. . "Neelix"@de . "Neelix"@de . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "More than one sister , more than one brother"@en . . . . . "Active"@en . "7"^^ . . . "Officier r\u00E9conforteur"@fr . . "Morale officer"@en . . "Neelix"@en . "male"@en . . "2371"^^ . . "Chef"@en . . "Alixia"@en . . . . . "Neelix.jpg"@nl . . "Neelix"@en . "Neelix"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Neelix is a Talaxian and was born on the moon of the planet Talax, Rinax, in the Delta Quadrant. He had at least two sisters, one was named Alixia. His whole family was killed by Haakonians when they attacked the moon. He then became a merchant before joining the Voyager crew shortly after the USS Voyager arrived in the Delta Quadrant. His roles on Voyager included Chef, Ambassador and Morale Officer. He was almost always optimistic. He left Voyager after they found a colony of Talaxians living on an asteroid. He may have gotten married to another Talaxian named Dexa."@en . "Este simp\u00E1tico personaje, Talaxiano, es miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave USS Voyager. Cuando ni\u00F1o viv\u00EDa con sus padres y con sus hermanos en Rinax, la luna de Talax. Planeta que posee tres soles. Neelix era muy apegado a su hermana Alixia, con quien viv\u00EDa de aventura en aventura como explorar las cuevas de Touth, e ir a ver las ara\u00F1as \u00E1rticas. Muchos de estos incidentes del pasado de Neelix han hecho que el quiera olvidarlos. En la fecha estelar 48532.4 es atacado siendo sus pulmones severamente da\u00F1ados, siendo estos removidos. Kes dona uno de sus pulmones para que Neelix siga viviendo."@es . "Sonderbotschafter"@de . "Neelix"@fr . . . . . . . "Este simp\u00E1tico personaje, Talaxiano, es miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave USS Voyager. Cuando ni\u00F1o viv\u00EDa con sus padres y con sus hermanos en Rinax, la luna de Talax. Planeta que posee tres soles. Neelix era muy apegado a su hermana Alixia, con quien viv\u00EDa de aventura en aventura como explorar las cuevas de Touth, e ir a ver las ara\u00F1as \u00E1rticas. Le gusta comer orqu\u00EDdeas de las cuales prepara una ensalada con vinagre Baldoxic. La familia de Neelix por entero fue masacrada cuando fueron v\u00EDctimas de la Cascada de Metreones, producida por la orden Haakoniana, el sobrevivi\u00F3 porque no estaba en Talax en esos tiempos, luego trabajo por dos a\u00F1os juntando chatarra, despu\u00E9s tambi\u00E9n trabajo por dos a\u00F1os en una nave como ingeniero asistente y tambi\u00E9n en una colonia minera. Muchos de estos incidentes del pasado de Neelix han hecho que el quiera olvidarlos. Por ser habitante del Cuadrante Delta ayuda a la capit\u00E1n Janeway de su lucha contra los Kazon Ogla, poco despu\u00E9s de que la nave se perdiera en este cuadrante y subsiguientemente es invitado a pertenecer como miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n ya que el esta familiarizado con esta regi\u00F3n del espacio desconocido. Estuvo de novio con Kes, que tambi\u00E9n es invitada a formar parte del viaje de regreso. Soportando esta los interminables e irrefrenables celos hac\u00EDa su compa\u00F1ero Tom Paris del cual despu\u00E9s se hacen amigos. Luego tambi\u00E9n entabla amistad con 7 de 9 la nueva tripulante. Acondiciona el comedor del capit\u00E1n en una cocina, para deleitar con sus artes culinarios a la tripulaci\u00F3n cansada de la comida de replicador. Aunque algunos todav\u00EDa prefieren seguir comi\u00E9ndola. Prepara variadas y ricas comidas tambi\u00E9n basadas en los cultivos de Kes que realiza en la Bah\u00EDa hidrop\u00F3nica vegetales que va juntando a trav\u00E9s de los viajes del USS Voyager por el cuadrante. Es sugerido por la capit\u00E1n para que levante la moral de la tripulaci\u00F3n. Ayuda como enlace diplom\u00E1tico cuando la capit\u00E1n se encuentra con las variadas civilizaciones del cuadrante. Y lo vuelve a promover para que sea embajador. En la fecha estelar 48532.4 es atacado siendo sus pulmones