plagas"@en . "Villain"@en . "2376"^^ . . . . . "-15"^^ . . . "The Headless Horseman (Also known as The Headless Rider) [citation needed] is an infamous ghost from the folktale The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which has been adapted into various books and movies."@en . . . "The Headless Horseman"@en . . . "Knight"@en . . . "None"@en . . "The Headless Horseman is an evil and skilled knight in the Shrek movies."@en . . "Horseman"@en . "David Recinos"@en . . "Extreme threat"@en . . "0"^^ . "The Headless Horseman is a character that is part of the animated feature The Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow. He is the ghost that legends say haunts the area in the Smurf Forest known as Smurfy Hollow, and who is unable to cross the covered bridge that leads into that region. In the story, Gutsy creates a shadow form of the Headless Horseman to scare Brainy away from the secret patch of smurfberries he had discovered and used to win the annual Smurfberry Harvest contests. Later on in the story, as Gutsy and Brainy deal with trying to rescue Smurfette from Gargamel, the real Headless Horseman appears, scaring the Smurfs as well as the evil wizard and his cat Azrael. As the five of them flee to the covered bridge which is their only form of protection against the ghost, Gargamel taunts the Headless Horseman, who responds by throwing a flaming pumpkin which causes the floor of the bridge to collapse below the wizard and his cat, sending them downstream and over the waterfalls. By the end of the story, it is revealed that Papa Smurf created the Headless Horseman by using his magic to change an ordinary goat into a ghost."@en . "Headless Horseman"@en . . . . "Yes"@en . . . "4000"^^ . . . . . . . . "Tom Bancroft"@en . . "4432"^^ . "0"^^ . . "File:Treehouse of horror.jpg THOH \u2013 \"Treehouse of Horror VI\""@en . . . "Durante el evento de Hallow's End, el Jinete Decapitado es un boss \u00E9lite que aparece en el Pumpkin Shrine justo en medio del Forlorn Cloister en el Cementerio, el ala oeste de la instance del Monasterio Escarlata. Adicionalmente ataca pueblos tanto de la Horda como de la Alianza varias veces mientras dura el evento. El Jinete fue una vez caballero de la Orden de la Mano de Plata pero ahora est\u00E1 maldito. El esta convencido de que sigue vivo pero los que luchan contra \u00E9l pueden ver que est\u00E1 muerto. Cuando es derrotado revela que es Thomas Thomson (tambi\u00E9n conocido como Sir Thomas). Para invocarlo, primero hay que hacer clic sobre el Pumpkin Shrine para recibir la misi\u00F3n diaria Image:Neutral 15.gif [70] Call the Headless Horseman. Justo detr\u00E1s hay un objeto llamado Loosely Turned Soil en el que habr\u00E1 que hacer clic teniendo previamente en las bolsas el \u00EDtem Dreary Candle. Esto har\u00E1 que el Jinete sea invocado. Cada jugador puede invocar al Jinete una vez al d\u00EDa pero solamente mientras est\u00E9n cursando la misi\u00F3n que lo invoca. El n\u00FAmero m\u00E1ximo de jugadores es de 5."@es . "25"^^ . . "Paul and Gaetan Brizzi"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Glen Keane"@en . "CGI Movie Series"@en . "The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in Sleepy Hollow, New York. The Horseman was a Hessian of unknown rank; one of many such hired to suppress the American Revolutionary War. During the war, the Horseman was one of 548 Hessians killed in a battle for Chatterton Hill, wherein his head was severed by a cannonball. He was buried in a graveyard outside a church. Thereafter he appears as a ghost, who presents to nightly travelers an actual danger (rather than the largely harmless fright produced by the majority of ghosts), presumably of decapitation."@en . . "Michael Cedeno"@en . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pinto Colvig"@en . "It takes 300 seconds for the Horseman to respawn, and he deals roughly 158 damage."@en . . "The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in Sleepy Hollow, New York. The Horseman was a Hessian of unknown rank; one of many such hired to suppress the American Revolutionary War. During the war, the Horseman was one of 548 Hessians killed in a battle for Chatterton Hill, wherein his head was severed by a cannonball. He was buried in a graveyard outside a church. Thereafter he appears as a ghost, who presents to nightly travelers an actual danger (rather than the largely harmless fright produced by the majority of ghosts), presumably of decapitation."