"*Gunma (Game)\n*Gunma (comic series) \n*Gunma (anime)\n*Gunma (RPG): Biopocalypse"@en . . "Heretic"@es . . "7021"^^ . . . . . "400"^^ . . . . . "Because of their unbound origins, Heretics can potentially become too powerful to be restricted or subdued by the Heavens, making them potential threats to the world order. As such, the Heavens keep close watch over any Heretics and take any potential threats from them very seriously."@en . "486"^^ . "1.3"^^ . "In addition to robust electronics systems, the Khanid Kingdom's ships possess advanced armor alloys capable of withstanding a great deal of punishment. Generally eschewing the use of turrets, they tend to gear their vessels more towards close-range missile combat."@en . . "35"^^ . "0"^^ . "16"^^ . "Monster"@en . "Leveled"@en . . . . "18"^^ . "A heretic is a person who while a Christian creates controversy, dissension, and division concerning doctrine and belief within the Orthodox Christian church. Such issues arose early in Christ's Church, being noted in a number of the letters of the Apostles, notably in Titus, Timothy, Peter, and John."@en . . . . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "30"^^ . "Bei den Heretics handelt es sich um die Geth, die man im ersten und an einigen Stellen im zweiten Teil besiegen muss. Es stellt sich dank Legion heraus, dass die Geth nochmal in zwei (Volks-)Gruppen unterteilt sind: \n* Die \"normalen\" Geth, welche nicht den alten Maschinen gefolgt sind und demnach gegen\u00FCber den organischem Leben friedlich gesinnt sind. Das ist auch die gr\u00F6\u00DFere Gruppe. \n* Die Heretics, die Volksgruppe, gegen die man bis jetzt immer k\u00E4mpfen musste. Sie folgen den alten Maschinen, den Reapern, und ihrem \"Propheten\" Saren. Das ist eine \"kleinere\" Gruppe der Geth. (\"Klein\" ist Relativ...)"@de . . "*Gunma Core"@en . "Heretics are hostile characters encountered in Mania. They are the northern counterparts to the Zealots found in Dementia."@en . . . "6"^^ . "10"^^ . . "6250000"^^ . "Nachdem Tri-Systems Sunlight im Jahre 111 TST die Drakkar der \u00D6ffentlichkeit pr\u00E4sentierte, war es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis erste Spekulationen \u00FCber eine weitere Maschine dieses Herstellers durch die Chefetagen der anderen Schiffsproduzenten machen sollten. Verst\u00E4rkt wurden diese Ger\u00FCchte noch dadurch, das immer wieder Vertreter der CIS direkt vor den Werkstoren von Sunlight gesichtet worden \u2013 und diese Leute hartn\u00E4ckig jeden Kommentar ihrerseits verweigerten. 124 TST tauchte dann eine Zeichnung eines J\u00E4gers auf, die \u2013 angeblich \u2013 von einem Techniker Sunlights im Papierkorb des Konstrukteurb\u00FCros gefunden worden war. Das Schiff war auff\u00E4llig flach und mit gro\u00DFen, fast schon \u00FCberdimensionierten Tragfl\u00E4chen versehen. Seltsamerweise kommentierte Sunlight diesen \u201EFund\u201C \u00FCberhaupt nicht und die Skizze geriet binnen weniger Wochen wieder in Vergessenheit. In den nachfolgenden Jahren blieb es ruhig, bis zum Jahre 144 TST h\u00F6rte man mit Ausnahme von kleineren Updates zur Drakkar nichts mehr vom Hersteller und auch die Besuche der CIS reduzierten sich auf ein absolutes Minimum. Stattdessen \u00FCbernahm Sunlight in diesem Jahr die Fertigung von Raketenkomponenten der Firma Tec. Marktanalysten vermuteten damals bereits, dass beide Seiten \u2013 also die Firma Sunlight und die CIS \u2013 auf einen entscheidenden Durchbruch innerhalb der Waffentechnik (durch die Firma Tec) warteten und man erst dann ein neues Schiff in Angriff nehmen w\u00FCrde. Und sie sollten Recht behalten. Das Jahr 179 TST markierte zwei wichtige Wendepunkte f\u00FCr die Schiffsproduzenten, zum einen tauchte der Warpschild auf dem Markt auf und zum anderen stellte die Firma Tec den ersten Prototypen der Masse-Ionen-Kanone vor \u2013 eine Waffe, die v\u00F6llig ohne K\u00FChlung auskommen sollte und eine atemberaubende Feuergeschwindigkeit aufwies. Gegen Ende des gleichen Jahres pr\u00E4sentierte Sunlight dann erste Bilder der Heretic, einer Maschine, die perfekt die L\u00FCcke zwischen der Drakkar und der Freij schlie\u00DFen sollte. Der Prototyp wurde dann p\u00FCnktlich am Neujahrstag 180 TST den Medien gezeigt. Die