. "Male"@en . . "Panthera is the spirit of the stars. He appears in Lion Face. He was freed by the Power Rangers Months Fury."@en . . . . . "Image:WoWScrnShot 060206 184841 copy2.jpg Name: Panthera Race: Night_Elf Class: Druid Professions: Herbalism and Alchemy Hobbies: Cooking and Fishing Age: Unknown Birthplace: A small, unnamed village in eastern Teldrassil Affiliation: Ru Gyouten Status: Active Appearance: A tall, lithe, silver-skinned elf - with silver hair and eyes to match. Tightly wrapped in glistening leather armor, with trim of black and red, she is a striking figure to behold. Those nearby denote a mysterious demeanor about her, yet she also seems quick to laugh and joke."@en . . "Female"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sternensystem: Panthera Raumstaat: Catherhills (B\u00FCndnis)"@de . . . . "Panthera"@en . . . . "Panthera"@en . . . "Image:WoWScrnShot 060206 184841 copy2.jpg Name: Panthera Race: Night_Elf Class: Druid Professions: Herbalism and Alchemy Hobbies: Cooking and Fishing Age: Unknown Birthplace: A small, unnamed village in eastern Teldrassil Affiliation: Ru Gyouten Status: Active Appearance: A tall, lithe, silver-skinned elf - with silver hair and eyes to match. Tightly wrapped in glistening leather armor, with trim of black and red, she is a striking figure to behold. Those nearby denote a mysterious demeanor about her, yet she also seems quick to laugh and joke. I come from a small, unnamed village at the far eastern edge of Teldrassil; my only remaining family was my brother Parthan - that was until the Lady Asharra asked me to join Ru Gyouten. After both our parents were slain during a Horde raid, my brother and I lived off of the land. My spirit became one with the land and the creatures that roam its varied landscape. While still young, Parthan and I eventually ventured to Darnassus, where Lady Asharra approached me outside the druid enclave and asked if I might not want to be part of a family again! While still young and inexperienced in the ways of these things, I agreed - and have never regretted this decision; even through trials and tribulations, battles, death, and pain. You must understand that my path is to heal the hurts of Ru Gyouten and the Alliance it stands behind, no matter the cost. I do hope that my loyalty and dedication will someday be noticed and I dream of promotion into the Council of the Dawn. Someday, I hope...someday! While there has been pain, there has also been healing, laughter, friendship, loyalty, and much adventure - and I can often be seen just running through the wilds as a silver-haired elf...or a spotted cat!"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Panthera is \u00E9\u00E9n van de zeven goden van de Raad van Zeven. Panthera, de Krachtige, was de Krijger koning. Hij was een prachtige Sabeltandtijger. Hij beheerste het lopen op twee poten en had het mooiste en scherpste zwaard op Aarde. Hij was snel en krachtig en kwam bijna altijd als overwinnaar uit de strijd. Hij was de krijgsheer van het Tijgerras, en beschermde hen wanneer dat nodig was. De handen kunnen wel een zwaard of boog vasthouden."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Panthera was Leo's second-in-comand. She hid from the tyrannical rule of Mumm-Ra. Panthera was one of the animal leaders during the revolt against Mumm-Ra."@en . . "This weapon deals primarily damage. \n* High damage - effective against Infested, Flesh and Cloned Flesh. \n* Pinpoint accuracy on primary fire mode. \n* Has a polarity. \n* Secondary fire (default MB3\u2009) allows for close quarters attacks that can deliver devastating procs in a short amount of time. \n* Secondary fire is ammo efficient; does not consume ammo unless in contact with an enemy. \n* Secondary fire staggers enemies. \n* Secondary fire has a good critical hit chance \n* Projectiles can bounce, making them able to hit multiple targets. \n* High status chance on primary and secondary fire. \n* Can use the Panthera-exclusive Disarming Purity Augment mod. \n* Primary fire projectiles have travel time. \n* Secondary fire has an extremely limited range of 5 meters. \n* Secondary fire has relatively low damage per tick and ammo efficiency when contacting enemies. \n* Low and makes it less effective against Shields and Armor. \n* Primary fire consumes 2 rounds per shot. \n* Cannot utilize Punch Through properly,."@en . . . "Panthera"@nl . . . . . . . . . "Lion Eyes"@en . . "Panthera was a Felid, and Carnassial's hunting partner in Darkwing. In the beginning, she found it strange that Carnassial would finish off the Saurian eggs by eating their contents, but thought nothing more of it. When she witnessed the murder of a fellow beast, Carnassial being the one who killed and ate it, said \"Come and try, this is how we will rule the world\", she fled to her prowl to bring the horrid news to their leader, Patriofelis. When Carnassial was banished from the prowl, Panthera's inner predator was awakened and found that she also enjoyed the taste of flesh. After Carnassial returned to the Mainland, she joined him and the Hyaenodons in search of the remaining Saurian eggs. It was revealed near the end of the book that she was pregnant with his kittens, but much to Carnass"@en . . . . . "Panthera is the spirit of the stars. He appears in Lion Face. He was freed by the Power Rangers Months Fury."@en . "The stars"@en . . . . . "Panthera was a Felid, and Carnassial's hunting partner in Darkwing. In the beginning, she found it strange that Carnassial would finish off the Saurian eggs by eating their contents, but thought nothing more of it. When she witnessed the murder of a fellow beast, Carnassial being the one who killed and ate it, said \"Come and try, this is how we will rule the world\", she fled to her prowl to bring the horrid news to their leader, Patriofelis. When Carnassial was banished from the prowl, Panthera's inner predator was awakened and found that she also enjoyed the taste of flesh. After Carnassial returned to the Mainland, she joined him and the Hyaenodons in search of the remaining Saurian eggs. It was revealed near the end of the book that she was pregnant with his kittens, but much to Carnassial's dismay, Panthera was attacked and presumably killed by a young Saurian. It's unknown if she survived or not but she is most likely dead because it is mentioned that she was no longer struggling. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Animal 0053.jpg Animal 0041.jpg Animal 0015 2.jpg Animal 0012 2.jpg Animal 0010 2.jpg Animal 0007.jpg White leopard-1280x1024.jpg Animal 0085 2.jpg Animal 0126.jpg Panthera is a genus of the family Felidae (the cats), which contains four well-known living species: the Tiger, the Lion, the Jaguar, and the Leopard. The genus comprises about half of the Pantherinae subfamily, the big cats. One meaning of the word panther is to designate cats of this subfamily. According to the Dictionary, the origin of the word is unknown. A folk etymology derives the word from the Greek pan- (\"all\") and th\u0113r (\"beast of prey\") because they can hunt and kill almost everything. The Greek word \u03C0\u03AC\u03BD\u03B8\u03B7\u03C1, p\u00E1nth\u0113r, referred to all spotted Felidae generically. Although it came into English through the classical , some believe panthera could be of East Asian origin, meaning \"the yellowish animal,\" or \"whitish-yellow\". Only the four Panthera cat species have the anatomical structure which enables them to roar. The primary reason for this was formerly assumed to be the incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone. However, new studies show that the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx. The Snow Leopard, Uncia uncia, which is sometimes included within Panthera, does not roar. Although it has an incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone, it lacks the special morphology of the larynx."@en . . . . "Panthera"@de . . . . . . . . . "Panther"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Panthera was Leo's second-in-comand. She hid from the tyrannical rule of Mumm-Ra. Panthera was one of the animal leaders during the revolt against Mumm-Ra."@en . . "Sternensystem: Panthera Raumstaat: Catherhills (B\u00FCndnis)"@de . . . "Animal 0053.jpg Animal 0041.jpg Animal 0015 2.jpg Animal 0012 2.jpg Animal 0010 2.jpg Animal 0007.jpg White leopard-1280x1024.jpg Animal 0085 2.jpg Animal 0126.jpg Panthera is a genus of the family Felidae (the cats), which contains four well-known living species: the Tiger, the Lion, the Jaguar, and the Leopard. The genus comprises about half of the Pantherinae subfamily, the big cats. One meaning of the word panther is to designate cats of this subfamily."@en . . . . . "Panthera is \u00E9\u00E9n van de zeven goden van de Raad van Zeven. Panthera, de Krachtige, was de Krijger koning. Hij was een prachtige Sabeltandtijger. Hij beheerste het lopen op twee poten en had het mooiste en scherpste zwaard op Aarde. Hij was snel en krachtig en kwam bijna altijd als overwinnaar uit de strijd. Hij was de krijgsheer van het Tijgerras, en beschermde hen wanneer dat nodig was. Panthera trok na de schepping naar het zuiden en vestigde zich daar in de savanne, aan de grote rivier die daar uitmondde in de Purperen Zee. Hij bouwde een eenvoudige houten hut en hield zich aanvankelijk bezig met het maken van wapens, jagen en vechtkunst oefenen. Na een tijd voelde hij zich echter wat alleen en schiep hij de Weerkrijger, een volk dat net als hij rechtop liep op de achterpoten en zich graag bezighoud met vechten en jagen. Het hoofd van een Weerkrijger is dat van een tijger maar zijn lichaam heeft de bouw van een mensenlichaam, al is het wel behaard (compleet met tijgermotief), heeft het een staart en zijn de voeten echte tijgerpoten. De handen kunnen wel een zwaard of boog vasthouden. De Weerkrijgers bouwden een klein dorp van houten hutten. Zij oefenden en joegen samen met Panthera en bleven op die manier kwieke krijgers. categorie:Amaroth categorie:Raad van Zeven"@nl . . "Panthera is a genus within the Felidae family that was named and first described by the German naturalist Oken in 1816. The British taxonomist Pocock revised the classification of this genus in 1916 as comprising the species lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard on the basis of cranial features. Results of genetic analysis indicate that the snow leopard also belongs to the Panthera, a classification that was accepted by IUCN assessors in 2008. Only the tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar have the anatomical structure that enables them to roar. The primary reason for this was formerly assumed to be the incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone. However, new studies show the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx. The snow leopard does not roar. Although it has an incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone, it lacks the special morphology of the larynx."@en . . "This weapon deals primarily damage. \n* High damage - effective against Infested, Flesh and Cloned Flesh. \n* Pinpoint accuracy on primary fire mode. \n* Has a polarity. \n* Secondary fire (default MB3\u2009) allows for close quarters attacks that can deliver devastating procs in a short amount of time. \n* Secondary fire is ammo efficient; does not consume ammo unless in contact with an enemy. \n* Secondary fire staggers enemies. \n* Secondary fire has a good critical hit chance \n* Projectiles can bounce, making them able to hit multiple targets. \n* High status chance on primary and secondary fire. \n* Can use the Panthera-exclusive Disarming Purity Augment mod. \n* Primary fire projectiles have travel time. \n* Secondary fire has an extremely limited range of 5 met"@en . . "Spirit"@en . . . . . "Panthera"@fr . "Old as Time"@en . "Panthera is a genus within the Felidae family that was named and first described by the German naturalist Oken in 1816. The British taxonomist Pocock revised the classification of this genus in 1916 as comprising the species lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard on the basis of cranial features. Results of genetic analysis indicate that the snow leopard also belongs to the Panthera, a classification that was accepted by IUCN assessors in 2008."@en . . .