@en . . . . . . "Es war ein Tag wie jeder andere auch, ich sa\u00DF in meinem Sessel und la\u00DF die Zeitung der aktuellen Woche. Als ich den letzten Satz des Sportartikels fertig gelesen hatte wandte ich mich zur Garderobe, zog meine Jacke an und ging zum Reitplatz denn ich war auch ein begeisteter Pferdeliebhaber. Dort angekommen ging ich zu Missi einem Yonaguni-Pony, sie ist ein \u00E4u\u00DFerst seltenes Pony. Doch an diesem Tag traf ich nicht nur sie an sondern auch einen mir v\u00F6llig fremden Mann, er trug eine schwarze Stoffjacke, eine seltsame Lederhose und einen Cowboyhut. Er gab Missi irgendetwas zu fressen und ging stumm an mir vorbei, er roch stark nach Schwefel was mich sehr verwunderte, als ich dann zu Missi kam, sie noch diese Substanz im Mund zerkaute wollte ich sie streicheln bis sie mir versuchte in die Hand zubei\u00DFen. Komisch, irgendetwas muss der Mann mit Missi gemacht haben denn sie war wirklich nie so aggressiv. Als ich mich um Missi k\u00FCmmerte sie sich etwas beruhigt hatte und ich danach v\u00F6llig gelassen nach Hause kam, mir mein Abendessen zubereitete, mich vor meinem Fernseher setzte und die Nachrichten schaute, gr\u00FCbelte ich weiter \u00FCber diesen mysteri\u00F6sen Mann, warum war er dort, was hat er mit Missi gemacht und warum roch er so stark nach Schwefel? Als dann ca. 22:30 war und langsam die ganzen Horror-Filme liefen, schaute ich mir einen Film an mit dem Titel: Headless Horseman. Es handelte sich um eine Gestalt die sehr Pferde\u00E4hnlich war aber doch mit einem Menschlichen Oberk\u00F6rper und einem etwas komischgeformten S\u00E4bel. Er schlachtete Nachts Menschen im Wald ab um seinen Blutdurst zu stillen. Nach dem Film machte ich mich fertig f\u00FCrs Schlafen gehen. Ich hatte einen seltsamen Traum, Missi und der seltsame Mann waren verschmolzen, wie der Headless Horsman im Film und verfolgte mich durch einen Rabenschwarzen Wald. Als ich \u00FCber einen Ast stolperte stand er vor mir, mit seinem S\u00E4bel und stach mich in den Unterleib. Ich wachte schwei\u00DFgebadet auf und versp\u00FCrte einen seltsamen stechenden Schmerz im Unterleib wie ich es getr\u00E4umt hatte. Ich warf den Blick auf die Uhr die 5:26 anzeigte. Ich ging duschen und sah oft gro\u00DFe komische Schatten ich dachte erstmals ich werde verr\u00FCckt und schaue zuviel dieser Filme bis ich in mein Schlafzimmer kam und es v\u00F6llig verw\u00FCstet war, Schr\u00E4nke waren zerhackt, das Bett wurde halbiert und auch mein Kleiderschrank musste daran glauben. Mir stach ein bekannter Geruch in die Nase: Der Schwefelgeruch. Ich erblickte sofort eine triefende Fl\u00FCssigkeit an meiner Wand an der Buchstaben geschmiert wurden mit der Aufschrift: I will come, and kill you! Sie lie\u00DF mich sofort aufschrecken und ich fl\u00FCchtete aus meinem Haus. Es war nicht wirklich hell doch ich schlenderte im Stadtpark der in den Wald f\u00FChrte. Dort drehte ich eine kleine Runde, es war niemand auf der Stra\u00DFe zusehen geschweige denn woanders. Im Wald angekommen fing mein Handy an zuklingeln. Ich ging nat\u00FCrlich dran doch das einzige was ich h\u00F6rte war ein tiefes St\u00F6hnen was dann verstummte. Als ich das Handy in die Hosentasche sacken lie\u00DF blieb ich an einer gro\u00DFen Wurzel h\u00E4ngen und konnte mich nicht befreien. Ich h\u00F6rte ein seltsames Ger\u00E4usch, welches beim ersten mal wirklich schwer zu erkennen war doch es wurde lauter und ich erkannte das es ein Gallopierendes Ger\u00E4usch war! Meine Rettung dachte ich und schrie nach Hilfe. Und als aus dem Schatten ein Reiter kam blieb mir das Herz stehen... Es war nicht irgendein Reiter, es war der Headless Horseman mit einem langem S\u00E4bel. Ich sp\u00FCrte nur wie es mich durchbohrte und mein warmes Blut meinen K\u00F6rper in ein dunkles Rot f\u00E4rbte. written by WhiteZeroLP"@de . . "2004"^^ . "Ghost"@en . "When a random attack destroyed King Mickey's library in Disney Castle, many magic books he personally recovered during the two years were stolen or destroyed. Sora however managed to save two books from the escaping Heartless, \"The Wind in the Willows\" and \"Ichabod, or the Legend of Sleepy Hollow\". But most of the pages were scattered in the corridoor of darkness, and without them both books and their worlds would be lost. In an act of genius or sheer mandness, Donald Duck and Sora took the two books and in a grueling three hour process used a spell to combine both into one book so that both worlds would survive. When the heroes visit it, they are launched back and forth between the chapters of both books, from the pages they recover. In the story of \"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow\", the heroes encounter Ichabod Crane, and they all then hear of the local legend. This would be the phantom known as the \"Headless Horseman\". A Hessian mercenary killed during the Revolution, by a cannon which knocked off his head. As an undead and vengeful spirit, he roams the countryside on ghostly horseback, searching for a replacement head to chop off with his saber. To make due, he uses a Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin to fill the void."