verbl\u00FCffende \u00C4hnlichkeit des endg\u00FCltigen Modells mit der Skizze aus dem Jahre 124 TST ist nicht zu bestreiten\u2026 Die Heretic besticht sowohl durch ihre Leistung wie auch durch den \u00FCberraschend g\u00FCnstigen Preis, 100.000 Credits sind eigentlich viel zu wenig f\u00FCr diesen J\u00E4ger. Sie ist zum Sinnbild einer neuen Generation von S\u00F6ldnern geworden und ihre Silhouette ziert sogar das Wappen einer kleinen Gilde, den Free Souls\u2026"@de . . "Interceptors IV"@en . . . "Destroyers V"@en . . . "Coercer"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Nachdem Tri-Systems Sunlight im Jahre 111 TST die Drakkar der \u00D6ffentlichkeit pr\u00E4sentierte, war es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis erste Spekulationen \u00FCber eine weitere Maschine dieses Herstellers durch die Chefetagen der anderen Schiffsproduzenten machen sollten. Verst\u00E4rkt wurden diese Ger\u00FCchte noch dadurch, das immer wieder Vertreter der CIS direkt vor den Werkstoren von Sunlight gesichtet worden \u2013 und diese Leute hartn\u00E4ckig jeden Kommentar ihrerseits verweigerten. 124 TST tauchte dann eine Zeichnung eines J\u00E4gers auf, die \u2013 angeblich \u2013 von einem Techniker Sunlights im Papierkorb des Konstrukteurb\u00FCros gefunden worden war. Das Schiff war auff\u00E4llig flach und mit gro\u00DFen, fast schon \u00FCberdimensionierten Tragfl\u00E4chen versehen. Seltsamerweise kommentierte Sunlight diesen \u201EFund\u201C \u00FCberhaupt nicht u"@de . . . "Normal clothing"@en . . "MS-DOS"@es . . . "Heretics are a individuals who used to serve directly under the Basilicom, but do not worship the goddess of their native land. Due to this, they are often looked down upon both the Basilicom and the general populus of Gamindustri. They only appear in Hyperdimension Neptunia and Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1. Members of The Guild are also branded as heretics for not worshiping the goddess of they land they live on."@en . "700"^^ . "Alive"@en . . . . . "Lackey"@en . "Raven Software teamed up with id Software for the second time in its creation of the hit fantasy action game Heretic, which was released on December 23, 1994. Based on a modified version of the Doom engine, Heretic pioneered a revolutionary new inventory system for character item use that has become commonplace in the FPS genre. id Software published the game under its flag and it was distributed by GT Interactive. Players took the role of an unnamed Elven hero (given the name Corvus in Heretic II) whose race, the Sidhe, was nearly eliminated by a horde of evil monsters from another dimension. The first episode of Heretic was released as shareware as a precursor to the full version of the game. Heretic won several awards for excellence, appeared in such notable publications as USA Today and Playboy, and opened many new doors in the computer gaming software industry for Raven Software and its team of developers. Heretic was Raven Software's most popular, highest acclaimed, biggest selling game to that point. After its big success, two additional episodes were released for free, upgrading the original Heretic to Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders (version 1.3). Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders was released on March 31, 1996. The original version of Heretic with three episodes was subsequently discontinued. Some of the modifications Raven Software made to the Doom engine for Heretic were flight, sectors that can push the player, an inventory system, ambient sounds, translucency, pushable objects, and being able to look up and down."@en . . . . . . "8"^^ . "Heretic 2"@de . "0"^^ . "N/A"@en . . "Novitiate"@en . . . "N/A"@en . "50"^^ . . . . . "Female"@en . "id Software"@es . "0"^^ . "Heretics are a individuals who used to serve directly under the Basilicom, but do not worship the goddess of their native land. Due to this, they are often looked down upon both the Basilicom and the general populus of Gamindustri. They only appear in Hyperdimension Neptunia and Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1. Members of The Guild are also branded as heretics for not worshiping the goddess of they land they live on."