severamente da\u00F1ados, siendo estos removidos. Kes dona uno de sus pulmones para que Neelix siga viviendo. Tuvok y Neelix se ven envueltos en un accidente de transportador, mezclando sus estructuras moleculares, resultando de esto una nueva forma de vida mezcla de los dos, este nuevo ser adopta el nombre de Tuvix, en palabras de Neelix el no existi\u00F3 mientras las dos semanas de vida de Tuvix Se encuentra con su viejo amigo Wixiban en 2373 y se envuelve en algunas actividades ilegales gracias a su ladr\u00F3n amigo. Fue adquiriendo confianza en sus habilidades a medida que paso el tiempo. Hasta fue un Klingon. Abandona la Voyager un par de episodios antes de que lleguen a la Tierra, porque decide tener una nueva familia."@es . . "Neelix STO.jpg"@en . "Neelix is a jovial male Talaxian, a major species of this far side of the Delta Quadrant, whose wit and instincts have enabled him to survive as a scavenger and merchant. Now he aids our cause admirably after coming aboard with his Ocampa mate, Kes, from her home system. Although he takes good-natured abuse at times for it, he has been invaluable in preparing fresh meals from the flora and fauna of this region in order to ration food replicator power. In fact, for the human \"37's,\" he even researched and came up with 20th-Century comfort foods for all \u2014 with none of his usual custom twists added. In addition, his past dealings and travels have yielded invaluable information for our command decisions and strategy. He has begun taking a more active role in senior staff affairs and even held "@en . . . . . . . "Deep space 10"@en . "2378"^^ . . . . "Neelix"@en . "Neelix, 2371.jpg"@en . "Neelix"@en . . "Neelix grew up with his parents, his sisters, and his brothers on Rinax, a moon of the Talaxian homeworld, with the most temperate climate in the entire Talaxian system. Behind their house was a large forest, in which he and his sisters would go exploring every day. His favorite sister was always Alixia. (VOY: \"Jetrel\", \"Rise\", \"Once Upon a Time\") He lived near the Rinax marshlands, where the summers were the hottest in the sector. (VOY: \"Macrocosm\") When he was young, a huge plasma cloud passed through the Talaxian system, and blocked the sun for weeks. (VOY: \"The Haunting of Deck Twelve\") For two years, Neelix worked with an orbital tether team on Rinax. He didn't actually serve on one, but worked heavily with scale models. (VOY: \"Rise\") For a number of years, the Haakonians were at war with the Talaxians. At some point, the Talaxian government called on Neelix to serve, but he went to Talax to avoid military duty (and anyone refusing to serve during wartime was given a death penalty) because he felt the war was wrong. While he was on Talax in 2356, the Haakonians unleashed the metreon cascade on Rinax whereby in the blink of an eye Rinax was enveloped by a deadly cloud. The moon that once had the most temperate climate in the entire system was turned into one endless, frigid night, killing more than 300,000, including his family. The day after the cascade, Talax surrendered to the Haakonian Order. (VOY: \"Jetrel\") After the death of his family and the destruction of his homeworld and what was left under alien rule, Neelix left the system to move on with his life. He served on a mining colony for a while and worked for two years as an engineer's assistant aboard a Trabalian freighter where he became well-versed in warp theory. (VOY: \"Blood Fever\", \"Threshold\", \"One\") Neelix also spent six years aboard a Talaxian garbage scow, a duty that familiarized him with waste management. While Neelix was aboard, the scow once ran into a theta radiation field that disabled the ship's propulsion. He and the other crew members of the scow had no choice but to remain where they were and were barely alive when they were rescued. (VOY: \"Juggernaut\")"@en . . "Masculin"@fr . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Neelix was more important to the creators and writing staff of Voyager than plot, scope, pace, oxygen, character development, Garret Wong, Chuckles, ratings, sponsors, syndication rights, quality, viewer opinion, procreation, or the Fourth Amendment."@en . . . . . . "Neelix was een Talaxian en Mylean man geboren op Rinax. Nadat de Haakonians zijn gehele familie hadden omgebracht werd hij een handelaar en sloot hij zich aan bij de bemanning van de USS Voyager als kok, ambassadeur, navigator en vele andere functies. (VOY: \"Caretaker\")"@nl . . . . "Alixia, Melorix, Mixin, Raxel, Xepha, one brother, unnamed sisters"@en . . "Neelix was a 24th century Talaxian man. While most of Neelix's family originated on Talax, he was raised on Rinax, a moon of Talax. Neelix was only seven-eighths Talaxian, as he had a Mylean great-grandfather. Neelix is perhaps best known as the cook, ambassador and morale officer who helped USS Voyager during their seven-year long journey through the treacherous Delta Quadrant."@en . . . . "Neelix grew up with his parents, his sisters, and his brothers on Rinax, a moon of the Talaxian homeworld, with the most temperate climate in the entire Talaxian system. Behind their house was a large forest, in which he and his sisters would go exploring every day. His favorite sister was always Alixia. (VOY: \"Jetrel\", \"Rise\", \"Once Upon a Time\") He lived near the Rinax marshlands, where the summers were the hottest in the sector. (VOY: \"Macrocosm\") When he was young, a huge plasma cloud passed through the Talaxian system, and blocked the sun for weeks. (VOY: \"The Haunting of Deck Twelve\")"@en . . . "Liiert mit Dexa"@de . "Federation"@en . . "Neelix"@fr . "Talaxianer"@de . . . . "Talax"@en . . "Crewman"@de . "100.0"^^ . . "2374"^^ . . . "Neelix"@nl . . "Neelix by\u0142 Talaxianinem urodzonym na Rinax. Na kr\u00F3tko potem jak Haakonianie przypu\u015Bcili atak na Rinax powoduj\u0105c \u015Bmier\u0107 jego ca\u0142ej rodziny, sta\u0142 si\u0119 kupcem i do\u0142\u0105czy do za\u0142ogi USS Voyager. Na pok\u0142adzie pod dow\u00F3dztwem kapitan Kathryn Janeway s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 jako kucharz, oficer ds. morale, ambasador, nawigator, oraz podejmowa\u0142 si\u0119 wielu innych dorywczych zaj\u0119\u0107. (VOY:Caretaker)"@pl . . "Neelix was a 24th century Talaxian man. While most of Neelix's family originated on Talax, he was raised on Rinax, a moon of Talax. Neelix was only seven-eighths Talaxian, as he had a Mylean great-grandfather. Neelix is perhaps best known as the cook, ambassador and morale officer who helped USS Voyager during their seven-year long journey through the treacherous Delta Quadrant."@en . . "Neelix was een Talaxian en Mylean man geboren op Rinax. Nadat de Haakonians zijn gehele familie hadden omgebracht werd hij een handelaar en sloot hij zich aan bij de bemanning van de USS Voyager als kok, ambassadeur, navigator en vele andere functies. (VOY: \"Caretaker\")"@nl . . . . . "Neelix"@pl . . "Michael Tietz"@de . . . . "Neelix by\u0142 Talaxianinem urodzonym na Rinax. Na kr\u00F3tko potem jak Haakonianie przypu\u015Bcili atak na Rinax powoduj\u0105c \u015Bmier\u0107 jego ca\u0142ej rodziny, sta\u0142 si\u0119 kupcem i do\u0142\u0105czy do za\u0142ogi USS Voyager. Na pok\u0142adzie pod dow\u00F3dztwem kapitan Kathryn Janeway s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 jako kucharz, oficer ds. morale, ambasador, nawigator, oraz podejmowa\u0142 si\u0119 wielu innych dorywczych zaj\u0119\u0107. (VOY:Caretaker)"@pl . . . . "Neelix"@de . . . "Ambassador"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ambassador"@en . "Memoryalpha"@en . "Neelix was a Talaxian male born on Rinax who became a merchant, shortly after the Haakonians launched an attack on Rinax resulting in the death of his entire family, and joined the USS Voyager (NCC-74656), serving as chef, morale officer, ambassador, navigator, and holder of many other odd-jobs. Neelix article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki."@en . . . . "Neelix grandit sur Rinax, une lune bien plus hospitali\u00E8re que sa plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re Talax et la plus temp\u00E9r\u00E9e du syst\u00E8me talaxien. Derri\u00E8re la maison de ses parents, se trouvait une for\u00EAt que Neelix avec ses fr\u00E8res et soeurs allaient chaque jour explorer. Au milieu de ses fr\u00E8res et soeurs, c'\u00E9tait avec Alixia qu'il s'entendait le mieux. (VOY: \"Jetrel\", \"Once Upon a Time\") Il vivait pr\u00E8s des Mar\u00E9cages de Rinax, une r\u00E9gion o\u00F9 les \u00E9t\u00E9s \u00E9taient les plus chauds. (VOY: \"Macrocosm\") Quand il \u00E9tait jeune, un \u00E9norme nuage plasmique traversa le syst\u00E8me talaxien et emp\u00EAcha les rayons de son soleil de passer pendant plusieurs semaines. (VOY: \"The Haunting of Deck Twelve\") Pendant 2 ans, Neelix travailla avec une \u00E9quipe orbital tether[\u00E0 traduire]Cat\u00E9gorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demand\u00E9e sur Rinax, il ne travaillit pas r\u00E9ellement avec l'une d'elle, mais avec des mod\u00E8les r\u00E9duits. (VOY: \"Rise\") Depuis de nombreuses ann\u00E9es, les Talaxiens \u00E9taient en guerre avec les Haakoniens, si bien que Neelix fut appel\u00E9 par son gouvernement pour effectuer son service militaire sur Talax, une d\u00E9cision irr\u00E9vocable sous peine de mort. Neelix ressentit que la guerre tournait mal. Effectivement alors qu'il \u00E9tait toujours sur Talax les Haakoniens utilis\u00E8rent sur Rinax la cascade de m\u00E9tr\u00E9ons une arme qui cr\u00E9a en quelques secondes un nuage mortel, plongeant l'astre le plus vivable en un enfer glac\u00E9e \u00E0 cause de sa nuit \u00E9ternelle. Sa famille enti\u00E8re fut tu\u00E9e ainsi que 300'000 habitants. Au lendemain de cette attaque le gouvernement talaxien capitula aupr\u00E8s de l'Ordre Haakonien. (VOY: \"Jetrel\") Apr\u00E8s la mort de sa famille et la destruction de son foyer, et afin de ne pas rester sous domination \u00E9trang\u00E8re, Neelix d\u00E9cida de quitter le syst\u00E8me talaxien. Il travailla quelque temps dans une colonie mini\u00E8re, puis pendant deux ans travailla comme assistant ing\u00E9nieur \u00E0 bord d'un cargo trabalien, ce qui lui permit de devenir dou\u00E9 en th\u00E9orie de la distorsion. (VOY: \"Blood Fever\", \"Threshold\", \"One\") Durant six ans, il resta \u00E9galement \u00E0 bord d'un Talaxian garbage scow[\u00E0 traduire]Cat\u00E9gorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demand\u00E9e, ce qui le familiarisa \u00E0 la gestion des ordures. Une fois, le vaisseau chaland traversa des radiations th\u00EAta, ce qui d\u00E9sactiva la propulsion du vaisseau. Neelix et les autres membres d'\u00E9quipage n'eurent pas le choix que de rester \u00E0 la d\u00E9rive. Ils \u00E9taient \u00E0 peine en vie lorsqu'ils furent sauv\u00E9s. (VOY: \"Juggernaut\") \u00C0 un moment, Neelix vendit des senseurs plaxans \u00E0 des Kazon-Oglas. (VOY: \"Initiations\")"@fr . "2337"^^ . . "Brax"@en . "Neelix was more important to the creators and writing staff of Voyager than plot, scope, pace, oxygen, character development, Garret Wong, Chuckles, ratings, sponsors, syndication rights, quality, viewer opinion, procreation, or the Fourth Amendment."@en . . ","@en . . "Neelix in 2410"@en . "m"@de . . "Plusieurs fr\u00E8res"@fr . . . . . . . "Neelix is a jovial male Talaxian, a major species of this far side of the Delta Quadrant, whose wit and instincts have enabled him to survive as a scavenger and merchant. Now he aids our cause admirably after coming aboard with his Ocampa mate, Kes, from her home system. Although he takes good-natured abuse at times for it, he has been invaluable in preparing fresh meals from the flora and fauna of this region in order to ration food replicator power. In fact, for the human \"37's,\" he even researched and came up with 20th-Century comfort foods for all \u2014 with none of his usual custom twists added. In addition, his past dealings and travels have yielded invaluable information for our command decisions and