@en . . . "|- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Graveyard |- valign=\"top\" | style=\"text-align: left; width:90%;\" | Fallen Champion (rare) Azshir the Sleepless (rare) Ironspine (rare) Thalnos the Soulrender Headless Horseman (Hallow's End, summoned) | (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Cathedral |- | Brother Korloff Commander Durand High Inquisitor Whitemane | (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Loot |} TCG image File:HeadlessHorsemanTCG.jpg During Hallow's End, the Headless Horseman is a summoned elite boss spawned in the Pumpkin Shrine in the middle of the Forlorn Cloister in The Graveyard, a special seasonal instance of the Scarlet Monastery. Additionally, his shade attacks Horde and Alliance villages at various times throughout the event. The Horseman was once a knight of the Silver Hand, but is now cursed. He is of the belief that he is alive, while those who face him are dead. When defeated, he is revealed as Thomas Thomson (aka Sir Thomas). After using the Dungeon Finder and entering the graveyard, click on the Pumpkin Shrine to summon him. Each character can summon the horseman once per day."@en . . . . . . "500"^^ . . . "The Headless Horseman was a ghost who only liked scary things that are fun instead of actually scaring people. He didn't really enjoy working for Prime Evil either. It was Prime Evil who told the Horseman to appear headless to look more scary, even though he actually had a head attached to his neck. The Horseman was one of the ghosts who went back in time to the days of Great Grandfather Kong to frighten away the miners working at Kong's gold mine. Later, Prime Evil began to view the horseman as a traitor and decided to teach him a lesson. But the Horseman contacted the Ghostbusters via Madame Why instead and warned them that Fangster was about to steal the ancient Aztec Amulet from the lost city of Nescatutl. Although Jake distrusted the Horseman because of what he did to this Great Grandfather in the past, the Horseman ended up saving the Ghostbusters as well as Fangster from the Sand Beast unleashed by the Sorcerer of Nescatutl. Having saved the amulet from falling into Prime Evil's clutches, Jake made his peace with the Horseman and got him a job working in a haunted house at a funfair."@en . . . . "77099"^^ . . "10312"^^ . . . . . "30"^^ . "The following is American Folklore retold by S.E. Schlosser. One cold winter night, early in the New Year, a certain Dutchman left the tavern in Tarrytown and started walking to his home in the hollow nearby. His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard. The weather had warmed up during the week, and the snow was almost gone from the road. It was a dark night with no moon, and the only light came from his lantern. The Dutchman was nervous about passing the graveyard, remembering the rumors of a galloping ghost that he had heard at the tavern. He stumbled along, humming to himself to keep up his courage. Suddenly, his eye was caught by a light rising from the ground in the cemetery. He stopped, his heart pounding in fear. Before his startled eyes, a white mist burst forth from an unmarked grave and formed into a large horse carrying a headless rider. The Dutchman let out a terrible scream as the horse leapt toward him at a full gallop. He took to his heels, running as fast as he could, making for the bridge since he knew that ghosts and evil spirits did not care to cross running water. He stumbled suddenly and fell, rolling off the road into a melting patch of snow. The headless rider thundered past him, and the man got a second look at the headless ghost. It was wearing a Hessian commander's uniform. The Dutchman waited a good hour after the ghost disappeared before crawling out of the bushes and making his way home. After fortifying himself with schnapps, the Dutchman told his wife about the ghost. By noon of the next day, the story was all over Tarrytown. The good Dutch folk were divided in their opinions. Some thought that the ghost must be roaming the roads at night in search of its head. Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton Hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British. Whatever the reason, the Headless Horseman continues to roam the roads near Tarrytown on dark nights from that day to this."@en . . "[Source] The Headless Horseman is a character seen in Shrek 2 and 3. Serves as a supporting character and sometimes an antagonist that join Charming's team for his evil plot. He likes hanging out with human knights."