@en . . "Following the Proclamation of Reason, Stygia dropped the pursuit of Transcendence from their stated goals. That said, many Wraiths still have strong religious impulses which the underworld redirects rather than eliminates. These wraiths form the nucleus of a gaggle of sects called the Heretics. That said, the majority of Heretics are organized into very small cells. Heretics are notoriously fractious and tend to spend more time feuding with each other than anything else."@en . . . . "Heretic"@en . "35"^^ . . . . "Watchmen"@en . "Agili \n\n\nDan Alltmine \n\nFoster parents:\n\nSarita Sinclair \n\n\nKarter Sinclair"@en . "N/A"@en . . . . "0"^^ . . "*Kathrine Yamakoshi\n*Xeo"@en . "Heretic"@it . . "Heretics are hostile characters encountered in Mania. They are the northern counterparts to the Zealots found in Dementia."@en . . . . . "Download Heretic shareware"@en . . "0"^^ . . "Someone who goes against the Imperial Cult, the Ecclesiarchy determiens who are Heretics, most heretics side with the Runious Powers. Heretics are often declared Excommunicate by members of the Inquisiton with the punishment often being death."@en . . "Heretic.png"@es . "Where gods vie for supremacy through trickery and murder, and mortals ascend to godhood, so there is heresy. You believe in a doctrine outlawed by your faith, taught to you in secret by other heretics. Perhaps your superiors excommunicated you from your temple, or forbidden dogma provided answers to questions you never sought. Whatever your origin, you\u2019re now shunned by the faithful, or worse, hunted."@en . . "23"^^ . "Heretic"@en . . . "Heretic went into slumber due to the hacking of DilaHatuN's account. All heretics are saddened by this event, but the rebuilding has begun. DilaHatuN got back and started to gather all the members of Heretic back into the guild. Now we are getting better and better due to the activeness and hunts that are going on."@en . . "Heretic (engl. \u201EKetzer\u201C) ist eine zweiteilige, in einem Fantasy-Szenario angesiedelte Computerspiel-Reihe, die 1994 von Raven Software in Zusammenarbeit mit id Software entwickelt wurde."@de . . "1"^^ . "7.0"^^ . "Heretic"@de . . "Someone who goes against the Imperial Cult, the Ecclesiarchy determiens who are Heretics, most heretics side with the Runious Powers. Heretics are often declared Excommunicate by members of the Inquisiton with the punishment often being death."@en . "Bei den Heretics handelt es sich um die Geth, die man im ersten und an einigen Stellen im zweiten Teil besiegen muss. Es stellt sich dank Legion heraus, dass die Geth nochmal in zwei (Volks-)Gruppen unterteilt sind:"@de . "Following the Proclamation of Reason, Stygia dropped the pursuit of Transcendence from their stated goals. That said, many Wraiths still have strong religious impulses which the underworld redirects rather than eliminates. These wraiths form the nucleus of a gaggle of sects called the Heretics. There isn't much organization to the Heretics, their most distinctive feature being a metaphysical view about the Underworld and some form of hierarchical organization. Most Stygian citizens use the term the way that one of the Quick might use \"cult\". For example: the Artificers Guild has been called a Heretic cult due to the Cult of Nhudri, while the Pardoners Guild acquires similar guff for at least paying some lip service to Transcendence. As a rule of thumb, Heretic is less of a religious title than a political one. The reasons for the Proclamation have less to do with the belief in Transcendence and much to do with the Fishers stealing thousands of souls from Stygia and indoctrinating them. Heretics today are de facto enemies of the Hierarchy - to be a Heretic is to have a beef with the Hierarchy's treatment of Transcendence and the Underworld. That said, the majority of Heretics are organized into very small cells. Heretics are notoriously fractious and tend to spend more time feuding with each other than anything else."@en . . "525"^^ . "Heretic went into slumber due to the hacking of DilaHatuN's account. All heretics are saddened by this event, but the rebuilding has begun. DilaHatuN got back and started to gather all the members of Heretic back into the guild. Now we are getting better and better due to the activeness and hunts that are going on."