strategy. He has begun taking a more active role in senior staff affairs and even held off the Kazon-Ogla when Commander Chakotay and I were absent. Neelix's chores as self-appointed \"chief morale officer\" have run the gamut from personal counseling, such as helping Lt. Ayala deal with separation from his children, to a daily inter-ship video program for the crew, \"A Briefing with Neelix,\" begun ca. SD 49483. The latter led to his single-handedly tracking down the Paris ruse to flush out Crewman Jonas as our Kazon informant, risking his life but emerging intact after killing Jonas in a raw plasma stream in Main Engineering after a brawl there. Neelix has already confronted his past devils coming aboard, admitting that he avoided military service before the 2366 conquest of his home planet Talax. The Haakonian Order forced surrender after it irradiated his family and the rest of the population of the Talax moon Rinax with the Metreon Cascade weapon. The weapon's inventor, Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel, tracked us down and led us to Rinax in order to use our transporters to attempt to regenerate the remains of Neelix's people. The experience opened up severe old wounds in Neelix, but when Jetrel died of his own metreon radiation poisoning, Neelix granted the guilt-ridden scientist forgiveness. It was a difficult but huge step for our Talaxian crewmate."@en . . "Mehrere,\n Alixia"@de . "of"@en . "Neelix in 2377"@en . "Married"@en . . "Neelix grandit sur Rinax, une lune bien plus hospitali\u00E8re que sa plan\u00E8te m\u00E8re Talax et la plus temp\u00E9r\u00E9e du syst\u00E8me talaxien. Derri\u00E8re la maison de ses parents, se trouvait une for\u00EAt que Neelix avec ses fr\u00E8res et soeurs allaient chaque jour explorer. Au milieu de ses fr\u00E8res et soeurs, c'\u00E9tait avec Alixia qu'il s'entendait le mieux. (VOY: \"Jetrel\", \"Once Upon a Time\") Il vivait pr\u00E8s des Mar\u00E9cages de Rinax, une r\u00E9gion o\u00F9 les \u00E9t\u00E9s \u00E9taient les plus chauds. (VOY: \"Macrocosm\") \u00C0 un moment, Neelix vendit des senseurs plaxans \u00E0 des Kazon-Oglas. (VOY: \"Initiations\")"@fr . . . . . . "2371"^^ . . . "7"^^ . . . "Rinax"@de . . "Talaxian"@en . . "Dexa"@en . . "Neelix ist ein Talaxianer. Als im Jahre 2371 die USS Voyager in den Delta-Quadranten gelangt, trifft Neelix dort auf das Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration und schlie\u00DFt sich schlie\u00DFlich der Besatzung der Voyager an. (VOY: , )"@de . . "Neelix ist ein Talaxianer. Als im Jahre 2371 die USS Voyager in den Delta-Quadranten gelangt, trifft Neelix dort auf das Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration und schlie\u00DFt sich schlie\u00DFlich der Besatzung der Voyager an. (VOY: , )"@de . . . "Neelix"@nl . "Neelix.jpg"@de . . "250"^^ . . "Neelix was a Talaxian male born on Rinax who became a merchant, shortly after the Haakonians launched an attack on Rinax resulting in the death of his entire family, and joined the USS Voyager (NCC-74656), serving as chef, morale officer, ambassador, navigator, and holder of many other odd-jobs. Neelix article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki."@en . . . "Man"@nl . "Ethan Phillips"@en . "Starfleet Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant"@en . . "green"@en . . . . "Plusieurs soeurs dont: Alixia"@fr . "Neelix is a Talaxian and was born on the moon of the planet Talax, Rinax, in the Delta Quadrant. He had at least two sisters, one was named Alixia. His whole family was killed by Haakonians when they attacked the moon. He then became a merchant before joining the Voyager crew shortly after the USS Voyager arrived in the Delta Quadrant. His roles on Voyager included Chef, Ambassador and Morale Officer. He was almost always optimistic. He left Voyager after they found a colony of Talaxians living on an asteroid. He may have gotten married to another Talaxian named Dexa."@en . "7"^^ . . "Ambassador of the Federation to the Delta Quadrant"@en . . .