@en . . . . . . "Conjured Being"@en . "Killable"@en . "3500000"^^ . . "1356"^^ . . . "Jim Snider"@en . . "Terrorist"@en . . . . . "Sometimes"@en . . . "800"^^ . "Abraham Van Brunt"@en . "Headless Horseman"@en . . . . "Prince Charming's orders"@en . . . "none known"@en . . . . . . "In 2004, the Horseman appeared at Magic School and started decapitating the staff. However, as Magic School was protected by magic, none of the victims were killed as long as at least part of them remained in the school. The current headmaster, Gideon, sent his assistant Sigmund to ask the Charmed Ones for help. It was eventually revealed the horseman was conjured by Zachary, as he felt he was being held there against his will and Gideon refused to listen to him. The Horseman was eventually summoned and destroyed by the Charmed Ones."@en . "Dread 'N' Breakfast"@en . . "10000"^^ . "\"Yaaaah-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!\""@en . . "25"^^ . . "The Headless Horseman is a decoration in FarmVille. It was an uncommon reward in Mystery Game 74."@en . . . . "In certain cases the Headless Horseman is considered by some to be a Dullahan. Dullahans are a type of Irish Fae. They usually appear as beautiful women wearing armor and carrying their heads. They ride across the land on an undead horse and are sometimes seen as a sign of an approaching death. If someone sees a Dullahan they are typically drenched in a bucket of blood."@en . "Trey Finney"@en . . . "In certain cases the Headless Horseman is considered by some to be a Dullahan. Dullahans are a type of Irish Fae. They usually appear as beautiful women wearing armor and carrying their heads. They ride across the land on an undead horse and are sometimes seen as a sign of an approaching death. If someone sees a Dullahan they are typically drenched in a bucket of blood. In mythology there is no reference that Dullahans can't cross running water, unlike the Headless Horseman, which is a debating point on the subject. No one knows why that Horseman is unable to cross water if he is in fact a Dullahan. There is also speculation as to why the horseman does not carry his head if he is indeed a Dullahan. Many do argue the point that his head was stolen from him, and that would cause him to hunt out other heads as commonly seen in the story."@en . . . . . "Combat"@en . . . . "Durante el evento de Hallow's End, el Jinete Decapitado es un boss \u00E9lite que aparece en el Pumpkin Shrine justo en medio del Forlorn Cloister en el Cementerio, el ala oeste de la instance del Monasterio Escarlata. Adicionalmente ataca pueblos tanto de la Horda como de la Alianza varias veces mientras dura el evento. El Jinete fue una vez caballero de la Orden de la Mano de Plata pero ahora est\u00E1 maldito. El esta convencido de que sigue vivo pero los que luchan contra \u00E9l pueden ver que est\u00E1 muerto. Cuando es derrotado revela que es Thomas Thomson (tambi\u00E9n conocido como Sir Thomas)."@es . . "Tony Bancroft"@en . . . . "Dimmsdale, CA"@en . "Kopfloser Reiter"@en . . "Dan Tanaka"@en . . "|-|Non-GMS="@en . "Capturing kids"@en . . . . "Later: Honest, organized, respectful, sincere, extroverted, mature, accountable, noble"@en . "Phantom Forest"@en . . "Slender, really headless, black clothing, purple cape"@en . . "Scary, evil, mysterious"@en . "Formerly: Harsh, evil, abusive, devious, loathsome, emotionless, sadistic, sneaky"@en . "The Headless Horesman from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"@en . "|-|Non-GMS="@en . . . . . . . . "Conrad Vernon and Bobby Kimball"@en . "A specific type of undead (sometimes a ghost, sometimes a physical revenant), the Headless Horseman is a headless rider who haunts woods and roadways, often the one where he lost his head, in search of victims. Sometimes a Headless Horseman just seeks to scare, other times he will try to take others' heads. Sometimes, the Horseman will carry a jack-o'-lantern in place of his lost head. Tales of headless riders have existed in folklore for centuries, most notably the Irish legend of the Dullahan (see examples below), but the Trope Codifier is Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, although that is also a slight subversion, as it is strongly implied that the Headless Hessian that pursues Ichabod Crane is actually local blade Brom Bones playing a prank to scare the shit out of the schoolmaster. The probable Sister Trope to Losing Your Head. Examples of Headless Horseman include:"@en . . "The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow"@en . "Shrek the Third"@en . . "Ghost"@en . "|- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Graveyard |- valign=\"top\" | style=\"text-align: left; width:90%;\" | Fallen Champion (rare) Azshir the Sleepless (rare) Ironspine (rare) Thalnos the Soulrender Headless Horseman (Hallow's End, summoned) | (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Cathedral |- | Brother Korloff Commander Durand High Inquisitor Whitemane | (lore) (lore) (lore) |- | class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" | Loot |} After using the Dungeon Finder and entering the graveyard, click on the Pumpkin Shrine to summon him. Each character can summon the horseman once per day."