@en . "600"^^ . "315"^^ . . "Heretic"@en . "75"^^ . . "3"^^ . "Heretic Interdictor"@en . . . "20"^^ . . "rushu"@en . . "Valkarynii Human"@en . . . . . . "1994-12-23"^^ . "Heretic"@de . "12"^^ . "15"^^ . "Heretic (engl. \u201EKetzer\u201C) ist eine zweiteilige, in einem Fantasy-Szenario angesiedelte Computerspiel-Reihe, die 1994 von Raven Software in Zusammenarbeit mit id Software entwickelt wurde."@de . "Heretic is a FPS game by Raven Software built off of the Doom Engine. Unlike the game it was derived from, however, it pursued a fantasy theme with some RPG elements, such as an inventory. This is the game that started it all! Heretic tells the tale of Corvus, the last Sidhe Elf in a quest to free his world from the demonic legions of the youngest Serpent Rider D'Sparil and avenge his people."@en . . . . . . "N/A"@en . "N/A"@en . . . "Raven Software teamed up with id Software for the second time in its creation of the hit fantasy action game Heretic, which was released on December 23, 1994. Based on a modified version of the Doom engine, Heretic pioneered a revolutionary new inventory system for character item use that has become commonplace in the FPS genre. id Software published the game under its flag and it was distributed by GT Interactive."@en . . "PC"@de . "Heretic (Hereje en ingl\u00E9s) es un exitoso juego de fantas\u00EDa y acci\u00F3n, lanzado el 23 de diciembre de 1994 por Raven Software, como resultado de su segunda asociaci\u00F3n con id Software despu\u00E9s de Shadowcaster. Basado en un motor de Doom modificado, Heretic fue pionero en introducir un sistema de inventario de objetos para su uso en tiempo real, convertido luego en un lugar com\u00FAn en el g\u00E9nero de los FPS. Id Software public\u00F3 el juego bajo su marca. Al igual de lo que se hizo anteriormente con Doom, el juego fue lanzado inicialmente como una version de prueba con la posibilidad de llamar o pedir por correo para recibir la versi\u00F3n registrada."@es . "Heretic"@en . "160"^^ . "*Hand to hand combat\n*Magic \n*Whip"@en . . . . . "4"^^ . "60"^^ . "*Kimberly\n*Tobias\n*Deven Artim\n*Kenneth Star\n*Marcus Elliot\n*Xeo\n*Marshall Alexander"@en . "Heretic wasn't born on earth like many would believe, her mother was an alien curious with humanity and blending in with them, she met Heretic's father who was a human and ended up baring a human/alien cross mix. Heretic was born on an unknown planet her mother's home world, it was later destroyed by a race called \"Riluxious\" her mother used every bit of strength she had to go back to Earth where she left her daughter who was human when born at the Orphanage doors where her mother then died leaving behind the Crystal Hera wears around her neck."@en . "N/A"@en . "Heretic is a Reaper that values organic life."@en . . "25"^^ . . "Doom v1.2"@es . . "DilaHatuN"@en . ""@en . "Where gods vie for supremacy through trickery and murder, and mortals ascend to godhood, so there is heresy. You believe in a doctrine outlawed by your faith, taught to you in secret by other heretics. Perhaps your superiors excommunicated you from your temple, or forbidden dogma provided answers to questions you never sought. Whatever your origin, you\u2019re now shunned by the faithful, or worse, hunted. \n* Skill Proficiency: Deception, Religion \n* Languages: Two of your choice \n* Equipment: A holy symbol (subtly modified to represent your own heretical belief), a prayer book or prayer wheel, vestments, a bottle of invisible ink, a quill, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp."@en . . "3"^^ . "Heretic is a Reaper that values organic life."@en . "10"^^ . . "70"^^ . . "0"^^ . "Male"@en . . "y"@en . "Tastatur / Maus"@de . . "35"^^ . "47000"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Heretic wasn't born on earth like many would believe, her mother was an alien curious with humanity and blending in with them, she met Heretic's father who was a human and ended up baring a human/alien cross mix. Heretic was born on an unknown planet her mother's home world, it was later destroyed by a race called \"Riluxious\" her mother used every bit of strength she had to go back to Earth where she left her daughter who was human when born at the Orphanage doors where her mother then died leaving behind the Crystal Hera wears around her neck. Hera grew up being made fun of by the other children and was adopted by a lovely family, they gave her the name Hera and loved her, even if she had a weird tattoo under both her eyes due to her race slowly showing as she grew up, she met Fang a few weeks after hearing how he died since she has not seen him and heard about his parent's death with an unknown event, Hera was always quiet and rarely spoke to anyone aside from her parents and Fang, until they went to the Academy to join the fight, Hera had fully developed and was a few years older than Fang due to her races mixing she remained looking like a young teen until she hit the age of 19 where she started to look older, She ended up leaving Fang alone when she left to go to space, she ended up connecting with an Alien named Xeo. Hera ended up following Xeo around more than most and he was the only one she fully spoke to, she grew more attached to him when she was attacked by a lone Rilux, she always clings to his face just to hear him purr and look at her with curiosity. He is the reason she shows her true self and helps her leave her shell, he's the only one who she'll do training for no matter how nice Tobias is around her he always needs Xeo to get her in the training room. She is really handy with crafting and repairing Armor and Weapons, she is a great fighter when she needs to be but rarely shows the Warrior side to anyone, she also looks like a dragon when her body fully changes into her Alien self and does not need a mask to breath outside in space. She can breath fire but her element is Ice/Water causing blue fire to be created instead of red. Tobias sometimes believes he's seen her species but is completely baffled by it. Hera is also Anorexic and rarely eats anything while going weeks without eating at all, nobody really see's this due to the fact that she says she had all ready eaten. The only thing she'll drink is tea with some honey in it, while Honey is also the only thing she eats when not adding it to her tea. She fears if someone finds out that she doesn't eat they'll judge her or try and make her eat something or force her to, When people are around she sometimes eats soup or munches on crackers to hide the fact she hasn't really eaten in a week or longer."@en . "6"^^ . . "Unknown \n*Assist"@en . . . . . . "375000"^^ . . "A heretic is a type of fire burning accelerant, used to help fuel large bonfires. Someone who defies fake authority and has their own opinions, a Heretic is an individual who was once a member of any small village and considered part of some family until the reign of wannabe royalty bursts onto the scene and forfeits everything said individual has made bonds with. A Cassandra or a girl of some kind who looks better under the neon lights, strobe lights or flashy anvil logos and banners and is quickly done away with so as to not upset the Pope, Roman deities, Politicians, Woo-Hoos, and Christianthony."@en . "7044"^^ . . "751"^^ . . "200"^^ . . "40"^^ . . "Amarr Frigate V"@en . "Heretic is a FPS game by Raven Software built off of the Doom Engine. Unlike the game it was derived from, however, it pursued a fantasy theme with some RPG elements, such as an inventory. This is the game that started it all! Heretic tells the tale of Corvus, the last Sidhe Elf in a quest to free his world from the demonic legions of the youngest Serpent Rider D'Sparil and avenge his people."@en . . "0"^^ . . . "idstuff/heretic/htic13rp.exe"@en . . . "Interdictors are destroyer-sized vessels built to fill a single important tactical niche: the breaching of enemy warp tunnels. Capable of launching warp-disrupting interdiction spheres, interdictors are of great value in locations of strategic importance where enemy movement must be restricted. Additionally, much like their destroyer-class progenitors, they are well-suited to offensive strikes against frigate-sized craft."