@en . . "The Headless Horseman is the main antagonist (replacing Brom Bones) in The Adventures Of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, specifically the Legend of Sleepy Hollow segment."@en . "No"@en . "\"The Headless Motorcyclist\""@en . . . . . . . . . . "885"^^ . "Sword, burning pumpkin red of horse"@en . . "Controllable bioweapon"@en . "The Headless Horseman is the headless spectre of a warrior who can be seen riding around Skyrim on his ghostly steed at night, or staying at Hamvir's Rest during the day, facing its cemetery. He wields an iron or steel battleaxe and wears steel plate armor."@en . . . "3"^^ . "Non-sapient"@en . . . "23950"^^ . . . "The Headless Man, The Ghost"@en . "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad"@en . "Scarlet Monastery"@en . "0"^^ . . . . "Elite"@en . . . . . "The Headless Horseman is an evil and skilled knight in the Shrek movies."@en . "The Headless Horseman is a creature which was once a human, but was turned into a Monster by an alchemist. There's only one in existance. __TOC__"@en . . "\"Headless Horseman\" is a villain song sung by Brom Bones from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Headless Horseman is the headless spectre of a warrior who can be seen riding around Skyrim on his ghostly steed at night, or staying at Hamvir's Rest during the day, facing its cemetery. He wields an iron or steel battleaxe and wears steel plate armor."@en . . "Living"@en . . . . "Human"@en . "\"I've always wanted to play the flute.\""@en . . . . "hide"@en . "In 2004, the Horseman appeared at Magic School and started decapitating the staff. However, as Magic School was protected by magic, none of the victims were killed as long as at least part of them remained in the school. The current headmaster, Gideon, sent his assistant Sigmund to ask the Charmed Ones for help. It was eventually revealed the horseman was conjured by Zachary, as he felt he was being held there against his will and Gideon refused to listen to him. The Horseman was eventually summoned and destroyed by the Charmed Ones."@en . . "\"Headless Horseman\" is a villain song sung by Brom Bones from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad."@en . "Robert Axelrod"@en . . "Human"@en . . . "1080000"^^ . . . . "[Source] The Headless Horseman is a character seen in Shrek 2 and 3. Serves as a supporting character and sometimes an antagonist that join Charming's team for his evil plot. He likes hanging out with human knights."@en . "Le Costume de Cavalier sans T\u00EAte"@en . . . . . "Deceased"@en . "Headless Horseman"@es . "none known"@en . . . . . . . "Edward Chop"@en . "Throws his burning pumpkin right at Ichabod."@en . . "1500"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . "The Headless Horseman is a creature which was once a human, but was turned into a Monster by an alchemist. There's only one in existance. __TOC__"@en . . "Attacking and decapitating Magic School faculty"@en . "885"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Glen Keane"@en . "300"^^ . . "1200.0"^^ . "Near extinct"@en . . . . "Ghost"@en . . . "2310"^^ . . "The following is American Folklore retold by S.E. Schlosser. One cold winter night, early in the New Year, a certain Dutchman left the tavern in Tarrytown and started walking to his home in the hollow nearby. His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard."@en . . . . . "The Headless Horseman as seen in ."@en . "To take Ichabod alive"@en . . "Ellen Woodbury"@en . "Neutral"@en . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . "Scaring Ichabod away from Sleepy Hollow"@en . . . . . "I posted this a while back, but the Headless Horseman is indeed level 80."@en . "MapleStory"@en . . . . . . . . . "Tony Fucile"@en . . . . . . . "The Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow"@en . . "Invincible"@en . . "102"^^ . . "100"^^ . . "800"^^ . "122"^^ . . . . . "Cavaleiro sem Cabe\u00E7a"@en . "Headless Horseman"@en . "Forest of the Great Prince ,Halloween Town ,Symphony of Sorcery"@en . . . "'Kingdom Hearts III: Vengeance'"@en . "225"^^ . . . .