@en . "1998"^^ . "A heretic is a person who while a Christian creates controversy, dissension, and division concerning doctrine and belief within the Orthodox Christian church. Such issues arose early in Christ's Church, being noted in a number of the letters of the Apostles, notably in Titus, Timothy, Peter, and John. As used in Titus, in the New Testament, the word heretic comes from the phrase hairetikon anthropon which is best translated as \"one who fosters factions\"; that is a person who uses controversy to cause division in the church. Thus, the center of the use of heretic is toward individuals who create factions that espouse an unorthodox idea than to the idea itself, the heresy. While differences of opinion arise within the church, traditionally these differences are debated and, under God, brought to a common doctrinal and religious understanding by conciliatory means. At times such agreement could not be developed and the parties championing the new ideas, if they continued to press their position, were found to be in heresy and the individuals were declared heretics. Notable examples of heretics during the early centuries during period of the Christological Controversies are Paul of Samosata, Arius and Nestorius."@en . . "Destroyers"@en . "1994"^^ . "IDMAP01.WAD"@en . . . . "A heretic is a type of fire burning accelerant, used to help fuel large bonfires. Someone who defies fake authority and has their own opinions, a Heretic is an individual who was once a member of any small village and considered part of some family until the reign of wannabe royalty bursts onto the scene and forfeits everything said individual has made bonds with. A Cassandra or a girl of some kind who looks better under the neon lights, strobe lights or flashy anvil logos and banners and is quickly done away with so as to not upset the Pope, Roman deities, Politicians, Woo-Hoos, and Christianthony."@en . . "Heretic"@es . . "Because of their unbound origins, Heretics can potentially become too powerful to be restricted or subdued by the Heavens, making them potential threats to the world order. As such, the Heavens keep close watch over any Heretics and take any potential threats from them very seriously. Sometimes, the Heavens will take the extreme step of recruiting a Heretic into their service by granting them the title of War Prince. Because they are not the products of Heaven, War Princes are the only beings allowed to kill in Heaven's name. War Princes are usually recruited for very dangerous missions, so the risk of the War Prince turning on the Heavens is controlled by the dangers inherent in their line of work; War Princes usually don't survive for very long. There can even be multiple War Princes in service at a time."@en . "N/A"@en . . . . "Kaniir \n*Earth"@en . "2"^^ . "Soldier"@en . . "300"^^ . . "*Rilux\n*other aliens that are evil\n*Her father"@en . . . "Raven Software"@es . . . "156"^^ . . . . "1625000"^^ . . "83"^^ . . . . . . "Heretic \u00E8 il figlio illeggittimo di Doom, partorito di culo da John Romero dopo una partita a Dongioni e Dragoni. La figatona di questo gioco \u00E8 quella di muoversi in un mondo medievale, e di usare armi magiche che nessuno si accorgerebbe mai che funzionano come quelle di Doom. Inoltre nei livelli girano di continuo dei peti passeggeri che provocano spostamenti di cadaveri e proiettili."@it . "Warpriest"@en . . "Heretic (Hereje en ingl\u00E9s) es un exitoso juego de fantas\u00EDa y acci\u00F3n, lanzado el 23 de diciembre de 1994 por Raven Software, como resultado de su segunda asociaci\u00F3n con id Software despu\u00E9s de Shadowcaster. Basado en un motor de Doom modificado, Heretic fue pionero en introducir un sistema de inventario de objetos para su uso en tiempo real, convertido luego en un lugar com\u00FAn en el g\u00E9nero de los FPS."@es . "Mirror"@en . . "Interdiction Sphere Launchers require 99% less CPU when fitted on this ship"@en . "Interdictors I"@en . . "Interdictors"@en . "Heretic \u00E8 il figlio illeggittimo di Doom, partorito di culo da John Romero dopo una partita a Dongioni e Dragoni. La figatona di questo gioco \u00E8 quella di muoversi in un mondo medievale, e di usare armi magiche che nessuno si accorgerebbe mai che funzionano come quelle di Doom. Inoltre nei livelli girano di continuo dei peti passeggeri che provocano spostamenti di cadaveri e proiettili."@it . "562.5"^^ . "23"^^ . . "Fantas\u00EDa / acci\u00F3n"@es .